PAGE cm THE C02ES0NLAN, LU2ImT0ITf IiOHTII CAEOIUJA, THUIICDAY, JUNE 15 1222 I'M Tn10 . . - y.. x Mil I) )Siini LUMBERTON, NORTH CAROLINA ORGANIZED 1904 18 Years Successful Experience Depository for the United States and City of Lumberton . A MORE THAN 3,000 SATISFIED CUSTOMERS , We Invite AccounU of Firms, Corporations and Individuals, Promising Every Care and Attention to Your Business. THOMAS L. JOHNSON, Vice President CHARLES T. PATE, Vice President J LUIJDETlTOir N. C. I H. M. McALLISTER, President R. McA. NIXON, Cashier C A. McARTHUR, Assistant Cashier t- - - . " mm"mmm'mmmmm'0'mmmmm0'''m'0i W0.jy7fl'nwir' I LORRAINE HOTEL BARBER SHOP Sanitary in every respect. Two 1st class bar bers. Special attention given to Ladies and Children as well as Men. BASEMENT LORRAINE-HOTELS S3 SEEN AND HEARD ! Bj Happy Jack for money, the love for which, we are told in Sacred history, is the root of all evil. :. I never saw anvthincr like it be Tis a shame, 'tis true, but it's a fore. Recently I ran across a truck fact that an astonishingly large num- used in the transportation of gasoline ber of people who live in the good that had stopped because the gaso oounty of Robeson will sell their vote, line ran out. To make the matter more They hunt up the candidates and of-'serious, the tank from which caaoline fer to sell their influence (their own was sold was also empty, making it vote) for "what they can get for it One man who had approached two candidates for the same office pre vious to the recent primary in an ef necessary for the driver to get a sup ply from another source This sounds bad. Man accused of tort to get pay for his vote, remarked stealing flees from a , policeman that one gave, him. 60. cents and the Headline in San Francisco Chronical, other a dsllar. He added, that if the r ij..u s r third candidate, whom he had not The answer to the question, when sceiv at that time,' did hot do .better are .most girls thinking' of getting than the. others ad done, .theri he married? Constantly.- - 1 would not go to Ihe polls at jriL Pert : - ; f . - , , baps it's the same the country over,' Did you know that the man living yet that is no reason why any citizen ; in Lumberton who tries to raise : a t Robeson should belong to the class garden has much more to worry about that can be "purchased". Shame on than the one who raises chickens? the citizen who will sell his" franchise It's true. ;? - -. We are PAINT Headquarters . Hej "How long have you been e sraeed?'' . She: "This time, or altogether ?M JLord Jeff. : - Harry: "Did vou feel the earth- auake last niht?" Carrie: "No; I was ehimmvine" . x - - v - Dirge. r In manv Inatimceft. frivinir the wo. man the richt tn vnt ia civmcp the fcesband the right , to vote twice, Fve seen it. e Rnmft wnmpn . vntfl like their hflsU bands and on the other hand some husbands vote ,like their wives. .. -i.-. i Varnithu-StalntEnamels Pm CmPalt foe tetm r because We carry the bet PainU and Finishes to be had at any price the Pee Gee Brand. - We know tKe history of these paint products They, have given complete satisfaction for more than 50 years iYou might better buy years of . eenrice than just paint in pails the cost is the same. It will pay you to come to us and get everything you need for an economical job L.H.CaldwelI Lumberton. N C. . The outcome of tha next war will not be determined by battleships at cannon, but by poison gas, said Dr. H. A. Adrian in bis address at the Chautauqua Thursday night. www- Don't worrv. Mr. Cotton Parmer a haji crop ol cotton will bring yon more money than a bumper crop. . www The talk of the town baseball. The manv Lumberton citizenn' who do not attend Sundav arVmnl - srid church would find a hearty welcome at any of the Sunday schools and churches in. town. Try it. ". THE SHEPARD MYSTERY ; More Aboot the Three Autos and Their IWnnanta i. To the Editor of The Robesonian I ' Where there is a lot of' smoke, there is bound to be some fire. Since there have been so many varying 're ports current during the last fifteen nours oi tne supposed life of Mr. E. R. Shepard, when he seems to have been destroved nnivarYta . at a TnzAn times and in as many 'different places, I feel it incumbent upon myself to state what I am convinced in the trim state of affairs up to a certain time. Since people have gotten over -their first fear of speaking, it is being whispered aVound that Shepard, with iwe outers, passed tnrougn Jjumbe? ton traveling toward the eastern part of town about 10 o'clock Monday night, April 10th, and that another automobile was-soon in hot niirsuHL the . occupants making some inquiry as to whether a car bearing., the description of ythe one . Shepard .was. drivincr had nassed this wv. It will lie recalled that it was shortly after this that tne three automobiles were cut ting up high jinks in East Lumber ton. - ' - At least two persons have ques tioned me very closely gs to whether any of the persons in any of the three automobiles had been recognis ed, toumy knowledge, which questions I evaded making a direct answer, prefering to keep the 'questioners guessiag. -1 will now answer the questions so all can hear. "Yes, some of the occupants seem to have been recognized, and not the least con spicuous for their presence were two officers who were after Shepard for the purpose of arresting him for be ing intoxicated and running his auto mobile while in this condition. Now in the event that some person rises to the occasion and tries to make it appear that all this is nnthW W the wild invaginations of an un balanced mindi I will go a little fur ther and tell a little secret. It was not mv intention tn lt. fW become known until I waa roaAv fnr the final showdown ; - but in sub stantiation of the above I fel it nothing amiss to make casual mention of it here. One of the officers was in such a bisr hurry or something that n hings from-his pocket, he accident-' any aropt a smau card with his name ' written - tnere-on richt whr h automobile was shoved , off into tha ditch. I have this card in my posses sion ior iuture reference, along with other bits of evidence. About a' report over the nommnnttv that Shepard and his wife were not living together, were stranded, etc., I nave gooa reason to believe that they were on the best of terms TKia -rea son is found in letters which I have received from Mrs. Shepard, who is so sorelv troubled nv tha her husband, who. aha ofntma n. devoted husband and father. Her on ly concern seems to be the finding ui uer uusDsnaj Doay ana giving it decent burial. ,. - East" Lumberton, May 29, 1922. , i Mclean highly commended Resolutions Adopted by Directors of war finance corporation. ; (W. A. Hilderbrand - in nrwmWn News.):r f- Washington At a nitinir of the directors of the War Finance corporation some verv kind and mm. plimentary resolutions were adopted concerning the retirement of .Angus w. Mciiean, a director of the corpora tion: from the. -time of ita creation. and who recently, completed : four years oi "continuous and distinguish ed service." ' - "JPollowine rare tha resolutiona: . s"Resolved that the board of direc tors of the War Finance corporation desire to enter of record an express ion of the , genuine regret and deep sense of - loss occasioned' by the re tirement . of their . colleairaa? C- thnir (-sincere admiration of Jthe 5 wisdom. courage and patriotism - "with ; which he has served his country during the stress of war and since in a, fine spirit of self-sacrifice and devotion to the public interest and to duty, their grateful " acknowledgement of" the kindly and effective manner in which he has co-operated in every task and contributed to the solution of every problem; and their lasting apprecia tion of the treasured friendship of their "colleague : whose departure means' a personal, as well as an offi cial, loss to his associates; and Resolved further, That these re solutions be spread on the minuter-of the board, and a copy thereof, signed by the directors and attested by the secretary under the official seal of J.V. . . ' . me corporation, be transmittA1 tn M McLean with the assurance that he carries with him into nrivata Hf- th warm affection and high regard of his colleagues." . , , 666 Cores Malaria, Chills and Fever. Dengue or Bilious ; Fever... It tills the gernut ;, "': . ICE - Reduction I Zor Ice Coupons Books if discounted for Cash, as follows ef fective May 1, 1922. - - ' Domestic Trade. 76c per 100 pounds, less 10 per cent dis count for cash. Commercial Trade, 60c per 100 pounds, less 10 per cent discount for cash, using 300 pounds or more, one delivery. Watch improvements in appearance of Ice from now on, as undergoing some changes in plant : . Respectfully, M. A. GEDDIE, Phone Ko.lS3 " "r. r S3 . SEABOARD AIR LINE RAILWAY ; , Week-End and SrnidayEzcmicm Fa WILMINGTON AND VvTOGHTSVI it:: : SUNDAYFARES- - - or 20 Stday night retornfaiK train Now It leaving Wilmington 4:00 A. M. Monday following daSM?gafe WEEK-END FARES t Ticketaoa sale for ati regular trains every Friday and Saturday May 19th to Septenber 24th, limited to re torn midnight of Tuesday following date of sale. ". Week-end Tickets Week-end Tickets to Sunday- Fare to Wrightaville Beach ' Wilmington Only n $2.65 , it ks From - Abbottsburg AHenton ,. Alma . " .. Bladenbore ' Clarkton Councils Elkton . '. Laorinburg Lowe Lumbbrton Maztotf Pembroke to Wilmington $20 $2.75 $3.80 WS .$2.00 $10 ; $i.9o $4.15 $30 $2.95 $35 $3.45 ,$1.65 H "-120 ' . $L60 .$3.20' ' " " ' $4.25 4 -$2.80 . " $2.45 ' r $1.95 , $2.35 $4 60 - ' - - : ' ,2.30 $3.65- $L85 $3.40 ' $L75 $4J0 --. : .-, $Z2S $3.90 S2JI0 Also cheap week-end tickets to Rntherfordton, Uneomton, Shelby. HkkT and tSS'srK Fa-A,U Pass. Spruce Pe. if SlSeH For reservaUona, and other InformaUon, consult your local Ticket Agent, or write- - - . . t . , : Wilmington, N. C , . B. E. HUNTEB, D. P. AJ H. G. SMALLBONES, T. P. A. num in gt on. Si. u (