, . - , , Y C3TAI!LlSIffiD"iST.K SINGLE COPY FIVE CENTS., COUNTRY, GOD AND TRUTH. . $2.00 A YEAR. DUB XH ADYANG3 volume im , LtTMBEETON, N. 0., MONDAY. APRIL 10, 1922 KUUBEB 17 1 M M 1 ' I 11 I Damaged by Fire Midnight ; Blaxe Cnnfined to Second Floor Stored Furniture . Ruined FiremM'MnYhitordTerioine by Smoke. . ' . r - v Fire of undetermined origin did considerable damnge-tocJBuUoBro-thers. Auto Co. garageChestnut and Third streets, about 2;30, o'clock yes terday morning. The J the secondTloor of the building and while the flame? iwere; cowo tho. Bfnrk and fixtures on UU lVUl. v . . ii as imw MinuwhM oam- me linn w " r. j aged by water. The losses covered Dy insurance. -, s ' . Mr. F. D. Hackett, Jr., had around $500 worth of furniture storea mm second floor of the building and this was practically ruined. Mr. -Hackett carried no insurance otx the furniture. The fire apparently . started -in , the center of the hall and iiad evidently been burning for- some time before it was discovered. Members of the fire company did good work, but were greatly handicapped by the dense smoke in the building, Fireman Kay mond Musselwhite was overcome, by the smoke and had to be taken out of the building. It is difficult to esti mate the damage to the building, but it will total several hundred dollars, J . i Superior Court The second week' of the April term of Superior court for the trial t of civil cases convened this ' morning. Judge Geo. W. Connor of Wilson is presiding. Only two jury trials were completed last week after the report of the preceedings published - in Thursday's paper was written." These were! i ' Merton Seawell vs. Jno. A. .Vinson; ;.is4tYon fnr the defendant. Mickie Johnson, et al vs. N. J. Page, et al; judgment for the plain tiffs. Jurors for May Civil Court Thefollowing jury Jiat-fwTbe-two weeksrterm of civil court, beginning Monday, May 15, was drawn Satur day in the presence of Justices M. G. McKenzie and D. B. McNeill: First week W. P. Powers, J. J. Jernigan, I. H. Warwick,' H. L. Floyd, D. B. Bray, B. H. Todd, R. M. John son, J. I. McLaurin, D. M. Rogers, R. A. Hardin, H. C. McMillan, D. J. Watson, Gaston Britt, L. S. Miller, W. H. Parnell, S. O. Willis, L. T. Britt, M. S. Floyd, J. M. Ashley, S. C. Stone,- C. W. Jones, L. C. Town send, J. B. Malloy, W. D, Stone. Second week-sJ. P. Conoly, H. H. Stanley, V. G. Grantham, Murdock McQueen, J. F. Roberts, T. R. Moore, A. D. Prevatt, W. J. Britt, P. H. Fish er, Marcus Smith, C. J. Lyde, W. H. Bray, T. E. Lovin, R. M. Davis, E. B. Paul, N. A. Mercer, Ab McLean, J. D. Andrews, J. O. Leggett, J. A. Jones, J. H. JohnSon, D. J. Smith, A. E. Spivey, W. W. Lee. ; f Candidates For Office. Mpntion of the . candidacy of Mr. w. IT. Hunmhrev for the office of clerk of the court of Robeson county was inadvertently omitted at the time his formal announcement was first made. Mr. Humphrey served in that capacity prior to the election of Mr. C. B. Skipper 12 years ago. Candi dates whose formal announcement ap pear in this issue for the first time J. V. Faulk, for road supervisor of Thompson township; J. T. Odom, for recorder Red Springs district; N. W. Jenkins of Fairmont, for lower house of the Legislature, in which he serv ed two years ago; Ira B. Townsend, for recorder Lumberton district; John S. Butler, for re-election as recorder of St. Pauls district? Will W. Lewis; for road supervisor of Fairmont township. Third Candidate Enters Race for Solicitor. . . Mr. J. E. Carpenter-of Maxton is a Lumberton visitor today.Mr. Car penter announced Saturday that he would make the race for solicitor of this, the ninth, judicial distnH. Mr. Carpenter is an attorney and present mayor of Maxton. This brings the number of candidates for this office to three, Mr. T. A. McNeill of Lum berton and Mr. E. S. Smith- of Rae ford having already, announced their candidacy. Rat-Killing Campaign. Lumberton's rat-killing campaign begins tomorrow and will last until May 10. The campaign against rats is being put on by Miss Martha Flax Andrews home demonstration : agant. AH children are eligible to enter the contest for prizes to be given those turning in to Miss Andrews on May 10 the most rat taihrThe first prize offered is $10, the second $5 and on down to $1. Look out rats. . . Examination for Public School Teach- era. An examination for public school teachers will be conducted here to morrow by Supt. J. R. Poole. All who wish to take the examination must report to Supt Poole's office by 9,'a. - , . v . - -- HaaWHeyStill V In Smokehouse (Rhodes fittraan Arrested Following Discovery of Plant and Juice at His Home. . V: -. Officers captured a ' whiskey-mak :ing plant in the .smokehouse at the home , of Rhodes zPittman, who lives two miles soutlr of Lumberton, Sat urday about i noon. v One gallon, of whiskey was also found in the smoke house, while mare than 100 gallons of mesh ,were ound m a hog pen near the Pittman home.' The mesh , was coyered up ' with straw.' Pittman 'was later arrested while in town and placed in jail. The still was made of two galvanized tubs, with other ap pliances for "cooking'' 'whiskey.' The Dosse canturin&r the still was 'com posed of Deputies A. H. Prevatt and F. A. Wishart and Rural Policeman A. R. Pittman. v SPECIAL DAIRY MEETING AT REX APRIL 11 AT 2:30 State Dairy Specialist Will be Pre. sent Rex Defeats Lumber Bridge Social and Personal. Correspondence of The Robesonian. Rex, April 7. Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Beard, Mrs. O. C '.Vava and Miss Ellie Cashwell spent Saturday, in Lumber ton. .Messrs. J. W. Jones -and J. J. Cash well went to St. Pauls Saturday on business. Miss Lena Beard spent the week end with relatives at Eastover. Mr. D. A. -McDonald, who holds a position at Steadman, spent the week-end at home. Mr. I., J. Williams and daughter, Miss - Margaret, spent Tuesday in Fayetteville. Mr. and Mrs. M. R. Dennis spent the week-end visiting relatives in Steadman. - - ' Prof. Chapel Wilson, principal of Lumber JBridge high school,' and Miss Harrill, assistant principal, took tea 'at the home of Mr. J. S. Johnson Fri day evening. . ...Rex-4wseball teampiayed Lumber Bridge Monday afternoon. The score was 16 to 18 in favor of Rex; The Camp Fire girls ' of Rex gave a very interesting "April Fool party" at the school house Saturday night. The building was attractively decor ated with pines and flowers. A num ber, of. games was played, some of which Were quite" original. Messrs Heck Shaw and Dan McDaniel were prize winners in the animal contest. Delicious refreshments were served. The small admission charged at the door went for the benefit of the or ganization. Mrs. O. C. Vava entertained the first and sixth graded Wednesday afternoon. The color scheme was beautifully carried out in the candles, place cards and centerpiece. A salad course was served, also pound cake and mint's. Many games were played. Master Pryor won the prize in the rabbit contest and in the rabbit hunt little Miss Sallie Pate found the rabbit. We hope the men as well as the ladies will not forget the special meeting Mr. Kimmery State dairy specialist, and Miss Flax Andrews, home demonstration agent, have ar ranged to hold at the school building at 2:30 Tuesday, April 11th. Interesting Chapel Exercises 7 More Weeks of School. An interesting program was ren dered at the chapel exercises a the high school auditorium Friday morn ing. Devotional exercises were con ducted by Supt. W. H. Cale. Mrs. J. R. Poole gave two beautiful readings, and a piano solo by Miss Carolyn Shooter was much enjoyed. Miss Martha, Flax Andrews, home demon stration agent, made a short and in teresting talk on the "rat killing" campaign which begins to'day. Supt. Cale announced that there would be only seven more weeks of the present school term. It was also announced that the county-wide field day, in which all the schools in the county will be asked to take part, will be- held in Lumberton Friday, April 21. If that days happens to be rainy the field day will be- held on April 24. . . J A. The program Friday morning' was arranged by the A A division of the eighth grade, Mr. Robert Weinstein being master of ceremonies. Setting Out Tobacco Plants Has Be- gun. rjs Some few Robeson farmers "set out" tobacco plants last week. To bacco-growers generally have fine plant beds, it is said. Mr. E. Hood and family of Marion, S. 'C, spent the week-end here visit ing "at the' home of Mr. Hood's , brother-in-law and sister, Mr. and Mrs. C. O. Rogers, Eighth street. Mrs. I. B. Rush returned Saturday evening to her home in Charlotte af ter spending a; week here visiting at the home of her brother-in-law and sister, Mr. and Mrs. K. U. Williard. She was accompanied home by Mr. and Mrs. Williard's small son, Ever-, ett,,who will spend some , time- in unariotte. . Mrs. Vance Skipper spent yester day at St Pauls visiting relatives. ' Democratic Pre- , ; cinct Meetings Two Lumberton Precincts. Elect Ex- V eentive Committees and i Delegates to. Connty ) Convention to be Held VAjuil p-ladies 'U Represented " on Both CMMttkteea .ti: V Tpmnerat.kv1iroinf rrwrtincr for ootn tne -north ana - soutn - number ton-'nreeinets wsr held in the court house Saturday, at 3 p. m. Executive committees lor each of the two pre cincts were elected. The following were elected : " North Lnmhertofa nre- cinct Messrs. -T. L. Johnson, JW; S. Hntt, H. Mi. Stacy and Mesdames All H. McLeod and. John Knox; South Lumberton brecinct Mexsni.. K. L. Hamilton, ,W. J, Alexander, jra B. Townsend and Mesdames D. D. French and E. R. Mclntyre. Delecatm tn thm pmintv innvntinn to be held in Lumberton Saturday of this week, April 15, at 11 a. m. were elected as follows.: North Lumberton Messrs. Ira Bullard, M. W. Floyd, D. R. Shaw, T. 1 Johnson, Jp, Ertel Carlyle, W. B. Ivey. F. D. Hskctt. Jr.. Ren O, Floyd, A. V. G. Wishart, H. E. Stacy, R. E. Lewis, J. Dickson McLean, C. B. Skipper, A. E. White, W. S. Britt, L. R. Varser. J. J. Goodwin. L. J. Britt, E. M. Johnson, E. M. Britt Mesdames S. Mclntyre, R. C.i Law rence, J. D. Proctor, R. H. Crichton, F.4 D. Hackett, Jr., Thos. F. Costner, T. C, TnmtnanA A 1?! Wki. T.. C McNeill, H. M. McAllister, N. A. McLean, H. E. Stacy, T. C. Johnson,. J. H. Felts, Jr., Alf. H. McLeod, A. H. McLeod, A. T. Parmele, W. W. Parker, L. R. Varser, T. L. Johnson, w. Britt, Mzzie u. Proctor; Misses Lillian Proctor, Martha Flax Andrews, Mary Lee Caldwell. Winifred Row- ,land. . . South Lumberton Messrs. W T Linkhaw.. Frank Gourh. J. . r Knr. ment, Ira B.' Townsend, E. L. Hamil ton, F. L. Prevatt, L. S. Prevatt, F. Grover Britt, Herod Allen, W. R. Ivey, E. J. Britt, Wright J. Prevatt, J. A. Sharpe, J,E- Alenanderi - MeHdme Dm." King,' J. A. Martin, Ira. B. iownsend,- K. L. Hamilton, Miss Lina Gough. All others who wish to attend the convention from pith of the two precincts are invited. yuite a number attended the pre cinct meetings Saturday, the only business claiming attention beinc the organization ana election , of dele gates to tne county convention. Howellsivlle Executive Committee and i Delegates. ; Reported for The Robesonian. I The Democratic percinct meeting! was held in Howellsville ' Saturday afternoon. The following executive committee was elected: T.J W. Maxwell, chairman. Jones, J. D. Powers, Mrs. W. J. rowers and Miss Kuth Graham. ! The f ollowinir were elected dele. ! gates to the county conventions N. A Townsend, H. A. M'White.l Spurgeon Jones, J. D. Powers, W. E.J McNeill, Elmer Kinlaw, E. T. Taylor, j T. W. Maxwell, H. L. Andrews, Mes dames Cora Lipkey and N. A. Kin- law, Misses Nellie Kinlaw, Bessie; layior, came rowers and Ruth Gra-1 ham. Mr. Spurgeon Jones was olepfed secretary of the meeting. . i 60 Warehouses Ten- i dered to Assn.' eastern Warehousemen Meet With Tobacco Growers "Co-op" Over 80 Warehouses in State to be Operated by Organized Growers. Raleigh News and Observer, Apr. 8. Eastern North CamHn .kon iuuai-i.u warehousemen in a conference with Aaron &apiro, attorney, and officials of the Tobacco Grow association, yesterday tendered to! 4-1. A. r a 'u association ior purcnase or lease, more than aixtv wumtiAiio. w;. ' brmgs the number of plants in this! umlc ,iw uo operaiea.Dy.tne seventy thousand organized growers to more than eighty. The contracts were signed by the warehousemen following a meeting in the House nf P where .they heard Mr. Sa'piro explain iu uewus oi tne plans for purchase Or lease bv the nntoHn i ders guaranteed sufficient facilities io nanaie tne 1922 crop of the organ ized growers in Enstom Mnh r-- lina. ' Warehouses in tbi tmmoHiot tion tendered the association, accord ing to the list nuhlishol in Th U.w. and Observer, were: Bladenboro 1. Cerro Gordo l, .Proctoryille2, Row land 2, St Pauls i, Whiteville 1. It is understood that tha Mti Ansa ownera ol ! -Lumberton are entirely wiumg to cooperate with the associa tion but the men selected to repre sent them at the meeting VriAv unavoidably prevented from attend ing. . ' , t. J Fairmont, one of the largest mark ets in the South Carolina belt, will, it is understood, sell by the auction method as heretofore. : Mr. W. E. Phillips of R. 6, Lum berton, was among the 'visitors in town Saturday. 1 ; , . Lumber Bridge , News Letter Many Out-of-Tewn People Attended Funeral of Mrs. Malloy Raeford ? Wins from L. B Social and Per f i i sonal. .Correspondence of The Robesonian. , ) Lumber" Bridre. . Anril 7J Onite . m. number of out-of-town, people attend ee the funeral of Mrs. Nettie Malloy yesterday. ." . '. r ' .Little Gertrude Hodges has been Al with flu for the past week but is now on the road to recovery. . On Wednesday afternoon the Lum ber Bridge baseball team played the Raeford team on the Raeford dia mond. Raeford secured the victory by a score of 3-0. Recently the junior class of the high school delightfully entertained the senior class in the retention halt nf the school building. 'The halL was tastefully decorated in the senior colors, irreen and white. Little' ma. cots, Keoecca Monroe (senior) and xnaunce Johnson Marley (junior), re ceived the guests at the door, after wnich the guests were served delici ous fruit punch. . Manv interesting carries were nlav. ed during the evening and a toast wis given the senior class by the Junior class SDonnor. Prrvf. Tviiiia Tf Fogleman, which was responded to by miss Maggie Monroe, president of the Senior class. The colnr achemo wa furthoi- hi.. ried out in the ice course. The senior class and a number of their friends enjoyed .. a delightful niCIUC at Ardulaaa .Thnrariav nmlrn, followed by an evening at the show m rayetieviiie. . . Mr. and Mrs. Luke Blue and their little dauzhter. of Fairmont, re visiting in our town. Vn Thursday morning Dr. Dixon, vice president of Flora MplVmaM college, addressed the pupils: of the high school on "Why I should go to College." His talk was hoth inter esting and instructive and was thtiroughly-'eH36yed7 " OAK DALE LEAFLETS. School Ends Successful Year April 12 V-Mr. Alf. Rogters. Passes Per sonal. Correspondence of The Robesonian. Oak Dale. Arjril 8. Our fa rmers have been very busy of late getting ready to plant. We are sorry to hear of the sud den death' of Mr. Alf Rogeri. He leaves two daughters and onelsister to mourn their loss. j -j utuuuvi emu iuias Cora Ford were Lumberton visitors! this week. , j Miss Roma Harrington is visiting. relatives in our community. Little Ruth Ford,' who , is in the! inompson hospital at Lumberton, is getting on very nicely. We hope that she will soon be able to return home. Messrs. Roy and Bascom Britt of Lumberton were visitors at the home of. Mr. C. T. Ford this week. n..- U 1 :i, -i . ... ' ouuuui win ciose next weanes-, day, April 12th. We will have a con-l cert tnat night beginning at 8 o'clock. We have had a very good school, We have enrolled 145. Our daily average has been 115. The teachers appreciate and are very erateful for the anlendirl . operation and many kindnesses shown' (The program is published else where in this issue. Editor.) Items From. Out Smith Vav. Correspondence of The Robesonian. Lrtimoerton, K. 7, April, 7. Wei are all glad to see the pretty spring days and" farmers are making good use oiinem punting corn and get ting ready to sow cotton. Very sorry to report Mrs. G, W. Parnell has been confined to her room this week with the flu. Hope she will soon be out again. The concert which was given at Smith school house last Fridae nicht was enjoyed by a large crowd and we want to thank the people for their good behaviour. Mr.-Jim Hickman and-family, who have been confined with the flu for a good long time, are able to be out again. . , . . i MlSS Jessie Rvrd nnont Sintdav, with Mfsses Nettie and Janie Pridgen.1 011SS Annie Bell Allen nf RIarlen county, spent last Sunday "with Misses vena ana.rodia Sessoms. Write real often, "Aunt Sophia your letters' are read with pleasure. Mr. Charlie Lovett was a caller at the home of Mr. J. R. Pridgen Sun day p. m. Messrs. Sam West and Nash Col lins Were Caller at tho hnma nf a W. Sessomar Sunday p. m. "... uest wishes to the dear old Robe sonian and its many readers, Error Corrected DaVe Jones. vIia via Tunn1 at to Superior court on the charge of iorgery ny Kecorder David H. Fuller on WednesdaV Of last week. i enlnr. ed and not an Indian, as stated in lnursaay s Kooesoman. v II. . Mias Evelyn Smith of Monroe is a guest at the home of Mr. and Mrs. E, R. McIntyre,East Fifth street Record of Deaths ell Dead at Home in HowellTiIle Afternoon. Satnrdayfpoand. Mr. Dennis J.' Kinlaw, aged 01 years fell dead Saturday afternoon at bia nouie in Uowellsville township. Mr. Kinlaw was on the way to his hog - pasture to feed his hogs, when the final summons came. It is thought his' death, was due to heart trouble. I1U WMOW and two calldrM innin The funeral was conducted at the grave yesterday at 3. p. m. by. Rev. P. T. Britt and interment made in the familv eemeterv. The natl.hoaraM were: Messrs. C. R. Taylor,' C. ill Alien, a. r, fate, ti. b. HalU. Thad Davi and Rntrer If inlaw A crowd attended the funeral. The paving fever is rapidly spreaaing. ine required number of Dronertv owner tin KntVi wAA&m 1 Fifth, street between Pine and Wilnr streets nave signed a petition to war rant the' issuance of bonds by the town commissioners to nave the aid. walks on both sides of this street The same applies to the north side of inird street between Chestnut and Cedar streets. Indications point to the paving of many sidewalks in town during the next few months. Mr. B. F. PhUlips. Mr. B. F. Phillips, well-known citi zen, died Friday morning at his home 4 miles east of Lumberton, death re sulting from paralysis. Deceased was about 64 years old and is survived by his widow and .'3 children; The funeral was conducted from the home Saturday aj 2 p. m. by Rev. A. E. Paul and interment was made in the family cemetery. Mr. Phillina wa a Lgood man and will be missed in his community. Infant A 3-months-old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Lindsay Norment of the Raynham section died Saturday night of pneumonia. The funeral was con ducted yesterday at 4 p. m. and in termen t jmade jnjtbe-fami ly Temef eryT Lillie Jones, Indian. Lillie Jones, Indian, aged 40 years, died Saturday at her home near Buie. The causcof her death has not been learned. PINEY GROVE FINALS WILL BE HELD APRIL 15 Personal and Social Items About In diana of R. 2. Correspondence of The Robesonian. Lumberton, R. 2, April 5. Farmers are busy these beautiful spring days. 'The weather has been fine for plow ing the past week. On Saturday, p. m., April 1, one of the most delightful pound partfes was given at the home, of Mr. Willis Locklear in honor of his sons Messrs. Frank and Ambrose LockleaTr. Cake and cream and fruit were served. Everybody present seemed to enjoy themselves fine. Mrs. Willis Locklear returned from the Thompson, hospital yesterday. She is improved nicely. Miss Lucy A. Dial, who came home from the Thompson hospital a few days ago, is Improving. Mr. Willis Locklear and daughter, Fannie Mae, and son, Frank, also Miss Sallie Jane Oxendine and Mr. H. C. Revels, were Fairmont visitors Sun day. The commencement at Piney Grove school will close the 15th of April., Everbody is invited to come. Best wishes to The Robesonian. Insane Father Kills 3 Small Children and Self. Charlotte Observed Apr. 10: Driven despondent and perhaps insane by an incurable stomach malady, John Helms about 6:30 o'clock . yesterday morning slew three of his own chil dren with a wood-axe and then ended his life by blowing off the top of his head with a single-barrel. shotgun, a t their home on the Bob Rice place, at the 11-mile post on the Lawyers road. He was 40 years old. The only eye witness to the tragedy as his 13-year-old daughter. MUa was his 13-year-old ' dano-hter Ruby Lee. who with Mr Helm, h an eicrht-renr.nM .ni.f.. -- ,.1, "u, escaned from tho marl mon -"- w uax IIIUUl uniy Farts or Districts Consolidated. Only parts of Pembroke and Glen. wood school districts are included in the consolidation mentioned in Thurs day's Robesonian. The hnnnrfariea the consolidated district are given elsewhere in this issue in notice of new registration and election on $20, 000 bond issue for a high school building at Pembroke. . One hundred and fifty women from the various home demonstration clubs in the county attended a fash ion show held here Friday under the auspices of the Lumberton Home Demonstration club. The show was conducted by Madame Shorter of Charlotte. Prof. J. R. Poole, county superin tendent of schools, is mailing out to day examinations for seventh-grade pupils in the various school in the county. The examinations will be held Thursday and Friday of this week. V. Mr. W. M. Oliver of Marietta is a Lumberton visitor today. V COTTON MARKET ' M idflin0 .rnttnn . ia nnnrl m lU. local market today at 16 5-8 cents th. BRIEF ITEMS AND LOCAL NEW 8 : -.;vi ' " Mr. Justin McNeill, local trucker, offered nome-grown headed eabbag for sale Friday ' "! .j t Sir. -: J. , W. Bulloek ' began today the erection of a 5-roonr bungalow on East Second -street Mr. Rlirdon . Warwick of Omm entered the Thompson hospital JPrU day ror treatment -Mr W. I. Linkhaw la aemMin material for the erection of a 7-room bungalow on the north side of Vfcst Third street. Miss Addie Hedges has accepted a position as 'saleslady in Mr. K. If. Biggs' department store. She began work this morning. The Woman's club will hold its regular monthly meeting tomorrow (Tuesday) afternoon at 4 o'clock at the home of Mrs. Daisy W. Jenkins." Mr. D. A: Oliver of R. 2, Fair mont, la amnnar 'tha triaitnra in tvarm today, Mr. Oliver says the farmers in hia section are waettino nnt bacco and planting cotton seed. xearby r. Hunt, Indian, wife ox Lloyd Hunt, who had been a patient at the Thomnaon hosnital for la riav was able to return to her home fan town last week. k Richard . Cartel ami Marv VL Smith, Indians, from near 'St Pauls, were married in the, court house here Saturday afternoon at A nVlnrk Mr. M. G. McKenzie, justice of the peace, officiating. . The names of Mesdames Alf. Hc Leod and W. W. Parker have heen Tiled as 'candidates for the Graded school board in the town primary to be' held April 25. Four trustees are to be nominated. An imnortant meetincr nf th in cal I. O, O.-F, will be held Thursday evening of this week at 8 o'clock. rnington is expected to be present a an. a a - anq an uaa r ewows are urged to be present. Mrs. E. L. Hamilton and amall daughter, Mary Ruth, returned Fri day evening from Scotland Neck. where they spent a few days with. Ms. Hamilton's parents, Mr. and wrs. a. j. wniteneaa, hoth or whom are ill with" inflenza. Mr. Ira B. Townsend last week- purchased from Mr. W. K. Bethuna the brick store building on West Fourth street occupied by the W. H. King Drug Co. and Dr. J. D. Quick, colored. The lot is 18 by 50 feet, while the building is 18 by 40 feet. Mr. Swain Britt and son, Mr. Layton Britt, o the Broad Ridge, were Lumberton visitors Friday. Mr. Britt had the misfortune of losing an overcoat from his wagon while in town. Mrs. Britt has been very sick but her condition has improved some what. . , Is the "daddy" boll weevil dead? It was yesterday that Mr. K." U. Wil liard of Lumberton came across a skeleton of the "daddy" boll weevil, three miles east of Lucnberton. ' Ho brought the skeleton to towi and the consensus of opinnbn is that it is the skelton of the "daddy" boll weevil. Mr. and Mrs. T. O. Edens and small son, Thos. Russell Edens, moved last week from Rosemary to Lumber ton. They will make their home with Mrs. Edens' patents, Mr. and Mrs. J. P. Russell, Walnut street Mr. Edens has accepted a. position as traveling representative in eastern North Carolina for the General Paper Co. of Greensboro. The many friends of both Mr. and Mrs. Edens will bo pleased to learn of their return to Lumberton. Mr. A. R. McEachern of St. Pauls was in Lumberton Friday on his way home from a meeting of tho board of directors of the Presbyterian orphanage at Barium Springs. Mr. McEachern says that when a splendid new building now being erected and additions to a building are completed the orphanaze will be able to tak t", ,1 w n i Wner?' SfL0"1 .?39- The plan is to spend care of 350 children, whereas it now "W,oou there each year i $100,000 there each year for 5 years. Ana that amount will be expended thU vear ln,s ear. 01 tne tmn 01 Jno- F., French Co. of Lumberton, submitted the highest om at an auction sale Wednesday of last week of the bankmnt atvlr nf merchandise, and fixtures of the Mc Call .Co., Inc.,v of Lanrinburg. The aaie .was maae oy Mr. J. W. Mason, trustee. Mr. White'a hid , t- ou nn The' stock inventorfea xftROQ 23 anrl jthe fixtures $558m' The liabilities are said to be about $12,000. The sals is subject to confirmation by the re feree. iV,f-, Public School Extension Program 11- " 15 '-- ' ' Scouting for Washington. Little Red Riding Hood. .The Gumps Redecorate the Flat Little Billy's Strategy. . April 11 Parkton. April 12 Oakdale commencement April IS Oman, I April 14 Fairmont J i April 15 Pembroke. ! - i Mr. A. E. Byrne of Fairmont it Lumberton visitor today. --t VfV'c 4f-y-p T.:V- f w i-.

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