" ' 1 " ill , - , - t f- m .?..-. yv.i v-,-iW .v.,-,-,-, ft'. ; -f , mv i wifr rrrr tr fwiw "4 V TWtTi1 McGill PccfeaEtcr 4-Ycir Receired Commission This Morning Democrat Ciw.-MiUtvrci Vtt .ence Over Kepablican EUgibles. : Mr. Ira Leon McGuI wa appotat- eapMnaBw:r u r----f . period of ionr years Alonoay dj rresv dent HardingMr. McGUl receiredWs : : COmmiSslCIl - WIS nwriuus . . ja w - H. Bartlett, first assisUnt postmast . er general. M was stated in The Robesonian; at thei time Mn, McGUl was named as acting postmaster here on June 1, succeeding Mr. D. - p. French, who resigned. He was one of the 3 whose names appeared on the eligible list for, the local postmaster ship given out several weeks ago. The other eligibles were Messrs. Guion Lee- and T. J. Stafford. Mr. McGill was given military preference, hav ing served in. the postoffice depart ment of the U.S. 4irmy both at Gamp Jackson and in France during-, the World War, He had the endorsement of the American -Legion being an of ficer of the 4ocal post ; pt- that or-ganiiation.f:-4i?:i::J - Mr. McGill's appointment came somewhat as ,urprise to many, how ever, he being a Democrat, while the other two eligibles, are : Republicans. Messrs. W. H. Kinlaw and R. O. Ed mund, local Republicans, were also candidates for the local postmaster ship, but neither made the eligible list -a ROBESON MEDICAL SOCIETY -HOLDS MONTHLY MEETING Slides Showing Radium Treatment and Care of Cancer Shown at Pastime Theatre Followed by h Paper On Radium by Dr. W. D. James : of Hamlet Dinner at Thompson Hos nitaL ' J- The regular" monthly , meeting., pf tne Konebon uoumy weaicat socieiy was held here yesterday afternoon, at. tended by around 20 members. Slides of the work of : radium in the treat-; ment and cure of cancer were shown at the Pastime theatre; Dr. ' W. D. James of the Hamlet hospital, Ham let, lecturing in connection with the slides. After ; this part of the pro gram those present repaired : to the Thompson' hbspitaC where Dr. James read a paper on Radium ' and - Its Uaet "t This was followed by a general discussion, .after which C 6 .o'clock dinner was served at the hospital, of which Dr.N, A. Thompson is superin tendent. ' v'"! :--'7 :,: 'T'"" - ' Confederate Veterans of v Robeson Preparing to Attend Reanion. ;! The ioljrvirig r Confederate veter ans : of Robeson, county-- will - attend the annual reunion at Richmond, 4 Va., next week, expenses to be borne by the county: J. W; Holcomb, Purvis; WUton .Wright, Parktonj J. T. White, Fairmont; Joseph Ratley, St Pauls ; W. N. Speight Allenton; W..T. Nor, ton, Rowland vA' S. Wishart, Britts township; Isham Lamb, Back-Swamp' township; E. Currie, Lumber Bridge J. F. Raybon,' Lumber ton; A. McKay; Mxton $ D. McCormac, Red Springs. ! It wUl be noted that the veterans represent each section' of the county. I The reunion opens Tuesday of next - week, June 20. It is expected that! some' Robeson veterans besides those mentioned above will ' attend the re-! union. Bound, to: Court on Charge of Block ading.1 s'v A 1 j s -H' 4 H. U Stimniitt and J. M. and Clif ton Brooks,'' all of Wishart township, were bound " over : to -the Snnerior court Tuesday by Recorder David H, filler on tne charge of manufacture ing whiskey Suramitt was placed under a 1400 bond and the other two defendants under $100 each, -all of them making the required bondVThe three men were arrested 'on June 8 in connection with the capture of a copper .whiskey still, near their homes. f Jlsths led frmn- the. homes jaf the dej f endants to .the . still. ? acoordinar to the olTicers making the capture and arrests... ,;--5-)M'--? , - -: r New Bridge ' Across Old Field Swamp on Lumbertoo-Fairmont Road. , The new bridge replacing the "one washed hwayt t the" Old Field swamp crossing on the Lumberton-Fairmont highway, near Fairmont, on Monday, June 5, was completed. yesterday at noon. No detour, is now necessary hi making . the trip .from Lumberton to Fairmont. As was. - stated - in The Kobesonian at the lime, the ' bridge and about 20 .feet of the dam, were washed away. : i?i V-.r";r :s i; j v - -vim wu(uicr 7 Mr. and Mrs. C E. Davis, who live 4 1-2 milee .from Lumbecton -on the Red Springs road, was severely born tied on her throat,1 chest, asms and hands Tuesday About 11 a. m. when jhe overturned a bowl of hot gravy. The condition of Mr. W. W. Car 1yle, who has been a patient at the " Baker sanatorium since SundayV- is reported as somewhat improved to day. v . : :' Dr. J. D. Regan, whose serious illness was reported ; in - Monday's Kobesonian, was taken Monday even ing to the ' Thompson hospital His condition is unchanged. " Born, last night at the Baker .-sanatorium, to - Dr. and Mrs. E. A. branch of Raleigh, a daughter. BaD Club Loses 3 Members Pnlllm.-FAcloman anil Aitama Rnll" . . . . 'm k n.J - - - - - - Out on Ground of Harins Played "Big Leacue" Baseball 3 Games Won This Week Forfeited.;; : members of the ;iiQmberton baseball club were . ruled out today by Dr. Jas. G.. pate Of Gibson,- presi dent of the league, on the ground that they , had played "big . league", base ball. The three games which Lam berton has won this week?;; are j forfeitedtwo- to Maxton and one to Raeford under, the : ruling,? all the games having been played under pro test IThe hearing ir took place ; at Laurinburg,. today, the ' local elab being represented by Mr. Ed J. Glover, manager of the local elub, and Mr. J. J, Goodwin. " ' Last Co-op Meet : Jng Here June 17 Important Meeting for Farmers and Business Men at Court House Here r Saturday at 2:30 P M.. ; The last, v cooperative -marketing meeting for Robeson eounty will be held at the court boose here Satur day of this week at 2:30 p. in. Farm ers and business men arrarged to at tend this meetjiig, which is expected to be the most&mportant ' yet held. Mr. B. T. Leppard of the U. S. De partment of .Agriculture who is said to be one of the best informed men in the country on the- subject of e operative marketing 'of tobacco and cotton, will be the speaker. " As stated elsewhere, m this paper, meetings "have - been : held ' at several different places in. the county this week, and house-to-house canvasses I have been made. Mr. J. H. Mann of wasmngton, wno nas Deen assisung in the campaign says that at meetings held this week every man has signed up who had not previously signed.- Cooperative Mar- r A Where Meetings Will he Held Re- Salnder of This , . WeekSpeakers rom Kentucky.. . r - 1 4 - Meetings in the Interest of coopera tive : marketing are being . held throughout .the .county, this week, the speakers being men from Kentucky who are telling about the experience of hurley tobacco growers! Meetings will be held at Antioch and Tenmile tonight at 8 o'clock; at 3ack Swamp and Raft Swamp . Friday night at the same hour, and at the court house in Lumberton .'Saturday,.. June 17, at 2:30 p. hi. '''"'' ' . Farmers and business" men, arej , . ' t-'V". Rftll VpfVll ''OlMtV-'- DOi V CCy":1-Ua tT HpniAn f tft tlOti lClllOnSl.ra.llUIl r ' ' ' 3 Types of Machines Will be Used in Demonstration of McLean Farm Near Lumberton Jane 20. Correspondence of. The Kobesonian. xne otaie . iepariniens oi .gritu ture, through the Division of Entomo logy, will conduct a boll weevil dust ing 'demonstration at Mr. A. W." Mc Lean's, farm 4 near ; Lumberton . on Tuesday; June 20, at 10 afm. v Farmers who are interested - in fighting the boll weevil with calcium arsenate should " see : this .demon stration. Three types of machines will be' used. '.,'-: "..!' .O. 0. DUKES, : t County Farm Demonstration Agent, Anti-Typhoid Yacclnatioa Cliniea. ; ' 11 J I .1 1 . . SiJ Til be given at ' the' following places and x ree nii-iypnoia acciuuuon . win dates during the' next week: "Friday; June 16 10 a; in.; St.Puls cotton mill; 1 p, m, St. Pauls. 4 ; Monday, June 1940 p. m Smyrna- schpol-.house.: Wednesday, June 2111 a. m., Mc Donald; 2 p. m., Baltimore; 4 p. tau, Fairmonts nA'e V. .' ThiiTsdayV June 14 p. m. Smith's schopi. house. r . W . -i V .". -r ' '.' i ;' - i Cotton Blossom.' -" A ' cotton blossom was received by The . Kobesonian Tuesday, June 13th, f rom ,W. J. Council, who lives on R. ljfrom Lumberton. He writes that he has several more" in .his fields . and could have sent one last Sunday, June llth.-'-.5.'. : - : I':.-; : ? i T Since the ; above was put in type blossoms, have been sent in by . the following: - W. M. Lindsay, Rennert, found 13th in field planted last day of .March; Wm. Barnes, : colored,; R. 3 from Lumberton, found yesterday v Mrs. E. IT. Mclnniswho recently was elected, matron of the "teacher age" of the local schools, moved Tues day.: from the McLean apartment house, Fifth and Walnut streets, in to ' the ' "teacherage", East Eighth street. 1 i -.- "- Mrs." S." A. Powers -! and "Messrs. Jesse and Pink Powers and M alloy Patterson of R.1, Lumberton, were among the visitors in town Tuesday. A Jlne Concert Rashln Farm Work v: Bcnooi uoara uartof ironoie aboti . Electing Principat--PersonaL ; -' ; By C D. Williamson tV U Parkton June 13.r-There was no preaching atrthe M- E. church here t O .!.V1 1L. ...1.. Tna f f SS1" L"1 ' vZll al exercises at the preaching hour;rotl!er Mr. Charley N. McGoogan, subject, ndship ntnolt i ap-f 5me. lastweekremaining over a propriate subject at this particular! day. Mr; McGoogan spent sever time. The choir rendered beautiful)1 f- ?1 Jth tivef music and the hour was well spent ' Mu Lo Bennett, wrh4-resides , The concert given by the St. Pauls! "ear town, has been attending the troopers"here last night was of a high; syod s conference for young- people type ana was greatly enjoyed oy fair-sized.' house. . The entertainment was quite' a success in every, parti cular, in good looks, in costumes, in music, :in singing, ; and f roin jeverjr angle. Several members wero .fea tures. : The violinist, the ' guitar1 player,-the clog-dancer, the lady quartet and eoloist. all were real stars. We could fill up our . entire space in comment. It was twice worth the money. : . Mr. W. M. Wingate of Adele,' Ga., and daughter, Mrs.? Perry, and chil-i dren of Dunella, Fla., are visiting at the home of Mr. ' Wingate's cousin Mrs, J. C. D. McNatt Miss Nellie Thomasson is entertaining the Chris J tian Endeavor society tonight Mr, and Mrs.' Joe Thames of Raleigh are- visiting home folks this week-, Mr and Mrs. W, L, Thames Mr.,r Fraiut Williamson of Charlotte came Sun day to enjoy his vacation with home folks .this week. He also :-viited Lumberton Monday ' and enjoyed .the ball game in the afternoon. Reports a -splendid . game. Mr. S. ' M. I Odom and little daughter Mary, of Hamlet; came up today . to visit relatives'. J.i C. Lancaster, Luther Thames end Josenh Thames were ; Lumberton visitors Monday and enjoyed the ball game. Phillip McNatt is visning Wagram . this weekv Mrs. ' .Dewitt Matheney of Raleigh is also xisiting home folks this -week. v Listen for. the wedding bells this week.. " . --'ik- If farmers were to turn off work next week as, eh)g doing,- some 'one would run- -out of job, as we. have never yet seen-such rushing. Everyibeinv ,"iiext door," but all was ''quiet reaper and binder, and every -mowing machine is robing, -also She old Xime darkey ; is mom awingmg in'cfadl9i and yet there is .complaints, You -see every farmer wants his grain cut first and ' this scribe is patiently waiting. The little folks are also doing" rush ing busineswith the blackberries. The crop is good and I was tempted to go with -fin crowd one -evening and got along . fine, -and that -night 1, - was awakened and 4 juat -knew. I had de veloped a case of the Itch; but later I . waa advised that it Wat jred bugs ; and it is hard to tell which I got the tnost of, berries or red bugs. If I am ever accused of picking berrie's'on a ditch .bank again,- you tell me. ,Miss Isabell Blount-is visiting rela tives in Charlotte Miss -Jewel" Etf gerton of Kenley !? is visiting her cousin -; Miss i Louise iGarris on main street. Miss Marie McMillan left to day for Greensboro to attend summer school, also Mrs. J. J. Cobb went to Raleigh to enter summer school there. Her, daughter, little Miss Jessie, also attends. Just can't mention every one wno. is away in like manner. , . 'Mr. ,Vance McMillan, manager and cather of the Hamlet baseball team, spent the week-end with home folks, also Mr. Bartley Hall of Belmont paid his many friends a brief call, re. turning Monday. The Hamlet team must be one of the strongest teams in the' league as it wou all last week, alsd Monday and Tuesday of this week;, but jtfstwait until ; it ; faces Mnnwrjon anq wq wja aee. There was a great lecture heard by a "few of the patrons' of the 1 school tonight at the school building bv Prof. J. M. Weatherly of Huntersville. He s one ox the: many applicants for principalehip of the Parkton graded schooL The board finds ita quite a oroblem to select a nrlnMmt An ,' suit the majority of the schooL He is either too old or too-young and gay, or some other serious objection; but some one is to be employed, objection or no objection. The board have ouri sympathy in this respect. ; Ir lee June 21 It WO! be field on Ward Farm at i Rowland SUte w SpecialisU . Will 8peak. . :-.-.-. Correspondence of The Robesonian. ! Farmers who are, interested in bet ter pastures are invited to attend a field pasture meeting at Mr. Jno. W. Ward's farm, at Rowland, Wednesday, June 2L at 2 0- p. m.- 1 - - Mr. Ward has 20 acres of grass and clover " permanent pasture that . will be well worth your time to see. -In this connection it will be your privilege to hear Mr. C. R. Hudson, State demonstration ; agent, "Mr. W. W. Shay, State swine specialist, and Mr. A. C. Kimeryi State diry special ist, j. ,. -. ,-. - I am sure that these men will have a valuable message for you. r V - O. O. DUKES, County- Farm Demonstration Agent -4 C Youar Folk Enjo'ylnt Swimming at Odom'a Pond Large Gator Caught on- Dry Land Funeral' of 'f Miss Kate Bole Minstrel RevueWorth the Price Personal Mention.. B Bess G. Johnson - " St Pauls, June J3 Mr. A. S. Mc- Googan returned from Savannah. Ga which met at Davidson college June 6th to 13th. Miss Bennett went as a delegate to represent the senior C. E. society of the V Presbyterian church here. She will possibly take in the annual. State convention while away. This meets at Charlotte from, the 16th to the 18th. She has some relatives up that way. ' '--- ; Miss . Mary McLean left last Wed nesday for Crossnore,' where she will teach in the summer school. Will be away 6 weeks. Miss McLean taught at Crossnore some few; sessions ago, altho' not in the summer school. She is a daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Willie McLean, who live; near town, yt r The many friends of Mr. S. Lee Parker are very glad to know his lit tle child is convalescent, having been a victim of colitis the past few days. Mr. Parker' is our new postmaster of some few months.' , i Lindsay, Neill MeEachern and possi bly ethers went over to Fayetteviile last Sunday afternoon to see Mr. R. H. Coley. who has been a patient at the Pittman-Gainey hospital since the 7th. Found him very much improved. His many friends hope he wilt soon be able to return home. Fayetteviile be ing only a 20 mile drive his friends can easily run over to see .him most any time.' ' ;rv . -.- Mr. D. Shaw MeEachern went over to Thompson ' hospital, Lumberton, last evening, brinf ing back with him Mrs. MeEachern and 'the boy", little William Alexander, who arrived "on the -28 th.: Wo thought Possibly we'd hav-lmusical Concert" last night cndxtiir, it seemed. Miss Kate Me DUf fie of Wagram, Mrs. McEachern's Mspecial came over with them and will be in the MdEachern home a few days, Miss ' .McDuffle is an" aunt of Mrs.: L. I. Grantham ' of our town. It seems funny to see Mr. A. R. Me Eachern, "grandad," tiptoeing around" so as not to ?wake up the sleeping baby5':.. !:':y:i X, The young.folks in and around St Pauls are having "some" time these days going in swimming at Odom's pond. ' V1"" . ' ' . : Mrs. Richard Rivers' many friends will be interested, in knowing she is convalescing somewhat following an attack 01 rneumatlsm. We noticed her ?f. i v- v rnoon. While improving, she is not a Die to iaae up any 01 ner nousenom;" w ' . . . duties yet. A sister, Miss Sallie Cot-'.11-,, T 1 JJ'!i., "8nfr tingham of Marlboro county, has been ! "f?-. ' ebei,c. ett week ' f ot with her.since the'7th andwiU pos- siwy be here until Mrs. Rivers re- covers entirely ( Mrs. Bess Wilkerson and daughter.1 little Miss Laura Graham r llnTinll"" wws aggie wonroe, Ksteile burg, have been eruests in the Nor throp home since last Thursday. Mrs. Wilkerson is the widow of the late Mr. Dannie Wilkerson. She returned to her home on last evening, her lit- few days longer. She is about the I delighted to have Mrs. John age of Mrs, Northrop's little daugh-,wlJ ns- - ter, so the .two Lauras are having1 Mfi B?-; Jo" i State E. "some" time. Miss Margaret Mc-.PTea'den' wil1. to the Endeavors Geachy has.been spending a few'dayaf Presbyterian church on the everi- PyeeUlth mr,;M Archie A. McEachenu Little Miss Nancy Pope McAllister, daughter of Mrs. Katie McAllister of Lumberton, spent a lew days last week at the home of her uncle and aunt. Mr. and Mrs. u u McGoogan, on Main street,' Hr little cousins Mary Louise and Margaret, returned home with her Friday, Were to return last aighk Mr. and Mrs? J. Browne Evans and S children, J. Browne, Jr Susan and Flora McNair,,left yesterday for a to Mrs. Evans' people, The Pis- tarda at Bullock; Mrs. Evans and the - . 1N .UG ( mm nu wvtui IUO JUKI) wuc, JUml children will possibly spend some few 'to get a glimpse of Mr. Locke Me weeks 'ere their return to St Panhullnnia ill; dreciwd n inc i at An alligator;some 8 feet .4 inches 1 long was on ' exhibition in our little town, on - last Saturday afternoon. R tm mmmm Arkn.UI I.. u .-1?a.a.YU "Some" "gator. He was - caught by Ernest Canady and Neill Patterson on dry land in an eld field; near their home . some miles from here several days ago. :-- V' '"' " Mr. and. Mr. L. A. McGeachy at tended the funeral of Miss Kate Buie at Philadelphua yesterday & m. at 11 o'clock Miss Buie lived near Buie, was something like 89 years of age.- She had been ill for.' several weeks. A good woman end had many friends who will learn with regret of her death. She was a . member of large family of brothers and sisters, all of whom have departed this life except 2 sisters, Misses Beck and Ef fie, who survive. To the bereaved we proffer our sympathy in 'the' loss of their loved one. -. . ' ' ; V' The American ' Legion . presented with home talent the musical ! mins trel revue in the mill school auditor ium here last . Saturday evening. A Wainrante ; :-j x-n '' -'. : ". ; ' '.' ; $7,777.50 Being Distributed Assoag f 1?3 Robcso? Confederate Soldiers ' aad Widows. - , State pension money amounting to 7,?T7.60 for Robeson county veterans and their widows has been received by clerk of court C. B. Skipper and is being paid out by him to 153 pen sioners as follows : - v ; , : i One second class, $67.50; 1 third class, $60; 67 4th class, $50 each, $3, 350; 4 widows, 1st class, $75 each, $300;: 80 widows of 4th class, $50 each $4,000. . '.& .f-'..;5 r;,.,.,.; ; The county pension board will meet the first Monday in July in the office of the clerk of the court. " V LUMBER BRIDGE NEWS LETTER Juniors Honored at C. E. Convention Personal Mention. ; -:-. By Leila nubbard Lumber Bridge, June 13 Quite a number of our people attended the county C. E. convention "at St, Pauls on June - 6. The sessions were . ex ceedingly . helpful and inspiring. Es pecially so was the Junior session, which was cpnducted in the early af ternoon under the directorship of Mrs. D. S.. Currie r fi,Parkton. Mrs. Currie has for the-past. year been superin tendent of the. Juniors and the Juniors reflected crediHjth bn her and their local Junior leadefi Air. Roarer Hall. who so Jeautifuux;led th , Junior session and who was appointed by the convention to represent the Robe son county juniors at the State con vention ' in Charlotte' 16-18, is a member of our local Jr. society., The local Jr. society was further honored by the fact that its entire delegation recited the 13th chapter of First Corinthians and that they made the best report in -the. county. Honor is due these children and their able leader, Mrs. J. W, HalL The; local Senior society received honorable mention for having the second best Senior report. The convention was in deed fortunate to have with them Mr. Bert G. Jones, State C. E. presi dent. St. Paula proved an ideal hos tess and they entertained the ; eon wtioif foyAllyV r.--; sv. itMr. Wilburn .John Jefv'ioday iLfcV Anmston, Aia., wnere Jie will be 'in camp for tlx 'weeks. . ,- 'r.y.. : Miss. Mary .Harper; Cobb left today to attend the. North Carolina College for Women's summer schooL 1 Mrs. William McMillan of Laurm. burg is visiting her mother; Mrs. W. E. Gibaofu.-.' i--i'!.."r'-,---s,. ; .s.v..:. c ' Mri" and Mrs W.'E. Gibson, who for the past few; months had been living at a country place, have recent ly moved back into town. :? Mrs. E. G. Rabb and Mrs. U R, Rabb of Melrose, Fla., are visiting relatives here. - -.ak Mr, and Mrs. J. S. Hodges and children. Miss Elizabeth, Gertrude and John. -left this "moraine for States- - Gwr'. - ''r?ta - P0? ma' 4 . w e"T" djr mornmg for the State C. E. S?n.TenA,.m Charlotte: Mrs. J. W. Clifton and Leila Hubbard and Messrs. Roger Hall Hubbard. and Langdon Mr. and Mrs. Lacy John have re turned from their tour throusrh ( Western North Carolina. We are in- invited to be present. Mrs. B. M. Davis is spending the day in St. Pauls. large number enjoyed it some time ago when it was presented in the high school - auditorium as mentioned ; in one - of our recent letters. Last even ing, they took it over to our neighbor ing town' of Parkton while tonight, plans are being made to present it t FairmaaJ, Several have reraajjsed it was well worth the price, 50c, just representing "Mistah Bones" and acting the fooL"jt say nothing of a.1 a. the others, who acted ; their,' parts equally as welL ' .. ' ' ' --Mr. A. H. Holder, who lives a few miles out from fown, hasnt been so well the past few days: Mr. Holder's health hasn't been good for some time. He has been much worse the past few days however Seme of our citi zens drove out to tee him last evening.- ? ---'- m ; (,;:; Mr. W. A. Nutting, his mother and little Miss Elizabeth motored over to Raeford last Friday for a few hours. Mr. Paul Caudell recently returned from Wake Forest, where he attend ed school the past term. D. C. Lents is also' home from Trinity? Julian Butler, State college; and Harvey Sykes, from Elise high school, which is located at Hemp, Moore county. El ise school has always home the name of being an excellent institution in every way, and the Sykes family are certainly singing high in its, praise since their brother's return. ' - COTTON. 1IACZET ' Middling cotton la quoted on the local market today at 20 1-2 cents the poun4:,;;:rv----,-r-,i;.--.j BRD3F ITEMS OF LOCALS NEWS Mrs. A. Weinstein underwent an operation at the Thompson hospital this morning. , ? 'Mr. C. A. Whittlngton and family moved Tuesday from Fayetteviile to mk L,umDerton. : ;;, : - -.;-,- . ' ' Regular frevlew Maccabees Fri day 'evening at 8 o'clock. It is impor tant that all local Maccabees attend this review, yy-y-;. .;-. ry z:;:- Mr. ' F; V. Gray Is r sssembling material for the erection of an 8-room brick and tile building, Sixth . and Cedar streets. . . ' v , . . - Fifteen stills of .various sises and classes, captured during the past month, were destroyed at the county jail yesterday by County Commis sioner C. B. Townsend. , - Mr. W. J. Wilkerson, who lives miles from Lumberton on R. $, re membered the editor a Tuesday., with the finest cabbage and beets he has seen this year. These specimens from Mr. Wllkerson's garden canned b surpassed. , , y 'y . '. y):lxf-.: yyy Miss Josie McNeill left last even ing for her home at Laurel Hill after undergoing treatment at the Thomp son hospital for a week. Her condi tion Is very much improved, , Miasr' " McNeill ii a sister of Mr. Jno. 8. Mc Neill of . Lumberton, v,. tfay ' 1 ' Miss' Evelyn Barker, daughter of Mr. , I. M. Barker, who lives m the eastern part of town,, returned home , Tuesday .evening; from : ; the J Baker sanatorium, where she spent 2 months undergoing treatment' Her condition is 1 somewhat- improved, f rrS wyi J ' fc ; " Messrs. W. H. Cale and Jno. Gore left this morning for Hendersonville to attend a Stats convention of, th Baraca-Phflathea union, which open. rt there this evening. They go as dele gates from the Baraca class of the First .'Baptist' Sunday schooL ; Mr, N. H. Ward of MeDonaU and son, Mr. H. N. Ward of Toledo, Ohio, were Lumberton visitors yesterday. Mr. H. N; Ward, who holds a' position in;the offw of the Standard Oil Co. in "Toledo, is spending his 'vacation4 with.his parents at' McDos.lL f ; - i-Dr." E. R; Hardin; county health officer Mrs. Hardin and their small, son, E. R. Jr arrived home Sunday night from Augusta Ga where- they K spent 3 weeks with Dr. Hardin's: mother; who , has been very UL Her condition is now somewhat improved. ' . Mr. Jno, Fi French j whd. Izi been a patient at the Charlotte sanatorium for several weeks, is expected home f Saturlay of this .week. Mr. French had expected to return home Tuesday: evening, but his physician ; advised that he remain in Charlotte until Sat-1 urday, wt''.; .-: . , Mr Robt Belch 7 arrived, home Monday from the Union Protestant, hospital, Baltimore,' ML, where three weeks ago he underwent n operation, His condition ia, thought to be some what improved. Mrs. Belch went to Baltimore Saturday and accompanied her husband home. Messrs.' C M. Fuller & Son have taken over their gasoline filling, sta tion formerly, operated by Mr. C O. Rogers, Second and Chestnut Streets. The station is in charge of Mr. E. C. Graham, who waa formerly employed in the hardware department of Mr. L. H. Caldwell's department store. Miss Emma , Norment , of the faculty of the Lumberton graded school left Tuesday for Greensboro, where she will attend a summer school at. the N. C. College for Wo men. Misses Katie and Sarah Stone of Mt Elim boarded the . train here Tuesday for Greensboro to attend tits, same summer schooL j 'ijBk- -Mrs. B. S. Beam - arrived home Tuesday night from Charlotte; where she, spent a month undergoing treat-.7 ment at the Charlotte sanatorium. Her condition is very much improved: She was accompanied home by her husband, Dr. R. S. Beam, their small son, R. & Jrn and Mrs. A. E. White, the last-named having spent much of the time with Brs. Beajj jhilo she. waf ill the laualorium. Dr. ieamv went to Charlotte Monday evening. ;' -Mr. S. -. Mclntyre returned home last night from ,Thdmasville,, where he attended the annual' meeting of the board of trustees of the ThomasviUe Baptist orphanage; of which board he is- a . member. Mr. Mclntyre is also attorney to the board. He returned home with Messrs, K. M. Barnes sod Mr,. Barnes - son, t John Rhodes,' and W. L LinkhaW of Lumberton, and Mr. Roger, Pitman of Barneiville, who went to ThomasviUe Tuesday. They made 'the trip in Mr. Barnes auto.' yy --. - y. .. -,';?.'-.:-..;'" The following members of tia two B. T. P. unions of the First Bap-' tist church left Tuesday morning for New Bern to attend a B. T. P. U. eon-t vention: Misses Maggie - Pittman, Dovie Prevatt, March Raybon; Messrs. -Ingram Hedgpeth, Irvin Biggs. Miss Mae Tyson, a member of the B. T. P. U. of. the East Lumberton ; Baptist church. Miss Quessie Prevatt . and Mrs. Letbm Ward of Back Swamp, Mr. R. M. Baxley of Raft Swamp and Mr. H. J. MeRae of St Paula also boarded the train here. Tuesday for New Bern to attend the convention. ;.,".-'