PAcr. Foua .1 V rzxs eobtsoiiiait, lutir TmTOIT, kohtzi caholetx BIQND.4Y, MARCn 6 1922. .SHE ROBESONIAN v - , Published -Jf ?? jL? -- nday nd c Tiursdaj ; Xfterftoo I -3 By - f I jTHB ROBESONIAN, irfC. tt if Sharp . . i w7 i. . President r i Tear . .,42.00 t i iiontha . .v. v.v..v;; ... 1.00 I delivered by carrier in JLumberton 1 I jear ......... ...... .....e.ev ... , An t . monui ............ 5, Jnt months ........... Telephone No. 20. TNitMrnl aa murl riaaa mitt Trt!ttf' 13 postcmca at uumberton, . ty? MONDAY, MARCH 6 1922. - "''"".' " " . fig W0RTB-H,I!.P CAPIGH . JIt would take a special edition , qfvery day to publish all the free "paMicity matter that finds its way it& any newspaper office. Even to read all of it would take up all the icutor'allinie ;tad leave no, time fori other wprk. Ot course most of it finds , its , way into the wastepaper basket. Igiich of it is prepared by people who eem to be laboring under the inr Jpression that the editor has been hanging around the postoff ice for irnite a spell waiting for some kind . ' publicity expert to send him enough to fill up the paper. So it is to re- . joice that in deciding to put on a much-needed campaign to prom&te a Iive at home" policy Governor Mor rison picked out a roan to handle tje publicity end who knows ( how to Bay what ought to be said and uit, a man who realizes that the entire burden of filling up the issue of the , paper in which his article is to cp- -pear does not devolve upon his single . effort. Mr. John Paul Lucas has a .keen appreciation of the eternal fit-j Jiess of things and the stuff he sends out will be- welcomed in this office and will be well worth reading. I North Carolina is sending to other states for food and feed products Compromise Sol dieiV Bonus Plan ,u Mix Substitute? :or Casa i retturej- v Pr visioa 4fVhicl. 4xSerree "rWen May -Obtain Cash from Banks, v- . nr..V!..... If t- a TT : agreement on a compromise soldiers'! tanca of good cows jwaa stressed t'y hnnu. Kill alnnrfta. tmndrtl'linur J tlw'iOeflkB-! t'"iihAj?6Tnl1nfcft ''tfc'of tn. bonus bill along ihe generaliinesr at4 lined officially - on yesterday t was reacnea xoaay 1 cy tiousff'vways ana FARMINP". UN'DE'ii f; ' '; 4' dusting machines should hot wait un WEEVIL CONDITIO jtil they are needed to place the or- aer,; tne speaKer 'warnea. ,,M ; ? . The use of alcium arsenate;1" was held up as the greatest hope "of the (Ccntinueft from nacS itmZi.?- lni'$itfinitbf$itfrmi ittt Arey Stated tA &im&.,'3r(iP rinaTii it uaeStnsie 'atatittnito tperat a, aairy. iarm tnan jt' requires .,' to operate a cotton farm. The import tance of good cows was stressed t'y the 'Deakel'-whoJ63tDlanfeti: tbflt tn. order to have a imod eotr it 1a nnt 'si- Ways aeeessay 'to tave. itegtster d Jll T. 11? . 1 i i I4jn1 T 1 A. S . means commutes .nepuoucans, . wno tiwi. , , viver vo; lujerave a lue- the problem which has been eivinsflhave the cream from 300. to 400-cowi.i aaministrauon , ana - congressional n is r oest 10 nave . tne assurance leaders concern for several weeks. (the cream before erecting a creamer, The Tevised measure, however, . still tne speaker declared. The use of loc m 1 ha. a long road tojravel before it feeds. was urged by the speaker, w&&f reacnef tne tatijtewoks.. v v- fk W -Ira billf pV, for cash Davmenta onlv to thoRP mm ww w VWIM asu ws w lv from banks a sum : ennal tn Ktl per cent of the adjusted 8ervice.;pay; vocational draining, home and'iarm aid and land settlement." - In .working out details of the cer tificate -'loin Droviaion the. mAlnrit committeemen reduced the .face value of the certificate.' which would he the amount of jthe adjusted . service pay. pjus Jja per eenvplus interest at .4 1-2 per cent, compounded., annually,-; in stead qfthe service payt plus, 40 per cent plus the' interest as originally proposed. It was ' thought this would result in a saving: to the government farmer to"'combatmg :theweeviL The Doison osts rrom li to 15 cnta'nr pound in ' 200-pounf lets, while the season dustin coit ber (Trft will rach a total of from. 4 to $S. The use- of the" poison should? begin when from 10 to 18 per 'cent of the squares are beme nunerured ,and: bnt na narv iosr aavs until tne weevu r rhArk. edr When the puncturing, iftcreases.'the porapmngw process snouta again added jtha,trwhen cotton seed tgeal js ased fox feed it, Should bl mixpI with Slher imrredients! vX: -fTl fj whose adjusted service, pay ' would 1 Measures for . Controlling . Weevil not eeee4 $50 'antf Ihise'fpuf OP'r,i?Pect, Measures for- Controllir onal features: f iTthe Boll Weevil," was the subject, it Aajustea service -certmcates, with an aauress ny Mr. uruce Ma bee, . an added loan nrovision whirh vnuM member f th Sfnfo RntAmMnirtet Til. enaoie tne men to ODtain immediate-ipartment. xne speaker declared that billion dollars Banks in makine loans on ' the certificates could not charge an in terest rate in excess of two per cent above the rediscount rate charowl by the regional Federal Reserve Bank on ninety-day Daner in ffie "diStriet where the loan was made and they could not make the loans for a ncriod in excess of three years from the date of the certificate which would not be rediscountable bv Federal Re. serve banks. " .r It the loans had ' not ben rennid on September 30. 1925. the hank could make demand on the govern ment for the money due. The govern ment, it was stated, then would cash the certificates, pay the bank, and turn the remainder over to the ser vice man. The cash surrender value of the certificate on that date would be 85 per cent of the adjusted service pay plus interest at 4 1-2 .per cent compounded annually from the date z . " .pvv. viia t the weevil la here in Soho.itnn innf and that he "is 'going to do damage thiaj year. Farmers are- projne toligl fiore theT-a'ct : that the Vfevils wSl do. damage - until they .have , lost w. croj of ;cotton. The community . or in dividual that takes such a stand will find " out , when ' it f s - 1 6 late . The ; J speaker urged ; upah i8rmerA5 ilBft, imponance tptu farmers of other sections nave learn. ed. Farrrders' cfnerallv inaiat.lti'nm taking a chance idrf another iron. It io iiuiusdiui iu vviiLcive vi injury up to a possible maximum of half al that results-wbh farmers fail to take The eott. of dustings: should- not -Xr. amount- will be a. nrofit to tha -farm er.i Mm Sherman exnla?nd that K dusting must be done at night,' the lastxhalf of the night proving the best time ior mis woric ';- -.. ; v;v i-l. Will Open Office, in Lamberton Messrs. Sherman.. Mabee. Arev and Garren,. will , hold like i meetings UM twelve - counties in North . rrnlino where it is - nredicted that tha hnil weevil will damage the cotton crop wis year. r. Maoee expects to open an office, in Lnmberton'ahnnV. Jnnn i for the,. purpose of, assisting jlarmers in ngnung tne- weevils.' ite, wul give special attention to. the . use of cal cium arsenate in poisoning. While his work will cover several . countiM.Wo will . make Lumbetton headquarters.' ItemsFrom"'AIlentori;'isS,??S- Correspondence Uf The ' Robesonian. Allenton. March 3. All . 'in around here, though there has fallen kuuu . a mouni oi . rain.- . . - . Sorry, to say that Mr. Q. C. War. iax is havinir lots of tronblt with hia mill. it- -: . ;.: -'- '. ,-. Mr. James S. OxenHino ami n P Oxendine are Lumberton viRitnm tn. day.. . . ..v:;i:":-'V-i. A-'- '. - -;. - rv"-- -j, -v.- j. .: ..--.,- , - W f r-4 - - ' - - l r .V.!t 7 . t JJK V. .kjMit r f X' T inn fin A aaa rn. ' cumpouiiueu annually irom me aate 5100,000.000 a year. That is so as- t tu Q;,t tu.-- i u v vuv vvivuivuw. JL ilia aiou WUU1U UK tounding that it sounds like a lie. tka loan value for federal advances But the figures prove it. How much as of that date. of that goes out of Robeson county . "lt is hoped and believed," said fevery year we do not know, but whatever the amount, it is too much. .Worth, Carolina . .has ..tens : of . thous- - ands of farm families that do not tt keep" a cow, tend a garden or raise heir own meat. Thousands of these families do not even raise chickens. How many in Robeson county? These - matters deserve serious consideration ' and we hope that no reader of The , Bobesonian will overlook or discount the articles Mr. Lucas is sending out "telling, about the importance of ap- r. plying the remedy. , " ; o ' .' In a letter to "customers and -' friends'' Mr .K. M. Biggs, local mer chant, says, among other things: V "There are numerous new problems -. facing us for the 1922 crop. It is go ing to take courage, economy, pluck and hard work to master them. Our motto is, 'Go ahead and meet them the best we can with a determina tion to win'. Mr. Boll Weevil, is our , worst enemy." Well, recognition of the enemy is half the battle, and de- ; termination to win is the other half, so those who so recognize and so de termine are going to win out. -o Chairman Fordney in a formal state-J ment, mat wnen tnese insurance cer tificates become due and payable the money may be secured by the sale of property and securities owned by the federal government without any spec ial charge on the treasury.. This plan seems to meet with the general ap proval of the members of the house of representatives as well as the pub lic generally." Col. P.-M. Pearsall of New Bern' Friday was appointed by- Governor Morrison chairman of the State board of election to succeed the late CJol. Lamb. Col. Pearsall is well known throughout the State. He was pri vate secretary' to Governor -LAycock. The board is now composed of Col. Pearsall, chairman; Gen. B. S Royster, Oxford; R. T. Clay well, Morganton; Clarence Call, Wilkesboro, and W. J. Davis, Hendersonville.' " Messrs. A. J. Floyd, E. G. Floyd and J- D Kyle of Fairmont are among me visitors m town today. j Messrs. J. E. and J. A. Nye. of R. 2, ' Fairmont, are anion? the viaitnra in' town today. Mr. A. F. Stone of R. 1. Ravnhanv was among the visitors in town Sat urday. Long Branch, March 6 Misses' T T? ms- -mr Governor Harding of the Federal Mr XrT.. ""JZ - : -. wcic on croaa ,racr,e uuaru " report to congress . Kiage Sunday afternoon visiting For life is the mirror of king and siave, y . Tis just what we are and do; -r Then give to the world the best you have. Andthe best will come back to you. , , Madeline S. Bridges.,,. Drecafitinn '-. hi timf .' Hmr t). " - 1- -"v. farmer must have confidence that h can grow cotton under boll (weevil conditions, or he will fail. Yet," he must realize that he cannot grow, jt under the old plan. - v,:. - Weevils are first noticed when tha I squares begin to appear in early, sum mer. Four or five generations fott low during the season. "Earliness Is the kev-word". . in crowinir t enttmi when the weevils are to be contended with. . i . ...-;.f.'??j Pickine weevils from rEanta earlo In the season. Catherine infested anuareii and dusting the cotton weed . ' with calcium arsenate powder were among the methods of fighting the weevil outlined by the speaker. Burning over ditch banks, along fence rows, edges of woods next to cotton fields, clean ing up or burning, litter and trash in or near the fields were among the methods outlined for the destroying of the over-wintering weevils. . Breaking the land deep in the fall while the cotton stalks are green was! " - e ...v. ofono. .uu, uc iinu an ie imarcs ana leeaunu Or Li. JU sai, would go a long way in destroy-j" Shw nbjet to threon ine the last veneration of weevila for. ',tio" 0'.he.eour? i'Y thereafter. " i ';in xne zfin oy ox feDmary lzz. the. season. i J - ' c m. barker. In closing the speaker told of theili. . Reetver ior.u L. Shaw ad van t CPS thia flectinn haa mi"M..(ollM ft Johnwh, An n . : 1. J 1 . 1 . t tiuiio wa - were urai iniesiecr oycne X 1 . . . s. we consider your association with tts-es something ; - more than an account qi onr books. Yott are our - client, witn individual neds and personal' problems. Yonr C.hniof nf t.hifl inatitntinti 4a 'on e'n1&eo?nVi"-,it 'jiftttT- : fidence, and H is .bur pnrposeito deserve i.tnis'. eonfi:' ' denee.byactive co-operation "with your .requkemntiL; I wv' J MIUMS 3 LUIJDEIITON. N.C. t j Messrs. Charlie Bass and . Df B. Suggs, of R. 3 " Lnmhertnn aiiivug me viaiturs in luwn oaiuraay. . NOTICE OF : RECEIVER'S . SALE Under and tiv ,vrfiia nf 4ha v. . w va Avn authority conferred bv a certain judgment i the Hod. Gorg W, Connor In tha caa , Kearna Furnit are Company v. L. L. Shaw, th undersigned receiver' will on Sat. urday. March 11th, 1922. at 12 o'clock; noon. in frntvt tt ttiA nlaiu if T T Qhaw, in Lumber Bridge, N. C, offeT for for cash, all the (tooda, wares and merchandise! .ana an tne imarea and accounts of L. JU of profiting by the experience' -of otners. Poisoning With Calcium Arsenate Mr. Sherman's addrenn dealt lrcv ly with the use of calcium arsenate iij- w.m viic use ui immum arsenaie Pearsall Heads Election Board. Lin poisoning the weevils. Thjs was declared bv the sDeakerito be the haat known "jnethod for. poisoning the various machines . used in applying the poison. The hand machine was re commended only for use by farmers who plant Hot more than 8. acres at cotton. Other dustiner machines wora mentioned by the speaker, including An J . 1 J i rt. LT me uc auu iwu-uuree uusiers. jparm ers were furnished the names nf doitt. ers 'from whom the machines can he - j trt . a f seu-uxpa, inose aesiring to order m uuiisvu a uiiwovu ' Attorneys .or Receiver. 2-27-4 t-r. COTTON, GRAIN, STOCKS, BONDS. i, For Cash or on conservative mar. gin. .... - Send for our interesting booklet, A tsuccepsful trader," it is FREE to you. , ; Odd lots a specialty. . .Jits! r SAES & COMPANYi FAYETTEVILLE, f. C. , on the general business outlook, says . the United States is facing an era ' 'of prosperity of longer duration than ' the country ever has knewn. Which iscunds good and encouraging. And ' Governor Harding ought to know V jnore about it than some local gloom peddler. . ' ; THE SPRINGTIME . (? . By A. G. Melton. Contributed. A famous poem in the spring, ;"A ballard we woiid know and sing: ;,.Its beauties yet to us untold; - Its sweetness we cannot unfold. -" The smiling woods of flowers wild "-Fill springtime with a softness mild. " 'The happy trees of feathers green spread wings of love o er winter mean. ' The songful birds sai on sweet songs, - Forget mistakes and winter's wrong's. -sN They put whole soul in this springtide t'iAnd from its beauty never hide. friends. - s ' urn 4 SPECIAL ANNOUNCEMENT IN THIS SPACE NEXT WEEK. A. J. HOLTiIES , , , ..." ';" -. ''" .: " r-:r-C ' s . '", , .1- '.1, . lv. ,1-. JEWELER AND ENGRAVES Cleveland, O., March 5. The toll of death from the collision of a New York Central train and an automo bile bus at a Painesville crossing late Friday night remained at 16" tonight with probabilities that the three injured will recover. Nick - Nenno", the sixteenth victim, died in a Paines ville hospital late last night. . " Cctsrrlia Deafness Cannot Be Cored ':tf local applications as thay cannot reach the diacaMd portion of tha car. There Is ''only on way to cure Catarrhal Deafneta, - and that la by a constitutional remedy. , HALL'S CATARRH MEDICINE acta through tn Blood on the Blucoua Surfaces cf the System. Catarrhal Deafness la V caua4 by an Inflamed condition of tha , rmicoue llninr of the Eustachian Tube. ' Vk'hen thia tuba la inflamed you have a ' rumbUna; sound or Imperfect hearlnc, and when It la entirely closed. Deafness la the reault. Unlese ihe Inflammation can be re duced and thia tube restored to'lta nor ma condition, hearina; may be destroyed forever. Many caaea of Deafnesa are caused by Catarrh, which la an Inflamed coition of e Mucous Burfacea. ONE HUNDRED DOLLARS for any eaea of Catarrhal Deafnesa that cannot ! cured by HALL'S CATARRH L. "DIONS. U Drurdeta 75c. Circulars fraa. : . X J. Cheney V Co Toledo, OWo, COMMISSIONERS SALE OF LAND " Under and by authority contained in an order of the Superior Court of Robeson Coun- m$ 1 V" SJPi,l Pxin entitled r. E. Carlyle. sdmr, of Ben Pieford de- 5! v . ""ie Piaford and others'V on the 8rd day of March 1$23 th undeninned Com mvsioner will, on Monday, the Srd day of April 1922 at the court house door in Lum berton, North Carolina, offer for sale at pub. lie auction to the hfehest bidder for cash, sn undivided one-eighth interest in and to the following described parcels of land, to First Tract Adjoining the lands of Duncan McCallum, Mark Ransom and others, Begin nhia at a stake by a lightwood stump near in comer 01 Mara nansom a fence by a ditch, the corner of th inn runs thence east IS chains and 81 links' to a Msae ny a ptne. thence south 1S.81 Chains to a stake in the field, near Pfarford's , house ; thence west 1.81 chains to a take by a post oak in Duncan MeCallum's tine; thence north 1C.81 chains ta the beainnina sUtkm, eon Uinina 25 acres more or leas. See Book 8-C. page 8U. , Second Tract. On the west aide of; Bear Swamp, adjoining; . the", lands of Arch Buie and others, and being- the same i itraet, or parcel, of land conveyed - by; Dakley McNelfl and wife to Dave Pleford by deed mistered In Book -F, at page 170, in the office Tf 0) Recrister of Deeds of Robeson County, containing; 15 acres, more tr less, reference being made to said book and page for a complete description of said tract of land. This the Srd day of March 1922. EL M JOHNSnW. Johnson k Johnon, Commissioner. Attorneys. 3 Mon BRICK BRICK BUNGALO WFACE-COMMON. For immediate shipment. CAROLINA BRICK COMPANY Florence, S. C. Don't Forget When Ordering Your (Crust Mr. S. G. Williamson of R. 4, Lumberton, is among the visitors Ittl town today. We are making the Best of Pound Cake, Chocolate Layer, Cocoanut Layer Cakes. Hot Rolls Try us with an order for. Groceries and see how nicely we can please you. i.--; r ; ! il (Incorporated) '; Phone 71. BECAUSE We have ample resources, consisting of cash on hand and due from other banks. . Our loans are well secured anil carefully selected. . -The double liability of our stockholders, who are strong financially, is a cruarantee to our denositora. Thia fnnri - amounts to $200,000-00 and is quite an item in considering i ihe protection offered td our depositors.' , ; ) S J1 '' This Bank is managed by a most conservative Board of Directors, who regard their Directorship as a position of i trust, and whose FIRST CONSIDERATION is the SAFE TY OF THE FUNDS entru' our care. ". Our "membership' in the' great Federal Reserve System is another great asset. . - . We are under the direct supervision of the ) . UNITED STATES: GOVERNMENT . This sunervision is absolute , , laws are made for the protction of the people and are ritred- -j , whvib uwif macs agiaug ior granted. . -i He comes to see for himself., ' ' f' 11 In tket, -two of Ks' National Bank Examiners have lust ; their opinion of ttds institution. , . ' . - - ' This is a SAFE PLACE for YOUR money . Ifc National Bank of Lumberton v' ,i,iy ' "THE OLD RELIABLE" A. Wr McLEAN, Pres.- - . ; It F. 00BB, Gather. w rr u