ftcz nam MONDAY, MARCH 9 1922. ,OBESOiniW, LUMBr2T03, ttOLTtl-ClZOUaA fcED SPRINGS WILL PUT OUT -'.'.,.? . GOOD BALL TEAM THIS YEAR fUflis Several Players" Who 1ft Offered TryOuts Witf tef 05 Terms But Refund Correspoadence of The Robesonian.' Red Springs, March 3. The Red Springs high school is planning to ( Lumber Bridge and Rowland,' Pen nant-Winners f NorW and outn V Robesott Leagpes, Will Play First W 1 (,HinptMttlup - at L-umoer Bridge Correspondence' of The Robesonian i.ktdad,JIarch?.i Blonaay titroary i:7r at aoout :3U,- tHe oeo- plek;trere ded rto overflowing; in Thursday.!? tne ;owiana uign cnu auauonam t , v,. rm,,.' wotr'fhA'nftn-'Kveiy corner, every window and every nant in the North Robeson basket- dcir was fjllpdrAt littlf before 8 i scnwn .! '"v.iiM..-,. Ma iwlnd has won 'there beean' a most Matinr and n- & - :..t !. haeshal tMffl ""-" - : 4. .. . t, , .. , x.vm out , , thi Dennant in the ' South Robeson 1 teresting , picture. . "luqnappeaY : by vflfe year. It has. .several P7" .nera tryo w. , ct . ch.mDio8hln ameof three steams but reiusea. uew:w - , ipprwdmately eighteen . men out for tim: James Roberts was electea tmanAper; the captain will be elected Thursday afternoon of this week.1 The second game will be playeATtt-j Tthe team is picked. Paul Dixon ' Kowiana luesaay auernoon i oiy,e - K.AMn will take weeK ana ni taV week ana in tne event a inira game 15 - : . . . . -tv.. t.j.i.x. 'niavpd. it will be ciavea on tne riora ilanaVeivgT iillcLeod will claim second gffi.1- , , A 'iB mr rtf tho fantostl weuwai reicreco re w . w pcvuibu , USUUIUI Jjinic, iii. -"v I shortstops in any state, "-will again 1 ua. Phil Brant will n",faiS! 'p. McGIRT PROFOSBSWO SffiSSS byTlei Odom; CAPE FEAR AT ELIZABETHTOWN w nlb-hinir. nrotee oi uavia van C jHeuten, rmuwger of last year's team t 1 of Port of 4 Embarkation, Hohpken, ?er Jersey. The out-f ieH will haye ' : Oxva" ByrnesV-the star center-fielder , cf last year's team, and Chas 9amil ' torn. Several new men will try to keep Jlimager Roberts out of right field. Spring practice will begin soon as the , weather permits. is shownbytheState Board o .Edu cation being' shown !iri Robeson coun ty by Mr. Kinlaw, who gives showrat maiwiof whe schools orthiaoun' tT Hmik- aftckthe iti&lwdUAAitiiA Ifiddlers'" conventjtonL.began, Although the musicians were few, everyone Ivas filled . with , th ,,spirit M oyf ulpesg, when ihe heard the oldr' party tones"; and just : as soon as the music be gan'ha whole -audiencfcjwas , as .one bigmacine and", the pat . or thf , Ioot i winded hs 'if one great " glan?' was poAU'ig,leaviij,o hjui w w saw, , me musr- MORRISON SAYS BULLOCK'S , RELEASE IS BLOW TO JUSTICE Bslablishea Precedent Which Promises ta Thwart Administration of Jus " tic in This Country. " Xaleigh News and Observer, March 4: The release of Matthew Bullock by the' Canadian authorities establishes m precedent which promises to hinder , and thwart the administration of justice in this country, declared Gov ernor Cameron Morrison yesterday; afternoon after he had dispatched his; last -word to the State Department ! in Washington protesting against this nuiMimmimt'a pnnsont to lhe.Cftn&. " Immunity for Criminals f HV8 Masses Deficiency Bladen and Sampson Have Agreed to Build .Highway - Upon Which Bridge is Conditioned.. ' Outstanding' among " nw constrtic tion work proposed at a meeting of the State Highway Commission in Ral eigh last week, states the News and Observer, was the project submitted by Commissioner W. A. McGirt for a bridge aeross the Cape Fear river at Elizabethtown, costing ' approxi mately $200,000, conditioned upon the construction by Bladen and Samp son counties of a modern road be tween the county seats of the two counties. From the junction of Haw and the Deep rivers 200 miles to the sea, only two bridges span the Cape Fear one at Lillington and another at Fayette ville, the, latter fcuilt nearly a century ago, and rebuilt after a fire several years ago. The new bridge will be about half way between Fay etteville and Wilmington. Bladen and . Sampson have agreed to build the hjghway.up.Qnwhich Bill. "Tt simply means," continued the vvasmngton, Marcn 6. without a Governor, "that a criminal in theirecora vote, tne House today passed United States can assure himself of absolute safety if it is possible for him to evade arrest long enough to get across the border. The idea that witnesses should be sent to make out a case In a Canadian court before ex traditipn could be allowed is ridic ulous. There is no law to compel a witness to make such an appearance. 'And if a witness was interested enough on his own part to assume the expense and sacrifice necessary, I would be inclined to disbelieve his testimony . The Governor intimated that his telegram to Henry P. Fletcher, act ing Secretary of State, was the lasc word on the subject. As a matter of fact the telegram wa. dispatched a few minutes before Associate J Press dispatches anounced the release of Bollock from custody at Hamilton, Ontario. and sent to the Senate- a bill appro priating approximately $108,500,000 to meet deficiencies of various gov- ernment departments. The largest item carried on the measure is $94, 000,000 for the Veterans Bureau. ; A provision which would limit to $6,300,000 the amount the Navy De partment would spend for fuel dur ing the next four months remained in the bill without provoking discus sion. One of the few amendments adopt ed increased the total for the en forcement of the maternity act dur ing the remainder of the current fiscal year from $370,000 to $490,000, auditorium. Ms ;was clans.', were few but good. .; They were Mrs. -E. B.: Chapman, 5 'platf&tt Jlf. Daniel C. McRae, violinist; M,r, JW H. Dove, guitar; Mr.,D. C. Mclntyre, banja.and,Jikelele,. Some fofj the tld "shakedown" "pieces Z that they 'play ed -Wre'Turkey in the Straw and "Put on Your Old Gray Bonnett" and many others all to which our fathers and mothers used to "swing ... your partner and promenade." vx;1 Everyone enjoyed this music thoroughly but there were also other things to enjoy. Next to the music the dancing or "clogging" was en joyed most. The participators in this were" Messrs. R. Kinlaw, Joe McGirt, Numan Miller, Worth Webster, Cecil Bracey and James Kinlaw. The judges decided that Mr. Joe McGirt was the best dancer." . 1 ' - Then caime the singing. The group, which consisted of the musicians and dancer plus Mr. J. vFrahk' Sinclair, principal of Rowland high school, sang "Darktown Strutter's Ball", and :one or two more. Then came something that everyone enjoyed, which was 'a qnartetrthat consisted f '-Mr. J. Frank ara -Ainiaw-ana air. James . ciniaw. They sane a sone entitled "Billie Goat." This. With a few more pieces rendered by the musicians; concluded the fiddlers' convention and everyone went home with happiness in their hearts .to dream of what a time mother" and father used to have, j After' 'giving Mr. Kinlaw his ten cents on every ticket sold and giv ing the pmes, this convention put about nineteen dollars in the athletip association, treasury. . - Stacy Made Fine Address. . ' Fayetteville Obserrer March 8: The seventh annual commencement of 'Cumberland General hospital train-1ng'-cool for furies urat held It La Fayette theatre . last- evening. 5 The fine, program was well rendered and those in attendance were repaid for braving the elements on such an in clement night. ... The' address of 'the" evening, de livered by HonvHE.. Stacy, of Lum berton, wasa very fine effort. The subject watEducatian.T.ThefspeAkef stressed the importance' -of self-ex pression, dwTfing-iil the", f act .thai; -it watered nofhowthoroogh an iedu cs'tion one might acquire, it would re sult in little good -either' to the pos-scssorvor-: l5ij 'wotld -linless there was scquired-.-the, if t: of ''expressing 'thai education,1 -v j- , , ' " I J. . Dr. Hubert Work Succeeds . nayes. ,V Washington;' March 2. Dr. Hubert Work, first.' assistant postmaster, general, was nominated by President Hsrdire and confirmed by the senate today ' U- be postmaster- general. - He succeeds Will H, Hay, resigned.) This Her. Never Micoed a Meal and Lived to a Good Old Age. . To the Editor of The Robesonians ; i'l yr&nt to tell the ladies how' old my hen was.' She was hatched in. April i903 and died in Feb. 1922. She raised turkeys, guineas and chickens. I never knew her to miss a meal' in her life, she Was always hearty. 'We don't' khow how long anything will live with good attention. I can prove my hen's age" - . f If;-'-'MRS POLLY DEESE Raynha'm ,N. C- R. F, D. 1. '" : WUW BEING :v p 1 J ourprisuigiy r.W4? 5 "are -the -; S, SNEW CAPES,; li'T'-i-cdXTs .: -. ir nr a nr, c i nnr c ' f,:v:'DiasssEs,.,; and . v-;t':.c::: gTaMTO;fe, SPRING WEAR v 'c v - - r - V. DISPLAYED LUMBERTON'S 1;. l&auinu; PEPARTMENT; STORED : in tneir ANNUAL SPRING EXHIBIT fc-rfV .-'. 4 THISiSTQRiiisrHE OF ATTRACTION NOW It naturally! should be, of course, vheri eye style inforrrmtioh, ich will apr parel she recls wih an . A- liASGIai Admirers Make Hero of Bullock in "" Canada." " " ' Hamilton, Ont., March 3- Wrap; ped in the folds of the Union Jackj Matthew Bullock, American hegrol tonight permitted himself to' be photon The bill also carries $5,000,000 f0rj graphed by a bevy of feminine ad- To Arsange Baseball Schedule. Representatives of the Rowland, Maxton, Fairmont, Lumber Bridge and Lnmberton high school athleti? dubs met here SaturdayJUJM, J4jJ Glover of Lumberton was named as a -committee to arranee a haqAtinll the inital payment to the Republic of Colombia under the treaty recentlv ratified as a settlement of the Pana nja. controversy. Carries a Level Head. In a recent sermon in his Lumber ton pulpit, Pastor Charles H. Dur ham strongly opposed putting the Bible in our public schools, and even. from it dunnir school hours. Dr Durham carries one of the.leveleat schedulefor the high schools" and subth5ads:i wt-rameto another meetin6hend' held here Saturday of this week at Besides the radio receiving" sta tion put in by Mr. J. A. Townsend 'gt McDonald, mention of which was made in a ieent issue of The Robesonian, like stations have been installed there by Messrs. V. O. Turner and W. A. McCormick. 3 p. m. All high schools wishing to enter the "league" are requested to send representatives to the meeting to "bg held Saturday. Peiqonql Corresucnienee of The Robesoninri. t 'l.nmeerroR, K. F. D We were ad to hnve -sortie Fair.iioni visitors ownflay aficrpoon. Mr. J. C. Hunt and Ten'.ly of Fairmont called by on their Tray. "..hoa)e from Pembroke, after , ?.xYw the night there at the hom? Of Mrs. Hunt's lister. They snorted a Tine tirre at Pembr:ke Saturd" and Sunday. - Mr. R. G. McCormick of R. 3: Fair moni, is in town today. mirers of his. own race, before he boarded a train for parts unknown.,. The flag wa.s presented to celebrate' Bullock's release by the police to day after Judge Snider had refused to honor a requisition for his extra dition to Norlina, N. C, to be tried on charges of attempted murder. "," The" "flag ceremony was the only public celebration of . Bullock's re leiise.! Plans for. a huge demonstra tion by the negro population of thd city were abandoned when , Bullock's the lease-"' possible ostentation,, as he would be liable to re-arrest at any time evidence charging him with an extraditional offense should be pre sented by North Carolina. As he boarded the train Bullock announced that he would not re main away from Hamilton and that he would avoid publicity. He said ho would stay in Canada, however In a season like this, when almost eYery.Tf Qniau wU, cape, exclusiyenesa will play an important' partvJ- w.hen purchas ing: Here are 'Capes' of new and different "ideas,;-a 'difference which lends "gteater charm and make them exclusive v ' Priced $11.00 to $17.50 Putlic Schcol Extension Program for Week Ending March 11, 1922. EXECUTOR'S NoTirB i bhirley Mason - in "Little Cheva- I end tc?tsent of Krehii Odurti, rfeeeesed, "Ma2ic of Snrinff"' "Naturp'q PnZ late of Eobc?lm-count,. Kortji CaroHns, thfe ; , fgir. oi opring , matures fer- n .o nctny au pn-gon havinr claims aaint I Jvt i'-u opiiiuvr. -no cstftc of ssfd decasil In nhififa tUM '.3 tSj u.Ki-jftrnPo'. ot St. Paub. N f!. nr b?fj-c th 1st lir cf .March 1928. or thU V&VV -1' n . ; - raOT'ce r',,1 Plesded in bar at their f s. t I ersonal ron Pembroke Jc.irory. All ycrsom Indebted to said eta(c i COTrespondenlre of The RohMoiiinn "'" "like Immolate settlement. " - PJ. March fe.-MrS; RosrjJ f LEKTZ, 1 - rnomas and her thruo ii;u nerexnis morniner to visit Mm to n'' Areh.' Ot'uni. dee'd March 7, Green Grove. March 8, Purvis. March 9, Centenary.; March 10, Oak Grove. March 11, Ten Mile. - Kfr A' T ttriff on1 fwn anna t : ; .-. --; - " - . - ; - THE COATS ACHIEVE INDIVIDUALITY BY THEIR SIMPLICITY It is a welcome relief to turn from' the novel and fanciful coat modes to one of the simple but equally -effective.' ; Even the 'very smartly dressed women will agree to that we believe. We are now displaying coats whose lines convey the idea of simplicity, with the added charm of individuality. - '''.vv-'-. $7.00 to $25.00 ?. " : F FROCKS TOR SUNNY, SPlNG ; ii The brilliantly colored drelses of oriental designin:f In mahy ef fects, plain and novel, whisper the mode'in its entire correctness. They are distinctive aadriginal-eipr-essioas. otf amutyle creators.- $10.00 to $30.00 SUITSlFOREVERYWEAR? ' ' Theifiscinallon of this, presentation lies not alone in the various modes, but in the excftisiveniss'of the ideas which provide for and meet individual needs and problems so pleasantly. 'f , ; . :: SS$$i5Sb W$3o.x)o ; : ; : ' v THE VERY NEW IN HATS Numerous modes for "street,, evening and Sports wear, offer you Ul 4. ; many charming possibilities in ihe choice, of f a-shape to becomingly top your spnrlg costume. , . v i $4.50 to $12.50 CaMwell at .;:-r.i:'--'' y a f' - - t Lmiibfriw'saLwduig DfepjcyBSfeBt Store. ' - - . . rr Z&M' 'i.T Wf '" '' C .XA.0 l.: r- SlMUGS T 'i.:p',r-.-. l.-J 1 ;' ; ... . ... .. "' ' ' ' "ki anVna a r vrlrrt tr" mini a iiaaaav uvvouv v avaw - siaaw - -; ' ! , mnmpm m,m . -fc. J3 - '':V 'TKe Cndy of the South. shieh&?ev XfM PF-' (Ttl tiT- IrThTl Tl TTT1 I Coca-Cola 5c, Ice Csrearn 1 Oci Ice Cream Cp lies 5c,:lIiimo Pies 10 Sandwiches Be Potato Chips lOcy Chocolate Milk 10c. Vanilla KS?':-":10c, Cherry Srrtaah lOcEgg Dii8;150MatedMilk 15cJrGineripc,--g: JiAm i; - PROMPT DELIVERY ALL HOURS SODA 1 ,n.c y v.-Vi '" , . .1.- CAIJDIES , '.''-rS mi