LTZZZZZTCZt, IVa rnXJZZDAX lIAECn 23, 1C22 VOLUTE Lin McNeill Yffl Rc- Giairmah c arm as Has Served County Democratic Ex- ecutive Committee Acceptably 8 V Years Precinct Meetings April 8. Csmntv Convention Anril 15 Ladies - - Participated -In - Well Attended . JUeetlng Tuesday Taxes Cams In V f or Discussion Suggestions ' Made ijt. Several SBeakrsv-'i'H? W . r,i?irapn oi me iweouiLk tvuus sented at the meeting-Tf , the. county . . 11. 1.! Vnl1 uemocrauc iecunvc tuuijuuico here -Tuesday at 11 a. ; m." Several ladies attended and participated in . i t i..At;i 6Hilair invil x nt- v n. m war Mmea it xne aate for ' he . various - -precinct meetings, while the county ; convention will ; be hA sin . Lumberton I Saturday- April Back Swamp, Britts, Burnt Swamp, Fairmont, Gaddy, Howellsville, Lum ber Bridge.' North Lumberton, ; South Lumberton, j, Maxton,V Orrum," Pem brokey Raft Swamp, St. Pauls, Ster lings, Thompsons, Wisharts, f awhile those not represented . were i Parkton, ; Rd Springs, Rennert, Rowland, Sad dletree,, bhannon, smitns ana 3. wmte HouseVi; ; Hx Xxx x. x v ' JdcNeill Will Resign.! ""ST. A. McNeill, chairman of the county Executive committee presided at the meeting and Mr." Howard C. McNair of -Maxton .and Mr. F,. Gr'o ver Brit of. Lumberton cted ;as: sec- retaries.-;Mr.4 McNeill expressed : his delight at the attendance x and -especially at'thepresence of the ladies. .He stated that he would tender, his resignation as chairman 'of the ex ecutive committee at the connty con vention on April 15. Mr. McNeill has served 4n jthis capacity- for the last eight years, and in a very capable and efficient mtfnnerv He urged that the ladies x attend ; the f various , precinct melmgs And-"also the county' conven tion Each . precinct will be allowed to appoint as many delegates to . the county "convention as they - wish, and it is expected that ladies will , be named as a part of the delegates from the various precincts - 1 Mnt Remedy Some Things - Short talks were" made , by 'Messrs. . .JfTj Joinson, H. C.' McNair, M. Shep herd, J. :E. - Carpenter, Rev,VR. :W, TrknseLJ .arid -Stated Senator I' R. Vasgr. Wntte each of ' the speakers held "that the- Democratic party is the oiSy party to look to for. relief from increasing taxes,: it was brought out that there is unrest ; asl a Result - of the' high taxes." Mr. Johnson, the first to spAk. "declared that the party must remedy spme;things about which, there is criticism,: this being' n"ecessary;to save ihe'-party front, defeat; Imporfajt "Off-Year Election State Senator Vafser; declared that -the election, this year would be; the most droportant "off-year. . election hem in-many years." He expressed an optimistic view of the chances of in creasing the - number" of democratic members in Congress this, year rand also of winning the national election in 1924. Berth the Republican and In dependent press is criticising the pre sent Administration,.- he 5 'said. AThe masses, he declared, should take more man me oramary interert in tne elec tion this year.- . There should be no slacking off in the vote. ' Mr McNair asked,. "How can we reduce the burden' of taxation ?" ! He declared that this can only be expect ed from, the Democrttic party ': the onlyjparty I through -which we 'may expect good government ? The ; Demo era tic .party, he said,-should make an effort, to reduce the burden of taxa tion. ' " - 5 r v ' v ;y ; " -Economy Only ; Remedy. ( Mr. Shepherd said that - the-' only remedy he could see was ? that ' of economy. It will be J necessary to economize 4f-progress is kept up and taxes reduced 5ome offices inust be cut out erv salsries reduced, 'if taxes areol)ewered.v'''i,?vf ' The importance of employing busir ness-Jike- methods in politics as ; in business was urge4 by Mr. Townsend. Mr. Carpenter had something, to say of the unrest as -a . result of 'taxes. He " pointed -out, however that -much of the taxes ihad been voted by'the people in various localities for school! improvements, road bonds, .etc; 'c , Women Urged to Attend Precinct ,- Meetings:' The resolution, adopted naming the time for "precinct, meetings and rthe t county c6nvention.was offered by Mr.f8hocks "ting about 12 seconds'were T. :W.r Maxwell of tTolarsvillev The! recorded by. the- seismograph; atlSt precinct meetings are for-the purpose of electing an executive committee committee of five in r each j precinct and -delegates to tne - county convention. : Women voters are urged, to attend and take vuc ta vue ui eciucL. mee Lin iri " ana toi be candidates for delegates - to . the county convention. Great pleasure was expressed at the presence of Miss Katie Mel. ; Buie, chairman of the women's. Democratic organization . of the county, ?and x, her faithful ; workers; Mrs. D. Z. McGoogan eoJ Lumber Bridge, Miss .Mary Brown of Pembroke, Mrs. W. P, West of Wish- ii-tn. Mhl W. L.- Thrnniwiftn nf , F?r. -;vs, . ; r i v -i-.u xx ' ' c" f .' : Mri -I: TP " firaham. Cashier of the vr-nlr nf 'PrtarvillA. waaa LamW.l Recorder's Court; A'Namber of Small Cases Made Up Grist for Recorder Fuller' -Court This Week. 4 , . , The following cases made up the rgrind" for Recorder David H. Ful ler's court this week J - 'V ; James ' Warwick,' ' Indian, ; forcible trespass upon ' the lands' -of J. H. Powers; fined f 5 and' cost.'. Warwick gave notice of appeal and made bond in the sum of $100 ''for- his appear ance in Superior-courtiVr'f;;.' "Fenterson 'Rowland, colored, ; bast ardy; judgment continued jnpon 7 pay ment of cost ,the matter having been adjusted between .the parties involv ed. - ",-f- i- - '-i . Sloan Powelly colored, drunk; judg ment continued upon payment of cost. -?E, S. JWaltersallowipg . cattle to run at large; judgment continued up on payment ' of "cost.;-'-"-' . . W.', D. - and, Wi'C..; Davis, , ; filling ditch and ponding': water : upon lands of R. M. Davis,' uncle of the defend ants; tot guilty. - . -"W . ' '. Robt. Williams,- drunk; :; judgment Suspended tupon" payment' of cost.. , Chasv Smith,' drunk; judgment sus pended upon .payment of cost. - v- "' V'' c " ' "" " ''''I'.'-C-RENNERT MAN SETS MOO . DEWBERRY; PLANTS Mr. W. Li" Everett Believea in Grow-x- tag . Things Boll Weevil Doesn't i. Like A - Surprise Marriage Two Whiskey Stills Captnred and : Lewis Lbvett Gets Road Sentence ? Death of a Respected Negro-Per- ;', sonal. V- fZ,x- xjliwC,rtxxi Sf:BylE.:.CPerry!SiS ' Rennert, March 22- Mr. Walter J. Tolar and Miss Katie .Belle Webster, both of Rennert, were married Sat urday; evening ' at the Presbyteriah manse at St.. Pauls by the "Rev. pr. Murray. It was quite , a surprise to the entire community when it be came known. Mr. and Mrs. Tolar re turned- Sunday ''afternoon ' and t will make their - home 1 nere. The newly weds have the very best wishes of all the community. - - . .Two wniskey'i stills wereT- captured Friday night in , the home of Lewis Lovett; who' lives near Shannon, The raid was- made by Deputy Sheriff Lacy McNair assisted by E, C,- Fer ry.. When. the officers arrived one .'of. was on the cook stove and was just getting right to . begin to issue . its precious . contents.-- The,; other was carefully concealed hi a closet iif the same houses 2 Approximately thirty gallon of beer , were poured r out. Lovett'Vas given a .trial before". Re corder J. . N. ; Buie of Red ; Springs Saturday morning; convicted pf Tninu facturing ; liquor, - and I sent : ; to ; the county .roads for -4 J-2 months. Both of ;-the" stills were of eopper, About one .half gallon , of . 1 iquor,. was found and Banie - poured ; out : by T Recorder Buie: Saturday, morning- in "the pre sence of a crowd of what appeared to be thirsty onlookers. Lovett is a white man and. has a wife and four children.. - ; T f Warren Campbell, colored, age 54 years died here Monday morning. De ceased had only been ill a few. days and pneumonia set in. and he did not last very long.' He- was in V honest and industrious . negro - and ' well thought .of by ' alL He was buried Tuesday, evening- and the buriaLwas largely, attended. .;, ; Miss : Blanche Perry of vTenmile spent tte,week-end with her brother here, .v. 0- x r '. - x : : ;' s- Miss Marjalerie Tolar and a number of friends from Meridith college spent several days at the home of her par ents, ;-Mr. and . Mrs. i S. i Fv Tolar, 1 centiy$xxx:xT'rDlxl : '. The f writer' returned x from Rich mond : yesterday mornine where he had "been to yiBit Miss Lucille ; Batf ten, who,, is", undergoing, treatment in a sanatorium there. .We ,.are-: very much disappointed to' know that Miss Batten has jipt- improved any during the two. months she. has been there. v-Mrs. " Jc T. Horrell of Rocky Mount spent last week visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. C, W. Watson, here. She - returned 'home Sunday. it . Mr. . W. L. Everett recently set but approximately 1,000 r dewberry plants, requiring auon.six acres.-inr. Ever ett ' believes m;. growing things ".the boll weevil doesn't like.-U x Severe Earth Shocks irf Middle West ? St.": Louis, March 22. Severe earth ws university here this afternoon i1 ocs ine shocks were vu- lent during the first two seconds. Ob servers said that the shock was prob- UWy felt for a distance of 100 to 150 - v...uwa, M "tm. - Legion Minstrel to Play at Fairmont ;.. Monday. - ?s X ; . ,"' y- x' ; t The - Legion" minstrel will : be pre sented in the Fairmont v high- school auditorium - Monday, Mareh - 27, and uf rtne same two-nour production will- be given, ra tne neignoonng: town; as"given here. ,. '.S,.-; j. hx-X? 1 Rehearsal of 'Minstrel Tonight. 1 :A11 performers in the" Legion' rnln- .l are' requested -to be at the nigh school auditorium tonight ; at" 7:30 Have a Year- y, Round Garden Gardening'Discussed by Mr. Bowditch - from 'State Department Scandal ' ous Amount of Money Sent Out of State Each" Tear ' Because ; Folk Neglect Important Matter of Gard- . eaing Most ' Neglected '' End e Af riculture. " ' . ' .T ' !A specialgardenlng. ; meeting, - In line , with the "Live at. nome" cam paign launched by Governor; Cameron Morrison and ' bow being waged throughout the State, was held in the commissioners'" room at ' the "'court house Monday-evening. The meeting 1 was attended by a" number of men! attend missed a raft of information relative 'to a successful ' gardening. Miss rMaTrtha IFlaX) Andrews, : home demonstration" agent," presided:! and the principal speaker of the occasion, Mr. E. D. Bowditch of the. State. De? partment of Horticulture, was; intro duced by Mr. O. O. Dukes, county farm demonstrator, tf In. opening the meeting Misa An drews told of the special gardening program Carried out " through r the home demonstration clubs throughout the countyi even before the State wide movement was launched. Special stress has been laid upon gardening in ? the -various club ' meetings ; since the first' of the year,. she said.'" s ProL J. R. Poole' county superin tendent of 'schools, .made a few.;, re marks in which he pledged his sup port to the "Live at Home", move ment. .The. importance of increased gardening poultry raising, etc as a matter of meeting boll weevil condi tions, was stressed by Prof.' Poole. . Bfonev Senlt Ont of ' State. '-.'In his remarks preliminary to the UlklVU.UI.b4VU Mill wwuiVWilr ViUliI, - ... - . Dukes told ' of the great - amount of her conditionis j reported.; much hn money sent out of. North Carolina Pr"veu- '- --- ; each' year for produce that could Jbe " Mr- T.. P. Blake and Mr. DanSmlth, grown - at ; home. --.The amount totals ; ' the Kinghiram section were visf yearlyr moreithaiti $100,000,000 andio" m our town today; r; would equal the 1 value of all farm Mr. S. . W" Maynard, foreman of lands and farm" buildings in the State in less than 10 x: ... The. Gardening Probleinil ' Mr. Bowditch,- who is a - garden specialist, declared fthat, the garden tag "problem, is one that affects eveirvs homeland every; individual . in . the' home,, a .problem for which each indi-i Vidual imust assume v responsibility. 1 he . Importance of - fresh , vegetables ' rom ne ' standpoint ; of -good health was forcibly impressed-byl iie speak-1 er. ; j? resn-. vegeubles increase the vigor, and vitality , of the f Individual, he;declared.J .4;,WW ' " vc: ' Select' Suitable 'place. 1 The, matter; of selection of-sl.suit-able place for a" garden, .was first handled by Mr. 'Bowditch. When pos "i?r.?i soil. The speaker told, of the imoor- tance ,t of sunlight , . in -. successful gardening, declaring that gardening in the shade cannot .be done success fully. However; there are a few vege table" plants that thrive well in the shadef though the majority of them require sunshine.; 'x'x X'? tfiiA - Have a ilf ear-Round Garden Good preparation of the garden is necessary? to successful. -gardening. A o i many . zamuies are satisfied to STOW Tl1v twrt Af rlV-OA ' voniAfaMa There are at east-forty varieties of yegetsilhfch:can';:l'rown. in eastern Worth Carolina. Gardeninir is the moat neglected end of aericul-1 ture in the outh. The speaker urged me importance ol .- a year-round gar den, .that is.' a. r' rrnrHn fmm . wK!Vi snmitiTi -i,ftaV.iA'A' table can be gathered at all seasons . ,...,uo . iwmiir of the year, - There must t be several plantings, for this result. Vegetable crops should be planted In rotation, one -crop; following another,- especially in "the towns.' where the mrdentac space ;is limited. ' - . - . - In closing Mr; Bowditch urged that each one present try growing at least one - new vegetable1; this year. Many questidns relative to- the planting, eultivatiori, etc.; : were" . answered by the speaker. . ' ' ; : - V - '.' ' Mrs. W. WV Parker, president of the Lumberton"- Home" ? Demonstration club, expressed regret that 'v. more members "of,, the club were not pres- ' . Both ftiss Andrews and Mr. Dukes stated that they Would be pleased to assist '.citizens, of the county in pre paring ,and: cultivating " gardens. Like meetings were held at Ten Mile Monday - afternoon, at Lumber Bridge , Tuesday . morning - and . at Philadelphus Tuesday; afternoon. Dog KlUed at ProctorvUIo Was Rabid A dog which was recently killed at Proctorvflle, the head of which- was sent to Raleigh for examination, was rabid, according' to a . report, received by Dr. E. R. Hardin, county health officers The head was" brought to Lumberton by Mr. C C Burns, who stated - that , a man who had sores on his hands had handled the dog just oeiore fie was killed. Expect Bonus Bill to be Passed by V Mouse Today.. r ; Washington, March - 22. Extreme confidence .that : the soldiers' bonus bill would be passed ; by. the House before sundown tomorrow .' was ex pressed today, by ; Republican leaders charge of 'the, legislation. ' ; Parlilcn Letter New StreH. Being Opened Electric Lights Installed New ; Sawmill One Farmer Has Commenced Plant ing Cotton and nas Corn " Up BviMiag New Road to Fayetteville Cafe Suspends Business Rash - Ing Work on Presbyterian Church v Persomal and Other Items. j By C D. WiQiamsom . Parkton, March 21 Mr. T. M. Blue Is installing a sawmill ar couple miles north of town near the location where he operated a mill several yearago. ' Mr. and Mrs. I. P. Johnson, moved today into their nice bungalo on Third street At last Green street is being opened, up. The bid , was let to R. E. Wood, who is fast plowing the street, and -t within a: few days will have it pass-. able: This street leads direct to the school building.- - " . x ' .a " -Mr. A. A. Wright has Installed a dinamo that is furnishing most of the business houses . with electricflights, also some of the churches are using it This is greatly, appreciated and enjoyed, .c -..j, ;- ,-' t a ' . Some sickness reported in our town, Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Cobb with influenza also Robert Munns and lit tle Dan ' Currie.;- '.','-':; ?Z.;vX ' Born, to Rev. and .Mrs. R F. Juunns, on the 17th a son. e.- ? v. Mr. Frank . Jones of Rockfish vfsl ted at the home of bis daughter, Mrs. J- J, Cobb, yesterday.' . Miss..Unke Jones, sister of Mrs. Cobb, ' trained nurse, is with Mr. and Mrs. Cobb. We are sorry to report our friend and machinist, Mr.' Jno. A. Ferguson sick jand is in the Highsmith hospital. We trust ' he may soon be restored to health. . ' i ' - . ' t - Mrs. Jas.'Blue has returned 'from the Cumberland general hospital, and the J- WV Carter Co., two milesTfrom town, commenced planting cotton last week and is rushing, right along, also finished planting, corn a couple weeks ; ago. He says he has "corn up. We do. not advise vthis early nlantinsr This; fine weather 'is fast putting Walker and Tnrnroutlof -business. So. reports its: present president, G. W. Wilder. Business was picking , up fa few weeks ago; but reports dull times at present. Cumberland county is erecting a road ' known as the Hope Mill road and when completed will be a direct line . to j Fayetteville, which has been much needed for- a long while, That-barbecue; served In our town Cl J .11 i . .L. J eleved:MrW..G. Britt prepares it and he ome licensed c proved to be some licensed cook. We never have enjoyed better food nor .quite so much for the price. We have not been advised. the amount -realized. X - The Parkton cafe ' has; suspended business ..for a while, we are sorry to report. " ' " i- Wotk- on the Presbyterian church is rushing these days. Mr. G. W. Cal i hoon.'rtinnerj - is rushing 1 the roof,' while Mr. PhmiD Johnson is looking, after, the , wood work. . When a Ford " car loses its eye. MKnt ,a wmy -B't you had weU knockit in the head, or it WJU MUlu J"t uimth-vc wjwi y Dock Oxendine Released Under $1,000. Bond., - "Dock Oxendine. Indian, who ' was , , . . - ... .. 'I uf ucrm ueui. iu wniictuuii wuu mci. murder. of Victor Bullard, . atrotheri Indian, , by the coroner's jury,-; was yesterday ; released from jail under a 1 1.000 hnnrt; Tha Twm1 vn nitmA hv T J . ' F ' - www. ... V VUU.VI1 .,U Mr. R. H Livermore of, Pates. An Sam Davis of our little town, also a order was signed by Judge Geo. W. relative of Mesdames A. R. McEach Connor authorizing the release, which era . and Margaret A. Johnson 'and was also approved by Solicitor S. B. McLean." Jesse Oxendine, a brother of Dock, who was also ordered held on the charge of murdering Bullard, yet in jail. ?A's was ' stated in The Robesonian at the time, Bullard -was shot' from ambush, and killed on a public road near . Buie on Saturday night, Febru ary 26. -; V '- - - - " . Sf-eef Potate.Bedding-Demoustrationl a ,ajA; Aa r.ta.l tion Caldwell's Meadow farm, r Howell- is the third candidate to enter the ville township, Monday of next week,Lrace for recorder- of the Lumberton March 27. at 1:30 p. m. A representa tive of the State - Department of Agriculture Raleigh, will . assist Mr. O; O. Dukes, county farm demonstra tor, with the demonstration.' Instruc tion will be given in the proper me thods of treating potatoes before bedding. Farmers who. wish instruc tion along this line are urged to be present.'-".ij'-fi.;;r-":;': -f :;W- Messrs. U: C. and AS H. West of the Allenton. section arew among the visitors in town today. Mr. L.' C. West stated to a Robesonian reporter1-that he found 10 boll weevjls under a piece of plank, on his farm yesterday. The weevils, he said, were very much alive andV-apporentlr fatter than when they went into winter quarters. .. -i i ,. ' '- .; Mr. W. O, Kinlaw. of R. 7, Lumber ton, is in, town- today.' - News Letter Perry-Howard Marriage "Old Maids - Convention" to be Given by Wo ' man's Club This Evening Much Sickness Personal Mention. Correspondence, of The Robesonian. St. Pauls, March 22-We are hav ing lovely weather just now, if it Is "some, cotd." Several predicted frost last night Better, watch out, those little plants may get killed. J ; W hear ol a good bit of sickness around over town,'' something , like "flu." Mr. J. Browne Evans was real sick" Sunday but' was better at last accounts. .. Mr. Jas. A, Johnson has also, been indisposed for several days now witn an attack of influenza. Mrs. Johnson is said to be ill this a. m. with tonsilitis. Some few others are reported on the sick list, but we. do not know whether it . will . prove to be influensa or not.. , - - Miss Margaret McGeachy returned to her school-near Mebano on the 18th ,'." i ' i'- Mrs. D. S. McEachera went to Rae ford last Sunday afternoon to see her home people, returning last night. j. Mrs. ' N. A. McEachern left last Friday a. m. for a few days visit to her 1 mother, Mrs. J. M. Wicker, at Sanford. She is expected to . return home today, , . . .wMiss Murphy HaU, a student at F. M. C., spent last week-end with home folks here-';ft:v''-';5ii' -.xx. --' X ; ' Mrs. Rowena- McCormae has been ill in bed for 10 days or more, at her homo out from town. She seems to be helpless in one- of her arms. Mes- dames Maggie Olliver and Sallie Hart man went over to see her a while last Sunday-, afternoon and ' found her somewhat better.. Her sister. Miss Charlotte Alf ord,' who was there when Mrs. McCormac's Illness occuf- rea, . is sim witn ner. tier many friends wish her a very speedy re- covery. T Perry-Howard Marriage , : Our- little ; town , was the scene of another pretty home marriage on last Thursday evening, 16th . when Mr. Leon Perry of Parkton claimed for his bride Miss Mable Howard. We are "holding our breath"," to see who will be next. Mr. and Mrs. Per ry have many friends over Robeson who wish for them a life of happin ess. Mrs. Perry, who is a daughter of our townsman Mr.' Will H, How ard,' was a student at Meredith col lege until a few weeks ago, when She decided to obey "Cupid's call." Her brother, who is a student at some col lege, came nome for the marriaire. Mr. and Mrs. . Marion. McNeill of Laurinburg spent last Sunday with Mrs. : McNeill's mother, Mrs. Bettie Northrop.-Mrs, McNeill is hoping to come for a few day's. visit, possibly me miaaie or latter part of the week.; Little Dan Northrop has ' been somewhat sick this - week but was greatly improvld yesterday- ; v The woman's club met for the regu lar ' monthly meeting in x the V club room ' last Thursday afternoon. They are getting up "The old maids con vention" for' Thursday evening, the 23rd. This will be in the School audi- torium. Proceeds' for benefit of the CiUD. . Miss Mary L. Johnson came home yesterday morn, will return this p. m. -Miss - Johnson usually gets . a night off every week or 10 days. -The many friends of Miss Eliza beth McDonald are clad to have her nome again, aiiss jyicionaid was a -mM Wfe. . patient at Highsmith hospital, Fay- ietteville, the past few weeks, return- ing to St. Pauls.' on the 16th. r. . . . Z. ' - c una uvea receiveu nere Ol tne birth of a 10-Ib girl to Mr. and. Mrs. Douglas Smith of Lumber Bridge,' on the 15th Mr. Smith is a " nephew at Mpsrtampa Ju . A JAdmta ...t Miss Alice Shaw, and others of St. Pauls. -xj ix x , w..'r a It is reported Miss Bettie McNeiH. iaiof St , Pauls, R. F. D.; is sick with influenza. Mr.' Gordon Holder was called out to his father's home last Thursday p. m. on account of his severe illness. Was .lingering on last account we nad. 1 v - s1- Another Richmond in the Field and' S!, 35t fc, a W rwi. , . A ."""iher condition had not been considered A. district. Mr. -Townsend stated to a Robesonian reporter yesterday that he was in the race. As has been men tioned in recent issues of The Robe sonian, Messrs. Jno. G. 'Proctor . and W. B. Iyey,1 both, of Lomberton, are candidates for this office. The water is apparently fine, : and - it is likely that others are yet to "come out" for recorder in this district. Among those "talked" as probable .candidates, be sides those already r in the race, are! Messrs." C. B. Townsend, Ben -7 G. Floyd and J. Ed Tyson. ' -A Mr." W. J' Bishop of East Lum berton left today for Greenville, S. Ql, in response- to a message advising him of the serious illness of a brother there. ' , ' " - - Mr. M. J. Merritt spent yesterday in .Wilmington on business. VI i:' COTTON MAKSET Middling cotton Is quoted on th local, market today at 18 8-4 eenU the pound. , ' , - ' BRIEF ITEMS AND LOCAL NEWS Cold snap. Heavy frost yesterday morning, lighter frost this a. n. Mr. G. $. " Wooten entered , tha Thompson hospital yesterday for aa operation. W- &- McNeQl, colored, has open ed a barber shop in tha Caldwell buildln jr, East , Third , streeL. ;r $r:, ; Rev. Lindsay -Frailer, pastor of the Lumber ton circuit, is able to b out after being confined to his room for several days with an attack of influenza. :tv1. 'V.-.'ir' ?V 'x : . The Florida Blossoms, a negro minstrel, performed la Lombertoit Tuesday night. A band with the show gave a concert on the streets Tues day at noon and again at 7 p. m. ;;'; Miss ' Elitabeth Peay, -i homo economics teacher in the Lumbertoa schools, went yesterday to ; Greens boro to attend a conference of tho home economics teachers of the Statcw Quite a number of Lumbertoa ffans" have gone to Hamlet today to witness an exhibition baseball ' game between Ty" Cobb's Detroit Americans and the Rochester Inter nationals " . .'' Mr,. E- J. Chambers of Fairmont and Mr. O. A. Reaves of Greensboro were Lomberton visitors this ' morn ing. Messrs. .Chambers - and "Reaves are associated in the tobacco ware house business at Fairmont. There will be a box supper at Zion's Tabernacle I school -- house, Howellsville township, Friday night. March 31 The proceeds will go to wards purchasing a piano for ; the ; Zion's Tabernaclo church. Messrs.-W G. Britt and J. ' Qi ;'PnM. both of Parkton, .were Lom- is a candidate for road supervisor of Parkton , township and wilt make formal announcement to that effect . in an early issue of The Robesonian. 4. til t-j :.J T.:i i iir landed it in Lumber river Tuesdaj night. As a result, Mr. Prevatt was . wearin a new ; one yesterday. That ? same wind blew to the good of the merchant from whom Mr..r Prevatt -purchased the new hat. Indications are. that the farmers generally will use as much commer cial fertilizer this year as they used last, if not more. One local dealer says he believes .that more is being; Sold this year than last. The move ment of fertilizer over the railroads-' operating through Lumberton has been heavy of late.' - . ine laoies ox . tne - iuetnoaisc church at Purvis will serve a chicken supper ; tomorrow (Friday) Evening- in the school "building of that place, a. .. .. .... .. ... . ous. games will ' be engaged in and a good time in general is expected. The proceeds will go towards paying for tne church organ. Ail are espe cially - invited to attend and help in this wort hy, cause. s.-.; Mrs. J. A. Martin and two small sons, 'J. A. Jr and Raymond Jones, returned last evening from Richmond,, Va.r where they spent three months ' i3 . ..... . . . . . . . . visibiii ai wit uumc vi juni wsiuu a parents, . Mr. and Mrs. S. P. 'Jones. They were accompanied home by Mrs. Martin's cousin,' Mrs. W, T. Stuart of Richmond, who will spend soma time visiting at the Martin -' home, East Fifth, streeti;.v.;;v.:? . " ' Howd you like to spend a whole night , in 4 the swamps ,. of . Bladen county? 'That was the experience of two . Lumberton' citizens . Monday night. The car In which .they were making a business trip got aU stuck up on a bad road in that county and the two worked until about daylight Tuesday morning . before they were able , to get the car out of the" mud. They reached- Lumberton -t seme ten hours later, than they expected. . Mr. and Mrs. M. F. Cobb and daughter, Mary Cobb, returned Mon day night from Rock Hill, S. C, where Sunday they attended the funeral of f Mr. Cobb's mother, Mrs. Mary A. Cobb. As stated in Mopdays Robe sonian, Mrs. Cobb died Saturday at 8 'm m. ''While deceased had been in declining health for several months. death. Mn JCobb iwas with her when; the end came. .-- y- . --u , ' Mr. John Blount McLeod, young Lumberton attorney, has 5 associated himself with, the- law firm of Messrs. Johnson A Johnson. While Mr. Mc Leod passed the State board Jan. 30, this year, ha will not be granted li cense, to practice law until July 22, this year, when he will become 21 years of age. He studied law at Wake Forest 'college and is perhaps one of the youngest men if not the youngest man, in the State to pass the examin ing board. 'Mr. McLeod is a son of Mrs. Alf H. McLeod of Lumberton. THE NATIONAL BANK OF LUM- rBERTON has money te lend to Fann ers on Bonded .Warehouse Receipts for-xotton or-other acceptable se curities. Farmers seeking a perman ent banking connection are advised to consult the officers of this strong: National Bank - . , . .. ton . visitor yesterday. ;;; xi ' . l : t ' sxxCT: --:i ; V- i ' '..v---. V'"