.V ... A ESTABLISHED U79. SINGLE COPT FXTB CENTS COUNTRT.-COD AND TBUTfl. U It 92.09 A TEASL VXJH Ef AD7AKC3 VOLUME Lm LUUBE2T0N, N. C., TUUESDAY, APRIL 13. 1922 HUUBZE 18 Mystery Surronds ? Abandoned Auto - .r- . - - ' f , u Ford With Switch Key in Place and Lights Burning Abandoned Beside Road Was Driver Murdered, Did He Commit Suicide or Did He Just Vamose? Sait , Case With . Some Wearing Apparel Left in Cu.it Chief of Police ',D. . M. Barker has in his possession a Ford ' roadster about which there is much curiosity. The car was left in a-ditch -beside the Creek road about a mile out, of town Monday flight. The car wa-rapparenf-ly driven into the ditch at low, speed and was-not damaged, .The : switch key was left, in the ear and the lights, were left; burning. .In the rear of the ear was a suitcase, which .con tained eeyeraL shirtsf rtwo , or three pairs of -men's 'socks -and some,jpol- lars. iThe initials "E. R. S." were written -on the collars and shirts. Who drove the car Into the'ditch. and left it there? is what puzzles the officers. There in no "State number on the , car. Some advance the - idea that the driver was "murdered .and his. body thrown into the river near by where the car was left;, ethers , think the car was stolen and abandoned, while others are inclined to think, that the driver of the car might have "ended it all" by jumping into the river of his own f ree will. . . Since the above was put in type the Ford has been identified as one driven into town Sunday" by a man who gave his name as . Shepherd and who said hi home was in Georgia.: Mr. Joe Freeman 'says "se sol4 the . .driver of the car a hub cap; for It and that he appeared to be a middle-aged man. Some who saw the man said he ap peared to have' been somewhat intoxi cated. However, nothing ' has been heard of the owner since the car was found abandoned. Sup Court erior Court Adjourned Yesterdayl-iOne Divorce Granted Other Cases. ' i Superior court for the trial of civil cases, which had been in session since Monday, April 3, adjourned -yester- , - ' , - J f J n .TIT I nor, who presided, Ief t: this" morning for his home at Wilson. Toe follow ing Jury trials were heard this week: Lizzie Houston vsWiliam Houston; divorce granted. Holmes Electric Co. vs. Town of Pembroke; judgment ,for plaintiff. J.. P. Townsend vs. W. T. Crump; judgment for plaintiff. L. Mclnnis vs. R. C. Sessoms; judgment for plaintiff. A number of judgments were sign ed during the term. More Candidates Enter the Field. Candidates whose formal announce ments appear in The Robesonian to day for the first time, are: Geo D. Willard, for road supervisor of Al fordsville; W. B. Ivey and John G. Proctor, for recorder Lumberton dis trict; Jetter D. Lewis and Ernest G. Jones, for road supervisor Fairmont; N. L. Hall, W. S. Stone and J. W. Bullard, for road supervisor of Thomp son; Wm. Bardell Townsend of Red Spring, exrsoldier and grandson of the late Hamilton McMillan, who served in the Legislature, for lower house of Legislature; J. E. Carpen ter, mayor of Maxton and former soldier, for solicitor 9th judicial dis trict; R. M. Williams for recorder Maxton district (present incumbent); Geo. L. Grantham, V. H. Taylor and A. E. Floyd, for recorder Fairmont district; A. T. McKellar, for recorder Rowland district; Hi G. McCormick, for road supervisor of Rowland. Names of Ladies Filed for Office of School Trustee, r - Names of the following ladies have been filed as candidates for members of the local school board, in addition to those mentioned in Monday's Robe sonian: Mesdames H. T. Pope, C. H; Boyd, J. Q. Beckwith, A. Nash, E. L. Hamilton. These names have been filed by friends and not by the ladies themselves, just as were those of Mesdames Alf. H. McLeod and W. W. Parker, mentioned m Monday's Robe sonian. As has been stated in The Robe sonian, four members of the school board are to be elected, the terms of Dr. R. C. Beaman, Messrs. Q. T. Williams, J. H. Wishart and R. C. Lawrence expiring. Members elected last year for a term of 2 years were Messrs. K. M. Barnes G. -L. Thomp son and L. Ev Whaley. Reynolds .National Committeeman, Bramham State Chairman. Republicans of North Carolina in convention at Winston-Salem yester day elected Chas. A. Reynolds of that city national committeeman to succeed J. M. Morehead, and W. G. Bramham of Durham to succeed Rey nolds as chairman of the .state ex ecutive committee. J. S. Snoddy of Red Spring! was elected committee man for the 6th districLjrhe conven tion scored the Democrats and declar ed the state is .Uttering under taxa tion. . . . . Mrs. S. R. Spivey went yesterday to Wilmington, where she will spend some time visiting at the home of her son-in-law and daughter. Mr: and -Mrs. A. W. NewkJrk. County Democratic Convention Apr. 15 ; ' ' v- . . 1 ' ' ' ". ' Many Delegates 'Expected to Attend Meeting at Court House at 11. A. . M. Saturday Committees : and Delegates Named at Precinct Meet- .'; 1-gs.i, J As' stated in Monday's Robesonian, the . Democratic ' county : convention will be held in the caurt house here Saturday of this week at 11 a. m. Be sides those mentioned in 'Monday's paper, the fallowing precincts have reported delegate to-the county con vention and executive committees elected at meetings held last Satur day: ' , . Pembroke TtvvUp, . , Pembroke' township electfed the fol lowing delegates to the county con vention: Roy. Lewis, D. E, McQueen, J. A. McCormick, W. H.-Godwin, W. G. Kirk, M. N. Culbreth, D, McN. Buie, L. E. Blanchard. Mr N. H. Biddell was elected chairman of the township executive committed, Wishart Township. . ' , Wishart elected the following: Ex ecutive 'committee J. C. Stansel, chairman, L. C. West 3. M. Smith, W. B. Parhell, Tv P.' Monroe; dele gates to county convention J .C. Stansel, JL (VWest, J. M. Smith, W. a ParnelL T. P, Monroe, J. R. Phil lips, J.. P. .West, PanK&r I -. Marten,- Robt-L. ' Collins. -- ' St." Pauls Township St. Pauls-township: Executive com mittee L. H. Townsend, .chairman, Marcus Smith, William Davis, J.'' S. Butler, C, C. Harrington; delegates, to county "convention L. H. Townsend, Jno. S. Butler, Marcus Smith, L. A. McGachy, C- C. Harrington, L. , T. Britt, J. T. Webb, Chas. Allen, R. L. Rivers, Jno. D. CanadyyH. W. Gibson, A. R. McEachern, J. A. Johnson. - ' Red Springs Township . , Red Springs township: Delegates to, county convention D, McN. Gra ham, Dr. B. F- McMillan, M. A. Buie, J. F. McKay, J. N. Buie, J. T. Odom, J. M. Brown, Harvey McMillan, E. L. Buie, Misses Elizabeth' Frye, Katie McL Buie and Alice Hall; executive KIHUIUHWB-' "- A'" UU1C, UiaiTUWU. committee J. N. Buie, chairman, J. Brown J, 'J. Thrower. BM..jv v.KWOetaoin shrdlu shrdlu Orrum Township Orrum township: Executive com-mittee--M. Shepherd, chairman, H. Barnes, D. R. Hardin, J. A. Nye, W. H. Watts; delegates to county con vention A. M. Floyd, J. K. Atkin son, W. G. Nance, C. A. Britt,, G. W. Lawson, W. T. Ivey, F. J. Nye. Rafe Swampt Township Executive committee W. C. Town send, chairman, H. F. Townsend, Joseph Townsend, W.R. Carlyle, D. J. Bullock; delegates. to county conven tion H. F. Townsend, W. C. Town send, Joseph' Townsend, D. J. Bullock, J. L, Gregoi-r, J, M. Townsend. ' Rowland Township Delegates to county convention Mesdames C. D. Smith, C. T. Pate, D. A. Cox, Sallie McLaurin, Miss Sallie Sinclair, R. S. Bond, C. A. Cox. C. T. Pate, R. F. Graham, H. W. Rainey; executivecommittee C. J. McCallum chairman, C. T. Pate, J. H. McArn, R. S. Bond, W. E. Lynch. The Rowland township meeting unanimously endorsed D. P. McKin non of Rowland for a seat in the low er house of the Legislature. Smith Township Executive committee D. L. Stew art, chairman, P. H. McArthur, Sandy McNeill, Neill Alford, Geo. H. Mc Kay; delegates to county convention D. L. Stewart, P. H. McArthur, Sandy McNeill, Neill Alford, Geo. H. Mc Kay, Mrs. J. K. McGirt, Mrs. Ora Mc Arthur, Mrs. J. J. McLuchlin, Misses Irene Buie and Lena Mae McEachern. Rennert Township Executive committee and delegates to county convention Lacy McNair, chairman, Nathaniel McGoojran, R. D. Graham, W. T. Covington, C. T. Wal ters. Parkton Township Executive committee W. G. Britt, chairman, Clayton Ross, J. B. Mc Cormick, F. N. Fisher, J. M. Johnson; delegates to county convention A. M. Blount, A. M. Stubbs, A. J. Lewis, A. A. Wright, J. B. McCormick, Clay ton Ross, Neill A. McMillan, J. B. Malloy, Mesdames A F. Hughes, Col lier Cobb, J. C. D. McNatt, D. S. Cur rie A. J. Gams, J. D. Cobb, Sallie McMillan NORTH CAROLINA PICTORIAL HISTORY TO BE SHQWN HERE Famous Historical y Movies of At tempted Settlements on Roanoke Island Will be Exhibited Here Wed nesday of Next Week. North Carolina pictorial history. covering attempted settlement on Roanoke Island, will be snown in Lumberton -Wednesday. April 19, af ternoon and night under the auspices of the Woman's Club of Lumberton. These pictures, 6 reels, were com pleted and put in circulation . aDout z months aeo and have oeen seen by 60,- 000 nebnle. They are in great de mand all over the State. Admission will be 25c for adults, 10c for school children. - Mr.' A: Weinstein is having the interior of his home on North Elm street decorated. St Pauls 1 - News Letter Funeral of Mrs. Nettie . Malloy 5. School Building Unsafe and Tem porary Quarters Are Found Else where Debaters Reflected ' Credit On Town Sick - are -Improving Other -Items. ( t - Correspondence of The Robesonian. St, Pauls, April. 11 Another love ly spring morning greets us. This is ideal weather for the farmers surely and from all we can hear they seem to be taking advantage of it. ; . Mr. A. R. McEachern left yester day for ..New York, . where . he will spend a few. days on business. ' -. Among those from here who , at tended the ' funeral of . JVIra Nettie Malloy at Lumber .Bridge on last Thursday afternoon were: Dr. and Mrs. E. C. Murray, Mr. and Mrs. L. A. McGeachy, Mr. and Mrs. J. A. McGeachy, Miss Mary Janet McNeill, who is teaching .at Elizabethtown, Mr.-and Mrs. J. C. Lindsay, Air. Locke Mclnnis, Messrs, Sam Davis and Jas. A. Johnson,- and Mesdames Johnson and. Davis, 'daughters of de ceased. Mrs. Malloy Was in her 77th year. The floral tributes' .were beau tiful and expressed in a small ' way the esteem in which the subject of our sketch - was held. The funeral services were conducted by Rer.;Mr. Pjxon. A larg, Jl,jfriead and: . relatives, t?rs3r!isthe funeral aesiWr nmf avorable afternob.' lne; family have our deeoest sym pathy in the loss of their beloved mother. Born, to Mr. and Mrs. Ralnh Pow-i f pj . v TV u ers, , on, Sunday, March 26tti; a 12-1 10. gin. ;v I : Mr. A. R. McEachern left here last Wednesday, the ,6th, ehroute 'to Barium Springs orphanage, where he attended a 'meeting of the board of trustees of this institution, returning to St. Pauls the 7th. Mr. J. D. Odom's little child has been real sick since last Thursdav. Miss Lottie May Mclnnis of Lamar, ct, v., niece . 01 our townsman Mr. Locke Mclnnis, is a guest in the Mc lnnis home here on Main 'street. School was suspended on Friday andJVIonday tjnacc6unt of th-Tar- safeness of the high school buildinz. O il. l.l.t- . . . . 00 me 01 ine ones on top were iaumg in. The state inspector has been sent for and Supt. Teague is hoping they can be back in the building by next week, but of course, if they do not deem it safe will not risk it. For the present arrangements have been made for the continuation of the school and the numerous teachers have their classes in the different halls 1 1 11 i ana vacant Duuaings around over town. Supt. T. S. Teague of the high school faculty here went to Chapel Hill last week to attend the annual triangular debating contests, which were held at the university on' the 6th and. 7th. The following students of the high school were representa tives in the finals: Misses Louise Ben-1 nett and Pearl Shaw, Mr. Martin! Howard. Miss Elizabeth Hartman was also to have gone but an at tack of influenza prevented her from doing so. We regret very much that Elizabeth could not go. As they came ! so near reaching the "goal" perhaps : they would have gotten there had she I been along too. St. Pauls is very proud of her debators, anyway, if tney didn't win the memorial cup. Perhaps they wiH next year. They had j the same debate here on Friday even- ing, the 31st, and the judges, decided ui iYwr jrcitri ouaw. ine meaai, which was offered by Lawyer John p. Cannady, will be presented at the commencement in May. The U. D. C. met at the home of Mrs D. B. Lancaster, oft. Blue street, yesterday afternoon. Refreshments were served and a very pleasant so . . . . . Tl I t . nri. 1.1 1 cial hour was enjoyed. The Womans club, which was toRockfish; consideration, 16 hundred meet on Thursday afternoon of this week, was postponed as Mrs. E. C. Murray, who is president, was to be away and no special business was on nana, ine meeting will not be held; until Thursday of next week. ' Mrs. Murray and Miss Delia Mc Googan are planning to go as rep resentatives to the Presbyterial which meets this week at Laurel Hill. The flu seems to be subsiding. Mr. J. M. O. Denmark is out again. Miss Sarah McGeachy 'has recently re covered from, an attack of the epidem ic. The following families have also recovered from it: Mr. Chas. Terry's folks, Mr. Willie McLean's, Parhams, Hinsons, McDuxfie, Mr. and Mrs. L. L. McGoogan, Mr. and Mrs. W. Al ford McCormac and son, .besides others we can't seem to recall just now. We do not know of any new cases this week except Master Wil bur McGoogan, son of Mr. G. A. Mc Googan. : The many friends of Mr. J. Browne Evans are very glad to know he is im proving very nicely after an attack of ..pneumonia. The nurse left yester day, a. m. His .sister, Miss Josephine Evans, is still here and will be-here this week. It is fortunate Miss Evans can be here during her brother's ill ness. Mrs. J.M. Wicker, who had been in St Pauls since her daughter's. Mrs. N. A. ' McEachern's -. illness, returned (Continued, oq paga lour.) Pairkton Letter Robeson Loses a Good - Woman hi Death of Mrs. J. D. Malloy Park ton Visitors Enjoyed Clab Dinner In Lomberton Quarterly Meetidg Easter ' Services Farm Changes Hands More Chickens New lee Factory at St. Pauls Other Items. By C.D. WiUiansMa. " Parkton, April 10 Our town., was made quite . sad last week when the news reached us that Mrs. J. D. Mal loy had died. She was one of. Robe son's very best women. The writer had known, her since boyhood and had always admired her. One of the best Christians, . always cheerful and possessed an . unusual personality, loved by everybody. Her funeral was attended by one of the largest "crowds of loved ones and friends we . have witnessed in quite a while.. Rev. Dr. Dixon of Red Springs conducted, as siated by Dr. Murray of St., Pauls, and Rev. Mr. Brooks, pastor-of the, Baptist church of Lumber Bridge. The singing of the choir was most beautiful and appropriate. - Special mention should be made of that splendid quartette of St. Pauls as fol lows: Messrs. Mclnnis, McGeachy and McGeachy, and Mrs. L. McGeachy, Mrs. D. S. Currie performing at the piano most gracefully. The active pallbearers were her nephews; Malloy and 'Matto:grdnC Kj6-r."i.riBam '..J - U.. 7A4iT ...-. H; dveredf? withTutlllil 7 flowers, even more than could find space- We were advise'd that , all her children were with her when the end came. Dr. pixon paid a . splendid tribute " l4 1AVII JJMIU BfVUtM W a WWW to the deceased, saying that -Robeson county had lost one of the- best women, in every sense of the word, a devoted and affectionate mother, one that would sorely be missed, in her home and church. Truly the earth is poorer, heaven richer. Our-sympathy goes to the bereaved family. On last Tuesday the following were business callers in Lumberton: A. H. Perry, W. G. Britt, Collier Cobb, J. Q. Parnell and E. B. Daniel They all report quite a surprise and a rare treat as they were about to leave for home. The were invited to attend a barbecue supper "over at the 'club house and they jay it was not only a barbecue but shad and everything else good to eat, also cigars, etc. How this scribe has toned some of 4t down but was not remembered, somehow. We can say of a truth that there were some of this number whose pants fit better than usual. Quarterly meeting for Parkton charge was held at Marvin church Saturday and Sunday. Rev. R. F. Munns. Mr. and Mrs. A. M.- Stubbs and the writer attended on Saturday, j After hearing a most excellent ser- mon by Rev. J. D. Bundy, P. E., din- ner was served on the church lawn, which was quite a success and enjoy- ed by every one. It was good to be 1 there. - Mr R. T. Gaitlev and family have moved to their home, formerly owned by J. T. Peele, Mr. and Mrs. Currie McMillan and son, little MC, ana w. . mcu-iu- lan spent Sunday with relatives in I little Mc, and W. E. McMil town, the former being fro mFayette ville and the latter residing at Lum berton. Mr. P. R. Lowry, Mr. -Sufford and Mr. Fish, all of St. Pauls, were call- ers in our town Sunday afternoon, also attending church at the M. r.. church at 7:45. Mr. Sufford, being a violinist of some note, rendered one of his best solos, accompained by Mr. Lowry on piano. The pastor,' icev. June inis came as a complete Proctor. Mr. Proctor spent Monday Mr. Munns, was at his best .and surprise to the guests and made the night here, returning home Tuesday, preached a real Easter sermon, as he climax of the meeting a most en- Mr. Henry Jennings, Jr., has a announced he could not be with us joyable. one. Miss Viola Boone, teacher i radio receiving set that is a delight on next Sunday. The choir also ren- of the Fairmont graded school, and ; He sits in his room and hears eon dered good music. The congregation ! Mr. Forbes F. Thompson, teacher in certs five hundred or more miles was large' and very attentive. .the schools of Manteo, according to! away as distinctly as one could hear Mr. G. W. Wilder sold his farm of; this will be married m June. Both the in the same room .with the perform 22 acres last week to Mr. Monroe of; young people are very popular and era. Not concerts only, but everr- Hnllara Mr. Wilder will remain there 1.1-. - MWJ .1... V. . f.Mw oaf una jrcai aiiu tuiuiaiv uw ... usual, but will vacate in the fall, and jhe probably will purchase land near by and build during this year, The services were conducted at the Presbyterian church here Sun day by Mr. Mclver of Carthage, de livering a most interesting lecture. As a layman, he is quite interesting, Mr. J. B. McCormick reports more) young chicks than most any of us, says he has near three hundred and more hatching. Our town will have plenty chickens and some to spare ere long. Nothing .better than a Rhode Island two months old or three. Miss Pauline Sikes spent the week end , with home folks, returning to Montrose Sunday afternoon, wnere she teaches. While in St Pauls Friday p. m. we were shown through' the new ice fac tory. It is one of the most up-to-date. This is much appreciated by our town as well as other near-by towns. We see a truck load of its products unloading in our town this afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. R. B. Hutson spent Sunday in Fayetteville. Mr. Hutson reports the Browning, meeting now in progress at Hay street M. E. church worth while and quite interesting. -. Mr. Robert Turner of R. 2, Lum berton, was among the visitors in town yesterday. Mr. J. Dickson McLean left today for Sonthport oa legal business. Fairmont News New Postmaster Engagement An-' . . nouneeo a Surprise Marriage Other Items of Interest. , By H. V. Brown Fairmont April . 12. Between forty- and fifty, of the ... mmf'- V; -: JM of Fairmont attended a fish fry at! . -"J. Mr- B1 Spivey mflVvseveraliniles south' of A n Hindsa daoghteri here, Tuesday night. Plenty of fish Four wbKo and' 27 colored peo- ana orunswick stew made up tha menu and according to reports a. most enjoyable time "was had." Birthday Party. A birthday party that was most enjoyable to the little friends of George Galloway Tapscott was held at the home of Dr. and Mrs. H. L. Price, on North Main street, Tuesday afternoon between S and 5 o'clock. The birthday cake with 4 candles, repre senting the age of George, was cut and caused much merriment . -The -Easter effect was evident by eggs, rabbits, etc., and refreshments were served consisting of cream and cake. Those enjoying the party were: Julia Vinson, Louise Galloway, Sarah Florence Brown, Martha and Kathar ine Pittfnan, Emms and Laura Lewis Alford, Kathleen Johnson . and Dan Galloway, Thomas and " Ferrebee Sledee. Junior Mcllhennv. Born, to Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Mc Cormick, Tuesday a girl. Mr, J. w. Harreison .ofGoldiyr visitor -fcere .JM-jndayT I..i. . !.. A Tt 11 --J . J police of aFirmont. It is understood that he is now rounding. op the war suckers in this territory. Jas. D. Andrews Now Postmaster Mr. James D. Andrews now has full charge of the Fairmont post- office, succeeding Mr. S. P. Wilson, who has been, in charge for the last lour years. Miss Bessie Tubevnle, as sistant or clerk, will remain as assist ant to Mr. Andrews. Mrs. F. T. Siskron of Darlington, S. C, and Mrs. A. P. Ganby of Doves- ville, S. C, were week-end guests of Mr. and Mrs. O. I Barnes on Church street According to news reports the Fair mont Review will appear regularly from now on under the supervision of Mr. W. C. Ashley. and W. V- tfrancn. .1 Mr. K". C. Blue of Baeford was a visitor here last Monday. A well attended Democratic meet ing was held here last Saturday in the Recorder's office at which time delegates for the county convention were elected and other important com mittees were named. Mr. V. W. Keith was elected chairman. According to notices, Mr. W. W. Lewis is again in the race for road supervisor of Fairmont township. Mr, Ernest Jones is also in the race to succeed himself as supervisor, Engagement Announced A most interesting and instructive meeting of the Sidney Lanier Book club was held Tuesday afternoon at the home of Miss Agnes Ashley on Floyd street, Misses Ashley and Cur rie entertaining. On entering the house the guests were served delight ful and refreshing punch by Misses T1t TT.1 1 T 1 . t mrs ixeii rioya ana inaia nouse. ansa Agnes Ashley, the leader of the meet- ing, read a paper, "South Sea Is lands , and Mrs. C. E. Grantham, a paper, "Frank, the Vagabond Writer." At the end of this meeting fruit salad, stuffed figs and saltines were served, followed by candies. Then came into the midst little Joyce Kouse, attrac tively dressed in yellow orjrandie, car-' rying a huge basket of toaster favors bearing the words, "Boone-Thompson, have many friends who will learn of (Continued on page four.) THE RECORD OF DEATHS, Mr. D. W. McNeill of Red Springs - Mr. D. W. McNeill, 63 years old and prominent man of Red' Springs, died at his home there Monday at noon. Heart trouble was the cause, but death was not unexpected as he had been in ill health for several months. The funeral and interment took place Tuesday afternoon at 4 o'clock at Red Springs. Deceased is survived by his widow and two daughters. Mr, Simp Godwin Rev. R. A. Hedgpeth went this morning to Wade, Cumberland coun ty, to conduct the funeral of Mr. Simp Godwin, well-known Cumber land citizen, who died Tuesday night Dr. and Mrs. F. H. Pittman and three children of Fairmont were among the visitors in town yester day afternoon. Messrs. E. G. Jones, H. V. Brown and V. H. Taylor of Fairmont were Lumberton visitors yesterday. , Mr. W. D. Stone of McDonald was a Lumberton visitor yesterday. Dr. J. N. Britt of Rochelle, Ga ar rived yesterday and will spend a few days here visiting relatives and look ing after business interests Mr. B. W. Rhodes of R- 2, Fair mont, spenflast sight in Lumberton. J Middling cotton I emoted on thA local market today at 16 1-2 cents 1L. .." "1V . - Local banks will be closed next 7ZZ 72 P'e iook tne teacners' - examination conducted by-Supt J. R. Poole hero Tuesday and yesterday. ' . . A car-load of honey bees passed through Lumberton over tha Sea board yesterday. They were consign ed to Councils, Bladen county. . Regular meeting Lumberton chapter No. 110, O. E. S will be held in the Masonic hall this evening at 8. o'clock. All members are urged to be present. ' 4 ' Mr. R. W. Wallace and family. who have been living on R. 2 from Fairmont, left today for Daytonm Beach, FUu, where they will maka their home. . A boll weevil was discovered in the kitchen at the home of Mr. J. T. Mclntyre, Eighth and Willow sireets. yesterday. The weevils are stirring - early this spring. Mr, S. F. Caldwell attended fat Wilmington yesterday a meeting of ' directors of the . Eastern North Caro,.. tCsaAwcrW which ' The" regular meeting of the Lum- " berton post of the American Legion will be held in the Legion hall this evening .at 8 o'clock. All ex-servica men are urged to be present Mr. W. B. Covington of Rich mond .county, former superintendent of roads in Robeson, spent last night in Lumberton. He is working for tha State Highway Commission. . Mr. Q. T. Williams says he will not offer for re-election as a mem ber of the board of graded school trustees. Mr. Wiliams has served on this board for a number of years. Messrs. J, Ellie Walters and Kenyon Woody expect to leave to morrow morning on Mr. Walters Do Haviland 'plane for Wilmington. They will return to Lumberton - Monday." If "you're" guilty of plowing into the public road you had better stop it Mr.vTf. I Townsend, county superin- tendent of roads, says if this praetiea is not stopped he is going to indict somebody. , Lillie May Locklear and D. D. Locklear, Indians, who live near Lum berton, were married in the office of Register of Deeds M. W. Floyd yesterday alf 6 p. m. Justice F. Grover Britt officiated. Tuesday was the windiest day this section has experienced in quite a while. Although no serious damage has been reported, many trees were blown down. Part of an oak tree on the court house square was blown down and a . large limb was broken off a tree on West Fifth street. Miss Mattie Townsend under went an Operation for appendicitis at the Thompson hospital. Monday. Her condition is reported- as favor able. Miss Fodie Sessoms, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Sessoms of R. 7, Lumberton, underwent an opera tion for appendicitis at the Thomp son hospital Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. Edward K. Proctor of Whiteville, Mrs. Proctor's mother, Mrs. J. A. Brown of Chadbourn, and Misses Miriam McClammy and Har riett Bellamy or . lirairpr' were Lumberton visitors M nJay after noon. The Mist3 McClaui :iy and Bcllamv are irueta of Mr. and Mrs. thing else going through the circum- .ambient air fdr which his instrument ' f x 1 IT- ' L.1I.I 1.1 -1. 1 is lunea. n insiaucu ine sei niiu- (self and that the job was well done iis proved by the perfection of its functioning. RECORDER'S COURT Negro Bound to Court on Charge of Robbing Stores at Lowe and Alma. Jesse McRae, colored, was bound over to Superior court yesterday by Recorder David H. Fuller on two charges one robbing the store of Mr. W. R. Tyner at Lowe and the other of robbing the Alma Lumber Co. store at Alma. Bond was fixed at $500 in each case $1,000 in default of which 'McRae was remanded to jail. Troy Lawson was tried Monday on three separata charges assault upon D. K. Lawson, assault with deadly weapon upon D. K. Lawson and with cruelty to animals. Judgment was continued upon payment of eost on the assault charge, while the charges of assault with deadly weapon and cruelty to animals-were dismissed. Not Necessary to Register. It is not necessary tq register in order to rote in the town primary on April 25, according to Mr. T. L John son, town attorney. Those voting will be required to make oath that they were qualified to vote in tha last elec tion or will be qualified to vote in tha next election. - - COTTON MARKET

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