MONDAY, MARCH IM2. AOS SIX uOBESONUH. LUMBERTON. WORTH CAROLINA Haivlmthe Bonus i -i 151 . Tind the rami DlOC ..-v-,--.-, ; - . jputlicans in the House and Senate - o ' iwu Defeat that he can't handle them, and if any Preaident Seems to Desire to ueieaii . nfr that ; thev be " m ... I i tr . R.d Republicans Are in for a Baa Daa 1 nnunuvi By Wallace Bassford f.' Special Correspondent); Washington, D. C, Feb. 58. It is crowing into a settled belief among those who watch and study the mysti fying moves of big politics that the President's recent utterances on the ; awnns , constitute a reflection ofihis lesire to defeat the proposition and ' to let the blame rest on the farm MocJ which he looks upon as being ' the evil genius of his administration. : it is believed that he would like to place these men in a hole from which they might never be able to extricate " ' themselves. When he gav eit out that "he did not favor bonus legislation unless the money could be raised by . ai sales tax, he knew that the farm ' "Woe is on record as strongly opposed to such a tax. Thus Harding "passes the buck" to those gentlemen and at the same time throws a sop to his "Wall Street friends who want a sales -' tax to eventually take the place of ' taxes and surtaxes on incomes. In the ' same breath he tells the soldier he would like to see him get a bonus ,hat throws an obstacle in the way. It as more than suspected that the SELF-RAISING BREAD PREPARATION "Pure, wholesome foods, easy to digest, build robust health. Horsford's restores to' flour the vital phosphates necessary to' health, but which are lost in the milling process. Hors iord's mixed with your favorite flour makes 'hot breads, cakes, pastry, taste better, more delicious, more easily - digested, . SAVE THE RED LABELS and get valuable PREMIUMS FREE ft Tot tree Prli e List, write Rumford Chemical Works, Providence, R. I. Highly Nutritious Builds Bone and Muscle - CO FINE HOME GRAFTED APPLE TREES. r f - We can without a doubt say that we have never seen a nicer lot of ample trees than our 1921 grafting, which are now ready ' for sale. From more than twenty varieties, we have grafted 10 varieties of the choicest apple.3. These include: Early Harvest, Old Time June Sweetening (very red), Magna Bonum, Rusty Coat, Grimes Golden, Ben Davis, Winter Bunch, etc. We have grafted only apples which do well in Robeson county, but we have a splendid selection of ten rf the finest and rery best flavored apples to be had at any price end remember we have reduced our price to $5.00 per doz. prepaid to yon. 2 doz. for $8.00. Send us $6.00 and we will prepay to you one doz. of the f inept ap-. Ile trees you hare ever seen ten varieties from the earliest to the latest a good succession which will give you apples from the earl. iestr- through the latest winter apples. We now have apples which Lave kept all winter for us. You can do the same. ' v We have had a splendid sale oougm ana are wen pieased-wlthfcuf trees. We are sure we piraseyou. uive us a trial. ELROSE FRUIT FARM, : . Per J. A. FLOYD. FAIRMONT, N. C. r rd to mm S i. F. O. D. Most Far Your Money "jd TKttoxler tV.c Io-.tcs'; first llifcest rile vtlue o! ar.y inot.r , Nd other car of this type is priced so low no othcr will give you more real motor car value more convenience, more com fort, more dependability than a Ford Coupe. Equipped with electric starting and lighting system, demountable-rims, extra rim and non-skid tires, all around, ' it makes the ideal enclosed car for busi - ness or for pleasure. Reasonably prompt delivery. Terms if desired. H. A. Pa J. H. FELTS, side the breastworks in the coming- election fight. There are so many Re- 1 members of the far mbloc in both i u i-i t r . it - i.l House ana oenaie. wi course, iv ; -m soma' se:tions or this stats to- ua' Ull M; ' v " well known that the Democrats are; da7 a do:ea eggs will buy one nd th2t cannot be described. As far as getting together a most militant or! one; naif bushels of - corn." ' Poultry fce can see tner 'jnnot so much ganiiation for the purpose of causing .products hold their values better than s wave. Our" boat glides as if it an utter disappearance of this un- othcr livestock product in time of were a graceful , waltaer over the wieldy condition. One of the big Re- financial stress, say poultry special- glass-like surface. Yet nota slow publicans told a newspaper man thej,9t8 of the N C. Agricultural Exten-' f0"1' for we have not left a 'boat other day that the leaders of h. 8ion Service, who urge more atten- In front since, we entered this busy party were hopeful that the majorityjt!oato.:biddy and her possibilities throughfare. . "-: . of 1C9 in the House could be,reduced!aa & producer of food for the family, Today has passed slowly but bean tn SO or 40 without, starting an I aA for whn unrr.: it-n rh!-.fci rifrily.NWe. all were looking forward valATiphp that would wine - out the majority completely. They would like to have a Congress that could be com trolled by a few leaders, but it is a dangerous time to try. the tactics thought of. As far as impartial ob servers can see at this time, the slaughter among Republicans of both House and Senate will be great, but that the farm bloc will suffer the least. The Democrats say the Repub licans are in for the worst trimming they have. had. in 30 years. " . Wilson Prosperity. . Abe Martin "said a mouthful" when he remarked: "Joe Lark bought a pair o' shoes t'day, with some money he had left from th' Wilson .administration. , .... on these: trees. many nave can DETROIT cc;t, the lowest car ever built. upkeep end the JR., Manager ge Jir :Ectier;'Chanc:e: , ; -' "wW':- poultry Products Held Their Values Il-l!fr TV,i OtW Iimifl r,. dllCtS. : - ' . " "Tifty to one hundred hens is the proper -unit for a well-regulated farm, and these a 'standard breed - of one variety only, . 1 -' v"AVpwcticai fara'poultryt'hoii'' needed, properbly built, so that it is dry and absolutely free - from any draughts,-located in such a plact tht the water drains in all directions from it; shed roof - type, with f oujr i foot ' open ' wire' front and -..facing "tive south. " , - "-?. i "Gi've careful and proper sanita- tion, as lice and poultry do not go well together. Raise a succession of , pasture crops that the hen may have!0 nVp!r fmui, plenty of green food every day and all day, . - ; . . "Feed bens for ' egg production. The following mashes and grain foods have proven good i nnnnrl Krn :flT- anH ' middlings, 1 pound corn meal,! pound! ground oats. Scratch: 1 pound crack ed corn, 1 pound wheat, 1 pound oats. "Don't forget that meat " meal, blood meal, tankage and milk are the egg making foods." ( TO TEACH PRINCIPLES - OF SOUND INVESTMENT North Carolinans Fleeced of Millions 1 fcelieve me they were not just names. Through Fake Investments New 1 now wish I had kept one of those Course in Business English. cards just ( for a souvenirTne din- With the recent statement of "'A(Per hoar torney General Daugherty that $140,; j ve& soon-nded -oneaif the-anosfede 000,000.00 has been fleeced from the Kghtful meals that I have ever mar pockets of thoughtless Americans, ad- red with my Presence, ded interest is attached .to the an-l Visit to Palermo, nouncement by the University of! Monday, Oct. 31st. As I awoke North Carolina Kxtfnsinn Division nt I this morning, I noticed that we were a correspondence course designed to 1 tfarh pit run a of th atnto th nrin. i ciples of sound investment, In a recent speech before .the Washington club, Professor Walter J. Matherly of the University School of commerce ."deciarea: "Last year North Carolinians were fleeced out of millions of dollars through fake in-!cclIlslon- At7:d0 John and 1 were vestments. In order to detect these! dressed, and having breakfasted, swindlers, something must be done to-,' teach people when, where and how to invest their money and to spot fradulent securities. When I get back to the University", said Professor Matherly, "I am going to develop a correspondence course on the subject of investments, which will give every North Carolinian the privilege of studying the .principles of sound in vestment." , In this same field is a new course in Busienss English, offered by A. C. Howell of the University faculty. This course is designed to be of prac- -man came on Doara ana assemoiea an tical help-tfl an? North i Caolinknl,11,60 t( -"1 who would like to-know how to write better business letters. In- announcing . this . course Mr, Howell 'said, T have a friend who js engaged in business, being employed by the Standard Oil company. He knows his business from the ground up but somehow, with all his know ledge, he has never advanced above the position of a minor executive. He PePle riht on the edge of the land could never understand the reason foriing, some to meet their relations and this until one day he happened to f edu3,' SOme I beg' and some- most read through a file of the manager's Pr?abltrob- , correspondence. Here he found the " We S through the crowd safely, secret of his falure, for the manager's ' and 'seated, ourselves m an open auto business letters were very different ready for us" n l he Bde and from his own. My friend", Mr. How-ttwo auos ped of'TWe rode thrU ell explained, "was in the habit of Ith dirty streets of Palermo on our using in every one of his letters such ! W to the Catacombs of the Cappu- pbrases as: 'We are in receipt of your favor', or 'In regard to same, will state', and 'Trusting to have an early reply, we beg to remain'. But the manager's letters were more than irere form; they contained a personal note. My friend took a university cor respondence course in Business Eng lish and learned to express his 'thoughts in clear, crisp English, and to put his personality and the per-! sonal touch into his letters. He has!""' aJndlf one Is wall"nhe just been notified that in June he will receive a substantial advance both in position and salary. Thousands of businessmen", continued Mr. How ell, "are in exactly the same position as my friend was a few months ago, but they need not remain there long if they take advantage of every op portunity." Concerning these announcements, Director Snell of the extension divi sion states that in keeping with the extension policy of the university, registration for the above courses has been thrown open to all people living in North Carolina for a very small fee, as compared with that charged V commercial correspondence schools. He states that the courses in general economics, the short story. American history, community organization, the naychoiogy of advertising and in dustrial history are included in this ruling. Representative Doughton Seat. "Farmer Bob" Doughton, tentative from the 8th N. C, Retains! Repre- district, will not lose his seat in Congress to Dr, Ike Xampbell.- -The 1 committee, consisting of 6 Republicans and 3 Democrats. -Thursday decided th contest in favor pf Doughton. Former vonKressman y viyue a. noey, 01 1 long ana 10 iikum mmi r Shelby, who was appointed counsel if our bodies. Some still had flesh and 'n the case upon the death of former! hair on them,' and some of the ex Governor Bickett, argued the case in'pressions left on the fa;es- were Washineton 1r.ri Tr::L-. 'frightening. When we had seen every- And To Rome By Leo Anthony Redmond, r Aboard Steamship Canada, Satur- J. on V7 itm f o'clock p. mand after dinner we hrrried up on deck and found that we 10 J"34 passing Algiers Of course, -we were at quite a distance from it, ba the ,on Kne of reddish wt ky gave us an ldea of Jhe size of the c!l- Thetwo light houses on either Sld? city could be seenvery Pi"jly. . - -. . Afterwards we came on to . wr scats ?n the dck7.f,at and rTn1ed on various subjects, till we were ,in- terruptefl by the Royal Commissioner and chief steward iimting us to come n& join the others on lwjard. We did We retired very early this particular night ' " - " i.-"' :' Sunday, Oct. 30th. Of , course we heard mass, and were very thankful that there was a priest on board, es- pecially John, for he said that he had never missed mass on a Sunday or Holy Day in his life The best thing on the boat in the line of meals was the farewell dinner that was scheduled for . this parti cular Sunday night. So at 6:30 when the last gong sounded we all, in a most dignified manner, walked into the dining room' to our-tables. The menu card was covered ' with the I names of the different courses, and not moving, so quickly peering thru me nuie x saw we uau uutncu saw we had docked ana were getting ready for the unloading and the disembarking. Palermo has a nice harbor, but it is small and can hold only a few ships. Then they can not dock at night, but have to wait till day, on account of the dangers of went on deck to watch developments. On the starboard "'side were swarms of row boats, each painted in varie gated colors. There were also some large sail boats jammed in alongside the Canada. They were waiting to take the people ashore. The boats do not come alongside the docks but back up to them ,in Palermo, so one hasto hire a row boat to take him across the narrow harbor. - A few of our passengers left (our first class) but more steerage and second class, At 9 o'clock, Thosr Cook, and Sons while the boat was th." The"rfour of us, were among the company, and as four pink and green row Jboats came !alongside,"we i went down the stair way quite gingerly. We were told while en passage to look out for our pockets when we landed. And when we - looked up we could realize the danger, for there were hundreds of ,c,an on very narrow rails and look primi tive, to boot. The streets are narrow and hilly. There are no traffic rules. One can drive on any side of the street and sometimes on the side walk. If a pedestrian is run over he is arrested for blocking traffic. If a man is accused of crime he is looked upon as guilty' until he proves himself in nocent. Beggars are numerous and would have to "go some" to rid him self of one '"of them. ' '- Cappueian Monastery. We soon, arrived at the Cappucian monastery, and, having ' afcghtecL, eagerly set forth on our "rubber neck ing journey." We were led into ,a large hall, on the walls of which hung many. beautiful paintings. "From this rpom : we decended a steep stairway into an - anteroom, aad thence into the tunnel-like corridor of the Cata combs. Just a little day light slipped through the few dirty windows on each side. It was spooky that long corridor, the more so because on both side were standing the most-horrible looking specimens . of skeletons and mumified corpses. The guide told us that those bodies had been sprinkled with lime after the person had died, and when the flesh was eaten off, they were wrapped up in cloth and put in these corridors, either in caskets or just as , they were. We found both, and Home were only half bodies. The men's bodies were standing and the women's reclining, . this was the dis tinguishing feature,. Along the sides of a. long corridor were stacked bodies of men. On shelves all along another were lain bodies and caskets of the women. . Another . corridor was ' for nrieats and bishops: another for sis- ters. In -one casket, not over five feet WORKS FOR GUILD L11IST KEEP WELL Mothers in a Like Situation Should Read This Letter ; from Mrs. Enrico - ChJcaco. IUinoi-. '1 took Lvdia EL Pinkham's Vegetable Xompound for a serious trouble.' i bad tried doctors and all said the same an operation. At first I only felt the pain on my left side.but later 1 seemed to feel it on both sides. I am a power sewing-machine operator and have a little girl to support I work in a tailor shop and that line of work hat been very slack this year and I am home part of the time. I do not like , to take any chances, so l consulted my friends,, and one' lady said. Take Lydia Pinkham's medicine,' so I did. I have felt better right along and am in good enough health to go to work. I recommend your Veg etable Compound and Sanative Wash to all." Mrs. Mary Enrico, 459 N. Car penter St, Chicago, Illinois. , ; Often the mother is obliged to support her children and good health is neces sary. Lydia E.' Pinkham's Vegetable Compound i just the medicine yoa can depend upon. It is a medicine for wo men's ailments and the relief it brought Mrs. Enrico it may brinjf to you. Keep well by taking Lydia E. JPinkham's Veg etable Compound. ' . thingr we quickly made our way out for overtime in, such freakish -dungeons is not good for the nerves. .... Next we went to the Villla Tasca, a private residence, noted for 'its beautiful gardens. In" the grounds, are many various trees and species of cactus. There is a natural lake. among those beautiful trees, and its source is in a large rock,' that stands in one villa. -InM'r4-ewijy. thcdripMiiiLi rock. There, huge tall lignites almost meet each other as they project their pyramidical shapes from floor and ceiling. In the center of the "hall way" of this1 natural temple, and right at the entrance is a sort of col umn which is narrow at the bottom but as it extends to the ceiling, large sweeping arches spring , from it, as it were in support of the curiously carved roof. AH this -was done by water, and that cave, the grounds, and the house make Tasca one of most beautiful estates in Palermo or Sicily. tTo be Continued.) Laurinburg Druggist Fined for Stor ing and Keeping Whiskey for. Sale. Laurinburg, Feb. 28. The 5 case against A. F .Blue, manager of Blue's drug store, for storing and keeping whiskey for sale, was tried before the recorder today, and he was found guilty. The sentence was-a fine of $500 and costs and a bond in the sum of $500 as a guarantee that his place of business would not be used for storing or, allowing any drinking of whiskey or keeping any alcohol other than isecessarx-ia-flilixig. prescript tions'for five years. The defense offered no evidence. The prosecution introduced ' 46 wit nesses, including : bankers, preachers, business men and farmers. . .The evidence as developed showed Million Packeto Of Flower Seedo Free We believe in flowers around the tomes of the South. Flowers brighten tip the home surroundings ; and , give pleasure and satisfaction to those who have them. We have filled more than a million packets ot seeds, of - beautiful yet easily grown flowers tobe given to our customers this spring. Wouldn't you like to . have five packets of beautiful flowers free? TOTJ CAN OE3T THEMf Hastings 1022 catalog is a 100-page handsomely illustrated seed book full from cover to cover ot truthful descriptions and Fflnstratlons of vegetables, flowers and farm crops. It is fall of helpful gar den, flower and farm information that Is needed in every Southern home, and, too, the catalog tells you how to get these flower seeds absolutely free. Write for our 1922catalog now. It is the finest, moat valuable and beau tiXW seed book ever published, end yey-wlll be mighty glad you've got it Thftra is no obligation to buy any. thing. Just ask for the catalog, and ft wfli com by return miL - Hu G? HASTINGS CO SEEDSMEN, ATLANTA, OA. G00DL1EAT ! That's the kind we selL '". See ns for Beef, all kinds Pork, San sage. Liver, etc . vr m Highest market prices paid for good beef cattle. .. , vr. Y A. ft HTNDyMARKET 'Phone W. Lnmberton, N. 0. FISCO FERTILIZERS Made by the Fisheries Products Com pany will make you money. You want the best. Our prices areright for cash. : - See me at W. R. Tyner Auto Co. office. .... . J JJ...::,, . .-.I; LUMBERTON, N. C. ; J. OM, POWERS 7 District Agent l!IIIP"; il thet some of the young men who had frequented hU drug store wonld pool an order for bottled in bond whiskey and have it delivered at his place of business. The case grew' out pf a seizure of a Cadillac roadster a week, ago as it was ' being unloaded into his place of business. The car was being-driven by C Kline, alias C. B. Maxwell, of Florence, S. C The. case against Kline "was called but he. fail ed to answer and his bond in the sum of $500 was declared forfeited." ' -'-.The; case caused a great deal;bf discussion," and the" courthouse was crowded to capacity. About 30 ladies attended,-as it had been discussed at some,jf .the women's clubs. OLD NEWS PAPERS FOR V SALE AT THE ROBESONIAN OFFICE, ; COTTON I am in the market at an. times for COTTON tn any size lots. Call me when yon have cotton to offer. -, . W.N: HUBBARD . FAIRMONT N. C. '-Phone No. .' : Are You .Going to Buy Mixed Fertilizer or Fertilizer Mater ial? ; Get prices on. anything, you want. ' JULIUS AHRENS, PEMBROKE, N. C, ; Representative of Daohoo : Fertilizer Company. CHARLESTON, S. C. PROPSIONALCARDS F. ERTEL CARLYLE ATTORNEAT tAWrrrr y -Offices -orsr Freeman Printing Co. -Prompt attention given to all busi. oess. ' ' ; ; , Dr. Maurice A. Waddell DENTIST OffieA Second Floor Cotton Mill Of Sc4 Building, Elm and Second St. LUMBERTON, N. C. : - - J' V': . DAVID H. FULLEB Attorney at Law Second floor cotton mill office build ing, off ices, formerly occupied by ' Dr. Baker. LUMBERTON, N. C ; T. A. McNEILL,' Jr. ' F. Oj HACKJETT. St McNeill & hackett Attorneys-At-LawV'-i;.fci; t - - , Woodberry Lennon - ATTORNEY AT LAW Lnmberton, N. C. Offices over First National Bank. JUNIUS J. GOODWIN - ATTORNEY-AT-LAW. Offices Over Efird's Dept. Store. Edward K. Proctor Jno. G. Proctor Proctor & Proctor ATTORNEYS AT LAW Office next to Lumberton Motor Car Co., in Building formerly occupied by ex-Judge T. A. McNeill A. W. McLean Dickson McLean L. R. Varser H. E. Stacy McLEAN, VARSER, McLEAN & STACY. Attorneys At Law. LUMBERTON. - North CaroUns W. B. IVEY Attorney and Counselor at Law. Office on Second Floor Cotton Mia Office Building, Elm Street. r ,. Lnaiberton. N. Cv Stephen Mclntyre - R. C. Lawrence DJPnjctor Robt. A. Mclntyre, McINTYRE, LAWRENCE A PROCTOR, ' ' Attorneys and Connsellors at Law . ; , LUMBERTON, N. a Practice in State and Federal Covrtav Prompt attention given to all bnaines 1. J, BSriT and LUTHER J. BRUT, . . Attorasyn . ,- Praetklng law ondar the firm name , of . E. J. BSITT & COrf with offices in the Pope BufldingT Lumberton, N. C Practice in both State and Federal courts. Prompt Attention Given All Business. Thomas L. Johnson E. M. Johnsoa JOHNSON & JOHNSON : Attorneys and Counsellors st Law : LUMBERTON, N. C. : : Practice in SUte and Federal Courts Notary Public in Office. Offices over First National Bank. " ,.SEE':r:r .'..-j J. E, CROCKETT , 1;'.r-FOR;;:!, '' , CARYSAFE - DUNN, N. C. "5

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