: LU1IBEET0N, H- 0., THURSDAY, MAY 18, 1922 ntnxso 23 DAT TTri? T.TTT '-"'. - Star Tobacco 3 Varehouse Leased Fonr Capable and Wetf-Known Ware housemen Will Hare ChargeAuc tion Sales Will Begin About August 1st With Full Corps of Buyers, -y The Star tobacco warehouse of Lumberton yesterday was leased to Messrs. J.S. Williams, C. H. Taylor and G. W. Bass of Danville, Va., and W. S. Somers of Reidsville. As stated in Monday's Robesonian, auction sales of tobacco will be conducted at this house during the coming season, as usual.:' - :;' -: y''' ' Messrs. Williams - and Taylor suc cessfully operated the 'warehouse at St Pauls during the past three sea sons and are well " and ' favorably known to the farmers of Robeson and adjoining counties. Mr. 4 Somers was associated with them as bookeeper and is also well and favorably known. Mr. Bass is well known .In the lower part of the county,' having been in business there at , one time, ' and Is said to be one of the best auctioneers in the business,-a man of rare judg ment It, is understood that:; these gentlemen will be in Lumberton" to ample time to give rthe farmers free advice in regard to grading and pre paring' their tobacco' f or'market Auction sales of tobacco will begin in Lumberton about August 1st, and the warehousemen have been assured that a fall corps of buyers, will be on this market, as usual. , .1 ; Parliton Letter St Pauls Fairmont New iBarker-Tenmile St. 'Commencement v Day Baseball ; Splendid Program Mothers Day - Same Speaker and Choir Will be at Buckhorn Sanday. ": - By C. D. Wiliamson Parkton, May 16. Wednesday, the 10th, was' the final day of commence ments Graduating exercises, and the literary address was 3 delivered i by Rev. ,C. R. Sorrell at 11 o'clock; and while the writer was not present at tha hpfinnino' vAt it vm nronounced one of the best, and if his advice will .Christian only be carried out the young gradu ating class will never go wrong. In the afternoon the Lumberton base ball team came up for a game with the locals, and we never witnessed a cleaner game. Several preachers were heard to say it was one of the clean est games they . ever, witnessed, and we all thoroughly enjoyed it. The lo cals happened to be the winners but at times the game was close. . . On Friday- evening Galatia - team met the Buckhorn team at Midway for a game, Buckhorn winning, score 5 4 to 7. The next game will probably be Saturday evening at Midway, when White Oak will meet the Buckhorn team. 1tHV ;. Last Sunday was a great day for our town. At 11 a. m. a special pro gram was carried out at the . Presby terian church as was i announced - in Thursday's Robesonian. After a song by the choir, Mr. Collier Cobb conducted the devotional exercises. NeWS LettCr, Warehouse Owner, and Business Men High SchOOl FllttUS Uiscasn Receiving Station lor "VO-j . .... ,....; op "Coop" Meetings to be Held Crowd of 1,000 Teopte Attended Ex Mill School Closes This - Week- Minstrel ; Show Tonight Death of ' an Infant Interesting Meeting of i U. D. Cv Anniversary 'of Woman's and Other, erclses .Tsenday Address by T. L. Johnson - CrediUble Exercises Monday and Tuesday Evening and Tuesday Modern School Betiding a Credit to the Community. ; ' Exercises which, were a- credit to at Rowland Social Items. " " V .. r - ! By II. V. Brown, " ' Fairmont, May 17. The , class of Auxiliary and Woman's Club Meet-'J entertained the class or l23 or. In Tt.vNw Rid-n- Per-the high school at the home of Miss ' -y, . r. . in -! i i -.lUBlHKi soual. - l, iya7. I" w,ul irw both facultv and students Monday By Bess G. Johnson v . "day night ihenome was oeau-, w Te8day and Tuesday even Pauls, May 16th - The,fully decorated for the occasion with; JL mfrked the close of the Barker- Endeavor members en-iiiowerv wnicn gave ine ciass coiors, - - . . . . . .j joyed a picnic at Odom's pond ron pmk and white... Aliss jvsie nign P:e,ercue8 were well-attended, the re- Tuesday evening, the 9th. Everyone pn cow., , Cord crowd g4tnered Tuesday, near seemed to enjoy It 'all immensely.! guests were ushered after befaig met.,,, 0 ,e being present for the The "bunch", especially the senior .the door, by Miss Ricks. class of the high, school here, went over, to the lake at. Cumberland mills for a little picnic supper also" on the p. m. of the 9th. y a:";;,.k;' Mr J. C, Lindsay returned from Ruby, S. C, Friday night. His family remained over for a "real visit' among Mrs. Lindsay's people. - ,-'.'. v Mrs. Bohman from near Greens- L . . 1 . . I wnor oi n oM was Pl weTe exercises uvi-urmea wiia iiuwrra aiiu jvrus. uui - iag the enjoyable hours splendid music was rendered by Misses .program the male members of the class which "was a treat. Refreshments consisting of cream, in class colors, and cake hoKfc hua bin vfjutin 1ia on.ht-lawi were served. This affair was consider- and daughter, Mr. and Mrs.- Stuart ed Qne of the most enjoyable for the RAN OVER SIX-FOOT ALLIGA TOR LYING IN RUT IN ROAD Gator Proved a Lively Customer But . Mr. Wilkins Tied It , to Running Boar dof Car and Carried It Home. When Mr. I. J. Wilkins of Bellamy drove the front wheel of his car down the length of ah alligator which was lying in a rut in the road at Len non's pond Sunday night the alligator "floufctoU" up and tried to turn1 the car over when the rear wheel went over. In the ear with Mr. Wilkins was Mrs. Wilkins, their son Master Roy, and Mr. BL R. Britt. They 'were re turning to Bellamy from .the home of Mrs Wilkins' father, Mr.. W. S. Fitt man, in the ' Burnt Islands. Mr. Britt on the back seat, was lifted so nigh that . he caUed to Mr.v WWn that he had run over ' a stump. Mr. Wil kins, who had about brought the car to n stop by that time, said it wasn't a stump but an alligator. And so ft proved to be, an alligator 6 1-2 feet long. Messrs. Wilkins and Britt got a rope and after a lively scuffle, suc ceeded in tying the 'gator, which was frisky as a calf, on the running board and took him to the home of Mr. Wilkins, who brought him to town yesterday. Mr. Wilkins thinks there must be a good many alligators in Lennon's pond, for he hears them hollering over that way pretty often. SOME COTTON PLOWED UP ON ACCOUNT DAMAGE FROM HAIL faculty. The mjll school closes this weeK. ; xney are one week behind the others in "getting out", , ton on Friday, the 6th, for littl visit among relatives in that nic little town, returning to St Pauls oi Tt... -.Jt- 4.1. All. . Introductory remarks by Phillip McJ" . .on now save the ones who Natt The orator of the occasion sid.e he the fl n h??1 was Dr. D. S. Currie, whose address was of the bdst ever delivered in our town. His subject Was "Who is My Mother t" He spoke a. little more than 80 minutes. Another feature of of the occasion was the splendid sing ing by a select choir, all new songs but appropriate for the occasion. A splendid quartette wasrendered by Mrs. D. S. Currie, soloist and leader, Mrs. J. C .Pugh at the piano, Mrs. C, W. Martin, alto, W, W. Gainly, bass, C. D. Williamson, tenor. The church was beautifully. decorated and every one present wore a rose, either white or fed. The church was packed with eager, hearers, and we must say. to our mind it was one of the "most im pressive services 4 ever . held in that church, and the largest congregation since Rev. Mr; McGill's revival. We have been advised that fey 'special re quest Dr. Currie has consented to de- young social set. A slight mistake occured in the Fairmont items last Issue, In the statement that the attorney for, the town was paid a salary of $100 per year. This should have been 50 in stead of $100. As was mentioned, Mr. V. W. Keith was duly elected attorney for the townfor the fiscal year. Messrs; H. O. Tucker, V. W. Keith, P. H. Liles and John D. Purvis motor ed to Wilmington last Sunday. They also visited Wrightsville beach making the trip In Mr. Tucker's King 8. , , Mrs. D. C, Cox, went to Lumber-4Mi'- ad-Mrs. H. U Cook and Mrs. McGdogan, on Armfield street.'. Dr. Bohman, brother of ' Mrs.1 McGoogan, also visited in their, home' last Sun day. ''''' , Miss Mary Tiddy returned to' her home near - PhOadelphus last Satur day afternoon. -. A bunch of the teachers left Sat urday a. m. for their homes.' They kept .leaving us, "one by one,", until F. Smith of Fayetteville spent last Monday here. Mrs. L. F. Mitchell and son. L. F. Jr., of Wilmington, are spending some The Xmerican Legion here la linse note witli friends 4ind relatives. ting up a minstrel for Thttrsday Tney wer accompanied here by Mrs. evening, the 18th, school auditorium, , Mitchell's mother, , Mrs. Margaret 8 o'clock. This will be real good, we imagine. The f baby daughter, some 123 months old, of Mr. John Gibson, pear town, was released from suffering on Wednesday, the JOth, following a few daysV illness owith colitis' Mr. H: D. Herridoii; ' who : resides hear town, has been very OL Wt hope he may soon improve. , t The -U. D. C'qmet at thr -borne of Mrs. R. G. Roster yesterday at 4 n. liver this same address at Buckhorn fJJ1. 7r7:lntersttag, school house next Sunday at 4 p. also the same choir has been invited to sing' for the occasion'. On Sunday night Rev. R. F. Munns preached a special sermon. His theme was "Mo ther." A large congregation was pre sent to enjoy one of his best ser mons. It was much enjoyed. Certainly after hearing these good talks on Mothers day, should not. the young learn to appreciate their mother more and more? s BASEBALL HERE SATURDAY! Considerable Damage Done to Crops in Section Between Fairmont and! Barnesville. Mr. Jx S. Floyd, who lives "4 miles the fair ground park Saturday after Team from Camp Bragg Will Play Lumberton at Fair Grounds. The Camp a program in behalf of Memorial day, being arranged, consisting of differ ent little readings by Mrs. R. G. Rozier Misses Delia McGoogan Irene Thomas and Mary McLean, a poem by Mrs. E. C: Murray,, and a beauti ful solo by Miss Elizabeth McGeachy, accompanied on piano by Miss Eliza beth Hartman. These 2 young lassies made their exit, when the solo was rendered, as they were not members of the society.' Delicious refreshments were served consisting of iced tea, sandwiches and delicious little cakes. ine following members from Orrum on the road from Fair mont to Barnesville, was a Lumber- ton visitor yesterday and reported considerable damage to- crops in his section, though his farm escaped damage. Mr. J.' E. Nye decided to re plant his cotton, and did so. Tuesday. Other cotton in that . section looks . soldiers, like it .will have to be replanted, ac whirh in. eludes the new and the old were pre sent: Mesdames E. C. Marmv. T. A. Fifth Field artillery team from cGeahyi T' TL- Northrop, Flora Bragg will play Lumberton at enneV DB-. La2ca!.ter. T. S. Tea- suc, uaiu vans, rt. Kjt KOZier, Li. I. Grantham, W. A. McCormac; Misses Delia McGoogan, Irene Thomas, Mary McLean and Bess Johnson. The next meeting will be with Miss Delia Mc- uoogan. Alter the close of the meet- noon at 4 o clock, aergeant Earl Bacon, who starred in the outfield for Lumberton a part of last season, is captain of this team, which . is the class of the camp. Several v other players who have been seen in action here v before will also be with the cording to Mr. Floyd. Where cotton was high cnotigh to chop it looked like it was ruined. Knee-high tobacco Lumberton Highs Defeat Fairmont Lumberton highs won . a pretty- game from Fairmont high on the lo- also was stripped badly. Mr. Floyd cal diamond yesterday afternoon 4 said he did not notice any damage i to 3. The visitors outhit and out to crops from a mile this side of Or- fielded the locals but their1 hits were rum to Lumberton. , - r r'not as timely and every one of Lura- - iberton's was for extra bases. Hail Damarea CroDs In Proetorrnie The score: a , Section PersonaL. . .. . iFADJMONT . . 000 002 1008-10-1 Correspondence of The Robesonian v Proctorvflle, - May . 17 A very heavy hail storm . swept this section of Robeson county, Sunday rp, tnV much damage being" done to tobacco, corn, . and garden crops. . ' Mr. a W. Graham and Mrs. L P. and Eliza Graham of our city are . going tomorrow to Buies Creek to at tend the - commencement exercises there. Mr. Graham has two daugh jcoieruay, auierent ones were? . ,. ,j wu uieeiu appointed to go around to the numer- ?tockholde" of the Peopl ons graves ol the dead heroes and place roses on each grave in recogni. tion of their honor in behalf of our country. -. :-;:ij -. Invitations have been received read ing as follows: v An inritation for youi The General assembly organized the Woman's auxiliary of the Presbyterian church in May. . 19 12. so w m tn in o.. 0lfc2!T Auxairy i going & have a hirthdajr cakecandles ,and aU! We by the graduating class, an address by Mr. T. L. John son of Lumberlon, a member of the Katharine Cole and. Ora Kemp, andl.-.'.j j Mr. Bruce Davis. A song was sung by coote8U ta the ftemoon, Irene Rozier and-Edward Musselwhite winning the medals for the best recitation and declamation, respectively. The term which closed Friday was the second term of the school and only two graduated. These were Ves- ter Musselwhite and Preston Powers. Immediately after the graduation ex. ercises a delightful piano trio ; was rendered by Misses Thelma Powers, Vivian Plott and Dixie Townsend. ' . The speaker of the day, Mr. John son, was introduced by Proz. u. u. Oliver, principal of the schooL Mr. Johnson handled his subject, "True Measure of Man's Value . In a most eloquent and pleasing manner. Before getting to his subject proper, . Mr. Johnson took occasion to . commend the people of that progressive com munity lor the interest they have manifested in the cause of education. He also told of the . great advance ment that has recently and is now being made in every direction. True Measure of Man's Valae "Love and service", were defined by the speaker as the greatest things in the world for a true measurement of the lives of men. "An ' education that does not fit men and women for greater service Is false, the speaker continued. .Those who would be great est should not live for self alone, hut for others. The speaker quoted the saying of Christ "Let him who would be greatest among you, - be servant of alL " ' r', -' " - Lifters and Leaner. " , : Mr. Johnson divided folks into two classes people who lift -and who lean. Success In life depends more upon the good one may do than in finances. The speaker painted a vivid picture of the sad end of a man whose only ambition in life is to accumulate riches and 'do nothing for his fellow man. He cotrasted the selfish life with the life of service. The life of service is the life that will bless the world after it has ended. . The speaker took occasion to pay tribute to the life of ex-President Wilson, describing him as the most loved man in America. His life was cited as one lived for the service and benefit of mankind. Many declared Mr. Johnson's ad dress to have been the best they had ever heard. It was just the kind of address that appeals to thinking peo ple and one that is destined to bear fruits in the lives of men and women. A Bountiful Dinner. After the address all present were invited to a long, heavy-laden table, where a bountiful feast of good things to eat was spread. After the Floyd, who had been visiting in Wil mington zor some time. v Mr. Gary Mitchell spent, a few days last week in Wilmington with his brother Mr. I F. Mitchell Messrs. Julian Price, N. L HalL C T. Davis and J. F. Price of McDonald attended the special service here last Sunday afternoon, -v V Legion Post Meeting PestDoaed On account bf the School finals this week the regular tneetinr of the George Galloway post of the Ameri can Legion has been postponed until luesuay night, May 23. At this meet, ing several important committees will make a . report which will interest every ex-service man in this com munity. Especially will the report of the radio committee be of interest. Mr. and Mrs. H. Weinstein left Tuesday afternoon for Kinston, where they will attend the Shriners conven tion. - Mr. Chas Shuff, well-known buyer for the Imperial Tobacco Co., at pre sent of Winston-Salem, spent last Wednesday here on business for the company. Work has been begun on a gas filling station on the property of Mr. R. L. Pittman, where the wooden building occupied by Mr. A. C. Bul lock was torn away sometime ago. This structure will be of brick and when completed will be conducted by Mr. Albert Intnan. "Coop" Matters. A very imnortant meet-in o- nf tha COTTON MARKET BRIEF ITEMS AND LOCAL NEWS LUMBERTON. . . 010 030 Ox 4 V pU uid ft our birthday gifts, Ahley, Kelly and . Riff; Bryan,! "r Jery ono isto bring a penny for Weinstein and Bryan. Umpires Jones and prevatt. Lnmberton Will be Represented at . Charlotte May 20th Celebration. Lumberton will be well represented in Charlotte on May 20th. Plans be ing made now are for a float to be in the grand parade, and an aeroplane to' ters. Misses Mannie and Carrie, ; to ' U JZTMnb, hopes to" v. " ' I know that Lumberton is on the map "oerton come over and give us an every year, she has lived ("it j,aM aswret $1.00 wiU do.") This present Whelp build a new home for .Miss Dowd' school for friendless girls in Japanl Our party will be on May 16th 30 n-u t Mrs. Stuart Mc Googan V Then ThnnWT tha Womans club wiU meet in the club room for their regular-monthly meet "tl :urray, president of the of Kills Large Rattlesnake Early , in Season. . '."'.;. '--f ' Calvin Lowrey, Indian, brought to The Robesonian office Tuesday -12 rattles and a button that adorned the tail of a rattlesnake killed Monday by his half-brother, Jno. V. Locklear, in Richland swamp, 8 miles from Buie, on the place where Calvin and John live. The snake measured 7 inches around at its largest part and was over 5 feet long. Early for rattle- Just a few wiles way and that it!S:.0nt the federation convention has a live post of the American ? ureensboro some time Legion. Mr. Ellie Walters will pilot'"- f001 meeting is also. planned, Community Service motion ; pic lures will be held at Tenmile school house next Saturday night, May 20th. 1 Mrs. L. O. R. Bailey left yester lay for an extended trip to Jackson ville, New Bern, Morehead -City, and Gloster. While in Gloster she will at tend the marriage of Miss , Mattie Forfard of that place. Mrs. Bailey will ha away about two months. . 4 j the machine and will be accompanied; by Mr. W. B, Ivey. The float to be used in the parade Is being made of Mr D. O. Powers' car, which has al ready been painted with bright colors, red, white and -blue. There will not be any ; official: representatives of , the Lumberton post, but a large number of . the legionnaires are planning to be present there that day. -r- rjr Progress on Hard-Surfaced Read. The. hard-surfaced road leading out of Lumberton toward ' Maxton ; and Red Springs has been opened ; for traffic ;as far west as .the Robeson Manufacturing- Co's plant: - A ' few days .ago the section near the Iron bridge here was opened for traffic which eliminated a rather dangerous detour, .especially for Inexperienced auto drivers.. ; ' . . ' . and n' good time all around. i 1 Recorder's Com r.f?flJS? w before Recorder David a Fuller yesterday charged .ius upon a zemale with in r L M'""UIt rap, in this case r wm xouna and ne was oia qver to superior court. A bond fa the sum of $200 wss fixed which uie aeienaant mAfa -. Til. j - ."a ucxeuuaut ana the nrosecutfnfl mHt-na.. TT ... . " " awweusvuxo township.. :,- oieve lxivett was ni WnM h recorder charged, with . abandonment; buuij,- juagment continued on Payment of $35 for hospital expenses and doctor bilL The defendant wss found not guilty of a trespass charge. ' . Mr. f Wallaca Mclnrvr of Ront 8 jw i oub-81 visitor hers today. e s ware house and the Robeson County ware house with the business .men of the town was held in the town hall last night This meeting was called for the purpose of putting the situation of a central receiving station for the co-operative association here. Many propositions were made but as it appears nothing definite was done. Dr. J. P. Brown offered to sell the co-ops" a site upon which thev eonld build at a very reasonable price. Mr. Chambers stated that he would sell the "co-op" , a lot noon which thv could i build a warehouse at a Dries in competition to any other suitable K property in town, but that he would (Contained on page four.) Middling cotton is selling on the local market today at 10c. Local banks will be closed Satur day, May 20, Mecklenburg Declara tion of Independence day. v Miss Louise Shell of Dunn is . a new saleslady in Mr. A. Weinstein's department store. She began work Monday, , :-. i'-., ,:' Music pupils of Miss Sains wiU give a recital in the high school audi torium Friday night at 8 o'clock. The public is invited. . : . Dr. HL T. Pope returned Tuesday from Charlotte, where he spent a week in a hospital undergoing treat ment for a nervous breakdown. He is now at the Baker sanatorium. Mr. W. Whaky left this morn ing for his home in Greensboro after spending a week hers at the home of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. L. E. Whaley, recuperating from an attack of flu." .. :;v -Miss Carrie Fiord, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. A. P. Floyd of Fair mont, underwent an operation for ap pendicitis at the Baker sanatorium last Friday. Her condition is reported as very favorable. ? A Boy Scout meeting will be held in the Legion, hall, second floor of the municipal building, Friday even ing at 8 o'clock. All members are urged to be present and any wishing to join are requested to attend this meeting. Mr. E. W. Dunham is Scout master. ' . ;.. Mr. W. L Linkhaw is hsving the residence on the corner of Water and Third streets, now occupied by Mr. and Mrs J. M. McCaUum, moved to the adjoining lot on Second, and will erect on tha former lot a T-room cottage which Mr. and Mrs. McCal lum will oceupy. As has been stated in The Robe sonian, a poultry meeting wiU be held at the court house this evening at 8 o'clock. An address will be delivered by Mr. Allen G. Oliver, 8tats poultry specialist ' and one of the foremost poultry experts of the South, AH who are interested in poultry are invited to attend. - - , - ". : Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Floyd, Mr. and Mrs. A. P. Floyd and Miss Sarah Floyd all of FsirmonVwere Lomber- ton visitors yesterday. Mr. and Mrs. A. P. Floyd came to. see their daugh ter Miss Carrie, who is a patient a the Baker sanatorium. Mr. A. ; J. Floyd said he noticed considerable damage from hail in the Center sec tion. , -" ' H 'v -Washington correspondence, May 16, Raleigh News and Observer: Rev. Dr. H. G, Hill, of Maxton, a leading minister of the Presbyterian church, over 90 years of age, is visiting at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Angus W. McLean. Dr. HOI has been attending the meetings of the Board of Direc tors of the Union Theological Semin ary in Richmond. Rev. L. E. Daily wiU lecture at the East Lumberton Baptist church next Tuesday evening at 8 o'clock on "Problems of the Age." An admission of 15 and 25 cents will be charged, half the proceeds to go to the East Lumberton church for piano and half to a library at Colerain, where Mr. Daily, who was formerly pastor of the East Lumberton church, preaches. Mr. F. Grover Britt, local editor of The Robesonian, . Mrs. Britt and two of their children. Frances and large crowd present had eaten to; Grover, are confined with flu at their Mr. A. W McLean gave ud his work with the War Finance corpora' tion in Washington, yesterday and will return to Lnmberton-some time in the near future. Many comoli- mentary references to his work in Washington hare been made in Wash ington correspondence of daily pa pers, and these will be published later. Mrs. Zella Ivey of Orrum was operated on at the Thompson hospital this morning for gall stones. ' Her condition-is favorable. Mrs. Luther Bass of Barnesville is getting along nicely following an aperauon Mon day. ; . . Will Gavin, colored, while riding a bicycle up Elm Street about noon today, succeeded in having a head-on collision with an' innocent car which had been parked in front of the town halL The car, belonging to Mr. Eddie Glover, had - been standing there but a few minutes when Gavin deliberate ly ran head-on into it, escaping him self from injury but doing consider-1 able damage to the radiator of the ear. Eye - witnesses stats that they could see o reason for' his unusual actions. t. r " :" their entire satisfaction many baskets full were taken up. Monday Evening Program. - The program Monday evening was presented by pupils of the primary and intermediate departments of the school. The program follows: Opening song by school. Recitation My Papa's a Preacher Bernis Oliver. Polk dance Jolly , is the Miller Primary .Department. - .1 ' ; Flag drill Intermediate Depart ment-,- Folk Dance bv Fnnurr Ileoart. ment Piano Treo valse L. Steabbog Mary K. Townsend, Bessie Powers and Juanita Hart Folk dance Intermediate Depart ment Play Al Martin's Country Store Grammar Grades. ! Plsy by High 8chool Pupils of the high school presented a play,- "Night Riders" " Tuesday evening. The play was presented in a most-pleasing manner. Following is the faculty of the school during the recent term: Prof. D. B. Oliver, principal; Miss Blanche1 Perry, assistant in high school work and - music; Mrs. Cora Lipkey, 6th and 7th grades; Mrs. B. F. Townsend 3rd, 4th and 6th grades; Mrs D. B. Oliver, primary. - This was Prof. Oliver's second year as head of the Barker-Tenmile school and he taught in the Tenmile school one year before the high school was established. Both he and Mrs. U liver nave been re elected for the next term. The school board is composed of Messrs. N. A. Townsend, chairman; J. W. Barker, secretary-treasurer; J. H. Powers, Spurgeon Jones an dA. A. Bethune. Modern School Building The 116,000 high school building! erected two years ago Is a credit to tha patrons and the torumualtyr' at home on Seneca street The other two children Were sick last week but are now able to be up. Mrs. Britt has been confined , to bed since Sunday and Mr. Britt . since Tuesday .night The condition of all' of . them is im proved today. Mrs. Rossie Britt East Second street, also has been sick with flu since yesterday. ' W -r Raymond, 3-year-old son of Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Long, has a broken thigh and a bruised leg and head as a result of contact with his father's an. , to Tuesday afternoon. The accident happened m the yard at the Long home at the National cotton mill, of which Mr. Long Is superintendent The child ran toward -the car, which Mr. Long could not stop in time,' and the child went under it Raymond was taken at once to the Baker sanatorium and an x-ray examination revealed no injuries more serious than those men tioned above. Raymond is now at home and getting along nicely. Mr. BUI Bailer, who has been in charge of the Lorraine hotel barber shop for two or three years, will open a new shop tomorrow . or Saturday on Elm street, .between the McAllister hardware store and the Pope drug store. Squire Spurgeon Small, - who has been with Mr. Bailey at the Lor raine, will be. with him in the new shop, in charge of the first of its S chairs. Workmen are busy today get ting the shop, which will be tip-to-date and well equipped, in readiness. Mr. T. C Holder will have charge of the Lorraine shop, where he has been working for some time, and Mr. How. ard Bullard will be with him. large. Much credit is due the present school board for the erection of tha modern building . for - housing tha schooL Mr. J. D. Taylor of Red Springs was a Lumberton visitor today.

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