ran 'zozzzovun,' tursrztfciV &2ilpJ&ouni'l "mnAY, mat is, m. piocnvr THE ROBESONIAN OSce 107 'West Fourth Street vTclephoa JNa, ; 2eV f ,--rfv THURSDAY, MAY 18fc 1922. CUSL'iESS BUILDERS Wsatee Teas cUcaesa aas) He at 8..D. WaafeeV l.m kea aaa 2t Mew at mm v Highest market price said.' H, B. Bobbins, Lmnbarton. N. C. - n ; ' LAKE , W ACCAM A W U iwa arnkbea eettarfes on the high banks at thb beautiful Lake for rent by week, man tit r aeaees. For information writ Oscar High, Wfctte vOle, K. C. . ..'" yv WAITED LIGHTWOOD. ' BTOVEWOOD LENGTH, ON 8UB8CBIPT10N. BOBE- Say Baiu, Velvet Baas Cane See ea field peas for tale at L. H. Caldwell'. Bee u fer Cette Patch Peas te plant la irregular stands of cotton -L. H. Caldwell. Shin- Ice aad all Unda - Suilaine- MteUH on band In large quantities, prices rufbt. L. H. Caldwell. .' ; j'vU-'? v For Sale Eight Gaerasejr and Jersey Uk eowa, tome of the large milkera, if yon need a good cow come to aee them .thte 'weeki Geo. K. McNeill, Rowland. NC. WANTED Dkrtxibctere and sae-dlstHbuteTS for PEN-4EL, a ' wonderful new product that "Make the Jelly Jell" and never fail. Should be in every home and farm in your community in time for housewives to make jellies, Jama and marmalade during- the fruit season.. PEN-JEL will .make jelly in 5 to 6 minutes of all fruita and of fruits that were never before made Into pare jelly, ueh a cherries, strawberries, pineapples and rhubarb.-One package makes four glasses. Send 16 cento for sample and all details, .including terms, prices and .litera ture. 'Saves time, money, fuel and . labor, Will make jelly of pure water or wKh water and any flavoring extract or of any kind of fruit or from parings, in season or out. A BIG MONEY. MAKER -Pennsylvania SuKar Company, 135 South Second Street, Philadelphia, Fenns, PeiWel Dept.- ' Wanted a reliable party Lumberteti and Fairmont to Sell Hydro, a Solution for charging batteries instantly. For Informa tion write B. J. Holt, Baeford, N. C. For 8alel Shetland pony. Apply te .1. F. Parker, Lumberton, N. C, . . Wanted Two. famished noma far light housekeeping, by couple without children. References. Phone 828. J. . T. Bankston. Let as have your Tobacco Flo Orders K. M. Biggs. SEE US FOR NITRATE 80DA eV FERTI lizers. We have it on hand. K. M. Biggs, Lumberton, N. C. Choice Co peas. Soy Beans. Peanuts fof Sale, We pay freight. Write Catawba Seed Store, Hickory. N. C. Brick for Sale Get our price en brick for that house you are going to build. Reaves Mfg. Co. Proctorville, N. C. V For Sale Porte Rica Sweet Potato Pleats from chemically treated slips at I1.7S per 1.000 while they last, cash with order. Ready now. L. H. Caldwell. , ' - -P.- ;:' Wanted 4 men ta dKeh, 1 an te da farm work. 4. O. Xayton, Dunn, N, C. Lest Black and wbita spotted female hound puppy near Fates. Reasonable reward. J as. W, Oxendine, Fates, N. 0, . Wanted Every Weasaa in Rebese to Mother Hubbard Washboard. Saves the backaches. For sale at Pat Kornegay Tent. Memey to leas 'est improved land to Rebssin eoonty-Stephen .Mclntyra. . Genaiae Pert Rice Petate Plants. Cerern- ment Inspected 1000 $1.76 JiOO $1.00 Pre paid, Insured. Tomato Plants, Ponderosa and all leadtng varieties, Transplanted 100 $1.00. Field Grown 1000 $2.59 $00 $1.00 Pre paid. Plants not Promises.' Ten yean in the business-Blversid Farms, Max ton. N. C. . . - . The tobacco warehotue en lot adjoining Poller stables for real Feasessloa gtrea Jmto flnf Apply to Stephen Mclntyre. ' : Prompt leans ef $ltvt te $lt.M at per cent interest for 6, 7 or 10 years mads i on impro. ved farm lands in Robeson. Hoke and Sootland Counties Junius J. Goodwin, at torney for Cblckamauga Trust Company. Lumberton. N. C' - ' - - . "The Best Bervlee", Is ear mett. Bvetythfaig clean aad sanitary. When hungry ctve tw a ealL Olympla. esie. Sim street. Lum- rLCMBTNG RKPAXR WORK AND PLUafaV tog of all kinds, piping for acetylene plan and Delee systems, eta. . Work wlietted any where in the eoupty. : Prompt attentioBk fltoient servibe. Offleet Cor Cbestnui and tin Sta. Phone $1. & S. aUrkawa Annoimcements For Road Commissioner I hereby announce myself a' candi date for Road Commissioner for Dis triet No. B. eomnosed ; of Lumber Bridge, Shannon, Parkton, Rennert and St. Pauls Townships, subject to the action of the Democratic Pri mary June tt&t: -.-j'- 'l . ,i,Cl'stA. T. BRITT.;;- Among the Lumberton visitors from Fairmont today are: Mr. and Mrs. G. W. Thompson, Mesdames Mayme Pittman, E.' L; Vinson and E. Fisher, Messrs. W, F.lTrawick, Ai L. McDaniel and sons Paul and vWde, Lester Mitchell, Frank Jones, Yates Floyd, Roy Johnson, W. G. ; Floyd, Frank Byrne, Cliff or Stubbs George Small, Ray Griffin; Fred Jenkins, Pitt Fisher, Clyde Turbeville,. Messrs- D. H. Britt, Jr., and J. Mcl. Price and Misses Eula and Mary Hall of McDonald are visitors here today. Mrs. D. .H. Britt hai teen in Baker sanatorium for sometime.'. Her condition is very much improved.. I; Southern Baptists Meet. ' I The Southern. Baptist convention convened in Jacksonville, Fla., yester day Dr..E.Y Mullina of Louisville was re-elected president Df. Raymond. Tliompsoa ef Char lotte' arrived last ' night and is the guest of bis parents Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Thompson, North Elm street. tl;,v ;j '' V-'---;:;- Lalce Butler, Fla., May 15 Charges of accepting a bribe during his term of office against former Governor S. J. Catts of Florida,' contained in a grand jury indictment returned more than a year ago, were, dismissed to day when Circuit. Judge Long sus tained a defense metion that the in dietznest U sTMtaal. r. . PERSONALS e Mr. D. PrathervMcKinncm of Bow land U a Lumberton visitor today. v Mr. Richard Carter of St, Paula, R. 2, was a Lumberton visitor jester Mr . W. LLoveit " of Britta town ship was a Lumberton visitor, this morning. " - " .r'V:. -''v. i Mr. Issae Wilkins of .Howellsville township was a Lumberton Visitor this morning:. i;::" " Messrsi C P. " Ashley and D. . " A. Jones of ' Fairmont Route . 2, were business visitors here today. Messrs.- E. G." Jones and '. E. . J. Chambers of Fairmont were business visitors in Lumberton- today. - r Mr. C. W. Shuff, branch manager of the Imperial Tobacco Co. at Fair mont, passed through Lumberton yes terday from Fairmont en route to Winston-Salepk . . " -" Mr. Wayne Caldwell returned this morning to Charlotte after spending two days here at the home of his parents, Mr, and Mrs. A.. P. Caldwell, where his wife and baby have been guests for Beveral days. Among those from here attend ing, the Shrmer's convention in Kins ton today and tomorrow are Messrs. D. R. Shaw, Robert Mclntyre, and Robert CaldwelL They left after mid night last night in an automobile. ' " '- - ' ' " Church Notes First Baptist Owing to the absence of the pastor, Dr, C. H. Durham, who is attending the Southern Baptist convention in session at Jacksonville, Fla., there will be no preaching services at the First Baptist church Sunday morning and evening. Sunday school will be held at 9:80. Y. W. A. Meeting An interesting and inspiring meet ing of the Y. W A. of th Pirat Ran- tist church was 'held with Miss Flora carlylei Tuesday evening of this week. Sixteen members and two visi tors were present, ; Mis sMargaret nttman was leader and a most in teresting program was rendered, which was enjoyed bv all nresent. The June meeting viiii be held with Miss woicott at ner nome on Third street Epworth League Mothers' Day Pro gram. Reported for The Robesonian. .'. ... The Epworth league of Chestnut Street Methodist church rendered an interesting Droeram Mondav pvpnincr in honor of mothers.' There were quite a few mothers present and the league observed well the sacred privileges of paying honor to them. The nrncrrnm innalaAl vl mn.inil lections, an interesting reading by Miss Elizabeth Peay, a polo by Miss Lula Norment. and nrldroaapa hv Miao Flax Andrews and Mr. Ralph Query on "A Mother's Joy" and "Our Mo thers", respectively. Chestnut Street Methodist Dr. R. C. Beaman'a aprmnn enHioofa Sunday will be: 11 a. m. "Moses and the Burning Bush"; 8 p. m. "I Must" Sunday school at 9:30 a. m., K. M. Barnes, superintendent Visitors cor aiauy welcome at all services. Presbyterian,. Dr. G. IE. Moorehouse, minister. . i Correspondence of 'The Robesonian. Sabbath school every Sabbath morning atJ:30. W. K. BethunA. aim. erintendent. Come. Morning worship ii ociock. sermon theme: "An important Court Decision." Evening worship at 8 o'clock; Sermon theme: "The Danger of Indifference." Mid week service Wednesday at '8 p. m. Subject: Jesus in the Life. "Acts IV. All Presbyterians in the town cordially invited to attend Ithe Pres- Dyteraaai cnurch. All strangers and visitors and those who lar church affiliation iri town wll find a welcome at this church at all its services. ' Catholic Services. St Francies de Sales' chapel, East Fifth, near Cedar street. Saturday p. m: confessions 5 to 6 and 8 to 9. Sun day confessions 7 to 7:30 and 9 to 9:30 a. m.; masses 7:80, 9:30; rosary, sermon,' benediction ftp. m. Every week-day next week, up to Friday in. elusive: 'masses 6 and 8:30 a. m.; rosary, sermon and benediction 8 p. m. Eyerybody ; cordially . invited and welcome to "all services. Seats free. UTOBT Of" THB CONDITION OF . THE BANK Of PEMBBOU A the State e4 Nerta CaroHaa. at th close of business, Mar I, 1922. V . i BJESOUKCES Loans and Dlsaonnts, ....tl04.S2t.41 wreraraxia, aeemeu, fr-t nnseear uoV 170,71.... " AH other Stocks, Bonds, aad Hort- taires. Banking;. Houses. $211.16: Furni ture ' and Fixtures, ll.410.22y All other Bea Estate owned. .... Cash in Taurt and net amounts due fitn 429.58 1.621.88 2.000.00 rrom - Bank. Bankers, and , Trust Companies,' ... r22,4t.tS A .Total ,..T -, .ll,o89J8 .UABI1JTIES Capital Stock paid in,. ..f 10.000.00 undivided Profits, lesa current ex- ' - penaes and taxes -paid. ....... Mlg.98 Notes and bills ndiseooated, .... S.006.00 BUle Parable. 20.000.00 Deposits subject to eheek. $4,540.81 Cashier's Cheeks outstanding; 504.55 Time Certificates of Deposit, Do osx or After SO Days, ........ 4,110.00 Sarincs Deposits. ...... .......... N.TOM Total, .... -i.. .. ...... tltl.S8.85 State of North Carolina Coonty of Robe son. May U, 1024. . I. E. It PAUL, Cashier of the ahore asned Bank, do solemnly swear that the abore statement Is true to the best of my knowtedfe and belief. ' ,.r'.-tJlC PAUL.' Cashier. t t'r - 'CorreetAttestjv .- K. H. UVEBMOBX. ; .? viv t -. A":M BBEECE. .A i:V.V,,' 4-- Dircetors. Subscribed and swara te before ate, this 11th d at Slav 102. . . ' Us ffnsaaitailasi 7ta. 24, IMS. IN SOCIAL CHICLES Shower for Bride-to-Bel Snecial td The Robesonian. ' ' ; k St. Pauls. May 13-On Thursday afternoon. May It. from four,toCve oclock, Mrs. Talmage S. Teague g is delighful reception at the teacher acre. ; The halls, parlor and ' library were attractively decorated . in yeL llw daisies and ferns. In the parlor a, shower of yellow daisies hung from toe chandelier, -v. . ? ; ': -M The guests were met at he front door by Mrs. J. A. McGeachy and Miss Sallie ; Huehes. Receiving with Mrs. Teague in the parlor were Miss Mary Tiddy, guest of honor, and Miss Margie RusselL After registering the guests, were conducted to the punch bbwL ' Throughout the afternoon strains from the violin played by Mr. Max Schubert and the piano by Miss Wrennie Floyd ctfine from the library. The. punch bowl was presided over by Misses Lena Griffm, Chnssie loyd and Cornelia Steele.- Here each' guest was. provided with a tiny bag of rice. A few minutes la ter to the strains of, the wedding' march came - little Louise Teague, 1 daughter of ' the hostess, pulling an - express wagon pMed high with packages whkh she unloaded before Miss Tiddy, There upon the guests showered, her. with rice as well. Then the " mysterious packages were opened and the gifts displayed. Numerous and useful mis cellaneous articles linen, kitchen utensils, china and cut glass were received. These tokens expressed on Iy in a small way the esteem in which the bride-to-be is held. A toast to the bride,; written by Mrs. E. C. Murray, was given by vMiss Russell. As the many friends who had enjoyed Mrs. Teague s hospitality departed the guest of honor received ? another shower of rice. Miss Tiddy has been a popular and efficient teacher in the graded school here for three years. Her engage ment to Mr.' Lacy John of Lumber Bridge has been recently announced. The wedding will take place June. 2 in the JPhiladelpbus Presbyterian church near Red Springs. - RAYNHAM NEWS ITEMS Hail Did Some Damage to Crop New School Personal. .' Correspondence of The Robesonian. Raynham, May 16. We are having some more cool weather since the hail Sunday afternoon.' The hail was heavy and gave the little stuff a bad time; damaged tobacco mighty bad, cotton and corn also. ; - ' Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Ivey of Lum berton were out yesterday looking over their farm. Mr. Scott Stone returned Sunday p. m. from Sampson county, where he spent the week-end with his son-in-law and daughter, Mr: and Mrs. Cornelius jacKson. Mr. and. Mrs. J. E. Burchett ;nd children spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Tolar. :- ).s . Mies Hattie Stone of McDonald spent Monday with, her brother and sister-in-law, Mr. and. Mrs. A. F. Stone. There is some talk of a children(?) going to be given at' Raynham in the near future Will publish later what the-date and hour it wilL Hurrah for old Raynham! it got CHKTO STREET METHODIST CHURCH REV. R. C. BEAMAN, D. D., Pastor Sermon Subjects for Sunday, MAY 21. 11 A. M. MOSES AND THE BURN ' ; ING BUSH. 8 P. M I MUST. Sunday School at 980 A. M. K. M. BARNES, Superintendent VISITORS CORDIALLY WELCOMED. , . REPOBT OF THE CONDITION OP At Lasaberten. a tie State ef North Care- wta, aw saw sbv ei easuieee, stay a, ji Leans and Dbeount. ..,..;.....'.J4447.1S Demand Loanr., V..,... 27.601.98 vrerarans, secured, 1,I76.I; ,n j secured, $l,7t.4V .... ? ''i .. . United States Bonds and Liberty Bonds,-...... ..,,',, U. S. Treasury notes, ............ All other Stocks. Bonds, and Morteaves, Banking Hoosea. f j TmtOm, :. and Fixtures, 11.500.00. V. Tt AH other Beal Estate owned. ... Cash in Tault and net lufettants due from Banks, . Bankers, and Trnst Companies,, .... Oash Items held orer 24 hoars, .. Cheeks for elearinc Customers' Liability on Aecept-. 2,464.51 15J10.00 10.000.00 I0.900.00 UOO.OO tVMl.00 -., 50,119.10 1.784.98 ,.871.06 ,.v. y,..'' ........ 44.91 Total,' ,. . i, LIABILITIBS Capital Stock paid m, , Surplus Fund. ..... i .1488,807.77 .,..$ 71,000.00 ..: 8o.ooo.oo Undivided Profits, lea current ex ypenses and taxes paid.. 1,444.82 Dividends Unpaid, 16.00 Notes and bills rediseoanted, .... 21.420 JO Deposits subject to check, 164.119.82 Cashier-a Cheeks outstanding, ... 650.18 Certified Cheeks, ...... 2O7J0 Tima Certifieatea of Deposit. ; Doe ; on or After SO pays, 60.S26J6 Sata Deposits, ; U4449J Trasla Deposits (netf .',ii,;.-:-42.00 Aeeruea interest cm afDOStterkv j ... lea.sv fi , . ToteJ, .....:v..V....i48M07.77 State of North Cfcixrfine-Oouirtr of Bobesoa, Uar 17th. 19M. -: X, K. M. BABNZ3. TreaaaTer. of tho above Bank, do solemnly swear that the tetsaasnt is true ts the bast of xsi fasswlassn sWd .beHsaV ..- - ' -"- . r1.;. . - ; X - X Mw BABNES. Traaatjrar. ' i '..b.; t 8TACT. ' - " i"":" 7 av tv vxrnuHT,:k ' vit;?r--4. wjtTlMTJem.V !?. .... r These Two Essentials Are Most Desirable in a Bank With Which You Entrust Your Business. , - : "; 'i . N - ' " '- ' t ,'5 , - -:'! t'-.. v, -;,' - . .. :r -:--i !:.-.. , ; .... , , ...v , j THE PLANTERS BANK & TRUST CO, has the financial strength, the experience and abiU- ty to handle your account in a satisfactory manner. ' -o ' " This Institution CO-OPERATES, because of the spirit of service which . entm into every transaction; is based on actual practice of more than ten years service enthusiasm. Our burning desire is to help develop the agricultural and industrial interests of our sur rounding territory. .... J It is prepared to render satisfaction, and to that end invites you to, r Make Our Bank Your Bank The Planters Bank & Truot Company . THE ORIGINAL FARMERS BANK Capitol and Surplus $105,000.00, Resources more than $500,000.00 the new school by votes and hope it will every other way, which I be lieve it will as will best to put it there instead of , McDonald. ... - Miss Dovie'Ivey is visiting her brother and sister-in-law Mr. and Mrs. W. B. Ivey. Mr. Joel Ivey and two daughters, Mrs. J. D. Tolar and Miss Dovle, spent last Tuesday afternoon with the Misses Butler of near Rowland. Said Miss Nan was real sick. Hope she will soon be able to be out again soon. Miss Alma Ivey spent a few days last week with her brother and sis ter-in-law Mr. an Mrs. H. K. Ivey pf Long Branch section.- THE RECORD OF DEATHS. Mrs, W. J. McDonald of Wakulla Fayetteville, May 16. Funeral ser vices for Mrs. Amanda Benton Mc Donald, wife of W, J.' McDonald, who died at her home at Wakulla, in Robe son county, Sunday morning, were held from the First Presbyterian church in this city. LAge numbers of sorrowing: friends both from this city and f rem Robeson counCy attended the services. Mrs. McDonald's death followed a long period of declining health.-She was born and reared, in this city, being before her marriage Mfss Amanda Benton, and lived here until recently, when she moved with Mr. McDonald to his place at Wak ulla. Mrs. McDonald was a woman of the most sincere Christian spirit,' lov able, kindly and charitable, and her greatest joy was in bringing joy to1 others. She was 70 years of age. , Abner Poe Britt, Iafant Abner Poe Britt, 1 year old son of Mr arid Mrs. J. A. Britt, died at the home of his parents in Britts town ship yesterday afternoon at 5 o'clock. The cause of : death "was colitis. In terment', will be made this afternoon at 4 in the Lamb cemetery. ' ZnMwtrlS Tim "tlrttf Tnf ant ' Henry Bruce, 6 months old child of .Mr. and Mrs, J. H- Britt, of Britts tolynship, died at' the home' ' df his parents last night after a verysevere sickness of colitis which lasted only three days. He . was ' in Usual good health Monday morning. Burial will be this afternoon at the Ward ceme tery "at 4 o'clock. Negro Woman Prisoner Gives Her. self Cbal-Tar Massage and Shampoo A very; peculiar thing "occurred in the county jail last night just after dark,--when a colored woman inmate decided to give herself a -massage and shampoo with coal tar. jailer Prevatt stated that he had left a bucket of coal tar in the jaU; after using H for painting the cells. On account of the natural darkness of the woman's com plexion the ter , made a nice, varnish, and it took a long time with, kerosene ' - A man of high character; learned intelligent and educated; a wise lawyer and safe counselor, of sound judgement and -great ability; a strong advocate; an uncalled Democratic campaigner; kmd, sympathetic and' just. The undersigned committee of his friends solicit the support of the Demo crats of the district for the Honorable Neil Angus Sinclair, a candidate from Cumberland County in the June primaries fox judge of the Superior Court, m the firm belief he is best qualified to continue the fine record made by 'Judge C. G Lyon. ' Mr. Sinclair is a' graduate of the University of North Carolina; was superintendent of the Fayette ville Graded School, before Commencing the practice of law m 1890; and was also county superintendent education for six years, and afterwards," chairman of the County Board of Education. In 1905 he was one the leaders in the State Senate. Succeeding Judge Lyon as Solicitor, he retired at the end of his. second term, having established an enviable record as a Just and vigorous prosecutor during the eight years he held this o$ce. He served during the war as Chairman of the Local Board. -, For the past twenty years be has taken ad active part in every political campaign, whether a can didate for office, or notend& 1916 he championed the cause of Woodrow Wilson and his admmistra--ti on from she Tennessee lme to the Atlantic, as one of the two Democrat xiodidates - for elector-at-; large, raeHing the highest tTa. , ' 1 ' . -v By reason of his emmentfftness and un&elfish party work, we commend Mr. Sinclair to the voters as a worthy snecessor of Jttdge JOHN R. TOLAR -: J. F. HIGHSMITH, M. D. FRANK H. STEDMAN, REY. JA..MeMURBAY s MAJ. ROBERT J. LAMB -W. W. HVSKEJ4 Kxj FAYETTEVILLE . ; ii COMPLETE STOCK SASH GLASS OILS DOORS PAINTS BUILDER'S HARDWARE SCREEN DOORS SCREEN WINDOWS N.:Jacobi Hardware Co. WILMINGTON, Ne C SPECIAL PRICES ON HATS LADIES' HATS $1.95 CHILDREN'S HATS $1.50 MISS JOSEPHHIE 8REECE a wmm FRIDAY AND , ' SATURDAY To prove to you what they will dd Great Week End Special IMPORTANT NOTICE -Don't take Vitamines unless you want to in crease your weight Vitamin Tablets (one of the most remarkable scientific discoveries of Tecent years)are simply wonderful for women who are scrawny and angular in appearance and men who are thin and emaciated and everyone who wants something.to help increase weight and put on 'fles-hv - ' "Where it is simply desired to gain greater strength, energy and endur ance and increase the firmness of your flesh and tissues, we recommend that you take Nuxated Iron only. By helping to create Millions of new red blood corpuscQes, Nuxated Iron greatly helps weak, nervous and run-down people often in two weeks' time. Call at once for your free $1.00 package of Genuine Yeast Vltamme Tablets together with bottle of Nuxated Iron. Two for the Price of One , $2.10 VALUE FOR $1.10. 1 to rid the woman of her new shampoo and massage cream. The woman is waiting necessary papers for her re moval to Goldsboro. The jail at pre sent is full, containing' eighteen in Lyon. ; THOS. J. PURDIE V' ' JOHN M. DEVANE TL H- WnXIAMSON , CHARLES RANKIN B. F. BEASLEY H.R.HORNE DRUG STORE A regular $1.00 package of Genuiae Yeast. Vita mine Tablets with every package of Nuxated Iron Tablets mates, of which eleven are negroes, four white and hree Indians. Mr. G. B. , Wishart of R. 4, Lmtvt berton, was in town yesterday. . j m