TZIE LOSECOiriAM, IVZEZZIOX. VCZ7H. CAROLINA. MONDAY, July 31, 1022 ROTlCR OP SPECIAL SCHOOL TAX ELEC- - Halting Joslire ' mN and registration for SAME i It was just a few weeks ago that Notice is heretnr uiven that aa election wDl FipM Marshal Wilson -van assassin- N. "cfo. Sfte'SS 5te4 w in Londo His murj 1B22, to ascertain the win of the people of u' unvn uh uku "i v"v" the special school district hereinafter describ ed whether titer shall be added to and h oome a part of Thompsons , Graded School District proposed to be composed of said -dis. triet and special .. school districts of Thorn p. sons No. 9 10 and IU (wbft ki News and "Comment By "Aont Becky."' ROZIER NEWS NOTES ! Farmer. Busy Series of Meetings Ike ins August 14 Personal, Men- tioa. Purvis, nown as Rlrod and Raynham districts, and t ,. ., an1 h mrtnirttv whether to. epecial tax of 10 .cent, on . ' "C C"'- handred dollars valuation ol property gireaayrv jmuuuiwui, existing in said district shall bt increased to'cide record in England appear as 'al 80 cents on the hundred dollars, making most' nothing compared with our own. ZLS tXTtu' Vht In this country the rule 1. to consume purpose of maintaining and supporting to weeks ana raostths in gettmg ready schools of said proposed -district as aiore- f0r trjial. Theft, after conviction mere Uia If or, (uurom v- ; r CcrrMnon of Th. Roheaonian. to aeatn ana in a snort nmiaey wi on the sixth of June 1 startea in-; - - - - , , have paid the penalty. And it isn't the Fork on a visit to the home of 9rKos JJTr, V. rl' k.v because the victim was a prominent J daughter, Mrs. jV L. McLaurin; in f;Te VP e- t0. VhZ- ffrJSS man that the law was swift in this vfoon ount; s. accompanied by "if11 tobacco. W e hope the frrmers it i. fv R,rUh it i the JL fi.. wnW wiU 6- excellent price for it thiol dsrtrlct ta which J .lection . to, J ! be held is Thompsons Special School uwci;ivi . eAuu viusui- iu u v- No. 10 (white), known as Eirnd District, and try in "the Tjfrorld, probably,- is there is described as foifowss - - - - 'such a spectacle of halting Justice as MFZ ZKSSii SfZ$ own-StatesviUe Landmark. ft.1.1. .ij 1L. T..'. lttfaan aft AlTHlCt t "? - ... . I I .11 " - Uf f "run 1- - 7 viRirfcV line" thence with i NOTICE OP SPECIAL SCHOOL TAX ELEC faCbSTt' bS? m tion and registkation fob same Kenzie's north line; thence said line east to h Notice is hereby a.ven thalTan election wUl e !l T .l" -u tk. a 'be held at the store of Jack McCallnm. T. rate ana a. 1. "M"".; v -r -y-.r" 1922 w ascenain uu wiu u un 4& J-. i uu:te a large crowd attended enure n i r ! .1. .Uil. J ninkanl Town.! AUCTUSt sTd Ito. E. W: MciaV line; north Pjopta of th. special school district Ijerdn. to his comer thence to T. P. Monroe's line ; , after described whether net shall b aoae h um vuiu. -. nnptJi I and become a nart of Thompsons Graded to bis west lines tt"0 h . V. Monroe's line: then bl line to T. P. Mon roe's south line j thence to H. W. HeRae s School District proposed to be composed of said district and special school district of Thompsons Nob. . 10 and 11, (white) known KnY Srd Towrns T Purvis. Elrod ind Raynhsm DUtrlot. and KiiaiiUa ova uwsatsw. ar w in said district shall be Increased to SO cents k. t TtmHi thenca with the) sau road south to the-Branch vUlo Eoad; theno west with tho Branehville Road to D. ASH' CoU corner tn Shaw McNair8 line t ttenee with D.' A. McCoU Una to JU W, u lard line to 8. C. Hall lines theneo with Halls south line to D. A. McCoU's line in mvom th.M th. mBD to Mrs. M. H. McCoU's Une on tha nunorea oouars, maKioar oe m uniform with the rate now ezbtmg; in said Thompsons Graded School District, for the purpos of maintaining and supporting the schools of said proposed district as aforesaid. The district in whjen aata election snn 10 1. m. at Mclnnis' Bridge, iouna ine river on uwm, p ,?...- v- . tAl r?. hu? bv.Te7udrSg H . The Sun.; mS tfpuoulS ksson,' which was taught dow especially- about Little Rock the- pastor, Rev.Ue Humphrey anl.0R' 'A d- delivered both Saturday and Sunday. ofOo wSrSendeSrch Rert rLr-, w'r b, hdi'- MaAie ad Bessie Holder. During the five weeks which I spent ?ve returned home after several there the wet weathex continued, and wkf vut at the home of their bro- the rain came almost dailj, inflicting J "."i tUvlr. vmru- uurham Rice of the Long Branch sec- con and cotton. The tobacco especial- v"0"- . ' - . ly. was seriously hurt, and an old . Ms Pauline 'WUhs of St Pauls farmer told me the crop was the ytin friends and relatives in - trnn ir xt1nn tnis section. - since it first production there. 30 Mr. Purdie Britt and family of years ago. They were curing when I rioA spent Sunday at Mr, came away and found the quantity -.Brt Turner s. , , - and quality very , discouraging. But , oorry to report Miss Bertfe Carly- the boll weeyil up till the, time ol ar., waiter Britt on the sick NORTH CAROLINA STATE COLLEGE AGRICULTURE AND ENGINEERING STATE CCIXECS STATION . BALOG3, N. C Tecbnlatl Xdocation at fiat Collet prepares) Ms graduate for "ersona! and for tsadcrshlp la Industrial progress. The eouege otter rOUR YEAR COURSES IN: A srlcsttsr including fienersl Agrfmlcur sn4 Rneriatlsml Cowrsrs ia Tsm Crops, AgrlraltuMl EnKlneering. Animal Huahanitry and Dairying, Biology, ortteuitore. Poultry Science. Soils, Veterinary Medicine, Vocation! (duration. . Ckemistry, Agricultural Chemistry. Textile Chemistry and Dremg. - , Civil EatiRtsrlsf. Architecture and Blghway Engineering. Eleetrical EMtaeerinfl. ( , . t Mtchsalcsi Eaglneerig. - ' Tmtile-Tsstlle Er.g1nerng. Teitlle Manufacturing :reirtlle Chemistry and DyelOg. Afrtsultural Esesemies, Busiscts Admiaistrstiea, Raral LKe. ., $ . 4W0 YEAR COURSES IN: - AgrUtiHiire, Mwhanle Arts, Teitlle Manufacturing. ' On Ysar Cenrtt la Ante Meckaaies. - Wiater Gears hi Agriealtur for FsrsMirt. - ' ((ummec Session for Tesrhers, for Collega Xotrsnr sod for Collets Credit , " Excellent enulpment la all department. Hesslo 1MJ-2J -beitln September b. . . xn.. Xntrsnc requirement tar Prcshimin tlas. 13 unit English. Si History, Xathematlr. 84 1 Science, 1 Xlertlve, for catalog, illustrated circulars, and entranee Wanks, write, t. B. OWEM. Refistrar, rJ 7wsmo to John Bribers'. 'd is Thompson. Speeial. Scho0l DUteW nT TatA Hno to the beginning and bemg!'o. 11 (white), known that district which appears on paaw ; book of Special School Dfstrlet. office of Supt. Public InstmeUon of Robeson County. There shall new ragiswa""" elect" and R H Pool. misr and Walter Tbompon and 0. B. MeOoU ar Wda of election and only those pjr Who shaU register for aaMHSstto'K?8!?, to vote therein, - Th registration books wj Mba kept opm at the store of B. H. Pool, Elryd N. C? from WedneMter, th. 5th Wy of ' f urday. the 5th day of August, 1W In order to give .11 those within sa dtotofct who ar Qualified to vot an owrtontty to regtotu er and tha said registrar n tteni.?! to. Elrod. SSftt book on wwuroaya, . July and th Sth da Of August. W.M who XToft 3. -a-jj--- . i -ni-vi nn anr day or r .Vj hs naased on they closed m vriU then count th bnot and mak their M sU eleVtitho;. who favor said dtoj tricbecomtng aPrt of Thn. Gradrf l,,!. on th. hundred dollar, shall ST. riiiiT on which will o. prinua xna)tU ""Zt .-sv,; TnerMBed Tax" and those wn printed the word. "Against IneraMeoTTax. , BOARD 'of COMMllsTPNERS OF ROBE SON.COTOTY6. W WARD cataan, M. W. FLOYD, Seertrvrx .... tt h POOLE, RcStbwa'l I--WALTER THOMWOST. 0- McCOLL. Judge. oT Election. . Th,,,. W. Xiennon, Auy. ., j..r..a tta r 1 1 tk nf Jultr -was making less ravages than? had been Ar0UnVlr of the youna; folks .went apprehended. ' - X "1UC r8" Tuesday afternoon. making less ! . . "... , . J J At Floydale the oil Unk owned-by xnW report a grand time, "" , RECE1VKIT9 SALE . ' w irtua of authority contained to an or- perlor; Conrt , "l" .Uintif f and ant th undersigned awm '1 ,.uk 7 J.. .w jf Amrost. at twlv o eioea, t bMder, th. foljowln. M . SbTthroffSr;. Li.F- Sopulpment and obil. .cc.ori. tofor onauc - un. R" wl .n that eartain brick erohmaa weceiwr, w... ,wtd-'on building, togn?r to the corner of nesinu as Raynham District ari described foUowa: , . Beertnnina at th. lower skto jot Vester Bn place on the Old field Swamp; thnca wast so as to include Dan Britt' laee and Joel Stone; thence to Aaron Swamp includ ing B. O. Townaana ana . a. i.iuU 4tan acrasa Aaron Swamp to I. B Kamer's lower Una; thane wjth said land Hn to Ed Thompson's plsce j thence so as to to- ctada1 his place to PoJey .wranen; Yug eras. Mid "tranch so to melsjd H. F, Thompson and Kartha HammoBds' pla hu Pole Branch runaing North and Including Jess Scott' viae to th wast line to I. R. Hamerj thence with -v I. . ft. Hamer's west Una to tha McKensU place including the lands of Alex MeKnaie; thenea aa tinekading the Und ' of C B. Towruend, H. A. Townsend, C. M.Townsend and R. W. Tawnaend and th McLean pis, and L. S. Towosendi thence soth Including ca n1a to th Oldfield 8wamp; (hence to the beginning, and balng that dis trict described on page 4S of uW book of dis tricts in the atfie of Supt. Publi Instruct -s? B.kAai rtatri There shall be a new registration for seal election and Jack McCallum is registrar an Scott Ston and J. E. Hayes ar J election and only tnos pen "Tr: regkter for said election shall be qualified 0ThthSrWbrRtton ook n ?? J& et th sbaiw of Jack McCallwm, Raynham. K. C. from Wednesday, th 6th day - .t1 JLns vhsa tiT.ta flaf fll! AUaHIti' rai 6rd to gii all those witfcia idd' who ar Qualified to voto an reaister. nd th. said registrar will attend t hfc .toSs Raynham. N. B th . nn Ritnnlns. Julr 8th, ItUl. 22ni tk and August 61 J922, 'frswv Tlrlk. . a it'eloek n. m. for the shall oner to regisw. W entered on any dr o "e trail, ssrrmd ftnd .U J"J?!5 th day jf election. Th poH. wiU OJ,n52 at nte n tha day ordectton open untH. sunset, wdkw -ej -- kT closed and th election eff leers will than ballots and mak their return as provided S law. f ''''2' vTl .wtiim thoe wh favec dfctricf. Woming . part .st aai l m.l taflaal that aUClTMaMI V -J?5r ,V. , hundraH dI .WbaWot onbTca wOlb. prtod smaaaa hall vote a ballot n whk wl KiaSjed the word. "Against Imiwjss i BOAED OF W'MMTSSIONERS OF 0B BON OOXJKTT WARD. Chairman. ... JACK MoCALLUM, ylUglstrar. SCOTT STONE, J. B. HAYES, Jndges f Election. W. Lennon, Atty. tu i?i.i MAontiU V.n hart been revival meet ine hAn. ni.aiii w n nrPmro of water Bet-ona, bunaav in Antniat rctr .. from beneath and raised almost level ery body ' to. attend much .as. possi with the surface ol eartn. its r-capar.- e uave not, iearned who is, to city. Is 2,000 gallons, but it contained fieIP yet. . v ,. -v f only 200 at tne time, wnicn was w - - ... . a . . . 1 - a! a. NOTICE OF SALE OF REAL ESTATE Under and by virtu of th power M sal contained ia a certain ntortgag dead tram N. S. Ray and wife to A. . rarry. sew mortgage deed being recorded h) Book No. 40,. at pate , Robeson sounty Registry, de fault having aan mad m m persnens w th indebtedness thereby secured, th said mm-tirasw will . on Mondaf. tb 2Sth day of Ann. ma. t U o'clock II., stth court ' a ... .au. it. .ar T i i 1 un t usTs til i suuua. aYbW Tn ST.B-I tnajB Hi Isssnisjaii mssa y w-a offer for sal, to th highest bidder, for -cask. th following described real esiai m rsiv ... r..M First Tracts Lying and balng nortti i sld of BtUe Marsh, about 1-4 .mj I, below stag offiisnf tn hold it down and so they filled it with water.. This company, who. lost their store from burning last fall, ' have a commodious, brick build ing near completion and will soon resume business there, v ' - - Politics are warming up there, ana tnT.W!tCkJr0ar11)1" Wbgrip. tions ara atonruri v sl Send in your,, renewal in : tima to TRUSTEE'S SALE na l ivn Under and hv vfrtna n k -,., swr Bna an. the women are. much interested: Thetaja iT Joh" primary comes oft in August, and 22. and dur, regfau-ad te Vhtowiel they, are taking an active part, fa!g ,f kssw County, n. havine a lull registranon. a c-trustea win nn'i.. iZ Z ' . ""rsisna rtiilrf Af ladies it around with' at oCVtt 'iLfl AS the books, canvassing- at every home tTow f Umoerton. n. c, offer forw" to see that no one is over-looked, Mdfea.h VEvJ? i". ior. In Back SWkmp Township, adjoining the other land, of J. G. Prevatto, W N Town, end, . tract this day- soklto W. F. Britt --u tn sam containing 161.7S acres, and beinp fjrm No. 4 (No. 4) situated in the County of Roheunn An nW t . I formerly owned by E. L. Odum and known a I heard just before I came away,, that Mary Belle McLaurin, my grand daughter, had been, appointed a poll holder, though I am not sure she will accept. I think that Mrs. iseixie Roevra Drake ' of BennettBville," will -.-a y .. .11 il It MAVj. a avilina't llJteiy pou tne his Leach, or Back sWmn PlL-I intendent Ol State eoucauon. j 4-jand ptotted by L. 8 . Blgam C . E ..w hlch rh relief of a BOOd number Of Dillon , plot or map is recorded in'Rnnk of u M Citizens that Blease may be their neXtl; w J. PnblieReglstry of Robeson County, . iviDsfAlOR' IS PlaUI Tnv aft wnva 6-16-Thurs. dersb VL Receiver reserves th right to reject an?ndall TidTand any sal thweof ,wil KVb toTeflrnutton J A hWR plying ta tha undersigned Receiver as time before M,0fc , , This Jir 7. mi. Eeceiver Bullock Bros. 'Ant. Co. Lumber- and . . n i rn,. MciWU Ik Hactortt, Attorneys 'for Receiver. , 1-10-4 Mon. - NOTICE OF SUMMOSS North Csrml! , In th. Superior Court be tasted in th 8u lorCourt f b.oTr.Worc.r.n th . -,f !r,l. - that yon ar rJTw: Wor. ih ander- -- -- -- Rnrvrior Court Ol IMu snd answer or - MORTGAGEE'S SALE OF LAKD .. vr m .A Kvr vlfsfUA f tl-0 pOWCV authorUy conter"!-" a certain mortgag. deed from' A. A. Wright and wife t JL H-vrrk&- inrtrma-at U :rjWrad ?te Book "No 80. at page Ul, Office of Book jV- Rnl-ns ! Countr. de- fsnlthavltt- W mad ta th. payment f th Joaton. seXdhcreunder) tkeundmgn. d mortg-ge wUl offer for 0. Se lO-fday of? August. ,.. " Noon, at th coart hous door to.J2 . . ' n nnblie auction, to th !.. im. vm- easn wiw " " , - of J. IC Curriei M. J. Johnson -taand others: Beghmhw at a stak by f ? Se run of Dunn's Marsh and re 75 Vest 9:8? chains to a stak th, head '? v (uu theneo South oi a. smau uiw k -.taide V Blast IViO' cni w - - , . "in of Currie's tract 1 thenc. a .tha lta Nora. Dunn's Marsh S tnenc -T ,d 4 chains to a .tak with, hickory. i Tintera : thence East enatn. to signed Clerk of , tha S2$JZMk 192 . Coun on tn. mt of Ui -" Aa '''.... ' i County. f ' - NOTICE OF COMMISSIONER'S SALE -i-in- th authority on ynoer - w " v iudgmlt ZTr-d in th eaus entitled Red Springs rl. and John J. Thrower va. tained. In i'rw.- Con at L, th under. umeo Aiiiii-. - , rj hous door. Lumber-ton, ofier tor . iouoww.. --r-it-h-ea Codnur. f . "--sSTta ir -dg known a Fourth Avna atsdran. rrLt. T5 feet to a omr ta to; -"- - . - i-- . thai nexi- ,?t5 iT f to -f? dogwood po-h-. - ,m a stakVand gum-VeinJ ff Marsh" thence up th various , J run of said Marsh to th kastaii ta dogwood pointers j. . . IIMH1T TIM BUH A A Wright J- K. Curri. and .them, to A. A. w,r,g VrT K.W at nag 490. .. l? De!d. of brnon Ullice oi uv - County, ' la9 This tha Btn oay. oX --g pBY . . f:.i : ' - .Tnt-iflftim A Attorneys tor too . 7-20-4 Thurs. In . CK. feet to amert tnanea lt' 170 fcrt to th beginning corn-- in lJ Ida FourttT Avenue in th Town R-r SprfngZ Wbetag to. tot known .- wvpif,a i Havtag oualifiad "tl c!ufty.MKCrolJ pmons having claims against STiTdlee-sed to;hfbit to to th. nndv signed at ProctorrlUe, N. a on or iww th6th. day of July. JWJ-" slee make immediate payment. Thi. Ut day of Jly1922. ' """NOTICE OF, ADMINISTRATION ne'. ltrator f J- W. aSS-sTthi. i to mitrii. SSSa-T Inch STn7 iJ rz-zriz. n.-.i..ii a wlfUd. r ffj'Si.rSnri. -aMM ta U t th . neovwy. Ail persons will makS tmmadiat psyMm. -Thto the 6th day of Jaiy. l-vr 1 w ARCH MeNETLI Adminktrator of J. W. Oonoly, ii . M-Tan A StBCT. .,ws at a strees -:.-, - ro now .th aaaw.a- "J't xnna Duncan . horded in Book ) . Pag 42. Registers of- . fice of Robeson County. - - ' Dated thi 21 "f ; jjatea uii. DICKSoN MeLEAN, . . ':; r t a. McNeill. 1-24-4 Mon. '? - Commksioner,. .... - s r.MrvianiATRIX'8 NOTICE ' Having qualified- aa admm-tratrta of toe estate of . Alex. H. .Holder, deceased lat of Robespn county, North Wroima. mis - w notify, all persons having claim strafcst the estate of saw oeceaseu " " . m,. niil st St Pauls. N. C. R No. 2 on ut before July 10. 1928. or this Moe will be pleaded in bar f their reeovery. y a Tt sn srimn indebted to said estate will please make immediate payment. .-; i v:. intk . nf lahr. 1922. : - VR.q MARY BL HOLDER. 14. ,1-t.t-.v i nf- the estat of Alex. H. governor. - - From that , county i reium-u trfrough, "cotton valley" to spend a week among my kindred, and the good tteighbors of that section. . Messrs. Robert Stewart ana uougias ju.iif were my companions on that trip, which terminated in a most pieasan on a T have. nlrer been thrown among finer or more hospItAks peoplenbut regretted to f hid Tny good tmnazsnr. laham Rntler. sufferinur from the ef fects of a deadly poisonous ' spider bale, and other complications. He' was taken to the unanoxte aniwriuio On Wednesday, by Dr. Smith of Row land, and I hope may be frreatly bene--fitftri rhpr. The crons in the valley have beeh exceedingly hard hit by floods of rain, but jwwae ol em on the stiff er lands, were recuperating Th tnhacco crons ' in that , section olan anriously amaiifed. Pass ing on toward Rowland, we noted some very fine-corn. The Town of Rowland shows " progress and improvemenx Sine- I last saw it, in -the way oi -iihiio anrl nrivate buUdis. promin- ent among- wmcn ia uie handsome store of Mr. A. L.,BuUock. While at' Mrs. McLaurin's I re ceived by telegram the sad news of the death, of Sandy McKinnon, A loved kinsman, fand a great oseful; citizen, one who .was widely lmow-and es teemed as t a man whose -brain and energies' were ever ready and effi cient in promoting all the best in terests of town, county r ana ow. Great hearted, genial and sunny na- tured, he had the I acultyjoi winnmB and holding the friendship -this fellow-men. He will be grievously miss ed from the walks of life, "and we shall rarely see r his . like again." I arrived in the Pork on Saturday evening, ffter an absence of nearly six weeks, founa tne jamuy , tuiu neighbors generally well an hear of no news of special interest," only the same report of " tam, ram, rain"a injury to crops, .the latest a perfect deluge fell last nieht and yesterday evening, and only the frogs and lit tle ducks are rejoicing. , On Friday evening, last tne new bungalow of C. A, . Olmstead was struck, and consiaeratMy aamageu uy lightning,' Fortunately he and his wife were absent and no, one about the iwremises except two young road man. who took, refusre from the rain itnmi nn one end .of the piazza. They were stunned by . the shoe-, tne bolt having struck the other comerl of piazza. ' , ;. , , . j Si , While in "cotton vaiiey- i4 yisn-u the friendly: homes of i Messrs. Jonn, Robert ; and "i Daniel i Stewart.- Isham Phillips, Isham Butler and the fliisses Rnfla- I f mind lit tha home of Robt. Stewart i new addition to tjie family and welcome cousin viz: his wife, who xoy ; last risit down there was , rvxeranoa nn .rtr m mmw accurate description of th above described wraci. oemg tne sam lands conveyed by E. L. Odum and wife, to J. G. Prevatt and wife, on October 28rL lflis. tm jJ Book V at page 6SS, tn the Office of toe Register of TWria at Bnh.- r .. - r helng, th warn lands conveyed thi. day by J. G. Prevatt and wife to J A i-m.. ..J uuuis unrai as will ibmu nf wd The above description is a copy of th de scription ta th deed of trust to E. M. John- v". u-iteev oaiea rearaary Zvth, 1922. jnss in xwto, day or July, 122. E V JANNanw jonnaon a Johnson, - Trustoa, Attorneys for to Trustee.' . 7.27-4 Thur. road leading front Fayattevtll to Jbarton, containing t 1-2 acres, mor or Jess, and' fully described ta to bova mentsonad SMrtgag deed, referen being ad to said lrtrumnt for farther deswiptlon. a-KHid Tract i Adjoin in to. ab sta ter ibed tract, aad eontamimr J 1-S ara. mora or taw. and fully cmsctiiw- m rT'-i mentioned asortgaga deed, hereby mad to .aid Instrument for farther description. - . t ) ' Thi th. asm y e,''pT tv. m R1.r St Paul. N. C. - Mortgaga Attorney for ntortgag. '?-27 Thurso r,.Cii:v'.,.'!f" ;wa.' - Z " -' .- i,ssnnaEwEMs BWS CREEIC ACADE1Y s . - V. ' AN ACCREDITED IttlGll 10100 'imptagte . all Eighteen me. and women In Faculty. S63 atadenU bst year, repre senting 68 counties andTSta Btufness Coes, Qosse EewnileV Art, Expre..teV Piano, ViolBand, Vcl Musk, with pectol.tTSte big fof Gospel Singers and leaders el Church Mask. Fireproof Ubrs ry buildl-itafc Expeiises oderstt, No finer Cristlan atmosphere to to tovoO. ' For eaUlogue, apply to f ... .- ' w J. A. miPBELL, PIffl;CIPAL, Buie's Creek. N. C. ' a " T If rrw s TTT?Tt?Tl IV 1RS FOUNDED 1838, " .-w-a - TRINITY cjollcue. , DURHAM, N. C, a riu. rf liberal art. with an established national reputation .or noble traditions, and progrmhr policies. Jt raw as .-- '",lwm. first-elass eauipment aad larga lacuny oi 1 Student fees low. Comfortable, taexpensiv tories. NOTICE OF fiAI.IS- Defaalt having been mdin payment of to tedebtedness secured by that certain deed of tmst to me as Trustee for Jefferson Standard Life Insurance Company by H. F. Purvis aad wife. -Hattie PnrvU n th-oestK day of Nowonber, 1910, and recorded ia th offic tea te Ragbtcr of Deeds of Robeson County, in Book 48. on. Pan 74. e I will under and by virtue of th power of sal vest ad in nw by saW deed of trust, and at to request of the cestui que trust, and for to purpose of discharging- the debt eeured by said deed of trust, proceed to sell to th high est bidder: for cash, at the court house fanr ta Lumberton, Nerth Carolina, st ' 12 o'clock m on Saturday, the 19th day of August. 1922, the following described lands, to-wit: ' 1st Tract: In Orrnm Township, v Robeson County , and State of North Carolina adinin. tag the lands of Purvis. Walters and others. Beginning at a stake on the Wiregrass Road and in th line of the original survey, and run as that line north 36 west 65 chains to a stake on the cast .id of Hog Swamp; a . stake on to wast side tat Hog Swims i thence south SO east 71 chains to a stak at th side of Wiregraa Road ; thenea aa toe aid road south 56 west 6.70 ehain. to the beginning, containing 61 acre mor or less, and being lot No. 8 in the division of the John Purvis lands,, which was allotted to John Honry Purvis, as will appear by reference to Book of Orders A Decrees No. 8, at page nob traditions, ana progressive poci. "" "p "--i", etu-en toaeber. . 4 . 1- Onduat courses ta all d Classical and selentuie courses tesuiing - -""r: mAmtA SntoaW DmrUMU. School, df Engineering, Education, and Law. New students admitted Bjpt-a-ber 18, 19. Fall term begin September 20. , . i R. L. FLOWERSy , Secretary to the Coorporatioa. in : i-j: Elr ' AOp AST a asa mW w a m For catalogue and illustrated booklet, addrs. Sale of Land for County Taxes for Ae Year 1921 ) iyvUu. TiuthorH, v-tod tam Jl Lh'toffot th following land for tax... I will offer for ,to f.ZJ lowing land on Monday th 7th day of Aug. 1923. a 12:90 Csloek, . Kmmtl H. B. Etahw Mrs. Maria M'Whit Jno. Redman w 564, office of the Clerk of the Superior Court Mrs. Fannie Roller Nam. ' Miss Leila McEse. 4 Mr. M. L. , Cottingham, J. G. Bundy .-. :. ,:( " J. W. Sampsvon Wad Tbompfon W. A. Bullock W. MeE. Glow Emulln Sanders r. J, . Jones Rosa William v Mrs. NettaSton J Pennie J. Holmes , Geo. L. toekJear Will Faulk - ' J. W. Si L. F. Bullock Sarah Carhjl S. C. Carrjrle, Est. ' Alfred Hardin A R. Townsend Mrs.: Delia Williamson Mrs. H. G. Byrd , D. I. Ford f Robeson Conntr. I M. T. Andrews 2nd Tract Lying on. the cast side of the IN. A. Andrews Wiregrass Road.' Beginning at a stak ' on said road ta to line of th. original survey, and runs-', as that said Un south 86 cast 26.50 chain, to a stake; thence north 68 east 2.20 chain to a stake in the dg of a bay: thence north 25 west 27.26 chains to a stake in the Wiregrass Road: thenea as to said Road to the beginning, containing : 12 . 1-2 laeres. mora or leas. 8rd Tract t Adjoining the land, of J. C. Atkinson, Hedgepeth, Funri and, others, bounded and" described as follows: Beginning at a sweet gam ta Clark's Branch, and runs south 17 east 48 chains, west of Atkinson's line, to a stak ta the Kanady Field; thenea east 4o a short leaf pine on the Island be tween bay and branch: thenea east to m abort leaf pin in the line of Lot No. t; thCnce northwest with the- line of Lot No. S, to Purvis' line: thence with Purvis, Una to tha beginning, containing 48 acres, it being a part. of juot. no, l and t, mown a the Stephen JUedgepetn land. 4th Tract: Beginning at a .take, to begin- ntaa eorner of Lot No. 1, above, and ran south 66 cast t 8-4 chains to a stak in th ditch, corner of W. B. Hedgpeth estat lands I tbence, south s east IZM enaibs to a- state, Mr. W. . yxeaay corner of th estat lands of J. JC Walter j J. P. ' Hinee soenc noru oo wise riuiuin. wwb w Hn of the 84 acre tract, allotted to H. F. Purvi and AHee O. Purvis to th division of th estat of John Purvis, about '2680 feet to a stak ta to ran mi Clark' ' Branch: thence up the run of th said Branch along th last Ha of Lot No. 1. to th aegtaattig corner, containing 84 acre, more or less, he- mg a part of a tot er parcel ox mad aereto for allotted to BL F. Purvi and his first wife, A. O. Purvi, In to division of th land. f John Purvis, deceased, aad being to first tract ia Lot N. 2, allotted to said BL F. Purvi ta toe division of th la ads f H. F. Fnrvh) va. Cohen Vernon Pnrvi et X 6th. Tract: Lot No. 4. in to dtvwtoa m tha- sa tat of John Furvw, 1 and allotted to Hattto Purvi, described ss follows: Begtn- alnsr at a stake on th Wtregras Koao, ana runs a tha line of. Lot No. 8, north 80- de- west 71 chain to a stake on tn west 7 9 Acre. ALFORDSVILLE 155 ' t - - 42 : ;'.v,'.Blll'nil v.i- 60 BACK SWAhiF '.'-,' c, BURNT SWAMP 200- 120 , , . 28 ' 24 FAIRMONT . - , IS ""'. CADDYS V 7S HOWELLSVILLE 24 t i ' 200 42 100 , 287 - 180 LUMBERTON 1 8-4 . ..- on teaching at Centenary, and was Miss Evelyn Council. I learned that an other former popular teacher whom I mat wHll cin hsv:an of the lacuiiy as principal, Miss Chris Floyd of Fairmont and sister of our efficient nf iImuIs. At the home of "6-. - r" . , . . j Isrrees west 71 enaina to a susae on sue the Butler SiSternooa 1 Was aeilgmeui BogSwanp. and in th Une of the to find a " genuine, sweet oia-ume home, with lovely old-fashioned flow ers; bed quills?- beautifuU home-made woolen and white- counterpanes, and royal' hospitality I tried to find a little "Scotca'' wneti, out iauea. . a- 5 Mrs. Amanda Mercer and sons, Mpasrs. W E. and S. W. Mercer, and Mr. . W B Parnell of R. 5 Lumber ton, were among the visitors in town Wednesday. R. M. Bracy Mrs. W. L GaKley J. A. Johnson J. H. Mason E. L. MeCormlek A, M. MeNalr M. Fred MeRaa B. W.' Phillips E. P. Smith Dr. L. C. Smith Maxton Potato C W. J. Curri Est F. L. Cash well J. H. Graham H. F Fnrvia Fletcher Freeman G. W. Atkinson f " K. L Chambers J. W. Peel ; ' j v ' Bcrto McPhaah) s r- . ' J. A. MeCay J. D. Worthy . . Geo. Bra. T. U Smith Mrs. F. O. Hawley Est BL A. McNeill ' origtaa survey: thenc aa that Hn aorta s east 1-S chains ta a Make by a post oak. th eorner of toe old survey: tnenc norm at ... a l.s chain to n stak by a pin; thenc north 20 east 7Z enauvs to a ibm in th old line: thenc a that lin south 67 west 6 cfcatne to a stake: thence south 25 east 4 8-4 chains to a stake ta th said Wire grass. Road ; thence as th said rosd south & west 1.60 chain, to th beginning, on taining 61 acres.. " low xota aay o . v ,. juiii&n sriuvi. Brooks. Htaes A Smith. JC? Attorneys, Greensboro, N. C- 1-20- Thurs. W. F. Brock Robt MeGeaehy Philip McMillan Grant Simpson Mrs. E. L. McDufli N. H. McNeill Jasper Prevatt , J. W. Siks A. B. Brewn W. a Abbott 1 lot r. l tot 1 lot 14 1-4 1 lot 2 tat & i 72 MAXTON ' ' . 1 Jo . 5m ' . , 1 lot 188 1-S . 70 - 1 tat t ' - . 1 lot 1 lot . 1 lot 1 kit 445 and 6 lota 1 lot . 1 lot . i w ORRUkf 80 aad 1 tat US 4 1-8 24 i-s " . ; FARKTON . t ' 84 and 1 tat X0SFRXNG8 I , ROWLAND y t ta -W"-SMITHS 9 h4 r . It ' , via . ' 164 ST. PAULS - '4 tata . v v s -s . : 16 "tata . ' ' t 72 -l lot. .; 1 lot T X tat ' . ' THOMPSOSr s V S tata WSHART 'V " ' - - j- n - 27.04 .182J4 x 12.6S 120.42 - 46.8 SXl 180 . S.7S t ' 143 14.68 . 8SJ1 ;-r 5147 28.26 124.14 10.7S : . t . s.e 17.8S ' 1644 12J4 -. 2z.e l ; 87 AS " - 2949 '; 164S ; 171 OAS 2740 27.1 ,62.82 2041 X44 202.40 ' 11848 17.19 08.45 40.07 S4S 69.00 , 41S40v 27.1S ; 11LSS . 2.41 0S4T 146.0S - 148 , ' ' ' y . 9.SS 40 .V ue , S.4S T7.0S 77.02 6S4S 47.60 744' 1.7T " ' 14 "884T - 19.17 - 14.6S - ' -4 X.4S AJ ' 1-12-4 Thurs. , 8useribe f or The B0BES0NIAS Holder, deceased. k 1-10-S Mon. f