jnzs ncrrrcnuir, tuir:r:TC?,, renin cmoicri,: Thursday, tote 15 lea fags nvs iTHE BOBE80MAN OSeo W West IVmrtR Stmt BUSCJESS D0HD2RS V. THE BOBESONMN-8 " i . .. WANT AD.RA1X3 - : - V -V . - ' - Twenty -Tr Cent Mlaiaaaa Charge . . , f Urn an, laser tie. ...'.-. doCbu eras TTFB DOUBLE price. Blank Spec and Paragraphed Want Aa. IS '' 7 l':;:'r-rf.;:'i-: 11 Pet - Cat. Discount H iOml 0 I . vj; Ceaaecative Insertionr 4',; '.A CASH MUST ' ACCOMPANY ALL ORDERS AD A7 8irM "Cw Relsseala" Strictly ,.5 y . frfMHrt,. V' ' v. butttin Kt CurwtM Altar ,1 a. .. Par Bale Can akn. TS r katf ert. ' Fin for pickling. Sand order to W. H. V; Brown, Bttto. N. C. 7- 7: 7. FOR BALE Nitrate Bad. Tap Draaaar and Fertilisers, We have It on hand. K. M. Bigge; . :--'.V.yv Nice young aiUk caw far Ml a exchange. See' E. 8. McNeill at one.- :;.,-r.r:' ' C M. Filler A B nw operating fUlla station, forner Bewmd end-Chestnut.- Wa want your trade and promise to please you jrtth' service. .. -. . t , j'?;." - ' ' .- ' Can washed far Werfc guarantee. . Ca to Fuller's filling- station. Yea rt It dM right-who tM'bm fM ear washed for fl at C. M. Fuller Son's gasoline .station. -:.7 " W :? Bar rear gaselia station. - . at Faller"! aV a waa We want yea far t aur . filling station. C. M. Fuller A Son. For Rent, the dwell ing . now occupied by Profit ply to Rob t. EL Lee. Far Sale One reed mat and eight shp. Apply to Florence McNeill, Administratrix of jj H. MeNaiU'a estate. . ,- 1 1 O.St Bewardfar arrest ef parly whe stale from in front of Efird's Saturday p. m. New Crown arch bar Bicycle No. B1S860. c0lor red, trimmed with white. Motor bike bond1 oars and Chain tread Tires, Notify, Lambertoa Cycle Co. Lumberton, N. C. . . . Eirht keasea alH by as sine March IMS. BuUding two now. We open new series July first. Com 'with us. Bobesoa Bulldlnr' A Loan. - '-. . - 4 :. ' ' MllUena Lata Cakbare, Ga. ad Cabbae Cab lard;, Lata Tomato Planta, Leading 'varieties mum . sjuli ok i sjuk-ti a. , 4lf-'Vat. . paid,. Insured. Riverside Farss,.MaiUv Firs darae pin weak aid $a..eack,.PWi mont Stock Farm. Church aV4,'y.vS,v lastead f caatiac- bread, en. tk: water bay stack tm ear twastty tkird aeries apea- ..ln 'Jul first. Bar len sbdre tfcay4-8W ..weeks get back an tlwnddeUsjJtob son suMQinis m maim r -V Tea Jala new nay twenty ftra cents'per week' on aaea share. Build your bom pay for it weekly. Ask Whitfield btfll arplain bow. NO GAS TO BUT Na tajtea ta pay. Sara weekly. Fay "monthly. Kasyork. Join pow. Twenty third series opena -July iirrt. Ask Whitfield. , ' ;---' 's - ' Peas -fsaa Psas- Peaa We have thess. Sew every available acre of land hi -Peas. Make your, own feed, .build your ; land and keep that Hy iMy at home. John F. Freneh ft Companjv., Wholesale Grocers Lumberton, N. C3.V . v- . Wanted PesWen bs Store, er Office, -fer summer vacation by young lady who 1m t Mm wiAnaw to hem her return to college in the fall.. Address "X, care gooesoiiimn.. v-, ; jr,j;if- , , i-. . Wanted Papila J Tatar - tlum thraamer months in any public school subject. Mrs. J. -H. Barrington, Luinbertoii. , PLUMBING BJtPAM WOBK AND PLUMB. n Mmts. Binins! for anstilsns vtoat, li r ) M fat the aounty. Protapt anentjo, meet cor. - vaasw and atb Bta. Pbeata ST. O. S. D Btv Jlll boapitaL Bapairsnc bow. Fix suit you. Tw tore rooms Xdmund property fourth street. Fix Just aa you want Whitfield, the rent mas.' . . '":'y'-''y-::-.yyii: lii' ' V Wanted t faralsi brick tar tsbaccs farnaeea at ten dollar per thousand. Reeves Mfg. Coyj Frortorrfll, H. C. r-x-, : WANTKD UGHTWOOD. STOVSWOOD LENGTH, ON V SUBBCRIPTIOIf-ROBJB-BONIAN. : - - ' ' 't,y.j. Bey Beaaa, Velvet Beaa Cane Seed and Field eac for sal at L. H. CaldwaU'a. - - See na fer CattaawPatch fee. plant la irrefcular ttandaattpnLJfMwIl. Bklaglss and all ktnda ef pm.t Matarials onand in large uuantiaea.,' Prices 'right. U -L Caldwell. s.:.yt."' ' far eWe-artar'iaear' BwatKFattto '-PIbsiIb from chemically treated aMpa at fLM per 1.004 wkH they Jaat, eesh vwitk rdav Beady w-U H. CaMweU. , " . mmid nWr Waasaa fca Rshasam as bate Mother Hubbard , Waabboard, , Saves tha.1 ' hekaabes.' ror:aal,at Pat Kowiegay Tart. 1 ' , .. . Ata Stop Mctetrre, e ttM U at Spar cast tmimtt tot t. 1 T er It yarn aassiem jbnpra- veiF farm tanda tn Msbsaenii - Bek - and Bantiand CouiiUea Janhw J. Goodwin at- I or vuKiaasanga N. a TbBeat Service-, la tt. BvarytUa Sm and aanitary. rWkem hungry - as aalL Olympia ml. Stat strarV iUans Moathly Meeting of T. K L. Class, Reported for -The Robesonian. , The T. E. L. ' class of Lumberton Baptist Sunday school held its regu lar monthly meeting at the parson age Tuesday evening, June 13th. A large attendance was very gratifying. After the business was disposed of Misses Kathleen Lnirbam and Kachel PERSONALS Mr. P. C Smitli of Fairmont wa -Lumberton Tisitor yesterday , Messrs.' L. 11. Oliver And B. X. Temple of Marietta psed throagh town ; Tuesday en, route to Wilmisv Miss Mary Gilmer Weatheriy of Charlotte arrived last night and will spend some time here visiting at the home of Sheriff and Mrs. K. E. Lewis, North Elm street- - -s? : Mr. W.-C. Hammond Jr of" Ash bora arrived Monday night and will spend some time here , visiting his grand-parents, Mr. and Mrs. G. M. Whitfield, Elm street. . f - s- . Mrs. H. ; L. Pope and two ' children left this morning for High Point, where they will spend some time vis iting at the' home of Mrs. Pope's parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Bacon. , V Churdb Notes -: - - ' County Visitor - . Mrs. R. Poole went this morning to. Center Presbyterian church, near Maxton, where this ' afternoon she addressed the ladies' auxiliary of that church. Mrs. Poole has been appoint ed county visitor of that organiza tion of Vthe Prtsbyterian ; church in Kobeson county. " -' ': ' -' Episcopal .'V- . -j-V There .will, be communion .service and sermon at the' Episcopal church next Sunday evening by Rev. Jaa, E. W. Cook of Wilmington. Presbyterian, On G. E, Moorehouse, Minister, " - Correspondence of The Robesonian. " Sabbath school - - every Sabbath mornmg . at 9 :3a Come. W. K. Be thune, superintendent. - Morning worship at 11 o'clock. Ser mon theme: "The greatest of Life's Forces." :-; : -.: . -.:-': -. Evening worship at 8. o'clock. Ser mon theme: "Encouragements for m !-U .1 M '... Mid-week service Wednesday at 8 p. m. Subject: "Complete Chris tians." Col. I,f .vv t v? :, .- You " will t. be .. welcome' at all the services; of : this . churcht ; Baseball ByDick Norment Lumberton Opened Inter-State gue .i Season by Winning Games of 2-Garae Series Lea- Both From ; Maxton. "" - - . Games Friday and Saturday iv4cColl at Lumberton. . Bjttfilet' at iLauxinburg.' ; , ; Maxton" atRaef ord. -- Gfcirfrtirtd4y and Tuesday LiunbJSjtpn tnutWcmtk 'MdOtton. ? ' .1 Strafrhi for Lumberton f By'.winniftg: - aty'.Haef ord yesterday "Vt il Lumberton made its recon for;;the wek thet straight, having previously- taken ; two from Maxton. yesterday's; gajna was by far the pret- Miest oftftVWeek," both clubs playing fine baseball. ; Lumberton opened the Inter-State league season by winning- both'1 games of ;the two-game sVriei fto Maxton. The locals' took the opener in easy ifashkra, 6. o 1, but y hai tKWtle tnrougn xen : .nenre, racking irames before . they were returned winners inthe second game; 8'fo' 7.4 Rogers was in superb from Monday and was never in ; dangerafter the first inning, when his mates tallied four runs before . Shields, got settled down. The big left-hander appeared nervous, as he stepped r out on the hurling hill and walked the first two men to face him. Parrish came through with a single and the Max ton infield blew, four runs counting before they came back-to earth. a The Visitors only tally resulted from a low peg to first by Hood, this being the local's lone miscue. Lumberton began the second game in 'much the same manner, present ing Maxton with four runs in the ini tial inning. The Macks scored again in the second and it- looked as if the game" was '- stored away. Lumberton kept hammering away with a never-say-die spirit and a barrage of hits drove Simpson.': Trinity- southpaw. from the 'box- to - the' fifth and the score was knotted. . -- Accident Mars Victory . ; Maxton again forged ahead in the tenth hut Lumberton came back with three and a win. A lot of joy was taken out of the ' thrilling - victory, however, by an injury to Buckner, the visitors' catcher. He attempted to block .Gibbons at the plate in - the tenth!; and the r resulting collision knocked Btfckner cold.1 " Hei revived shortly and was , taken to a . local hospital; whexehe .was i-. discharged early. Wednesday, .morning., .- V N Bits of briUiant and flashy fielding was mixed with much greater per centage of ragged baseball and after 1Mktok1t Uoi were' -kepi on tueir tiptoes,,v c; uarKers worx as 'a renei pitcher was especially brilliant. He went in in the seventh inning without warm, ing up with the bases full and but one -down,4 he . pitched three straight balls to Hasty before he got one over, forcing the Maxton captain to line out to Fogleman, who doubled Hol land t the plate 4with ; ft .perfect throw. 7:Tf y'&t v v , . : i ? 7, Baseball at Deep Branch Saturday Correspondence' of The Robesonian. 7 The Mayesville baseball team will pky the: Deep Branch team at Deep Branch" Saturday; June 17. Biggs sang two selections. Delightful ice-eream and ' cake . were served by the hostess, Mrs. Durham. . , " THE IIEC02D 07 DZJLTH - L M. Powell ef Fair Bluff Mr. O. M. Rogers, a member of the pitching, staff, ef the Lumberton ball team, was advised today of the death at 6 ' o'clock - this morning of his grandfather, Mr. L M. Powell of Fair Bluff. Mr. Rogers left today at noon for Fair Bluff, accompanied by Dr. VL&X, WaddelL The funeral will take place tomorrow afternoon. Katie Hamsaondss Indian ! Katie : Hammonds, -: 16-year-old daughter of Alex. Hammonds, Indian, of Saddletree township, died Tues day night of - tuberculosis Interment was made in the family cemetery yes terday at 4 p. m. , : --k . MANY LOST LIVES IN CYCLONIC THUNDERSTORM IN NEW YORK Death Toll Jlore Than t Score . Men, Women and v Children Occupants .-of Boats Engulfed ' by- Blinding 7; Storm ; of Wind and Hail. V -: Bodies of more than S-score , men, women and children, 7 victims of a brief cyelonic thunderstorm Sunday in New York,-had been recovered. by Monday night from Pelham bay and Long island sound,: where the great toll was taken among Sunday sanoists and fishermen. An Associated Press dispatch gives the following:;;:, 77; : At least 250 canoes, row boats and small motorboats w,ere bobbing aboutj off the island, witnesses .said, v when the ..storm earner screaming down on the resort at a velocity of 80 miles and hour, or better. Occupants of the little craft,, sehsing .their . danger, made a run for shelter, but scarcely had jthey' got under way when they were engulfed in a blinding storm of rain and hail. ''7'i7 As quickly as it had come, the storm I vanished, it had lasted.less than five minutes. But scarcely a dozen of the 250 small craft had survived. Horror strtcken, but 'helpless . to aid, . the crowds on the beach 'and about; the casino pier, saw scores of ; men ' and wopien clinging to wrecked and over"; turned craft- in the choppy sound and bay. One by one, they gave ; up the struggle, and dropped quietly off to e-trde.- tow-ard the !9CT4iVet ; PubUc-. Facts In t ifome of the todies, the' police say probably never will, be recovered The tiJ,: turning,, brought more thari : a score1' of them back today.. Eye-witnesses estimated there were between -600 and -750 prsons in-the wrecked craft. Heroic work, by the ' United Stales life guards, members of near by, beach , clubs - and volunteers from the ; shore crowds saved hundreds. NEWSj ITEMS FROM RAYNHAM Crops Looking .Fine Personal Men. tion. -Q-si, ;:r-'7777'7 Correspondence of The Robesonian. seems to be the -orde. ox?Hhe ''dsfyiJg.. h.A around here, trying to destroy rg&ir- rov spa'?L "zrr eral green." We ; are having i some beautiful weather after a lone rainy spell. Hope the weather, will be fair yifor a while now as the farmers are drbehind. ' Crops . are looking fine, es pecially ; corn and tobacco.- Cotton is mighty 'small.;. .. "7 ' - Mr. anoTMirsV W.JB.' Ivey and Mr. Cleaton Kinlaw of Lumberton R. -7, spent Sunday-the 4th with Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Burchett. . ,7 . v Mr. and Mrs.. Wade Lamb and chil dren and Mr. and Mrs. H. K. Ivey an children of Long Branch section spwit Sunday the 4thwith Mr. Ivey's faUier('-Mr. Joel Ivey. . 7 . , Mr. and Mrs. E. W. Woodell and children of Bladen county spent - Sun day with Mrs. Wdodell's father, Mr. Joel Ivey. Miss Dovie Ivey accom panied them home to spend a month. Miss Hattie Stone of McDonald has been with her brother and sister-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. A. F. Stone, for the. last week as Mrs. Stone has been quite sick. ' Sorry to report Master Archie Thomas, little son of Mr. and Mrs. W F. Stone, sick, with colitis and glad he 'la improving. Mi, and Mrs. B. V. Britt and Mrs. D. H. Britt of McDonald scent a short while with Mr. and Mrs. W. F. Stone Sunday afternoon. - ' Mr. and Mrs. O. M. Barnes snent a short while with Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Burchett Sunday. . With best wishes to all the readers of this dear old paper. TO MY FRIENDS AND r. FELLOW c ..i crnZENS:vi : ' ; ' ' I wishrtoaixioot thircmeaM":of ex pressing my sincere thanks and most prozdund appreciation for r the verv hearty support ; given me in our' re cent Democratic' primaries, for Clerk Superior Court. The- greatest conso lation of all is the confidence the great, majority , of : the people ex- pnessea in me in the 'precincts where the. everyday livesiof mv, successful coinpetHof 7 and myself are best ktfown. The predneta. that failed to give me a majority, according to the aceepted report., wertx, for; the most Prt thosr in the more remote parts oi tno county." Considerable In ducements were effered.to many who srppprted me, to turn against me at the,, last,, but, nothing . . doing They stood; firm for me to the last. And as sorne of f my friends ave expressed a- naa tne support of most ox the best ;people of the. county. Again I thank you. - ;t .-. Sincerely, ... 3 - a r V , ' ;W. H. Humphrey. Lamherton, June 14, 1922. -. Adv.s r ; -. ;;.- : H- A " . i i , ... city 3 an automobile. ? Washington, June ; 13. Net in comes of individuals reported to the government during 1920 increased by nearly . $4,000,000,000 and the num ber i of returns by nearly 2,000,000 over -11919, while the taxes received fed off by about $195,000,000, accord ing . to - preliminary statistics ' issued tonight by Internal Revenue ' Com missioner Blair. - Seipce airsidl; Safety r i7 These Two Essentials Are Most Desirable in a Bank With Which You Entrust Ybur Business. v - THE PLANTESS BAKE & TRUST CO. ius the- financial i trength, the experienea ud abiU-1 ty to handle your account in ft aatiifactory manner ? -; . This inititntiou C0-0PEEATZ3, became of the spirit of service which enters into every ; transaction, is based on actual practice of more than ten years service enthusiasm. l Oar burning desire is to help develop the agricultural and industrial interests of our sur-' rounding territory. r ' . " It is prepared to render satisfaction, and to that end invites you to, Make Our Bank Your Bank The Planters Banli: & Trust Company : TnEOEiamiipAMEiSBAiiK Capitol and Suipliu $105,000.00. Rouixes more than $500,000.00 DAUGHTREYLS NOVABLETO ' STAY ON JOB Declare He I In Finest Health Since Tanlac Completely Relieved jfHim Of Dutretting Stomach l rouDi : "Lfeel like a different person since taking Tanlac and am now able to stay on the job all day long," said f. B. Daughtrey, 420 W. 19th St.; Norfolk. Va.. for fourteen years with the Hampton Roads Paper Co. "I suffered a lorig time with indi- Sstion and, got jworse until I was dly run down. Ferythingr' I ate disagreed with me and I would bloat up with gas which pressed against my heart and lungs so it was all I could do to-get my breath. I was so hlervoifB it was impossible for me to and I always my mouth and all worn out. i A-Tanlac statement impressed me so I decided to try it, and I began to improve -almost' at" the start.'! now have a splendid appetite, that slur gish tired feeling hasleft me and my sleep 'is good and sound. I get' up every morning feelinglne and. ready for a big day's' work. Tanlac sure is a, -wonderful medicine." . - Tanlac is sold by all good druggists. NOTICE OF 8PECIAL SCHOOL TAX IXEC- VION AND KEGISTBATION FOB SAKE , Notke ts hereby given that an election will be Held at the store of C. T. Fate A Co., at rrhi i. r i e T.. - o.u j . N. C. on Tuesday, the 8th day of AoctmV 1922. to ascertain the wttl of the peopl el the special school district hereto' after described whether they shall be eddec to and become a part of Thompson Graded School District proposed to b eomposgd of said district and special school districts of Thompsons No. 9, 10 and 11, known as Par. via, Elrod and Raynham, (white) and whether the special tax of 25 cents on th, hundred dollars valuation of property already eaistlnsT la saW district shall ae increaaed to SO cents on th hundred dollars, makta the earn vuiform with the rat existing in said Thomp sons Graded School District, for th pur pos of wintainina- and supporting the schools of said proposed district aa aforesaid. The district in which said election I to he held is Thompsons Special School District Hq. 9. (white), known as Purvis District and is described as follows. , . Becinnins where Little Ashpol Swamp in tersects Big Ash pole Swan and runs a th outside lines and tecladee- land of T. J Graham J. B, MeCsOhun. Henry MeCalram, estate lands, A. T. MeCalram, David A. Paul, John Paul, Henry Paul estate lands, G. W. Pate, Ellas Bullard estat Iands, I. W. BuV tard to th followina lines of Elrod District and inetodes the lands of T. B. Ballard. X. W. Bullard. J. A. lleRa, W. . B. Stubbe, Bar- NH.BaT N.ir,; a t;' H. MeLawd estate lanoa to tn oes-mpms;, an bei that district described in Book f aebool dartriet at pae Stoffie bf Sopt. Pablia la-, itruetioB f Bobesoa Caunty.- ,! There shall b a new reclstraQon xor bum election and Robert Ballard ia registrar and J. A. McBa and P. H. Adam are Judge of election and only those persons who shall register for paid aleetion ahatt b ejualifM to vat .tbra5B7' . - - j Wt Th registration' kook wQl be kept open at the resldeoe, of Eobsrt Bollard. Thomp sons Township, fr0nt Wednesday, th (th day at July antU cUtarday th Sth day Aa Bm. H2. tar order to- gree U thos wkhta ai4 district , who . are qualUird vt aata an maHmatty t regtrser. and th eald regis- rrvwiU attend at th store ef C T. Pat Co.. Purvis. N. O. with his rsgistraUou sk on Bui-jay.. Jabr Stbr 16av ad August d. ttSS fVsaa S vieek, a. m. il yIock p. a, f or th pnrpssa of ra4rtarinc -ms qualified who ahall affer t regietsr. Jajllaageai -tVw va aaay be aaw C.oa anr-oay th resristratioa perio aa4 ahaO.a fisil on apea th day f aiee tioau T.ca wUl opened at wbm aw. Aw ac. eJaetfeu mm rsisiu mmm aatB I j it. at which thM they shall b - aiecnou wmm-.-mw " 5i hallota and ataka -ielr reOms aa pre- s. er law. f . . v- .. j. At said eieetion thos who favor aU d. triet's beeoming a part of Thowpssue waoaa School District and th htereaa ef said tax Croni 2f'eeuts on th hundred dollar pre aerty to M eents oa th hundred shall Tot ballot a which wfll be printed th words -For Ininln SIS shall rot a ballot oA which win be printed taw, ward "Against Increased lW.; , J - This, th 6th day f Jan, l?' -7. BOARD Of COMXISSIONKRd OP &OBESOM COUNTY, - -- , ' - ; JOHN W. WARD. Chalrsaa, . '. - I .r ' - M, W. FLOYD, Secretary, .' ROBERT BULLARD, Registrar. J. A. ateRAE, P. H. ADAMS, Judge of Electioa.. w ' : - W. Lenneu, Atty. S-lS-Thurs. COMPLETE STOCK SASH GLASS OILS DOORS PAIWTS BUIU) SCREEN. DOORS SCREEN WINDOWS N.rJacobi Hardware Co, WILMIN GTO N, N. C SPECIAL PRICES ON LADIES' CHILDREN'S I1ATS $1.50 LUSS J0SEPHD1E CREECE a TEN Presents- IN A STARRING -JQHM T CSUL , "A LITTLE CHILD SHALL LEAD THEM.'' The influence of the spirit of a little child killed in a sordid quarrel is so potent, so interne, so tpiritual that it reforms and sancbhes an entire community. Hr. knd e liow this vait tender, snectacular, human interest .Arrow promo tion, "Ten Nights in a Barroom," at the fAsraiE m C. : t '-7' ' JUNE 19 and 20 7fS.7;-.7' ' A WOMAN KILLS NEGRO Mii MiHiiia gbeTNetiw Wbe At tacks Her tm Her Eobm Near Bast' v'-hrV-'.- 7 .:-,-v l-kf S:Sl?-'V-'-7 'C' vv "-, 7 About fte miles sootb, of Hamlet, tuftr'Osbotnv on tie farm of' Bran- sort Mniikin, William UcGbee, nogro, . u...ll.TI!U: V wa snos oeaa py aurs jwuimn wav sbftln self-dtfenM'asAe 'iirro en? tced haV.hame witb a brick each luld,JibietaW.lw life, , stajea a dispatch from .HamleV wEfch ciYcs details as follows: -7-.?-i- S 7. . 5 Millikin bad told tb nesTrd to sUy offltbe premises seteral days before, udi the negro had threatened' both MilBiin- and his wile. - A -v.-Sunday morning about 10 . , o'clock while Mr. Millikin was away from the house, the negro came to . the bone and began to swear. He advanc ed until he had entered the "house, where Mrs. Millikin and ' -the small children were. Then he said that he would get even with ' her then, and her husband later. . 7 " ' ' As McGhee advanced on Mrs. Mil likin, she grabbed a gun. and shot the .--. 2 HATS 1.95; HATS $1 NIGHTS If cWce u wrought in the BARROOM negro at close range, killing him in stantly. The negro attempted to as sault Millikin only the day before, while the" latter was returning from -Hamlet to his home after selling rege- -tables and other valuable farm pro . ' dnce AJtlvnigh the-shock was 'great, Mrs.r Millikin seemed t have control f .herself and was -composed after ther ' oceamseei, -2 . . v . v ---yy ;, -t I, i i AlrssasJ Who- FeU 4a Florida Swam -: HTeghl4ntu- Areadiai fTaTre tf a panthep' andi Compelled to spend the greater v part ' of the night ' in the branches j of -a large cypress tree irr the wilds ' of the Bis Cypress. . country, badly bitten by mosquitoes; his clothes torn' to tatters by the cruel "teeth of the giant sawgrass of the 'south Florida swamps: without food for nearly 40 ; hours these were among the expert ences 'of Cadet ' Raymond White, Carlstrom' field aviator, whose plane crashed in the wilds of southeastern Lee county last Thursday afternoon . , and escaped Sunday in one of . the planes that had ' searched for him since Tbzaday. ' ;