be . 1 ,,..-' i. . .i . . . - i s-' anar w, mi a - h ra a m f m m. m - . . w . . 2.00 A YEAH. DUE IN ADVANC3 BSTABIISnED,1870.: SINGLE COPT FIYK CENTS, f j . T7mA nnH Knnns A U&Vrt For Blockaders Joint 6wMtt'Stin Fined $100 Each and Required to Give Bond for Good Ikhaour$50Finr Carejinf Remanded to : Jofenil Jourt-fyineT Negro Set Fire V; ToWbm2Ui,8 Clothes Poured Gasoline .Over Her Clothe Before, Applying MahrrT f : Herself by Jamping Into Fond. v WrientsTille, Ga- Marchll.i-Track dog fromltwo cototiCTaretori the r.. Rofnrr Rftrorder. ' " Ifrilof a . stranee neeroi; wno tnis ?AleJt Calder and Marshall ; Davis m0rningr slashed the clothing of were fined $100 each and cost by Reyouny widow nearf Kite jand then corder J)avid H. Fuller Tuesday on p0ured gasoline over her . body and ha nhnro-a of manuf acturine whiskey Each of the defendants was required to give bond , in- the ' sum of . $.500 to show good behavior ior it monm, set 'fire to her. The, negro demanded money and the widow cut ms iace with a butcher knife."";'; " ' v The negro, a stranger in the com- Storms Take Heavy Toll in 4 States r f -at iC D 1 ranuonLcucr ijuiauis t At Least 23 Persons Killed and Many ,Injared;in Storms in Louisiaaa.l .'Mississippi, Arkansas and ' OkUt New Orleans.' March' 14. At' least t : 28 persons were killed and : many f ? . - ! 1 4 M Some Cases of FloBntlef-Fleteher Marriage at McCcll Jst Night Other Weddiair Bella Play Given by High- ; School Papils Aged j spection With Flying Colors A ; Good-Old-Ttne ' : Time Howard- f Perry ; Marriage ? Today Some I Cases of - Flu Biddies by Parcel I Post Church Barbecue Saturday f Newly-Set Peadh. Tree 8tolei- I'er waat ami Otfcer Items. Br CD. WilHaBM . others were- seriously : infored afc f t Parkton, March 14. Last night was I y. fauis, Maren 16. Alas for an result of a series of storms, at places a important occasion with the milt-fotner rainy morn! Perhaps it will not reaching . proportions of . tornadoes,' tar y company, annual inspection of i last all day, thoY ' ' which .visited - isolated sections of , Go. I., 120th Inf. The above company; Mr. and Mrs; Archie Inman return. COTTON MARKET Middling cotton is quoted on the lo cal market today at 16 1-2 cents the pound. i BRIEF. ITEMS AND LOCAL NEWS Kal2 er; ;r.trTp Beckfish Personal Correspondence of ; The Robeson ian. SU Pauls, March 15. Alas for an' David JoneB, who was convicted of the : munity, : f led on the arrival of a ne- i i :'j ; Al Ma4 t i 3 1 a.1 -.-ammm'a kn. aamo rharb-P. WAS taxed With the COSt and . judgment continued upon condi tion that he appear before the court the first Monday in eachi month for a year and show good behavior. :- ; As has been stated in The Robe sonian, officers patched; Davis and Jones operate a still in a bay near Atkinson's mill late at night recently. The still was captured, but the de fendants outran and escaped the of ficers, pavis-'was later, arrested and Calder and Jones came in ajd sur rendered to Sheriff Lewis. , According to the evidence given at the trial by Calder, who lives near the scene of the still, the outfit was owned jointly by himself, and Davis, he .owning the still proper and Davis ;he worm and cap. Calder prepared the beer .according to Davis' instruc tions and Davis was stilling on a 60 50 basis. The still was captured the first night it had been operated at that place .according to Calder, who admitted ' that . he carried the beer to a point near the still. Jones is a son-in-law . of Calder and several witnesses testified that he was not ; gro farm hand andLthe woman's bro ther. The woman naa previously in flicted a wound on his throat with a knife she had been using to cut broom grass. She leaped into a shal low pond to extinguish her blazing clothes, saving herself from s.erious burns. . , T" j The woman, a young widow, had gone with her child to the edge of a nearby swamp,, she said, and the ne gro appeared suddenly out of the swamp, pointed a rusty pistol at her end first demanded money. He soon closed in on her and seized her nose, an aha could riot scream, but she Louisiana. Mississippi. Arkansas and Oklahoma last night and early today. The heaviest loss of life reported was at Gowan ,Okla., a village 15 miles least of McAllister, where 12 persons " !M1 J . ' a i were Kuiea wnen . a rornaao swept through the foreign section of " the, village last night. Many others were slightly injured. . Six negroes were killed when the storm passed through the northeast ern section of Jefferson county and the, southeastern section of Lonoke county, Arkansas, early today. The" storm in this section left a trail of wrecked buildings for 20 miles. Sev eral were slightly injured here. ; At Sulphur, Okla.,.two white men were, killed late yesterday. Nine teen others were seriously injured and spores suffered slight injuries. Pro- stationed here, ' was inspected by,ed Wednesday night from their bridal Coloml Dav for the Federal govern-! tour. Part of the time war spent in raent and by Adjutant General J. j Spartanburg with Mrs. J. R. Dean, Venn B. Meets and Maj. Guthrie for sister of the bride. Mr. and Mrs. In tht State. The comflanv passed an ex-4 man will have rooms in the home of cellent insyction and was very high-'Mr. and Mrs. Albert Inman, brother ly commended by the inspecting offi-ind ister-in-law of Mr. Inman, where cei s for .the excellent condition of they will do "light housekeeping, the equipment and armory, and the! Mrs. Ann Odom, widow of the late fine aiineirance of the men. About Mr. Archie Odom, since Mr. Odom's ' I J H T . I 1 So pel cent were. present., ine com- i-"t ",,u mmans marriage, Wood from his throat. In the struggle the assailant pull ed a small botle of gasoline from his pockets and drenched the woman's clothes, she said. He then struck a match, but the clothes failed to ignite until after the third match had beep struck, she declared. The appearance of the negro farm hand and the wo man's brother about that time caused the woman's assailant to flee and with her clothes ablaze,! shp jumped he agreed for Jones to assist Davis with the "cooking" of the liquor, his half of which he intended to use for home consumption only. Quite a crowd heard the trial. The other de fendants did not go on the stand. Henry Smith, colored, was fined $50 and cost Monday on the charge, of carrying concealed weapons, Henry has not succeeded in raising, the fine and is in jail. John Powell, colored, was fined $5 on the charge of being drunk. Johnnie Chsvis, Indian, was re manded to the juvenile court, proving to he under 16 years of age. Chavis $100,000. Fifty buildin were com pletely demolished and 200 people left homeless. - 4 Eight homes were demolished at Sunrise, a village two miles north of Baton Rouge, La., and a negro woman and her child were killed. Four others were slightly injured there" early today. Twenty-five persons were iniured. a number seriously, when the storm struck Corinth, Miss.' More than 150 of sound mind. Ualder Jtestiiiea tnat into a soiugn oi water, ine n?8,h . , - - pany is commanded by Capt. B. A. McDonald, 1st Lieut Guy A. Piatt and 2nd Lt. G. S. Beard. The entire community is proud of the showing that the company made on this im portant event; On last Saturday the company re ceived their payroll and of course this was important too. We.. trust 'to see the boys in full uniform Saturday evening, for their regular drills and dress' parades. Out in theopen lest wfc forget. - 'Mr. J. C. Webb has put a new roof Ort his large repair shops. Wonder why, as it did not leak. ' ,Mr. L. P. Johnson is installing band-fi red-new furniture in their new bungalo this week and they ex pect to move in the coming week. Mrs. Johnson has arrived from Clio, S. C, and will remain this time and settle down to light housekeeping. 1Wp anA Mra A llf SfuKVia f ra otZ? P&tl ' wSTAiIg: Jeneigan and MSl left carried home, word was telephoned jnj? eyery humng -n ite Re today for Johnstation to meet several here and tO IVlie. I nnrto fmm nnl..i. J:i;-i i n - nthax rblQfiiroa anA ttTllnir in nU.!ivii The countryside is aroused and the '"I" T "Iair tls. re" t:.v,;n: "v .r response was almost instantaneous as Licenso has been Issued for the men and boys took up the trail Bloodhounds traced the negro into the swamp, where it is believed he was hemmed in. The woman was the daughter of one of the largest farm ers in the county and is highly re spected. Save for a collapse f ron her experience, she seemed unharmed. BLOCK OFOFFICE BUILDINGS BURNED IN CHICAGO is charged -with forging- White & . Gough's name to a 25 check. As One Person Killed, 20,000 Rendered consiaeraDie property damair. A school building in which werel,000 children barely escaped the path of the storm. An aged negro was killed and sev eral were slightly injured and a score of houses were destroyed at Arkan sas City, Ark., early today. Only meager details are avaliable from - the sections visited by the storm on account of the damage to wire communication, and it is feared the death toll will be greatly increas ed when complete returns aro avail- able. Little efforts have been made stated in a recent issue of; The Robe-I Idle and Property Loss Over Mil-f,sg pVa soman. Chavis was arrested when he I lion. ,,.,;, : ,lv"slJ oamage, quilting at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ang. McLaurin,a daughter and son-in-law; of Mr. and Mrs. Stubbs. There is where Rhode Island Reds will shine, and other fancy feeds. The good old times are coming back. Wish some thing would happen up our way, "You say he's. going to commit suicide? "No, No, I say he's going to capture a bride. wilLnot try to continue house keep ing and is aranging this - week to move to her brother's Mr. Willie Mc Lean's, a few miles out of town. Mrs. Odom will be missed by her old friends in St. Pauls, but we are glad she is moving into this good home. where she will be well taken care of, as she could not stay on at the' old home, alone. Mrs. Effie Alford spent Thursday, the Cth, at the home of Mrs. L. .-A. McGeachy. Miss Margaret MeGearhv came home Wednesday night, the 8th, school being suspended for a few days on account of the heavy rains and bad roads. Miss McGeachy says a good many of the ' hieh school students come over in trucks and the severe rains made it almost impossi ble for them to get to school. She teaches near Mebane, which is a clay country. Since Miss McGeachy's ar rival here she has been informed of a few cases of influenza breaking out in that vicinity, "so we do not know just when she will return. There are some cases of that dreaded dis ease reported in St. Pauls. We trust it will not prove to be very severe. Friends and relatives of Mr. and Mrs. Archie McEachern. is Fayetteville, will learn with regret that both are victims of influenze. miss Margaret McGeachy stopped over m Fayetteville with her sister on Monday, the 6th, and stayed over till The following good news reaches Wednesday on her way out here, their us: the wedding bells will ring Mr. iU,uss occurring within the past I... Y. Perry to Miss Mabel Howard 'wee- Their numerous friends wish of St. Pauls; Thursday, March 16th Mr. Perry is a young business man of our town and holds a position with the I .... .- p. T- r i. presented the check at the National; Chicago, March 11. -Investigation 0 buildin .V hA0m" Ve eend conwati Bank of Lumberton. of the cause of the fire which de- !?o cron a,ulX congratulations m ad- fl;M,Wm Kll we- report several cases of flu Tii rn c mi a jmnAfifid 0h in Hnfh cauy au the sections visited oi one man anu reiiueieu umcia Travis Bass, Jr., Says He Would Ra-',idle, was begun tonight by State city ther Die Than Go to Roads Bent on "ending it all", Travis' Bass, Jr., who is in the county jail charged with . the laceny of an auto mobile, tore his shirt up Monday night and made a "rope" of it for a second attempt at suicide. Jailer A. H. Prevatt found the "rope" before Bass had a chance to use it. As was stated in Monday's Robesonian, Bass used his necktie; and belt in ah ef fort to hang himself Saturday night, the belt breaking when he jumped off his bunk. Bass stated to Jailer Prevatt that he would rather die than go to the roads. COUNTY DEMOCRATIC COMMIT TEE WILL MEET MARCH 21 Mr. T. A. McNeill, chairman of the' Robeson county. Democratic exe cutive committee, has called the com mittee to meet m Lumberton on Tues day, March 21i for the purpose of ar ranging for precinct meetings and a county primary. The Committee is composed of one member from each township in the county." and insurance officials, The manner in which the flames flared out in "several places at the same moment, the : almost incredible rapidity with which they spread until nothing but smouldering ruins was left of the block bounded by South Canal, West Van Buren and South Clinton streets an dWest Jackson boulevard, eaused Shirley T. High, fire attorney, to announce that "every thing pointed to incendiarism." Officials of the Board of Under writers declared that the fire which was the most disastrous since the great fire of 1871, revealed many problems which would have to be met by firemen before they could hope to cope . successfully with fires in great modern sykscrapers. The effect of the by the heavy rains, are swollen,, and some apprehension is felt on this" score. .The storm was accompanied by the, i usual freaks, the most outstand ihg' pf wbich was reported from Ken net, Ark., where a 12 days old infant was blown from a bed on which it was lying, across the yard where its clothing held it suspended to a picket fence until the storm abated. The baby's parents were seriously injured. NEWS ITEMS FROM REX Seiiior Christian Endeavor Will Oh. serve Dixie Day With Special Pro-healt.h gram many Attended Meeting of woman's Club Personal. -Correspondence o The Robesonian. Rex, March' 14. Mr. Fred Tolar and family of Rennert visited Mr, for them a speedy recovery. airs. Annie Harris is spending a few days with her brother-in-law and sister, Mr. and Mrs. Parnell, on Main street. Mrs. Harris will go from here to Buie to see her father, Mr. R. A. Melvin. Mrs. Annie L. Nash nt ! o I'll 0 XJ U. VU111C 11X10. A.I-, v-, O. W. Thompson, also Sarah Currie, are1' spending a while at the home quite sick at this present writing. Mr. and - Mrs. E H. Tolar and Mrs. R S. Tolar of Wilmington spent the week-end with, Mr. Tolar's mother, j Mrs. O. Stanley, who has been sick for some time, and whose condition remains about the same. Her daugh ter, Miss Mary Louise, trained nurse ,.f w; in .1:11 .;tu h- V. lllXIUigbUU, 19 Dllll Wlkll "Cf. Q. 1 c J Miss Annie L. McArthur is nursing'," V y mgM at the home of Dr. and Mrs. D. S..vm!' and Mrs-Joe Sugr and Currie. Mr. M. G. Hair of Cedar Creek is visiting relatives in town today and tonight. He is taking special treat ment over in Fayetteville for better of her son and daughter-in-law, Dr, ana Mrs. J. F. Nash on Main street. Mrs. Richard L. Rivers went last lnursday p. m. to see her sister Mrs Covington ,who resides over in Marl boro county. Mrs. Covington's health has been very poor and she was con templating a trip to some hospital in xew uays. jvirs. itivers returned to Huge Bucket Shop for Fleecing Speculators.' New York March 14. Charges that the American Cotton. Exchange is a huge bucket shop ' where actual trad- helpless against a blaze that gets a full headway in the upper floors of a tall building. OUT SMYRNA WAY B. Y. P. U. Reorganized lNeeed-Ntf . Road Planned They Came to Dance and Remained to Pray. By David E. Lovett Lumberton, R. 4, March 14. Rev. This morning Mrs. W. W. Gainey children spent Sunday with Mrs Sugar's people over in Bennettsville! Mr. and Mrs. A. A. McEachin of near Maxton spent Tuesday niirht with Mrs. McEachin's home people Mr. and Mrs. J. F. Lockey, on Main street. - . . ww m ur 1 a n r a n a - m. . . 1 received box of 40 . thoroughbred' ' V " l" c"t reVl ""'e eiror biddies less than a week old, by par-l tost we.ek letter in regard ing is raire' and where the Southern R- L.' Byrd filled his regular . ap speculator ii at the mercy of the New York "broker were made today by former members of the exchange .at a "John Doe" ' investigation jcon ducted by the District Attorney's of fice before Chief City Magistrate Mc-1 Adoo. t ;- yx Witnesses testified to numerous in stances t of "dross trtdng fictitious orders r.dummy' accounts J "scalping! secret manipulation 'of V, uprecorded transactions" sensational advertising designed to WOO the accounts 'of small -speculators in the South and, undis guised bucketing" of orderi' ')z .V 90 Days') on -Roads for Blockading. Luther Loeklear, Indian,; was. sen tenced .yesterday by-Recorder R. M. Williams of Maxton to 90 days, on the roads for - .manufacturing whiskey. Loeklear Was brought to Lumberton this morning by Rural Policeman W. W. Smith.. He was convicted of opera-j ting a sun Which Policeman "Smith .captured last week. . . - Mr. Dave O. Floyd o R. 2, Fair mont and Mr. C. C. Fennell of Proc torville are among the visitors in town today. .. . .. ; -, . Mr. David Smith of R. 7, Lumber. town today. - : v or.' J!vi.45mivMi4; r-- fire on the Burlington building wa"struwi'"uy ? "nnert visited Mr. J. declared to show thafno sky-scraper J' "eard J"erday' , is free from fire danger and that the f Mr a?.d MJ8- J- V. Shaw, Mr. I. modern fire department is practically a"a m.8s Margaret-Williams 8pent 'w' -fca bvii IOCS tUi Ua , Mn J. F. Lewis of Parkton was in town yesterday. ... , Mrs. J. S." Johnson has just return ed from a visit to Lake City and Florence, S. C. ' Miss Gertrude Percival returned to fayetteville. today after a hOT visit in Rex. "Mr. J. W. Campbell and family at tended the funeral of Mrs. . Camp bell's father in Hamlet last week. ,. Although the weather was very in clement, quite a number attended the woman's club at- Miss Ellie Casa well's la8t.week.' . v The Senior Christian's Endeavor wl observe "Dixie Day with spe cial (program next .Thursday night. This society has.receptly had two w cial .functions, pne, at- the home of Mr. James. Ausley . and one at Mr. and Mrs. J: S." Johnson'e. . ., - . T-Year-Old Girl Run Down by Truck i ,lVIary, T-year-old . daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J. D. L'yttle of the Clarkton section, was ," run down - by truck while oii the way home from school Monday afternoon. JBoth - legs were hurt and the " child ' suffered serious internal injury.; She was brought to me caicer sanatorium soon after the accident and her condition is reported as favorable, considering the nature oi the injury. ; . , ..f . ' - Mayor arid Mrs. A.; E,? White re turned Monday from a trio to Wins ton-Salem. They made the trip in their auto. , . ..... y, ' Mrs. E. P. Townsend and son, Mr. rlarvey Xownsend, of R. 6, Lumber- ton, were among the visitors in town yesterday. eel post. This is the second package of young - poultry ever received at j uur new postmaster, Mr. Lee Parkers assistant helper. We should u... . . .. 1.. . ,,c Biiuuta this P. O., but more are expected soonl"r 8,a 11 w" 8 ?on of Mr. Parker In the box of 40 all were very muchW"0n w?8 f.MlstJ him instead of a alive and crying for food. ? brther- We were under the im- Mr. L. E. Hughes does not have to Iff,! 8n i16 was a on of Mr- Parker oi der, but you can see beautiful twin , . f one, whom we supposed pointment here Saturday and Sunday. A B. Y. P. U. was organized here sopfie j time ago, but for lack of at tention it ent dead. Mr. W. H,.Lamb came lover from Long Branch Sunday afternoon and we had a reorganiza- tioivMr. Lamb will be with us.iti ouk. meetings for some time to give in- struclvionsf; . , ; ,., .,.. n Plans are . being made for a . new road from the church to Lovett road; There-may become who wil'want to kick, but I don't see where, anybody has any right to kick against a thing like this. This road is very" touch need ed. The school children have to go long distances to - get around ' the ponds and branches in wet weather. I. never heard of a thing like this before: There was to be a party not 100. miles away and not 100 years ago. The crowd had gathered and there was no one to play dance music for them. At last a nice young gen tleman begun to play some; good old church songs and some of . the crowd thought they'd bluff him by laying the "Bible on his knees. But what did he dot Just read a chapter and the party ended. i ; : " V v Messrs. J. and "C Raybon arid Barnie. Lamb atteflded preaching here jersey calves at his stall, arriving Sat urday. Let's hear from any competi tor. ' We read a large beautiful banner bearing the following inscription: Barbecue -and Brunswick stew, chick en and coffee, to be served at the Lan caster Jones establishment, 2nd floor, Saturday, March 18th. Benefit Baptist Aid Society all for a worthy cause, bave up. Come, eat and be merry, for tomorrow, etc. , On last Sunday night Rev. R. F. imormea ua h ma i . brother, therefore the mistake., "One of the hame is as good as the same" they say, so he's a "Parker," anyway 1 xi iu . s Mr. And HTn'm.-. m mJk m If' crr and some membert of their family went out to see their son-in-law .n a ix. SLnJTl fl"" McMular near uuweiyuug, on last Sunday after. mrs. r. K. Dean of . Spartanburg came Sunday niirht iW. a t Munns filled his regular appoint-ir,,:r YJ, - nere dae was to re 4 t T7i v ,r .-liurn today. - lucxii, no xx. a. cnuren, using as tt. ' w. ' - his text "Son, go work today in my n.?r; J"T Fisher of Tar Heel stop: vineyfrf.r-.Tho congregation, was lit?? .- "Of at the large and very attentive, and for 45 minutes were held spellbound by one of the -most able sermons ever de livered in our town, as has been re marked by several "Of 'his hearers. And" we only trust that the results will - prove as was intended ' by the speaker. The choir was large and rendered , the best of music, Mrs. R. B. Hutson at the piano. . Mrs." Jas. Blue, who has been quite sick, is improving and will go to the hospital for a while as soon as her condition will allow. " Mr. and .Mrs. H. C. McMillan made a business trip to Lumberton this af ternoon and report a fine road, , t)f all the stealing! We never heard of going to a newly-set peach orchard and pulling up the trees and carrying them away.' This actually occurred at Midway on Saturday evening from Mr. A. B. William's orchard. We are sorry- to report Miss Brown sick this week, -teacher of the High school. ' - .; . Parkton and Mis - Mabel . Worth Howard of . St. Pauls. . ' ; Mrs. J. R. Lawson of Orrum en-tt-red the Thompson hospital Tues day and will undergo an operation tomorrow. Mrs. Lawsoh was accom panied to Lumberton by her hus band. ; Messrs. P. H. and J. S. Adams of the, Raynham section, were- Lumber ton visitors yesterday. They came to see Mr; J. S. Adams' son, Mr. Tom mie Adams, who is a patient at the Baker sanatorium. Mr. and Mrs. C. Green of Jack sonville,' Fla., arrived last night and probably will begin this evening re hearsals for the minstrel show which will be given under the auspices' of the local American Legion post Fri day evening of next week. Thirty peo ple will take part and it is expected that it will be a great show. , Dr. G. M. Pate of Raynham, one of the directors of the North Carolina Co-operative Cotton. Marketing asso- " ciation, pased through ' town Mon day evening en route to Raleigh, who" Tuesday he attended a meeting of the . board of directors. Mr. W. K. Bethune of Lumberton also spent Tuesday in ' Raleigh in the interest of the asso- . ciation. ... .-,.-" Representative N. B. McArthur of R. 2, Red Springs, was among tho visitors in town yesterday. Mr. Me- " Arthur is being urged by many to make the race for the lower house of the Legislature to succeed himself. He would not commit himself when seen by a Robesonian reporter...1 Mr. McArthur was accompanied to Lum berton by his son, Mr. Mack Mo Arthur. - 'Squire Spurgeon Small found in a nest at his home yesterday a hen egg on which were some strange igns, which being interpretted ap pear to read "Tor a Mayor. That is, the stgns appear to have that signi- . ficance in the light of some political dope which will be found elsewhere in this issue. Wherefore it appears that 'Squire Small has in his flock a loyal hen who is a politician. Mr. W. J. Baxley, who lives TA. miles from town on R. 5, brought to The Robesonian office Tuesday a sure enough boll weevil, or what he thinks, is a weevil. And a sure enough "bold" weevil he was, for he stole a ride to town, Mr. Baxley finding him on a load of wood brought to town by Mr. J. T. Andrews, who lives near Mr. Baxley, and yesterday morning the weevil was gone. Maybe, he ia stealing another ride. At a meeting of the directors of the Lumberton Poultry association Tuesday evening each member waa asked to act as a membership com mittee. Any person wishing to join the association should apply to one of the following directors: Mrs. W. W. Parker, Mrs. W. E. McNeill, Mrs. R. M Ballard, Miss Janie Carlyle, Messrs. W. W. Davis, A. F. Ward, M. M. Bumey, M. F. Caldwell, B. Sam Edwards. Chapter degrees were conferred upon seven members of Lumberton chapter No. 77, Royal Arch Masons, Monday evening by Grand Secretary J. B. Griggs. Those taking the de grees were Dr. A. H. Hayes and Mr. E. V. McDaniel of Fairmont, Dr. Halt of Pembroke, Drs. H. M. Baker and E. R. Hardin, Messrs. M. H. Markham and Anderson Britt of Lumberton. The degree work was followed by a. 5-course banquet at the Lorraine hotel. Around 50 Masons attended the banquet. Mr. E. J. Britt waa toast- master and . the banquet was much enjoyed by all present. home of his" sister-in-law Hf TJ-xx.' Norrop's on last Wednesday eve, ,' , i'" .way Dome from the funeral of his brother's wife,-Mrs. John. Fisher, whose ,iA.aot, jaxW .5 h h2Kvr in MalliM wxx xuuuuay, tne bth. i . Mr. and Mrs. GarAnn itm tix. her people, at Mr. Jim Humphrey's 0;. near Saddie T n Sunday, the nTJ fr.m here wflI attend the Butler-Fletcher marriage in McColl tonight. A bunch who will be attend, ants in the marriage went over for wie renearsai on last evening. We hear wedding bells will also ring in our little town again this week. Shall tell you more about it later. Who can beat St, Pauls for the marrying epi demic. - ' - : , ; The high school play "Ruth In a Rush" was given in the school audi- Aa tstratwtttMrr Mm. DmI falTto wa4 ik Pace 4. EbtM FrnH Farm. toriunt on last Thursday evening. About $48 was realized for the par ents and teachers' association. Mrs. Ollive and little son of Mt. Gilead came last Thursday and have been guests at the home of Mrs. Ollive'a parents, Mr. and Mrs. D. B. Lancaster, on Blue Street. Mrs. Ollive was Miss Forrest Lancaster before her' marriage. ..- Miss Mar jodie Russell of the high, school faculty here' took her 8th grade pupils out to Ardulussa yesterday p. m.- for 'a little (rating. Several of the high school teachers went along also. A picnic feast was enjoyed and a good time in general was reported. Mr. John Guiton of our town was called to the bed-side of his aged iatner last Wednesday. Mr. Guiton was at the point of death, it seems, but lingered on until Monday, when he passed' away. He was nearing 83 years and a resident of Rockfish. Mr. and Mrs..: Guiton and daughter, Miss Chrissie, attended the burial yester day, and possibly others.. THE NATIONAL BANK OF LUM BERTON has money te lend to Farm ers on Bonded Warehouse Receipts for cotton or other acceptable se curities. Farmers seeking a perman ent banking connection are' advised to consult the officers of tTiSsT itrosgr National Bank. ' . ' - u-fitH ton, Js in