urn nosnoinin, Lunsrsicn, zrczin cisouzta MONDAY, MARCH 6 19.17. PAST! 7173 THE 4tOU ESOXIAX. i 03ca 107 West Fourth Street -v r' r Telephone Na. 2t f,: iv j frwcaty-riva Ceata Miniataaa Caarfai? toUBLE SIZE TYPE DOUBLE PRICE, THE ROBESON I, :. WANT AO RATiJ 2 DOae Ceat Ward PERSONALS Mr. T. !5. Greyard of McDonald Is! a Lumberton visitor today. . Mr. E. Wheeler Stone of McDonald is a iamoerion visitor toaay. . Church Notes Message on Second Coming of Christ Correspondence of, The Robesonian. Tonight at 7 :30 ia , , the Gospel Ta bernacle, by special request Rev. Luke Rader trill give a second message on Y Blakk Space and Paragraphed Waat Ads 7Je '' irf- J (f Per ' Cent. Dfeeoant la Allowed 0 I - . , Consecativ IntezUeaa - . " . ' ; n . .., CASH. MUST ACCOMPANY ALL ORDERS i- ? ' T -.-i- aVIj Ada, Stated "Care RebeaoaiaaT Strictly No Gaareaised After ! a. as. . Mr. Grover Green of Alma was; a tbe , Second Coming of Jesus Christ' 7 oyissKor. aaiuroa y. , i and. the signsiof the times that re- Mr. .S. C. Dean . of, B. 3, Lumber,.! f . i . k. Wu rMnMbxl tA fo ton, was in town Saturday. . i ilthia:m order that the", lanre number Mr. R, C. Se&soma of St Pauls wasVivf mAn1. mhi Lumberton visitor Friday, . 4 ij ; th. Tabernacle last anight, and Mr. E.: Odum of Buie, R. . 1, waa that- tho who , ar odallv Inter. 1itc'vi80P Satarday- : 1 3tted; aswell as. those whr we're ni; 'My: Xc.G. Smith of Barnesville wka? 4ia a tur n..nt lt ir, .toa-;yisitor : Friday. ' I 1 the orivileee of hearin t Mr. W&iF1 ?arnes. tH1 Rader on. this most interesting nb-waEib;iton-visitor Friday g w,.He willSgive interpretation ;v Mr. E. J. Chambers of Fairmont! I if.-'- A.v ima t is among the visitors in Jown today. Wlation 13:18, a well a some-w .jr8- 5TPh'cy KennertJ fulfillments : of prophecy, '- Mrr. ?rSI .- i Rader will sing also, t m xMr. R. AT. Bt of R. 2, Fairmont r . The public is cordially Invited; Ad- ia JL'"r inlloua3 4 mission is free. n jujv.. v.ceu oivxtennert, c.? 1, was a Lumberton .visitor this morptl I i ll'' " " ; : s 3: Mr. 'J .P.v Rassell ' delivered an nd w, vvi ,),,,;, mDerfldyrtg at -the Boad Ridge -Baptist ton us among the visitors i m.- toy ehareh yesterday at IV a: ' m. - Mr. & 1 r J-' J?'; StU!f of Jirn,?nt,rra: Samaritan and applied Jt uJtcV the ift of thkt congregation to L . . ' 'n?r , .t. . r Jthe destitnte people of EBroPeV. Mr. "fSrtfr?; of NT vork ' ttv wHi i t c v .u x o. .obi RnMca .waacedmpanied by Mr. D.. l&Fr'fe is -mong the visitors in towifc w Biggs. , ' ffShow',mode!.Bd umpiM and tak ordert. I today. . "y,: . .;.-r.f;.'-t.-;i;-; , r.-;".,?r:'V laBkiSSraf v,81tors m Wwa..-Af. Chestnut s Street Methodist fianf4rtiin;' y x : v v T fi2 " church onr March '26 will begin a se tt lypLacb iSu&t? Lumberj rSeg of meetings in wh!ch the pastor WJJ-$&& tow Rev. Dr. R. C. Beaman, will be as. , AHi,H.rfi ' fl'sisted by Rev. J H." Shore, presiding m' volTeIeo lamps far 'fTr'm TiUhtin. 1 -7 1. ' P ; elder of the Rockingham ' district WmS will foUow.' immediately after I ' o J '' ' m x-'n' V ' frU-. Li ' , ,, ' the second quarterly conference for " ,; H t -fag -J!g . ,-V'.M; ww BJgcoe wffl have charge of the music m XlMvlMMhMarr. jatre:ayr 'durinir the meetinar ' "wtf fw'WK Floyd of the Barnesville ; qurmg inc roeenng- -. - ' ; or N. R, rWhifaw nW.fWJike2P8 f X? .m. town , B. Y. P. U. PUy. ' :rti4 V;''tt V - . . . : ;.! A play, "The Trial of Robbero,'? ai.t.i a... chuL Law Jl'tS'-Vytf 'A?1 M. A. will be given by the B: Y. Pf U. Un- u ' il u""r"" """"JK.ions of the First Baptist church in V .TA 2 JT"1 - , ";ithe Sunday school auditorium Wed, :Mr.rT..fi.:Ifour, president of the nesday evening of this week at 7:30. - . , i The public is invited. Messrs. T. 'Cl' ITeiiderson and A. $ Riley of the Pembroke Normal schofll were Lumberton visitors Saturdays Privates Earl Gray and Elm C. Easton of Camp Bragg, Fayette? ville, spent the week-end here, visit ing Private Gray's parents, Mr. and Mrs. M. G. Gray. McAlFUte rHarJware Co. Phona .No. 257. and wa liundry and -will dpHyer Co caaHty. Output 200,009 a week. Satisfaction guaranteed. Price liat on- dW. W. H. . Farmer, Red Sprinsa.N. C, DiblJt Asent . I., Porta Rica iced aweet-petataea foFj Jla r from plants "I1.S0 per.bu from' vine and .treated, 2.00 per bu.: Special prices on large lota,' Also have several thousand bu eating potatoea . and several thousand bu corn. Write for prices. E. F. Murray, LaurinburK, N. C Eft For Sale Full blood Rhode Island Red A Eggs. 1100 per doten post paid. Mrs. C. f M. Reaves, Proctorville, N. C. WANTEDwTo' invest ana , thousand dollars cash and put all ray time in good business f in Lumberton. Confidential. "A. B. C r Kttnt of Roheaonian." :'. m REWARD Lost : Dark overcoat, with velvet collar, left at Gospel Tabernacle church Sunday night, Feb. 28, Reward for return to - . Robionian.. office, ' ' " J.-v' KINDERGARTEN TOTS GIVE DELIGHTFUL ENTERTAINMENT SVUUams' laipraved Lang-Staplr CottawtSeed. dean selected seed two years irom Drecaer, carefully sinned, 18-8 inch . staple, . Beat the boll weevil with ; reduced acreage and ' cotton , worth double tha price of short - staple. 11.50 per bushel f. 0. b. Parkton, N. C Clayton Rosa, Parkton, N. C. B. L For Sale alee gentle cow, three galton v1 milker. Treeently tubercular .Jested, ' Prjca. 75. W. N, Hubbard, Fairmont. N. C. Get In the SW1H with Fish aad FJ8CO. FISCO FertiHjera really 1 F((rtlliae O M. i Powers, Ijistrict Agent, . Lumberton, W C. Fameos FISCO Fertillxers flghta FAILURE. Filler Fails FISCO Fruit. O. M, Powers Sell if Lumberton, N, C. - Sewing done at reasenable priea a -M Pine Street, - Lumberton, ... v. . .. Taanr Mea. waea, aver 17, deslrtar av- 1 eminent positions, 10 monthly, write for f free list of posltioha now open, R. Terry, ' (former CIvU Service examiner) 1482 Con tinental Bldg. ; Wasnragton, ir. v. . Money to loan on Improved land In ,Bb - county, Stephen MCintyre. . ,. Board by the week $5.'0r;ord hr r. 81.60: aingle room, 80e; aingla "aseaf-aOe Mrs. B. L. Fillyaw. Reported for The Robesonian, On Monday afternoon, at school auditorium. 27th Februarv the chil VJESSZ!"' th Kindergarten, pupils of ...u I M inn H1nAna A M . : . . WEEVIL. P. 8. KORNEGAY, , LUMBJEB-1 ""m oho, gae an euiei luiimieni, TON. i ' V -'V, '.. " . tnat was thoroughly Enjoyed by ajl present. These tots showed splendid training m every sense or tne worn The following program was given : Marching Song by class. f Recitation Welcome by R.' 0. Kornegay. ,!; Recitation Little Miss Tidy by BjiUe Hackett.": ' " lBdtatr6rt'Jrffailmg 'Way by Agnes Uale.. -Song Lightly Row by class. Recitation--Two Litle Blue1 B'irds- By David Wylie. Recitation A' little Fellow by Milton Folger. Song Cuckoo clock by Class Recitation Two Bluebirds by Mary wee nitemg. i Esktoi5intosturne by claj S: Recitation Birds by ElizabH Kornegay. & Recitation Rake up the Glowing CiridersVpy Dorothy Page. : Songjl went, to see a friend one day by class. " Recitation Good Will Mildred Nobles. ; ' - - v- ;. Recitation Where two Ways Meet -i-Kafherine McLeod. " ; z SongrtLulaby Lane by ten girls. , "Song What can little Baby Do? Billio Hackett. : :Recititio'n. Dandelion Eleanor Pope. : - : Uv Song -Dickery, , Dickery Dock By elass.; . . I Song The way the snow comes down-j-class. Song Violets Elizabeth Korne gay, Ida , Steele, Dorothy Paee. : ' Songrtick-Tock by three girls. - UriU Fairy bnow Flakes by girls.,, : , r'; Mr. Neill Lamb Thrown from Cart and Shoulder Blade Broken. 7 Mr. Neil Lamh of the Cedar Grove section, R. ,5; from "Lumberton, was injured to the extent ' of a right shoulder blade broken this -morning when his mule became f rightenedr'at a truck on Fifth Btreet, beyond the'i Vv & C. S. railroad, and he was thrown Out of his cart and a wheel ran over him." He 'was taken to the home 2of Mr. W. I. Parham and Dr, H. T. Pope was summoned.' Dr. Pope carried Mr. Lamb, who is about 73 years oldto his -office, dressed his wounds, and Mr. .Lamb was taken .home ; by Mn Leslie Higley.. Some eggs in the crt were more fortunate than Mr. Lamb," only one of them being. .broken., Prampt leans of 8 to J2M ai per cent Utereat for 5, 1 or 10 years made on impro ved farm lands In RobeSoa, oke a and Scotland Countiea Junius ' S.x Goodwiit, at- ' torney for Chlckamauga Trnat, Company, . Lumberton, N.- C nc v : V a- '-t. . r.. . n.rt n.h mi ana car of. Oliver plowa. See u for best prfcesf-r'H.CaJoVj well. -Th Best Service", la ar motto; Everything elean and sanitary. When hungry give us call. Olympia cafe, Eim street, Lunv NOTICE OF APPLICATION' FOB FABDON T . Notice is hereby given that the underaign 'ed will apply to the Governor of North Caro- llna for a pardon for tha commutation of a j sentence of eighteen months imposed troon f "Jesse J. Locklear at the July Term, 1921, Robeson County Superior Court. 1 ' Dated this 8th day of -March, 1922, A, S. LOCKLEAR. 8-6-2 Mon. ;" -.yr.', " '' '' IN SOCIALCIRCLES ':' TODD-PHILLIPS. Uvi. Mary .Madge Phillips and Mr. Austin A. Todd were married yester ;day at 3 p .m. at the home of the .bride's parents,. Mr? and Mrs. M. Phillips, Second 1 and -Chippewa A streets. Rev. J. M. Fleming officiat- ed, quite a .number '.of friends and re Slatives of the contracting parties be 4 ins nresent The bride is popular and has many friends, while the ; groom ,r. ; . rUs a prosperotjs.farmer Of 'the Bel- praminent ,J1lamy section.-;r.-" 'V', v "Mr.'Jf.'I 'H . w InmasvOaum. -? j Miss tSntii, Odum and "MrA"hie -Inman, both of " BC Pauls, wre ltiar ii tied in the office of Register of Deeds HL W. Floyd Thursday at 4 p. , m. g Justice L. Mclnnis of St. Pauls of- ficiated. The marriage was witnessed byqnjte crowdt t BoCh ride. and - groom Brfr Vdttaiown. and Ipopnlar, ' Mr. W. H. Farmer and son, Master Daniel i Robert, and. Mr. , and Mrs A. -L. Farmer and daughters, Misses Allie and Ada, ; all of Red Springs, were Lumberton i, visitors Friday.., ( Maxton " Citizen Passes. ' Luther McLean, ' 80 years" old,-, : prominent .citizen, of Maxton, died at his .home in that town Wid-H nesqay . after a lingering illness, fie was a deacon and for many years sifo-1 erintendeht , of ; the; Sunday school of 1 Center Presbyterian church. He had served as county commissioner and as a member of the Robeson county board Of finance fa . the State Senate and at: one lima held r n' Government position in Washington. H was; a Confederate veteran. One v daughter and three sons survive Miss Clarkie McLean, - Messrs. : Malcom Purcell, Martin Luther and Lacy McLean, all of Maxton. '--r.- .' x. ''T" ' ; -: - SERIES OF SERMONS ON BOOK OF ROM NS !" .Continued from 'page two.) , '.' Eighth Chapter Unconditional Sur render. . - ' Paul, in this eighth chapter, sums up the argument he has been giving in the sixth and seventh chapters. Namely, the absolute necessity of ceasing from bur own way and yielt ing Unconditionally to the control of I the Spirit of God. He opens the chap ter Dy saying that when a Christian has passed through the crisis of dy ing to his way and becoming alive to God's will by yielding absolutely, to Him, then , there is no condemnation to him, because "the law of the spirit of life in Christ Jesus has; set, mfl free from the law of sin and death. Perhaps we can grasp this thought mure quica-iy tix we. sseen an. analogy and comparison - in nature. Take a waae pi grass, ine . chemical com binations: in it are orjposed to the1 chemical combinations in the mineral kingdom. But the law. of life, unseen and invisible, working in that little plant, thbf it is planted in the mineral kingdom, completely sets it free from the law odf the mineral kingdom. How ever, let something occur to disturb and stop that little plant from obey ing the law of life, and the law of the mineral kingdom begins to work in that plant both death and destruc tion, and the Very elements that wer itstjfriends.;.When "it was obeying the law of life now turn td be its enemies. The sun. withers it, the air decays it, the water rots it. And so with the Christian when he 'yields obedience to the fleshly nature: the very thing that was meant for his blessing turns out a curse and works death in him, and the Gospel becomes the savor of death to him. , But again, it is" an absolute impos sibility, in so far as the law of gravity is concerned, for me to walk around on two feet with the bulk of my weight above the center. Yet as long as the law of life is being obeyed I walk around unconscious, nearly, of there ;being. such a law.But let me disobey the law of life and I sprawl headlong. So "the minding of the flesh (that is, the natural self.) is death, but the minding of the spirit is life and peace, because the fleshly mind is enmity with God: for it is not subject to the law of God neither indeed can be. Therefore; Paul sums up the 'entire argument,; "as many as are led by the Spirit-of God, they are the sons of God" (For "if .any man have not the Spirit of Christ, he is hone of His.") "And if children, then heirs; heirs of God,, and joint-heirs with Christ; if so be that we suffer with him, that we may be also glorified together." Jesus suffered, being tempted and learned obedience through the suf fering. Brethren, shall we not slip our hand into His, Who is the Light, to walk with Hirfi in the light, that suffering with Him ,we may learn of Him,. to be meek and lowly in heart? "For I reckon that the sufferings of this present time are not worthy to be compared with the glory whieh shall be revealed in us." Amen. V7Tn , -pi -.. f.rvn'' ' r, flvT 14 i Da not hesitate ta startyour cH . J-"-:i- eckjng account -small. ,8unL :e .towards :eVeie this institution? ;A Make Our Bank Your Bank .1 r . . . K'tf " " " u 13 The Planters Bank & Trust Company THE ORIGINAL FARMERS BANK. It AG00DT0MC FOR OLD PEOPLE Gude's Pepto-Mangan Restores Streiigth and Prevents II, ' " ness. '.,.' . .; Aged people often, need a good blood tonic- When the blood becomes clogged with poisons from the sys tem, Gude's Pepto-Mangan purifies it by driving off' the waste matter. Good blood 1s full of vitality and pre vents illness, giving the body greater power of resistance.- The weaknesses of old age are greatly helped by a supply of rich, red blood. Gude's Pepto-Mangan is sold m liquid or tablet form by all druggists. . It has been recommended by physicians for 30 years and is a valuable tonic and buMder for the weak and run-down of all ages from childhood to. old age. Advertisement. Mr.Jno. W. Norwood of Atlanta, Ga., spent the week-end here visiting at the home of his brother-in-law and sister, Mr. and Mrs. R. C. Law rence, Sixth street. Mr. W.VJ. Williford of R 2, Lum berton, was among the visitors in town Saturday. ' Mr. W. F, Britt of R. 3, Lumberton. was in town Saturday.' ', '' COMPLETC STOCK SASH GLASS OILS DOORS PAINTS - BUILDER S HARDV ARE SCREEN DOORS SCREEN WINDOWS N. Jacobi Hardware Co. WILMINGTON, N. C, V HISS JOSEPHINE BREECE Announcing that in accordance with my usual custom, I will display, starting TUESDAY, MARCH 7th, 1922. CORRECT FASHIONS IN SPRING MILLINERY. An ad. inserted in The Kobesonian Brings BESULT& Trj onv O O O O O OO OOP OOO O O O 400 OP OOOOOOOOO oooo o o o ' ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE Having qualified as administrator, of the estate of Susanna Terry; deceased. 'late of Robeaoaj JConoty, jlforta Carolina, , thfa is to notify B-person. JlaviBff-i elaims against the estate of aaid deceased taexhibK them to the ondersUhed at PenAroke. N.. O. on or before tha 8th day of March, 1923, or this notice will bepleaded ' In bar of their recovery. All per sona indebted to said estate wfll please make Immediate payment. Thla 4th. day of March, 1922. T ALLEN TEBRT. fc Administrator of Susanna Terry deceased Britt A Britt. - Attys. ,.- 8-- Mon. Mr. Opie Odum of St. Pauls is a Lumberton visitor today. o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o' o o o o o o -i o o on o o o o o o o o iiiy fUJftsffl ARE THE Mara C m. S mi m ITh ft a coao Just received at our store. Attractively designed, with original color combinations and made of the season's most fashionable materials, you'll be de lighted with the wide range of styles, so many to select from you'll find just the ones you prefer at just the price you wish to pay. feoAT SUITS .-t'?""'v " ;:::t'.i::' ;v--' That will please with their originalitymade in the latest f mode and of-popular fabrics stylish Tweeds, ricotines, Poiret Twills, etc. COATS AND CAPES Which will be welcomed by everyone for their rich ness of material exclusive styling and perfect workmanship. V f ?J3i T ? 1 r ( You will do well to look these oyer, as they rep- resent thebest in wear at therlowest prices. 1 In. Qisteii's "i" LUMBERTON, N. C. O O O O O O O O O O o o o o o o O O o o o o o o o o o O O O O o o o o o o c o OOOOOOOOO OOOOOOO OOOOOOOOO OOOOOOOOO

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