' S ESTABLISHED 1878.' - SINGLE COPT FIVE CENTS. COUNTRY - GOD AND TRUTH. 12.00 A YEAR. DUE IN ADVANCl VOLUME tm tUMBEETON, N. C, THUESDAY JUNE 8,1922 NUUBO 34 Careon Lowry Kill ed By Shot Fired , Through Window Brittian Loeklear in Jafl Charged With Firing Fatal Shot at Home of Nora Loeklear Near Old Pros- nect Church Utley Loeklear, . a ther of BritUin, Held Accessory Carson Lowry Indian,, was ? shot and killed at the. home of Nora Lock, lear, near : Old Prospect church, Smiths township? about :S0 o'clock Monday night. Brittain Loeklear is in jail charged Wth Iiring " the snot. while Utlev Loeklear. BntUte's ia ther. is held as an accessory to the killing. The shot "that killed .Lowrjr was fired through a window of the Nora Loeklear home. The load from a shotgun entered the back of Lowry'a head and death resulted instantly, hia brain hem? shot out. The two Lockleara were . arrested Monday night soon; after Lowry was killed by Deputy A. H Prevatt and Rural Policemen A. JR. Pittman and W. W. Smith and olacedl in Jail here According to the evidence brought out at the ineraest. there had been some trouble between Lowry, and the two men arrested before' the killing. The verdict of vthe coroner'. Jury was that Lowry came to; his death from gunshot wounds, the gun being in the hands "of Brittain Loeklear. The Jury afeo ordered . , that . Utley Loeklear be held as an accessory to the fcilliner of Lowrv. The inquest was conducted by Mr. D. W. Biggs, who was nominated for county coroner in the primary Saturday. The jury was composed of Messrs. W. M. Free man. Richard Kinlaw, J. H. Harris, C. H. Moore, Sr S. Small and E. S. McNeill. , Utley Loeklear was released yester day under a $1,500 bond.- Brittain Loeklear will be held without baiL 3 Men And Still Cap tured in slmrts H. L. Snmmitt and J. M. and Clifton Brooks Will be Tried Before Re etrder Fuller Next Tutsdsy mitt Out on Bn6V-Larf Copper Stin Was Ht When FmmdPath Led to Homes of Men. Arrested A large copper whiskey still: wfc captured in a bay in Wishart town ship early this morning and-three men H. L. Summitt and J. M. and Clifton Brooks weTe arrested in con nection with the capture.' Summitt made bond in the sum of $509, while the other two men were placed in the county jail in' default of like bonds. The still war hot when located, having been operated a short time be fore. The men arrested were not at the still," but a path led' from the still to the homes of the men, accord ing to the officers. The posse making the capture were Sheriff R. E. Lewis, Deputy A. H. Prevatt and Rural Po liceman A. R.. Pittman. . . The men arrested will 'be given a hearing before Recorder D. H- Ful ler Tuesday of next week. , MUCH DAMAGE BY HEAVY RAINS Roads and Bridges Suffered Greatest Damage -Fairmont Townships Heaviest Loser Several Bridges Washed Away Crops Also Damag ed Considerably, Especially Tobacco Much damage was done to roads and bridges in . Robeson county by the heavy rains Sunday and Sunday night. The worst damage reported was .in Fairmont township, where the dam age to roads and bridges together will total several thousand dollars, ac cording to Mr. J. I. Townsend, county superintendent i of roads. Several bridges spanning Ashpole and Old Field swamps in the southern part of the county were washed away. Dams MAa tkaad niinm vtrprM a Ian harflv washed out. . ''' ";"'X ' It is apparent that crops in the county were damaged considerably. The tobacco crop, much of which wilted as a . result of the rain, per haps suffered the greatest damage. : Cook Lead Sinclair In Home County- Pledges Support to Winner . ' In Monday's Robesonian the vote of Cumberland was given wrong for the candidates for judge of this dis trict The reporter nad the vote right but it got transposed. The home coun. ty of both the candidates gave Cook 2022 and Sinclair 1594. Mr. Cook ex presses great Appreciation for the nearly 8,000 votes he received in Rob eson and for the big vote the district gave him for the high office of judge. He writes The Robesonian that Mr. Sinclair will receive his heartiest support and that -he nas extended to him his cordial congratulations. Recorder's Court. J. A. Love was found guilty of forcible trespass, by. Recorder David H. Fuller Tuesday and fined $5 and cost. Love gave notice of appeal and made bond in the sum of $200. This is the only case heard In . recorder's court here this week. . - . Mrs. R. C Beaman went yesterday to Henderson, where she. will spend ome time with relatives. . : . Jenldns Vffl Not , AskFor Primary - Z,...r;t " for House With Cobb Mr. Jenkins Does Not Want to Put County to , ExpenM of Second Primary. -" I jmberton graded school were elect Mr. N. W. - Jenkins of JJSJ-????-'!f" wholstood third highest m the vote First VrxAo- utx !rm 'wii' cast i in the primary last; Saturday iSSi& w6 f fte' f ISatof? Davis, Lucama, N. C; second grade: wdlrnotf ask for a second Primary, Mi88 Pcnnie Rowland, LumbertoMrel f -OT-nSSCiif0- who ted), Miss Louise Steele lum D. Jr. McKinnon of ; Rowland, , who , K-fftTI . v:j . j. ,4it..jj stood second in the total number of votes. Mr.. Collier Cobb of Psrkton, as stated in Monday's- Robesonian, was nominated for the house in the pixmary. . ; ?.y I In advising The Robesonian of his decision not to ask for a second pri mary, Mr. Jenkins writes that while he appreciates what his friends have done and would do for him. he does not feel that, it would be right to ask for second primary, as it would be too much expense to the county, and he does not care, to do so for the Kurther reason that his business de mands his attention. The vote for candidates for the house was Cobb, 3,863; MclLuinon, 8,379; Jenkins, 2, 443; Townsend, 1,874; Page, 1,643. Official, totals of the vote cast in Robeson for other candidates follow: For sheriffLewis. 3.769: McMil lan, 3,493 Lewis' majority, 278. coroner Biggs, 4,627; Glover. 1,- 843 Biggs' majority, 2,684. Uerk of - Court Skipper. 3.610: Humphrey, 2 ,341; Jenrette, 1.093 Skipper's majority, 176. Solicitor McNeill. 4,379; Carpen ter, 1,717; Smith, 715. Judge Sinclair, 3.905: Cook. 2.- 941. Corporation Commissioner Lee. 4,558; Avery, 1,736. Two Protests Filed Election Board Will Hear Complaints About Vote for Recorder in . St. Pauls District and Road Supervisor in Rennert Only Request for Sec ond Primary So Far is From Row land Recorder District If There is Second Primary It Will -U Heh) Jnlv 1. : , r - ' - Protests of the count of the vote itt,;S.u!n:tr iTL WOr Rennert snd St. Pauls township ld?!2?fJi2Lw!! recorder of St. Pauls district and in Rennert township for road supervisori in the primary last Saturday have been filed with the county board of elections,- which is asked to. re-count the votes, which -will be done if tick ets are furnished the board. The form er protest was signed by Jno. S. But ler, who was defeated for recorder by Marcus Smith by a few votes, accord ing to the returns, and D. B. Lan caster and Carey Powers. The latter was filed by Lacy McNair. A hearing;.Jn re these protests will be given by Vthe a board ' at an early date, though ' the exact date of the hearing has not been named. Owing to incomplete returns from some of the' townships, the election board ' has been unable to tabulate the vote for townshin and district officers. The vote for solicitor in Fairmont township published elsewhere in to day's paper is incomplete. The offi cial vote for, solicitor in that .town ship was: McNeill, 852; Carpenter, 57; pmitn, T. In case of a second primary it will be held July 1. instead of June 24. as first announced. Only one request for a second primary has yet been filed with Mr., Frank, Gough, chair man of the county board of elections, this being for recorder of the Row land district Requests for second primary must be fild m writing with r. uougn by Monday of next week. Chautauqua Has ; rine rrogram Ooees With Concert and Lecture This Evening All the Nnmbers High Class and Enjoyed by Large Audiences. The 5-day Rednath Chautauana which began last Saturday will dose this evening with a concert by the Kublick company and a lecture by Dr. H. A. Adrian on "The Wonders of Burbank." This afternoon at 4:30 there will be a popular concert bv the Kublick company and Bernice Van. '. . -" All the attractions offered, twice each day since the beginning and three mornings for children especi ally, have been of a uniformly high order and have been a source of pleasure and profit to those who have attended. The largest audience that has so far attended was delighted with" "Friendly Enemies", the play presented last evening. Many consider that the lectures of Dr. Ott and Mr. Flowers alone were worth the price of a season ticket No doubt the con cert and lecture this evening will be equal to anything so far presented. The guarantors will have to make good a deficit of about $350. This is smaller than any deficit the guaran tors have had to meet heretofore, and no doubt the Chautauqua will be en gaged for another season. Teachers Chdceh For Graded School Two Members of Hi eh School Faculty I Also Elected at Meetig of School Board " YeaUrdar with Supt. t . Cromoton. . The following ' teachers ' for " the jRLvSr " lurton lSol0! fourth grade: Miss Dovie' Prevatt, Lumberton (re-elected) r Miss Kath erine Redwine, Monroe; fifth grade: Miss: Bertha Barker, Lumberton (re elected); sixth grade: Miss Vivian McNeill, Lumberton (re-elected), Miss Eva Oglesby, Harrisburg; seventh! grade: Miss Ada Edwards, Mars Hill (re-elected), Miss LaRue WiUiams Clayton.' i: " v; Miss Nell Sutton of Bamburg, Ga., and Miss Elizabeth Peay of Chester, S. C, were re-elected as members of the high school faculty, Miss Peay as head of the domestic science de partment Other members of the high school faculty and music teachers will be elected at another meeting of the board. A principal and teach4wn 'arnished one candidate in .the ers for the colored schools will be elected later. The meeting of the board yester day was attended by Prof. W. B. Crnmntnn. Jr.. nrhn mm nMntlv aT aa. ted superintendent of the Lumberton schools. Prof Crumpton returned to Carey last night. He will ship his ?uauciea inemseives on election- uy, household goods to Lumberton week While we were somewhat disturbed after next and will be in town' for a Wte hours Saturday night by some few days then. He will move to Lum4JrounS fo,k from bIie urf sister berton with his wife and two chll- lowns yelling f or their favorite. They dren early in July. Farm Demonstrat'n Work Continued A n,-t.l en a . . J. I.- County Commissioners for Year IT """ ", A. V. G Wishart Enters Upon fe? 1!?ecf ILiomewhat Duties as Auditor-Other Baslnea.'!?"1? the Fe, turned turtle, looping pi mj Twithe loop. SDillinir the driver alia e- i An wroiriatfcaWiL&' Li . .T4"- A.Z - M J ' . ' ' " Mrf. their regular monthly meeting here The official bond of Mr.1 A: V. G. Wishart, who was recently appointed county auditor by Jadge C. C. Lyon to succeed Mr. J;.M. MeCallum, who resigned, was approved by the board and Mr. Wishart was duly inducted into office.- v-"''' 1 The bond of the Bank of Maxton, county treasurer, in the sunt of 150, 000 was approved. -Thomas A. Parnell was appointed list-taker for. Burnt Swamp- township. J. Lindsay Stephens, W. L. Bishop and Belson Jones were exempted from paying poll- tax on account of phy sical disability. :v As was stated in "Monday's Robe sonianran appropriation was made to defray the expenses of 12 Confeder ate Veterans to the reunion to be held at Richmond, Va,, the amount of the appropriation; being $150. Mrn1 ngnn 1M .t CK 4.1.. regular pauper list was ordered paid. , The monthly reports of the Bank of . Maxton," county treasurer, R. E. Lewis, sheriff, Dr. E.R Hardin, coun- ty health officer . and ; lw Hixabeth , Frye, county welfare officer, were or- dered filed. . ' - : Several mhntM ' w 1 Bills ordered paid bv the board at the, meeting Monday totaled $5,000.90. Record of Deaths ' i ' "" 7 ' " '' Mr. Harmon ' Pate of Cumberland . County, . : ; . '. ' Mr. Harmon Pate, asred 42 vears. of Cumberland county, died Tuesday night at the Thompson hospital of Bright's disease. Deceased had been ill fof some time and his death was not unexpected. The remains were taken to Fayetteville last night. Mary Lee Lowry, Indian I Mary Lee, 8-months old ; daughter. of George Lowry, Indian, of R. 6, Lumberton, died Tuesday of colitis. First Cotton Blossom. Mr. A. Huggins, who lives on the farm of Mr. TC Parham, in the Marietta section, found ' a ' cotton blossom in his field on June 6th, ac cording to report made to The Robe sonian. 1 This is. the first blossom re ported this year to this paper. Typhoid Vaccination Clinics. Free typhoid vaccination dates for Wedne8dayr June 14, are as follows: McDonald, 11 a. m.; Baltimore school house, 2 p. m. Fairmont, 4 p.m. IF YOU HAVE EYE. TROUBLES It may not ; be ' glasses you need. Let us advise you truthfully. Expert .knowledge of the eyes in their relation to bodily diseases. DR. WILLIAM W. PARKER. Parkton Letter Some Election Celebratora Com to ! Grief Too Much Reckless Driving Small Grain Damaged by Rains New Postmaster Takes Charge Personal. By C. D. Williamson Parkton, June 6 Rev. C. R. Sor- rell has moved'into the new Baptist parsonage. The building has just been com Dieted.- a nif ice brick bungalow,' with modern equipment, located iust:nd will be well" once more. in rear of the Bantist church. Mr. T. B. McNeill and family now occupies the residence vacated by Mr. SorrelL Rev. R. v. Mnnn. utt Durham, and will be away a couple of .imPsib,e eome to get here, how weeks attending the summer school . V"1 - , ' ' for preachers. His familv . atonoed over in Raleigh, where they, will visit! relatives during the two weeks' vaca tion. Our town was largely represented at St. Pauls todav. attendiair he Christian RniiHvn mmr.tin i,i.k met there today and tonight St. Pauls1!11 paPr wiU 1)6 cUed St Pauls royally entertained the visitors, also the program was most interesting, r Splendid game of ball this after noon, Parkton and St. Pauls We hear that St. Pauls won; score 5 to 6. The election went off very quitely here Saturday. It was managed verv satisfactorily and on the square. Our jP,er3(?n Mr. Collier Cobb, and his election was quite satisfactory to his many friends. Of course there were more candidates from our town . but they were for minor offices. We will tfv. remember the quiet, manner It1 which our town and community, really tried to disturb every person in town and I guess they pretty well succeeaea. un Sunday evening we Were advised .some of the same youngsters were in our town and on their way some a short distance from town, running -thetr 'Fnril t ' speed, collided with a larger 'car of passehgew of their seat. Th Arinr ll their vseat The driver and all were somewhat bruised tip, but not seri ously hurt," hut were given a mighty close call and should serve as a warning to these young men not to appear on the public highway in such condition any more. It is never our intention to expose any voontr neonle whoar they are overtaken' in a fault, out were is too much of this reckless driving on the public highway. Both cars were repaired and taken to St fauls late Sunday afternoon. Mr. Boyd Stubbs spent Sunday with relatives at Johns Station. The recent heavy rains have put small grain in an awful bad shape up our way and badly damaged. Our, new postmaster, Mr. A. A. McDonald, took over the office today and has entered upon his duties as acting p. m. and will be at the same location for a few days. Helen Marie McNeill of Lumberton is visiting at the home of her grand parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. D. Wiliam son. SUUS and 4 BUtXl. brount to Lumberton Mon- ty copper stdls and one lard- fVn01 ww 59 "P SSJEt Ef"SS,fanr men in connectlon with the 'falls. .. . - . "T7 ' Mr. Collier Cobb, Who was nominated for the lower house of the Legislature in the primary Saturday, cheeked .out Monday as postmaster at Parkton, being succeeded by Mr. A. A. McDonald. Mr Cobb held the of- vv UC1U vx-1 from 4th to 3rd class m year ago last January. At the closing session yesterday in Raleigh of the North Carolina Optometrical society St was decided tot ask Governor Morrison to appoint to the State board of optometric ex aminers one of three members of the society, Dr. W. W. Parker of Lum berton heading the list The other two live in Raleigh and Winston- Salem, respectively. " IMPORTANT NOTICE TO DE- LTNQUENT TAX PAYERS By specific order of the Board Vol Town Commissioners, at their regular . meeting on the evening of June 6th, 1922, ten days notice ' is hereby given delinquent tax- payers that at the end of the ten- day period seizure, tinder levy, of personal property will be made and advertised - as . required by ,law and sold for taxes. . ;' Those who allow themselves to be annoyed and inconvenienced by this must not blame those whose duty iVis 'to carry out the orders of the Town Board. : : J. P. RUSSELL, Qerk. Lumberton, N. C, June 8th, 1922. fice 8 years and it was f advanced!??' " In W-eme- Mr.. W. B. Davis of R. 4, Lumber ton, is among th$ visitors in town to day. -; - '.. ..... St. Pauls I ; C . , MAtiys f am 1 IB WO LAHlCr, C Convention Newspaper SUrtedf Death of Little Lois Cox and Mrs.' T. E. Riddle A Snrpriso Marriage I Personal Blentkm. By Bess G. Johnson ; St. Pauls, June 6 We have beeni !nhig qnte a rainy season to greet tnw irss oi sweet June," pi" uo w tw present. pernaps tne sun wui soon do shining Today is the dav of the eonntv C E. convention here. They were ex pecting about 800 here today, if not more. The heavy rams may mak it t. Pauls can "boast" of a town , first- issao, eomins w a wnuT,-wm znq; eoitor, J- B. Benton, assisted br Mr. A. L Goodrich, managing editor. They ! came here highly recommended and we hope will make a rood thins of It- neview, at me rates ox si.60 per year. We heard some weeks ago we were on the verge of having a paper nere, out thought we'd wait until was a "sure enough" thing, 'ere we gave the "alarm". The Davidson boys got in on last Thursday, vis,. Messrs. Lee McLean, Alex. Guiton, Heck McRainey, son of Mr. J. D., Dawson Northrop, and Mr. Francis Northrop going on to Lake View to play in the orchestra this summer, as was mentioned in our last week's letter. Mr. Northrop plays piano and is splendid at the "business." St. .Pauls can "boast", of 2 more in the masculine line who are noted musicians, Messrs. P. R." Lowry and Max. H. Schubert residents of onr little town. Mr. Lowry is fine on piano, while Mr. Schubert is a violin, 1st Of "soma note.", Mr. Mallov Davl.."" V' "u 2inL?:JJB! pu 1.A -tr" w"' r";ea.m tj Pauls last evening. Mr. Davis stopped over in Winston-Salem on his wiv to visit his brother-in-law and sister, Mr. and Mrs. Paul Montague of that town. Mrs. Montague and little daughter, i?1 ?' c home-with Mr. Davis yes- terday, and will, be tuests. in .th Davis home a while. The Flora Mac donald girls have also arrived in St Pauls, Misses Flora Belle McGoogan and Gola Willoughby of - near St Pauls, also Miss Murphy Hall," who is making a specialty of music. Misses Nonie Johnson and. Sarah McDuffie are expected in the a."n Miss John son has been principal of the Joyner school, out from Greenville. Her school came to a finis some days ago, bat she stopped over in Greenville to at-1 tend the commencement at East Caro. lina Teachers college. Miss McDuffie ?;Z J :a 11 Til nd is void of "worked Howler, it f?I to, keeps accurate time. The hands of this school there this session. elock m0Td by nrolution of Look.' FS,J'e0.,liTn,d the earth. In other words, the move- S?l2Sl TfiJ" Sfd we" ta ents of the earth make the clock snT? urT a J067 'to, the -go- when you look it over youTl 52 iSfA arrived home admit it's a curious time-keeper. ' m JflS Wednesday p. From today's Wilmington Stir: Z J t'tl 7u t',feBdi; some 2 A banquet will be given tonight by a w McEachern home, Mrs. the Berean and Business Men's Bible tJr McEachen woPanying; classes of the First Baptist church mL a J'uVT days, tlt-on the roof of the annex of the new Mcfactern nd, w D. Sunday school buOding. SUte Sena Sl V"'0? t0 FytteTiI1 w tor L. R. Varser, of Lumberton, one S7Be!' MjSf"!, McGeachy and of the best speakers in the state and lamiiy of Whiteville came over! well known Bible student will deliver Thursday and spent tilT Saturday J the principal address. Miss Karen with relatives here. Mr. McGeachy andj Poole, of Clayton, will be the soloist family were all looking well and seem.and the orchestra of the church will to like it at Whiteville. Mr. McGeachy; make string music. It is expeeted that ! Su ?, a,Presbyterian church,' near 250 men will attend the ban in Whiteville, also at Chadbourn and quet tonight some other places. Dr. G. E. Moorehouse, pastor of Little LOIS Cox. IS mnnfhaM t.w.. -V u f child of Mr. and Mrs. D. C. Cox. diediMnnrohnuo .ttnii rt f th tast Friday a. m. following an atUck ox pneumonia. It first became a vie- tun of whooping cough then first one, another until DnpumntiU'i... k.. nri,i..An v iinalJy set in which removed it fcora earth unto glory. The funeral ser. 1. fWL- ' vice and burial took place 9ast Satur. J . - ?y nf' town. Lois was a sweet' Ai"wer ana me pet oi, the family. Mr. Cox is our depot ' agent here and resides on Armfield street lyTZrZT J aeeP" eympathy. is left Mrs. T. E. Riddle, near Bladen-Union, died suddenly last Friday a. tn. about noon. She was in the St Pauls dry goods store which is managed by Mrs. Ida Holland of our town, when death struck her. She leaves a hus band and 3 children, one an infant of 7 months. Mrs. Richard Rivers is ill m bed with rheumatism. We hope sheU'clock, was arrested near Winston will soon prove convalescent' Our-Salem Tuesday afternoon a few minu mother is also suffering with some- tes after 12 o'clock; taken to the home thing like neuralgia or "rheumatics" again this week, perhaps when all this rainy weather ceases, "all will be well" once again. Here's hoping." Misses Jessie Allen and Georgia Lee Howard, the latter a daughter of Mr. Carl . Howard, are home from Meredith college. Rev. McLean Mc Geachy and family and Miss Margaret McGeachy were invited over to Fay etteville for dinner in the McEachern home on last Friday. Mr. and Mrs. A. R. McEachern and sons, Messrs. D. S. and D. C, spent Sunday after noon in Lumberton with Mrs. D. S. McEachern and little William Alex ander. We are all anxious to get a peep at the "little rascal . Mr. Lacy McRainey and Miss Z3 COTTON MARKET , MMdliBf cotton is quoted on the local market today at 20 1-2 cents the pound. BHIEF ITEMS OF LOCALS NEWS ? , v . " ' . : - . Zrit meeting Maccabees TtU evenfag at 8 o'clock. Regular meeting I. O. O. F, this t evening at 8 o'clock! All Odd-febows- Miss Janio Carlyle at anl M . VL L. Wbaiey left this afternoon an tr. J. E. Walters' areoplane for Wrights viBe Beach, Mr. K. ; Wood drivings All State and county privilege taxes are payable to Sheriff R. E. Lewis before July 1. After that date 20 per cent, will be added to all un paid taxes. ... m,. GJ Bruce Davis of R. . Fairmont! naaned thronH wrn.. day en route to Davidson to attend a young people's conference for week. He was accompanied to Lumberton by Messrs. Arthur Davis and C. C. Price. Messrs. E. I Whaley and Jno. G. Proctor set a local swimming record yesterday afternoon when they swam from Jennings' beach to the foot of Sixth street, a distance of about threo miles. The young men made the trip in one hour and ten minutes ; Miss Jesse Duncan, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Duncan, who live near Pembroke, is engaged tempor arily in The Robesonian office assist ing in catching up with some special work. Miss Duncan was a student at Louisburg college during the past term. """ -.v-- - Robbers entered the store of a man named Watts, near the National cotton miltrMonday night and carried tway a supply of clothing, Coca-Cola and a small amount of cash. Entrance was" made through the front door. There Is no clue as to who entered -The annual meet of the I State Checkers association will be held at Maxton on July 4. Games for the SUte championship "will be played and, players .are. expected from all parts of the State. Mr. H. a McNair of Maxton holds the State champion ship at present Mr; McNair was Lumberton visitor Tuesday. Mr, Joe Prevatt writes The Robe-' sonian that he knows nothing about the poem entitled ?Th Morning After the Night Before" , printed ' tn this ' paper over his name. Somebody at tributed a good poem to him but he says he is no poet but would make good cook. So that's that If the au thor will come forward and claim bis work all will be forgiven. ' It's a clock wonder, and can be seen at the First National Bank of Lumberton. This clock is composed of hands, a magnetic compass and .dial graduating exercises at Wintbrep nnAM p.v tr;n a r. i.at- Miss Christabel, their daughter, who nt tri. nH i Mnnil ti th r ' " -" T again next year, started at the close of the exercises for Chicago, HL, where she will take special studies in pipe organ and kindred subjects, as he expecU to teach pipe organ and piano. Mrs. Moorehouse accompanied her daughter, - and they will visit several points in Michigan before they return. They will spend some time with Mrs. Moorehouse's mother, who lives in Michigan. Dr. Moore house returned Saturday. Girl's Assailant Takea to Raleigh Will Davis, thought to be the negro who attempted to assault Miss Flor ence Reddick near her home in Ran dolph county a few miles from High Pomt Monday afternoon about 40 of Miss Reddick where, according to officers, Miss Reddick declared she was certain he was her assailant brought to Greensboro and lodged in the Guilford county jail for about two hours and then taken to Raleigh by Sheriff Brady, of Randolph county, says a news item in yesterday's Greensboro News. Maida Bowen surprised their many friends by uniting in matrimony, on the 9th. The marriage taking , place in Fayetteville, where they will make their home. Mr. McRainey is a son of Mr. John Daniel McRainey, near town. Thrv have the best wishes of their (many friends. May their path thro ! life be always "strewn with roses.