rrnr t tttt - ... Melissa Graham, 14-Yeir-Ol J Indian Girl Shot and killed by James J. M Oxendine and Latter Shot- to Death 1 J Bethel Graham. Brother, of Girl - Jury-Saot That Killed GUI Intend; ed for James - Oxehdine's Wife--. ' John Wesley Oxendine Held aa ,Ae eessoryi - -V '-. ' icA l--:'- : 'murder' and homicide i occurred near Pembroke Friday night aboi'it 10 . o'clock whenf- Mdissa Graham, a 1(5- year-old Indian girl. Wasc shoVandN jciuea vy pannes . vjjhiuiu'i who View minutes Jater, was Mmseii shot to 'death by -Bethel - -Graham, brother "of the : murdered ' prt TW shooting .toolt'plaee at the home of Joe Graham, father of the girT. Gra ham: surrendered to Sheriff ,'R. Lewis who rushed to the scene ; of the kilUng ' soon .after it happened. Graham was., placed In Ja&V but was exonerated . by a coroner's jury Sat urday . and released. ; ? . ; ' ,J, Story of Pouble Killing, .v. According 'to1 the. evidence brought out at the. inquest, 'James Oxendine went to the Graham home with John Wesley Dxendine. The wife of James Oxendine,; ; who Twas not . living with him, was" at the' Graham home. Oxen djne forced himself , into ;. the house after being refused admittance and as he entered the door he shot; the, young girl? the f load Cf rom a .shot gun taking effect in her ; mouth. 'She died mstantly". It iff -supposed that Oxendine" intended the shot for :his wife. Bethel Graham, "who live near by, heard the" shot and took, bis pis tol and hurried to r the; scene. .When he reached ".the home of his father, James Oxendine pointed his gun at him end threatened to kill him also. It was -then that Bethel fired several shots at Oxendine. One bullet entered Orendirie's breast and, . " a ; . second glanced bis abdomen, oxename w'a ed out- ef the ' house and ' fell - just outside the door. He died in, a short An ! inquet 'was' held 1 over t ihe re, mains of both the girl and Oxendine Saturday by Dr,e E. R.1 Hardin, count ty health Officer1' and fcoronerThe jury was. composed of Messrs. J VH. Barrington, F. A, WisharVH. CFtee man, W Di Lewis J; A. McConhick and Calvin E. ; Lowry, : the last -named an Indian. v. H'1?-;? '4' . - Verdict; o Goroner' Jury The following verdict was .rendered in regard to the .kiHing of 'Melissa Graham: .', HC-'i :'t -i'S'Aii " "We find that MeHssat Grahahi came to her death ; by a gunshot wound,, said gun . being , in the hands of James T.. Oxendine, deceased. We order' that John .Wesley Oxendine be held, as an accessory to the killing of Melissa Graham and that he be con fined to the county jail until further investigation by the proper court,?;. ' and is in thecounty jail here. ' The verdict rendered, in 'regard to the death of James 'Oxendine follows: "We. say for our verdict, that James T. Oxendine came to his death as a result of a pistol wound,' inflicted by a pistol in the hands of .'Bethel Gra ham. We further, find that i; Bethel Graham shot James T. Oxendine in defense of his own life and that said killing was1; justifiable." i . - , ' Graham used a 32 Calibre Smith & Wesson an!- the bullet that, entered Oxendine's breast was ' the one that caused his death; it is said. Town Bonds Sold At Premium of $2,040.50 $23,000 Town of Lumberton .Bonds for Street Imprevement, Sewer and Water Extension ; Sold to Detroit Concern-Eleven Bids Submitted. ;? The mayor and town. Commissioners Friday sold to. ; Person Campbell & Co., of fletroit, Mich., ; the towns bonds in , the sum of $235,000 a premium of $2,040.50, the bonds be ing sold to pay1, fpr atreet improve ments, sewer and water 'Extension and to take care of thet floating in debtedness of, the town. The bonds , were divided as ; f allows. V. -vf Street r improvement,- $80,000 10 1-2-year - bonds, bearing! 6 V per 'cent interest, for ,$8168; :k Sewer., and : water' extension, $120, 000, 24-year bonds, bearing 5 1-2 per cent, interestfer -$120228. . ' Floating , indebtedness, $35,000,' 17- year Donas, Deanng o per, cent, in terest, .for.. $35,444.6a ; - jvAtV..t The bonds are dated April 1, 1922, and the purchasers will - pay haterest already; accrued on same t: iv Eleven , bids twere made - on- the bonds two local banksthe National Bank of lumberton and .the First Matlnnftl both nhmittino' Hf v - As was stated in Thursday's Robe- sonian; . contract . was let Tuesday of last ". week - for both the street and 'sidewalk! paying and-the sewer, and water extension. ki i ' Tnwn PHmarr Tomorrow 1 vffif 'ii X UD (vva yiiuuu nut in uciu w morrow. A list ol -the candidates to . be voted on was published In Thurs day d olobesonian. . . v,U 4;;y , iMrtoQfW.iil yoira today. ;;:vv Remains Uncolvcd " ; -' 5 V-f Iv--" ' r V'f ; ') River .Hasr Been Dragged And Woods and Swamps Searched In Effort W Locate Aliasing Man Reward ( 5 ef $100 Offered Anonymons Let tef Received by' Mayor White. r ''AH", efforts to solve , the .mystery surrounding .the ' disappearance of E. R. Shepard of ' Putney, . - Gav, " whose abandoned auto was found in a ditch beside the W.-CA highway, I mile south '. of Lnmberton, ; on ; April . '11; have sty far proved fruitless. Lumber river; has ' been- dragged about the point ; where .the abandoned car .was found,' canals and swamp have; been searched' and the . woods ahont town have been scoured ; in an effort .'e locate the missing man. Relatives of Shepard 5 left .Saturday Zl or their homes in Georgia, k af terr a"pending several days here tryingto solve the mystery. They expect' to return here and Continue the investigation." ? . Relatives of Shepard have offered a reward of $100 for .information leading to his whereabouts: FThe con sensus of dpinionvis thatf he met foul play. Mayor A. E. White received Fri day enanonymous jettery mailed t at Wilmington v reading as ' follows : s . ; "Please notify Mr.C E.- Maglnnis of Cherryville,-N. C., and when; he arrives :' turn lie . Ford over -' to him, which you found. A friendly freight carried me to the Cape Fear.t A?v " lThank you for your .kindnesiuV y ivyMscouragedV, -The letter ' was written with a pen cil,1 but was hot the band-writing .f Shepard, ciording jb his ) brothers. There is, "however; a - man ..named C. E.'Maginnts living at .Cherry ville,' ac cording to the mayor of that ' town. It ia thought that the letter was' writ ten before, the writer learned that the ownership of the car had been estab lished . by .local officers, the ' scheme beinir to eain control of the automo- bile..' m ' Relatives of thn' mtaainc' man "sav e had a geod bank 'account' In his home town and ' that nothing has .been drawn from the account -siice he left home ; on March 28,rp v t ii v it is reported front East Lumbertoh thajt 4 Smith & Wesson' pistol bullets were found i yesterday ...nfternoon under moss : and earth ir the river bank near, where the. abandoned. , car was found. J Ut-'-y-' :??vi'&&ts- FieldDayAn m9 V , Entire Success Large, Crowd Thronged. Local School Grounds and ? Auditorium Friday v Afternoon for Series Df Delightful . Events Field Sports and Pageants Occupied i Eptire Afternoon Vs , Field sports, a Mother Goose festi val,; May' Pole .dances,' Indian dances, drillJ and crowning of the' My Queen occupied the. entire - afternoon Friday On the local school grounds and, ia. the school; auditorium A ? large, crowd witnessed all' the, events and it was a delightful aftembon both' for visitors ahd ' students. It is hoped that -a U sehopls in the county i will take part in'-the next field day. i v'r'X "' . . - N- 'Filed Sports , ' , ' Field sports began at 12:30, Row land, Barker-Tenmile and Lumberton hicrh schools takine part. Contestants from -each of' the schools lought hard ; to. win.' but they 'rivalry, was friendly and there was no evidence of dissatisfaction ; on the, part of any who entered.- Names' of prize win-i ners will be published m the next . is sue.' . 1 i . v :'.;.: The contests' were judged by Messrs. Ralph Query and Jack SpruilL. . Miss Jamie Carlyle served is score-keeper and Mr." J Robert Prevatt served as Starter: ' : k.-- .V.?f'- a Mother Goose Festival ; Pageants by. Grammar Grades, c? r-XXi'i Delightful v, exercises which were i' credit to oth pupils of the primary and grammar grades oi the ijumoer ton erraded school and theh?; teachers were, put on. in .the high school audi torium and on the campus Friday ai- ternoon. The exercises were declared by ' many to . have been the Jbest they had ever witnessed at the local school, The program began at 4 p. nu tn tne hi rh school auditorium and ended at 6:80 on the campus. The little folks apparently had the time of their lives, this . being the first appearance oi manv of them : on the Btaee. v They were well' trataed and . played; their parts, each and several, , in a most pleasing manner. Every member of the various departments and grades took seme-'part in. the exercises, -so many of them, that space forbids pub lishing list of. all the .names.'- ; Following . the program : as a irholetlM-tf.;'. t'M PLAYLET BT PRIMARY DEPART- - vv? -X V: : ' ment -a :N -.; : Ml.Ud Riding. Hood ' ," , ' ' ; . Characters : - v-j ,v':i Red Ridmg' Hood Rachel . Biggs -, -Mother Estella ' Sessoma ? - (Father of Red. Riding Hood , ; , Woodsman Frances , Lennon Bowen. Wolf-Robert 'I)eeae)';-v-:-Vi' t ' rv JC Fairy Queens-Elizabeth Belch .. v Fairies ir Little Girls . :y . ; v t : Brownie Drill Doll Drill ;. 4 ; ; Mother ' Goose ' Festival : Chorus--'.. . .' c . '. j i:--::-..'V: Characters; ' .; Mother Goose Lillian Bullard . . DcIiatQ cn Tovn . A: v' : -Political I:ciica S i. Views of Candidates for Mayor Pre . aented ., ia - Joint DebateCandidate ; E. II, Johnson T)enoance as Lie ; Charge That JJe Trying to Ride 'f lat Office on Any Man's, Coattait. ' Townipolitica' reached?tht high water mark'! ' Friday- evening when ihe first public speaking' was staged at Messrs. Prevatt & Lamb's store, Second and: Ghippewa streets. J V-Mr; , W. S Britt, law - partner and brother td Mr..E.;M. Britt, one of .the two ndidatea, f or mayor was, he f irt fo speak) Mr.v Britt; stated that owing, to- the Jact . that his brother was in. "Atlanta, Ga at: the bedside of his -wife;, .who is critically HL he felt it hia duty to let the public- knew for; what he stood ! if elected , mayor Of the town, , ';,-. V, f.Hia brother, he said.;- 'had . been charged with .being ; against, -paving and Other .improvements. This he de nied t and . said that . Mr. E. M. Britt, who at the' time was town" attorney, drew. the Jbilt providing for the first street: Paving ever done in the town of Lumberton. This was while"" the late , John A. . Rowland was aeririn the town as mayor. The speaker com parer tnft noatlng indebtedness of the town then and now. At that time, he said, the floating indebtedness was not more than $500.' while now it ia more than $35,000.: , ",.-'': Mr. r lJritt denied , the charge, ' that his brother. blocked, the bill for aewer and ",wa.ter-' extension in ' the eastern part' of town : some three years : ago. The bill his brother fought he 'said was; a bill '. to abolish : the board of audit and finance pf the town; Con- Hnmng tne speaker said, s"if E. M. Britt . is i elected ma voir all , mm ' will have equal rights and he ' will be mayor for no man r rfet of men." Mr. E. M Johnsoh, thfe other candi. date; for mayor, followed Mr. Britt. in oegmnmg Mr. Johnson said be had recently published in The Robesonian a , statement showing for :wbat he stood. -Referring to the charge that he was riding into .the mayor'a office on tne coat-tail oi tne present mayor, A. E. White, Mr, E. M. Johnson said the -man who savs' he i trvi'no tn ride intor office' on, the coattan pt any jU;M common oKunaryi ar. The speaker declared that h had been in favor ef ;sewer 'and water jex- tenaion m tne, eastern part 1 of town which . the,. 'records would show. "If I m elected mayor- of th town, in stand by the measure until the people living in that section 'get if, Vbe con tinued. ' " '..j. , . - , , Referring to a. meeting of the cham ber of commercep and citizens of the town some three years a?d when tlin matter' of extending, the "sewer .and Water to that section was. being dis- cussea, .wr. j onnsoff declared I that his- opponent was the ! only man who madei a speech against it' "I stood for bond then and . I 'stand . for hm now,f he said.;- -.. ?:!?, f . ' In regard to the floating1 Indebted ness of the town, the speaker said much of 4the deficit accumulated 1 by having, to borrow- money to run the schools, The present, municipal build ing also represents 'a- part of the in debtedness, hessaid. i- -- :rV .'V , , .In closing , Mr.. Johnson said 'he wanted the voters to: understand that when they ; cast a vote for ' him they were ' voting for E. M: Johnson and no . other m&iU'H r .s'-f..' Both: speakers' were, introduced by Mr. C. B. Hocutt Quite a- crowd at tended the joint debate and the poli tical spirit waa vvery. much - in evi-dene"-;...i.,.,v..vvVr OlTOng Cole Eugene Canady t -Page-7-Knox Roan r': ' -4 Fiddlers James rv Ammons, , Walter woore, Jonn Todd-MaxwelL i 5 , Jaclc t and : Gdl John Rober Boyd, amy Ase ; Kamseur. -;, At , Little Boy Blue Malcom : McLeod. ThreeMen in a' Tub James Hayes, oaa jaagn Lgrtton, uecu Smith. , i Humpty Dumpty Jimmy McMillan. oimpie Simon Kobert McLeod. " Pieman--Bruce M'White. . v "Boy Who Lived by HimselT LAurance Farmfele.. . . .;.'.... -; Hi Wife---Janie Pair a Pmn. Queetf pt Heart-Mae Canady.; 5 Knave ef Hearts Cecil Thompson. King ; of Hearts Stephen Ward. Tom,; The Piper's Son Dudley; Jen nings. . - t - , - Dame Trott Edna' Page. I Little ;Miss Mnffet Lois Bruton. Spider Rencil Edmnnrf. : -. - Little Jack j Warner James Rosier. Old .Mother Hubbard Lillian Schae- man.'.Vy'.V': :;y ,( Nimble Jack--khwwson Edward r f The Travelep-James MereerV r ' Daffy M;Pum vDilly-Margaret Lee Stephens. , -".--- u - i - Bo-Peep--.Mary . Katharine : Proctor. Peter Pumnkln . : Eatpv and ' Wff& Jamea Bullard, . Hazel Paul, k , xeacner h 10. o'clock Scholar John Rhodes Barnes and Hubert Rrvnt - Song Milking Maids, v : complimentsHarold Williams. , Old Lady Rqth Roach. T, '.' - 2' Babies , in the Woods Sandy McLeod "juujc piepnens. . , .- Jack Spratt and Wife Badger, Ed wards .nd Ruth Stone.- v Chorus Bramble Bush. --.a - Song-r-Sing a Son of .Sixpence.4 - .(Omtia,e4 on' page fotw-XV Fairmcnt Kcwa Schoool Fmala Week of Mar! 14 auwb mmary. 2Jin lsi w ccb lor School ' Registration Mrs.' Gary .Will a. Have" ' Tobacco Warehouse Trying . 1e Secure Judge Bingham for Ad- dree. , .' 'J , -1 Zt 'fi '.By H,'VB,rewn.V; ,v;'j " Fairmont, j April t 22, The ' peo ple of this community are anxiously awaiting -the outcome, of the preliminary . hearing to be given H. L Blue next week on the charge of embezzlement of, moneys from the Bank of Fabmoht.4 Chief : Lawson went to Lumber Bridge late Wednes day night with a, warrant sworn out by Bank -.Examiner Latham,- and ar rested Blue, returning ; with him to Lumberton, ; where he has ' been . in Jail ever since :i'?::' -7tf v'1 -?School Finals Week ef;May 14; ; Fairmont school - - commencement will be held during the week bf May 14th. , On ' Sunday; t: Mar " 14th,.'" the baccalaurate sermon will be preached by presiding Elder J..H. Shore, of Rockingham. ; On Friday night, , the l&th, the .literary, address to f the graduating' class will be by .Dr. Robert H. Wright, president of the East ' Carolina - Teachers ' college, Greenville.' ' , 1 ' , " v , Town Primary April 25 J' ''The primary for officers of . the town of Fairmont will be held here Tuesday, the 25th. Those in the race are: for mayor, H. L. Stephens; for aldermen, vE. McDaniel, E. ' G. Floyd, W. R. Taylor,'W. M. Shockett, A u McDaniel, Ishara Pittman, H. G. Mitchell and W. A. Griffin; The first three named served As alderman hist year. .. . ', :, 7 -i i Last Week for Registration " " Next week will be the last week of registration ; for, the' special school bond election;, according to Registrar E, W. i Floyd. Many have . registered and some have expressed -themselves! regarding the Issue. . . : I 'Our' townsman' and popular young candidate' for sheriff of Robeson county is being encouraged every day, and while this race 'willmost likely be Ohe;of the friendliest . and best "won . or lost. races, we are about td e&me. to the conclusion that it will be very Interesting and ' close.' .-' -- ; ' v. Hf ? Death of Mrs. Gary Mitchell' i ? ' The" entire community was sadden ed to learn of the death 'of Mrs. Gary Mitchell, which occurred In Durham last Thursday morning.' Mrs.' Mitchell Mrs Mitchell have: made . Durham their ; home f or the past , few:" years where i Mr Mitchell is ' employed by Efird's department stores ; X : Deceased was before her 'marriage Miss" Annie ;Lfewis; r niece 1 of. Miss Lorena ' Lewis, of this, place. 'She has many relatives and friends who mourn their, .loss,; Both of her; brothers, Messrs; David ' and Giles ; Lewis, ar (Contmued on page eight) EDWARD A. McNEILL OF HOKE , COUNTY COMMITS SUICIDE 70-Year Old Man Blows Top of HeadUw.hour will be held for the chll- Off With Shotgun Former Deputy jdren. Ice cream and cake will be serv Sheriff In Robeson.; HV-j ed free o all school children. Hour, Mr. Jt-awara A. jucmeiu 01 Annocn,j3 iioxe - county, : comnuiieo suicue Saturday morning by ' blowing T the top of hsi head off with A shot-gun. Deceased was around ; 70- years- old and is survived by bis widow, and four children. -The funeral - Was con ducted today at 11 am. and inter-, och Presbyterian chnrcWMrMcNemilf was well-known,, having been at one time deputy; sheriff in Robeson coun ty. 4i r'J?y:??'-i''1T '' v .."?. ". ' ORRUM ' SCHOOL FINALS Hick School Recital ADrfl 28 Pro4 gram by' Primary Grade April 29.1 of the State .Medical association. The Correspondence, of The Robesonian. -'meeting opens tomorrow and lasts Orrum, April 22 The Orrum high school will save a" recital April 28. Theti9 Shepherd and. Eula Hall willl be graduated. Aprit 29 will be' given) over .to the primary grades.? A good program", is "preparing. 1 t . ; V W ' ' h Hon" Wt Banks' . Dove, - Secretary of State of South Carolina, spent Fri day in Lumberton with Messrs. H. M. McAllister andU T A- McNeilL , Mrs. S. Melntyre returned. Thurs day ifromr, Ne t wYork, , where v she) spent some time visiting at .the home1 of her son-in-law and daughter Mr. and Mrs. I P.' Stack. : , Miss Ruby -Thompson returned Friday night from Charlotte' where she spent a week visiting her brother, Dr. S. R. Thompson, ' amd friends. Miss Eunice Blue and Mr. ? Max Heins ; of Raeford spent - yesterday here, guests of Miss Ruby Thompson at the home of her. parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. A. 'Thompson,-v North ; ' Elm street" ' -. . ':---, ' ." "-rh Miss Grace Huggina spent yester day and last nUrht in Favetteville at tending the Browning : meeting and visitine relatives. : : ; Misses Pearl Humphrey and Claudia Davis spent the week-end at St: Pauls with relatives and -friends. -v" Mr. M.ka Prevatt of R. 3, Lum berton, . was .among . the visitors - in town .Saturday; ".rw ; ;.!., Mr. E. C Wade of Allen ton was a Lumberton visitor Saturday. -Mr. C. T.. Williams of' 'Fairmont was a Lumbertoa "victor Saturday. ,4 Ncv3 Lcltc ')-. , $ ' I Poahry .Ansoeiatlos ' Wia v navt ; J'ZS fat Foatoffice-Social an4 I'ersoaaLi Correspondence of.. The Robesoaian.' Lumber Bridge, April 21-7o last Saturday afternoon" the Junior Chria-F tian Endeavor of the 7 Presbyterian church and" the Sunbeam 'society of the Baptist church enjoyed an Easter egg hunt and .a : picnic. Mrs. J, W. Hall iir- leader of . the Endeavors - and Mrs C, J. Ammons is leader of the Sunbeams. "V V; : Friday afternoon 'the local . base ball nine won a game from the Fair mont team. 00 the home diamond. The score was 4 to 3 On Tuesday af ternoon the team went to Maxton for a game.' They brought home the vic tory, ' having won by a score of 15 to tej'ki-Kz .' ' Friday evening the Nonpariel Liter ary society held a social. It, was held on the high school campus and quite a number rere present Many de lightful games were played during the evening. After an ice course was served the crowd sang many of the popular song and; the social 'closed with , the ' strains'' of '"Good-night Ladies-T r, n V tV Wednesday morning about .five o'clock fire was discovered hi our pbstoffice. While the fire had made quite a bit of headway it was ex tinguished before very much damage was done. The origin of the fire has never been discovered. This week the college students who spent Easter at home returned to their respective echools, 1-,, . On Thursday. Aoril the . 27th. a special meeting of the Lumber Bridge Poultry association wiH be held in the school auditorium. The following pro. gram will be; presented. - Hopper Feeding L. John. , V-. Parasites S. K. Johnson. ' 4 ' Market ; Eggs A. S. . Wylie. 1 l " Capons E. G. PophaL ' 1 - '.' .0-. , Growing Stock O. O. Dukes. . Music SpeciaL ' r' ' " . The : association especially Invites the public to be present at this meet ing.' Come -and see what the associa tion is accompuBiung. Mrs. C. N. Monroe has been very ill for the oast week. Dr. W. J. McNorton'of Georgia t visitinir, relatives here. Miss Lillian Hall, student at Flora Macdonald College,' spent Easter ; at her home here. -' ;s?v'; , - - ; . ,.Mi&s Harriet Murphy of Macon, Ga., is visiting relatives here , RAYNHAM SCHOOL WILL CLOSE WEDNESD'T AFTERNOON APR. 26 Community Service Picture and Play -Hour in Addition to Commencement ' Program. -..-' Correspondence of The 'Robesonian. ' . "The school at Raynham will close Wednesday afternoon.. In addition to the regular commencement , program the picture "King's Palace" wijl be ah hv the enmmuTiitv. lervire. A o'clock p, i Indian Blockaders to Roads. William Strickland, Indian, was sentenced 1 to 12, months i and v Giles Hunt, another Indian, to 4 months on e roads by Recorder R. M. Wiuams Rural .Policeman W. W. Smith. . : Dr. and Mrs. N. A. Thompson, Dr. and Mrs.. T. C Johnson and Dr. T. F. Costner left, this ; afternoon for Winston-Salem to attend -i a meeting through Thursday. MAYOR WHITE TO CITI ; v ZENS OF LUMBERTON April 2lXt and 28 Set Apart ,aa Clean-Up Days. ?U'MpSHA ' I have sef kpart ' Wednesday, Thursday and Friday,, April 26th, 27th and 28th for a special clean ing up of our town, v s v' j ' It is desired by the town officials that the citizens cooperate with us to the . fullest , extent in this work to the end that we may keep Lum berton one of the cleanest towns' In the state. - ' .tv';;-.;, . Please rake up all tin cans, rub bish,: waste paper, and all other trash and place same, on the edge of the street in boxes or other re jteptacles in Order that the trash trucks may take it away, without, delay.' ' ; ::,," -.' ' ; " " We. would also suggest that all .weeds be cut and piled out with the other trash so it can be hauled away. ; , Vacant . lots - Bhould be thoroughly, cleaned off; by 10 do ing you will . destroy very many bad breeding places for mosquitoes. Let both white and colored- co operate in the fullest extent in, this matter. wr-- --::'" -v a '. -r"fA. E.WHITE"tr Lumbcr.Bridc COTTON iiAirr .-. ii x . .'.3. - V 1 ' . 4 local 'market todav at 16 5-tt tentm , the pound. AND.LOCAL NEW3 License has been Issued for th marriage of Miss Emily - Mae Mo Arthur and Carl Homef 'Cathey. a wriy risers , report ea - ugns font' Friday morning.. However he) frost was not heavy enough to dam,, r-w t , , . - k. ' A. R. Townsend, proprietor of the Robeson "Vulcanizing Co haa made a -voluntary assignment. Mr :, D. Hackett, Jr, local attorney. has been named as trustee. . Mry H. II. Fielder ' returned Sat urday from Lakewood, N. J where v he spent a month with his mother , mis. v. u,. ireuwi, - iiw.it w.vf Fielder's condition baa improved. ; wAir. ri. u. unii amvea . nomw . Saturday from Atlanta, Ga wher '' he spent several days at .the bedsld f his wife, who'll undergoing treaU ment at the Georgia Baptist hospl ::.;Mr.;;a " :Ashley:of,K.' IV'Tair- mont was a Lumberton visitor Sat- . urday. Mr Ashley said he has a good , stand jot cotton ran that ne has ai- reauygiven some 01 nis cotton n , sechnd plowug. -'. - . , -t-Mr. Leort Hamilton has received and installed ' a radio receiving out? , fit Mr. Hamilton installed the, 'phonev himself and it works ' perfectly. Last , night he heard a sermpn delivered to. Pittsburgh;-; yr.:) Mr. and' Mrs James &! McLeod t - ' . l-J A -11 ,11. who . were marneu wit Ayiu turned Friday from a bridal trip t ; Plbrida. They began housekeeping: ; today in a residence owned - by Mr. Robt E. Lee on East Seventh street.'. , Mr. F. Eli ' Wishart returned ' Thursday night from Charlotte, where , he i attended a meeting 01 1 ttexau. dealers -of the 'two Carolinaa;? The - meeting was in. session two days and ' Mr. Wishart reporta a most enjoy able occasion. ." 'Julius Boone, 13-year-old son of , Mr. 'and Mrs. E.' T. Boone, who livi near town, n u-ck mtu just above the wrist Friday afternoon while playing on the school ground. Yonncr Boone ran aeainst Master Ber ry Godwin French and feU..' , ' . Mrs. J Q. Beckwith went Sat tirday to Raleigh to4attend the grad- n.ffnc rMitAl Af M19 Louise r.ei6- ton of Hartiville, S. C.at St Mary'a college. Mrs. 'Beckwith's -Vdaughteiv' Miss Evelina Beckwith, who is a sto- . aent at ou wary a, ussuwu oina ijid ton On-her recitaL .iTKz: W -.' -Mf. G. E. Rancke, Sr well-known : Lumberton citizen; Friday celebrated R7h hfrtluljiv. Mr. IX 'C Rancka and small son; H. C, 'Jr, of Rock ingham, and Mr. and Mrs. F. M. Lane and two. children, , Robert and . Anna. of Dfllon S.; C, spent. Friday at the Rnncir itame. Seventh street. : Airs. Lane U a daughter, of G E. Ranckev"- conferred the' initiatory degree upon 1 31 new members of the Lumberton lodge, L, O. O.; F Thursday evening. ; The local lodge will have a banquet, at the Lorraine hoel Thursday even ing of this week from7 to 8 o'clock After the banquet a- degree ' Um froifi Wilminirton. assisted bv the Fay Ctteville team, will confer ' other de grees upon; the 31 hevr members. Re-, freshments will also be served in the lodge ihalUAlL.loeal Oddfellowe are AAMAafit rn Ka An llttVlrf ' Mr. . IV I Moore, of Wilmington, State Grand Master, will attend the banquet and meeting Thursday evening. ; y v - '.'t;4'::;':j?"' ' ; . r 1 1 ' ,f-' Mr S. Melntyre Is Not . Caadidate C for Audit and Finance Board. Mr. S. Melntyre, whose name was) handed in by a friend as a candidate, for. the board of audit and finance of the town, declines to make " the ia- fTnTrr leva ihat wmApf ;no circumstances would he accept. This leaves only three candidates for this office, the number to be elected. v These, are Messrs. Frank Goagh, IU. M. McAllister and Jna, D. McMillan. The first, two. named are members of the present board. Mr. W. S.. Britt, the third memter ox the present board, withdrew his name after It had. been filed by one of his friends. Recorder's Ceari. Frank. Johnson was bound over to Superior court by Recorder D. BL Fuller this morning on the charge of breaking into Mr. L J.Wilkin't store at. Bellamy. His bond was fixed at $300, in default of which he waa sent to the county jaiL , : Henry Edwards . waa given 'a pre Hminary hearing on the charge ol assault-upon Blanche . Edwards, . his 13-year-old niece, with intent to com mit rape. Recorder Fuller failed td find probable cause and Edwards was; released' - j;y-f . ' Mr. Q. K. Nimocks, an attorney of Fayetteville, is a Lumberton vUitog today.- ': ' s:' v.-".-'.'--, v:v":"' Mr. Warren Currie of R. , 4, R4 Springs, is In town tqday. , . Mr. and Mra! t. T. Walters of thft Barnesrville section were Lumberton .visitor Friday. .y-t'-:' -V r; 'd -1 - 1 ;f.

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