'....... ...... . . . .-,.... ,: - - "v" -- : . ., ' - .- . ' - . t fSTADLISaED 18T8. SlNpLB CO PTlTp CENTS, V(rr - . ' . ' - ; fc COUNTRY, COD AND TRUTH," . 12.60 A YEAR, DUE IN ADVANCE tUlIBEETON, IT; C, THURSDAY, MARCH 9. 1922 VOLUlIS Lin T Board AtfRS StoliCaVFrbmUn. St PauIsT -tK-. Rnnd IssueVdert Church Eaves ; NewsLetter Fairmont News .-.: v I?i , CI.-- I.. !!.- Will tMUMVI oii uut l f 7MVW Sooa Bsrgled Bank : Will Reopen ... j. . t ' ." , - W 9 a tiA am f Sfand Water Eii WhiV preacher -Was -Attendiag Cea-I Stole Preacher. Cart from, ; Under, Soon-Radiophone Equ pment Or VSSLSSS SiloSlkfmJe i- Church .t St Paul Hi.Churci. EIWffuCkmi fr3rVS3A5Sf nd 1135,000 to ;,Ref and i SAnfo Waa Stolen Travis Bawr Jr. tension. Paving Paring ana : sao,vvu io , ivrmnu ? Floating Indebtedne Approred. Arreatedt MafUm on. i ia j. Mt Wo Ai.im kv 4 SteaKne the Caiw,: -t .'-: -tednHfo 4.Vnih , -it ': i'.v.---v.X 2:.i.-. da afternoon 'n lh cnaxge authoxUing-issue JJr bondstoSStmOOO for sewer water: wrtensioh and, $80,000 for l.-ta imJ JniiSl W the mayor! and townl to? thejtnp from anonn the-vcar t' t UrnaNBdeiiBe ; ne Kobeaonian. k.-:- tak Stj. Panla March VR.-yDurl ,iatl , - airmont. " r . - . 'i v . r - .TniiJtnvn "nra all itonpnf - VfHnuyr VBaniDers r Wf ftertfoortT"h" 7th hn nwil wa Iiosteaaei commissioners at a meeting Toesdky evenin?;jThs; brder alsot provides for an additional issue of $35,000 to take care of the , floating indebtedness of the -iowE i&tfrt -pZiZ,- The bonds for .paving, will be ls sued 6nly after petition requesting "same has been signed by4 at least -51 per-" cent, of the, property owners. The petition must ; also represent afr much as 51 per "cent, of the footage of property ; abutting, the v proposed paving, . It is planned tp extend the paving north oh both Elm and Chest nut streets, also to pave .the side walks on East Second street.'' Some cross streets between Elm and Chest-? nut .also, will be paved, providing the prpperty ' owners petition for,itt;' Bonds tor the sewer and water ex tension will be issued and sold with out petition, this being provided by the municipal laws. . It has not been -.determined; Just what"atpo''4bi3nd flPT)fl'SoldfotPavinKV tk.:af&f' pends upon the petitions filed. How ever, an amount, up to $80,000 is provided for in the order.-' , " The water and sewerage extension will be made in the, eastern prt of town, largely east of the Virginia Carolina Southern railroad. The plan also provides for improvements in the present filter plant No Increase in Floating D$bt - According to Mr.1 J P. ' Russell, town clerk and treasurer, the floating indebtedness of . the town has not in creased any during the last 18 months, a pal of ' the. debt having been liquidated during, that time. ; A number of citisens'pf the town attended the meeting Tuesday even ing. . Messrs. ,CT-AV;- McKeiJl; .and, ,jCJ. Badger McLeod, both of whom own property on. the streets ' which it is proposed to' -pave, protested against the bond issue: for paving. Others present who own "property on. the same streets seemed to favor the is sue. Petitions will be circulated at an early date to "determine the extent of paving to be done. The board passed ah order chang ing the fire limits so as to allow Mr. W. I.' Linkhaw to erect ft residence on. .W,wt,TJfr4 Alleged Store - " Robber; Airrested which Ba'sa ia'lharged with stealing. The car was stolen Tuesday about 1 p,-m." from within a ' few-, f eet of the Prebyterian.church i'at St Pauls, while ReVV Eugene Alexander of Rae fordwho drove the' car' there, was attending services in' the church. Mr. .Alexander, borrowed ;the car from .a neighbor-to- make the: trip, being, ac companied by. Rev. J. A. McMurray, who was conducting a layman's .con ference - in the Tbhurclf - when the ";car was ' stolen My. Alexander took ;; the switch key out 3f the car when"he left it, but the -.switch key was. : re moved from Mr.' W; K. Bethune's car; which was standing near by,' while he was in the church. It is supposed Mr. Bethune's key was used in starting the 'stolen car." t w -v '.; - : Bass has a brother at Marion and when officers ;. here heard that Bass Caught Lee Parker. Noir j Poat-i ; Kreet Z -Story t unck social. master Drath of C. 8.- MeArttar, l"eraoal aad Othr ltts. and Hami Pittman were last -Taesday, rebmaty drcuUteVf a. Ford tourinrrat which; the- Sidney lAmer Book, Club waa driven lover fere by, rone , of . the , W tf regular monthly, mwtingirhe mijiisters,'a Rev; :J:Alexamle Who' eetinr-Vas held at thhom ofMrt. has charge" of .abra'e pf the; churchep Chambrson:Iona street Mrs, W.-R. in Hoke county It'skma that it.was Taylor 'was in charge of thameethig A' borrowed, ; ar"whichMw an4 some P.WfM. th.leadf.-llr other parties had ,drivenTver to3 Sti Cfr"lie Baker. -Very., interesthig pa Paula : to: the laymen'tffV eonvenUoiv Pr we1"al frJ? E5n?"t Duringlthe; forenoon; services' it waa!nr Miss Lela TJpyd- Refresh left in the church1 gVove Tmd while ! wr' :md onsisting.of con the; crowd were at luncheon th.ii bold iff aIed ;d rackers and olives, thief drove Ithe, car awayV It seemai010 by whipped cream and cake t...'. w.nJ. i.MA - land coffee. A larire number of mem- car being driven awar, but Just sup-!,brs werepesent and Ltte-meeting "posed it wassome" one who had at- was successful both from a busi- . 5 A vulcanizing plant is being . in stalled in the Brice building on Cen ter, street by a Mr. Sutton of Peters burg. Much work has been done and March 8.-4-Msdame JE.1 'Parkton, March 7-4a apit-f the j i wjill members of the: Ardef of the tended the meeting,. leaving. They decided to go over there tho', as were anxious : for all! to remain for; the af ternoon program. Upon further in vestigation it . was . ' discovered : that Rev. s Mr. Alexander's car. was the the managers expect . to ' be ' doing eX3Iarion .officers -were advised to H'-the--watchH!oT' hiiwr Hr "rearhed Marion lust" before "dark, it is said.': To Vote On $25,000 " School Bond Tssue Election Will be Held May 6 to De termine Bond Issue for High School -Building in Thompson Township Monthly Meeting of County Com missioners. ' .... , ',' A school bond election to vote on a $25,000 bond issue for the erection of a high school building in Thomp son township was ordered to be. held May 6 by . the board of county com missioners at their regular monthly meeting Monday. Mr. E. WStone was appointed registrar and Messrs. : S. McLean: Albert McCormick.. and D. H McCall were appointed judges of election. V ", ' The monthly reports of the Bank of Maxton (county treasurer), Sheriff R. E. Lewis, Dr. E. R. Hardin, county health officer, and .Miss Elizabeth Frye, county welfare officer, were ordered filed. ' ' ; L H. Smith was exempted from paying poll tax on account., of, in firmity -r- $ iuiS' -iV The regular pauper list was allow ed and the' following' additions made to the list! 1-. .- -. r; V Bunyan Weldon and 'Asdon Bays don, a total of; $AmonthyAtol Williams - $& "Arthur Jacobs 3,7M T. ' ItT.Mli'nwi tKi1. ftmnnrorilvV Simnn. ntnrr oraiM!i.viiii jacobs $4, C. W. and Bettie Mercer bing Stores lj Lumbertoa ; and $2 50 eachf Mnlie Mejvin Saral passea tnrougn iumDerton armng a ; , u , tI : This is what I call "getting -toj winrni ue swieu wi-wbicii wei. -.,.jB auiJ-iu-uue ice p.nit 111 ier Tgr Bridge 10 missing one. A bunch Immediately f business in a few days. RichardBrad started out to find the thief and the haw moved recently . from " this that they came upon them over in been remodeled since the fire a year Marion. S.'C. and to iail he will vaJOt so ago, and has installed a- re- this a. m. It seems that a suitcase ,f ngerating plant in the basement. Parliton Letter .'cbTTOlf.lIABXE' Baatist Ladies Raiaa 159 at Cbkkca Sapper Great Odd Felkwra Meet- - pound lag at FayetteviUfl Private Radio Middling cotton 'is quoted on; Uw local market ; today: at 17 . cents the SUtioaDeath of Eagene Tolar. BRIEF ITEJIS AND LOCAL NEWS BasketbaltPersoaal r;d . - Othr 1 t ',if ' tv-'M ' ItMtV-' 'r'U - X ' t v'S - v Born, -.Monday,- to-; Mr, and Mr. ; mjj v - wiuuwaaea.1 ?-. tR. il. Fetnar. an 8 l-2tonnd aoni rough rainw nlgDrt last Thursday tight, the : ladies ' of the -.Baptist church took in. more than at ttwhr chicken supper. It was said by many thtft they gave the best feed for 50c yet served 5 at Lancaster St Jones' store 2nd floor:-4: ' Mr. A. '.McM. Blount attended1 the Grand Lodge L O. O. ' F, which' met in Fayetteville f yesterday, seventh district.--The" following lodges were represented: Cross Creek" No. 4, Hope Mills No. 123, Dunn No. 115 Jones- boro No. 127. Raeford No. 33, - San- ford No. 160, Alpha No. 182 Lom berton No. 245, : Cameron No. 828, Woodell No. 395, Roseboro No; 403. ; A great time was reported. Banquet at 6:30, which war said to b the best Messrs J. A. Johnson and C. F. Cao dell of St. Pauls were callers in town tonight Co. L. N. C. I., is out for "drill to night, enjoying the fresh breeze and the beautiful moonlight. Our young friend C. G. Council can entertain his friends these nights with bis wireless. Pittsburgh, Phila dephia, New Jersey and New . York can be. heard plainly, which is a treat. so. .recovered. This -was a bold rob-? berysure, to seize a fellow's car fa broad daylight This no doubt was the same person who tried to take a lar here the night before from Mr., Lee Terry, one of St. Pauls young men. He noticed some one hanging around when he drove his car into the garage at home in the late p. m. ana for instance. . . i . . , . , - - I Utf JUilUKC IVt ilia LA liCC. tibn son s time in the very near fu-J 0n yeterday motning tare. Just who is undertaking the project has not been learned, but it is thought ice "made, in Fairmont" will be sold here this Season. , Bank Will Re-open Soon. The auditors and officials the Bank of Fairmont' have about corn Dieted checkiner since ' th btirclarv later on the family heard someone and it is understood the doors, will Waded in Water to; His . Neck and Got Away Both Negroes Also Charg ed With Robbing Freight Cars. Here. v Henry Smith, negro, wanted in connection with , the .robbery of the stores of L. E. Squires & Co. of Lum berton and Mr, E. V. . McDaniel of Fairmont was arrested here Tuesday afternoon' by Chief of Police D. M. Barker and Policeman Vance McGill. He was located in the home sof Jim McArn, colored; in the eastern part of town. He had a 38-calibre pistol in his pocket and made an effort to get hold of it when the officers approach ed him. - ; ;; Robert Williams, another . negro wanted in connection" with the same robberies, was given a chase by lo cal officers Tuesday afternoon and escaped'by wading in water up. to. his neck. A reward of $500 has-been of fered for the arrest of Williams, who is . wanted, in .Wilmington . ton the charge of murder, it is said He car ried a large pistol in his hand while the officers were after him',' accord ing to some' people whom he passed. Both Smith and Williams are want ed also in connection with the -rob bery, of four freight, cars .here ; Mon day night The cars broken into were standing on . a Seaboard , . sidetrack, near, the freight depot.. A quantity of flour and . other things was- taken - D. McNeill 85, Allie Hardin $3. The monthly allowance of Betsey Dowlas was reduced from $10 to $5, while the allowance -of Robert Chavis was in creased from 3 to $6. Nellie Lyde arnf children, Mary Sellers, H. ' A. Penfield, Mrs. I. J. Belch and children and Eddie Capps were ordered drop Ded from the list Insolvent court cost bills for the February criminal term were ordered naid. Report of bills ordered paid is held over for next issue. trying to crank a car. When -thef rushed out, he jumped out and fled; leaving tne car bemnd. f i. The new postmaster, Mr; Lee Park er, has been installed He has for his assistant helper a young brother; Miss Beth Terry, who was Mr. Can- deli's. St (Pauls former postmaster'! efficient assistant, , has a "position wtttr The Grantham Drug Co. News was received here " Monday eve, of the death of Mr. Colon Shaw McArthur Sr. who lived somewhere over in the county of Richmond. Mr. McArthur,- who was quite -old. had been in declining health for some time. He was a brother . of the late Mr. John McArthur,; Sr. of St. Pauls, and an uncle of Messrs. John McAr thur, Jr., 'and Shaw McArthur, of our town, alsp4an' uncle of ' Mesdames, J. C. Lentzand L .L. McGooean of St. Pauls. . . Mrs. McGooean and brother, Mr. C. S. ; Jr., attended the funeralfyestwday.ywiii ' . ';Xh.e, fifth, which includes the last uuiu.ucr u tae -uyceam courses, was held in the school auditorium here on last evening. The many friends of Dr. R. G. Rosier are glad to have him home again, and getting on nicely. Mrs. "McMurry .spent yesterday with her sister, Mrs. Rozier. It was she and her husband . Rev. -Mr. Mc Murry, who came over with Rev. Mr. Alexander, and the McMurry's suit case and overcoat, that was with the stolen car, we have since learned. open for business in a very - short timet . ". v Friends and relatives were" sad dened by the news of the death of Mrs. John Fisher in Mullins last Monday and Mrs. John Atkinson in Proctorville Monday night. Messrs. A. P., A. J. and J.. P. Floyd attended the "funeral of "Mrsf Fisher in Mul- J ins yesterday , Mr. F. F. Thompson has returned here from Evergreen, where he Was principal of a school this year. At a meeting of the United Daugh ters of the Confederacy chapter here in the American Legion hall Tuesday many applications were received for membership, and much important work was done toward perfecting the organization Announcement of the next , meeting will be made later"." " Radiophone Equipment Ordered A radiophone and full equipment is expected to ' arrive here at any time. Several of the citizens have pooled contributions for th instrument and ritas been ordered out. Just where this will be located has not been de finitely decided, but if the hall over the Bank of Fairmont is available, that will be the most "likely place. To Erect Brick Building. i The trial of A. R. McEachern vs. Work has begun on tearing down W. R. Clayton was begun in Superior the old building on the corner of court here yesterday and probably we were advised by 'phone of the sad news of the death of one of our nephews, Eugene Tolar, aged 18 years. He had been in ill health for 5 or 6 years, suffering mostly from rheumatism. He had spent much of his time in the hospitals of Fayetteville, but nothing seemed to give him relief. He waa buried at Mt- Pisgay Baptist church at 4 o'clock, yesterday. Ser vices were conducted by Rev. Mr. Dea con and Rev. E.. C. Maness of Fay etteville, also Rev. R. F. Munns of Parkton. A large number of neigh bors and relatives assembled to pay their last tributeitQ ojne.they had aovea ana aamirea. &ugen was ex ceptionally bright in his books while he was able to attend school, and the writer heard his teacher remark that he stood at the head of his class and never missed a word, and always had perfect lessons. The grave was bank ed with beautiful flowers. Deceased is survived by his parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. G. Tolar, five brothers and one sister ,all of Fayetteville R. 7. Union prayer meeting this - month at the Presbyterian church. Make up youi mind to "attend for a rariety. It will do you good. -Superior Court Suit to Recover Money Paid for a Stolen Car Other Casta Court is Expected to Adjourn This After, noon or Tomorrow. ' Recorder's ' Court. - , v " Frank - Walters who . lives - in the eastern part of town,. was before Re corder VD; H..- Fuller Monday after noon on the charge of assaulting his wife with a knife and also on the charge -of cursing and raising a dis turbance .on the public highway. He was found not guilty of assault won his wife, while he was found guilty of the second charge and. was taxed with the cost. Pete Edwards, colored, was fined $25 on the charge of carrying con cealed weapons. . - ; - r Of ficers Watched 'Em Operate Still And There Followed a Tall Race in Sprinters But 3 Men Are . in Jatt18."4 ani Hoke counties T. A. McNeill in Race for Solicitor. Mr. T., A. McNeill of Lumberton has "come out" for solicitor of this, the ninth, judicial district, to succeed Mr S. B. McLean, present incumbent. Mr. McNeill had been considering en tering the race for some time and Tuesday he stated to a Robesonian re main ana lona streets. As soon as this is completed Mr. Jas. Pittman will erect a large two-story brick building on the lot. Practice has begun among the nUHt t 1 M - 1 1 . 1 U . I "iuui (oua i or a reai uaseDau learn this season. Fairmont was represent ed in Lumberton last Saturday and effort to recover the (money paid for 1 1 t -. . i 11. ..I. . . . win oe in tne scneauie wnicn is being ( it. will be completed today. This suit grew out of Mr. McEachern, of St. Pauls, purchaseing' from Clayton of Fayetteville a Cadillac automobile which later proved to have been a stolen car. Mr. McEachern lost the car am tne suit was brougnt in an prepared by Mr. Ed Glover of Lutn berton. porter that he was already in it. The land a team from Camp Bragg. The The following jury trials have been comnleted durincr this, second week A game of basketball was played t of a two-weeks' term of civH courts on the school court last Saturday, W. I. Linkhaw vs. S. D. Strain; atiernoon Detween tne scnooi team , judgment for defendant only other avowed candidate for the office is Mr. E.' S. Smith, an attorney orKaeford, Hoke ,; county. This dis trict is tomposed of Robeson, Bladen, Mr. A, meeting "of the Royal " Arch Masons; with -the grand .secretary present,- will be held next Monday afternoon at 5 o'clock for initiation of. members, after which there - will be a banquet at the Lorraine hotel. . All members are urged to bt ?pt santi aim vtow is iot. A laree still was captured by De- puties A. H. Prevatt and F. A, Wish art and Rural Policeman A. R. Pitt man in a bay, hear "Atkinson's mill, Monday night at 12 o'clock. The still was in operation when the officer' located it, and while the operators ran faster thin , the ; officers " and es cabed. they were recognized by the officers. Marshall Davis, who lives at the National cotton mm village, one of; the men recognized, -was arrested last - night and is in jail here. Alex ; Calder and Dave Jones, both of whom live, near; Fairmont, the .other-: two-: men - seen at the . still, came in today, and surrendered to. Sheriff Lewis and were placed: in jail. : ; - .. - The still was made of a 50-gallon gasoline tank and other appliances. Around 100 galloha of beer , and ,' a small amount of the finished product were found at the still. The officers watched the men operate , the I still for some time before they made their presence ; known. The race that fol lowed was a, hot one, according , to the officers, who failed; to overtake the offenders. - - , uU'4--- McNeill is a son of the . late Judfi T.-A. McNeill and is .well and favor ably known throughout the district. He has .taken active interest in the Democratic party since early man hood and has been chairman of the Democratic committee for the last 8 years. - V - fMfc J; E. Carpenter of Maxton has been prominently mentioned as a probable candidate, but he has made no; definite announcement as to his intentions. J ' ; -v. - final score was 6-4 in favor of the locals. The soldiers spent' the night here and part of Sunday. . A large number of . Fairmont town-j ship people are attending court in lumberton today m Interest of the J presiding. uariB uut, Among mose summonea as witnesses are Messrs. N. W. Jenkins, J. F. Davis and J. P. Brown. Other,, Lumberton visitors today are Messrs. -F. a Smith, W. R. Taylor and4D.'G. Rouse. .Roads Damared bv Rains. '- Much damage has been done to the C. A. Cox vs. Carl Hunt; judgment for defendant. ' ' iMationai xsoveity import Lo. vs. D. S. Klarpp et al; judgment , for plaintiffs. Judge Geo. W. Connor of Wilson is Court probably will ad- 1 . ! . journ ior tne term tnis aitemoon or tomorrow. ' t Sastam- Star arr urged to be present at tne regular meeting at 70 Vctoek , this evemnr. Election of officerl. ' 1 Miss .Thetis - McKeithAil has Ore- rurnea t torn rsrt Clinton; vf where she was superintendent of nursos at the Pool hospital for several, months. " Mr.VJoe Freeman, underwent an operation . for- appendicitis " at th Baker, sanatorium Monday afternoon. His condition A reported as favor-abie.-'-'-", ".' ". '"",. t'- -.' , a Pyof. J. R. , Poole, county superin tendent of . schools, was able to he at his office yesterday after being eon fined to his room for , 10 days with influenza. ' ; -Dr. G.E. Moorehouse, pastor of the Presbyterian church, and Messrs. A, T. McLean and W. K. Bethune at tended at St Pauls Tuesday a lay men's conference.1 "V - ": A V Daisy Rsye, negress, was placed ; in jail here yesterday to begin a 90 days' sentence Imposed by Recorder J. A. McKay of Rowland for carving: another negress with a razor. , - Mr. A. Weinstein returned Tues day from New York, where he spent several days buying ; goods for ( his pe--atorei.V-w. accom- pimrbjrui son, Vr.--Mdfim 2 stein. : - . w. . : t r The number of prisoners In the county jail increased from 4 Satur day at noon to 18 Monday at noon. In other words, Jailer A. H. Prevatt had four for dinner. Saturday and Monday he had 18. ", : As was "stated in Monday's Robe sonian, a meeting of the Lumberton American Legion "tost will be held Lin. the legion hall this evening " at 7:30. An : interesting program has been arranged and refreshments will be served All ex-service men are urged to be present A recruiting party from the 17th fields- artillery, Camp " BraggT will spend .Friday and, Saturday in Lura-, berton. The, party will" likely give -some artillery demonstrations while here. Sgt. C. F. Smith of the re cruiting service ' will be in Lumber ton through the month of March for the purpose of enlisting recruits for the army. 1 ,,,.-Mr.- D. R. Shaw Is today insult ing a raaio telephone in urantnam Brothers drug store, of which he is manager. This lt the, first radio re ceiving : station ; to be. installed here. though several others have placed w m ' a ' . w i a oraers ior tne outxiis. ine . puoue will, be invited to bear th concerts at the drug store each evening when the apparatus has been installed. Mr. J. C. Carlyle of R. 2, Lum berton, is ' going to - try out a new plan in 7 growing sweet 'potatoes Last fall Mr. CarlyJf banked up a supply of live potato vines and will transplant them as soon as the danger of frost has passed He says the vines have kept fine during the winter. Mr. Carlyle and his daughter, Mrs. Pearl Herring, and Miss Mary Gregory were among the visitors ia town yesterday. Rain fell in torrents here Tues day morning, the total fall being 1.13 inches, according to Mr. B. M. Davis, local government weather man. The total rainfall here since March 1 ia 3.65 inches. The fall during January this year was 2.54 inches, while the February fall totaled 6.20 inches. making' a total since January 1 of 12.39 inches. The total rainfall here for the entire year of 1921 was a fraction over 40 inches. Simmons Says New Bonus Plan is ( Gold Brick. : Washington, March 6. Senator Simmons said today the Republicans roads : in this section by ; the recent Vare' nw trying to sell the- ex-service heavy.. rains.: Between here and Proc-,Inen, goia brick. The . new bonus toryille the water was running across I scheme would not work , at all. ON LY ONE MORE WEE TO MAKE INCOME:TAX RETURNS Dr. R..G. Rozier, who wis treat ed at the Thompson; hospital.if or in-, juries received -aomeweaks age When a . trafa struck . bis auto' at St ..Pauls, was.etla ft return to hiahqme at Sft Negro 'Jailed on' Charge of' Stealing H Auto, i -. 1 Andrew. Julius Bethea, colored, was X., i t. a. w a -w orougnt ta jau xoaay ry Kurai r once-man- D. C Ratley, having been bound over to Superior 'court . by Recorder A-E." Floyd of Fairmont , on the ; charge of stealing an auto. The car was stolen from Mr. Melyin Shooter, who. lives ori R. 1 from Fairmont, January ll,k last having been taken from, the Shooter home. The car was abandoned in Dillon, S. C, and later recovered by the owner. Bethea was arrested .near Fairmont yesterday by Rural Policeman Ratley. the road in at' least 10 different places. Drags, are being used today, though, ..and the . condition will be greatly improved as the rain has ceased. . . - , , : .:, : . ; ,j Friends will; be glad to learn that the condition of . Mrs- J. C. Hubbard is somewhat improved. She has been in Columbia, S. C, for some time taking treatment ; - Mr. Frank Jones has been confined to his room for the past few days with; a severe attack of grippe or "fluV His condition is reported as being very much improved. . i Suls Sunday. ' Mr.' and Mrs. A. EI Taplin and small daughter, Sophia, of High Point, ar rived. Tuesday and are guests at ' the home, of Mrs. rrTaphn'a brother-in-law and sister, Mr. and Mrs H. L.iPo?s, 'Neth Elm street. ' Rev. Dr. and Mrs. C. H. Durham and daughter, little Miss Kathleen, returned, this morning from- Raleigh, where they went Monday evening to visit-Dr. Durham's daughters, Misses Wilms -'nd .Margaret, who are"- stu dents' at- Meredith college. - They also ttndI the Truett meetings while in ...Raleigh.' . - . ..v--.?s No' bank, said' he. "would want to ' Jetr out money on the' proposed cefjjtficate8. It would have to go three years without the interest - on - the money; The proposition ' under con sideration' in the' House is a bad one from every - standpoint. Republican leaders cannot expect Such a measure to succeed.' H. E. C. Bryant in Charlotte Observer. Mr. E. B. Stone of R. 4, Lumber ton, was among the visitors in town yesterday. - Mr. and Mrs. Alexander Brisson of St. Pauls 'R.. 1, were L.umberton visitors yesterday. . i AFTER READING THE TRASHY CIRCULARS AND ' ADVERTISE MENTS of traveling fakirs and fail ares of other -towns, hive your eyes examined by year " local experts. Cheap eye service is a dear purchase. Adv. . . ; Extensions Will be Granted Where Good Cause is hown Make Re turns Now and Save Penalty or In terest. ' Raleigh, March 8. Commissioner of Revenue .Watts said today that only one week more remains to in come taxpayers' to make their re turns and pay their taxes without penalty or Interest., The time expires on Wednesday, March 15th, at mid night, after which time a penalty of five per- cent; "which in no case will be less than one dollar, will" accrue and be collected on returns ' volun tarily, made on or before May 15th. The Commissioner will - grant ex tensions of time from March 15th to persons, ' partnerships ! and corpora tions! whenever they apply Tor such extensions and' show good cause for them; Where extensions are granted interest at -the rate of six per cent per annum from March 15th will be due and will be collected in every Case. --.- ' ::- . - Make your returns now and save penalty or interest : THE NATIONAL BANK OF LUM BERTON has money te lend to Farm era on Bonded Warehouse - Receipts for cotton .or other acceptable" se curities. Farmers seeking a perman ent - banking- connection ;rer; advised to consult the officers of this strong Nationat Sank. ' ' I-

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