tils zouzzoiwls, LunmiciT, ncnn cjlcolxzta. touzcday, uat is, iC2x PAGS ax ::."7---. ..-L-- .LL--M,1 1""lJ TOLAKSV1LL.K IWItS Rugs, Stoves and Talking Machines!, SEE US FOR FURNITURE, , D. G. BEST & SON, Lumberton, N. C; LET ME SAVE YOU 'MONEY on your Dry Goods, Shoes, Groceries, Farm ing Implements, Brick, Tobacco Barn Flues, etc I. H. WARWICK, ORRUM, NORTH CAROLINA FARM LOANS We have unlimited money to lend on improv ed Farm Lands in Robeson, Bladen, Hoke, Scotland and Cumberland Counties on long time, from $2500.00 to $50,000.00. McNeill & hacRett, attorneys, Lumberton, N. C This bank believes that Service personal attention and care ful consideration to the depositor by competent men who try to give each customer the maximum of satisfaction in each transaction is the main factor in the bank's progress. With out it our growth becomes dwarfed and checked in its develop ment Whether the business of a depositor is large, small, ox med ium in size it counts not at all in the degree of the Service ren dered. Intelligent and courteous Service to all alike is the policy of the management here. : J 1 'I'W'1' Big lot Felt and Straw Hats for Men and Boys. Also a lot of the Latest Things in Caps. 35 Dozen Sun Hats for Men, Women, Boys and Girls. Men's Fine Blue Serge Suits, price $17.50 to $25.00 Some Real Values in Overalls and Work Pants. K. M. BIGGS LUMBERTON, N. C. m - t- i jrs m i airawa ...... i Series of Meetings School Close? ' Personal. rnrrennontleniM of The Kobesonian. St. Paula, R. 1, May 1.2.- We are' Items From Cedar Grove Section having a series of meetings here this Correspondence of The Robesonian. week. Our pastor, Rev. J. M. Pajre, 13 : Lumberton, R. 5, May 15. Plowing assisted by his' brother, Rev. Vf.P.com and chopping cotton seems to be iage, of Newport News, Va. He sure- Lumberton spent last Friday night ly is a good preacher and is doing a 'the order of the day around here, great work at this place which will I Mr. and Mrs. Lee Lane of East be remembered long after he has' and Saturday with Mr. and Mrs. S. T. gone. It is a rare treat to. hear a man like him preach and we sincerely hope he will come back, to see us again sometime soon. .There seems to be right much interest taken in the meet- Inir and we nrav that there will be many souls saved in this community durinsr the meeting. We are having, some rear warm weather fore now and the srrass is sure hustling. The crops are growing! lamy. Mrs. Meares has been very right nicely too. We hope this will be sick for some time. Hope she will a good crop year as the crops through 1on recover. , - - hero were destroyed bv hail last vear.! Mrs. Mary Rowell of Dillon, S. C The children from here go to school!" visiting her daughter and son-in-:0f real estate this year, but all per at St. Pauls by way of trucks. The Iaw- Mr, and Mrs. Ed. West. sonal property will be re-valued, and school closed there today and I knowj There is preaching at Cedar Grove; jt , i3 therefore necessary that each the childdren are glad that vacation 1 time has come again iorwnen the days get hot they get tired and rest - less. We didn't go oveT to the'exer- itiena rrivan Vv fVa arrtArkI Jit tK f1rtaa of school on account of preaching nere s Mn Ani fihnn. rptnmpfl t hr -ivxia. simile kjwuv i&iuiiKu hci . . . .. . ... (mm w m m m w . ' home at Proctorville last week after influenza epidemics, with exer-;C C StYlfth EndoM spending three weeks here with re- c:3e3 Raleigh , auditorium and:-- MUIUI i-JIUUia latives. . Prof; G. E. Linberry and wife, of Raleiirh came down ' yesterdav and visited at the homes of Rev. ft. 4. L. Byrd and Mr. T. W. Maxwell, return- i uig to Raleigh today. stroke of paralysis about a month I air. colon Monroe, wno naa a ago, is slowly improving. Mrs. Mon roe is right sick at this writing but we hope they will both soon be all right. ' ' Mr. Ellie Humphrey of Savannah, Ga., is visiting friends and relatives here this week. He is accompanied by his small son. We were very glad to have Rev. R. A. Hedgpeth and Rev. Paul Britt with us Wednesday afternoon in our meeting. They are conducting a re vival at Tar Heel this week. ' BROAD RIDGE BREEZES Crops are Looking Promising Some Damage Done by Hail Two Tobac co Barnes Struck by Lightning But Not Badly Damaged Personal. By Gertrude Britt Broad Ridge (Orrum R. 1), May 15. Farmers of this section . are through planting and crops are look ing very promising. Miss Nina Wilcox of Smyrna is spending a few days visiting at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Charlie Ander son, y Miss Pearl Lawson spent the week end visiting friends near Smyrna. Mr. Stokes Barnes and mother, Mrs. Maris Barnes, spent yesterday at Proctorville with Mrs. Barnes' sister, who is sick with pneumonia. Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Carter and small daughter of St. Pauls spent the week-end visiting at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Carter, also Messrs. Make and Luther Carter and sister, Miss Annie. Glad to report Master Paul Carter, who has been suffering with appen dicitis, improving." iur. yvry .aiiaerson spent tne Week- j en vismng relatives near Lumber, ton TW orA m AI...1. nr.i... J iau iuiD. mvau walls arc smiling: it's a eirl. Crops in this section were some-L ' .. notice : what damaged by hail yesterday frcouty. In about noon. Some of the older people' American Agricultural Chemical Company, in this COmmunitv sav it Viailorl D. G. Malloy and J. H. Malloy. (longest they ever knew it to. Two , Dacco barnes were damacred bv hcrht - ning during the storm one belonging ' uperkr court of Robeson County for the pur to Mr. Swain Britt on a farm where I' ot rcoverin iudRtnent airaint you for Mr Af,.A fa l- . ' the ram of $16,555.17 with interest from Mr. Alfied Mayes hves, and theM.y l.t, 1922. due by endorsement upon Other belonging to Mr. 3, R. Lawson ' note of the Farmers Trading Company : and on the farm where Mr Willie Cox I ytM "r hereb " wir& to be and ap- lives VVhll tho I,,, J3i I the barns are not badly damaged, part of the cover wn trim oil. as lar as this writer has learned REPORT OF THE CONDITION OF TUB BANK OF McDONALD At McDoaaM la the Stat of North Care- i ana, at u cieae of basin Ma. May Sth 1922. RESOURCES Loans and Discounts, , Demand Loans 29.788.M United States Bonds and Liberty Bond. .... t... Banking Houses, I ; Furniture and Fixtures, 11,933.27 AO other Real Estate owned, Cash in vault and net amounts due from Banks, Bankers, and Trust Companies, .... Checks for elearing, 2,250.t 4,600.0 1,93.27 1.908.54 5,077.04 170.29 Total, 046,368.10 LIABILITIES Capital Stook paid Is. . 10.000.0t unaivuiea fronts, less current es - pen sea and tale paid, ...... Bilk, Payable. Deposits subject to check Time Certificates of Deposit, Due in Less Than 80 Days Cashier's Checks outstanding. .... 912.54 X.500.00 15.641,71 11.258.04 68.15. Total .ii .jia State of North Carolina-County of Roboon ! May fith. 1922. I.G.W. COVINGTON, Cashier of the above named Bank, do solemnly swear that the above statement is trUe to the best of my knowledge and belief. G. W. COVINGTON, Cashier. Correct-Attest: S. McLEAN, E. U BOWMAN. J. S. SCOTT, ' z Director. Subscribed and sworn to before mo, this 13 day of May, 1922. geo. u ghantham; Notary Public, My eoauaisaion expire Sept. 30, 1922. . NOTICE My wife Rosa E. Prf vatt and my daughter Amanda Swannie Preratt left my home February 71922, and I hereby forbid any one in North Caro lina to hire, harbor, feed, shelter, clothe or in any way give. them-aid or comfort, as they have full and free permission to return to my home, which they left without cause., This the 5th das of May, 1922. " ' F, R. PBEVATT. ; Buie, N. C, B. F. D. 2. that is all the damage done, ta this section. , isest wisnes 10 me aear oia ivoue- sonlan and its many readers. , .Smith ! Mr. and Mrs.P W. West werVpenaity of Law to list their property visitors at the home of Mrs. Mary Phillips Sunday.' Mr Elliotte Smith of Allen ton was 'a caller at the home of Mr. Bob Taylor Wednesday nigbt Miss, Rosa Meares is spending a 'at. 1 a ' V 1 :wnue wun ner grandparents, Mr. ana Mrs. J. P. Meares, who live near Bel- cvery first and third Sunday morning j" k utw. miuuujus viyiwu iu lcome - . ' mL Best wianes to The Kobesonian. I L 1 " Wake county Sunday honored the memory oi Jiliza Kiddick and iiucyj gc voiunieer nurses, victims OI the -unveiling of memorials on the co,l!rt house lawn and-at the State COi,ee a. josepnus uameis was the principal speaker at the pub lie exercises. , - . . The Wilmington Dispatch was sold by the receivers at a public sale at the ,uurt house in Wilmington ; Monday, The only bid made was by Robt. Ruark for S100, but the property was sold to secure indebtedness of $G3, 028.68, so the phrchase price was $100 in excess of that sum. It is understood that the purchase was made for clients who propose to organize a new corporation and improve the property. Lillington, May 15. When Mr. Jim McLeod, who lived near Coats, hitch- Real Estate Loans I am In position to handle appli cations for loaf time loans oa la. proved farm lands Ja Robeson, Scotland and Iloko Covntloa la amounts of $4 000.00 and abort. A. t. Mclean, Lamberton, Jf. C. COMMISSIONER'S SALE OF LAND IfnUer and by virtue of authority vtMtni in ttl;e undersigned commiasioincr by a Judgment of the SuperUjr Court rendered on the 28th. , (Uy of January. 2022, in the foreclosure pro- ceedins; entitled "T. R. 'i'otar and Addie To'lar against Oscar Blackburn and wife Annie Blackburn, the under km ed ' commissioner, wQl offer for sale to the highest bidder for cash at the court-bouse door in Lumberton, N. C, at or near the hour of 12 o'clock noon, on Monday the 5th. day of June,' 1922 the following described real estate: Lot No, 65 as located and designated on. the official map of a subdivision of East Park, made by F. F. Wetmore. C. E. for East Caro lina Realty Company and duly proven by said Wetmore before . the Clerk of the Superior Court of Robeson County, a copy of said map being recorded in Book of Official Maps No. t at page 72 in the office of the Register of Peed of Robeson County, to which said map reference is hereby made for more particular description nd location of uid lot To lt, day of May, 1922. ROBEHT E. LEE. Commissioner. to-'S; .Maio entity 1 h wn thi hv instituted in th pear oelore u underaigne cleric 01 tne au- court of Rooeson county at hu office hi the court house at Lumberton, N. V.. on the 1st day of June, ' 1922, then andv there to answer or demur to the complaint filed in this action and you will further take notice that if you fail to appear and answer or demur within twenty days there after the plaintiff will apply to the court for the relief demanded in the complaint. You will farther take notice that a warrant of attachment has been issued against roar property which said warrant ' is returnable before the undersigned dark at the time and place named for the return of the summons. Witness my band this 1st day of May; 1922. C. B. SKIPPER. Clerk Superior Court Mclntyre, Lawrence A Proctor, Attorneys -for Plaintiff. 6-4-4 Thurs. SALE OF VALUABLE LANDS By1 virtue of authority vested in me under the provision of a certain deed of trust ex ecu t A hv Farmer Trading Company, a corpora tion, dated April 1st, 1921. registered in book of mortgages No. 64 at page 217 (default having been made ia the payment of the in debtedness thereby secured) I will, on the 1st day of June, 1922. at 13 o'clock noon at the , km. door of Robeson County offer for sata at' public auction to the hlgneBt bidder for ah the fcjtowina- ianosj . ! - First tract : in taunoer dihw. ""( utlnlntn. the lands of H. M. John, D, Sinclair, McEachern and others, near Lumber Image. W. Vi., DCKinnina - r and other pointers in the North edg of a branch called "Cow Branch' and runs 85 West 28 chains to a stake on the edge of a new ditch; thence with said ditch North 71 West 60 chains to where Shaw and John's line ero.se said ditch : thence with said line gouta 24 West 39 chains to a stake on Sin clair, line Sooth 73 East 10.10 chain, to a stake and pine pointers : thence East 14.60 chain to a stake and rtumps on ths South id of said branch : thence .North chain to th beginning, containing eighty six acres, Second tract: On the southwest sde of the Atlantic Coast Line Raibread, adjoining lands of Neill Shaw and others, beginning on the side of said railway where a ditch , com-jto aid railway and runs with said olten Norm MWast 37.50 chains to another ditch : thence arfth -MM Other dncn Doaio .1 na. v.i. w .nnthM- ditch t thence with ft South 27 chain to the railroad ditch : thence whh said railroad North 62 East 10 chains herinnbur. Containing twenty eight acres, more r RmI: June 1st. 1923 at 18 noon. Plmf. of Sale. Court house door. Lumber- ton, N. C. V -. , - Term of Sale: Cash. Mslntyr. .iwu.., . - - ' s. - aV ' - Tssiiasfaam led up his mule and was preparing te I go for a ride, his mule became fright- -'cu, juuijjcu mm umgrcu ui reins in such fashion that' Mr. Matthews' neck was caught and broken. Time to List Pro perly for Taxation Notice ' is hereby, given thatv all parties, firms and corporations in' the ' rnnntv nf Ttnhnnn in mmiliwl aiuln for taxation during the month of May. A -listtaker has been appointed for each Township in the county, and the books will be open- during the month of May, and each ' party fs required perty. Notice is further given that all. parties who- fail, and neglect to list will be presented to the solicitor of .the district to ,be , prosecuted ac cording to law for failing to list. There .win be no new assessment property ' owner give this matter careful attention. This the 3rd day of May, 1922 ' M. W. FLOD, ' Clerk to Board pf Commissioners. ! 5.4.8t ed for Solicitor Whereas, no Hoke County citizen has ever held the office of either Judge or Solicitor of the Ninth Judi cial District; and, s Whereas, in E. S. Smith the County now offers for the solicitorship a can didate who is admittedly well quali- ! fied to hold the position: - Now, therefore, be It resolved by the Democrats of Hoke County in Con vention Assembled : ' v . First, that it is the sense of this body that Hoke County is entitled to some recognition at the hands of the Democratic Party in the Ninth Judi cial District; - , Second, that we heartily endorse E." S. Smith, of Raeford, N. C, for the position of Solicitorship of this dis trict. " ' J. B. THOMAS, Chm. Dem, Ex. Com. Political Advertising; NOTICE OF NEW REGISTRATION AND ELECTION ON QUESTION OF ISSUING 040.00 OF SERIAL BONDS OF THE PEMBROKE PUBLIC SCHOOL DIS TRICT AND LEVYING A BUFFI WENT ANNUAL TAX T6 PAY THE SAME By virtue of Chapter 87 of Public Law of N. C. 1920, Extra Session, and in accordance with an order of the Board of Commissioner of rtobeion County adopted Monday, May 1, 1922, notice is hereby given that there has been called and will be held at the regular voting precinct in the town of Pembroke and within the territory hereinafter described on Saturday Jury 1, 1922, special election on The question of issuing not exceeding 840, 000 of serial bonds of the Pembroke Public School District, and levying m sufficient an nual tax to pay the same", said Pembroke Public - School District as created by the Board of Education of Robeson County on May 1, 1922, consisting of old Pembroke School District No, 1 (formerly known a Burnt 8wamp District No. 8) and old Pem broke School District No. 2 (formerly known as Back Swamp District No. 3), full descrip tion of said territory being of record In Minute Book No. 9, page 08 offke of the Register of Deed of Robeson County. N. C. Tb purpose) of said election is to ascertain the will of the people of said described ter ritory as to whether or not the school Com mittee of said Pembroke Public School Dis trict shall issue and sell 840.000 of bond for the purpose of erecting, enlarging and equip ping school buildings and acquiring land for school buildings and purposes, said bond to mature as follows: 31000 three years from date of issue, and f 1500 annually thereafter for 28 years, all bearing interest at six per centum per annum, payable semi-annually, and to levy a special tax sufficient in amount to pay the interest on said bonds and the principal thereof as same shall mature and became payable. Notice Is. further given that there will be a new registration for said election, and that only those who register will be entitled to vote in said election, and all persons who register and are otherwise entitled to vote for members of the General Assembly are en titled to vote in said election, and to that end E. M. Paul, has been appointed as Regis. Urar and A. N. Locklear and W. D. Lewi h.v. hewn annotated as Judges of Election. Notice I further given that the poll book will be open for the purpose of registering for said election from o'clock a. m. to Sun set each day from Wednesday May 24. 1922 to Ratnrdav the 17th day of June,- IVTi isun day excepted), and that on Saturday, the 27th day of May, 1922, the 3rd day of June, the 10th day of June and the 17th day of June, 1922, the aaid Registrar will attend at tlu vntinar nine aforesaid from nine "-clock in the forenoon until sunset for the purpose of registering all who appear for that pur pose. "- t" . rtlM fa further given that no on win be allowed to register for said election after the poll book clos on Saturday tna itw day of June. 1923. and that at ssid election .ha m m Onvor of the Issuing of said bond and levying of. said special taxes, hall rote a ballot having written ot printed thereon the. word Tor Bond Issue", and those who are opposed to too lasutna; 01 saw poms ana the levying of said special tax shall vote a ballot having written or printed thereon the words "Against- Bond mnt,- BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS OF ROBE ni. im .ia aw maw.- ivzz. SON" COUNTY. : " , By JOHN W. WARD. Chairman, u vsr vlj Clark R-Offlclo to aaid Board. m" PauL Registrar. A. N. Locklear and W. D.Lewi. Judge of Election. 5-4-SThur. PERPETUATE th tera4 stories of tkaM of your lartjd who karo paased bf tkm rwctioa of aa omdor bg MEMORIAL. IM u assist m is th choortog f aa appropriate de. Luntertcn Marble Works, -J.ILntTL PimbCov 660 tiyd'My relieves Cold, Con stipation, Biliousness and Headaches- A Fine Tonic GOOD HEAT! - That'i the kind we celL C. ' nx for XeeL all kiadj Port; Can safe. Liver, etc. - Hfehest market prirai pali for good beef cattle. - . A. IL 'W0WBBB 'Phone 53. Lumberton, IT. 0. Important Notice ELECTION INFOBIATION V AU voters should sea - that their names are on the Registration Books. Registration Books will be open on April 27th and -close at sunset Satur day, May 22nd, 1922. " All Candidates for Office should file their Notice' of I Candidacy - with me ori or before May 20th. Those failing Jto grive such Notice of Candi dacy and make publication .of same in some, newspaper of the county can not enter the race. Fees of Candidates: - Candidates for any County, Office shall pay the Sum of Five Dollars, to be accompanied by their Notice of such Candidacy, except candidates for County Ooirftnissloner, Coroner and Surveyor, who shall pay the sum of One Ddllor. . Township Constables are not re quired ito pay any fee whatever. Legislative Candidates are required to pay the sum of Five Dollars. See Section 6023. Election Laws of 1919..-. . Blanks will be furnished upon ao- plicaition. . - Expense accounts of ' Candidates must be filed on or before the 24th day of May. ' ' ' Primary will be held on June the 3rd. - ... ... , FRANK GOUGH. Chairman County Board of Elections. tt -,- . Adv. PRO.FESSIONALCARDS F. ERTEL CARLYLE v ATTORNEY AT LAW . Notary Public in Office. Offices over Freeman Printing Cox Prompt attention given to ail bnsl. Dr. Maurice A. Waddcll . DENTIST OfflCj, Second Floor Cotton Mill Of Um Building. Elm and Second St. LUMBERTON, N. C. DAVID H. FTJLLEB Attorney at Law Second floor cotton mill office build ing, offices formerly occupied by - Dr. Baker. . . LUMBERTON. No C t. Am MeNEILL, Jr. P. D. HACKKTT. ft McNeill & haokstt Attorneys-At-Law. Woodberry Lennon 'attorney at law Lumberton, N. C. Offices over First National Bank. MOTS J. GOODYIN attorney.at-law. Offices Over, Efird's Dept. Store. John G. Proctor ATTORNEY! AT LAW Office next to Lnmberton Motor Car Co in Building formerly occapied ky nrJidge T A. McNeilL k. W. McLean , Dickson McLean L. R. Vnner ' -. H. E. Stney IToT.CATT, VAE33L, UcIXAlf a.ciaot.;...., . ... IsUMBSSTON. p Nertli CtnUm - Y. B. IVEY ? - .. r . t , 4 Atterney and CVoxnseler at Law. Office on Second Floor Cotton , MIS Office Bunding, Cm Street. ' Lumberton. N. C Stephen Mclntyre R. C Lawrenes James D. Proctor Robt. A. Mclntyre McINTYEE, LAWRENCE A ' " :V ' ' PSOCTOB, -" Attorneys and Counsellors at Law . LUMBERTON, N. C. Practice in State and Federal Conrts, Prompt attention given to all business. - . i, tsrrr and txrtssi j. tsirt. PraetldBf law voder the fira B. J. BSXTT & CO irlth offices in the Pope Bunding, Lnmberton, N, a Practice in beta Stata and Federal eovrta. Prompt Attention Given All Paifoom rhomas L. Johnson E. M. Johnjoa JOHNSON & JOHNSON Attorneys and Connsellon at Law '. lJUMBEaTON.il. C. x , Practice in Etata and Federal Comrtt Ketary. Peblie in 02ee. Oeef ve First National BaniT- Attorney for Trustee. v 1