pacz five 8 vt 'A v"; 1 the HuHmmm 02c 101 tLt Fourth Tret Telephon Na.. 2- k j MOiraATJBiyl; 1822 v BUSniBSS'iCUILPM . Fresh, bread, cake' pie, -ban. jetty relU.t i 'Mr. CiF. .Smith of Ttaleigh SPnt baked every nay Jn the thin for junch '.Thursday ?and Friday t in . Lumberton. .when in- towaDaBofc Bakery, , Inc. . .-Mr. J,.M. Hutchinson spent the Want! Experienced 6.ii44j. Apply at One; : week-end at Fort Mill, S. C.with. his statkrig experience and salary wanted. -family,7 - - ; ' ' - ' drew Box 6 imbert n.S, ,,j . -Mr.; & f M. Hayes : of Lakeview,S. When com. "in town .with year WaeeilC' as among the visitors in' town drop around to DBoi Bakery forv yottr' Saturday. ' A, .- ' j-. lunch. -Bread- cakes and pica.- Hade froaj ' "Mr: R F, ' Little and sister," Miss every day. v. ..... . . r Mary Little, of : the Lumber Bridge Per Sale- One lo-H. P. 'Fire box boiler, en 20-H. P. engine - on sawmill complete. ' Apply to Ll H. .Townsend, St.. Paul N, ' v - wtwCTi villi. iw a i r "ffn? t''wtS-rJ SSjJin There' a reaon."- p Iwry.n,. FOB SALET-MpRera and 'RaKes, :aaa.; K M'4;BUiri m : fctaltfca;,We Bee -aa befJre yea bay f rtll five you ntoney. Bi etock on hand all aizea.i Jno4tF. Ftench Cft Yea iriU be 'aWrprlaed t '.a "what -Wvalna we are offering in 4adiee and Hjaee Vfait i hi. 1 1, r -in $ whit paav. r ffrer"eyUe, nly $1.29. Misaea' 11.15. S. D. Banderaonw - Yea' can aar Money ' If yen W'ererathi 'ai 8. D. Sanderson', -i V A c. i i. i -i ii .- in i. f m ii i . i.i For 8Ie Nw took ranw Only aaed a few time. Reason for Miring- f tvea to Interested party. 'Phone No. 26S. yS ;v"'4 Brine year cor t Promt Br.. wo srind oreryaay at National Cotton, Mill. v K ;f W hare a. few ake freeb' aUtt eewt' i4re , or will trad for beef cow Pre: National CottOt Mill. Bed and areea Neapolitan pepper for aaU 75ct. per bushel basket. Mra. John, : Mc -- Dowell, Elhabethtown,' N. C. It I not too lata to' w paw for hay. Bow that tobacco patch and save.,. that hay money, W, have a few bushela left at 11.60 per bushel, delivered your station. Jno. . Trench A Co. ' . w -V ' .i A 1 11 . ' "" 8111 , ."I '. FOB SALE No. t Milk Cew, Gentle, easily handled and milked by woman or child, in sood eondttion, give 2 -1-2 ' fallops ' milk now, aire 8 1-2 eallona when f rash. W. W. Hardin. Fairmont N. C.; B. For Sale A No. 1 Gu pimp apply to P. O. Box 884. Lumberton. t N. Of. f ',: f ; Jnst- arrived Freak, lot tarnlp seed and seed Irish note toe. Now la good tun to plant Now la U H. Ca! .n w r.irf..n . - .v wtwr, --i. . . , ; Bey Beaaa, Velvet Beano Can Seed and; Field peas lor salt at i n. taiqweu a. , i! t to Cta, PafaiU.PfM..ta. ,P' jvJUn in Irreirular stands oj cotton 1a , Bhinflo and aU kinds at Bnildlna- Material . oA hand in mtco quantrue. , me rutnt. L. EL CaMwaB, ' Wanted ajvory Wotmaa fat Kobesea to have a Mother . Hubbard Waabboard. Savaa, . th ' baekaehaa. For aa at -.Pat. Keraogayf yont. Prompt loaaa of M t U.M at 4-2 per cent interest for. . 1 ' 10 years vnade on hnprovod farm tends on Robesoa,, Boko -and Seotlane! Counties Jonta ' J. Qoodwtax at v torney , for . ChicVamauaa ;. Trust; Cottpany. Ltqnberton, N. C t '' -Th Boat Berte,r Is oar motto. Everything eloan and sanitary. When hungry aivo a ealL i Orympia cafe, Kim, street. Iam IN SOCIAL CIRCLES Crowder-Peters The marriage of Miss pearle Elaine Crowder,' daughter of Mr. and Mrs. R. F. Crowder ; of Edistdi , avenue, Wales , Gardens, to William, Theron Peters , was solemnized last evening at 8:30 o'clock at the Rose" Hill; ever, dayBoi, Bakery. Inc. , tfi. ,3,.- 'e , WUmiiSton. ar. viiit. J ' l . FOB SALE One Good. Bene and One Far mg 'relatives here. 1 - T i rt. ' 4 Mule, K. M.'Wtta.rr.; ,; . J Messrs.iA. T.nand;Tt J. Phillips off twV f.v. ' v ' !,' bargainT. .nd Mere, K. Wilu'townaWp- wereamong the , Only; two, games will PyJ m. Burn. j - visitors In town Fridav.7 . Ith home, grounds this week, Laurm- Presbytertet'httrchv ;- the pastor the Rev, E. S?;CanbeU, Officiating. ,.V The church was, a bower of ivy, white blossoms and burning white candles and a distinctive feature of ., , the' decoration , was an arch of white ; and green from which' hung a shower k bouquet of bride ; roses and swain sonia, beneath which the young cou ple stood during . the ceremony. , As i a back-ground there were palms and : tall white pedestals topped with vases of the snowy flowers. rMi& ' vi Just before the .ceremony Miss Bes sie Outlaw, soprano sang an appro J priate song, after "which MisS" Miriam Wilson played the wedding march., : The bride " whovehlered 'with- her brother, R. L. Crowder of .Newnerrrt j wore white satin and imported lace 'j and her veil was fastened .' with a coronet of orangelos00is. :i v.-,. She carried a bouquet pf bride roses j showered with ' valley lilies and swain . sonia. Her only attendant was hef sister, Miss, Jeanette. Crowder, 'who , wore a gown of, pale rblue georgette ; trimmed in hand, made roses and car- ried an , araful ,i pmk J: .'pllarny roses, u''.'y-- , -.y; ' 1 f Mr. Peters ; was. atteiided by D. . T. $ Trte as best miir iirfd thfr ' nsl shera were W. T. CoDinr and R. , A.; Gold- schmidt..-'' "i.-'- ;; .' . . : After the ceremony the young cou ple drove to the bride's home, where aha --haTfrwf wddinr rom fox a traveling cssTdal-k'blue' CWtOTT crepe,, a .black, cape ; lined with ' red and a dark bhae hat withf touches of . sand coloijcj!r',3S8b8, gloves . and other ftcess Wealso being in vnnrliart aanrl tint. Thw' lpft fnr T JiTn. j berton, N, C to spend the remainder of the summer, Mr Peters bejug', a pitcher ' for the . Lumberton baseball team.1 In September, they will return to. Columbia to live at 1401 Elinwood avenue. : t-. . The bride, an exceptionally pretty and attractive yoong girl; was edu cated at . Chicora , college, . and Mr. .Peters was a student iast -year at the University of South Carolina, where re R s o HAL sr, - .Mrf A: . Pate of B. J.Xumbertori, - i was in" town Friday. yvV'ik'" ! Mr. W. B Harker of Pofetori spCntf Saturday in fjumbertoa. r stwt a Lumberton- visiter." hwsaay.' "Mf O n ' Thinr-an" f,f H:inni1tit the. week-end here visitl22.relaiivea? Mr. N. A. Smith of the Red Serines section Js a Lumberton Visitor today. section weTe among the, shoppers ' in towBFriday; .'".- v - larC R.' C. M!WWte' of, R.'"r; Lum- Wtfltirwi ,mpna the visitor? Jin w w u , ajcayu.UA j - Mr. J. H. iTcatme Teturned Friday ni4 fwm a week's trip through ' Miss Maud Watson tf Nw'j'yorkiBd9?4iw r-; ptitmg.r out. srifint the wee'lc-tr ind 'here, visiting Dr. and Mrs.'lti A 'emDsori '. ' ' vi 'Messrs., A; p. ans.andr'iiJ.' Prvatt of the'Sfaiils section were among the -visitors in town Saturday.! , Mr. and Mrs. Kss Fetner and two, week while .axton nas a iour aay iay childrenfiRo88;.J anl Billie,; spent i oft The; Macks 4 got, firfe start in a the weflk-end, atHarnlel vUittogre--Raeford !nd litives. i : . ' . V- , -nre now' on' tooTThert Jt inlenty of Mi 'tr; tf 'WllHo ar.oviW 4asVitim frti an f the nther teams, with end in Charlotte visiting ins fikilyMhe exception: of Laurinburg, to catch who , have been visiting relative in . hes-and, if jLumbertorr,, can take the Charlotte for some time. -u ;-.- j.. ; Mrs. E. E. Page and' little Miss Dorothy .Page, went, Saturday to Wil - mington. where they will spend some time visiting !relatives and friends. ' t ! Maxton played, good 'ball liere Sat m Misses Rosalie' and ;Lolitjs Lytch "of urday and made it , two straiglit frolm Rowland ai'e guest at the home of .Lumberton, winning A to U Peters did their - brother-V -law and -sfatr. Mb. not have his usual amount of staff and Mrs. ' H. : E. ? Stacyv North . Elm street - - l- ovtKi.,; Mr, and Mrs: Clyde ijUpchurch 'and tnree.eiuiaren ana.xar. ana Mrs. nar-un fy Greene and little Jimtnier ' Greene!P of Raeford spent Sunday with Mr. and J. A.; Ureene. v . first inning. Kdgers walked, went to Mrs. ,C. Lv Watson of Winston-' second on .O'Connor's wide throw to Salem arrived Thursday 'night'; and first on Smith and advanced ev a'sac Will .spend; "sbntet time tare visiting rifice ; hit. Bdh .rttnnres ;"dvanced her parents, Dr. and Mrs. N. A.U vbase;- on .an. '''.- infield, t out Thbmpson. ! . land ; scored . on Hughes' - sin: Mrs. "J. T. Hamilton of Marietta spent' the week-end here visiting at the borne of . her son-in-law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. F. Grover "Riffv QanAnn uo - A. ' ' v i , ' , - . . a , ., , .. i ir. .'... aeuen ana a cnuaren iwent,XTiaay to ; Wilmington, wnere . . , , ,. , they ? will spend some time visiting relatives.1 iney willy also .visit rela- ItivefltLSurmlyBni sister, Miss Claudia .Mjeares, went yesterday morning to Wrightsville Beach, where they will spend a few days. They twere accompanied to the beach by Miss'' Graced Huireins.' wHb rfiirnai9 ftnni . tMa .m Awnintp Mrs. M. p. Brown; left Friday for' her home, at Mocksvilld, Davie courts1 ty, after spejading (.10daya- here visf-t iting at the ;home of ?her;son,-in-la- and daughter, Mr. and. Mrs.: B. F. Mc Millan, Jr. She was ' accompanied as far es Fayetteville by Mrs. McMillan, who returned Friday evening."" """" Mrs. A. P. McAllister i and small sonA A.. P. Jjr lef t,Saturday morning, for Chimney Rbcki where, they , will. spena several 'weelcs. l hey were ac companied by - Mrs. McAllister 'sjtjro ther,' Mr. Br ownlow Jackson, r who spent a week here visiting at the Mc Allister home, Chestnut and iVSiith streets.; ( . ', ' ,Mr. and Mrs. M- J. Best 'of . Golds bofo spent Thursday night and . Fri day here visiting at the ndme of their son-in-law and daughter,. Mr. and m. .T . , .r vr'i,, ' 7 They left Friday evenjng f6r Atlanta, Ga., to visit at the home of their son-in-law and daughter. Dr. ; and ; Mrs. Paul Best They., were accompanied by little Miss Mary Louise Fuller. ; : he 'was oneof . the star pitchers. Columbia (S. C.) SUte, July 27. -' - 1 . " v.' -.. j Rowan-Smith. ::: Correspondence of The Robeson jan. " Mullins,., SS ; C, 'July 26-A : i very pretty home wedding took place here this, afternoon. at the home of Mr. and "Mrs, W. H. Smith, "when their daughter, .JUiss Mary Vireinia. , be came the bridV'of Mr. Raymond ; L. Rowan of Lumberton, N. C. v Mrs.'. Rowan I was given ' away in marriage by her father, with Miss Aline, $mjthtiaster! of; the bride, as maid of honor, while Mr. W. L. Parham of, Lumberton, acted as best man. ' ' .-".-" '. v,?.--.?,- The Rev. SF. Naff, pastor ;of the First Baptist Church" of, Mullios, pro! hounced the words that made the han- py couple husban andfe, irtple nng; cereinonv Deing useo, mrs. UOi- iis-pswmg at .thp. pianos , 'i Immediately afttT 'the i eeremtftry the happy couple left . by- auto for Wilmington and Wrightsville Beach, where they will' spend a few dart. after which they wilj be at home to their -inends at ' Lumberton,. NCL "YJ It :.: . i .- --T--w a- . wherT Ihegrodm "ToTdaTTpdlilldB with Efirds Department 'Store. . f S f tti 4 SWIM? Reported, for The Robesonian.; . Misses. Sarah Carlyle ' and Drina Hedgpefh gave a !4SwinMning''p1irtr Saturday morning at Jennings Beach in honor of .Misses Margaret Fleming of Greenville"," Pitt county, and Fran ces Cherry of M t Olive, who . art guests of Miss Elsie Thompson. Those in the party were: Mrsses- Fleming Cherry,' Carlyle,': Hedgpeth anc Thompson and Messrs. WaRace, Lan caster, Rogers, Humphrey and Frew. Intcrctatc : LcMcju ? 1 ByDkk.Noraa" I Standing of X3nb vy 4 Majttoh Lomherton 3 3 .300 Raeford ... Laorinburg 6 f " .143 ' here They Play tods I . m.wmj vi.iv.. Lumbertorv-at. Uaxton , ij, Hamlet at, Laorinbarg "r ' ' , Raeford not scheduled. ' ? - 1 Wednesday and Thursday ; Lumberton L Hamlet v v Laurinburg at Raeford 1 Ma3rton 'not scheduled. - - K Friday and Saturday, LaoYinburg at- Lainberton ; 1 - Raeford-at Hamlet- ' . bur coming, here1 Friday . and Satur- 'day. Every team in ..the Inters is. Playing highlass.ball interstate now IPraeti - iaJljreery game iByedt;tn the second . iialf ' has been a battle if rom beginning to. end. Saturday's game nere was played iin 1:25. .;S The locals face a hard schedule this itwo eames. in aiaxton. today, and to-. morrow, they 'will be. on practically even termtL:?'J!:i,' ?;S4''St 'M' Maxton ,toa. ffaUuiaj'.ftjHJ' r6?11 ,n4 his lack of, control In; jtWQ. to-', i stances, prbved'fcostly. Excetftionil fielding by tle" visitors' saved Brysonj several instances, me maca-s a parently playing above their ' hea maxton led, off with two runs, bt the J trie. .Twq more were added - in the sjxth when E.' Johnson was bit, ;was i sacrificed to second and . scored "on i Hughes' seoend hit, Hughes also scor- lino nil Rtrnsa' itmrk , . ' it .V.'. -.. r .v. i ' j v'.-. umurawu . ih w . iuuii. o""" wngieu, sioie secona anja ecoreu I T H ! 1-J J - 'J J.J on JMcuirts single, roer led .off the ,ie" mtung wun .a nn, ana rrewt ioi Langston hit one to left centier ; on ana aouwea reters at second. iue "core; Maxton ; 200 002 000 4 5 X Lumberton. . .j.-OOO 100.0001 6 1 r'BrVsdn tand Bonner; fiJPeters and How Manager Glover and Cantata 1 v winnor ten airer Aiaxton O'Connor felt after Maxton's second Maxton got ' the breaks and won- Friday 3 to 2. It.wis one, of iv.'the most exciting and nerve ' wracking i games of the season and a hard one to lose. Coten. a new man, worked his first game fc iiumoerton, and outpitched . Sander son,, the Maxton ace. He should have won handily but each of. the ; three errors: made by Lumberton resulted m a tally and poor - base running probably post one or two runs. ; 1 The-- visitors put across the win ing run in. the ninth when Smith led off -with, what turned out to be a two base" hit but jn reality was a-foul. Umpire IcLaorin couldn't see it from his station behind the pitcher. The locals made a desperate effort to fie the score In the final frame. Sander son, who had. been weakening rapidly,' walked Coanor. Banks beat out fa bunt and O Connor - was caught 'at Jhirdt,avJBie play Snipes hit into a double ana the game was over. . The Macks mad their first run 'in the "third wherV Holland doubled, went to third on a passed ball and scored o tji.aasriHsiiy, xne next tally wasi maae m m seven in wnen a Jana son wenttA eeond on O'Connor's w$Ut peg to" first, the first he has ;, ever made here. H. Johnson's Single i seafc r. jonnson to third and he scored.sBv f -erjpenfly. Lumberton scored hee two runs , in the seventh and , with Sanderson ion rncai . nouia nave maae1 at. leasv i . . ... . . )eared to lose his 'nerve in this period. JingstoB' began the inning with. a louble. O'Connor flied to deep right Jt Langs ton ' failed to ta up and vas forced at third by Snipes after Banks . had - walked. ; ; jlcGirt ; came urossin the pinch wath a" f single, tanks counting. Turner nit a scorcher Ad scored Snipes but overtook Me ;irt at second, forcing him out in a hase. . ''''. ' Inrsoi:byinnmg8l- - . i. ... , . Ill ' "A f J 'j.YOUB M0fEY . v'x many wei to which it can t0 put. If you ever AccnmnUW money, it will be throngh careXnl thouj5ht, labor and tacriflce. It"if tignly ccnunendable in anypne to bo thrifty and industriotu, and tbcreby cave money dnrintr one'i actives years; for statistics prove that there " ere very few'who beijin to ave and accnmnlate property after they V have passed middle life. - ' ? , .' 'v J U you desire to be FORCEFUL and independent, then' be' thrifty v , and SAVE, and when old age overtakes you and you are no longer ' able to produce, in competition with the rest of the world, then Your' Money will be a FORCE that will protect you from dependence and f 4 ,i This Bank we guararnee vo The Plantera Bank & Trust H Maxton .... , 001 000 101 3 6 1 000 000 2002 6, 8 Lumberton Sanderson and Bonner; Coten and Swans. ..tmpire McLaurin r And Jookr how; the Maxton? fan felt, about it , , ' , , Two Straight .. From . Laarinburg Lumberton made it' two straight from Laurinburg by winning a des perately fought game Thursday 6 to 4. A lead of three runs was amassed off the delivery of Shore in the first four rounds by hitting in the 'pinch and playing inside baseball and this lead appeared to be a plenty arid to spare until the eighth inning , when with two down Stone weakened and allowed four runs. But : one of the enemy- had reached Becond until that time.' , ' With the score four - to three against them Lumberton put across two runs in the ninth' and copped. Snipes walked and advanced -when McGirt beat 'out -an infield tap. Turners-attempting to sacrifice, got in a hole ' and fanned, but Wallace, - pinch hitting, for Swann, singled over sec-, ond. Correjl was playing close in and kept Snipes from , scoring 'but Hey worthv threwv wildj in ', attempting to stop Snipes , from returning, to 'third and he scored the tying marker, Mc Girt advancing to third.. Stone's long sacrifice fly -scored him- easily- Frew and" 'O'Connor each, made two hits, one of Frew's being, a double. The fielding of Turner at short again featured. ', , J . , ' ' ' The Score: ' Lumberton 101 100 002 5 6 1 Laurinburg ; . 000 000 040 i 1 i vv.Stone and Swann and Frew; Shore and Heyworth. Umpire Holland. v. Baseball Breese -The fellow who wears that new mask; 1 . . ' His name is 4Fcfttw. Swann, - should , " you ask, When they miss 'em be nails 'etn When they foul 'em;vhe grabs , 'em. Now take it from us that's some task. '' ,. Whaley. 'Mrs: E. R. Melntyre' and small son, E. JB. Jr returned .'yesterday from New -Yerk city, Where they "spent 10 dayrviaiting at the home of Mrs. Mc Intyre's brother-in-law and sister, Mr. and Mrs. L. P. Stack. 'A' 1 J,' o o ?! ft? ;J CfAjCmX gs! ( jv!?' - a xviutmg ivxauunc ior doll weevil iieirrijiianciiv the tiiio to GETBUSY. : ,' 5 . Jl Z' ' - '". 1 fr ' . V .. .. ., . ... flrnut Jkn& .V'iv , u . imv . ' BlyDttnsnd.; Do y our canninff. ,,?r I ii 1 a r).. Cases, if V- i U a Potce, just u money tlwayi is wants to be of service to you and you oxkvaui batex ttiMUiusx,, irfacc Our Bdnfc Your THE ORIGINAL FARMERS BANK -r- COMPLETE STOCK i SASH GLASS OILS DOORS PAINTS -4- BUILDERS HARDWARE SCREEN DOORS r- SCREEN WINDOVS NJacobi Hardware Co. ' ' WlLMmGTO C. Church Notea The Judson B, Y. P. U. of. the First 'Baptist, church will meet this evening at 8;15. Dr. II. , ..Baker, president of the..,Robesonf county un ion, will deliver an address on "The Missionary Doctor." A ,large attend ance is desired. ( . Rev. J. M. Fleming returned last night from Davidson county, where he assisted Rev. Dr. J. I Shinn in his revival meeting at Center Hill last week. He has gone to White Oak, in Bladen county, todav to beirra a series of . meetings. Rev. Fdrmaai H. Martin, D. D pastor , of .1 the First oaptist church of Florence, S. has been engaged to do the preaching. n tey I E. Wishart of Clurleston, Okla;, who is visitinsr nlativa ' in and near Lumberton, preached at the East Lumberton Baptist church last evening, filling the pulpit of - the pastor, lfr. JS- A, PauL ' ' ' . Ma Myrtle. Brown left last even ing for her home , near Robersonville after spending several days here vis- liiuir ac , me noma rf h k-ntv.. I , T ay VbUVI'UI Waw and sister, Mr. and Mrs. Ml H. copies, fcighth street. CLffVER SEED jLFALFA SEED ter Rye, Seed Oats, Seed Wheat, Seed Barlev. VZ v table Seed, Flowering Bulbs, Turnip Seed, Onion Set! H .Vetches, Grasses, Rape, Abbrnzia Rye; Common Win " These seed should be planted freely. Others who are growing these crop, are prospering, are you ? Write us for our compete price list tcoveraig all seeds most suitable for so 'and Climatic coalitions in the booth. - 0 A. B. KIRBY SEED COMPANY ' ; . ' ' 1 GAFFNEY, S. C. 1 ' " ARSENATE ON HAND sFtihW Cans. SupdIv i votirtelf. now ;; pcsaozi ouienrorwnai you ctow: on SPClj::irrAtbig- bargain, 4 Two Jron Safes. Two Two Cr: iefnsterso -V. ' - JV rriiOugn Grocery to. ;t--4'icii:' on accotmlxltb-?. help you to save. Bdhli Conroanv ' !' I 1 3CZZ3C RE-ELECT FIAHERT-f SUPREME KNIGHT V James A Flaherty of .PWIadeK phia wai re-elected Supreme Knight at the national rally of the Kaivnts; of Columbus at Atlantic City. The Knights spent over, three mfflfoay dollars last year In helping disabled . soldiers. Mr. and Mrs. E. G. Marlow have returned home from the western part of the State, where they snent some 16c Poind '. .if . DcnV ds? : youpowir 5 'crCl . r several Show a: Typewriters.' V. "i'(v' 1 M'. i

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