nnir; C3TAELZ32SD 187a. EINGL3 CO FT FIYB C2NT& COUNTRY, CCD JLIID TRUTH. I2.C3 A TEAS. DUE d ADVATC3 LTJIIBElTOi?, itO. 0in)A7, JTJtY 17, 1822. i - . - . . -- - - - - 4 Ed r.:r.!:i r.:tr7ifc And;.; HomS'Twy Occa atWaei. w;tk Shooter, Father of Miideredl WoWTw(ii;phoii'4ii?'Bldk Succession Sent Biillet Through Head of Each, MABft HAD MADE THREATS THAT HE WOULD KILL.WJFE AND pEL Mabe Arrired Here U Nifht Ftoih ? Home in MorKanton to yit ick Wife and Seemed Pleased at net; , Improvement InvTalk,Wtk; HerJ Father Just Before the Crime Me Said Too Many Murdere Were. Be- - in. " rnminltto1-lTIad 'Note'" in Pocket Thei: Showing That Deed Had Been Planned "Because He Lored Her, He roteXHad f Craiy Spelia! and WifrFeafed Him:; v Edgar Mabe, aired 35, and his wife, aged 24, are both; -dead from the ef fects of shota-fired by the husband about 12 :30 thia morning The ahoot "ing took place at the home of Mrs. Mabe's father, Mr. - W. , H. Shooter, Eleventh and WiUow atreeta. The bul-( let which ended the life of Mrs. Mabe, fired from a 38-calibre Harrington & Richardson pistol, entered; the right . temple and passed out through the left. The bullet from tne same pisioi which ended the life of her husband and murderer entered his, right eye and passed out at tne pacK joi nu head. This bullet struck wall in the room and was foond pn .the; floor, Mane Arrived? Ust; Night .'t Mabe arrived here last ight( from his home at Moreanton, coming in on the 10:04 Seaboard train. vHe "went immediately to the home of .Mr. Shooter, where his .wife was sick in bed. Mr.'- Shooter says he appeared to be in better spirits than usual nd talked with members of.! th efamily freely before he fired the fatal shots. He appeared pleased to see Mrs. Mabe and commented on her apparently Im proved condition. Mrs. Mabe recently left ' the Thompson ? hospital, V where she was a patient for sevTaJdays; While in the hospital Mr. Mabe visit, ed her regularly and carried , ,her flowers. He had been away sipce she left the hospiUl, however. Mrs. Mabe ' was not expecting him last night ; Had Made - Threats Left- Note f Mn, Mabe had told he fathejr.tfcat hr husband ta threatened, wwu fV her and then take hia own- life" he- fore sh eieit jiiorgamon swnw . weeks ago. After reaching -tha Shoot - er home Mabe talked J with his wife for some time and tnen went outon the front' porfch and talked .with Mr; Shooter. During the conversation- he told Mr. Shooter of attendinjr " some murder trials recently and remarked that too many murders were being committed. He then had the murder and iuicide planned, as a note ' ad dressed to Mrs. W." H.Shooter, found in a pocket of his pants. Rafter-the shooting, advised that he wae going to kill both, MrsiwMabe and hunseU. " The reason" given In, the note for the act was that he C was going Vt6 kill Mrs. Mabe and then himself because he loved v her. , ' 2 Shots in Quick Succession, Mrs. Shooter had prepared a bed upstairs for Mr. Mabe and called to him just a short; time5 before she hcar-i the shots and advised him that his bed was ready. He replied that he was going to retire at once.,The ' shots were fired to quick succession. Mr. Shooter rushed into . the room when ;he u heart ; ; the shots and found his: daughter' lying in the bed and , her -husband lying on the floor, near the bedside.. He still held the pistol in Wsjiand.- Drs. N. A. Thompson, 7. A. Martin and E. R. Hardin were calledat once and spent the balance Of the night at the Shooter home. Neither Mr. or Mrs. Mabe spoke afte they were shot and both were unconscious when Mr, Shooter reached , thein. ; Mabe died about 7:30 a.' ifnM Mabe; ?assed away at 11 a. .taw A here at the ,htoe 4 of Mrs. Mabe's father about 0 months ago. Mabe had been married before and Js survived by three children by', his.; first mar riage. His remains .were turned over to Messrs. Stephens &. Barnes, local '.undertakers, and . his ,, relatives .; at Morgan ton advised of his, death.. . , A Horrible Bcene - ' t The scene .in, the room after the atinntinir was most horrible. The wife lav on the blood-soaked vbed, Cwhilei the husDana y pii we lovJi by in a pool, of his own blood." J v. Mabe Had rasy - Spells ' Both Mabe , and; . his wife.; were . in had health and.it is thought that brooding over this prompted the hus- Oband to commit the rash act, Mabe - had shown signs of 'despondency: at times, it is said. Mrs. Mabe told her father last night when she was ad vised of his arrival , that ,he ; had "crazy spells" and that he had a pistol when he was here before, ad oKn him to watch her husband. Mrs. Mabe is survived by one. son, about 3 years old, by a former mar ' riaee. her father and step-mother and two brothers Mr. Roy Shooter . of Jiumberton and Mr. Boyd Shooter, the last-named-an instructor in the U. S. Mflilary academy at SUunton, -' Pnnoral ProbabW TomOlTOW : It in exnected that the funeral of Mrs. " Mabe. will be conducted tomor row iaf ternoon,Mhough 4 the arrange ments haves not yet been announcea. Negro Shot and ICUledat Shannon Jim Smith Received Load from Shot- son in His Breast as ne oieppeu X n.f ii Hia Back Porch From Snnner Table ''k Thursdays Night-- kuimI rnsUntlv James McLeod, Also v Colored. Admits Killing .aaime Invaded His Home. . . rim ftmith. colored, was shot and killed Wthe'back'porch of his home a Shannon early. Thursday night James (Bill) McLeod, another negro, i. tnt 4ait rhortreA with firine the fatal shot. McLeod admits shooting Smith. Dr.'.E. R. Hardin, county health of ficer, conducted an inquest xver the remains ot Smith' Friday and the ver dict of the jury was that Smith came to his death from gunshot wounds, the gun being in the hands of Jattnes McLeod. The jury ordered that Mc Leod be held for investigation by the proper court The jury was composed of Messrs.1!. P. Mercer D. S. KJarpp, J. R Walters, Sam Cox, J. D. Mer? cer and J. B. Xoppege. ' v The load .from a. ahotgun . entered the breast of Smith iijuat over . his heart and he died instantly. ;He. was shot as he walked out fjom the supper table,' according . to the evidence brought out at the inquest. McLeod claims that he shot Smith because he had invaded his (McLeod's) home. -4 ft-:z'.::T' " 1 ":- "1', -MRSI SHEPARD 'RETURNS HOME mtnrhi tn Locate Missinff Husbanq "Prove Fntil-Hand.bag Identified. MrV E. R Shepard and her 5-year-old eon. Jack, left last 'evening for therr beme at Putney, flaA ?was stated 4' In Thursday's Eobesonian, Mrs; Shepard came here Thursday for the .purpose; of Investigating the dis appearance bf her ' husband, 1s?iios' abandoned auto was found, in ditch beside the Wildcat highway, one mile south of ' Lumberton, Tuesday,?' April 11. "A hand-bag recently found by a colored imn in a pond of water S miles north-east of town was identified by Mrs. ; Shepard as one which her bus band carried. The bag 'was empty when found and a thorough search f the pond revealed nothing- more than1 the bag. Mrl( jShepard expects to return-to Lumberton later. All, efforts to locate the missing man have proved futile.' A number of-men -1 yesterday made a search of th woods surround- ing the jxmd .m;wWch ..tWa4n was ipuna! W.fK ' - The concensus of opinion "is that Mr; Shepard was1 murdered ori the night of April 10 and that his car .was driven to the point where it was found and pushed into the .ditch. V v.- .' - GOVERNOR REQUESTED TO SEND TROOPS TO ROCKY MOUNT , , .' ' ' 11 11 -V ,".....- V- iovernor Morrison was requestea last night by the mayor Of the town NaVunUes Rocky Mount to guard Atlantic. Coast; Line shops. .Thirteen; special police-1 men Who had been guarding the A. ' C. : L; shops' were , kidnapped ' and hustled out ' of Rocky Mount early yesterday morning by a band of al leged strikers. .Seven of the guards reported 'later from near-by , points but 6 were still missing last night i Gov. Morrison and Adj. Gen. ' Metts are - conferring in ' Raleigh, today on tne s situation; v--1 ;"4-v-;i -h -; . Temporary. injunction .." restraining striking ! shopmen : in Eastern North Carolina from any interference with trains- or employes of the A C;' L. Was signed Jby Federal Judge;;Connor at Wilson yesterday, ' V- - . 1 1 Maif Cards at Once; i !' It is important that alimembers of the Cooperative' Tobacco V Marketing association imafl at once the cards fur nished for indicating to headquarters in Richmond, Va., where they with to deliver Xtheir --tobacco. The cards should be filled Out and : sent ' in . at once. i ; Rev.. K-L." Guy, pastor of fteC Free Union .church near St Pauls, was a Lumberton visitor" Saturday. '' :Mtj and ' Mrs. J, , A. Greene spent Saturday, in Raeford with Mr. ' and Mrs. Harry .Greene. " . ; Mrs. R. E- Lewis ' and small son, R. E. Jr., expect to, leave Wednesday for Henderson villej where they will spend several weeks - ; Mr. ,H. v E. . Thompson .and - son, Master- Melvin Thompson, of the Al lenton section, are among the visitors in town today;.":i : -: Mr. - J. M. Mclver of ." Lumber Bridge was a Lumberton visitor Fri day. . . . Lumbcrtcn Will h: HavefTv6 'Auction; V T C-1V TV VTi.V- i3alC3 arCilOUCC3; I- Mr C R. Ashley of, DarhamHas . Leased Melatyre v Tobacco Ware house "for Auction Salea-This Gives Town Two Houses Under Old Plan. Two Haviar Been Taken Over . by "Co-op" JJarket .Will Open August lat. . . Mr, C R. Athleyof "Durham has leased the Mclntyre -5 tobacco ". ware house on First street and will operate it under the auction sales plan. . ' This gives Lumberton two ware houses . which will be operated under the. auction sales . plan and the ex perienced tobacco warehousemen who will have charge of these warehouses have, been, assured , that a full , corps of buyers will be on this market As has been ' stated in The Robesonlan, two of the town's four .warehouses, the Big, Banner and the Farmers', have been taken over by the" Tobacco Growers ".Cooperative " association, the Star ; and the, Mclntyre houses to be operated under the auction sales plan. : .'.' . - v..-"-. . The tobacco market will open in Lumberton on' Tuesday, August 1st Curb Market Grow- ,v nig in Popularity , -t.-.i-,.- - f. ,..-.. .. , . t-'i- More Produce C Sold .' Last Saturday ,Than op Dpeninf DayFarmers and Their Customers Pleased With Result Market Open Each Satur ' day 9 to 11 A. M. ': The curb market which was opened in Lumberton Saturday, July 8 is ' growing in popularity. As has been stated in .The.Robesonian, the' market is opened each Saturday at a. m. and remains open, until 11 a, m. More pro.' duce was sold last Saturday, than on the opening day and the farmers who placed their produce' Von r sale - were much pleased with the results. Pro duce of all kinds is offered for shle and the consumers have no trouble in selecting just what they want at the curb market. ''The growers are learn ing the advantage of admg their produce before placing it on sale and no doubt the market will continue to grow.H The produce is displayed on the court house square. f t-::-yj'; ' "''AS has been stated m The Robeson lan. Miss Martha Flax Andrews, h&rae demonstration kgent, and ;Mr O.- O. Uuxes, . county tarn? demoustmor. county woriced otrt-:the-erbvnrt Both the Wonum'a ciub and the Home Demonstration- chib of Lumberton are co-operating with Miss, Andrews and Mr, irtiices w vm moftaT.'hZ esHaBSMaHM-!'i,'! v-'-.-fi 12 PASSENGER TRAINS DISCON TINUED BY SEABOARD RAILWAY Two Trains Discontinued Between Wilmington and ;CharIottev3::. Twelve trams 4were discontinued, by the Seaboard Air -Line railway yes tertfaytjvwo of them trams passing Loml ertariNo. 31, having, Wilming- for Charlotte, due at 'Lnmberton at 10:35 a.m.,v:and ; No, 34, arriving lumberton. at 2:50 p. m, from Charlotte to Wilmington. The announcement that these trains would be discontinued Sunday was made Fri- day and at the ' same7: time President J. B. Kenlv of the Coast line issued a statement to the effect that no dis- continuance of trains on the A C. L. Was contemnlAted. :; h " - Mr. E. E. Hunter, Seaboard divi sion, passenger agent,; in making the I A .In order f U ' protect movement United States mail and most heavily patronixea passenger Trains, ana pro. vide engines, to-move perishables and f eodstuffs, and due to ahortage of coal it is necessary , to discontinue trains 31 and 34,' between Wilmington and Hamlet, effective with last train from each terminal k Saturday.. July 15th. This service, will be resumed as soon as' present .emergencies . cease.", Saturday't; (Wilmington Star gives the following in this .connection; Other , trains , to be discontinued by the Seaboard, temporarily are: 19 and ZQ, ' between Raleigh and .Weldon; trains 285 and 282, between Durham and Henderson J trains 485 and 488. be- 'tween Dickerson and Oxford; trains 1330 nd 331, between Franklinton and liOUisbUTg;. trains 41 and 44, .between Raleigh and Hamlet. Officials of the Coast Line stated last night ".that strains 'are being operated on and" out of cWilrninston as usuaL It ; was said that , work at the local ; shops and on the yard is being carried on satisfactorily and all trains are in good condition- before leaving here. Trains Continue- to de part on time, it was declared. Rev. Dr.: Chas. Ha Durham, pas tor of the First Baptist church, re turned Friday .morning j from ;. New York City, where he ; spent a -week. Dr. Durham accompanied his dausrh ters Misses Wilma -. and Margaret to new jcorc, wnere ....they entered Columbia, university to take a sum mer course. Mrs. Durham and little Miss. Kathleen Durham are expected home tomorrow evening from Wins- ton-balem,. where they have Jeen on a visit to the home of Mrs. Durham's mother, Mrs. Ida M, Tatunu- Fairmont Koiva T.l; pu; 4 Were Mr. , BarfieWrf. . Valuablee .Stolen or Wsa It a.XokePeTsoual and Other, Items: V -, , - o ' . By II. Y.Rrowit ' v,; . i Fairmqnt,- Jrfly : IT Mr. W. M. Woriey left -Wednesday: afternoon for vAsheville in response to a teegram wii ui9 true, was aeriuusiY Ul ana expected to.be compelled to undergo an operation.' Master Eliott Chambers went with . Mr. Woriey, and will spend some time in Weaverville and Asheville visiting relatives. V . - Mr. M. S. Huston spent last Tues. day in Clinton, S. C whre he went to attend the annual. meeting of the Calhoun Highway association. He was appointed a delegate from the lo. cal chapter of the association,. - J , Mr. Claud Gainey " of Fayettevill.e spent a few davs here thia week with friends and relatives. 1 ' .;,. . Miss Ula Whitley of - Zebulon and Miss Hannie Inman of Whitjeville are attractive guests of Misses Bertha and Retha Jenkins on Cottage street " Mr. and Sirs. Ernest Jdnes and Miss Gertrude. Rooney are spending "the week-end m Wilmington and Wrights ville Beach., ,w ' . Mr. E. Fisher, who hat been taking treatment in Fayetteville for the past several months, became suddenly ill Saturday, morning while on duly at the pasenger station; He was given medical attention ' by Dr. Ricks . and carried to his -home, ' where he soon becabne bettor. His condition is re ported as somewhat improved.1 .Mr- J. F. Johnson and family are spending some time in the Western part of the State visiting friends and relatives. - ; "l,::;..f: UMian Mary Reeves of Ashevilie is spending some time here visiting frieftda and " relatives; Miss Reeves was iccompanied from' Asheville by Lieutj D. B,Floyd, U. S. A, who, is spending a few days here" with rela tives.' Lieut.. Floyd will leave within a few days for the Panama Canal , Zone, where newrill be on duty.with the U. S. army;7. For the past several years he has", been a'ssinged to Camp Knox and Camp Zachary Taylor. 1 - .'But. 4. A. uailoway and. children hay been spending some time at Wil mington and WrightsvUlje Beach visit, fclg friends and relatives, , , ' ' !f Hoise -Parties: Two house, parties rill be held in the4 near future' br Fainnom ladles, at Lake Waecamaw.-" Th fimt will held by Mias Katliarioe Gallo- Eose JoiesTthe ,Brst a.rBiy nt Tne weekn Augpit ;Many;otri-of-town friends will attend these social events. party last Thursday hlht h the grove on South Main strteL tha elot havmgjbeen cleaned and made very1 miuxuuj ytace : appearance 01 a city .park. ui-5 i 'r'-- 1 ' Mr. .W. A. RaHey returned home last Wednesday from-' Greensboro, where 5 he held a position" with Grla- som's drug store. ,.i;.t.; .fe:ki.vi;.:i - . . Mrs. H. H. Benson and little daugh ter, Ruth, returned last week from an extended visit to friends and relative n Kicnmond, Va., and Farmville,' N. C. 5 They were accompanied by Mrs. Benson'a father, L . i 1 County Checker Tourpey. It has been definitely decided that. a checker tourney will be held at Fair mont some time in the near future to decide who is the chamnim. ayer of the county. The tourney at laxtoni -on1 the Fourth was a very interesting affair and although this one to be held here is not a state affair it will no doubt cause' just as much interest in the county. Every checker player in the county is ex pected to be here and contest for the! honors. Two of : the county contest ants were eliminated in the contest at Maxton, these being Mn : Howard McNair nd Mr. J. pul Lewis, both being eliminated ?twice.V The exact date of the contest will 1wt mtinnn. ed soon, so watch the EOBESONIAN., ior anyramg regarding the entrees. ; v amaoies stoiear . It is reported as true, but tht tmht is not hereby verified, that MrNeill Barfield, who lives on route 2, had' a lot of valuable .papers, -bonds and money stolen from him one night this week. It was also reported that Mr. Barfield had stated previously that the failure of banks in this communi ty had not hurt him as he had his valuables in his trunk at home. It is ouuiuni ut uie uuex naa neara 01 this and thought he would prefer breaking trunk lock in preference to blowing a bank safe. It is hoped that some one is playing' a joke on Mr. Barfield, however. i-: ' ... -. - - v - The following Lumberton people went to "Wilmington Satrirdar a wit. ness a ball game between the Lum berton crab'and All-Star' dub of Wfl. mington: Mr; and Mrs. J. E. Walters, Messrs. mcnara worment, JH. B. Jen nings, i Cutlar Moore, Ed J. Glover, Osborne r-Lee," Dr. N. . A'. Thompson and son. Master N. A-Jr., Louis Sto van, and Dr. M . A. Wad dell. -i Dr. Waddell ,! end - Mr. Stovall made the trio with M Wal ters hi his areoplane. They made the trip in one hour. A report of the ball game, a victory for Lumberton, will be found elsewhere in today's paper. . mr. woe cuiiara 01 urrum was among the visitors in town Friday. 25 Years in Pcii. fcr Crittlan Lcclcar Plead Cailty. 2nd . Degree Murdtr . snot uarsoa Jacobs Throurh' Win dow f Last, Month Other. Mordrf - Case '. Continued 17 Men Sen : teneed to Bead Court End. .t , Brittaih Locklear. Indian, tendered a ; plea of guilty ? of' murder, in the second- degree fn Superior court Fri day, nigh and ; was sentenced 1 by J udge W. M. Bond to serve 25 years in T the SUte prison. Locklear was charged , with killing Carson Jacobs, alias Lowry, another Indian Though Locklear iwas being tried for first daarree murder:" th mMMtnr- ,.nA special council for the State accepted Ul piea. - " ... - . ' : :: The trial was begun ; Friday after noon, all the morninor aemiinn ' hMno taken up Jn selecting 'a : Jury of 12 nn iivm 101 special venire 01 6U men summoned. The jury was com posed of the following men: Messrs. D. L. Nye. B.' F. McLean. W. E. C.rm. ham, O. Stanley, A. B. White, W. P. Kay, Joe 'Miller, Robt Monroe, ifxa. Sdiy'5n G' Floyd J- Lewis, H. E. Purvis. A number of witnMaM was put on by' the, State during the axiernoon session. . ; , : . - , . ; -A . ' . Shot Through Window. . V According to the evidence submit ted. Jacobs Was hot thrnnvh m wtti- dow in the home of Nora Locklear, sister 01 tne defendant, In ' Smiths township on the night of June 5. The load frorn a ahotran ntrd thai hV of his head and he ; die instantly. Auaie jee uocaueor, y-year-oia aaugtt ter of ; Nora r Locklear, ' testified i that she was at a well in the yard at the home of her mother when the shot was fired and that she saw her uncle Brittain Locklear running away from the window thronch which it fired immediatelv after th ahnntfno She also testified that she saw" Brit- tain's dog there at the time. " , ' Alton Locklear. 12.vearwld 'man nt Nora Locklear, testified that on the morning .after the homicide he found Brtttlan Locklear'a tiorkot.knifa In thi Dath that" led from ' th :. winAnmr wnere tne snot was fired to 'Brittians assisted m the prosecution by Messrs. MCLan, varser, McLean .' ft ' Stacy and Messrs. firitt it Britt, while the defendant was mnreaented hv Uun Johnson . Johnson. : The aeveral other..' murder ' etui appearing m the docket for atrial were , contmued until the November term. 4 ' Dttposltohl f Caaee V The foUowhlflr trials bealdaa thnmm reported in Thursday's ' Robesonlan were disposed of during thA term .W. M. Epps, manufacturing whil key; not guilty.'-f Jfo.x-j, . Governor jBell, assault .and nuis ance: plead flruiltr: mdraent eon tinned for 12 months, upon payment 01. cost. . . ...,.-., Rav 1 Reed. . house-breakinv: nlead guilty; 2 years on roads. 7 , IwV Allen, vinlatino' tnwn mntA n,. dinace; '.plead guilty; fined $15 and cost. , ... ... . Elza Hill. Isham Victor. .Ernest Tilley, Jno. C. Willard, Von Speieht all escaping from chain gang and all plead guilty; . 8 months each on the road, terms to begin at expiration of former sentences: Tilley. and Hill were found guilty of the.Iaceny of an auto and were each .sentenced to 6 months on the roads for this offense. Von Speight was also sentenced , to 3 months on theroads- on the charge of .larceny. All these prisoners es caped from . the ' county ; chain gang several weeks ago and. were later re captured. ' '''' f ' a ' ,,.;";' T: Henry Taylor, larceny: plead euiltv of temporary larceny on two charges; 60 days on the roads in each case total 120 days. , ' . McKenley Morrison and Ben Mas- senberg, violating apto laws; Morri son was found pot guilty; Massen berg plead guilty of drivinsr an auto at night without lights and was fined Alt L M A. ' i" . J.- T. 1 Phillips. manufacturinsT whiskey; plead. guilty; judgment con tinued for . 12 months . upon payment 01 cost John - West, larceny- and carrying concealed weapons; . plead . guilty; v 60 days on roads for the larceny charge and 30 days on the other. The Plea; Of sruiltv in the case. of Boney Burns, charged , with, disposing of mortgaged property,' was stricken out and the case continued until the next .term. - - ';;:"kv, ' : -, The 6-months road 1 sentence im posed upon X J. Odum on the charee of carrying concealed weapons- and assault with deadly weapon was later reduced by Judge Bond to 4 months While ' the jury was dismissed Fri day night, a night session having been called. Judge Bond spent Satur day here signing orders, ; etc He left late Saturday afternoon for his home at Edenton.- : t Seventeen men were sentenced to the roads by Judge Bond -during the term, the ' sentences ranging : from .2 mon,tnS'to z years. - 5 : ; Mrs.' J.' A Bethea and small ' son, James ( Jr are expected home this evening-' from Richmond, -Va., where they spent two. weeks visiting, at the home of Mrs. Bethea'a son and daueh- ter-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Carlyle Be thea," v . v ... '; COTTON If ASSET. Y.vX 'Middling cotton la quoted .99 Cji 'V local market today at 211-2 cesu the '-' pound. ,;-w:,; -.-tyS ;,''( BRIEF ITEMS OF LOCALS. NEWS tf t '.;" . . 1 ; i; ' Mr. J. Q. Parnell of Parkton la '-' ' Lumberton visitor today. Mr. Par nell reports fine crops up his way. I ' Regular Communication, St. AL- bans Lodge No. 114. A. P.. and A. M ; Tuesday night 8 o'clock- -Work in second degree. I '-. 'J' v'-ir--'--;-''''''? Mrs. S. R. Soiver returned Wed nesday from Charlotte, f where she spent six weeks undergoing treat- ; ment in the Charlotte sanatorium. Her condition is somewhat improved. . wudgtng from the amount of , - fruits and . vegetables being brought 1 1 ' in from rural districts. the .' cron must be a bumper one. The town has been flooded with melons and eante- - loupes of late. ;V ' ' 'r'- - 4 v;,jw '-;-:"Y Messrs. .A I Smith aa4 J, f, Kinlaw have purchased from Mr, A E. Spivey the grocery business form erly conducted by Mr. Spivey on Ea& Third street. They will continue the , business at the same stand. 4 Mr, J. P, Russell, chairman of the Lumberton Red Cross chapter. recently has received from the Broad ' Ridge Baptist church a contribution .. for-the suffering in Europe amount- , tng to $5. This church, has nude a number of contributions to this cause. . As ' was stated in last Monday Robesonlan. an important raeetinr of the Lumberton Poultry . association will be held in the eotrrt house thia evening at 8 o'clock; The public la in- ' vited. . Several subjects of interest to poultry raisers wiltbe discussed, v Mr. N. F, Kinlaw of R. 7, Lura-S berton. wai afaong the many farmers who placed something on sale at the curb market here Saturday. ' Mr. Kin- . law sayi he was weU pleasetj with the sales ana uunxf to cur t. market is one of the Very best things ever start ed in Lumberton. . , , Mr. WVL. Lovett, who .lives on R. ; 4 from Lumberton, left in The -Rob ' sonian office Saturday an unusual to- t bacco growth, , a double leaf stem. Mr. Lovett also had with him a 'i , bundle of tobacco that . looked , cood i. enough for. a later curing but which - tie said was ,No. 1 sand lugs. t ft , ' Rev Dr. R. C. Beaman. castor' - of Chestnut Street Methodist church. left una morning for New Bern, -. I , where he ,will visit at the home of : -son-in-la and daughter. He will -mI-m vr so ; visit a son-in-law, and daughter near Durham and relatives at Hen- J, aerson, wiiera MrsjamanlMMHbeea ' -for some time. H& vill.be Away twa,, ? or three weeks. Mr.,.V. G. Pleasants of Rowland took the examination for the Rowland - postmastership conducted heritJatur- , day. It a understood thai; two ojber applicants took a like exapjination at v Maxton, though ;the .names of these were not learned. Three applicants 1 one lady and, two men took the ex- ,,, amination for the postmastership at ' cuaaeuDOTo.? -ine examinaaons were ;., ir conducted by Messrs. C. C Blake and Vance Skipper, members of the local ' civil service examining board. . In a recent issue of "The Jersey Bulletin and Dairy World", published at Indianapolis, Ind.. there is a splen did article on the Green Valley dairy of East Lumberton, owned and operat ed by the Lumberton Cotton. A Mills. This article refers in terms of praise ' to the management of Mr. E L. Ham. -ilton, who has increased the herd from a small beginning until now the dairy supplies not only the mill villages un- - ' der the same management but a lares ' - percent of the population of Lumber. . ton. , . - - ; , Mr. W. S. Wishart of Laurmburs; remembered The Robesonlan with the splendid gift of a crate of Scotland county cantdUrape Friday. . The rift i highly appreciated. Mr. Wishart - was f oremani for The Eobesonian for many years prior to some 10 or 12 yews aro. when he ouit the naoer for the movie business.. The Editor also u indebted te Mr. J. B. Humphrey of Saddletree for a basket of . as fine' .- peaches as ever grew anywhere. Mr ' Humphrey has a fine orchard and ha . been selling peaches by the t truck' load. i.'y,-?-;''v:' :(t;vri;;':5:; Mr. G. W. Knott of J Henderson - spent Friday and Saturday in Lum- oenon in tne mterest of the Co-operative Tobacco, Marketing association. Mr. Knott was connected with the Farmers 'tobacco sales warehouse of Lumberton for three years and l is well-known throughout . this . section. He has turned over to thef co-opera tive association his two large sales ; warehouses at Henderson. Mr.. Knott says the co-operative - selling plan will mean the salvation of the tobac- v co growers, who, he says, have not had a square deal under the old auc- " tion system. - ,s ' ,?, . -John Thomas, 4-year-old son of Mr.' and Mrs. G. H. Lewis, .' was ' knocked down on Elm street late Sat-1 urday afternoon, by a Ford car driven - by Mr. WK. Howell, While the child was considerably bruised - in ; several places, it is not ' thought he was -seriously hurt Mr Howell was driv ing up Elm street . at "a slow rate of speed . when the child darted in front of the car, which was stopped before it. passed over him. The child was on the east side of Elm with ' his grandmother and had started across the street to his mother when the'ear struck him. Had the ear been moving at' fast speed, no doubt the v . child would have been killed. JJ: t 1 9 '-..v'- t

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