PAGE 27CT3 V St Paulo Schools I ' Durham, May 15 Self-govern-' For Road Supervisor nowellsvCle For Solicitor of Recorder's Coart Intent for th mile atiirtenta of Trin-I Tovmhln , I I hereby unomiM mvulf a ranrfi. 'l VA,,ilty College seems assured at a re- I hereby announce myself a candi- date for the office of Solicitor of the tlau rilie I CUT salt of vote Uken by the men in Idate for Eoad Supervisor for Howell- Recorder's Court of the Lamberton their class meetings Saturday. The; yille Township subject to too acuon iutct, suoject to the action of the Finals Marked Close of Most cessful Year fat History of School Exercises of High Order 26 . 7th drade Graduates. "y.y.y,y Correspondence of The Robesonian. St. Pauls, May 12-The- most suc cessful year in the history of the St Pauls graded schools was brought to an end, tonight when the final exer cises were held in the" school auditor ium. ' goc- vote to adopt a constitution and. by laws previously considered was al most unanimous. The women students of Trinity have had student govern ment lor several years. of the Democratic primary. ; : J. D. POWERS. iae commencement program start- iiriii. th rormsi 1 when thei , , ;ll:i;666- ; Cures Malaria, Chilli and Fever. Dengue , , or Bilious Fever. . . It ed the night of May 5, music pupils, under the direction of - ; 1 . - f Miss Wrennie -Floyd, gave a recital , , A WAMAN C DAftf which was unique both- in the number) I llUltiXlll U svfivlV . and variety of subjects and the uni-j form excellence of rendition. The', , ' . . , r ' folW-ino. ?o.,t M5 The Advice of This Lumberton Wo. F. ERTEL-CARLYLE man is of Certain Value. Many a woman's back has many the secon'd performance of their play, "Ruth in a Rnh. t the mill rhnnl builrlinc TVio n!,v tin nrcll ronAomA aches-cad pains. before an appreciative audience. Per-f 2?tlmes 3 he ya haps the brightest spot of the com- That's why Doan s Kidney Pills are mencement season was the sermon,1 effective. , - ". which was delivered1 in the Methodist Many Lumbcrton women know this, church on Sunday morning, May 7, R1 what one has to say about it. by Rev. C. R. Sorrel!, pastor of the' Mrs. J. R. Floyd, 1st St., and Cedar First Baptist church of Parkton. The, St., says: "I have taken Doan's Kid sermon was a fine thing to hear, and ney P13 of ' and on &ni found them can be called inspiring without abus- beneficial. I. would wake up m the ing that overworked word. The spaci- morning with a dull misery in my ous church was filled to the galleries kidneys which tired me. The action with an eager and earnest audience. I of my kidneys was also a source of On Thursday evenine. Mav 11. a declamation and recitation contest; in which four boys and five girls took part," was held in the auditorium. The high quality of the work in this! contest can best be judged by the fact ! trouble." annoyance. . I, knew my kidneys need ed attention so I didn t hesitate long in getting a box of Doan's Kidney Pills at McMillan's Drug Store and they quickly relieved me of this voters in the approaching Democratic primary. If nominated and elected, II promise ia laitnrniiv rttarirra For Road Commissioner disrict' No. 2, duties of that office to the best of my I hereby announce myself a candi-.ability. I solicit your support. date for Road Commissioner for Dis trict No. 2 i (which embraces Fair mont, Marietta, Gaddy, Rowland and Thompson townships) subject to the action of the. Democratic Primary June 3rd. D. J. OLIVER. For Road Supervisor I hereby announce myself, a candi date for RoaL Supervisor in Rennert Townshin. subject to the action of the Democratic primary to be held June the third. - , ' S. F. TOLAR. . ivr ivuav ouj?ri ? wui , I hereby announce myself a can-! didate for road supervisor of Fair-1 mont township, subject to the action of the Democratic primary June --a, Your support will be appreciated. GILES PREVATT. . For Road Supervisor -' ' I hereby announce ravaelf a eandi. date for the office of Road Supervisor ox Rowland Township, subject to the yeroocratic primary. Your efupport wuj De appreciated. ' J. Mc. BRACT. For Road Sanerviaor I hereby announce myself candidate for Road Supervisor of Alfordsville Township, subject to the action of the Democratic Primary. Your sup port win De appreciated. R. IL McGIRT. that when the judges rendered their vote it was found that each one had voted for a different boy and for a different girl, and that no contestant had more than one vote. After con-jMfrs., Buffalo, N. Y. Ruitation the declaimer s medal was awarded . to James Howard and the re citer's medal to Ethel Hester. Others who contested were Martin Howard, Frank Johnson and Isaac McDonald, and Rosalie Towns'end, Leila Cain, Pearl Shaw and Louise Bennett. The final exercises tonight were of a high order. The salutatory was de livered by Alton Bowen; the class history, was read by Flossie Caudell. Grayce Butler presented the last will and testament, Ethel Hester Incited the class poem, and Lena ' Johnson Price 6fte, at all dealers. Don't simp ly ask for a kidney remedy get Doan's Kidn,ey Pills the same that Mrs. Floyd had. Foster-Milburn Co., Announcements For Road Supervisor I hereby announce myself a candi date for road supervisor of Lumber ton township, subject to the action of the Democratic primary. OLIVER F. NANCE. For Road Commissioner ' At the reouest of my friends. I hereby announce myself a candidate for Road Commissioner for District Number 2, subject to the action of the Democratic Primary. V; Yours very truly, D. A. JONES. For Stat Senate. I hereby announce mvself a eandi date for Senator from the Eleventh senatoral district, , subject to the action of the Democratic Primary. L. R. VARSER. For Road Supervisor After the urgent solicitation of my friends 41 have decided to become a canidate for the office of road su pervisor for Rowland Township. I have Had a good'bit of experience along the line that the fulfilling of this office requires. - If elected I shall endeavor to use the best of my ability in discharging the duties of this office. Your sup port will bs greatly appreciated. Yours to serve, G. W. CARTER, Rowland, N. C, April 1st 1922, For Road Commissioner I hereby announce myself a candi date for road commissioner from dis- presented each member of the class with an appropriate trophy. The class grumbler, Marion Hinson, grumbled m fine style, and - was followed by Louise Bennett, who read an essay on "Music an Essential in Life of To day". Flora Murph Bethune worked out the class prophecy in a novel and pleasing manner, after which..the trict No. 1, subject to the Democratic lareweu oration was Robert McDonald. The seventh grade graduates twenty six in number, were given their i.!! A. ' - M . M . a L-iTiiiicates oj county ' superintend ent j. k. Foole. The high school diplomas and, medals were presented Dy superintendent T. S. Teague. Then, after sihging "St, Pauls Forever", the exercises came to an ena. Marshals for the commencement season were John Evans (chief), Frank Johnson, Clarence Harris, Hugh Murray, Margaret -Ayres, Ethel Fisher and Eva Parnell." primary, June 3. E. McQ. ROWAN, delivered byf sPPt, For Road Superrisor. I hereby announce myself a cani date for road supervisor of Rowland township, "subject to the Democratic primary in June. I shall appreciate , For Recorder I hereby announce that I am a can didate for the office of Judge of the Recorder's court of the Red Springs District, subject to the Democratic primary to be held June 3rd, 1922. If nominated and elected I will serve to the best of my ability. A. P. SPELL. , For Clerk of Court. For Legislature To My Friends and Fellow Citizens: I hereby announce myself a candi-i I hereby announce myself a candi date , for the lower house "of the date for the office of Clerk Superior Legislature, subject to the action of Court, and solicit your support at the the Democratic primary. If nominat- j approaching Democratic primaries. I ed and elected I shall serve the peo-, would appreciate the hearty support pie to the best of my ability. Your of my lady fellow citizens fully as For Rriatr mi IWJa I hereby announce myself for ra- nommauon for the office of Register of Deeds of Robeson County, sub ject to the Democratic Primary. As auring you of my appreciation of past favors and thanking yon for your support, I am, Yours very truly. .4? MARCUS W. FLOYD. ' For- Legislature J I hereby announce myself a eandi . For Road Supervisor t I hereby announce myself a candi date for Road Supervisor for Al f ordiville Township subject to the ac tion of the Democratic Primary. r 4 r GEORGE D. WILLARO, v Tor Legislator j I hereby announce myself a candi date for the Legislature from Robs son count, subject to the action of the Democratic primary In June. You? uppvrt wuj oe appreciated. date for the Legislature from Robe-!WILLIAM, BARTELL TOWNSEND son county, subject to the action of "ea PTDig, N. C. me democratic primary. N. W. JENKINS. For Road Superrisor I hereby announce mvaelf ranAl. date for the position of Road Snner. visor of Thompson Township, sub ject to the action of the Democratic Primary June I, 1022. J. V. FAULK. For Rosa Supervisor I hereby announce mrself a en?. date for the office of road supervisor, of Rowland township, subject to the action or the Democratic nrimarv fa V T . rfune. i our support will be appre ciated. H. G. McCORMiriC. Rowland, N. C. For Road Supervisor I hereby announce mvself a eandi. date for Road Supervisor for Row land Township, subject to the Demo cratic Primary." Any support will be greatly appreciated. G. V. McPHAlL. For Recorder Lambertoa District I hereby announce mvself candi. date for Recorder for the Lumberton District, subject to the Democratic primary. IRA B. TOWNSEND support will be appreciated. JOSEPH PAGE, . Marietta, N. C. For Sheriff. -I hereby announce myself a candi date for Sheriff of Robeson county, subject to the action of the Demo cratic primary in June. Your sup port will be appreciated. ERNEST G. JONES. -,' SUPREME COURT HOLDS CHILD LABOR LAW UNCONSTITUTIONAL Washington, May 15. The child labor law was declared unconstitu tional today by the Supreme Court. The law, enacted in 1919, was intend ed to regulate the, employment of children under 14 years of age in any mill, cannery, workshop, : factory or manufacturing establishment or in any mine or quarry under 16 years. by imposing an excise tax of 10 per cent upon the net annual profits, of those employing such labor. It was attacked on the ground that it at tempted to regulate an exclusive state function, in violation of the Federal constitution and the tenth amend ment, and was defended as a mere excise tax levied by Congress under its Droad power oi taxation conferred by the Federal constitution, s The law was attacked in the Su preme Court by three ' cases from North Carolina, appealed by the gov ernment. Two of these, the Atherton mills and that by John J. George and others, were dismissed on technicali ties, but the case brought by the Drexel Furniture company, was found in proper, form, and it was in that the The opinion was. delivered by Chief Justice Taft, with no dissent announc ed. !.( T. J. GRAHAM. For Road Supervisor I offer myself for Road Supervisor of Robeson - county for the - Raft Swamp township by the general votes. All votes will be appreciated. C. S. WIGGINS. For Road Supervisor I hereby announce myself a candi date for road supervisor of Thomp son Township, subject to the action of the Democratic primary. k JESSE SCOTT. For . Road Supervisor Lumberton Township. I hereby announce myself a candi date for the office of road supervisor of lumberton township, subject to the action of the Democratic primary m June. Your support will be ap preciated. GEORGE L. THOMPSON. much as that of the men I favor the clerk of the court's discharging the duties of that office for the regular salary specified for such services, and! in view of the excessively high taxes now being re quired of our people and the many demands being made for retrench ment along all lines, I should be willing to not ask for the $50.00 per month paid the Clerk as Judge of the Juvenile court, nor take the corn- Recorder for Rowland District 1 1 missions allowed him as Receiver for I hereby announce myself a candi-; mrs. These o "ems would save date for the office of Recorder for !e 'mt' approximately $65.00 For Recorder St. Pauls District. I hereby announce myself a candi date for re-nomination for Judge of the Recorders Court, St Pauls Dis trict, subject to the action of the Democratic primary. If re-nominated and elected I shall endeavor to dis. charge the duties of this office to the date for road supervisor of Pembroko best of my ability. Your support will township, subject to the action of the For Road Supervisor I hereby announce myself a candi date for Road Supervisor for Fair mont Township, subject to the action of the Democratic Primary. JETTER D. LEWIS. For Recorder I hereby announce myself a candi date for Recorder for Fairmont dis trict, subject to the action of the Democratic Primary. Your will be appreciated. E W. FLOYD. For Road Supervisor Smiths Town hip. XX I hereby announce myself candi date for Road Supervisor in 8mithf Township, subject to the action of the Democratic primary to be held Juno 3rd, 1922. E. P. BAKER. For Clerk of the Court I hereby announce myself a candi date for Clerk of the Court of Robe son XJounty, subject to the action ef the Democratic primary. W. TOM JENBRTTW Marietta, N. C. t For County Commissioner At the request of my friends I hereby announce for re-nomination for County Commissioner of Robeson County, District No. 5, subject to the action of the Democratic Primary. JOHN G. HUGHES. For Road SuDervisor I hereby announce myself a candi- be greatly appreciated. JOHN S. BUTLER. the Rowland district, subject to the action of the Democratic primary. W. D. McCALLUM. For Road Supervisor I hereby announce myself a candi date for Road Supervisor for Pem broke Township, subject to the action of the Democratic Primary. oakley McMillan. For Sheriff I hereby announce my candidacy for Sheriff of Robeson County, subject to the action of the Democratic primary. B. FRANK McMILLAN, Jr. For Road Commissioner ..I hereby announce myself a candi date for road commissioner to suc ceed myself from district No. 1. sub ject to the Democratic primary, June 3. W. L. THOMPSON. -For Road Supervisor I nere by announce myself a candi date for Road supervisor of Thomp son Township, subject to the action of the Democratic primary. If nomi nated and elected,.! will faithfully : discharge all duties connected with that office to the very best of my ability. ' ' , - ' J. E. HAYES. REDUCE MINIMUM CHII n LABOR AGE TWO 'YEARS Raleigh News and Observer.. , i i With the Federal - child labor1 law declared unconstitutional, the North Carolina age limit, two years under the jreaerai statute , ; becomes ' pre eminently effective and the burden of inspction" and enforcement - is thrown entirely on the State. Under . the Federal statute the child labor limitation was fixed at the age of sixteen." Under North- Carolina's statute in which the 'enforcement' is placed in the hands of the - Sunertn. tendent of Public Welfare -and county superintenaents over the State, the age at wmcn a cnua may work, in manufacturing plants is beyond four. teen. The decision of the court, it would seem, therfofe"releasea a'great many chUdifen "between 'the ages of fourteen, and. sixteen, from theprohi- vivtvu Agsujvb iuniuuhi . occupations heretofore enforced by the United States government, - The Stat Board of Public Welfare has hitherto co-operated with the Federal agencies in. the factory in spection necessary.' Now all of this devolves upon the State Board akne. 'and the indications are the county their duties considerably increased as For Road Supervisor . I hereby announce myself a candi date for , Road. Supervisor in White House Townshtb Subject to the Demo cratic primary. I favor rigid ecpnomy m tne expense and spending of the Township funds, and also equal work on roads in all parts of township; If elected, these duties I will perform to the best of my ability. The 'su porVof the voters of White House Township will be appreciated. ' Yours Very truly, , . LEON HENLEY. For Road Supervisor Smiths Town ship. ' - I hereby announce myself a. candi date for road supervisor in Smiths Township subject to the action of the Democratic Primary June the third. RALPH LOWERY. For Road Superrisor I hereby announce myself a candi date for renomination for Road Su pervisor of White House township, suoject to the action of the Demo cratic primary. , t i - , L M. OLIVER. . Far Road Supervisor Gaddy Town- ;hip.'"r''t4'.."--:it ' ' I hereby announce myself a candi date for Road Supervisor of Gaddy Township, subject to the action of the Democratic primary. J. W. BURNS, Fairmont, R. 1, ' -, , Far Road J3perriMr Rennert Town uup. . . , I. hereby announce mrself a candi. data for Road Supervisor of Rennert the DemoenrJe Prtmirv. For Road Supervisor Alfordsville I hereby announce myself a candi date for. Road Supervisor for Alfords ville Township subject to the Demo cratic Primary. Your support will be appreciated. A. S. BRACEY. For Road Supervisor St. Pauls Dis trict. I hereby announce myself as a can didate for Roii Supervisor for St. Pauls Township, subject to the action of the Democratic Primary. ' E. J. DEAN. For Road Supervisor , I hereby announce myself as a Can didate for Road Supervisor for Fair mone Township subject to the action of the Democratic primary. WILL W. LEWIS. C For Road Supervisor I hereby announce myself a candi date for the office of road supervisor ior rtowiana township. If elected to this office X shall de vote my entire time to same, as I tm a inan without a farm or any other vuuoeu un woma prevent me xrom Dtilizins! my entire time for this position, -v.:. . ,:, ,, ;; I shall endeavor to discharge the duiies-of this office If elected to the, best of my ability. Your support ap preciated. Yours for service, BOYD A. JOHNSON. For Road Supervisor I hereby announce mvsalf a candi date for Te-electJon i ' is Road Super visor of Alfordsville Townahin. sub ject to the action of Democratic primary. J. a HENDERSON, r For .TW Legislatare I hereby announce) mvself a candi date1 for the Legislatare from Robes- on county; subject to the action of thr Democratic rrnrary to June, Your iupport wuj oe appredated. y, b. p. McKINNON. Rowiand, N.. CL, Apr. 8, 1922. per month. I am in favor of rigid economy in the matter, of -salaries of officers. county finances and of strict enforce ment of the law, as well as the abolishment of all unnecessary off! ces. My sympathies go out for the old soldiers, and all veterans and their widows, for minor children and all unfortunates. If yon will honor me with, this coveted endorsement of my services in this office in the past, I will en deavor to give you faithful, efficient and acceptable .services for a term or so. Yours to Serve, W. H. HUMPHREY. 3-27-tf. 1 For Recorder I hereby announce myself a candi date for recorder for St. Pauls dis trict, subject to the action of the Democratic primary. MARCUS SMITH. For Recorder Fairmont District I hereby announce myself a candi date for Judge of the Recorders Court, for Fairmont District, subject to the action of the Democratic pri mary. If nominated and elected I shall endeavor to discharge the du ties of this office to the best of my ability. V. H. TAYLOR, For Township Road 8niervisor I hereby announce myself a can didate for road supervisor of Thomp son townsnip, suoject to the Demo cratic primary. Your support will be appreciated. W. A. STONE. For Recorder Fairmont District I. hereby announce myself a candi date for recorder of the Fairmont dis- met, subject to the Democratic pri mary. ' ' GEO. JL GRANTHAM. For Recorder Rowland District I hereby announce myself a candi date for recorder for Rowland dis trict, subject to the action of the Democratic primary. f A. T. McKELLAR, . iiowiana, n. u Democratic primary. will be appreciated. Pembroke, N. C. Your support E. S. PATE For Road Supervisor - I hereby announce myself a candi date for road supervisor of Rowland township, subject to the action of the Democratic primary. I have had a great, deaf of experience in the up keep of machinery and will give the road work my entire time, if elected. Your support will be appreciated. R. P. DOVE. For Road Supervisor I hereby announce myself a candi date for the office of Road Super visor of Alfordsville Township, sub ject to the action of the Democratic primary. Your support will be appre. ciated. M. 'A. McLEAN. ii Maxton, N. C, R. 3. .'. For Recorder. Lumberton District I hereby announce myself a candi- date for Recorder for the Lumberton district, subject to the Democratic primary. Your support will be greatly appreciated. JOHN G. PROCTOR. For Road Supervisor I hereby announce myself a can didate for the position oi Koad Super visor for Parkton township, subject to the action of the Democratic primary June 1, 1922. as. STANTON. For Solicitor ' To the People of the Ninth Judicial District of North Carolina: I hereby announce myself a candi date for nomination for the office of Solicitor of the Ninth Judicial Dis trict, in and subject to the Democra tic Primary to be held in said district in the month of Jane. 1 - Your support is solicited, and it nominated and elected to tffia high offici i shall fulfill the duties-of the office to the best of my ability. T. A. MeNEILL, Jr. For Clerk Superior Court I hereby announce myself as a can didate for renomination to the office For Recorder Red Springs District I hereby announce myself a can didate for the office of Recorder of the Red Springs district, subject to the action of the Democratic primary. J. T. ODOM. For Road Supervisor I hereby announce myself a candi date for the office of road supervisor for Thompson township, subject to the action of the Democratic primary in tfune. J. W. BULLARD. Raynham, N. Car. For Recorder of Fairmont District I hereby announce myself for re nomination for Recorder of Fairmont District, subject to the Democratic Primary. A E. FLOYD. For Recorder Maxtoa District I hereby announce mrself as a ean- Sdate for re-nomination to the office '. Recorder f or Maxton District, sub. ject to the Democratic Primary. ' I wish to thank the people for their kindness and support in the past, and to assure them that if strain honored with their confidence to fire them the very nest service which my experi ence wm ename me to give. Very truly, R. M. WILLIAMS. For Solicitor. I hereby announce mvself as a can. didate lor the office solicitor for the ninth judicial district subject to the For County Commissioner i I hereby announce myself a candi date for re-nomination and re-election as County Commissioner from District No. 3. RORY MeNATR. Maxton, N. C. , For "Recorder Rowland DUtrirt I hereby announce myself a candi date for recorder of the Rowland dis. trict, subject to the action of the Democratic primary. Your support will be appreciated. J. H. McARN. For Legislature I hereby announce myself a candi date for the lower house of the Leg islature, subject to the action of the Democratic Primary. COLLIER COBB. Parkton, N. C. i. -For Board efueattesi- 1 X hereby annotme mvulf pm-nM. date for re-nomination as Member of the County Board of Education, tmb- JcUXfcTU Ilea TSJTS TZEGUB primary. of Clerk of the Superior Court of i Democratic primaries, and appeal to muwcbvi vjvuuijr, auujeci o use aenon of the Democratic Primary. I wish to thank the people for their kindness and support in the past, and to as sure them that if again honored with their confidence to give them the very best service which my training and experience will enable me to give. yery truly, C. B. Skipper. I hereby announce my . candidacy for re-election . for the office of I Sheriff of Robeson County, subject to the, XMmocratie Frimary. II elected I promise ia the future, as in the past; to render to the people of the County my very best service. ThankiBg you for your liberal support in the past, IetiSSsaXZi y Yours very trary, ' ..m & ZliCA all voters, both men and women.' to come to the polls and express their convictions. , J. E. CARPENTER. t For Road SnDervisor I hereby announce myself a candi date lor the office of Road Super visor of Thompson. Township, subject to the action of the Democratic Pri- N. L. HALU For Recerder Laaabertea District I hereby announce myself a candi date ior Recorder of Lambertoa Dia. trict, subject to the action of - the Democratie Primary. If namiaatad and elected. I shall endeavor to ear. form the duties to the best of my For Recorder Rowland District I hereby announce myself a candi date for Recorder tf Rowland district, subject to the action of the Demo cratic primary. If elected to this of fice I will use my best effort t Art justic and administer the law alike to all persons. Your support will be an. preciated. D. W. BULLOCK. . For Road Supervisor. v" I hereby announce mTlf mAt. date for road supervisor of Parkton township,-subject to the action of the Democratic nrimarr. Yonr mnnw will be appreciated. . :. . A. M. STUBBS. ( For Read Supervisor .1 hereby aanooaM nvaclf rmnAV. date for road supervisor of Thomp son township. SUbiect to tfc arMm A the Democratic primary. Your sun yvrt wiu oe appreciated. A. E. McCORMICK. For Howellsville Township Road Supervisor. I hereby announce myself a candi date for road supervisor of Howells ville township, subject to the action of the Democratie primary June 3rd. Any and all support given my by my friends will be appreciated. E. T. TAYLOR. - For Read Supervisor I hereby announce myself a candi date for road supervisor of Pembroke township, subject to the action of the Democratie primary. Your support appredatsst v c . W. q KI2X. For Road SsbttW Faimeat , I hereby anaounee anralf a uH. date for Road Supervisor far appreciated. a result. LACT XIcNAIX ef the Democratie p.j-r. -. WJCJU3 UtSLAM.