Hill A T i i r : II" !! ' " 1. ' - ' t.' l' -" , ; rsTAzuzzn -ml' c::;ls copy rirc cznts. C0UNT2T CCD ND TRUTH, $2.00 A TEAJL BUS DJ ADVA2;C3 LUUBESTOIT, IT. 0L, TIltjIlSDAY, JULY 6, 1S22.; , , , ........ . ... . v - , . ,.,,., ,-, , , , 1 ,; ? ., . -.: ' . . 1 -. -. 7- s Open Saturday Success of Market Bests Upon, Boti " Consumer and :Producr-Prodaer .'Is Asked to Grde Products " Mncnvs- Possible Whit Market . Caltf Portte Senator Varser Win Mate Qpenln Address. ; Correspondence of The Eobesonian.. The curb market for, seliing coun try produce .direct " to, the consumer will, open Saturday" morning, July 8, at 9' o'clock, on' . the ; court house square.f,This call is to the producer atiA ennnnmer. as the success of the market tests ecpially upon both.' '. bratcs the Fourth Address by U. Harris of Baleif h, - BonntifVl Pienid Dinner, Meetinr of American Lerfon Post, Athletic Stunts and War Pictures Features St Paub Ncvs - me arket tests ecrually upon both; ;Ja picnic dinner that could not be sur The producer should keep in mmdpa8gea for, quality, and quantity, a meeting oi me locat American , u nualitv. as this is . the thing tne market and the consumer wants. How ever there will be a place in the , scale of grading1 or second and third quality products. In . order that the grading at. the market.may.be done with as much rapidity as possible, the producer is asked to grade to size as much as possible Example: If you are bringing a bushel of tomatoes, do not mix the large; medium and small sizes, but put them in separate con tainers. "'' . 1 Hf Y, ., The market palls for . vegetables, fruits, melons chickens, eggs, butter, home cooking, etc f v ; . The opening address will be deliver ed by Hon. Ufa Varser.' . ' The market will be under the super vision of the home . and farm, demon stration agents. ,.4 ( v-". Criminal Term of Court Next -Week Four Murder Case ."are'j Set ' 6r trial More Than ltu ases Al ready on . the Docket H. L. Blue , Trial May Come Up. . ", - : r; ' Four murder trials appear on the docket for trial during the week's term of Robeson Superior court for the tela,! of criminal cases, which will convene Monday of next week, July 10. Those' charged with murder are: Jesse and Dock Oxendine, ' Indian brothers, charged with killing, Victor Bullard. another Indian; Brittian Ox endine, Indian, charged with killing Carson Lowry, also Indian; , Wesley Gibbs, a -deaf and dumb Indian', charg if with killinar Parker Coins.. brother Tom B. McNtill, charged with killing negro flamed Bristow, Tne negro was killed more than a year ago when he resisted arrest, 4 More than 100 cases appear on the docket for trial during ' the . week's term, and it is expected that many others will be docketed before the term is completed. The atrial of H., L. Blue, charged with embezzling and misappropriating funds totaling ap proximately 215,000 from the. Bank of Fairmont, ' will probably be heard during this term. Blue, who was form erly an officer in, the Bank of Fair mont, has been in jail' here for sev eral weeks awaiting trial.- Judge W. M.. Bond of Edenton will preside.' - a' . - ' 1922 Tax Levy WU1 Be Made July 10 r.lajor AlJ-McICin-' !non Died Tuccday , i Prominent Figure in Life , of iSUte ' v,. 1 a . . m . . o 1. 4 ier quarter oi ueniury ouccumua Long Illness Funeral Yesterday Attended by One of the Most Repre. tentative Crowds That Brer Gathf rfnrnl ti er tO.UOBOr 8 V alien ' Maer m FavTtevill -Outstanding Figure Thursday; 2Sth, after a' very pleasant lL XffSJSl ? ' 2.weeks vacatien among home folks 'TwJrA eftn S.rtffififJ5 T;fhyt1f Twon from' Scotland, Hoke, f??. TJ?-5lJS52r:-. Cumberland and Columbus bounties, x wfr.; JTlX'from near-by counties in South Caro- Beard came out. for her all returning 1infl- w frwn - more dlatmt Pittman,. , hospital. Baptists Are Planning to Build New Church Watson-Donn Marriage , Personal and Other Items. , . . . . v By Bess G. Johnson ? SL -Pauls.- 'July'' .4v Well "srlorlous 4th" is with us. aeain. AI J of a Delightful Occasion Mr. Har-c; most, sure to rain today as it usually rifl Sets Before Legion, Members aoes, ye zounn ei Juiy aay. , Task, of Forcing United SUtes to Enter League of Nations Special to The Robesonian. ' Eed Springs, July 4-Red Springs celebrated the Fourth In delightful manner today, "outstanding features being an address by Mr C U.Harris of Raleigh, Democratic nominee for the State Senate Irora wake county, The many friends of Mrs; J. M. points- attended herd this afternoon the funeral of Major A. J, McKinnon, gion post and athletic stunts in the afternoon, and war pictures in wra Macdonald college ' auditorium this evening, uusiness was suspended ior the day and it was a thoroughly en joyable occasion for the many .who attended. -v . ; ' - . 1 In his addreBs, delivered in - the wonderfully attractive . Woodland theatre on the college- campus, Mr. Harris ' set a precedent for saying much "in short space of time. He spoke only IS minutes and quit while his audience was hungry for more df the same, but he packed into, those few minutes words that stirte his. hearers , to frequent . applause ' , and gave them a new vision. . ; Motto for .Legion Members , , Mr. Harris made. an appeal fdr the League of Nations, not as something dead which should be mourned but as a living thing which the-united ef fort of Legion members the country over can charge with 'new life and purpose if by. united and determined effort they will .force the; United States to take its rightful place as. a leader among the nations that have joined hands in the effort to avoid future wars. References made by the speaker to former President Wilson were greated with - hearty applause. The American Legion, said the speaker- should, take as its motto , that wan , should be made impossible,, and should keep up the fjght until the United States goes into the League of Na tion!., It can be done,' he said, if the four million Legion men in the Unit ed States determine that' is shall be done. This he, declared to; be. a, purpose-worthy? to -engage' the effort of the Legion. The United States; has lost, he said, the lofty position it went in the fegard of the world 'by its unselfish stand during ; the war, had losf it by the short-sighted and jealousy-inspired blunders, of a Republi can Senate, but the American Legion can yet. save it and' civilization, t- ' Mr. Harris rapidly reviewed - some history of this great republic from its natal day 14ft years ago and with a f ew-deft strokes placed boldly up on the canvass the record of undying fame made by American service men in the great war in which 1 Charlie waii, a-? rPed; prngs .Vboy,V' .among others, lost' his, life. In closing hdei clared that- America ' and England united can save the world, and an nealed to his hearers to taen th -flrp of patriotism and Christianity Dom ing in tneir homes. , - Mr. A, P. Spell, an attorney of Red (Continued on jpage four.) Butler are glad to note she seems to' ho saed aw7y yesterday follow be doing nicely since her operation last week. Mrs. . Butler is-at the Pitt man hospital, Fayettevill, her opera tion Ibeing immediately following her arrival there Friday, the 30th. . , c Mr; and Mrs. R. D. McCreight and 4s children , of Ruby S. . C, spent . the week-end with Mrs.' McCreight's sis ter, Mrs. J. C. Lindsay. ' 1 ' 1 - A good many, from our little city seem to be ; patients in some of the various' hospitals recently; in, Fay ettevflle. vAmonir these; we note Sid- out Odom," son ef Mr. J. F, Odom of St.'. Pauls, Messrs. J. C Lindsay, R.; H. Coley, Mrs. Butler and Mr. Bert Herndon, of St' Pauls R. F. J. 'Mrs.j R. H. Coley spent Sunday in Fay-! tteville with Mr. Coley. Said he seemed to be doing nicely. On Thurs day, ,tne 29th) Mrs.v Coley took her little daughter, Lucy Belle, to Pitt man hospitaland had her tonsil re moved. The many friends of Miss Maggie' Wilkerson of , 'Laurinburg will, learn with regret of the. very serious operation she had to undergo last week at ' Cumberland -.general hospital, 'FayettevSllaj, jbutj .will rte joice' with us that she was getting on O. K. last account we had.- Miss Wilkerson is .a noble "piece of. hu manity" being so full of life... etc. does' one good to come in contact with her, if only a "wee'-bit., She -is a cousin of Mrs. T. 1 Northrop af, our town and nas ' very . often, . visited in St. Pauls. ' May she soon prove, con valescent jmd be able to return t$ her friends, is our smcerest wish.' We are au delighted to have Miss Florence Murray with us for the sum mer' after, a, -very successful. yaaT County Commissioners . .Will ; Meet Next Monday for Purpose of Levy, nr Taxes and Receiving Report from . Tax-Listers 152 : County Pensioners to Receive $25 Each Business . Transacted at Regular Meeting.-" ' , ; The board of county commissioners will meet Monday of next week, July in. for the nurnose of makine un the tax levy for 1922 and receiving from the tax-listers oi tne various town' shins the lists of taxable property. At the regular ; monthly meeting of the commissioners Monday- the, fol lowing; business was transacted; -v The t board ,t ordered .that' allr pen sioners living in the eounty ba paid " "-! .'J- ,A t M .An . . ' a l a couwy pension! tao, sameo w charged to the county pension fund. There are 152 tjensiotiers in the coun ty. - ' t i " , -r ' Cancelled coupons - of court ' house bonds totaling SL375 and ?625 on. funding .bonds' were burned, as pres cribed .by law. r':" " The monthly; reports of the Bank of Max! on, county treasurer," Sheriff R. E. Lewis, Dr, E. R. Hardin, county health officer, and Miss : Elizabeth Frye, county welfare officer,,; were ordered filed.' " ',--, i-. ." Thurman ' Hunt now serving a term on the county chain' gang was hired out to Mr. Ira Bullard for' the remainder; of bis term for $($.40, on condition of good behavior ' on', the part at Hunt. - - : L.t The resrular pauper list. was order ed paid. Bill Hunt was placed on the list at $5 the month, J, W. and Lizzie Watts at $5 the month, Mollie . Daw kins at 3 and the monthly allowance of Emelme Howell 'was increased from $7.50 to. $10. , It was ordered that the bills of the list-takers and registrars and poll holders for the various townships be . paid when approved by the; county auditor. 4 1 ' - 1 ' ' All regular bills were ordered paid. The following rebates were allow- ed: Bonson Graham and Forest ' Caulder, poll tax $2 each: .W, H. CONTRACT BUILDING LET FOR J3CHOOL AT PHI LADELPH US Work Was to Begin , Yesterday on - l Replacing Burned "Building First 'y Load of Canteloupes Ice Cream . Supper at Tabor Friday . Night. ' . By W. H.'M. Brown ' - . Buic, July 4. The contract for the new Philadelphus ' high . school build- ing has been let to a contractor at Florence, S. C, and it is understood that work ,will commence tomorrow on the same lot where the old build ing tood before it was burned down last February. past i session. Uiss Murray. , '.arrived m sc. -.raws last saruraay p. ra. , Saturday a. m. Mr. Rob t Murray and his young bride of a few months arrived in our. little town." Dr-- -and Mrs. Murray are quite happy toJiave so many of their "children" - with them for 'once.w rMr.. rRobtV ! bride you. will ' recall, was - JMiss Madge rrttcnett; of Alamance, county, but who i the . time lof their, marriage held a. government position' In Wash ington, which ahe still retains, while her. "better ; half" is. taking lectures at Johns Hopkins hospital, Baltimore Intone more year he will win his de- Kr.r jur.nou airs, murray wui oe here lor a week at least V - t . :WatsnpDuna .Marrlace :-' We are recipant of the followingi announcement: - -'a -i Mr, J. R. Watson and . Mrs. Ada L, Durm announce their marriage on Sunday, the second of July; 1922, in the city of Fayetteville, North Caro lina.; Mr. and Mrs. J. R Watson, at! noma alter July 17tft College street, Clinton, North Carolina. ' iThe t marriage seems to; have' been auitc 'a' surprise" to' their ; numerous irlends, altho' some few of us knew . (Continued on page four.) t-y.jy'-i- . .'- vv,,-., t rag an illness extending nver ten months. Never has a more represen tative crowd of Robeson county peo ple gathered for the funeral of any citizen of the county. . 'Services were conducted at the residence at 4 o'clock by Rev. J. A Hqrnady, pastor of St; Paul Metho dist church, of which deceased was a leading member for many - years, as sisted by Rev. Dr. M. Bradshaw, a former" pastor," now pastor' of ', Me morial church of Durham, the vener able Dr. H; G. HiHand Rev. E. L. Siler, pastor and 'assistant pastor of the Maxton Presbyterian church. In terment was made in Oak Grove cemetery and the grave was convert ed into a veritable mound of flowers, floral offerings of rare design ; and beauty being in such prof usion that they overflowed on t the near-by grave of a relative. The flower bear ers were members of tne rnuatnea cjass of S Paul's Sunday school, Which cuss bad been taught oy tne deceased for the past twenty, years. I Several hymns "were sung at the residence and at the" cemetery by a choir from the church: ' . xne pauDearers were r Honorary Messrs, B. T. Maness, H. F. Carter, P. F Steed. C. H . Whitlock. D. A. Pearce, Ben Barnes, J. C. Curtis, T. O. Evans, members of the board of stewards of St. Paul s; active Messrs T. O. Evans, 'O.' J. CSottingham, J. P. Stansel. H. C. McNair; R. L. McLeod, R. M. -Williams, Grover McDonald, A. J. Steed, all of whom had -been con nected. in a business way with the dew ceased ' V, - U $ : at -Old ForK vetshe tauV-thsfWi pear Mxtaffo September 28, lg62v'son of the late Alexander Mc Kiraion. On October 13, 1SS7. he was united id marriafire ta Mkrs Jennie Lee McKinney, daughter of the late Cap- tern Henry. MCKinnev. who survives with two daughters-Miss.Sallie Lou McKinnon, who on , account - of her fathers' declining health returned last spring on a yearXleave .xf -.absence from - missionary work In China." and MissKatie ,Lee IcKhmoh-and two sons, Messrs. Henry: A. nd Arthur James, all of, whom Hvo in Maxton. Only one other member of the imme diate family survives, brother of de ceased, Mr, A. C .McKinnon of Max ton.. ' f ... For more than a quarter of a cen tury Major . McKinnon, affectionately known to a large circle of friends (Continued on page four). - Fairmont School Bonds SoId.VcU COTTON UACXCT '. Middling cotton is quoted on tne Io ral market to day at 21 1-2 cents th mimmmm .:r,,.r.j pounds. - .;v . $75,000 30-Year SeriaU Sold at $77.- . , , ;63S.79-Mony WiH be Ready, by, 5 w LOCALS NEWS ,15th and . Werk . Will Begin Soon- Officers will be instafled by the Bank Mores Into New Quarters Joes! I. O. O.F. lodge this eveniriar at New Rewdence Completed YiUl i o'clock. AU Odd fellows are anted Statistics. - - ' j By U. V.'Browa Fairmont, July 6 Ths $75,000 Fair mont school bonds were sold here yes terday at a price which' was - very satisfactory. .The bonds were approv ed before being offered for said, this not being done when the bonds were offered for sale after the first elec tion. At the sale yesterday the suc cessful bidder was Mr. H. B. Craven, representing the Hackett Bond Co. of Chicago, who bid $77,658.79. Other bids were as follows Prudden Co., Toledo, Ohio. $76,906; 1st National Bank , of Lumberton, $76,000; Weil Roth & Co - Cincinnati, $76,600:' C, W. McNair, V Co., Chicago, $77,602.- 50; Sidnejr-Spitzer ft Co., - Toledo, 87751. The bonds are 80-year serials, According to authoriative statements, the money will be ready for the dis trict July 15 and work ion the new building will begin as early there after as possible. A meeting Is to be held in the next few: days, when a site will be selected. The county board of' education last" Monday ap proved the issuance of a deed for the old school property to the trustees of the Fairmont school district, and they will receive this In a few days. The trustees seem to think that the new building will be ready for school work by January 1st, 1923. Prof. George M. Bowman of Elk Park has been elected principal of the school for the coming year. Other members of the faculty -who have been elected and accepted to date are: Miss Agnes Ashley, 3rd grade; Mrs. Lonnle Pitt man," 4th; Miss Bertha Currie; 5th; Miss Elmer- Dunn, 6th; Miss Martha BelL domestic science; Miss Mary R. Uomack, English and other subjects. Others . have been elected by 'the board and notified but as yet have not accepted. , . , (Continued on page Five Official Vote Same as Published Monday.- . ' ? , f- .The-official returns of Saturday's primary in the 28 precincts in Robe m were canvassed Tuesday by. the tounty.ljoard of electiontL The Vote was found, to be the same as publish ed m Monday's Robesonian, when the vote by townships - was given. Tne board is composed of - Frank Gough, chairman, E. G. Floyd and J. W. HalL '.. Uf y io oe present, - . . , . s. .. . i Pine camp No. 144. W. O. W.1 will meet at Long Branch Saturday even ing of this week at ft o'rWk ri ' will be tnitatory work. ,.,', - Mr. J. V. Willimnn mnA have moved Into thti bungalow, Carthage road, in . the northern part of town. . ... "The Lost Colony a mmh, picture, win be shown at several ; school houses in Robeson by the com. munity service department of th 6Ute Board of Education. M's Martha Flax Andrews, home demonstration agent for Robeson will deliver two lectures and eonduct two demonstrations on nutrition at Liiesvllle, Anson county, tomorrow. Mr. A. S. Pittmancarrier on R. Df from Lumberton, returned 5lMd Bht from Shelb hro h attended tha annual meeting of the State Letter Carriers association, --Mr. j; Jj haw 0f Lumber Bridge was a Lumberton visitor Mon- Z. ttrnoon ? y that th boll weevil has made Its appearance on Poetically all the farmi te tnate tion. ' . .i . , . t dditi to the water line ex tension mentioned in Mnnriv'. pk lnn. the town commissioners hart uwiue to extena the- line on th Carthage road from the McMillan property p the town limit. Mrand Mrs. Rossie B. Britt re turned 'Tueidty niht from M county, where they spent? a few days ..bihjir rewuTea. sar. Kritt reports unusually dry weather in Moore, the crops being parched fn many fielda,, . Some improvements are being made in the Interior of. R n rM. well A (Son's department, store. A partition wall which baa divided the dry goods and millinery departments being removed, which will place these two departments in one. Thetime' for the First Baptist . church Baraca class picnic was post poned from last evening until tomor row (Friday) evening at 6 o'clock and the place changed from lha. Coat dub grounds to Jennings beach. All mem bers of the class are requested to be on hand. ' " - . , Hope for . Speedy Settleaeat -ef Strike.' 'V. h Chkago, July 5 (By the Associat ed Press.) -Hope for the speedy set tlement of the country-wide strike of the railway .shopmen was seen ' to night in statements issued by Ben W. Hooper, chairman of the United States Railroad, Labor Board, and B. M. Jewell, leader of the shop crafts, who ordered the walkout. V 1 -4 RECORDER'S , COURT Several Cases Aired Before Recorder tt- Fuller Alex - Thames Bound ' Over . to Higher Court - on : Charge of ;;JTheft J. Auto,V . ;: , " The following cases were aired be ... iiura Aecu nipr . i iji v m n. ' nniwp. winn. k reuruaii. , . , , - , - - 1 1 , . . " . ---- air. j. a uncnrist.is me iirst onei i : . to shin cantelounes from Buie this!: Ale Thames, larceny of, auto be PROMINENT CITIZEN OF ROBESON PASSES season,' having shipped -this morning Prevatt "are' spending the week-end at "Lake iWaccamaw j I j An ice cream supper is to be held at Mt ,Tabpr, schools hopse Friday The fFourth in ' Lumberton, tu T While, there Casino celebration in Lumberton Tuesday, the Fourth was generally:. ; observed . by , Lumberton people as a holiday..' Practically all places of business were closed during the day," which passed 'off" quietly. Many local people spent the day at Lake ' Wac'camaw, White - Lake and other" resorts. -The ball, game in the afternoon between - Lumberton - and Raeford - was 'witnessed ; by va- large. 1 crowd, many , out-of-town people" be ing nere ior me game. ., , Robeson Man Again Heads Rural Car' ,. riera. - -4 -' - ' ; Mr. C. H. Howard of St. Pauls was re-elected president of the -North Carolina Rural ' Letter' Carriers asso piation at the 18th annual convention which adjourned at Shelby the second This -is said to haye been , the l second largest convention of carriers :that ever assembled in North Carolinsu ; . Britt, Maxton, on $5,665 property, (error) $3&85; Reaves Mfg. Co., Or rum, on $14,700, property (error), $102.90. . ,. . ... longing to Mr. I. M.', Barker; - bound "over to Superior court under a $1,- uuu pona, in default of which he was remanded to JaiL t - Dave McDowell: colored: tried un der a capias for failure to appear as a' witnessf taxed with the eosh, v Ang. Jacob!, bastardy. It appearing- thai the' defendant had comprom ised the case with the plaintiff, he was let off with paying- the cost of the action. .-. .-,. - Joe McNair, Charlie, Archie and Lester Houston, Jerry and Hezzie Mc Laurin and 4 Harrison Rogers, all colored, vagrancy. Charlie Houston was found guilty and : taxed with the cost;Jerry McLaunn and Joe Mc Nair. were found guilty,' judgment be mg 'contmued, hile , Uie other de f endahtswere found not guilty,' v - John Floyd plead euilty of speed ing before .Assistant ; Recorder - L. J. Britt yesterday and .was taxed with thd eost' ,v -'-' Mri and Mrs. Frank -Nash and small ; daughter, -Roberta" Kate,- left early yesterday morning t for their home at Rosemary, .Mrs. Nash and daughter having spent some time here at the home of her mother, Mrs. G. B. McLeod. They made the trip across country,. , t . . , i . V-1 P t ., : : 'A.. , v i V ; 1 I'' ... t k i;' J' tV-M-i-Ma"asMaa---aiaiMMiii" , . , . ; . 1 - i- - ., " ' - ' 1 - ' i S ' . . - . Dr. G. M. Pate of ' Raynbam among the visitors in town today. is Maior McKinnon died at his home m Maxton Tuesday.-The funeral yester day was attended by one of the laTget and iu?tt representaiiv crowds of citizens of this and near-by counties' vht Robeson. , Prof. W. B. Crumpton, Jr., re-' centhr elected fUDerintendent. of the LLumberton acbools, and family re turned Tuesday, from Onslow county, where they spent 18idaya-. Prof. Crumpton has pot yet secured a reel, dence and he and his f family are stopping at the Lorraine hotel for the present. , . " , ' " f ( " The Judson B. Y. PU, of the First Baptist, church has postponed the date of Its picnic from Friday, July 7, to Friday, . July 14. The date ., was postponed' because of the "fact that the Baraca class of this church-' will hold m. nfarnift it Jmnlnvt hcarh Mr. "Arch. McNeill of Rennert was I tomorrow (Friday) evening it 9 , iuraoenon visuor yesieraay. ,.;. six appiicaiions ior -pensions-were passed upon and approved by the county pension board at its meeting here last Monday. The board is com posed of W. H. Graham; chairman; C. B. Skipper, secretary; Rev. F.'A. Pre vatt and W. J. Currie.' The board - .'will meet again the first Monday in August. , , 1. Mr. George Kunkel, supreme de puty commander of the Maccabees, will "address .members of Lumbee tent No. Iff at the Tegular review Fri t day evening at 8 o'clock. All Macea (bees are urged to be present Mr.' 1 Kunkel has been hi Lumberton for several days doing some special work for the order. . Mr, J. C. Snoddy, Jr., postmaster of Red Springs, is recovering from a recent third amputation of his right ' leg made necessary by a wound re ceived during the war. This time the leg. had to be amputated ; above, the knee. Mr. Snoddywaa . a member ef -the 80th s division' and was wounded during the last days of the war, be- ' fore he was 19 years old. He j is , m a government hospital in Washington, Misses Wilma and Margaret Dur ham will leave this evening for New I York, where they 'will attend a 6 ' weeks' summer ' school at Columbia ; university. They will be accompan ied by their father, Dr. Chas. H. ' Durham, pastor of the First 'Baptist church, and there will be no preach- ing services at this church next Sun day.' Dr. Durham, expects to return home next week. He will preach at Back Swamp Baptist church Satur day and Sunday, July 15 and 16, in stead of " next Saturday and Sunday his regular appointments. . Dr. T. A. Norment and Mr. A. H. Iseley are the local players who entered the chess and checkers tourn ament at Maxton Tuesday. Mr. Iseley played Mr. B. C. McNair of Maxton president of the State association and former State champion; to a draw in the first game of chess. Dr., K. A. Kirksey of Hope Mills won the State championship, from- Mr. McNair,- A. M. McKinnon of Maxton coming sec ond and A. M. Myrover of Fayette ville third.' The attendance was -rood. funeral in the contest being held on the grounds ever attended a

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