tZTA2UZZZZi''W9' EESSL3 COPY FIYIS; ti-NXS. courrrsT, cod and tsutix. 12.00 A YEAS. DOS CI ADVANCES sj HON, IT.-0L, K02IDAY, UAY 8, 1K3. nuzniint 23 nWCnci. Marlxtinfr Lifting To Be Held AtFairmbnt May, 13 SDeakerr Wffl- Discuss - Csoperative w-.i-r f ittnn ana louaww - School Bood Election Is Expected . . : . iBr H. V; Brown By Thorie to The Robesonian. WitL Ma. Abiar fanners 7, -ttinr mtwtinff wiHSwann township, will be ; given v. iam iro tiATt Saturday at 2 p .m. 1 . 1 A. O k m - J. Homer Mann of Washington,-!.. C,, and J, A. Brown or uiaaDourn wiu i the speakersT They, wffl operative marketing of cotton and to bacco. This is expected Jto J oneof the moat important meetings in the interest of cooperative t marketing - ever held hiZ& - Fairmont citiiens are voting today on $75,000 bond issue for a new high school building. Up to 1 o'clock this afternoon 169 votes had been cast for the issue and 41 against,' according to the best information obtainable. The vote is against, a registration of 482, and 242 votes are necessary to carry. The election will be close but itis ex pected that the bonds will carry . AlV.aVishartNow County Auditor Former Service Man M. Lumberton Appointed by Judge Lyon to8erve Unexpired Tern of J. M. MeCallnm Governor Will Make Appointment Next January for Regular Term of 2 Years. , . 'Mr. A. V. G; Wishart of Lumberton warn onnmntea county itpd countv . auditor to orvA nnt the tutexDired term ox Air. i "V, r . t.,j, n r T in i J: .lISJSdSSt' - . . V: , i i.x r.f. TlniTr1v of this iPSl afternoon. As was stated in Thurs- day's Robesonian, Mr. McCaUum tend ered his resignation, effective ; June I, to the board of county commis sioners on Monday of ,las week. Mr. Wishart : will take up his duties ias auditor on June 1. This position pays a salary of $250 . the month. Mr. Wishart is a son ox Air. ano mis 4. H. Wishart of Lumberton fnd is well and -f ft vorablv : known; ' He is . an ex- soldier, having served in the army during the World War. : " -Mr. Wishart will hold the office un. til January 1, 1923, at which time ' the Governor will make an; appoint ment for, the regular term of two years. '.; '" - ,,-"'"rr Mr. Wishartrhas had experience in the office, having assisted Mr. Mc Gallum at times with the work, and his appointment will - doubtless en able the 'work of the office .to go sn aiUhnnt aprimia intemintion. Save Children Dr R. Harris Rowland Veterinarian, Loses Life in Effort to Stop Run away Team Hitched to Wagon Load of School Children. Rovrfand, May 6 Dr. R. Harris was instantly , killed here this morn ing about 11 o'clock while attempting to stop a runaway team of mules, carrying a wagon load of school chil dren. Harris was thrown to the ground and the wagon, passing over his body, UIUOVIV. tuvciUM Aujwitca aivui" nutvu he died immediately. None of the chil dren in the wagon were hurt. . - Dr. Harris . located, in , Rowland several months ago and was engaged in the practice of veterinary surgery. In the short while he has lived here he ,built up a large practice and was uni versally liked by all who knew him. The town and community .is deeply saddened by his tragic - death. Dr. Harris served as an officer in the miTvw AiiriniP fVitt roV T7i nrvA warn in Fenton, Mich- 1, '.; X. . ; : . 58 Candidates New Candidate for Sheriff. - - ; . ;' County political wafers are disturb ed with a splash today by the plunge of Mr. B. F. McMillan, Jr., of .Lum berton, who enters for the office of . high sheriff. This makes 3 candidates for that - office. Another new announcement-today is that of Mr. W. L. Thompson, who offers for road com missioner for district No. 1 to sheceed himself. Fifty reight candidates for all offices had filed with Chairman Frank ftnntrh- rtf 4tia nmM : m,t- .Ion. tions, up; to Saturday. -. - : JJbeity High School Finak Begin May 12.-- '- .-uy-v..-.i Maxton,' will begin Friday night of this W0V. t R!tn 'VttK.- nlav .Th program wilT be published in Thurs- J t T S f ; Mr, A. P. Smith of B. 2, . Red Snrinfirs. is a Lumberton visitor to- day. -. - u - " : Mrs. John u. rwm of Charlotte are guests ox Miss Ruby Thompson at the a . M 1 . m mm nuuiB ui uci uai niiia. ii v aa ri 11 ivi rm. J. A. Thompson, North Elm street. They arrived yesterday. : Mr. F. L. Parnell of the Buie sec tion was among the visitors in town Saturday. . Still Found in Smoke House W- C Preratt and Son. Lester, and Son-in-LaW. Junie Lewis - Will be Gives Hearing at Maxton Wednes day on Charge of Blockading W. C. Preratt Says He '-Kae wNothing 'About Still Found in His' Smoke House. k ' 'V ."J'"" : ,W. C Prevatt and son," Lester, and goxuin-W Junie Lewis. all of. Raft hearing-: Wednesday of this week at Maxton. before Recorder Williams, on the charge of blockading. The first two' hamed were arrested -Thursday after , 12-gaHon copper atill fai the loft of the smoke-house at the. home of W. C. and a igallon of, whiskey,' at the home" of Lester were found by Rural Policeman W. W i Smith and two Federal prohibition ageultBThey were taken to Marton and were re leased nva bond of $200 each.' Lewie was arrested Saturday.; -Nothing was found at his home but en the way to Marton Lewis was told that it was known that a sWH waa on, 3us place and : that if he would show it to the officers he would be released without bond. Lewis, then went with the of ficers back to his! home and dug up a still on the edge of his yard. Officers at Bolton were wired Thursday from Maxto o arrest Luther Prevatt, en son of W. C.; but he was warned by a friend and departed ' for unknown coasts." v - ' - " 1 Mr. W. O. Prevatt says lie knew nothing about the stfll being on his place. Officers went to ; hie place Thursday and said that Abner Prevatit, 15-year-old grandson ol W. u. knew where aatill was located. Mr. W. 0. Prevatt told the boy - to teH, if be knew, and theboy led the way to the smoKO-nouse, wnere ty. j. nays, un Vbm learned' for the first time that smoke-house, where W. Cseys, he men learnea iot xuo xinsi time uun v son Lather had hidden the stflVas . nl telling Abner to sell it for him. The above is the version of the a fair given by Mr,W. C. Prevaitt, who eays not a drop f liquor was found at bis place and that he knows notlu mg more about the entire affair than has been stated above. BASEBALL FANS ORGANIZE C. A. Mc Arthur Elected Treasurer of Local Club Committee Appointed to Solicit Subscriptions. At a well, attended meeting of local baseball fans Friday evening Mr. C. A. McArthur was elected secretary treasurer - of the club. Drs. N. ;- A. Thompson and J. A. Martin and Messrs. J. J. Goodwin, D.' D. French and Ed J. Glover were appointed a committee ; to Solicit subscriptions for financing the club: - " . . As was stated in Thursday's Robe sonian, Lumberton has joined a six club league, to be known as the Inter State league.': Besides Lumberton, the other towns in. the league are Max ton, Lauriirburg, Hamlet, Raeford. and McColl, 8. C. COURT WILL CONVENE' , MONDAY MAY 22 First Week of Court Which Was Scheduled to Begin May 15 Will Not be Held Jurors Drawn - for FirsrWeek Need not Report, "v.: At a recent meeting of the Robeson bar it was decided not to hold court the first week of the two-weeks' term of civil court , supposed to con vene Monday, May 15. Jurors drawn for that week need not ' report The second week of the term will be held, however, beginning on Monday, May 22..,. .. . , . -r; CONFEDERATE VETERANS MEET IN LUMBERTON .MAY 10 Address by Mr. Robert Mclntyre Dinner Will be Served by Daugh ters. -.. . - f -, -. As was stated in 'Thursday's Robe sonian, Camp ' Willis H. Pope" Con federate veterans, will meet in Lum berton Wednesday this week Mem orial day. A business meeting of tine camp will be held at 10:30 a. m. and Mr. Robert Mclntyre of the local bar will deliver an address immediately thereafter. Dinner will be served the veterans by Robeson chopter, U. D. C Still and Beer Captured and Mesa of Fish to Boot. ' - i ,r. . Rural Policeman W, A, Smith, Fri day captured a whiskey still, 150 gal Ions of beer and a good "mess" offish in a bay near Prospect Indian church, Pembroke , ,' township. - Policeman Smith was accompained by Messrs. J, L. and Lather McNeill. The surround, ings indicated Jthat the still had been operated just a short time before the officers arrived on the scene, but the operators made - good their escape. The fish which the officers "captured'' were found in the well front which water was - used in operating .. the plant. Catfish, pikes and perch wers found in the well, according to ' Of fker Smith, who is a Lumberton vial. tor today. - . . -- ' "The Boy Scouts will meet- at the. court house Friday evening ' of this week at 8 o'clock, at which time Mr. E. W. Dunham will succeed Mr. Raymond M'Whit as Scout master. High School Finals 4 Friday's Program Brought to - Close Another Successful Year of Well : Known v .Institution .Agriculture Taught for First Time Sentiment Growing for Consolidation and New v IMekBailtoi;-;..! . Splendid commencement exercises which began Thursday evening, April 27, and closed Friday evening of last week marked the close of one of the most successful sessions in the his tory of the Cirmm hirh mhneA Tknm.k all the exercises were weU attended. . .wjr uiv mg aaj r. oi me com. mencement and vprl hmuiMui iu. pie ,from, far and near .gathered for uie i occasion, features of i the pro gram Friday were'exerciaes bjr r the arraduatnur class. dnlivAw eates, diplomas and prizes, -an ad- UreSS DV UlVK. fL Roam an na.fn. Chestnut Street Methodist church of Lumbertonra picnic dinner and a play mvtn Iwr k-.W -.1 i t. J p- u'iu Bv-uwi c rjuay even ing. xtj, , -. Graduating Class'" " There were eix members of the graduating class,-these beingr Misses Thetis Shenhprrf TTfhol Beadie Bntt, Lettie Britt, Sudie Wel lington and Eula HaU. Five gathers were given certificates from the high School. The vera Mmm 1X7.1 terv Worth Hall, Sam Jenkins Hoke omiin, itodney rage. The motto of the graduating class of 1922 was Ex celsior. The : graduating- exercises were altogether deKghtfulr The dfclo ma and certificates were presented by Prof J. R. Poole, county auperfai tendent of schools. - ' if' ': J T . , Seventh-Grade Certificatea, . 1 ; Certificates wererpresented to the 12 miDlIS Who POmnlotAri h ..-.ii. grade works by Mr. ; M. ShepheTd, rounder and .former principal of this well-known t educational institution. Those completing the , seventh grade wwes, xma AtKmson, inea - Barden, Caroline Nr N!n. .1 Hedgpeth, Bernice tone, Rufus Britt, ycej5nepnerdf Stephen Stone, f Waters, Ellis Prevatt and Teddie Floyd. ; ' day, wag fittingly introduced by Mr. C. -B. Skipper of -Lumberton. In be ginning his address, Dr;"Beamait.paid siuwHttr-srmue ?c tne work of jBnpt Poolers head of the school system in Robeson county, t f " , i Pr. Beaman's Address Using as a subject ;wIs Life Worth Livine?".' Drl Beaman " rfeli powerful and eloquent address. De- ciarmg tnat uie .is r a high school for US all.; the sneaker nrtreA tho imiwrf. ance of making the most of it. The necessity of getting life started right was stressed by Dr Beaman. "Life depends", the SDeaker continnwl "upon one's vision of it." "What are you uvmg lorl'V he asked. "What do you think-you are in God's world for?" Wasted opportunities were defined as the . saddest r and most tragic things about one's life. Too many fail to re alize why they "are living. -A Life Worth Living "Success does not denend unnn the. gain of money. Life cannot be built upon a foundation of gold and silver. Life is in high thinking and sacrifi cial service. There is no happiness in gold. It does not aive satisfaction to the souL . - "Never has thera hppn crester time to live a real life thanthepre time to live a real life than the pre sent Never, has there been a greater ODPOrtunitv to bear thn wnrM'o hrrr. dens or heal the world's wounds. To do this -makes life worth livinc. If your life serves to make the world better, then it'ia ning T.iva an that the path of your life will shine aiter you." "v -r:- . . Dr. Beaman held bis audience spell bound and many were heard to de clare that his address was one of the very best ever delivered in that section. ; ' . '. , The exercises opened at 11:30 a. m". with prayer offered by Rev. J. J. Scott Several delightful musical se lections were rendered by the school At the noon hour a bountiful picnic dinner was spread on a long table on the campus all present being in- lumtmned on page four.) WEDNESDAY. MAY10, IS THE DAY W TUKM IN THE RAT TAILS Correspondence of The Robesonian The bovm mnd vfrli it T.nmKortnn Who have worked n faitKfullv tn Ha. stroy the rata of the town, will please bring hi their rat tails on Wednesday at 9 a. m. These must be delivered at. Mias Andrews office in the court house. Several people will be there to count the ; tails and they are most anxious to have . every boy and girl brinjr in what ever number thev have been able to catch. The first . prise will be $10, the 'second prize $5, and on 'down ta 11 . it t nmntwr' nt imflm justifies the reward. Be on time .Wednesday morning at the court house. 4 McDonald School Closes Thursday t Night. By 'Phone to The Robesonian. McDonald, May , 8. McDonald school will close Thursday night of j cms - weeav A ' moving picture snow J will be -given in connection with the I exercises, which will begin at 8 O ClOCk. . ' I it - " ' ' , ' 'I ' ' Over 60 Per Cent, of Tobacco Crop , Signed to Cooperative An Appeal for Aaterkaa Legion and plana for Local Post School Bond Election Todar New Town Board Re-Em- ploys Officials. , , By H. V, Browa -1 I ( Fairmont, May 6. A most inter esting meeting of the citizens of this community was held. , in the Jones building last ;Wednasdav afternoon in regard to' eo-operative marketing. I Present at this meetine were . G. A. Norwood of Goldsboro, , president of the Tri-State association, Dr. J. Y. Joynerof LaGrange, .director J. A. Brown of Chadbourn, director; TV, 8. Ragsdale of Smithfield and , V, ' J. Kennedy - of Lexineton. Ky. Messrs. Norwood, Brown and Joyner appeal ed to these present to . stand by the association, showing in , several ' In stances where co-operative- market ing was easily more beneficial to the grower. After the meeting several planters "signed vup. and since that time Mr Kennedy has ; been here and many more have signed. It' is estimated by Local Director W. C Brown and Mr. Kennedy that in this immediate territory over 00 per cent of the tobacco crop has been signed to the co-operative association.' Mr. Kennedy will remain here a few days in interest of this movement x Appeal for American Legion ..Mr. Charles A. Sloan, who ta en a tour of the sUte in behalf of the betterment of the American Legion and helping the disabled, spoke to a fair-siaed. crowd -in the American Legion hall here last night Mr. Sloan is editor of the Oteca Echo, a periodical printed at Oteerf" hospital id has Just recently been discharged front -xf: hospital ' where he was a tubercular f t patient He - made a very interatmg talk " and appealed to the communjty-to stick by the American Legion and. its work, stating that the world war; was not over and would not be until 'the ex soldiers, disabled and wounded ceased to die and snffer. This was a regular meeting and after Mr. Sloan's re marks the business affairs .were at tended to, and one of the most impor tant things done was a committee ap pointed to act at once regarding the purchasing of a radio jufit;for the hall.' If this is carried: Trot as planned tbe local post of the legion Will hold weekly concerts for the. benefit of the legionnaires and charge a email ad mission for, the townspeople who care to be so entertained. It was, also or dered that this committee see ' what could be done regarding taking over the motion picture show which has not been run here for some time. It is understood that some favorable news has been received regarding both issues. - . School Bonds Today. Monday May 8th, school bonds: 475.-000.- .. , Kitchen Shower for Bride-Elect . One of the most pleasant and en joyable social occasions was that held at the home of Mrs. Alice Brice, on Iona street, last ThursdAV nf. noon, when the seventh grade of the graded school entertained their teach-J er, MlSS Viola Boone:' hridAWf af a kitchen shower, showing their love 1 who was driving. In founding a curve and appreciation for what she has West End the car struck a sand qone for them., After many amusing! bed, left the road and sideswiped a games and a contest "Love in f tree. Underwood, on the rear seat Kitchen , in which Marjorie Brice and! with Grady, .was thrown from the Bernard Ward were the winners, re-(car and his neck broken. He lived on freshments including ice cream, and Uy few minutes. A Moore county cake were served. While the boys and coroner's jury in an inquest held Fri girls were so happily occupied, Louise day rendered a verdict that Marsh Gardner, member of the-class, dress-! was under the influence of whiskey ed to represent a Southern mammy,! and WM driving at a rapid rate. He waddled into the room. In a large 'was taken to the county seat at hamper .hasket she carried much 'Carthage. . kitchenware which she gave to Missi Marsh was released on $1,000 bond, Boone from the seventh grade as a to be tried in August at Carthage. tOken OX thnif. Inva, anI I : : Town EmnlnrM OTUU VOWCIU. The new board of idrmi u town of Fairmont met "for its first meeting jast Wednesday nieht in the tOWU' hall. Although all nin. ,.. not completed, the following officials I Were re-employed: clerk and treasur- ' . "racey, salary $25 per month; chief of police, B. M. Lawson, salary $100 per month; superintend- " w ugnt nu water plants, Glynn Ashley, salary $125 per month; nlghtr11 new !ubs were formed in this pvuceuian, j. a, rfonnson, salary $75 per month. The matter of am ttATn was held over for the next meeting' Bladen and Hoke. Mrs. Knox return which was ealled for Tuesday nightl home Friday. Mrs. E. K. Proctor May 0th. - -. : 'snd Mrs. T. C. Johnson, who also at- a. a. curk Elected Sheriff of Bhdea xMauenournai: The county com missioners in Session IfAndav afatl Mr A- A..Clark, of Roaindale, sheriff u 1U1 OUI DUIDIrMl bmi mmm . M. Clark, deceased. We understand mas we vote of tha eommis-tniMM EM 5wo.,or Mr. Clark and one for wr ciyae Button, coroner of ' the county, who; became acting sheriff on the death of the sheriff. -- Superintendent Power . Statioa Lanrinburc EWtraentd. . at t A Laurinburg dispatch states, that J. B. Hendren, 85, superintendent for , years of the Yadkin River Power Co. substation there, waa electrocuted Friday afternoon. He was alone at the time working on a ladder which was wet .from a shower, v Mr.-L. S. Townsond of McDonald was a .Lumberton visitors Thursday. W. J. Mercer Fined $200 tar ATt Upon Wife Case Appealed De-1 rense Claims Charge Is Fancy of ' Unbalanced Blind. f W. 3. Mercer of nowellsville town ship was fined $200 by Recorder David H, Fuller Saturday afternoon on that charge of assault upon his wife. Mercer gave notice of appeal and made bond In the sum of $200. The case was hard fought, two days being required to complete the trial Solicitor W. B. Ivey was assisted in the prosecution by Mr. 8, Mclntyre. while, the defendant was represented by SUte Senator L. R. Varser. ? ' AccordiosT to the evidence of Mrs. Mercer, her husband beat and kicked her and ordered her to leave home. The defense based its fight upon the fact that Mrs. Mercer had at one time been an inmate of the State hospital, Raleigh,' and offered testi mony tending to show that aha Is mentally unbalanced and that ; she gets it on her mind that she has been abused when she has not Many peo ple from that section attended the trial. - . "POWHATAN ALL TO THE GOCjD Historical Indian Opera Preseated by Woman's, Club . Delighted Large Audience at School Auditorium A Splendid Performance. "Powhatan", the historical . Indian opera presented in the high school auditorium Thursday evening under the auspices of the .Woman's Club, was an altogether creditable per formance that delighted a large audi ence. There were many beautiful and spectacular scenes, the music had a lilt and go about it that simply eaught one up into Its swing, and interpreta tion of the leading parts was so ad mirable that it was difficult to real ize that 'all were local amateurs ex cept Mr. Albert L. Baker of the Wil lis Music- Co. of Cincinnati, under whose direction ' the play was given and who, as John Smith, was a whole show in himself. Miss Lillian Proctor as Pocahontas, Mr. A. J. Holes as Powhatan, Mr. C. Moore and Dr. M. A. Waddell as , Medicine Man and Pathfinder, respectively, Mr. E. W. Dunham as Capt Rolfe, Miss Loula Norment is Laughing Star, in leading roles, and nearly a . hundred others, including many small girls and boys, in minor roles, all performed their parts well. Door . receipts were $80.50, . total receipts from all sources being $201 15, netting the Woman's Club $72.45, which will be used for civic improve ment - ' " JOHN UNDERWOOD OF FAY ETTEVILLE KILLED IN WRECK John Underwood of -Fayettevflle, former mayor of that city and well known politician, was killed and three other Fayetteville men Char les G. Marsh, . Ned Grady and Leon Anderson were injured in an auto mobile accident near West End about 12:20 o'clock Thursday night The nartv left Favpttovilln at O-Sft Thursday night for Greensboro in a hio Mjrmmi pt Mnnvintr tn Mari 12th District Awarded Most New Clubs. Gavel for At the 20th annua! convention of . the North Carolina Federation of; Wnmen'i Cluha. hpld In Oraonahnrn! last week, adjourning Friday, this district the 12th, was awarded,! through its president, Mrs. John Knox of Lumberton, the gavel for bringing the most new clubs into the federation during the past year. Ele. berton club, remained in Greensboro for a music festival Friday and Sat urday. Mrs. Proctor returned home but night Mrs. Johnson went to Ox ford to visit relatives. Further men tion of the convention win be made in Thursday's Robesonian. . . - Bed 8pringe Elects Town Offkera. Red Springs, May L H- S. Toon, Atlantic Coast Line agent, waa elect, ed mayor of Red Springs today, de- lea ting nis opponent J. H. Townsend. by a majority of about three to one in a heavy, registration. ; - - Commissioners elected with Mayor! roon mciude w. . uarrett, w. I MacRae, W. T. Kay, J. a Snoddy, W. 4. uouncu and Jonn aic&ay. Mr. H. A. Bullock of Fairmont, R. I, and Air. Robert Turner of the Rosier section were among the visi tors tn town Saturday. - - i : . -v cotton MAcsjrr t Middling cotton is Quoted on tha local market today at 17 1-4 eenta the pound. BRIEF ITEMS AND LOCAL NEWS; . ' Local banks will be closed Wed nesday, May 10th Memorial day. The Woman's Clab will, meet Wednesday at 4 p. m. In the munici pal building, v -". Called communication St Alban'a lodge No. 114, A, F. A A- M-, Tues day night at 7:30.' Work in 3rd da . gree. i - . ' Mr. William Caldwsll arrived home yesterday from Mars HUL where he was a student at Mart Hill col lege during the term which closed last week. T - Rev- L P. Hedgpeth of Lumber ton preached the commencement ser mon of the Bladenboro high school m the Baptist church at Bladenboro yesterday at 11 a. m. ' Mr. E. M. Britt left " Saturdaw evening for Atlanta, Ga to be with his wife, who Is a patient at tho Davis-Fisher sanatoriom in that city. Mrs. Britt's condition i unimproved. Mrs. F. June Ivey and daughter left the Thompson hospital Saturday, for their home. East Second street The daughter was bom to Mr. and Mrs, Ivey two weeks ago. Both mo ther and babe are getting along nice ly. , - Mr. R. T. Allen, Jr., son of Dr. and Mrs. R. T. Allen of Lumberton. was a member of the graduating class at Mars Hill college last week. Mr. Allen will spend some time in West ern North Carolina before returning home. The Lumberton post of tha American Legion has ordered 2,000) popples for Memorial Day May 30. The poppies will be sold by the young ladies of the town at 10 cents each, the proceeds to go to public welfare work. Mr. D. R. Shaw installed Satur day in Grantham Brothers drug stora an up-to-date radio receiving instru ment. Attached to the 'phone is large Magnavox horn and throng thia horn concerts can be heard m all parte of the building. Mr. F. Ertel Carlyle of the Lum berton baaand Mr. D. P. McKinnon, an attorney of ; Rowland, delivered addresses Friday evening at the close of the Alfordsville public schooL A large crowd was present and both tha speakers delivered stirring and elo quent addresses. Work has been begun on the erec tion of a new reservoir at the local filter plant The new reservoir will be of 600,000 gallons capacity. This work is in connection "With the sewer and water extension in own, for which contract recently was-let to Tucker & Laxton of Charlotte. Mr. and Mrs. C. D. Williamson of Parkton spent Saturday night here at the home of their son-in-law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Justin McNeill, and went yesterday to Cerro Gordo to visit relatives, returning home last night They were accom panied by their son Master Wilbur. Mrs. F. F. Townsend of R. 0, "Aunt Sophia" and daughter, lit tle Miss Lois, were Lumberton visi tors Saturday. Miss Lois . gave The Robesonian office force,, a treat by receiting an excellent piece which sho learned for the Sunday. school meet ing at East Lumberton a week be fore. 3 tar Loads of Lettuce Last Week Mr. E. L. Hamilton, 'manager of the Green Valley farm, near the Lum berton cotton mills, shipped three car loads of lettuce last week, making a total of 4 ear loads shinned to date. lie also has sold quite a number af a ma 11am avnAM MUSv-.aHM.akX. .at. a. 5-acre field of lettuce. Shipments will (Hamilton is the first to plant lettuce hereabouts for ahinnino. and be i Pleased with his success the first Vear.t H hm nrnvan that 1attniA ran 'be grown successfully in this imme- diate section and no doubt more farm ers will undertake the growing of this profitable money- crop. Parkton High School Finals, Parkton graded and high school closes this week. Music pupils will give a concert Tuesday evening- at 8, the literary address will be delivered Wednesday at 10:30 a. ns. by Rev. C R. Sorrell, pastor of the Parkton Baptist church. . and - tha grammar grades will render a projrram Wed nesday evening at 8. Rev. R. F. Mann, pastor of the Parkton circuit preach ed the baccalaureate sermon yester day, afternoon in the school auditor ium, which was filled for the occasion. Mr. Munn preached an excellent ser mon on character development Tha graduating class ia v composed of Vance MeNefflT Lothe Thames, Phil lip MeNatt and Ertlo Williamson. Barkers-Tesmile Fiaala May IS. ThefBarker-Tenmile high school will close Tuesday, May 16.. Tha primary and intermediate grades will give an entertainment on Monday evening. May 15. Mr. T. L. Johnson of Lum berton will deliver the literary ad dress Tuesday at 11 a. m. and th high school will give a play Tuesday evening. Prof. D. B. Oliver, principal of the school, was a Lumberton visi tor Saturday. - , 11

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