3 liUOlUS&TUlf; If. a, THUESDAY. APRIL e, 1922. NUMB El 16 Couhty-Wide Tuberculin Test CommLusianera Make - Prevision for Important Work Two Mea Will be : Engaged oa the Work for a Jear-w VWork WHL Start "About May 10. -'An -appropriation tm' the basis of $2,000 a year salary and ; 7 ents - a mile for", traveling expenses was made -by -the. county Commissioners at the regular monthly meeting Monday for the purpose of making, a "county-wide tuberculin test of cattle. Two men will be placed in the field, the salary and " expense i of .one man being paid by the Federal government,. It is ex pected that the work of testing the cattle will begin about May 10.'" There are; about 6,000 cattle in Robeson county and it will" require about a year to complete the - cam paign, against bovine tuberculosis. More than a dozen other counties in the State have . already : started like campaigns. Bequests from: h various sections of the county came to the commissioners 'Urging that they make the appropriation necessary to put on the campaign.' . , Superior Court Suit Involving Timber-Cutting Con tract Two Divorces Granted. ' ' The trial of-Merton Seawell vs. Jno. A. - Vinson .has been on in Su-N perior court since Monday afternoon. It is alleged- in tne. suit that the'de- fendant failed to comply with a con tract for cutting timber. Two divor ces have been granted. These were: Mary Conoly. Biggs vs. Joseph Biggs, ., ' ' "i ' ' v. - Monroe. Hanfilton vs. Tessie Hamil ton. ' ..-wf.-s... . --' ' i V i; ' This is a two-weeks' term. Judge Geo.,W. Connor of Wilson is pre siding. J 4 ' Special Pairy lyleet-, - . , - ' - Special dairy meetings will be held at the following places next week: Tuesday, April 11 St. ?aul$ .10:30 Ar m.; -Rex 2:30 p..nu.. ,, Wednesday- April -1 2 Marietta 10:30 a. m.; Rowland! 3 :30 p. m. s i Thursday i -April 13 McDonald 10:30 a. m.; Fairmont 2:30 p.m. Mr. A. C. Kimmery, dairy special ist of the State Department of Agriculture, frill address the meet ings. Miss Martha Flax Andrews, home demonstration agent, and Mr. O. O. Dukes, county farm demonstra tion agent, Will take part in the meetings. Both men and women are invited to attend. More Candidates Have Entered the Race. v Candidates for office whose, formal announcement appears in The Robe sonian for the first ' time in this issue are: . -("- ':' "V-"..' J. C. Henderson, for re-election as road supervisor of Alfordsville town ship; Sheriff R. E., Lewis, Clerk of the Court C. B. Skipper and Register of Deeds M. W. Floyd, all for re election; John G., Hughes of Parkton, county commissioner from district 5, for, re-election ; . . D. P. McKinnon, Rowland, for lower house of Legisla ture; G. V. McPhail and D. C. Mc Intyre, for road supervisor of Row land township; F. Ertel Carlyle, for solicitor recorders court, Lumberton district '"vw Recorder's Court ' Calton Powers was before Record er David H. Fuller Tuesday on the charge of driving an auto while un der ,the influence . of liquor. .Prayer for judgment was continued upon payment of a $15 fine. ' David Rhodes," Indian, was bound over to the .Superior court yesterday on the -charge of forgery. His bond was fixed at $200, in default of which he was remanded to jail. Rev. J. B. Black Accepts Call to Red Springs.." ' .. - -r.- Red Springs, April 3. Rev. J. B. Black, of Morganton, accepted a. call to the Red" Springs Presbyterian church , yesterday. He was given a unanimous call by : the church two weeks ago. The congregation is high ly pleased with Mr." Black." He is a fine preacher, one of ; the best.' He succeeds Dr. J. J. Hill, who resigned last September to take work in Ten nessee. "'. Red Springs is building through the building and loan, association sev eral new houses. ' ' J1 ; Miss Sallie Lou ; McKinnon, daugnter ox jur. and Mrs. A.. J. Mc Einnon of Maxton. " returned " home Sunday from China, where she spent nearly live years as a missionary, going from the Rockingham Metho dist district conference. ; Miss -McKinnon obtained a year'c leave of ab sence before the expiration of the 5-year period on account of the con dition "of her father's health. , Dr. Ira Landrith, well-known orator-and Chautauqua lecturer, will Address a law enforcement communi ty mass meeting In Chestnut Street Methodist church here on the evening of April 2L His subject will, be "To- Ar -fti 4Va AvnaavOtBTl T 9$ f . St. Pauls News Letter Quite a Long "Influenza RouTVMr, J. Brown Evans - Has Pneumonia Following Flu Mrs.uNettie Malloy of Lumber Bridge vis ' Very Sick With .. Pneumonia Peiwonal and Other Items. 'i ? lt Correspondence of The Robesonian. . St. Pauls, April 4. This beautiful April morn, let us quote with Tenny son,' "Good morning,; sweet Aprils o winsome ' and , shy, , with a smile - on your t lip and , a .tear .in, your 'eye; there are pretty Kepaticas, hid in your hair, and bonny, blue ;' violets, clustering thereVAOnce more the Heavenly power- makes all.! things new . and domes ' the vred-plowed hills, with loving blue.?'; ; ,;' ( I v; The influenza patients all. seem' to be doing nicely Some are - "getting out", while : others .are "going in". We hear of new cases every now' and then, however, still it does not seem to . be m the mill village, of wasn't up to last week at least. We hope it will not get down there; as it usually makes , such a sweep when it does. Nothing hasn't closed up so far,-, on account of the, epidemic. Perhaps they will not have to, after all. 'We have not heard of any of the rhigh school faculty having influenza except Miss Tommie Fisher, who teaches in the mill school. Miss Fisher, it seems, succumbed. Thursday, but honed to be able to resume her duties today. Mrs. A. . A.' Inman, who was Miss Ruth. Odem before her marriage, substi tuted for Mias Fisher during her absence. ,",';. ;u.::-. . vv-' .'.v. , Mr. J. Brown Evans, who has been very ill with influenza, developed pneumonia last week. Seems to be doing as well as could be expected, we suppose, with pneumonia., They were real uneasy about him a while, but we trust he will continue, to im prove. His sister, ' Miss Josephine Evans, who has been doing welfare work at Enfield came Saturday night A graduate nurse is with Mr. Evan,1 and, all is being done .to aid his re covery. This is the only pneumonia case we know of in our little town. Mr. '"Marion McNeill of Laurinburg came over Saturday evening and he and; Mrs, .McNeiU, who hadbeen heHm aim the past week, returned home Sundy afternoon; Laura and Dan Northrop, who Were flu victims last week; are both improving ' nicely. ' Miss Mar gurite Holland, who has had influenza, was able to be back in school yester day. Misses Lilly Belle McDuffie and Nettie McLean, who were' sick last week, will soon be s'back on the job," we suppose, as both are imnrovine nicely, Miss' McLean to the office and Miss McDuffie to the st;ore. Mr. Wal ter D. Johnson, we noticed was out in his car yesterday with his over coat on, which means he is taking care, which Is a, "bright idea," since his attack of the dreaded disease.; Mr. J. M. O. Denmark was taken ill Sun day night with influenza, his temper ature being 104 1-2. We didn't hear from him yesterday, but '.'no news is goods news," they say,, so we suppose he' is getting on o.' k., to be an in fluenza patient, Miss Elizabeth Hart man was also sick yesterday. There may be others. If we have omitted any of you, though, and you wish to be on this influenza roll," wby just let this "scribe", know, and she will "name you." You may not have the "flu", but once in a. life time, you know. Some few seem to be having it "once, twice and maybe thrice, however. Dr. and Mrs. R. G. Rozier and lit tle daughter, Annie Atkins, spent last Thursday, in Fayetteville. We sup pose they went around to see their new little "Miss Poole," relative, Dr. Rozier, being a brother of Mrs,- C T. Poole. .. Miss Flora Belle McGoogan, who is a student at Flora Macdonald college, Red Springs, came over to St' Paula and spent the week-end with her par ents, Mr. and Mrs. George McGoogan. ' Messrs. A. R. McEachern and J. C. Lindsay spent yesterday in Lum berton. : Friends of Mr. J. R. Watson were very glad to have him in their midst on last . .Sunday.' Mr. Watson seems to think St. Pauls is the "garden spot of the . world," and truly "she is a nice little town." . " The Y. W. C. A. met with Miss Blanche Harris, at her home on Main street, last Thursday evening,' .the 30th. They will meet at Mrs. W. Al bert Inman's ' next- "go round,", we believe, which it seems . is twice a month..-;'-..' z . - " -. - Mrs. Paul Montague, and little daughter, who have ' been visiting Mrs, Montague's parents here, re turned .to .their home- town, .Winston Salem, . last : Saturday. 'i ' Messrs Nance and Carl Howard have been confined to their homes with flu. Mrs. N. A. McEachern, who was on the influenza list lasjt week, was able to ut up a while yesterday. Messrs. A. R. McEachern and son, Mr. D. CL, were in Fayetteville last Thursday. They reported Mr. Archie McEachern, of that city, who was out -after an attack' of influenza-waa called back in by the doctor was not quite as strong as he thought ; . ' Mesdames. Jas. A, Johnson . and Sent Davis received a message . last ; ' (Contmued on page four.) AvaaaaaHaBiaiiiiiiiHiaiiiHaHiMHMHiaiiiiHawaHaaBMBM Fairmont News Town Primary WU1 be Held April 25 --Important Meeting of Demon stration Club Will be Held Thum day Sunday was a' Rather Rowdy DayMore Store Buildings-: Will be Erected Personal . and Other Items. . L. ! . ' By H. Y Brown . Fairmont, April 5. Of ficial ' notices have been posted to the fact that the town primary for the .nomination of candidates for . town offices will be held on the 25th of April. Not much talk has been heard- as. to who -will enter the race, but as a usual thing the number ,of . candidates will be large and the (primary ; Interesting. Mr. H. Layton Stephens, whq has filled the office of mayor very credit ably for the past year, has nor made! that he will be in the race again, Mr Stephens is perhaps, the youngest mayor in the state. No announce ments have been made, yet f or alder m'en. - . 'c . '..'ri ' , ,. V- v ' ' Will Feature Dairyfag Special attention is called to the fact that the Demonstration Club will hold a very . important meeting in the Jones- building Thursday, April 13, at 2:30 p. ,m. The State dairyman will be present ; and ? discuss the dairying".: featurei of the s program, and every citizen of the town is earnestly requested to , be present. Especially are. the men interested in raising . cattle -and dairy products urged to be present. -; Hon. H. L. Cook, candidate for judge of the Superior court of this district, and Mr. John ynaerwooa were visitors here - last Monday. Mr. Cook has a large number of friends in this community who appreciate the fact, that he is a very capable man for the judgeship. A More or Less Rowdy Day Sunday last was a more or less rowdy day. Early in the morning a woman came to town for treatment of a wound (pistol shot) which she teat some time during the night in the afternoon' two "persons,1 one male and on female, came to the chief of police complaining that a colored man in North , rairmont was trying to carve sonje of his color with a large knife. They both ' 'had been struck .at, but no "wounds were in flicted. The defendant, Roy Bell, was before the recorder Monday and was taxed with the costs. An automobile accident a "few. miles north of here in which a colored man was painfully hurt practically completed the news for the day along that line. According to a late issue of the News and Observer, Mr. Hoke Floyd has arrived in Raleigh for his train ing with the . Capitals before their first game of the season. Floyd won great praise with the Raleigh club last year and will , again bold his place in left field territory for the Capitals. For several months Floyd has been in Georgia and Florida vis iting friends 'and relatives. Mr. K. C. Blue, a member of the Fairmont team last year in-the Atlantic Coast league, is trying out with the capi tals this season at the initial sack. His opponent is "Red", Davis, of Rae- f ord, who is thought very much of in baseballdom. ; Misses " Rosa Jones, 'Catharine Floyd.-Emily Cole, Lillie Kyle and Katharine v Galloway, students at Greensboro College for Women, spent last week-end here with friends and relatives. - . v :- v More-Stare Buildings Work will begin soon on the Brice buildmg, recently occupied by the Eastern Live ' Stock Co..- which will convert the- buildinar into store build ings. The material has arrived and within a very short timr Fairmont will have some more nice stores on Center street : Misses Helen West and Lucy Stephens have returned from Tbor Parktoii Letter Farmers Pushing Their Work New Residence Flo is Subsiding More Biddies by Parcels Post Baseball Church Notes and Personal. ..' By C. D. Williamson -Parkton, April 4. We have never seen so much work done by farmers as has been done, and fs. being done these beautiful days, yet they 'claim they are behind time, except 1 Capt Maynard of the Carter farm, who has cotton up. Several more farmers have planted cotton, while . several more have not as yet received their fertili zer, and are ..quite impatient Small1 grain is fine. ' - - - ' - Mr. Pemberton McCormick is fast erecting a nice cottageoo "West Main street. "r-'' , ' - The flu, i subsiding in our town, nev. v. k. sorreu imea his pulpit at the Baptist church here Sunday morning; preaching a very interest ing sermon, giving his hearers a full history of Gideon, and army. He said if he were to take a text be would use the following words: "And every man stood in his place." Rev. J. L. Jenkins, former pastor, preach ed Sunday night to a fuU house and delivered a. most interesting sermon. tie usually carries a large congrega iion wnen ne preacnes. tils . many friends are always glad to see him and, give him a hearty hand-shake and welcome Rev. R. F. Munns, pastor - of the M. E. church, preached at St. Pauls Sunday night by request of Rev. G. ,W. ; Starling, pastor, .who has been sick for some time but is improving and almost entirely recovered, we. are glad to say. - Kev. Mr. Munns made a trip to Raleigh Monday, accompanied by his mother; and daughter, Miss Irene. Mrs.-Munns remained at her home in Raleigh while Mr. Munns and daugh ter returned this afternoon, making their trip through the country in his car. They report the trip void of any acciuent or irouDie, while only gallons of gasoline were consumed. The Union prayer - meeting meets during the month of April at the M. a. church. Mr. P. H. Fisher received 100 thoroughbred White Leghorn biddies by parcel post a few days ago. All nundred received m, good condition. They were mailed from Grand Ranids. Mich. This was the second shipment ror Mr. Jf i8her and he says they are aomg line, uthers of the neighbor hood: have ordered likewise, and it seems as if all are well pleased with their success: but the writer con siders them dear fowls. They cost from to ?30 per hundred, say " two or three days old, and even hatching on tne way. ,We are sorry to learn of the con tinued serious illness of Mrs. Malloy, wno nas pneumonia. . Mrs. Amanda Toom of Lumber- ton is visiting relatives in town. Mrs. W. A. Gainey is hi the Pitt-man-Gainey hospital in Fayetteville. We are glad to renort her condition improved. Work on the new Baptist parsonage is progressing nicely. New garage ana Darn : and stalls and a nice 'garden ' have been comoleted. Something' doing all the time down that way. . , The high'school baseball team did not join , any . county league, as the principal says they did not hava the time to. put ' out, as his boys cannot arxord to lose any time from their senates, and we endorse his idea The ooys played the Fayetteville highs last Friday p. m. at Fayetteville and that being .their first game of the season lost to Fayetteville. but Fav- etteville team came down this after noon and played our bovs. It was quite Interesting from start to finish, Parkton coming out victorious. The feature of the -locals was the pitching by- Canady and-the hard hitting by the entire , team,-William Blount for Two' School Bond . Elections Ordered Fairmont on May 8 Will Tote on $75,- 000. Issue and Pembroke on May SI on $20,000 Issue, Each for High School Building 4100 for Farm Ex tension Among Colored! People Listtakers Appointed. A special tax election to vote on a $75,000 bond issue for the erection of a high school building was ordered held in the Fairmont public school district on Monday, May 8, by the county commissioners at the regular monthly meeting Monday. E. W. Floyd was appointed registrar ' and H. G. Mitchell and E. V. Mc Daniel were judges of election An election to vote on a $20,000 bond issue for the cteetiori of s hieb-school builds in jthe Pembroke public school district was ordered held on Wednesday, May SUE. M. Paul was aDDolnted'reeistrar and W, D. Lewis and N. H. Bidden judges of election. ' ... ' The board made an appropriation f tiQO for farm extension service among the colored people of the county. The monthjy reports of 'Sheriff R.! E. Lewis, Bank of Maxton, county treasurer, Dr. tE. R. Hardin, county health officer and Miss Elizabeth Frye, county welfare officer, were ordered filed. W. R. Byrd was appointed con stable for Orrum township, his bond being fixed at $500, with , C. M. Reaves as surety. ' Walter C. Humphrey was exempted from paying poll tax, on account of his physical condition. Clarisa Barnes, Olive Stocks " and French Thompson were ordjered dropped from the pauper ist The regular pauper list was allow ed and Rebecca Southerlaad was placed on the list at $2 the . month, Pattie Hooper at $3, Jesse ' Jordan at $5 and Janie Baxley at $3. Bills paid totaled $5,544.83. Listtakers 4 . The following tax list-takers were appointed for the various townships: Alfordsville Alex Alf ord. 1 Back Swamp M. M. Singletary. Britts A. L. Stone. Burnt Swamp W. Lacy Prevatt Fairmont W. C. Brown. Gaddy J. O. McArthur. Howellsville Elmer Kinlaw. , : Lumber Bridge W. E. Marley. j . .Lumberton J. D. Norment. :. Maxton J. P. StanseL Orrum M. Shepherd.",' Parkton E. EL Campbell. ' Pembroke J. A. McCormick. Raft Swamp W. C. Townsend. Red Springs J. C. McPhail... .. Rennert -C. W. Watson. Rowland A: T. McKellar. Saddle Tree Grady S. Harrell. St. Paula L. A. McGeachy. Shannon B. B. Currie. Smiths D. L. Stewart Sterlings E. Tom Lewis. Thompson H. S. McLean. White House Daniel Page. Wisharts J. C. StanseL Messrs. Collier Cobb, A. H. Perry, W. G. Britt E. B. Daniel and J. Q. Parnell of Parkton were among the visitors in town yesterday. : the locals, only about ' 14 innings played, remarkably good bitting for two-base, also scoring. Fayetteville was well represented here, this after noon, several young ladies as well as a goodly number' of young men and older citizens. Mr. ' Cam Blue of Fairmont was here and enjoyed the game. He came over fro mLumber Bridge. Mr. A. J. Marley and several more from Lumber Bridge were over and enjoyed the game. They report Lumber Bridge as having . A good high school team. ,. Mr. G. W. McGoogan of St Pauls was in town ' briefly - today. We art always ' glad to meet turn and pass a few jokes. He Is s real artist. : ' COTTON MARKET ' Middling cotton la quoted en th local market today at 16 ; -4 cents the pound. v; BRIEF ITEMS AND LOCAL NEWS ,--- A, - SMMMI ' - ,' V , - 1 v. Born, Tuesday morning, to Ms. and Mrs. Jas. : D. I Proctor, son Jas. D. Jr: . : '. License has been issued for th marriage of Giles S. Crawford anal MUs Podie Todd. - . v ' Mr. W. O. Thompson Is assembl ing material for the erection of A 6 room cottage on Water street Mr. and Mrs. L. F. Bullock moved Tuesday from Lumberton to v Fayetteville, where Mr. Bullock nas opened, a garage.' .' Mr, A. ;R.- Bullock was appointed trustee for the Fairmont Supply Co, of Fairmont at a meeting of ' tho creditors here Tuesday afternoon. ' Among North Carolinians who have been granted pensions, mention ed in a Washington dispatch of April 3, was Cyrus C. Carter of Shannon. The condition of County Auditor J. M. McCallom, who has been ill at his home. Third and Water streets for some time is reported as stightly improved today. ' Mr. W. H. Humphrey is expected to make an. address on some phases of cotton mill work at the chapel exercises at the high school auditor ium Friday morning. - Dr. J. P. Brown of Fairmont and Mr. W. L Lbnkhaw of Lumberton re turned . yesterday morning from a trip to Pinehurpt Southern Pines and Raleigh., They attended a horse show at Pinehurst Tuesday. . f . The time 4r putting on the "Th Trial; of Robbers" play at the Mc Donald Baptist church by members of the B. Y. F. unions of the First Baptist church of Lumberton was postponed from last . ' evening until Tuesday evening of next week..- r Mr. T. A. Parnell; who . lives near Buie. was a Lumberton visiter yesterday; Mr. Parnell says he wul be a candidate, for road supervisor of Burnt Swamp township and wQI have an announcement, to that effect in The Robesonian soon. V 2 S chool Districta r Consolidated Pembroke and Glenwood Will Vote on Bonds for High School Buildisg at Pembroke Site Selected for Building for McDonald Consolidated Other Business' Transacted by County ' School Board. The Pembroke and Glenwood pub lic school districts were consolidated by the county board of education at its regular monthly meeting Monday. A petition asking for an election to vote on a $20,000 bond. Issue f or the erection of a high school building at Pembroke (was 'approved. As stated elsewhere in today's paper, the elec tion was called oy tne county com missioners. ; - TVia mta aolAtAif W thtt hoard for the new' higbr school building f or ths McDonald consolidated school district u mm tha nnint htKptb the Fairmont road intersects with the Lumberton- RowUnd highway, near Baynham. . The board ordered that the old uehnal bnildinsr in Student's . Hops district be sold to Jno. A. McCor mick for $125. , ' ? . Supt J. R. Poole was mstructea to secure a site for the erection of a' new school building in district No. 4, colored, St Pauls township.' . An order was nlaced with Mr. W. Lennon for enough copies of his new map oz KoDeson county to piace on in each school in the county. An annliration for. a loan of S2 000 from the SUte loan fund for ths erection of a new school huuaing m Panther Ford colored school district was approved. , - ' . - . . e The monthly report oi miss juiza beth Frye, county welfare officer, was approved. . . H. Li. Andrews was appomtea com mitteeman in district No. 4, Howells ville township, to succeed T. L. White, who resigned. , " " Richard Ford was appointed con mitteman in district No. 2. colored. White House township, to succeed Tom Ford, deceased. Lloyd and Keid Andrews were al lowed a rebate of $24. on account of an 'error. An order was 'passed allowing P. F. McGirt $31.50 for lumber furnish ed district No. 1 colored, , Maxton township. " The expense of Supt. J. R. Jfooie m making two trips to Raleigh $30 was ordered paid. Also, one-half the fTDprnfl of . Miss - Elizabeth f rve. county welfare officer, to Gastonia Mrs J. F. Flowers and small son, Joseph Bobbins, returned last night from Burlington ' and Greensboro, where they spent three weeks visit ing relatives. Mr. H. M. Ivey of Marietta is a Lumberton -visitor today. , Mesdames W. W; Smith and J. W. Carter, Jr, of Maxton' spent yester day in Lumberton visiting at the home of Mrs. Carter's parents, Mr. and Mrs. J .A Thompson, Elm street Mr. C. S. McCall of Rowland was s Lumberton visitor yesterday. ''' . " '. 7 '"''.."' " - -J u (Continued on page eight) . . " ' ' ' --. - i- ' '

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