66 n n n 99 cigarettes' V " V insist. A year ago almost unknown Today, a leader A sweeping verdict for QUALITY COMMENT ON ' VARIOUS V MATTERS By J. M. Fleming It was refreshing and inspiring to meet with the Confederate 'veterans in Lumberton Wednesday. We think there were only about twenty-five of them present. One of the sad features is that the crowd is smaller every yean One by one they . fall out of the rank! at the call of their Cap tain. The consoling-thought is, that while their ranks here' are thinning they are swelling the numbers in the blest bevond. I , Lumberton's' quartette, sang "Tent, ing On the Old Camp Ground " to 1 i i .it I. a m . a. tA4l. old and young. We have heard them sing , in the city churches, in college I chapels, on convention floors, and in patriotic choirs, . but it must b n ..t.KK.tuwt fact that- Lumberton quartette Ed. B. Freeman, . Frank Gough, J.-rope stepnens-ana Skipper-is as gooa as tne oesw Mr Vnhfrt A. Mclnrvre made a most excellent speech entirely befit ting the occasion. We nave arway mt.ntito tn h vfkunir men and KHI U.fcV.... " - e. esteem It a privilege to avail oursell of every : opportunity to encourage them. Lumberton bas several very hriirM vntmtr follnwa of which the. no doubt, is justly proud. ' Jefferson said he never w a beg gar from Georgia, and Dicken'a - Is nryniaA savinir that one in Boston was like a flaming sword. Up to 1830 there were no fortunes m tne umieo. States and no paupers, but now there are more paupers and more, million aires than 1 anywhere , elf e in the world."; " This week ; the Baptist will be rowdinc the streets of Florida's chief city. Another , page of history has been added to our book of "denomina tional nroeress. We hone it may b somewhat worthy of us. Bujt we fear II is spiotcnea wnn unianniujne Him and too conspicuous with our this is true we shall be sorry scmel day. ; : y -V : Three vpars sen it was said that to hold our own (meaning all Christian denominations m the Umted Mates; it renuired two and a half million converts. There were only eight-hundred thousand that year just one- third of the required and stipulates, number,' The number has not. been cninpH nnlv in the corresDOndinir ratio of three years ago. Who has the other two-thirds? i , Some one said not long ago that if we could have only twenty-five genuine Christians and each one of these would win only one other the first year making fifty Christians at the close, that in twenty-five years at that rate we would i have a con verted world. This is one of. the troublesThere is too much figuring and telling what might be and not Decay is certain ey er xr cr V KM. II ' ... wth!M& ss Mastic FaiiK Decay is constantly at work. It begins with little specks of rust a rotted spot-perhaps a crack that exposes the wood to the elementshut decay once started spreads rapidly. ITiere is only one way to prevent this destruction- the timely use of Paint and Varnish. Pee Gee Paint Products have "Saved the Surface", for oyer fifty-five years. They will prove to you the best and cheapest insurance against wear and weather. - For house exteriors Pee Gee Mastic will give longest service at lowest cost. It is an absolutely pure, double pigment paint, containing a high percentage of ZINC ground in genuine Unseed oil, and therefor has greatest covering capacity and durability. It adds to the looks and life of your property and is the most economical paint for you to use. For every surface that needs protection, whether wood, stucco, brick, cement or metal, specif y enough holy living and earnest pray ng in order to bring things to pass. What is geometrical progression even though it be raised to the twenty-fifth' power if the good Fa ther's plans are left out? ,n We heard preacher giving put some aphorisms seme time ago and jotted thera down, not, i knowing whether he was right or wrong. They follow: 1 . ."Going to church is not working for the Lord, it is only going up to Hi boarding house. "Praying is not 1 working for the Lord, it is only dunning Him or ask ing Him to pay tu off for doing noth ing. When we have not worked for Him, He doesn't owe us anything." That mighty man said he was preaching the gospel, but it seems that anything a fellow can think Of to say may be easily called the gos pel. The scientists are about as numerous as were the Sadducees - in the days of our Lord upon the earth. They appeared to think their system of ethics, education and religion was ideal only to find themselves hope lessly in the night and blight of ig norance. What if science in our day shall dethrone God? WhaMdeal will re main for mankind except an educat ed selfishness culminating in perpet ual war? Educated depravity is but a machine of destruction. Germany is a concrete example verifying this statement, while on the other extreme is Russia submerged in ipnnranr and almost if not altogether as danger ous tnougn more to be pitied. The religious leaders of our day are clothed with a fearful rexDonsihilirv. Many of them are teaching and caus ing many to believe a doctrine con cerning the origin of life and the de stinv of man which, if universally accented, must reault In infiifolitv nA atheism and in the. enthronement v. of the Goddess of Wisdom. s s, i " . Many of them are uttering very soft woras and sweet. They say certain preachers are too plain. They will have better ' tn their musi if they will run the soft pedal. As mis serine sees, it. would be a thous and times better to return to the days of Jonathan Edwards and Bartholo mew Fuller, the days of undenying faith, ,the days when faith did not doubt and when God, the eternal made the heavenly message real and vital in the lives of men and women. It is far better for us to not cast away the sacred things. The writer does not understand it all, and can explain but very little of the. things of life, but with Newman and "the remnant whose faith has been honor ed, we may give heed to that voice that speaks so clearly to our hearts and consciences. Ask for this DtavtifuUr Ulustrate4 palnthook, or - ' writs to caslee-Gaulbrt Co. tUata LOU1SYTJXE DUa VarniJ.AesrtainS'rEnameU L.H. 1131' Lumberton, N. C. NORTH CAROLINA LEADS NA TION IN PAYING yP DEBTS Its Repayments to War Finance Cor poration Exceed Any Other State McLean Gratified by It Splend id Showing. E. E. Britton in Raleigh News and Observer. Washington; May 12. That North Carolina, of all the agricultural and livestock states, stands at the top of the list in its ability to meet obliga tions, and in the promptness with which it does this is shown by some facts - concerning the situation throughout these states as shown in statistics having td do with the War Finance corporation. North Carolina has the. distinction of having made the re-payment of the largest sum of advances made by the War Finance Corporation to the various states. With over $8,000,000 having been ad vanced to the banks of North Carolina for loans for agricultural purposes, these loans have been repaid in such amounts that there has been returned to the War Finance corporation above $1,500,000. , While in many of the other states the amounts borrowed have been largely in excess of the amounts ad vanced to North Carolina, the repay ments from North Carolina are far in excess of the returns made by any of the other agricultural and live, stock states. This is an evidence that conditions in North Carolina are bet ter financially than in the other states in the list to which advances have been made. -:Ui . The information of the gratifying state of Affairs was obtained today from Angus W. McLean, of Lumber- ton, director of the War Finance cor poration, whose term of office as a member of the board expires next week, having been mads a member of the board on May 17, 1918, by the appointment of President Wilson. Mr. McLean says that he is gratified by the. fin showing made by North Carolina and that - whlls depression exists, It is more largely confined to the eastern section of the State, and to the cotton growing section, , but that despite this depression conditions in North Carolina are comparatively better than in the other states, r ' As yet there is no intimation as to who will be named as th successor to Mr. McLean. He is the only one of the four members of the board who was born and reared on a farm and who has had a life-long experi ence hi farming. ' . 666 Cures Malaria, Chills, Tertr, Bilious fever Colds and LaGrippe. Housewives, mm Save the name "Golden Crust" They, are Valuable. l For 100 names, "Golden Crust" cut from wrappers of DuBois Bakery's Golden Crust Bread presented at Bakery or your Grocer, you will be given a real Knife Sharpener. Call 71 for information. 3 names on each wrap per. into (Incorporated) Phone 71. ICE - Reduction - ICE For lee Coupons Books if discounted for Cash, ss follows, f f ective May 1, 1922- - - Domestic Trade. 75c per 100 pounds, less 10 per cent dis ' count for cash. Commercial Trade, 60c per 100 pounds, less 10 per cent discount for cash, using 300 pounds or more, one delivery. Watch improvements in appearance of Ice from now on, as undergoing some changes in plant . Respectfully, M. A. GEM)IE, Phone No. 138 ' HUDSON' SUPER a ;verV' S Passenger Speedster IISSS 7 Passenger PheaUn ........ S1S4S 7 Passenger Sedan"-".. $288S 2 Passenger Cabriolet ....... $2515 SOUTHERLAND Hudson and Essex Cars are hard to get, place your order now and avoid delay. We hava Robeson County on these ears and the prices below are F. O. B. Lnmberton, ' Laarinbnrg, or any point in Robe, son Coonty. For farther lafornu tion apply to the undersigaed. WITH Tosoring Car I12SS .n Coaeh -.. Ililf C01 Cabriolet S144S TIRES Sedan I2S7S MOTOR COMPANY, Iurmburg, N. C. Representative, W A. Roach, Lomberton, N. C ii '- nriniiiium . ...... .... .-'.,:..'. feMBMaMaSHHSjaMBJSJHMBJJMMBM ' - ' " ' ' " ' . f. - i r -. : - I. DRUGS EASTMAN KObAkS -THE CIGARS SODA Lumberton, N. C. 3mm &mmm?y Odii .. a: uuuc CANDIES