TAQETT70 .THE EOBTCOIIIAIT, LUIIBrSTOIT, VCZTa CAHQLETA, imnrCDAY, JT72TC 15, 1C22 t f' TV 1,1 H t 1 I I -I BOW ROBESON UNION POST CELEBRATED MEMORIAL DAY Graves of Indian Soldiers Decorated ; Meetinr of Post WiU be Held ' Jan IS. -- y Correspondence of The Robesonlan. Fairmont, R. 3, June 7. Tuesday, May 30th, which waa Memorial day, 'graves. , celebrated by the Robeson Union aecorauna; parry, neaaea cy , wMch is located at Pembroke, the P. C, Mr. J. R. LowTy. all as- rwas DOBt. The post sent out a decorating squad which succeeded in decorating au tne graves of the ex-service men connect ed with the post, who were not so fortunate as those .who decorated the Ready, ice-dold; at hundreds of places Bottled Delicious and Refreshing !'I -Ill 1 Borruto under An OCCLUSIVE LICENSE mOM THE COCA-COLA CO.. ATLANTA. CA. LUMBERTON CO OA-COLA BOTTLINO 00- Sooth Cedar Street, Lujnbcrton, N. G, Telephone No, 98 .-n A r-1 FARM hOAftS We have unlimited monepr to lend on improv ed Farm Lands in Robeson, Bladen, - Hoke Scotland and Cumberland Counties on long time, from $2500.00 to $50,000,00. McNeill & hackett, attorneys, Ltomberton, N. Q. LET ME SAVE YOU MONEY on your Dry Goods, Shoes, Groceries, Farm ing Implements, Brick, Tobacco Barn Flues, . I. H. WARWICK, ORRUM, , , NORTH CAROLINA . t. j v-':- x;:; j .v.-ft1' 'i V41- .... -i tj . .- ., INSURANCE f.f.. iL'.r!' LET ME PROTECT YOUR CROPS OF COTTON, CORN and TOBACCO AGAINST LOSS BY HAIL. q. t wnimis semDied at remoroxe ai :30 a. tn. There were several boqueta. wreaths and crosses presented to the boys by tha . ladies around , Pembroke, - 1m several sent boqueta from the differ ent sections. The cars moved out en- route . for White ; Hill "cemetery.- at n:4D, reacning . tne . cemetery which held the body of Mr. Thomas,', who died at Camp Jackson Nov. 1917.' The grave was worked up afresh and al most; covered .with boquets. Leaving White Hill, we" were headed for Old Prospect, reaching there at r; 11:15. There the crave of Mr. Locklear. who fell in Flanders field, was beautiful ly decorated by the party, also was met by several ' of his friends with boquets which were 'placed on the grave. Leaving Prospect, 'we moved on for St. Anna, where we found the graves and , decorated, them of Mr, Edwards, who fell upon the field of battle, and Mr, Lowry who died of wounds received in battle, .At; 12 o'clock we were back in Pembroke, spent one hour for dinner ; and re freshments; 1 p. ra. we were on the go again for the Cummin's cemetery. which was made the resting place of the remains of Mr. Garfield Lowry. who fell upon the field of battle while engaged in a r severe attack against the Germans. There we found bis Mother and sevteral friends awaiting with beautiful wreathes to lay upon their beloved one's nave. Leaving there, we were ; headed for The Burnt .Swamp cemetery, which held the body of , Mr. . Bussell Oxen dine, who fell in the famous 42nd division while engaged in an infantry attack. There we found several friends with boquets. i Leaving there. ; we moved on to the family cemetery of jur. . A. ixwtov where the era ve of Mr. Brooks Lowry, who died in. camp stuart, YaM was made, and was completely covered in flowers which was iven by his many friends who met us at the cemetery. From there We went to Old -Burnt Swamp church, to lay the wreaths on the last of the graves for the day which was being celebrated, this being the grave of Mr. Preston Locklear. who died of . dis-. ease In England. This ended our day's work. We were decorating graves, but those who were sleeping undisturbed I had already placed several; boquets on , iiieYs pathway that will never wither and fade away. Such boquets were good deeds and the cause for w.ich they gave their lives. ihere will be a meeting of the Robeson Union post at Pembroke Fri. day night before the 3rd. Sunday in June, being the 16th. Every member is especially requested to be present ana other ex-service men wishing to join. Kememben the date and place, remDroice, F riday, 8:00 p. m.. June 16th. L. W. JACOBS. Ijt yon could put a minifying glass on the contents of your crank case after using the , ' same oil for from 600 to 1000 miles yen would refuse to xlrire another mileauntil you had emptied the burned-out - oil, ; flushed the case with Nuso and refilled it ('. With POLARISE. V i -- There's m for a slip i Suits, Extra Trousers, Stravy and Felt Hats, Qaps, Work A . Hodeenodare -., The followinsr. comoosed and sun? oy Mr. a. a. Lamb, who Uvea in the eastern part, of town, has been hand ed; The Bobesonian with request to publish: . 1 , ' .. "Next town election: comfap on. candidates riding 'round, they'll tell ua if weTl elect them, theU dry our part of town. Soou as the election ia o?er, they forget the pledge that they've made, they never thought Ho more oz tne shovel or the spade 'Long in November. Chief Barker comes 'round, collecting up the taxes down in our part of town. He'll take it back up town, they'll caucus for about a week, and every dollar that they spend is on Second .. and Third streets. A. E. White resigned his of fice, Evander Britt wanted his place, and by the help of the people, John son gave .him a race. Raced him around the court house square, up in to the wall, when Johnson was elect ed, they hollered "crown him lord of air. Capt Boyle stands on the corner .'round, with the billie in his hand, and if he catches the boys a drinking, hell arrest them if he can. He'll take 'em to the guard house, 'round into the jail, anywhere but on the side walk, where the boys can give bail. On Monday morning hell take 'em around before the recorder's court. Pnller 'Al! 1 j .... . " m srtiing joacK mere, wanting to lay the ime. eix raonins, it s in the chain gang, sometimes twelve or more, the boys they hate to hear it, though they have to go." between the oil well and the gasoline service etationu It takes a whole lot more than the best of refining apparatus and crude oil to make a satisfactory gasoline. .''- Skill and experience are the bigfactors in refining. It is largely the knowledge 6f men who have learn ed the refining business from the bottom up with ; this company that has made the improved ."Stand ard" Gasoline possible, ' Standard1 ia iu uniform and 'depeudable as the water eupply of a great eity-U J. tested fust aa carefully. r It ia dependable under every condition because it is balanced, with the right proportion of light, intermediate and heavy fractions. Tou can't go wrong with Standard." ' Are you using the right oil for your car? The Polarine Chart will tell you. ' . ' STANDABD OH, COMPANY (NEWJERSEY) "J ' ill.: ' ill, injL -S'--' ; . 'KM . i hi v.i ii m ... .. .,. -i ...... r"",:''": I m. Wtt Liag.Fang Named Premier of j Pekmg 14 Yuan-Hunfl'.- who sumed office as President Sundav hna appointed as Premier Wu Ting-Fang, former Minister to the UniteoT States and since 1917 one of the strongest supporters 01 tne Canton Govern ments struggle against what it term- ed the militarism of the' north. President Li Yuan-Hung, who was deposed by the militarists in 1917, ar rived in Peking yesterday. He came from Tientsin in answer to an invita tion to succeed Hsu Shih-Chang, re signed. CouMnrr -trwtM.' UfI hvhiK - Mdatoo. Dt of wli Junu tQth. 1122 at 11 In th payment oi th indebUdoeM Meurado'cloek Noon. TVrma of Ia u.h. lavs, l ies and Underwear. EL M. LUMBERJON, N. C. "; NOTIC OF KB-SALI Under mnd br rirtuc of an order of t M0 Uterd fa tab eaOM by C. B. 8khr. Gterk of th Superior Caart. Um mndenifW eommiMioner will, on the 26th day of inn. at tweiv o'clock Noon, at tho ooort boaM: dooa,- Loatbertoa, North Carolina, of far for sala and aU to the hkrhat bUdr for cub. tbo foUowiaf daaextbad lands, torltt FIwti'Traet 'Adjointoa the n4a of JT.'W. I7,vJlem BarfMd and ' otben : Beainninc atja ttnkt pubUc road Jaadin from HOKTGAGEB'S BALE n I A vn Under and by -irtae of the power and authority conferred in a certain mortcag a deed dated November lat 1916, and retrtetered in Book 48, at page J8, In tho office of Becbter of Deeds of Bo baton County, the undersigned mortgagee will, on Friday, the " uno tr, at iz o'clock Noon, at tha Courthouse door of tha Town nt w berton, offer for sale, at publio anetkm, to uiuucr tor caao, ua lOUOWinf described lands and premises, to-wit, a cer tain piece or tract of land lying and bains' in Robeson County, 8 tats aforesaid, in Lumber linage ivwnsnip, ana a escribed and defined as follow, to-wit: Adjoinb tho lands of 3. H. Chason and others, bounded as follows 1 Beginning at a stake by three pine stumps - fa . Chason 's line and ran . 05 East 88 poles to a' stake by one Blcaory and two eaJu; tfaenee 8. 88 1-f West 7 poles to stake in CbasonV field near tho end of ditch t thenor North S8 Wast BS 'pole to a' pin near th towri BoMii tsens wtt DbtIs line to the begin ninf, ontainJnx Twentr-Tbro and 1-t (28 HI acre. - . Tfcls th ttnd day of May 1922. ' i'v. i MRS. M. N. TOLAS. Johnson a Johnson. . Mostaacs, attoraey for .w(f ii. v MM Than NOTtCK OF BaiTTSx t TOWNSHIF KOAD 'fSiiite.Sf' M County, for tlpurmt ttl i wnica was eoaveyed oy deed from Duncan tion of ksuina Twentr Thorn BOND XLECTIOM "Notice, k herebrr eWen that tha Board of Oeanmissiottef of KeMKOn' Conn-. has order- ed;i4tnloiaii Btfttt TowSMhJp Jtobssda (tf aJJowfas r th vote on th oues Ustellaa and wife, o -OII.W W.' and rum. Ca. JT.'TZL LT 1jfP-!J. W- Notte. Is farther gtr Ttha ttartjowS 5i?.f JSf" "J beld at th Titf preeiset tn satd- Town- u.iwi unw ma wmce jo a iH in rtetu, ahfa-t Lone Branch Bebool Hons n Wed This dead- eet, ws W of Af-, acf tnct ' w:WWraflt l&USr ordered SrW rt ST f "TiIf tortkm. and. that only thos who ?:&.J?st!l& H1,. rerfstexfor M election .wfll.b allow! t sjssonsf trMnd sW'trcw ' acre tre; th baidhHrt'Ho Virthsr tflna tsacYbotnit wt 3Mt jOt&: ciw .wacui, teas u acre aota, an eonnMaa . &itnr and A. U Bton and -PJTVtl .iVT,ir .& ownn iiAm wf WesJonand that from K.'K. "Barries' an' wife to 'Mrs. Julia ! 1. n K. mmUT mi 'tU' iiK AiatXt1steirrMro:& 12. Wfrem open w'swnsot on December. Ww. tWW in offW f ; Retttf aatsrdny th itet' day e July, sm rur A.MIieaanVaw deet dated' Dec, 1419, nhd jii-I Hit ' sW registrar wit J attend at M rWacd in Bodk 2l 84,aad by.Qnli- twis Vy cWd dated Mareh I, 1924, Socond Tractt tofNdV I 'allotted to Dawson Oswsll BrM in' the diekteu of th lands of bis father,' bain described as follows t Be gmaing at a stake , in the edge of the road leading ' from Bethesda Church to Barnes vllW and runs north to 1-4 east, 19.79 chains to n stake: thene north ? 8-4, ' wast, X.M chain to a stake; tbene south 9 1-4 west, 19.79 chains to a stake at th said roadl tbene with th road 2.D6 chains to th be ginning, containing 8 meres. See Special Pro ceedings No. ;4M4, Eobesoct County, Clerk Superior Court' Off k. . . - :u i The bidding will begin at Kin Hundred and Ninety Dollars (8899.90), tha-apsct bid filed in this causa. Dated this 9th dsy f Jan. 1922. , DICKSON 1ULEAN. t-U-t Vm. . - CommbfWncr. nttea maainet teteid. Townshto with aid bpal-,twa hit iw'okiek:'tenh forenoon, nntn sunset for th parpose of allow m' thos 'who 'appear for 'that 'parses to irfatr- f ot aU election. 'Kotie farfurthr rtm that said registration books wil close at sun set a Saturday th 1st day of July, 1922, and that no one win be allowed to register for said election after th books are dosed. This th 16th day of May, lM. BOARD OF ' COMMISSIONERS OF BOB3B 80M COUNTY". . . . . . .By Df. W. FLOYD, Register of Deeds. S-1M MOM. NOTICE OF SALE iTTnar and by Tirtu of tha power and au thority contained in a certain deed of trust executed on th first day of February, 1917, trr Ann Baker. Arch Baker, Kato Baker and gaUla Baker to th Flan tars Bank andTrast. thereby, and demand baring been ntada noon th tnute 'by th holder of 'th note s eared nndef said deed of trust to asareb the power oi sai uierctn con tamed, u under signed trustee will, on Monday the 19th day of Junei 1922, at It o'clock noon in front of the court house door In the Town of Lum berton. North Carolina, expose for sale. rat ;puoue auction, xor easn, to tn Highest bid 4cr, th following described teal estate, to- In AlfordeviUe -Township, Kobsson County, N. C. ..; Lot No. 4, according to th survey of J. B, Parker, in the . division . of the estate lands of Jamas Braeyi Beginning at the run of Wllkerson Swamp and runs South 49 East, 17 chains to a pine tree; thence South t East, 12.40 chains to a stake: thence North 47 1-2 West, 17.24 chains to a stake; thene north 1 East, 9.50 chains to .a largs cypres in the run of Wilkerson Swamp 1 thenee alonft the various courses of the run of Wilkerson Swamp to the beginning, containing 88 acres. Dated this 18th day of May, 1922. PLANTERS BANK, AND TBUSTCOM PANY. !.. r McLean, Varser, McLean ft Stacy, Trustee. 1 ' Attorneys. 1-22-4-Mon. , r . ..... ED McKAY. Melntrre, Lawrence ft Proctor.' Mortgagee. Attorneys for Mortgage. 8-26-4 Thorn SALE OF LAND BY MOBTGAGEE Under and by virtu of th power of sal eentaiaod in that certain mortgage deed from John Adams and wite vDoUi Adams to Ed McKay, recorded In Book of Mortgage Deed Number 81 at page 90, Robeson County Registry, (default having been made la the payment of the note thereby secured) the undersigned will offer -for sal at th eourt- nouse aoor m tne lown 01 anmoerfon. r. u.. at nubile' auction to "the highest bidder for cash at 12 - o'clock noon on th 20th day of June,; 1922 ,h following f described, . real estate: ' In Lumber ' Bridge Township, .: Robeson County, North Carolina. - 1st Tract: Becinning at stake by" a small oak in tbe line of the bads of th tat of A. I Shaw, deceased, and run as Shaw's line North 87 M Wert l.H chains to a taki ,thnto-Horto S5 1-S East S.M chatas to a stake; then South 68 1-3 Cast MS haln to -m stake: thene South 28 1-1 Wert 7.97 hatns .to. the beginning, containing Two sieias 1 - ;irjfcjfliiiai.j4- u ? ;u 2nd Tract: Beginning at a stake m M. Inaki . Avenue. Jienrr . McNeill's orner. : and irons South 26 1-2 West 175 yards to a stake in a bottom; thenee North 98 1-1 West S8 yards to a stake t thenee North 26 1-1 East 176 yard to a stak In said vn: tpenee South 88 1-2 East 28 yards to the beginning, contalnine- One acre tndre or less. - - ' 8ra 'Tl-On thw side f tie. Dutaaid, Arena. ANKinnSsv 4 an stake fat the runs, as , said avenue South 88 14 East 139 jehaine w stass; tneno Boath 20 ' !& West 'M;hMT'sv4 nta:amW'.Mrsa: 14 THIRSTY DAYS ARE COM! ' Warm days, when the ther mometer climbs' upward,' calls for cooling drinks, v Then you will VISIT OUR SAIOTARY FOpAlij All kinds of refreshing drinks, Ice Cream, Zees aid Sundaes CORIMDRUG STORE I btw and llcllilkn, zigrs. IWert 130 chain to a stake, Sinclair's eopst thenea Nortk.M Sert.M jehaine to. the Deguunnp;, cwvinui n. wrv nvn vr sees,. Ufcted 'thW 'of of1 May, 1928. ' jMnea ssi ancW doir la U OLI PJLtma "YOB , SALB Real Ectate Loaha i'i I aa tn ptmttion to Kaadle appli cations for lonf tta loans oa la. prorcd .farm lands ; In - Bobetoa, Scotland sind Dok f Chanties . is aasoanta of $4400.00 end abar. v itvojsiir tambatton, N. C, ' Lr.j '. NOTICK Of JUND BALE -o--. under the terms of a aertaln marinma. eetatod by r. N.'Fbher-and Karlir J. Fisher, hie wife.. tolJred 8ta, dated Fahswary 11. f$nr , f .Beo County, the undersigned wtil Ml at public auction to th highest Wd or. for eosh two eertaia lota oY parcel of land situated jn Bibsssn -Cs to. State of Y&1 fJUlmy-ttd wtW listeW eUtyStato atotesaid, Sat BasMMowsh)p. nd deeribi First .iWtti Att of tVIa imabsred ahitos) mi tokiVltt tbe townTof- J?rkton, Boneson Oocmly. North CaroHna. said tot be ta J.Vl'Aw 140!teti and swing tfae sans l.tC. J67lajtt anTsrif Maxy . MsNatt. duly register! la Book 8-Z, page 121. Begto try f Bsaeisn 'County. - Second iTmett AB of fet nnssbend eleven (11) and twelve (11) tn Block "XT In toe town of Pnrkton, and known as the Fnrkton Novelty Company lots. And being th earn two Iota of land aa described to deed to F. N. Fisher ' from Spurgeon 'Jones, Trustee, registered in Book 4-C.. Pg 2. In the ef' fie aforesaid, r Place of Sal: Court House door in txm bertMt, N. C Date of Sale. Monday. June 19. 1922, at 12 o'clock Noon. Term of Batet cash. ..-.... : , This May IT, 1922. FRED STAB. Nimoeki ft Nlmoeka, Mortgage. - Attys. - 8-26-4 Thar.

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