J " - V r 1:". ' - Intake rips icr Ffltcr Plant to bp Moved Above Mill Bonds to be Issue for This Purpose and for "Additional Paring; West .Eighth Street to be Broadened Cemetery Committee Appointed. -At a meeting of . the mayor and town commissioners Friday .eventag an . order was passed providing for the broadening of West Eighth street whew it intersects Elm Vr -N. A. Thompson and Mr. J. L. Stephens, members of the - board, were named as a committee to confer with Messrs. C. B. Townsend and S. F. Caldwell, who own the property adjacent to the street to be broadened, relative to amount to be ' paid lor una xo u taken 4nby the street ' -v-.. -MessrsVGeo. L. Thompson and D. W. Biggs And Mrs. All H. McLeod were named as ' a town f cemetery board. Mr. J.' 1' Stephens, a member of the board of town commissioners, was asked to assist the cemetery board in its deliberations;;';; The matter of extending the Intake pipe for the local filter plant to ' a point above the Jennings cotton mill village was considered. The cost; of this was estimated at $15,000 and it is proposed r to issue bonds for this purpose. The matter of issuing bonds in the sum of $140,000 for additional street 'and sidewalk paving in town was also considered and arrange ments are being made for . issuing these bonds at an early :data,,:; $35,000 WISHART TOWNSHIP ROAD BONDS SOLD AT PREMIUM The board of county commissioners Axr uniA S3fi.nno B ner cent roaa bonds of , Wlshart township to; the Wachovia Bank & Trust Co. of Winston-Salem at a premium of $439. A petition signed by a majority of the land-owners and tax-payers vol the township had been filed with : the board asking that the bondabe sold. Several bids were submittedoiu the bonds."' - :"y; VV"J?,:':vfi--;;. V The only other business transacted at the special meteing of the board held here today was the drawing of a jury for the July term t criminal court a i' 0A4 Prlmir inr Solicitor. Mr. J. E. Carpenter f Maxton, who ran second in. the race for solicitor tk oth Inrfleial district Mr. T.; A. , ua, av i " ' ' " . McNeill of. Lumberton leading tnei accompanied to ? Lumberton by - her ticket will enter VaaecondV primary. J 8i8ter, Miss ' Janie McNeill, who re It has been stated in The Rqbesonian turned home .Saturday, evening. She that' a 'second primary would be held but , there have, been,, rumors, toa the' effect that Mr. Carpenter would not enter a second ..contest,: s ana . mwe rumors he wishes- to aet atTest-He expresses appreciation for the fine vote he received 4n the-first primary. An article sent from Maxton i this I 'thaiAl morning by ' Mr.v CSrpenter reached i this offiee too late for today's paper - owing to the fact that wora was layed in this office for. over, an hour on account oi eiecinc power wcuig cut off. Concrete Road Finished to Maxton RmI Snrinn Fork;'; ' " The concrete read from Lumberton mr x tJ C..t.nAlr' tin- f yond McNeill's bridge, 8.13 T miles, was completed last week and the Toad builders went to Maxton to work on the MaxtonlurtoborigJrbad.'.-1 As stated in The Robesonian last Mon day, this road was opened toTwith in a few hundred yards, of McNeill hrifW on the 2nd inst vf''.1 Contract for the road from the Maxton-Red Springs fork to Maxton, 19.08 . miles, , will, be, let the last of this month, Present' 'indications " are that the new bridge at' the McNeill crossing will not be completed 4 dur- " ing JUiy, as naa oeen expecwa.. ' Second Primary "for Road Supervls , ors. ,m j. - ftiwz: v In a notice in this paper unairman Frank Gough of the county board of elections orders a second primary: to h held July 1st in- 8 ? townships to vote on the following candidates "for . . road, supervisor.: v. u, 'V ''r-il i6 Rowland township: JB. P., Dove and J. McBracey; Thompsons: J. V," Faulk and W. A. Stone;. PembrpkeJ . W, G. Kirk and Oakley McMillan. ;14 t. Plays at Parkton and Fairmont Snecial to The Robesonian. TTrt St Pauls, June r 10. The Forest nost of the American Legion of v St Pauls will give a minstrel. The Musical Revue," at Parkton Monday night, June 12th, at 8 o'clock and at Fairmont Tuesday night June 13th at 8 o'clock. Both to be given, in the Tiigh school auditorium. , .- H. L. Blue, Jr., who is in the coun ty jail here charged with -embexzl- inst funds from the ' Bank of Fair mont, has been ill since "early .'Sat urday night, having been unconsci ous much of the time. It is ' under stood that he has : suffered - like at tacks before. Sheriff R. E. Lewis has had the matter, of taking him to a hnanital ud with County 'Attorney j;. J. Britt and Mr. C. B. Townsend, ' a member of the board of county com missioners, .though no definite deel i ion has yet been reached. - - Recount Shoya h Error of One Vote Smith's Majority for Recorder la St. - Pauls District Reduced to 11 Tkk- eta of Rennert Township Not Pro duced for Re-Count Chairman "Coach Declines to Hear Protests, K recount of the vote for recorder of the St Pauls district cast: in St Pauls township in the primary, June 3 by the county board of elections showed an error of One vote in favor of Jno. S. Butler, one of the candi dates. This one vote reduced the ma jority in that - district 6f os Marcus Smith, Ahe other candidate, from 13 to 11. The vote was recounted Thurs day. The board was asked to recount the vote for recorder of the same dis trict in Rennert township and also the vote for township road supervisor in that township, but the tickets were not produced and therefore could not be re-counted. t "x ' The protest asking that the vote for recorder in these . two townships also asked that a hearing in re the matter be given before the county board of elections. Mr. Frank Gough, chairman of the board, declined to bear the mat ter on the grounds that such a heart ing was not in the jurisdiction of the county board. ' If the; matter is ari gued it will Jbe before the State board of elections or in Superior court v Silent salesman? ice box E. L. Quick of McDonald Has In vented a Box That Feeds Ice-Cold ' Bottled Drinks When Coaxed With a fickle. ; . Special to The Robesonian.' ; 4 McDonald, June 8. McDonald not only has the distinction of having the first wireless station in Robeson county, but we also venture to say we believe we have the first "silent salesman" ice box. It works on the order of a slot machine, and works nicely. Mr. E. L. Quick of our city is the inventive genius. He has been working : on the machine for some time at spare momenta, but since he has finished it he intends to put his entire time to; the business. All you have to do is to- M the machine with coca cola or any other drink desirable, and ice, and lock the box. It will do ; the rest. Every time you insert a nickle and pull the lever. out comes a drink ice cold, and it absolutely refuses to manipulate with out the regular old buffalo coin, t . - i i ; ' "i .i . , . Miss Josie .McNeill' of! Laurel Hill entered the Thompson hospital here Saturday for treatment She was WM accompanied . home'u by - -her nephews,, Masters John Coble and Donald McNeill, sons of Mr.and Mrs. n if V 'II Jno. S. McNeill, who will spend some time at Laurel Hill visiting relatives. " -iMr. John F. French is expected to return home' tomorrow,,; night ; from i hnriAttp vn(ri n naa seen unaer- going treatment at ' the i-Charlotte Banatorium for several weeks.' His ne-jcon(jition is very much improved. -j-Miss Cora C. Collins, milliner for Miss Josephine Breece, left Saturday nisrht for her home in Crissfield, Md. A blaze on the roof of the kitchen at the home of Capt. A. B Small, East- Third street yesterday at 1Q , CneiHiPl. 80 was extinguished by the use of before much damage was done "Owing to an oversight, mention was omitted in the i account r of t the Israel-Weinstein wedding in " Thurs day's Robesonian of numerous tele grams that were read to the guests by It Abo Feldman of . Dunn. Con. gratulatory messages were received by the young couple from. ; many ; friends throughout the country. Mr. W. Israel and daughter, -Mrs. .Lj A. Kronenburg, . both of Birmingham, Ala, father and sister of the groom, who Were' among the guests at the wedding, left Thursday for Baltimore, Md. Mrs. Joe Sachs and daughter, Misses May and Una, of Birmingham, also, wedding guests,, and Misa. Mil dred Weinstein,.! went this morning to Wrightsville Beach, . where they wjlV spend two . weeks. ": "v rT " Mrs. R. S. Beam and infant son will, be brought home tomorrow bight from .Charlotte, where the former has been - undergoing treatment for sev eral weeks.. Airs. Beam's condition has improved considerably and she Is now able tow&lk about a little Mrs. A. E. White, who has been, with her daugh ter in Charlotte most of the time came home Thursday : night ; and. re turned to Charlotte this morning. Dr. Beam will go to Charlotte tonight to bring them home. ; - Mrs. Robert Belch left Saturday M T -1 i.i If J A. I. .L her husband, .; who : is in a hospital there, and whose - condition is un improved. ' '. . -. " :,v;'y;-. - t SPECIAL NOTICE y "" "Special attention is called t8 the fact that in the 2-page ad of Mr. Harry Weinstein in this paper it is stated that he "will not ex- .change any merchandise during this sale." Circulars of the same size advertising this sale stated that merchandise would be ex changed for merchandise, which was an error. . Loan for Liberty , v School Approved Foods f rose Sale of Bonds to be Divided Between . Pembroke . w Bite and Indian Districts Other School Board Proeeedinrs. - An anolicatlon for a loan of 43.000 from the State special building fund for the Liberty school district was ap proved by the county board of. educa tion at its regular -monthly metting last Monday. . The board approved a contract maoe between the committeemen of district No. 1. white and No. 1. Indian. Pern broke township, providing that funds from the sale of bonds be equally u vided between the two schools - An order was passed allowing J. M. McCallum $250 for calculating snecial taxes for the years 1921-22. A rebate of $12 was allowed Mrs. Wesley Thompson in-district No." 6, Thompson township, on account of er ror in listing. COUNTIES AND DISTRICTS MUST v WAIT FOR TAX COLLECTIONS Railroads Win Fight for Stay of Proceedings la Collection of y Dis- Dated Ad Valorem Taxes. Raleigh News and Observer, June 10: Counties and local . taxing units of North Carolina will have to wait a while longer for $775,578 m ad va- orem taxes that have been due them by the railroads -of the State since October 1, 1921. while the question Of whether the State can now collect S209.081 in franchise taxes will y be determined by Judge James E. Boyd, of Greensboro as the result of, a hear ing held here yesterday before Judge Edmund -Waddill, Jr.," of the Fourth Circuit Court of Appeals and Judge Henry G. Connor of the Eastern dis trict of North Carolina, -v- ' The two judges agreed to issue a restraining , order frbidding collec tion of the ad valorem taxes pending decision of the United States r- Su nreme Court on the railroad's appeal from the refusal of the three judges to grant an interlocutory . injunction against the collection of the taxes, but divided on the question affecting the . franchise taxes, Judge Connor hnlAintr : with ;"tVlA ' Rtntft and bis associate with the railroads. Income! taxes of 1145.000 due the State involved in senarate suits which be heard by Judge Connor on, Tues day. ; 'r'h:'' Xl -y ' '" "" SUNDAY SCH6OL; PICNIC Fidelia Class of First Baptist Sunday School Enjoyed DeUghtful Picnic at Philadelphus Tosd Friday After- noonV'' ". '". ' ..' ' ' ' ": Members of the Fidelis class of the First Baptist Sunday school enjoyed delightful picnic at Philadelphus Friday afternoon. AU gathered at the church and were carried in cars totne beautiful fond at-: Philadelphus. Mr. Reuben Brown, who lives near by" and : operates a "corn mill there, added much to the pleasure of those' present by giving ; demonstration m hy that seeme, to t hfan grinding meal out of corn, which was.nd aQCOrding to their atory he pro- new to many. . ' . . I After a. while spent in sauntering around the lovely spot drinking from! the refreshing overflow and .viewing , the mill a " sumptuous picnic supper wis spread. And a spread.it was. Any thing good to eat that you wantea was there, from ice cream up and down. After all had feasted to their entire a large number of Fairmont peo satisf action, a: large portion was 'pie spent Sunday at and in Lake Wac taken up, which . was carried to in- camaw. A special low excursion rate mates of the county home by mem-1 ia effective now, it .being only $1.21 bersof the class. Thirty were present, Tound trip Fairmont to Lake Wacca- inchiding several visitors, mr. v. o. Skipper Is - teacher. - Streetcar Conductor Silled, by .Crowd of Negroes la Richmond. I - w . : .. r 44 ' ' TT T -JKicnmona, vs., june i . Burleson, 23 years of $ age, and un married, of ;WilliamsbuTg, Va., a con ductor in the employ of the" Virginia Railway and Power Company was fa tally stabbed by a crowd of negroes In South Richmond- -this -afternoon, bleeding to death, on the running board of an automobile in which he had aonorht aafetv. i Burleson's slavers made good their Mjan' hfnr th arrival of - Dolice . ' - r " 7j , ana. as zar-as me auinonwea are still af large. The; trouble arose over, a aruna negro passenger, wuu. upon, being, approached by the conduc tor ; ana oraerea 10 aesisi, oecame abusive and cursed him. Bishop Kilgo Brought Home Stood Trip WeU. r r---" Charlotte Observer, June . 10: Bishop John C. Kilgo, who has been ill In a hospital in Memphis, 'arrived here last night in the private car of President? Fairfax Harrison, of the Southern railway, under the care of Dr. B. F. Turner, fo Memphis, and two trained nurses. He stood the trip unusually l. welV arriving in fine spirits, and according to his physi cian, having had about the best day since his illness.. IF YOU HAVE EYE TROUBLES It may not be glasses you need. Let us advise you truthfully. Expert knowledge of the eyes in their relation to bodily diseases. DR. WILLIAM W. PARKER. Fairmont Ncvs p.rV f v.trmnnt im Ilanda of Re- Will V . : - I eeiver Calhoun Highway--wy oj, t i A.. MIAAU at Road. Drink" , iT.wvf. Rlrninr U Tobacco Vreaga-sjnl. at ( Commerce Reorganized Ofcher i Items.' T Ttw tf V. Rritwa I'.-i""''. : Fairmont, June 12 Tomorrow nig! the Forest post of the American Le gion, St. Pauls, will present , "musi cal minstrel revue" in the Fairmont graded school auditorium. This en tprtflinmcmt ia claimed to be of the other places where this post bas P;: r, i on. The admission w 1 a d cents and tickets are y on s aale vat Grantham & Co.; Fpirmont Drug Co., Robeson Drug Co.; and O L. Barnea grocery. The local post of the Amer ican Legion is assisting the visiting post and especially -ask everybody to attend. &y?,-"rt-lrit -:- Calhoun Highway,!; :- Sometime ago it was read in ftbe Morning Star that the Calhoun high way would have Conway, S. C, aa a terminus instead of Wilmington or some North Carolina port, as the local association here contended. Officials of the organisation here got m touch immediatedly, with the acting presi dent of - the, Calhoun highway, Mr. Hanna, and he invited delegateg to the meeting to be held at Myrtle beach. A meeting was called and del egates consisting of Messrs. V. W. Keith and M. H Huston were appoint ed. These delegates attended meeting last Thursday, which was a meeting of the Jackson hiehway; and "which will have Myrtle beach as its terminal At this meeting the delegates xrom here tendered to Mr.. Hanna and the Calhoun Hiehwar association an in vitation to hold their annual meeting here in July, and it is very probable that this meeting will be held here. This meeting will be held July 11th And over 100 delegates are expected to be ht attendance, and at this meeting it will be definitely, determined just where the CaHhoun highway will run, it already being a settle fact that It will pass though Dillon, S. C M&s Eloise Jones of Laurinburg Is the attractive guest of her cousin Miss Rose Jones, on' Iona street, t A gentleman of color was arrested , Chief Lawson Saturday afternoon in the camps of the Beaufort County Lumber Co. on a charge of usinar pro fane language, being boisterous and otherwise undesirable near the com pany atore. He was given a hearing before Recorder Floyd, who fined him $20 and coats, f , . i Man Attacks Wayfarers' With Knife. According to statements of two itnen named Davis and one named Cox, Dewey Leggett, of Ceter, proceeded to use a knife' on them as they were entering town Saturday afternoon. It seems tha$ Leggett had stopped his car in the middle of the road' 'near where the recent rain had washed the road badly, and was in the act of tak ing a drink of "soonething" when the , three men came up and wanted to They asked Leggett to l.et them ceeded to go on them with open knife. waa cut on Bnd one of Davis men was cut slightly. The men finally succeeded in getting the knife away from their assailant and came to town for an officer. When Chief Lawson went to the scene Leg- ett had become very scarce. maw Mayor E. M. Johnson' of Lumber. ton spent Sunday here with his broth er Mr. J. F. Johnson. 2,000 Acres Signed Up . . During, the 'last drive for members the Tobacco 'Co-operative- association signed approximately 2000 acres of tobacco in and around here. Some of the. workers are still here and accord- mg to 'Director Brown a large num ber of acres will be signed up before the weed is cured. "... r . ....; Chamber of Commerce Re-organised At a meeting several nights ago the Fairmont Chamber of Commerce was ' re-organized and waked up. - For 4.- : v.. k j iiuvuuu i uaa uau a i w,t , ycscvxiu a , most, peaceful sleep. Among the new officers elects 1 Mr. J.,F. Johnson, cashier, of - ti,. rirst National Bank, who was elected-; secretary - and treasurer.. Mr Geo. H. Cole, who has headed the or ganization since its birth, was re elected presidents It la to -be - hoped that the ; organization will at least go to the rescue of the large slogan signs and wake them up before it's too late. , Mr. H. Weinstein is putting on one of the biggest fire sales that this sec. tion-of the state has ever heard of. His goods, a. few slightly damaged by water, fire and smoke, are priced so low that on Wednesday morning the townspeople are expecting ' a Urge number of visitors to get some of the bargains he Is " offering. As was mentioned before,' Mr.-Weinstein is - using the two new buildings on Center street next to the new Robe son Drug Co. Look at his large two page advertisement in today's issue. Dr. A. H. Hayes has moved his office from he Andrews building to 'the new Robeson Drug Co. building. He and Dr. Price will have offices over the new drug store 'and will at Baseball GAMES THIS WEEK Today and Tuesday. Maxton at Luihberton RsLaurinburg McColl at Hantlet Wednesday, June, Lumbertonr at Raeford. Laurinburg at McColL Hamlet at Maxton. : " " ' June 15 Lambert on at McColL . Hamlet at Laurinbarg . 14 Maxton at Raeford Jane If and 17. Lumberton. Maxton at Raeford.' ' - ' 1 ' ' ' -The opening games of the Inter' State league are scheduled to get un der way this afternoon in three towns of the circuit Maxton playing here, Raeford at Laurinbursr and McColl at Hamlet The opening series will be of two games and Maxton will play here Again tomorrow. One of the largest baseball crowds in the history of the local park is expected this afternoon as weather conditions promise to be Ideal. ? : ; iJ: :..'fe'v s Friday and ": Saturday the McCou team plays here. This is a remark able team from a remarkable town and is expected to be one of the best drawing cards in the league. A brawnr. freckle-faced farmer lad nam ed Thompson is expected to be one of the pitching stars for the McColl team. Thompson as a high . school Ditcher has established a record on paralelled in the annals of baseball and has become one of t the ; most sought-after youngsters in America. Pitching . for the McColl high school team he faced 689 batsman and al lowed but one base on balls. In ten games last season against clubs of equal strength he fanned 175 men, an average of 17 1-Z per game. Thomp son finished high school this year and expects to enter , some college m the falL Big league scouts .are camping on his trail with such persistency be is compelled to go into retirement im mediately after he pitches a i game. McColl, Thompson's home town, which had a population of 2,143 at the last census,. claims there are only three persons over 16 years old liv ing there, that . arenot members oi some church. v Thompson will pitch here either Friday or Saturday. ' League Teams Winners The exhibition season closed Sat urday with all the league teams win ners over weaker opponents. Maxton ran away with the- East Lomberton team, white on Friday Lumberton won from Chadbourn-Boardman 22 to 0. The best game of the week here was an 11-inning tie game with Camp Bragg Thursday. The soldiers brought over the best i team they 1 have . yet had and with several breaks going their way played the locals to a stand sun. The' Woman's club will meet at the town hall Wednesday afternoon at 5:30 o'clock. . - , an. early date have their offices equip- oed with X-ray machines. Dr. rnce will retain his office in North, Fair mont. hut will use the down town office for the convenience of his pa tients who do not live in the northern section of town. Amonsr those from : here who wil attend i the annual championship checker games to be held in Maxton on July 4th is Mr. J. Paul Lewis, who has taken honors from anybody : he plays in this section. Mr. McNair just as well begin to get in practice. Crona Da ma red br Rains. The damaee done to the crops by the recent heavy rains will be great The roads have been repaired witn th centfoii of the bridze over Old Field swamp just out of town on the Lumberton roadVi It will be several davs yet before traffic is open and those using this road are detouring via the old Stage road. Receiver for Bank of Talrmont Th Bank of Fairmont4 is now in th'a hands of receiver. Mr. A. R. Bu lock,' receiver for the People's Bank and Trust company, has been , made temporary receiver and Is awaiting appointment, as. permanent receiver. Since the explosion and fire on the nieht of February ' 28, the stockhold ers and directors have worked hard trying' to keep this from happening, but in vain. At one time, and in fact several times, it was almost an assur ed fact that the bank would open, but each time something went wrong. Mr. H; L. Blue Jr who - waa - arrested some time after the, fire on a charge of misappropriation of several thous and dollars, is still in 'jail awaiting trial in July criminal - court Jar. Blue's bond was' fixed at $15,000 and as yet has not made it Other news rrlmff the Lank will be in the nPT i.ne of the ROBESONIAN. Mr. Bullock is under the impression that every depositor will be paid a large portion of his balance at a very early date. ' ' ' ; IT. D. C Meets Tuesday The U, D. C of Fairmont will meet Tuesday afternoon at 30 at the home of Mrs. E. J. Chambers, Iona street This is the first regular meet- AV ..mmIiaw a til A,. mg aner u ,Z ganization. Every memDer is urgeu be present COTTON MARKET Middling cotton is a noted on th lo cal market today at 20 1-2 cents the pound. The price on the local mark. et Saturday reached 21 cents. BBIEF ITEMS OF LOCALS NEWS Born. Thursday nlzht to Mr. and Mrs. W. C Kinlaw, a 10 1-2 . pound son, ' , . Born.Friday afternoon, to Mr. and Mrs. Alex. Iledgpeth of B. 6, Lumberton, a son. , ' . Much home-grown fruits and ve getables is being offered for sale on the local market The fruit - crop promises to be a bumper one.;. ur. J .u. Regan has been serious y ill at his home. Cedar street for several days. He suffered a stroke of paralysis several months ago. f v awuv v aw Mm sassva wis S. A, Cohen of Chicago, HL, a son. Mrs. Cohen is the -daughter of Mr. and Mrs. A. Weinstein of Lumberton. Mrs. J. C Fuller and two chil dren, , Mary Louise and Donald, left this morning f or ;f Goldsboro, Mrs. Fuller going to be with her mother, Mrs. M. j. pent, woo is IIL .Master Johnnie Bvrd of HawaHa viue townsnip Drought npossumt to town Friday the mother possum and 11 young ones. The possoms were found in a hollow log m the Big Swamp by young Byrd. Richard Gregory Allen, son of Mr. Jos.- Allen, who lives near St Pauls, is in trouble in Washington, C' where he has been engaged as attorney for- the shipping board,, on the charge of having stolen an auto mobile. - Mr. and Mrs. H. S. Smith and Mrs. J. D. Overstreet of Wakulla were Lumberton . visitors Friday. Smith Overstreet 10-year-old son of Mrs. Overstreet underwent an opera tion Friday afternoon at the Baker sanatorium for enlarged tonsils. Friday at 11:30 a. m. dn account at, ' A WW trM V mm blaze on the roof of a residence owned by Adeline Hooper, colored, south of the union station. The fire was extinguished by the v use of chemicals before much damage was done. ... Rev. and Mrs. A. H. Porter of Charlotte- passed , through . town Thursday enroute ' home from - their oia name m uoiumous counry, wnere they had been since Monday.'- They formerally lived at Rennert and are well and favorably known in Robeson Dr. B. .A. Branch of Raleigh. .- .. '"V . v : . . ; . . spent yesterday and last night here with his family, who have been guests for several !days at the home of Dr. Branch's parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Branch. Dr. Branch left today for Wrightsville Beach to attend the an nual meeting of the State Dental so ciety, which opens there today. . Mrs. G. Kataen left last evening for her home in Baltimore, Mo, alter spending several days here visiting at the home of her son-in-law and daugh- J U 4 Tir ..!.-! TV icr, air. inu jura. a. ninsveui, iiurvu Elm street Mrs. , Katzen eame . here to attend the Israel-Weinstem wed ding, an account of which was pub lished in Thursday's Robesonian. Miss Vivian McNeill expects to leave" Friday for Greensboro, where she will join a party en route; to the university of . California, Berkeley, where they will 'attend a summer school. Misses Nell Sutton and Eliza beth Peay, members of the high school faculty during the last term, wilt attend the same summer school. Miss Margie Russell expects to leave tomorrow night for Birming ham, :Ala I where she ; will join the Elliott touring !;party for a tour of the West She J expectsr; lo attend a summer school at the university of California, at Berkeley; while away. Miss Russell will be away till about September 1st and will visit her bro ther and sister-in-law. Mr.- and Mrs. J. M. Russell, in Atlanta, Ga before returning vhome. -1 ; - Messrs. J. S. Williams and G. W. Bass, two of he lessees of the Star tobacco sales warehouse of Lumber ton, arrived Thursday night and will spend . several days here and in the surrounding territory. As has been stated in The Robesonian, the Star warehouse will be operated under the old auction system, while the two other warehouses ? hero The). Big Banner and the Farmers will be operated by the co-operative market ing association. . ' ' Mr. Levi Perry, who lives in East Lumberton, reported to Sheriff B. E. Lewis Friday afternoon that he had located something in Lumber river, south of the Kmgftdale lumer plant, that appeared to be parts of a human body. Sheriff Lewis deputized Mr. Henry - Edwards to assist. Mr. Perry m bringing his find to - land and it proved to be the maw of a cow. The maw was examined at the request of Sheriff Lewis by Dr. John Knox. v lr. Joseph Ratley, a Confederate veteran of St Pauls, was in Lumber, ton Saturday to see Mrs. I T. Town send in" regard to arrangements for attending the Confederate veterans reunion in Richmond June 20, 21 and 22. As stated in last Monday's Robe sonian, the county commissioners have appropriated 150 to pay the ex of twelve veterans of the coun ty to the reunion, arrangements be- ,'' iZ,L , .v. i,.- f f. Town- wu " " r.-. send, who U secretary of Camp Pope.