LUTIZmilTONr IT. C, -nntSDAY, JULY.27, Sibbstt arid.Pittmah Found Not Guilty . , . . . , -Two St. Pauls 2 Men Arrested on Charge of Taking Part ra Kidnap 1 : tec and Whipping Mr. C. U. Me ' Leod Found Not Guilty by' Recprd- Jna S. Butler Yesterday No I er Other Arrests Hare Been Made; T. N. Sibbett and John Pittman', the two -men arrested 'Monday 51Pni ing on the charge of having 'a Jiand in .the kidnaping and whipping , of Mr. p.- R.k McLeod, .who was taken from his home to St Pauls township by a masked mob and whipped Sun day ' night, were . found not guilty yesterday afternoon by -Recorder Jno. S. Butler of . St Pauls.:""- As was stated in Monday's T Robe sonian, Mr. McLeod was . given -'4 a severe whipping 5 by 8 masked men who forced him into an auto after he had been called out frdm his home about 10 o'clock Sunday flight He was blindfolded and a leather straft used freely upon his back. No. other arrests have been made. ; - Local Aviator Makes Forced Landing Engine of 'Plane' Stopped at Altitude of 3100feet Pilot - Picked Field 3 Miles Away and "Made Sue eessf nl Landing Broken Propeller; Only Damage. ' ;'- . t, Mr. J. Ellie Walters. local aviator", made a forced landing in a corn field near East Arcadia Tuesday morning, when the engine of his 'plane went dead while he was flying at an alti tude of 3,500 feet Owing to the soft, ness of the, field in whiQh the landing was made, the wheels sank into' tne mud and as a result" the t propeller was broken . Both Mr. .Walters and Mr . Povmnnrf lv. MWkttA - ' whrt was a passenger on the,: "piane es caped injury. Magneto trouble caused the engine of the "plane to stop. The landing was made some three miles east of the point, where the en gine stopped. 'After the 'engine stop ped Mr, ' Walters, circled the nlane until he nicked his landing field, re maining uv the" air for sometime, -v Mr. Walters left this morning for East Arcadia with a new propeller and expects to : fly j his 'plane ; tfl Wrightsville Beach late this after noon He was' accompanied by Mr. Kenyon Woody. -, . i v Strike Summary Washington, , July 26. (By r Asso ciated Press). 'Responsibility : for further interference -with transporta tion and with production of vitally .needed coal was placed upon striking railroad employes and minerstHoday by-President Harding In i again sug gesting that they return to work un--der conditions already suggested by him, while ., the 4 'reasonableness pf their demands were being "threshed out by the agencies set up for that purpose. . , . t ' Rail Strike - . v B. M. Jewell, head of the striking railroad shopmen, international presi dents of , the : hop crafts, Timothy Healy, president of the firemen and 'oilers union, and A. O. Wharton, la bor member of the railroad board, went to Washington , to see, President Harding. J. ,' y i i -X IC Western ' railway . executives" issued statement assorting that freight was .being moved as offered without con gestion' and; that ' passenger traffic was 'normal. ' yU.-. President Harding conferred 1 with W. W. , Atterbury, vice president of the Pennsylvania system, : and Sec . retary Hoover, regarding shopmen's strike. v '.-,. - '! The Baltimore and . Ohio railroad made a written proposal to its shop ' men to ' end - the strike on . its lines and sent a copy to President Harding. Coal Strike . v president Harding set in motion the federal control organization with the 'selection of a central coal distribution-committee.. - - . Governor McCray, of : Indiana, an nounced ' a proposed arrangement to take over and operate sufficient mines for Indiana's necessities. Executive board, district 21, Unit: ed Mine workers, Oklahoma, Ar kansas and Texas, passed resolutions calling out engineers, firemen and pumpmen who had. been permitted 6 work since strike. :-'rv, Missouri operators, after confer ence with Governor Hyde, announced co-operation to ; opening ; mines had been . asaured.rr-i yv- ?-!'-Z ' ;tZitJy Assurance give" that ,: Kansas . in dustrial" court -wilt : ;o-operate. with ' southwestern coal - mteratate" , opera - tors association to ' adVaflchag its - resolution z to redpen , mines ' to south Frank Farrington, president of ihe Illinois miners, calls state; convention for August 3, to act on peace plans, leaders on both sides , predicting a settlement within two weeks..... O Mrs. W. i. mier and small, son. W. F. Jr., went yesterday to Wumin ton, where they will spend somejtime vinitinir friends. "4-.'' . ' Mr. Arch Spivey spent ' yesterday in Fairmont on'business. "... Ham, Flour and Sugar Recovered 'Part of Groceries Stolen in a slick Manner Saturday Night round in Meal Barrel . at - Dome of ; "Shote" Anthony, Colored Anthony Ar reted and Admit Be's Guilty ,-Rufo UcKellar, Colored, Also Im- cheated and -Arrested Trial To- morrow Mondng.".f .u ; ,r . A part of the ham,' flour and sugar stolen from the kitchen steps at the home of '' Mr. Sandy McLeod Satur day night, while , officers : watched, were found in a meal barrel at the home of , Shote", Anthony, colored, across tne river irom. town .tnis morning; Anthony admits that the' goods found in his meal barrel were those stolen Saturday night, lie im plicated Rufe McKeller, also colored, who, he says, took the. groceries from the back'" porch and carried it across the : river. Both.- were ' arrested ; today byCHief of Police. D. M.'; Barker and Policeman Ed J. Glover and will be given a hearing before' Recorded David H. Fuller tomorrow morning.' J --As stated in Monday's Robesonian, Mr.-- Alex Sessoms,- manager of the grocery department; of Mr. H.jLv-IL Caldwell's department, store, received a message over the i "phone about 7 o'clock Saturday: night, asking him to send the ham and flour- to Mr, McLeod's home, adding that Mr, Mc Leod, whd had been in the mountains, had just returned , home. :: The? goods were sent and when the delivery-man reached the McLeod -r home he -; Was told by MrsEdwardB', Mr. McLeod's house-keeper, to take it back; as Mr. McLeod bad not gotten home. About 9 o'clock Mr. Sessoms received, an other 'phone call f rortr a man giving his name as Mr. Sandy McLeod, who advised him that Mrs, Edwards, not 1 f ' H i. - U. i - ,owW' T' ?e Jlrea' ' n J" mat ne .wamea " Winer oruer miea una o, aaa to the order 10 pounds of sugar, and! to deliver it all Tm -the wtchin steps, as Mrs. Edwardsv,had gone to ; bed. Mr.: Sessoms took .the prder and ad vised Chief Barker, who with Police man Glover went at ence to the Mc Leod home to watch for the thief, as Mr.-" Sessoms 1 bad become suspicions of the 'trick beinar worked; Tbi gro ceries were sent. Including She sugar and ; while the officers watched the goods were removed from the steps, and the officers missed their prey., ' Chief Barker admitted that was the slickest. trick ever put bver hijh, but he kept working on the case un til he discovered what of the groceries had not been eaten and succeeded in. arresting ; the man -who admits tnat he and another "t negro, "pulled" the bold and slick game, k a . , ' Thps, ends the second chapter " of the episode:- The third will jfollow after the' trial. s. t. I v Big.. Highway Contracts Letf Raleigh July 25 (Brock Barkley m Wilmington Star ) .The state highway , r , commission broke f ; ; all previous records in awarding con tracts today for the construction of 100 miles of hard surfaced and 79 riles of soil roads, at a cost 6f-three I cL il Z " I" vi in:lr Si "c.,:!Colony'', Js to. be presented in the v."c7,a". uouars. iooay awards 'on twenty projects - brings mib luiai mueage ; piacea unaer con tract. in twelve months to sixteen hun dred while the 1922 goal of one thous and, miles is only one hundred miles short. : ; .., ' tv i. jk : ' ... . i .' . . tion of $3,431,745.95- rennted to be one : of the largest . single awards of highway construction to be. made in tijis country. Two lundred and sixty-seven thous and of this total iffoes into bridcea. Fourteen counties get hard 'surfaced construction ;, under the. awards, . five get soil roads,' while Union county gets aj : nriage, yoimston, 1 receiving 14.87 miles of asphalt roadway from Smithfield to' the Wayne county' line leads the list of projects. Mrs. Lucy' Pearsall Died Yesterdav Mrs. Lucy B. Pearsall. aeed 88 years, died at 5 o'clock yesterday af ternoon at tne home of her. son-in-law and daughter, Mr." and Mrs. W. K. Culbreth, on R.-6 from Lumberton, death resulting from the infirmities Of old acre. ThA . funeral nrill Ka mn. ducted from the Culbreth home at 4 o'clock this afternoon, and interment will be made to tHe family cemetery. Deceased was a member bf the Pres. byterian church and a good woman.- A special meetin of lh B. T. P. ; U. officers, of the county will be held m the First Baptist church here next Sunday at 2:30 p. m. The meet ing was called by Dr.' H. M. Baker, president Of the county union, and he is anxioua that officers f the various unions by present '.f ' . ;i : Miss Ethel Brown of Catawba; . ar rived yesterday and will spend ' some time here visiting Miss Mildred Wil liams at the home of her parents, Mr. and -Mrs. Q. -T. Williams, ' Caldwell Street;- -."..'" . Miss , Looise Townsend ' , arrived Tuesday night . from " Brevard, where she has been teaching school, and will spend some time here - visiting re latives and friends.1' . ' ' , Mr. W. W. Da vis of R. 3, Fair- mont,'w a Lumberton visitor today. St. Paula Newo Letter Father of Mrs. RL G. Rosier Passes IV ' Visit to Lumberton; Enjoyed So cial and PeraonaL By Bess G. Johnson -t f.-, drain TnW OR W an hliriflv T,To litH .r in tiU . . Here's hoping it wilt not be anJall day me,Ve.turnln& from. Morehead City this however " " ! afternoon n - train. No. 89, where In our hurry: lastVweek W forgot theP Pt two ; weeks , in, training to mention the death of Mrs. R...G.;0" .their annual encampment ; The Rozier's father, Mr. Withers, who, r-ltrain arrived one hour late, but the sided at Linden. Mrs. - Rozler .and Kood ladies ff our town and corn children were" there when, his" death 1 munity, mothers, sisters and, sweet came, which took place on Sunday, 1 hearts,' had prepared a splendid sup fjta i "uk rwAavt dm an (wxT man. i per up jn the large armory, served on and one whose health had been bad, for sometime. He leaves a widow and;cold lemonade, grapes, . apples, several children. He was a good man peaches, ; Watson melons all v plenti and well , liked by those - here who ' fuL Mr. R.'; B. Hutson was foreman made, his r acquaintance during : his on tne' melons, and .they were fine, visits in St. Pauls'. After the funeral 'CapfJ. B.' Malloy arrived home SunT and burial, : Mrs. Rosier 3 returned , dy evening, thereby, giving, Monday hornet again. She has our sympathy 1 morning, assisting in arranging, the in -the ' loss of an . affectionate and ! reception for his .company. The corn loving father.; . -" Pany was in command of First Lieut- The many friends of Mr. - R. II. Cojey are very glad to have him baek in St Pauls again after several week's illness at Pittman hospital, Fayette ville. .j '.'Vi! iH. Mr. J. C. Lindsay,, who is a patient at Highsmith's,' . is improving , nicely now. Mesdames N. A. McEacbern and J. C' Lindsay and ,the,"kids" spent a while in Fayetteville - yesterday p. m.; His friends very, often go up to See" him. -4-. ' Our : house guesjs, Misses' Julia Grant and Ila ' Mae Murphy, returned to their homes last Saturday morn ing; We drove over to the ice towh of Lumberton one afternoon. - Didn't decide to go until about 5 o'clock and had no lights on the car so had to get liome before dark. We thought we'd, have a little party 'that, night, but got back too late to get it up. Our guests said they ;knew. they enjoyed tiaet trip ; to : Lomberton even better than a party so "we were satisfied," If.:' they .-were.'. ; V ; - '.t.-v'ikj j' The Demonstration ; last Tuesday afternoon was :very nice. About 21 ladies were present 'and all seemed to thoroughl? enjoy, the '': af ternoonv A beautiful , and useful casserole was to be given away, and as-Mrsw: Shaw was'.ao Uaitii'-itoM1iW--t -hrprnni left tTues - to them for t the 1 gathettoir; all . T agreed unanimously she was the one wha:;should 'be preseited "the'"given away.artide." . , ; . : ' ' . "f Miss Kathfyn ; Bailey from. Marsh vilte arrived, in St Pauls last Tues day night for a few, days visit at the homes ; of her friends, Misses Flor ence Murray and p Pearle Evans. While here Misses Murray and Pearle Evans,' Miss Bailey and "Messrs. Marl On Murray and Kenneth McDonald of Hope Mills went over to White Lake Inn for a little Routing" 3Iiss Bailey returned homex Saturday morning. Misses Evans and Murray and Mr. Marion Murray accompanied her as far as Hope Mills. ' . - .. i ' , Mr, H. M. Johnson spent the week end with friends in Smithfield and Raleigh, returning to our "city" Mon day nifrhtt i ; .:-.. A moving- picture. "The Lost slhih ,:aph -n4litftrlm' y, va evening5, July 28. ' ; ..little Miss Laura ' Northrop, who spent 2 weeks in "Laurinburg, returned to'St- Pauls last Tuesday. Her grandmother,' Mrs. Rkh and Mr. and Mrs. Marion McNeill , accomnanied (Continued on page four.) -Jr. m i ii i i i i i Auto Lands in Ditch Mr.. James; Pittman of .Fairmont narrowly escaped serious - injury this morning when t the large touring car ne was driving .swerved into a deep ditch beside the r. Fairmont ;? road a few miles south of here Mr. 'Pittman was driving at fast speed! and had just passed a car gojng in the same direction. - Jle turned he car back to the right side of the road but was unable to again .turn Jt sufficient to Keep it irom running into the ditch, which the car ranr up, several , yards. Very little damage was done to the car and Mr;. Pittman suffered no in juries, whatever, : - - 0 1 Is Now Furnishing the Time O Day. a After a silence of almost a month. tne town clock (the clock in the dome Ut the court house) f is again furnish- ing the time o' day, ' AS . has been stated to The Robesonian, a Piece 6f the clock was -broken-' and; had to be sent to the. factory for repairs. The clock' was r started . no" Tuesday af ternoon "and, js peeping 'good time", according to: County Auditor-A. v. o. ? Dayi of . Grace Are Over ' The days of grace for driving caral with .old numbers haver expired, ac cording to Sheriff B. Lewis. He asks The Robesonian to warn auto drivers that1 those, who; drive cars without the new numbers a will be ' Mr. and Mrs.' W. C. Eppa and small son, - - William . Royal, of . Tarpon Springs, Fla., ' arrived yesterday and will spend some time here visiting at the home of, Mr. EppsV parents,-Mr. and Mrs. S. A. Epps. -North Pine street ' ' - ' .:. Parkton Letter Great Reception for Co. "L" When it Returned from Morehead v City Farm era i Shipping- Melons Per sonal Mention. - - .."). i-vf-. ' , By C D. Williamson ' Parkton. July 25. The first item fresh from' the bat Wo report the home coming of Co, "LH,N. C N. G longiaoie m reai prcmc, siyie. ice Guy Plott and Lieut. Beard.; The company after forming around the table was called to order, or at tention, by Lieut Plott, and - Mayor J. B. McCormick gave a brief ad dress, welcoming, the company home again He also ' announced the free vaccination against typhoid ; fever given in our town on tomorrow, and insisted on the treatment, ? as he stated that it was reported that three cases are in "our town at present We say, better get busy. ' ; . 11 The company, which numbered up wards of 75 were, in fine shape and the best of spirit, with only three ex ceptions as follows: private W. J. Hemdon sick with appendicitis but re turned to bis ; home in Fayetteville this afternoon. Don Livingston nd J. A.. Dorman were operated on for appendicitis and remained , in the hospital in Morehead City. ; ; It was. reported that Lieut Beard led the company Lin ' marksmanship. Co. uh' always -.boast of good marksmanship. Our town and. com munity' 'well May feel proud of our military company.. Long may it live. Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Smith and daugh ter and son-in-4a.w, Jfix. ahd Mrs. Joe Parham. who spent week or more I J . M 1 JH . day for Asheville, accompanied by ran and Mrs, smith's daughter, Mrs. J. M. Johnson and son,' Jack.' Mr. and Mrs. Smith and family will go direct from Asheville to their, home" to Ocala, Fla. Mrs. Johnson v and son, Jack, will arrive . home the lattef - pSr bf this week. The '.above parties report a great "time;'- a real pleasure lad sight-seeinlg'' Jrip. . v , Miss Mary J. McNeill1 and Mrs. J. A. Johnson of St Pauls were callers in our town this afternoon. Always welcome. Mr and Mrs. ,C. D. Wil liamson and , small, sons, Masters Donovan and Wilbur, Visited rela tives i in Fayetteville - Sunday' after noon,' also motored up to Fort Bragg, Sight-seeing, which was, much enjoy ed, returning home late in the after noon via. Midway. Mr J Bart Hall of Belmont ' spent Sunday in town and : left this after noon loj home. . . A most interesting game of Base ball was played at Midway Saturday evening. Buckhorn team vs. St Pauls. It was a fast and interesting game, a real pitchers' battle, Davis for Buckhorn and .Bennett for St Pauls. Score 4 to 1 in Buckhorn's favor. Um pire, Vann: time .of game 1 hour and 45 minutest- ' Mr. A. M. Stubbs" visited relatives last week at Clio, S. C, and at Johns. ; 'This promises to be a busy week with 4 the ' truck farmers, - shipping melons. P. H;Fisher, J. G. Hughes and Charlie Stanton all loadtosr cars today. This really looks like a melon town. Melons everywhere, staple or dinary. ' ", m. vLf,W.'T.''':3.',v, ' We have been advised; a principal; ror the graded and high school has been secured. We trust to report his name next week, with the corps of the' other, teachers. .r . Born, to MnfSnd Mrs..E. V. Joye, on the 23, a fine boy, It Ms most : remarkable to see young' man; in' deep love Vwith "his best girl' and after - waiting on late train forgets ' and ; board i the train minus his ticket' It is reported such happened to our, town this afternoon. The Midway tent meeting draws crowds pf people froin our town every night .' . r' - t..; ,;:-'' -A'-xi ; Book club suspends - until 7. cooler weather vA. 1? ? BeeorlersT Court: l;: ? A auJetness has prevailed "1n I re- cdrdeV court; hC! this, ,week; only two cases being! disposed. Of." - Tryto;Bi0,'-J5f1fi bjefote , Ee corder Fuller yesterday on the charge of v assaulting his wife.-; The prose cuting iWitnesi failed to appear, and the case was nol prossed. ' Isham Bntt, who lives near the plant of the Robeson Manufacturing Co was given a hearing Tuesday on the charge of , retailing ... and !' was found not guilty. He was found guilty of . carrying a concealed weapon- pistol and was fined $50 and cost, which he paid. . " Mr. -W, L. Parham returned last night from MullinsVS. where he attended the Rowan-Smith wedding. Lumber Bridge News Letter Woman's Club Gives Delightful Patty v Mrs. ' L.' L, Shaw , Entertains PeraonaL ' - : . By Leila Hubbard . ' Lumber Bridge, July 25. One of the most enjoyable occasions of the season was the Woman's club party, which took place at the home of Mrs. M. L. Marley. A large crowd of both club members and young people at tended. Heavy rains made 'it impossi ble for Miss Flax Andrews, county demonstrator, to be present The young ladies served iced tea and sandwiches. . v' - Miss ? Mary Baggett left " Wednes day jnorning for Morganton, ' where she will visit.relatives. , Mrs. Doliie Baggett, who for the past week has been away visiting, has returned to her sister's, Mrs. M. L. Marley. . Miss Mittie. Cobb visited in Red Springs last week, spending her time with Miss Lila Burns and Mrs, Dun can McNeil. , f Mr. and Mrs. D." G. Malloy and children of Quitman, Ga., are visit' ing Mr. Malloy's sister, Mrs. A B. Smith. . ' . , Mrs. L. L. Shaw has had as her house' guests, for , the, past" week Misses Elizabeth " and Suo Blount Shaw, the attractive daughters of Mrs. May R. Shaw of . Lombetton. " Mrs( Lw L. Sha entertained on Friday at a swimming' party in honor of her neices and house t guests, Misses Elizabeth and Sue Blount Shaw of Lumberton. The swimming Parkton.' Those-who enjoyed ' thli party were: 'Mrs. L, L, Shaw? and children, Masters Angus and . John Malloy and Little Miss Alicet'Douglai, Mrs. Rufus " Bennetts and : children, Master Shaw Little Miss " Annie Elizabeth - and Carolyn Lamont, Misses Elizabeth and - Sue Blount Shaw, Elizabeth Hodge and Allie Clifton. ' , ' " . Mr, ' A. J. Currie ' spent 'several days at Jackson Springs recently. The local troop of Boy Scouts leave Tuesday, the 25th. for a week's camping trip at White Lake. Several parties will spend Tuesday at1 White Lake. - nm: 1$ Rev. Mr. Boggs of Charlotte preached to the Presbyterian church Sunday afternoon. Mr.. Boggs " ! de livered an interesting sermon " from the text found in the Gospel of Mark, "She hath done what she could." f A party iiom here expect to at tend the peach show to Hamlet this weeic : Mr. and Mrs. Wilbur Willifoxd and children of Florida are visiting Mr. Williford's brother, Mr. J. Ei WiUi. : Mesdames L. R. Rabb and E. G. Rabb, who have been visiting Mrs. J. S. Hodge have returned to their home to Melrose. Fla. ' Mr, Thomas G. Balfour spent the week-end in Raleigh' on business. Fairmont News More Than 25,000' Paid to Deposl v tors in The- Bank - of Fairmont Starts Curtain of Depression Ris ing Personal Mention. r By H. V. Brown .Fairmont, July 26 A. R. Bullock, receiver for the Bank of Jrairmont, paid to the depositors of the defunct bank 15 per cent of their balance in the bank last Tuesday. Over $25,000 was paid out, This being just on the eve of " the opening of the tobacco market! starts the curtain of de pression rising slowly." , Dr. J. P. Brown of Fairmont and W. L Linkhaw of Lumberton left Tuesday for Waynesville, Asheville and other points in Western North Carolina. Tuesday they attended the Peach show at Hamlet ' , .' :4 H Messrs. V. W. Keith and T. H. Jones were business visitors in Whiteville Tuesday. , ' . ' : Mr. Ralph McDaniel spent last week end at Wrightsville Beach. " Dr. and Mrs. Edear Thompson of afWinston - Salem arrived here last Mon day and will remain here few days as guests of Dr. Thompson's parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. B. Thompson on Iona Street :.' ' : ' Mr.' Harry Davis spent last week end at Wrightsville Beach. Mr. and Mrs. C. B. Thompson of Maxton spent last Sunday here, with friends and relatives. r ' ' a Mr. ' M. T. Singletary spent Wed nesday to Dunn on business. ' : - Mayor H .1 Stephens attended the fornitnre exposition to Hlga . Point ust ween. " ..:.rr - . - Messrs. Mark McDaaieL. Vaxm Floyd and' Misses Gray Pittman and Grace Fisher" spent last Wednesday at White Lake. Ur. -Vardell Grantham ' left ,Wed nesday for Myrtle Beach, where he will spend a few days. v Mr. C. P. Baker left last Monday for Richmond, where he will undergo special treatment at a sanatorium. r . Mr.5 David Riff returned Wednes day from New York, Baltimore and other northern points. . - ; '. Mr. Worth Williamson of St Pauls is spending a few days here, relieving Mr. H. O. Tucker, pharmacist at Grantham Cot Mr. Tucker is spend ing sometime to the western part of COTTOJf MARKET , Middling tottaa is auoUd on ta local market today at 20 3-4 cent ' the pound. '- ' BRIEF ITEMS OF LOCALS NEWS -License has been issued for the - marriage of Alias Irene wniur and Josepn W. McAJpw. Alias Kuth ooum ox the j Raft Swamp section has accepted a posi- ' tioa in the Lumberton bargain house. ftegiuar review iumoee tent no. 18, Maccabees Friday eveninir at 8 o'clock. All members are urged to be present , Messrs. A. E. White, M. C. Lee, Ira Davis. and Oscar $nu ot iMm-' berton attended ; the Sandhill peach show at Hamlet Tuesday. . r A card reading as follows ha been received from Orrum: "Mr. and Mrs. W A. Graham ? announce the birth of a son on July 22, at 3 a. m. Weight 7 pounds, - j Mr.- J. ? H. league, manatrer of ; EfirdY department store, left Sunday for Western North Carolina, where be will spend a week ! vacation. He is traveling; in his auto. ' A dog belonging to Mr. P. I Smith, who lives on East Third street, was shot and killed last night. The dog wad thought to have been rabid and was killed by Mr, Ted PhJUips. Win, Boyd, s-montbs-oid son ox Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Walters, recently underwent an operation " for some throat trouble at the Baby, hospital, Wrightsville. His condition U report ed as; favorable, -"'w;;: :- : h-Mr. Kfifayon Woody returned yes terday from Montgomery, Alav where he spent 2 weeks taking spedaj train ing at the U. A. army aviation schooL Mr. Woody belongs to the reserve corps of the air service. f -v Mr. P. R. Markham, 'authorized agent of the State Child Welfare Commission, Raleigh,' is here this 1 week assisting Miss Elizabeth Frye. county' welfare officer, to making, a survey ox child labor to the county. " , . Miss Emma Norment, a member of the faculty;: of . the Lumberton graded school, returned ' Tuesday evening from Greensboro, where she attended a six-weeks', summer school for teachers at the N, C. College for ' Women. ' ', V:' . Several members' of the Lum berton Goats club , r spent the night . last week at the log-cabin club house . on - the banks of 'Lumber river, one mile north of town. Meals were serv ed ; there ; And the "Goats" report a -: most pleasant week. - ; - First' Ueut. G. A. PJotjt ot Co. IV 12' Infantry,-NCN.'G who lives at Xurinburg, was a Lumber ton visitor yesterday. He reported. most enjoyable encampment at More head City. Mr. Plott formerly lived near Lumberton, where his ' parents . still reside. ', vV- f. ': ., The date , for the picnic of. the Baraca class of the x First Baptist -Sunday school . to ha ve been - held ' at . White Lake, Bladen county, was post-, poned from today to some future date, owing to " high water to the Cape Fear. river, which makes cross-4' ing difficult :' '': cv - '" . Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Sharpe and children, Miss Anna : Courtney v and ,! Master J. A. 2nd, and Miss Josephine . Breece left Tuesday evening for Cleveland Springs,' Shelby, to attend the annual convention of the North Carolina Press association. . " , ;Mr. W. W. Hardin and sons, Mr. H. B. and Master: Grover, who live on R. 1 from Fairmont, were Lumn berton visitors Tuesday. Mr. Hardin was among the first subscribers of The - Robesonian, going on - the list KacV In tho (tav nt tho MTriarailla ' I Five - Lumberton ' young .: men Messrs. Tates Floyd, William Ed mund, David Bryan, Knox Andrews . and Richard Prevat lef t yesterday to attend citizens' military training camps. Mr. Floyd goes to Fort Bar- rancos, Fla., while the ethers' go to . Fort MeCkllan, Ala.' They will be away 30 days. . , . Mrs. S. D. 'Page of Falcon was able Tuesday to leave the Baker sanatorium, where she had been 'a patient for some time. She and -her husband, Rev.' Mr. Page, left yester day for Green Sea, S. C, where they will spend some, weeks. They expect ed to spend yesterday and last night in. Orrum at the home of Mr. Page's brother-in-law and sister, Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Spivey. ,.' . " :, Messrs. J. . Paul Lewis. Damon Floyd and Cecil Ashley of Fairmont are Lomberton, visitors today. . ? . the SUte.r j . '.' i Messrs.' H,' G. and A. K, Mitchell spent parti of the week to Hickory, where they went to response - to - a metsMgt toXorming them el the ul ness Of' A brother . . . .... . Mr. Qarry Weinstein left Monday for New -York and other northern : markets. '-" ... ,:. - Mrs. A. E, Byrne underwent a seri ous operation at Baker's sanatorium, Lumberton, Tuesday. Her condition is reported as very favorable, the , operation being very successful. -' .., ' Mr; John Felts, representing H. A. Page, Jr. of Lumberton, was a Fair mont business visitor several, days this week. : i ' Dr. A. H. Hayes and Mr: "Mem Griffin spent Thursday fa Fayette- Jville on business. . ; u