, KSTAEUSSTD 1871- eC.'SLS.COPj: FIVE CipvTS: COUNTRY, CCD AND TRUTH. $2.99 A TEAS. DUE CI ADVAKC3 LUIIBE2T0IT, N.JX, TITUDiY. JULY 13. lfc22 nuirnni'44 lf. ir 'j 1 . V .... it. s ' " ' Blue Bank of Fairmont Official Goes Free Upon AtreementThat Misappropri ated Funda .Are to b-r Refunded Brittian Uekler ;MordeT; Trial Set - for t't tomorrow Many: Case :- Through the MilL ;-4:44 44' Robeson.' Superior court v for the trial -of criminal cases convenes Tues day; at 9:30 .-iii.-'?with..Judge"'W'iM. ' Bond of ; Edentdn presiding:. Aa was stated in Monday's Robesonian, court was scheduled' to. open Monday, butj Judge Bond missed his ' train at Wil mington and ; did mot reach Lumber ton until Monday evening. . Mr. L.t E. Hughea was named as fflrematti of the grand-jury and Mr. E -McQ. Rowan as officer. On account of .be ing a day late in opening court, Judge Bond did not deliver the, usual charge to the grand-jury. After v the juries ' had been empanneled , Judge " Bond paused for a moment to pay tribute. to the memory of the late G. B. Patter son of the Robeson bar, who died since Judge Bond held his last term of court in. the county. v - t, . t The trial of Brittian Locklear, In dian, charged with killing MaOissa Graham, Indian -girl, "has been set for tomorrow and a special venire of 60 men has been summoned from which to select a jury. , .; ( Blue Case Compromised , H. L. Blue," Jr., , charged with em bezzlement ' of around 15,000 from the Bank of Fairmont, while; an of ficer of ' said bank, offered ; a ; plea of guiltyV?Urjqhnhe. Commendation of the solicitor, council for the' pri vate prosecution, the ' directors and receiver of the bank, prayer for judg. ment was continued for J8 months upon payment of the cost of the ac tion. Under the agreement; of those concerned Blue is to oar to tha bank the money "which he was charged with! misappropriating and ; also for the audit of the bank's books. Blue who had been in the county Jail for 64 days, waa released late yesterday af ternoon after the case had been dis posed of by the court. 1 Other cases, disposed of during thej term so zar are as iouowsj;,. Andrew ' Bethea, larceny, plead "2JJ J Wthi on jtha toada Clie Lewis,' assault ... with deadly weapon plead guilty; judgment con-H unuea ior ijciontns upon payment of cost. , ' . , , Boney Burns, disposing of mortga ged property, pMadj guilty; continu ed upon payment of cost. Will Ward,, Harlef .Benton; Tony Ward Barley ' Benton, Clarence Tay lor, Madr Suggs; trespass, Will Ward and Harley , Benton plead guilty and judgment was -Continued for 12 months upon payment of cost. Nol pros' as to the other. . - C. C. Webb,' criminal knowledge of a lemaie child; judgment 'continued upon payment .of, cost. ' v J P.- Powers, carrying concealed weapons. . assault ' with v deadly weapon and nuisance, , plead guilty; judgment continued upon payment of cost. -', Heck Blanks and Porter McKav 1 - .1. f 1 M am larceny ox coiCKens: Blanks Dfead guilty, taxed with the cost and re-1 handbag found in water near Lumber quired to pay Quitman Meares $10ton recently was sent to a brother of ior cnicxens stolen. McKay was found guilty by the jury and sentenced to 45 days on -the. roads. ' 4 ,: .v Allen M. Hayes : vs. Catharine 'A. Hayes; divorce granted . - f A M., D. a; E., S., H. J' arid Lon nie Davis and B. .M. - Cox all manu facturing; s whiskey ; . A. M. Davis was sentenced to 8 months on the roada. all the other defendants fined $25 each and one-fifth of the cost. : Will and Webster Lewis. ., nunlt with deadly weapon;" plead follty judgment continued upon pymeht.tof 0VU. n Wesley Davis, "removing crop: not guilty. ..... I. J.s Qdum, ; ft caixying - concealed ortfh. tint Alw . weapons, .assault with- deadly weapon,- , pieaa guiny; sentenced to months on the roads in the assault case, judg-' ment continued In the other. . : , Frank v- Johnion,4- house-treaktog, plead guilty r 3 months, on the roads. ' Jesse McRaer: 'store-breaking; 2 years on the .roads, ''W- John, Leggett, f ssault with'deadly weapon and TTesisting. officer,1' plead guilty; 11 months on the -road.' David Rhodes, foreerv fSfharMai six months on ,tto toad in eaeh case xowi .ao nionins, - ..r. 'i.,..--. . : ; Iter. declared that no conferences i Henry Clapman, store-breaking andtingent upon the abandonment ,of iarceujr, xt, muuu .n ine roauS. Leonard Watts, ioUse-breaking; 4 :.vc BUT A ROAD SENTENCE IS A HORSE OF ANOTHER .COLOR lack Hall Appeals to Higher Court When He Finds 4 'Months Were to be Spent on Roads and Not in JaiL Jack Hall of Lumber Bridge, who recently was sentenced to 4 months on the roads by Recorder Jno. S. But ler of St; Pauls on the charge of hav ing too much whiskey in iiis posses sion, later decided to appeal and Mon day was released from the county jail under a $300 bond. Hall did not appeal at the time of the trial and stated Monday that he thought the sentence meant that he would spend 4 months in jail and not en the roads. When he learned that the sentence called for 4 months labor on the public roads, le decided to appeal mt : Tax Levy 71 Cents ; Ori$lC5yaluatiph County Commission Fix Levy for 1922-One Cent More , Than Last : YearHow the Levy is Divided. :yt , .The total general State and county tax levy , in Robeson "county, -for, the year 1922 will be 71 , cents on the $100 valuation as compared with 70 cents last year The levy was made up - Monday ' by th'e county commis sioners. The levy ' is . divided J as fol-; lows : :. i;S ': "' x ! , v i . V. . ;,; ?.':.U Vrenerai scnooi lax, sn cenis; scnooi building fund, 6 cents; general county tax, 14 cents; general , roaa tax, cents ; bridge tax, 3 cents ; court house and funding bonds,:. 2 1 cents; Confederate pension tax, 2 cents .total 71 cents. PoB tax will be the same as last year2. . .y-'W, he ' levy of 70 cents on the $100 valuation f br the year ,1921 was divi ded as follows: .. County schools,- 40 cents; general county funds, 10 cents; bridge, fund, 3 cents; road bond in terest," 7 1-2 cents; general road funds, 7 1-? cents; court house bonds, 1 cent; T pensions,) l cent total 70 cents. r . , ' ' ,' ' - . ,,-..-: Vhere to Find; Tobacco Expert Mr. Harris Will Meet Farmers at St. ' Pauls 'and Fairmont! Next Week- He Shows How to Prepare Tobacco "tfor Market Under" New Regula tions. - ' . ' Mr. H. G. Harris of the State De partment of Agriculture, ; who is 'to the county . instructing . tobacco farm ers how, to prepare their tobacco for market, will meet the farmers at St Paula Monday, Tuesday and. Wednes day mornings of next week.? Thurs day,. Friday , . and . Saturday : . "of next week . . he will , meet with the ' farmers . at Fairmont and v give v instruction.- -to . ; : how ttf'(tie and gTade tobacco for market The mornines will be spent' in con- suitation' with farmers in the towns named and' the "afternoons ?wilirbe spent in visiting the farms and barns. K." R. SHEPARD HERETO Hi VESTIGATB MYSTERIOUS 1 DISi APPEARANCE .OF HER HUSBAND. ' " 1 ,i. i ' i She Has -No Clu But Feels Sure Her Husband Was Murdered j and v is Anxious to Locate Body. - Mrs E. R, Shepard and 5-year-old son, Jack, arrived here this morning from their home at Putsiey,r Ga. Mrs. Shepard came, here for the purpose of tying"to find some clue that will clear up the mystery surrounding the sudden disappearance of her husband, whose abandoned car was found in a ditch- besjde sth; Wildcat highway,, nnn mfle''. uniith V Lomberton. f on April. lJ?MKSHcpsay he has o informafien ;trtha:t X thwwsatit1ighf whatever on the disappearance ox .her husband, and she feels sure that nf was killed and is anxious to locate the body. f ji-' '' -As has been stated in The,.', Robe. soman, all efforts to locate tne miss MM MA An riv Mr. Shepard at Decatur, Ga.; , ; by Sheriff R. E. Lewis f of purpose of determining whether or not ; it be longed to the ; missing man. Sheriff Lewis has not yet had time to hear from Mr. Shepard. ' RAILWAY EXECUTIVE REFUSE TO MEET HEAD OF STRIKERS Declare Issue is Not One Carriers '". mil' SknmnMi Cm AHIlMlLT i ' . ' Chicago; July 12-Av flat refusal ita meet with B. M. JewelL head of roeace oroDosals mgnt. otrairway executives to a pro- I posal made by Ben.W. Hooper, chair " ' , i . t J TU J m man of the : united ; sutes railroad labor board, ' i' :V?-ti-i . In a letter to Mr. Hooper,-the ex ecutives declared that "the issue rais ed is ' not one " for consideration be tween .the carrier? and the represen tatives of the organised r crafts on strike except " through the' further orderly prooess before the United States railroad labor;iboard.,JJs : - . Asserting that the strike was a re fusal to accept the results of the ar- ' bitration of the labor, boaf d, the let- con- the decision of the board was permissi ble nor tolerable, because ' 1 .- would place the carriers participating there in in apparent cooperation with those on strike In seeking to find means to subvert -the :. decision ; of ' the labor board." ' .: '-' :XC The letter added, however; that "i prompt recall of therstrike order would permit the resumption of form. er methods of conferences and per mit the Consideration of any matters which representatives of employes might desire to submit." Recorder's Court. t ; . v k. ,: Only three cases have been aired before Recorder David H. Fuller this week. These were: r . James Regan and Travis' Bass, Jr., affray; . judgment . suspended ; upon payment of cost. . . - Rufus MeKellar, colored, fined one- i . . 1 . . ... . i . v a 1 nau cost on tne cnarge oi oemg otuuk on the streets of Lumberton. ,: .: 116 Aifrccd 5h j ci School Buildmrr ;5' Acres' Valuable Property in West ern Fart or Town Selected for 75, s 000 . School . Building -Fairmont : Drag Co. Goea-Into' Hands ofRe : ceiver Other Fairmont News. . By'H.;V; Brown - ; ; Fairmont,. July ii3irAp agreement hae been : made between the trusaees of; the Fairmont high school and Mr. A. J. Floyd-for the purchase of a site for the- new, $75,000 ' school building, Thebonds for this building were sold very profitably last week. The site that ' has been asnreed noon includes fiveacres of very valuable property,! located in the western part of town and better described as follows: Be ginning at the corner of ..Trinitjr and wna streets, runs west to the corner of Iona and Pittman streets: thence north to a point parallel E. Fisher's lipejf thence east to Trinity street and from that point as Trinity street to Iona and .Trinity, the, beginnings cor ner.. This property contains a little more than five acres clear of streets which, will be opened later. Pittman street will be opened from ft . Iona street north," Continuing parellel the tcuvui . yrvjjeriy , auu possiDiy on IO and-s' throurh' North r Fairmont. The consideration is said to be $10,000. The old school property will be sold as soon as possible three, good offers already having been '5 received. The money derived from the sale of the old property is" to be used in navine for the new property and necessary improvements. Just when the actual work on the building will be beeun has not been announced yet, but sev-f erai contractors and architects have oeen before the, board, of (trustees regarding the erection. f r :i (ir v Receiver for Drag Company The Fairmont Drusr Co. went intn the. hands of ' a receiver last Satur day, T.C. Mcllh en ny as plaintiff and n. ju jBiue oetenuant. Mr. G. r W. Thompson has been duly .appointed temporary receiver and will probably be madev permanent receiver.1 . after which,time he will sell the stock, fix;- tures ana other assets of the i com pany. Messrs.? T.i C.! Mcllhenny and IL" I Blue have been conductinor busi- neas under partnership , an tieing sameea as aimetir utug tx:' This is the -second drug store to fall into hands of a receiver here' in th4 last being the first, and which was 'sold to Grantham 4k Co, .who, are now do ing business in the same place. "lae Lest Cotony" Picture An educational Picture in five reels. The Ldst Colony",, ill be given In tne;. raurmont school auditorium Fri day, night under the auspices of the North Carolina Department of Edu cation. This picture Jias been ' shown inmost of the important towns and cities -of the state and no doubt will brf ' seen here; by a v large crowd. A small admission fee is charged. The picture is a true drama of the early settlers of North Carolina, . , Mr. Simp-son secretary ana treasur er of the MA H.: King- Drug Co. of Raleigh, was a business visitor here Wednesday. , , Rev. B. E. Stanfied and son John of Joesboro spent Wednesdav here and atMarietU. Mr. Stanfield assist. ed Mr. TraWick in the funeral servi ces of Mr. Sam Oliver,5 of .Marietta, wuy ujeu mere luesday, ' 1 . : Woman's AuxflUrv of A. L. A meeting of all the sisters, mo- thert, daughters and-wives of ex- service men has been called ior next Tuesday afternoon at the home of Mrs E.-J. Chambers on Iona street The purpose of the meeting is to or ganize a woman's , auxiliary - of the American Legion. All over the state and, nation such organizations are be. in f ascpmpleted ind it, is a very gron ana xo tnrmsaoiea veterans. Any American. Legion post that ;doev not liave an auxiliary is oalled by the na- twnai department- 'TbaeheloT post", and ihe -local post' Is proud of the fact "that it will not be single very long now, " , v, -; Fairmont . alone is furnishing Lom berton with a large' number of visi tors. thls week; Several iare witnesses ia toe esses oemg inea in court 'there this -week and som are defndAnttL Much intrest is being noted in the vo . mj. joiuo, who nas spem thf last' three ihonths in iail on the charge ' of embezzlementj '.Besides many husiness -visitors, a .large num ber have spent some: time in Lumber- - Fine Peach Orchard s t Some of thevnicese' peaches grown anhere can : beT. found growing in the orchards of Mh J. A. Floyd few miles' east " of . herei- Representatives of , the i North Carolina Department of Agriculture called on Mr. Floyd this week regarding his! orchard, and found it to be one of the" best brchards in the state. - , - . , - Mis Elsie Pugh ; will entertain a few of her friends next Thursday night at heri home' in the northern paft of ; town - in honor i of her 16th birthday. Miss Pugh has a host of friends here who no doubt look on this social ' function as one of the best of the 'season. ' The ; death of Mr. Sam OliveT of Marietta came as a surprise to Fair mont people- Tuesday. Mr. Oliver was well known ' in - this community and (Continued on Page Five c Chwpion JS till Cap- turer ;of ; Robeson Rural Policema' W- W Smith CaUed Jt a Week After Capturing .3. Stills and One Man and Destroying 1,000 .Gallons Beer Just , an Average ' Weekv Too. Rural Policeman ; W. W. Smith of Maxton is the. champion stilli:apturer of Kobeson county, He captured three stills -last .week, destroyed nearly . 1, 000 gallons of , "beer" and arrested one man, who is now in iaiUThat was not an unusual "big week" with Officer- Smith,' as indicated by previous reports in . thie paper .of .his activities. f The. first still was V; captured t ' on Wednesday, . the ; still being found in the Creek swamp, near Harper's Fer ry bridge. This was a 60-gallon out fit, .made of a' gasoline drum, with a Copper cap ahd worm. Nine barrels of beef foundjabOut the still were poured out. ' Policeman Smith was accom panied, on this raid by Federal Prohi bition Agent Jim Clifton. The owners were absent and' no arrest has .yet been made. -. :.. . f - v-'j On the following day Officer Smith, accompanied by, Mr. .Geo.; Willard, captured two , smaller stills one in a bay on the farm of Mr. G. B. Sellers and the other in a bay on the farm of Mr. John Sellers, .William Eppes, In dian, who Uvea about 100 yards from the still found on Mr. G. B. Sellers' farm, was arrested and is hi jail here. A path led from Eppes home to the still, according to policeman Smith, who was a Lumberton .visitor yesterday. Two barrels of beer were found at each of these stills. - .. " ' : : FUNERAL MRS. ELIZA FULLER. Large. Crowd Attended Services 'at Residence of Mr. and Mrs., A. E. 1 White and at Meadow-Brook 'Ceme tery Many BeauOf ul Floral Offer- .?iagsw..i.;';v - 4;;-;-' ' 4 iSirK 1 The funeral of Mrs, Eliza Rowland Filler, xwhose death Sunday night was mentionedT in "Monday's Robesonian, was conducted ' Tuesday ; morning at 10:30 o'clock from' the residence of Mr. and Mr ; A.- E. : White. Eighth street and Elizabeth road, , son-in-law and : daughter of deceased. Services wcondaotidiy ReWJPiw B-rSVCaa 4 nun, v pastor of uvhestunt .street Methodist church, of which . deceased jhad - for, many . years been devoted member. A large crowd attended the services ' at the house . and , followed the remain to Meadow-Brook ceme- . . 1 . . t . ' J 'V ft izrjt wnere mermen was maae. sev eral selections were sung at the house and at the firrave by a choir compos ed of -Mrs. C. fl. Boyd nd her sister Mrs. F. E. Wilsop. of Gaffney, S. C, Mrs. R. E.. Lewis, Mr E.w. Dunham and Mr. Frank Gough. Manyfloral of f enngs , covered . the grave, among them . being many designs of rare beauty.. - The pallbearers were: honorary Dr. J. P. Brown of Fairmont, Messrs. W; H. Humphrey, C. B. Townsend, L. T.iTbwnsend, G. M,- Whitfield, W. J. DuBois; active Messrs. , K. M, Barnes, H., M. McAllister, Jno. D. Mc Millan, T. A. Nornjent,' Gerald Pitt-, man, J. A. Sharpe. v Among the out-of-town people here for the funeral were: Mr. Augustus S,: Puller, only son of deceased, and his 'daughters; Misses Ellen, Mabel and Willie ' Fuller, of Statesville; Mrs. George Entwistle, Misses Mary Entwistle, Octavia Scales,-, May, Eleanor and Faith Covington and Mr. George Entwistle, all of Rockingham; Mr. and Mrs. A S. Thompson, Mrs. Francis Jones and Mr. Oscar Pittman, of Fairmont. .T '''r ,'-,:". MR. SAM OLIVER PASSES WeiLKnown Citizen. Died tSuddealy Tuesday at His: Home at Marietta Funeral t Yesterday . ' Attended by Mr.. Sam M. ..Oliver, . .well-known Robeson citizen, died suddenly, Tues day at noon at his home in Marietta. Deceased was about 61 years old and is survived by bis wife and several brothers and sisters. Vi The funeral, which was conducted .from the home yesterday at 4.p. m., was. attended by one of the largest crowds that ever attended a funerrftv the south ern part of the ieountyThose attend injr the funeral -from Lumberton were Jlr. and Mrs. -Fred VL, Townsend, Messrs..T.-A. McNeill and-Ira i B. Townsend. People from, all sections of Robeson and many from Columbus county and from South Carolina and Georgia attended the funeral, which was conducted by Rev. B. E. Stan field, former pastor!.. Olivet Metho dist, church, Marietta, , assisted v. by Rew.- Mr. . Traywick,' priseirt, pastor of this church. Interment was made in the Olivet cemetery and the grave was banked high with beautiful floral offermgs.?;-44.",r ,v -p , -4 Mr. Oliver was a big-hearted man, whose kind and genial disposition won for him the friendship of all with whom he came ip contact.;; He will be missed in hjs community. . ... . ...... . . . 4 Mr. J. L.; McNeill of the Phila delphus section, who is a Lumberton visitor today, says that, boll weevils do not ' seem to be '. as plentiful , in cotton fields that he has seen and heard from -as they were earlier in the season. .4 . V - ' St Paub v News Letter Sunday School Oaas and Christian Endedvorers1 Picnic Reception in Honor of Mrs. Robt. M array , otruiaaj , -nj Other Items. " By Bess G. Johnson St Pauls. July 11 This warm J-uly morn makes us want to quote with S. H. Swett When the heat like a mist veil floats And popples Jlame in the rye, And the; silver note in the stream let's throat. Has softened almost to a sigh, it is July.T . :.:4ji y;4 1 v- Mr. Alex. Mabry of Ridgeway, ne phew, of Mrs. J. A. McGeacby ar rived in town last Friday p. nu and will , be a guest in the " " McGeacby home this week. ' ' .. On last Thursday afternoon Mrs. Walter D. Johnson ; took her S. S. class' of girls over to .Odom's pond, where they enjoyed a nice little pic nic supper. The young bunch report a. "great": time. 4,43-4 r- P On the same afternoon the larger ones who belong to the senior C E. society went over to Ardulussa Ior a little outing, taking j with' them regular picnic lunches which , made the evening "one of pleasure." Mr. and Mrs.; Robt. Murray- went along as chaperons. Mr. and Mrs. Murray, who spent ;a week' here left us yes terday, returning to wasnmgton. ? i In Honor of Mrs. Robt Murray ' 4 On . last 4; Friday afternoon the Presbyterian manse was the scene of attractiveness when Mrs. E. C. Mur ray gave a reception from 6 to 7, in honor of her daughter-in-law Mrs. Robt. Murray, who came into the family some few .months ago. This was one of the most enjoyable events .a fil. . , a. . - 01 xne season. 1 119 tuei were . re . f iJ. i a. a.t - J HsT J. . ' :v ceived at the door by Mesdames S. M. Davis and T. u Nortnrop, who showed them to the receiving line, which was composed of Mesdames E. C. Murray, Robt. Murray, Miss Flor ence Murray,' Mesdames J. A. Mc Geacby, F. C Shotwell and Miss Sal lie Hughes: In the hall were Mrs. J. 'A. Johnson and Delia McGoogan. who hsd the way to-the dining room. wnicn was very uiaieiuuy uecia with TwstUTslans'and green leaves and where Mesdames. J. F. Nash and I t Grantham most giacef ully presid ed over the punch bowl After par taking., of this delicious punch each guest was ushered into the 'study' when. Mesdames W. D. Johnson and N.NA. McEachern ana Ulu PearU Evans were receiving. Miss ; Evanl havinsr charee of the Vlctrola, where very beautiful selections were being rendered. In passing thru' tne naus and on "out again," we couldn't help but admire the beautiful decorations of potted - plants and large yellow black-eyed daisies;: About 65 guests called during the evening. Little Miss Sarah Currie of Park- ton has been visiting in the home of her uncle Mr; A. B. Johnson the past few days. She is a daughter of Dr. arid- Mrs. D. S. Currie of bur neigh- boring littie town of Parkton. Her father and mother werealso visitors; in the Johnson hdme, last Saturday j evening. 4 4 j wrs. uucy iau oi ayetievuie , spent the day recently at the home of Mrs. S. M. Davis. Mrs. Emmitt Davis, of Glengary also spent a . few days last week in the Dans home here. Miss Addie Blue .accepted a posi tion with C. R. Hester a few weeks ago. We all wish her much success in her new vacation.. .,;,4,:". ' Mr. I L Grantham went over to Charlotte ' yesterday. -Mrs. F. ' C Shotwell ' has been in town the past few weeks. 'She came here to' join her husband, who came here . some time ago.' Mr. , Shotwell has charge this season of' the Farmer's coopera- Ltive -Tobacco marketing association and St. Pauls is very , glad to have them in their midst 44 " ! v Our dear little nieces Misses . An nie "and. Gertrude Brown, who have been in our home the past week, will leave '- us tomorrow . for. their home. Cumnock. -We shall miss them very, very much; but such is life," They came here on July 3rd. Part of the time, a few days, of course had to be divided with relatives at Red Springs and Philadelphus. Mrs. R. G. Rosier and children are vistting be people at Linden. Mr. and m W. J. Guiton and son and daughter,-Mr. Alex 'and Miss Christine, are making plans to attend a family reunion at Mr. Guitons old home near Rockfish Thursday. We hope the day will prove very pleas ant to an. , . : ; : : 4 Mr. and Mrs. Jk A. McGeacby went out to see their aunt Mrs. Kate Buie, near Philadelphus, Monday afternoon, Sunday p. m. they went over to Lum ber Bridge to " attend the funeral of Mr. Elias Davis, an aged citizen of that town, 03 years old, who was buried there that afternoon. .The passing away, of Maj. A J. McKinnon known from "boyhood" as "Sandy" McKinnon was indeed sad but sometimes the very ones who seem to us to be so very important are the, ones who have to leave us. He was a man who was widely known over the state and whose friends were numbered by his acquaintances. Was a special friend of our townsman Mr. A. R. McEachern. Among those from here who attended the funeral were. a - COTTOK , UktSLBS . " - Middling.' cotton ia quoted on the 1 market wamj n. CCOIS UO pound. - - ". " BRIEF ITEMS OF LOCALS NEWS 1 , Born, Tuesday morning, 'at the uaser aanatorimn. to Mr: and Wn. Edward Knox Proctor of Chadbourn, a son. - ' , , . Mr.' Furman Biggs :went Monday night to, Wilmington to attend a Masonic meeting at which raectinr ha win take degrees in Masonry. 4 . aaruruay July lo last day for paying light and water bills. Those' who put it off until Monday re re quested to add $1 to their bilL t Regular r ; meeting Lumberton chapter No. 116 O. E. S. will be held in the Masonic hall at 8 o'clock this evening. AH members are requested- to be present, ' ' .' ' Members of Lumbee tent No. 18; Maccabees, will be served with water melon after the regular review Fri day evening. All Maccabees are urged to be present: .1' ' 4: A collie dog- belonging to Mr. G. Badger McLeod was shot and killed Tuesday afternoon by Policeman Vance McGill. Mr. McLeod asked Mr. McGill to kiir the dog, which was acting strangely. ;; v: -, Six white persons and one Indian -took the teachers' examinations here Tuesday - and ; yeiUrday. i The examination was conducted by Prof. J. 4 R." Poole," county superintendent of publie instructioh. : r H ' The dondition of Mr. W. W. Car lyle, who went last Friday to the Hy geia hospital, Richmond, Va for treatment, is ' reported as improving. . He, was accompanied jto Richmond by his son, Mr. F. Ertel Carlyle, who re turned home Sunday. - , , , Mr. O. O. Dukes, county 't farm demonstrator of Robeson, went Tues day to Wrightsville Beach to attend a meeting of the Jarm agenta of the State. The meeting opened yesterday and lasts through Friday. Mr. A W. McLean of Lumberton addressed the meeting yesterday. , 4. ' t-The regulaf monthly meeting of the Robeson i County Medical -society was held in the municipal buildino; , here yesterday afternoon. A paper on arsenate lead poisoning by Dr. E. L.4. , Bowman' oi McDonAld was discossai. by the members' present. ' f-. v.; . .Dr. u. E. Moorehouse,, pastor or the : Presbyterian church, left last evening forSL Louis, Mo where he will spend 3-weeks' racatfanv He will be iolned in St. JLouls by Mrs. Moorehoraelukl their daughter, Miss t Christabel iloorehouse, who have been in Chicago for some time. :f' Mrf. G. Lewis, and small son, Eugene, arrive thi morning from -Albany, Abju, to Join Mr. Lewis, who has been ; employed as operator In -the local office of the Western Union Telegraph , ; Co. ; for several weeks. Mr. Lewis and family will board at, the home of Mr; and Mrs. M. A. Odum, Cedar-street. -v vv,- r; County Auditor K ' V. 5 G Wish- . . art says he is making every t effort possible to get the town clock (the clock in the dome of the court house) to run again. As has been stated in The Robesonian, a broken part of the clock was sent to. the factory some three weeks ago and it has not yet oeen returneo. t Mr. and Mrs. Harry Greene and little son, James Worthy, left Tues-. day for Raeford, a "phone message -announcing the serious condition of Mrs. Green's mother. They went by way of Fayetteville to see Mrs. John ston, who is at Highsmith's hospital. A. message to Mrs. J. A. Green last night stated Mrs. Johnston was operated on yesterday for gallstones and complications and. that her con dition was favorable. 4; , V Mr. Cv E. Morga pi B.1 -Marietta, and Mr.'J. M. Pitman of R. 1, Fair mont,.' ara serving on the .jury here this week I :, -V .-4,44." 'V. Messrs. 1 McEachern, W. D.' Johnson, Jai. A Johnson, I A. McGeachy and Locke. Mclnnis. 4,44' 4- A number of little folks gathered at the home of Mrs. S. M. Davis last Saturday afternoon, the occasion be ing little Nita Montague's birthday. She is - the little daughter of Mrs. P. M. Montague, Mrs. Davis' daugh ter, who has - been visiting her par ents, Mr. and Mrs. S. M. Davis, 01 our town. . . . r.4-: ..'--'i Mr. Carl IL Howard was re-elected president at the '19tn annual conven tion of. rural letter carriers : which met at Shelby Dn th Fourth. This was said to be one of the 2nd largest meetings of the . rural carriers ever held, there being approximately over 200 carriers present. - The woman's drib. Instead of meet. ins; in the club room, will meet at the home of Mrs. L. Shaw on Thursday afternoon of this week. The meeting will ' be a social one with a special program which is being- planned.!' Mesdames. T. L Northrop, J. C. Lindsay, Joe Sugar and N. A Mc Eachern spent last Friday" a. m. in the city of Fayetteville. Mrs. EHas Johnson of Lincolnton, who was visit- -irig her people here, has been a pa tient in a hospital in Fayetteville the past few days. Her mother, Mrs. J. M. Butler, has also been patient in a hospital in Fayetteville the last few weeks. Their many friends hope they will both soon prove convales cent , ; .- - '4,,'. V ..., f

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