Tobacco Co-bp Boosts the Price Generally Conceded That Organisation of Tobacco Farmers lor Cooperative .'.Marketing Has Boosted Price of Their Product. J rx: I Raleigh Aug; 4. With the opening tales at Mullins, S. C. bringing an average of from 16 to 19 cents, ac cording to estimates of the first day's offering, it is very - generally con ceded that the organization of the to. hmzeo t cp?rttive market- j ing has been immediately successful in boosting the price of their pro due, - ' V K'r"" ' :' '--f 1 ' In South Carolina, as in Kentucky, the growers received double the price which was given them on last year s opening markets, and thousands of farmem who mold tobacco from five to ten cents in 1921 are now rejoicing that losses have been changed to pro fit. This increase is largely attribut ed to the Tobacco Growers Coopera tive association. ' ' Over 8,000 new members from the South Carolina belt Joined, the . To bacco Growers Cooperative f associa tion during the July campaign, ; ac cording to the count, of ; ,contracs made at Raleigh , headquarters on Aug. 1st Over 60Q ; new members joined the association on July 31st, the last day of the drive in South Carolina." V;f7X-;, - The directors" of the big cooperative freely predict that . it will net Jts members higher prices than . those who sell upon the auction floors can average through the season., v - Telegrams . reaching Raleigh head quarters from M. O. ..Wilson, secre tary of the association and ' other of ficials of the organized growers who were- present at the opening ' of the auction sales this week, state cthat prospects are very bright for the as sociation members. ' ' ; ; COTTON REPORT r Raleigh, Aug. 1. "Cotton is holding- its own in spite of the boll weevil and bd June weather", reports the Cooperative Crop Reporting Service of the ; Departments, of Agriculture. 1 fl tf3 They arc GOOD! Bay ddiGsanttteAi Save Money "The latest condition of the crop in Robeson county is reported at 72 pe cent of a full crop with the state averaging 78 per cent' or a crop of 849,000 bales, this being about 7 per cent of the South's forecasted produc tion, "is-'t'ih: H-iP vf Last year," the cotton conditions were very poor to begin with but the late summer and fall were unusually favorable, with a large reduction in acreage. North Carolina perhaps made her largest, per acre yield and that with reduced faUUzett.-- ' ?Thls year, the wet weather i has done considerable damage in the east ern counties and . the - boll weevil along the south border, is destined to receive full, recognition .from now until October, .-., ' . -" -.i-'-;, , "Thia year's . 13 per cent increase in this state's cotton (1,601,000 acres) brings the total area almost back to the 1920 large crop. A- month ago, we had .an. average condition of the belt. North; Carolina, ranks first as the largest user per, acre- of cotton fertilizers,' 40S lbs, and of. the per centage of the acreage fertilized 95 per cent,' , r ... , i If yon think ibis is a free country, just try to park your car somewhere. Brooklyn UfeV' v CLOVER SEED, ALFALFA SEED nSsssnaBiBBa, MiMM bbbsbi ana asasaaasnasBiasaaaai imtrntmrnrnmm ter Rye, Seed Oats, Seed Wheat, Seed BarleyV Vege- toble Seed, Flowering Bulbs, Turnip Seed, Onion Sets. . Vetches, Grasses, Rape, Abbrnria Bye, Common Win These seed should be planted freely. Others who are growing these crops are prospering, are you? Write ns for our complete price list covering all seeds most suitable for soil and: climatic conditions in the South. t.,;., ' "v.:-.-, v.- - . A. B. KIRBY SEED COMPANY GET O UT A PO LICY And do it now. Fires are disastrous and delays are dangerous. You can't bring back what is consumed by Fire. You can though, Be Reimbursed on Your Fire Loss If it's one of our companies. Premiums on doubtful policies is money thrown away. Be sure and insure with us. 7 Q.T. WILLIAMS, J: Lumberton, N. C. MISS DOROTHY STEELE -V. CAPTIVATES AUDIENCE Lumberton count Lady Takes Leading Role In ' "Will-O'-the-Wisp" at N. C. College. Snecial to The Robesonian. Greensboro, Aug. 2. Of the three plays presented by an tnglisn class of N. C college for-women summer school session . probably - the most beautiful Was the attractive little nlav; kThe ;-Win.O-theWisp,w. la which Miss Dorothy Steele, a gradu ate of Lumberton ' high school, took the leadinar part The acting of Miss Steele, as she entered whole-heartedly into the spirit of the play, was so natural and realistic that the audience lived with her the emotions of tthe poor dumb spirit-girl who finally,5 by fca oToopful dancinff of the Will-O' the Wisp, lured to her death the lady who' had so ruthlessly killed the soul of the spirit's poet, lover. The play was successfully presented to a large and appreciative audience, t . Death and Funeral of ; Mrs. . Lacy PearsalL - ' Correspondence of -The Robesonian. , Lumberton. R. S. Aug 3-Gone? No, but transferred, for she still Jives in the thoughts ana acts ox ner oniy daughter Mrs. W. K. Culbreth, eight grand chudren ana eignteen Seat gTand-.cnuaren : raanves. . ana 1 ends. Mrs. Lucy Pearsall, aged. 88 years, slipped from earth as It were ; without , notice, for the; grim reaper called Wednesday evening last at the close of the day and she flew away. She was appearently, well as usual till 1 o'clock 1 when she was -taken with chilly sensations hut talked and lauched with earthly relatives ' and friends till .; fivb'cloclc when s: she peacefully fell asleep in; Jesus with out a struggle. The funeral was con ducted from the Culbreth -home in the absence of Dr. Moorehouse, by Mt. DnBois at 4 o'clock and interment was made in the .Culbreth ' centetery and the grave was banked with the most lovely flowers 01 beautiful de signs. A 'white pillow with 1 a few lavender asters and lavender letters that spelled mother given by Mr and Mrs. Culbreth was pretty beyond de scription. V; Relatives and friends of Wilmington, V Parkton, : Lumberton, Pembroke,1 etc., attended the,! funeral. The choir sang "Jesus lover 01 my soul" and "In the . sweet bye, ', and bye. Flowers overflowed from ' her grave and almost covered : her f son Charlie's grave and a few were, plac ed on Mrs. Fannie- Culbreth's grave; also flowers were , placed , on & the grave of Mr. John le Culbreth by his widow:'. :..".,'-: ;v;rv-v ,;.r;"v Little girls, great-grand-children of Mrs. Pearsall, placed the-flowers up on her grave. Deceased .was a loyal member of the Presbyterian church and lived" a beautiful christian life and hers was as happy a funeral as I ever attended In my life.: She -came down to her grave in a good old age like a shock of corn." She was a vip-1 ....... . - let, ntdden xy a mossy stone, ana rew knew when Lucy ceased to be; but she is gone now, and Oh! the difference to her only darling daughter - Mar. garet, peace be to her aches.' ; "AUNT' SOPHIE." . from the officers pistol, as was a negro. All three died shortly after wards." At a coroner's hearing Prohibition Officer Early was completely exhon orated., -'.'".' i1 -r.jsaftnAisiriG':; se:X- TIIC OLD ' 1 The Criminal , ' , ' When the donkey saw the tebraj1... He began to switch his "tail: r i "Well,. I never,? was his comment, "There's a mule that's been in jaiL." Exchange. - - --'r ,.:'. ; in 1 r . " ' , " TTnhjtn1 "Tris. when I looked at my account last night I nearly died of fright. :Our motor , car is costing us over: five hundred a year.";.:?; "2z Wife; 'Well, Jack, dont blame me. l.auvieeu juu uui vw nccy mu nvwuuv. Exchange. ., . , luzed With ordinary four, Cora. Sav ford's makes self -raising four jju of absolute purity more whole-! aome and bettorr iMnnw thm V ti&i any ready-mixed flour on the mar-. LALZLS ket. lioriford's is economical it for -never spoils a baking. In sue- vJJm cessful use over 65 years. For !JT free Prize List writes Romford-C FRES , !' Chemical Works, Providence,R,L JRZ13XZ$ ticket Hot Dreads, Cake$, Pastry i Vhokscmt-DzUcious-Nutriticzi " E. J. Britt . . - Luther J. Pritt E. J.&L.J, BIUIT A TTfinKRYS AT LAW :- ' " Offices 1, 2, and 3, Freeman Building, Lumberton, Norta uroiina. : rrac tico in both State and Federal Courts. Prompt attention given all business. DR. POPE is glad tbjsay that after a lorig ; illness he is -ajble to be in Ws of fice again. - S v - 9 jt KOTICE Or DISSOLUTION OF PABTNEH- ;-i -" SHIF ' 1' ".- .---:. NotJc k hweby riven to any nd n p mm, firma and eerpontkmi that tfc. part Benhip heretofore exbtins aa Wright J; Pra vatt and R. Ia. Lamb, copartner, trad ins and doins Buitaesa' under the Firm name , f Prevatt 4 Lamb has thia day by mutual eon aent been diraolyed. The laid Wright J. Pre ratt' harinr sold hi intereit to aaid part nanhin to tb aaid R. L. Lamb, the bu)n$ wflj Itereafter be eoadueted bjr the aakj B. Jj. Lamb, and thla notice l to notify all per- ona. firm and eorporattona dotnr bnainesa heretofore with i said portoership that aame haa been dissolved, . Thia ZStH day of July, 1622. ' V ; ; V , , WRIGHT J. PRSVATT, , " K.. u LAMB, , - i Fa ERTEL C ARLYLE ATTORNEY AT LAW, Notary Public la Office, ; Offices over Freeman Printing Ca. Prompt attention given to all hnal. ess. Dr. Maurice A. Waddell '-' XJENTTXST ' " " " Of fie. Second Floor Cotton Mill Of te Building, Elm and Second Sts. LUMBERTON. N. C. . DAVID. H. FULLER Attorney at Law -Second floor cotton mill office build " ing, offices formerly occupied by P " Dr. Baker.- ' t LUMBERTON, N. C . l.a1 3 LET ME SAVE YOU MONEY on your Dry Goods, Shoes, Groceries; Farm ing Implements, Brick, Tobacco Barn Flues, etc. . . I. H. WARWICK, ORRUM, ...... NORTH CAROLINA - :" tftdV 1 ??. '....- ..; Prohibition Ageni Kills 3 Rum Run- - ners in Thrilling Battle. . - Wilmington Star, Aug. 4: In a gun battle between Federal Prohibition Officer Early and-six moonshiners in Duplin county Monday, two white men and a negro , are said to have been killed. One white man and two negroes escaped. The prohibition offi cer received one bullet in the ankle, and the horse upon which he was mounted .was killed. . .This information was given a Star reporter yesterday afternoon by Col lector of Customs A. L. McCaskill. Efforts to have the story confirm ed by the sheriff and coroner of Dup lin county were futile, as neither of them could be reached ovea long' distance 'phone last night. According to Collector McCaskill, Prohibition Officer Early was riding towards Wilmington Monday after noon, when he espied a large : hawk in a bay. The officer fired at the hawk, slightly wounding it. Desiring to procure the bird, he rode into the bay and there discovered a trail that eventually led him to a still on a small island. .". .. ' .i; , He was fired upon as he approach ed. Early returned the fire, and after many snots had. been exchanged two white men, whose names could not be learned, were struck by . bullets An ad. inserted in The Robesonian Brings RESULTS - Try one. SEABOARD AIR UNE"RA1LWAY Week-End and Sunday Excursion Fares WILMINGTON AND VrTOGHTSWLLE BEACH SUNDAY I?ARES : Tickets on sale for train No. 20 Saturday night returning train No, 19 leaving Wilmington 4.0Q A., M. Monday following data of gale. .. WEIs Tickets on sal for all regular tral aa i every Friday and Satarday May ltth t September 24th, limited te retain midnight el Tuesday f ollowing Week-end TkkeU WeeVreiid Tfcteli ta ; undsyvFare ta ta Wilmington Wrightsvffle Beach WOadngtotf Only .$2.7$ - t ':W9' :-' ..tus-r ; !HJ 5 wjs . ; S2 $2M $245 , UM 6 $L59 . $L95 v -- t 9U9 ,. $225 W.M , $4.60 ' : I2.S0 , $juo . $vn v $40 , v $i25 , $30 - $20 , .' Also cheap week-end tickets te Ratherferdton, Lincobton, Ehelhy,' HIek. I ry. Lenoir, Edgemont, Liaville FaTla, Alta Pass, Sprnce Pisa, ML Mitchell and Uaaka Springa. . ; . ; , .:. . fi . For regerrstlosa, and ether laformation, eonsah year local Ticket Agent, . or write- i;Avl-:,'i - '; ; --). i --r. IT. G. SMALLBONE3, T. Pt A, . B. B. HUNTER, D. P. A. WibnlagtoB, N. C, ' WllmlngtoB, N. C, data of sale. AbbotUburf Alleataa 1 Alma- -Cladenboro Clarkton Councils Elkton . Laurinburg , Lowe ', . . Lnmberioa . Maxtoa - Pembroka $2J5 $35 $&4S HONEY T0 LEffl); We are prepared to make long time loans in any amount on improved Robeson County farm, lands at a low cost to borrower." ; ' Mclntyre, Lawrence . A . Proctor, '" : : V- ' y Attorneys. r - :;v . . t. A. ifclH.U J. . HACaOtTT, If py; UcKEILL ft-HAOKETT, , Attorneys-At-Law. WoodHbiny? Lcnnon ; ATTORNET AT LAW ' Lumberton, JJ, C Offices over First Ns'kma? Bank, TRUSTEE'S SALE OF LAND - ' . TTnder'and by virtue of tha authority and power conferred in a - certain deed -executed by H. ii McLean and wife,: Katie C. Mc Lean to the Virginia Troat Company; trustee, 1 which v- instrument b dated - December . lit. 19l, and registered- fo Book - 48. at page 84. in the Public Begbtrr of Bobeaon Coun ty . N. C, (default having been mad in. the payment , of the obllgauoni . lecured toere under . the undersigned trustee' will . on Mon day, the Zgth day of August 1922, at Noon at tb court hoOM door in tee Town ofLumber ton, N. C, offer, for sale at public Auction, to the highest bidder for cash, the following described lands and premises, to-wit. -' In i Lumber Bridg Township, : Bobeson County, .State of North Carolina, adjoining the lands of D .1 Godwin. C. P. Chason and others, 1 bounded and described aa follows: y. On West Sid of Lowry road. BeKianing at a Tln stump in edge of aaid road, runs N. . 7 W. S40 chaina to a stake, with pine pointers, C. P. - Chason'e corner ; thence as his line N. 41 1-S E.' -chains to a pin stump, near C. P. Chason V residence; thence S. 61 1-2 K. 24.80 chains to a stake in the edge of the Lowry road t thence as aaid Toad S. 1 W,-8.80, to the beginning, containing 40 aeres.. more or less. Being same conveyed by J. H. Chason and wife to Katie C. McLean deed dated November 30th, 1912, duly record, ed In Book C-S, page 860," Public Registry of Bobeson County. wl 1 This the 28Ui day of July, 1922. - VIRGINIA TRUST COMPANY, , Johnson A Johnson, - ., Trustee. .Attorneys for the .Trustee. J 1 7-SM Mon. June Bride: "Pear, if I do the cook ing for a' whole year; what do I get?" June Bridegroom: "My life insur-anc.'V-Seattle; Post. w . - - - , North Carolina, , la the Superior Court. Bobeson County. " v , L." Lawrenca. Lowrie, '. wi. Pennl Lowrie. Te the defendant, Peani Lowrie t W . You will. take notice; That: an action ha been .'.instituted in ; the . Superior : Court - of Robeson County as i above entitled for the rpnrpe of -obtaining an absolut divorce on Uia grounds of adultery. -. 1 , You will, alsu take notice, that . yon are requiredjto be and appear befor the onder sjgned Clerk of -to Superior Court-of Robe son County on the 15ta day of August. 192S and answer or demur to- th complaint, f th plaintiff and that if you fail to answer or demur," th relief demanded by th plaintiff will be granted. . This th 18th day of July, 1922, - c , SKIPPER, '."Clerk .'of th Superior Court of Robeson ConnW' " ' " - .T-1T-4 Mon. " NOTICB OP BALE OF BJEAL JSSTATK 'Under and by virtue of the power of sale contained in' . certain deed of tnwt from John. Anderson and wife to Walker . O. Lewie,, trustee for Sears, Roebuck a Co.. aaid tfbsted'bhvfhg fully transferred and 'assigned aid deed of trust;' and the fodebtedneu secur ed thereby, to John 8. Sutler, a Sraste for C, T. Poole, "default having hem mad in th payment of the indebtedness thereby secured," the aaid substituted trmte will, it It o'clock M, on Monday, th 28th day of Au. 1922, at the, court bona door in .JLumberto, N. C. offer for aalsv to the highest bidder, or cash, th following - described real estat s Hosted in the town of St. Pauls, N. C . . Being the western; one-half of lot No. 6 in Bkwk No. 17. according to the official map f th town of St Paula, N. C and beginning at a stake at the northeast corner of lot No. 5 and run about East SO feet with th tin of Bine street to a stake; thence about South nanHel with First street 1K0 feet t a stake: thenee about West SO feet to a stake, the southeast corner of lot No. 5; thenee about North with said line of lotNo. I 160 feet to the beginning. - -Thia the Z6th day of July. 192f. v JOHN 8. BUTLER. 747-1 Thura.. SuUtituU trustee. nrmip i ? nn in J ATTORNET- : j smb. r v?ij- ri..j a 1 REIEIBEtl 112 . Is the Number yon want to CALL when in seed of anything .In Drugs. Promptness and accuracy followed in every prescrip- tion. ' ' , V ' " ' -,' KORTU STATE DRUG CO. - John G. Proctor ATTORNEY AT LAW Office next to Lumberton Motor Cat Co in Building formerly occupied by x-Judge T. A. McNeill. : , 7 Hi W. McLean - - - Dickson McLeat U R. Varser - B. E. Staej B3CT.F.AN, VAESER, LIcLEAlt A, STACY. , ' , ' - AfttoneTi At - Lew. ' LUMBERTON, . North Carotins v W. B. IVEY s Attorney and Counselor at Law. -Oface on 8econd Floor Cotton Mil .. OfSca Building, Elm Streat H St c.v; -: Lasftbertoa. N. C ... Jtepben Mclntyre R. C Lawrsna unes D. Proctor Robt. A. Mclntyre UcIKTYEB, LAWEEHOB A. PROCTOR, t- , . Attonkeja and Counsellors at Law LUMBERTON, N; C. -Practice in State and Federal Courts Prompt attention given to all bnsineaa rboxnag L. tobnson " ' E. M. Johnson J JOHNSON ft JOHNSON Attorney and Counaelkurs at Law . 1 LUMBERTON, N C. Practice in State and Federal Courts Notary Public in Office. Offices evei ' ran aauanai isana. r,psJ lHj5Rit : ; I T PESPETUATB tka aacre ameatorVe ef tkeee af yr lerei esae wke Kave Maaad by tie erectloa of aa endur bg MEMORIAL. Let aa Wst yea in taa elvoockg ef u appropriate. 4 J. TL Floyi, Preprtsiev Xatl Sacoad St. Unertea, N. Q Real Estate Loan3 : ,1 an in. position te handle appU tlonp for long tiase loans aw lau preved faras lands la ftebeaea Seotlaai and Hake ; Coantlea la aiaettnia ef 94M9J69 and abera, Rate f l2.per caat. . - ::l i". Lumberten, Jf. C;'..",;, -f . . 4'-- a v. mtmi mm GOOD MEAT ! 1 ..rrf,'..V." :v:- V T' That -the kind wr sell Cel lis for Beef, all kinds Port, Can safe, Liver, etc - - - v ""r.-" ' , llishcst market priess pld tot good peef cattle. ; .syj):Si Thone 53. - Lnmherton, IT. 0L AS SPECIAL AID TO OUR FARMER FRIENDS WE MAKE THIS : OFFER. LIST YOUR COTTON WITH E. M. PAUL, CASHIER OR R. H. LTVERMORE, PRESIDENT.":. . :Ji Wa will help yon sell your cotton for. your, price. -To our" enstonu ers we win make no charge for this . service. We- are salaried em ployees of the Bank ef Pembroke, and feel that we are paid to look after interests of ovr friends. Our officers hare been actively en gaged in th selling cotton- for ten -years, and they are In position no doubt to collect thia scattering cotton and sell name to better ad ran. (age than the individual owners. No other Bank In Robeson Conn; ty will gWe yon same service as we will fn respect to aelling." jour farm products. . :r;: lt n self tout cotton for von at rood nrice. No cost , to you. I All we ask Jn return Is for yon to help ns build op a better, larger ' l.-i. mV.1m a t1n nn an if vntira. ' Vnn aW ifile hw nnnine . an account with as. Tour money will be safe as ; shown-, by ear ; .' statement. . -'' -;: '':-ir . $ v, -(X: y.'r-Xi",'''.-.' ' .:y Condensed Report aa of June 9thia22. - . : . !? Ktr RESOURCES -::--''ifjr, liLIAaULmE-"'- Loans and Discounts $1062U1 CapiUI Stock ' - fM.000.00 7 Real estate ' j 2,000.00 UadiTided Profits net - 4,0851 1 Furniture and Fixtures 1.621A8 Money borrowed from ".. Cash on Hand and , - ' War Finance Corp, - 17,000.00 DuTfros $15688.92 : $156,288.2 '; AS COTTON GOES UP WE GO UP. T: ' . J , -; , ' . ; , : OFFICERS ; . ''-v.iVV',:;';;Vrv-- TL Uvermore, President. A. Jd. Breece, Vice-President. E. M. Paul, Cashier. . . - . - : . ; ;:;:1V--''::'-; DIRECTORS, 7rO,c0: P. S. Cooper, - r ..' ::" ';;::::A WL Breefe,1 V ' : r J: A. ilcCorinick, .? - R; H.' livermore," . N. H. Bidden, - TL H, LowrTs .-':; "' ' ML M, McAllister, : yi-. 'yx-- WE PAT 4 per cent. INTEREST COMPOUNDED QUARTERLY ON SAYINGS ACCOUNT. YOUR ACCOUNT INVITED, RE SPECTED AND APPRECIATED. fs , -l''- SSank of rembYOM Tlte a4T 'iit ii- rfrai-. tfam? yiGuvf i y,'.-;tS"'i' hf.O V' rr-:t LOANS We have imlimited money to lend cn irirprbv ed Farm Lancti in Robeson, Bladen. -Hoke, Scotland and Cumberland - Counties on" long time from $2500.00 to $50,000.00. ; ; McNeill HAtKk tiv -a itprneys, Lnmherton, IT. a , .' ;;f ;;: .

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