'A. i t k 1 I f I I" I i? 2 ?3E R0BES0X1M Published?, and Thursday By 44 ' Afternoon 'THE BOBESONIAN, INC. ft A. Sharp Pmideot ' -'' -r.'AL.n.- .'li ' 1 ."? mue juara-owjoy. .vnere ,rcimu 'welcome mnd reception were given by EjJItor R. E. Price of the Rutherford toa Sun and the officials and- cftlzeas of the town. Refreshments were jieft- ed on the court house lawn and sever al short speeches were made, no'biore delishtf nl and 1 informal affair could be imagined. Eutherfordton quite won the hearts or ail visitors on that day. Rutherfordton lies' in the foothUIs of the Blue Ridge- mountains, heinr SUBSCRIPTION RATS: Da Year $2.00 tlx IXontha ..........4. .1.00 lire Months .... Vi. ...... .owr.nrrounded bv monn tains on three ueuverea oy earner liumoenon i . ., ai. -. i v yai 1 . t2.40j wtuwi ,,ia eleven n un fix months r HT.! T -1 1 .tl T-TI ; ! 1 1 1 Sl-20 1 re feet and the climate is bracing tre months ................. . .60jn4 equable. On a commanding, ridge lacove we town is located tne Kutner I ford hospital, through which the' edi- this hospital has the largest quantity OSea 107 West Feorth Street Telephone Wo. 'ghestrcliff. ast ..t-.tJiocLic..-' i MAppian iVVay", is a narrow ben on the face of the precipice 3-4 mi. 2 long leads from barse , of -i Chimr. .Rock 'to ItoporUieWy Nttt'faUsV H Hickory Nut: falls': are" 400 fi t hisrh. At Inspiration Point . 'whf falls are first seen) is skid b- eriminating - critics to be. the fin, t single view in ine soutnern Appaiac:. ian mountains. : 1.' '. "' Moonahmera 'Cave ii i; treit vice in. the . cliff made accessible If stairways and lighted by electricity" ' The 'Thermal Belt" is a feature cf rt! a . m a . nicKory ui 'gap uews ana xroeps are practically unknown, f , , ' There is a greater variety of vegev tatlon hi. this section of the count probably' more than in any place in America. Prof. "Asa Gray. Harvard Reforestation (tree growth) is more rapid in the-. Southern Appalachian; than anywhere, .in the United States. -nncnot. The Hickory ' Nut Gap (valley VHONDAY, AUGUST 7,1922 j if A ttmttf rrttfnrtrrk W FOR TODAY Bibte Thnlit MMriai -ri . SmI k-htas toiiWj ' 1 I V " . . . . - smtm as secooa eiass mau maner o .w9 .wonaer-wor-ingtrsaium w Der-xhe v Hickory Nut Gap - (valley) MTtha postrfflce at Lumberton, N. C found anywhere' south of Baltimore. originally in early geologic times was i ' : . " It is precious and Powerful etuff- The'on-tant and has all been cut out i-nnnt f thm in.nfi in.f ; w,by erosion. State Geologist Holmes , . . - I V All fjtiulr imMaf.na as ta a lourth oi an oramary teaspoonfui and it cost $90,000, the r additional cost of the equipment to use it sun ning the investment 'well over $100. ww. ine newspaper folk were permits ted to visit the room where this pre cious stuff is kept in a vault, to see the machinery, to the Uflitiatea most the gas. from the radium Ja.colLected W All vr6c formations are ' Irneous: granite prevailing no sedimentary rock, or lossil zormation exists, and the. oldest . rocks in North America save tne urentians ox uanaaa. SAFETY WWTT.R ASLKEP wI will for thou, Lord, only makest me dwell for use in curing stubborn r disease MUCI( 1 OMJJ1 V.CH as pot holes ,but of ,-great slze f Chimney Rock is lighted ' by elec tricity developed Jrom a water, power plant on the Rocky -Broad river. At night' the effect can only be imagin ednot described. " The "Pavilion" at Chimney " Rock u .a commodious restaurant built on the-edge of a cliff where every crea ture comiort is prgyiaed. - A parking place for 100 cars has literally been blasted out V of : the mountain' side. "r, .; Hotels in the vicinltv are" tht Cliff Dwellers, a cottage colony among the cluis, up at cninmey iCock. Mountain View inn. a eommodionii YitAeX at tha entrance of the Chimney' Rock high way, Logan Place, , Esmaralda . Inn. Rockwood - and , several ? Jboarding houses r . I Chimney Rock camn for bovs . and Camp Suwali for girls are far the vicinity. " No?s is. there ..lacking a r historic background, Dr. Sandjey, v in -rbia "Hickory Nut Gorge", '.states that ,' it is likely that DeSoto foucht W wkv through this same pass of the Blue Ridge. With certainty v did some , of the English explorers wend their way westward. Later, in the settlement of our country, the & North. Carolinian Water at Chimnev Rock is also ahl I traversed thia same gortre by covered solutely Dure same analysis as the 'wagon frequently taking his f stock Poland spring water. ;j with him. In 1842 the Cherokees were Heavy winds are very, very rar$ Ituten tnrougn tnis vauey -on to tne leVto the protection afforded 'by IndUn ternt0,T. " and in relieving pain. A physician et plained something of the process: to groups of the newspaper folk. r No body in the party got a glimpse of the radium. It is hidden from sight in a ; Vault built esnecialhr for it. This 1 were some NOTES ON PRBSS CONVENTION 'CLEVELAND SPRINGS, SHELBY, r RUTHERFORDTON, CHIMNEY . Newspaper -folk, who attended the rad!iunj gives off a jsmaU amount of fiftieth annual convention Gordeh gas, each day; The amount cannot bf Jubilee of the North Carolina Press increased or diminished. After going ' ' it V-A "l M i. IV-...L i2 i ... NQciauon, aua i vieveuraa springs I h-ijtuuku ma invricio Byaiein.oi pipes July zs ana Z6( will never xorget the I " coiiectea in a tiny glass tube, exquisite hospiUlity of Shelby, hichThis is placed npon a cancer for a few good town was nost to tne convention, I hours, the patient goes home, and Cleveland Springs being a beautiful then in two or three weeks the healing aU-tbe-year-round resort Just . two I process is seen. In cases too advanced miies irom town, ine .iwams ciubllor pure patients have been relieved of Shelby and Lee B. Weathers, the of pain and their lives" prolonged. genial and modest editor of the Cleve. I Radium,, one is told by the patient land Star; and. host extraodinary, I physician in t charge, is so powerful were x on the job of entertainmg the J that after 1,700 years its strength has newspaper women and men every been diminished by only a small per .minute. .Almost . every- automobile cent one saw carried a placard - larger . .The expensive bit of radium. at this enough for those who ran to read, of- j hospital is the gift of Dr. J. W. fering itself for service to any mem-1 Plonk, a South Carolinian who lived ber of the association. An elegant re-j for many years at Hickory and gave eeption was given Wednesday night this substance with the , wonderful at the Cleveland Springs Park hotel, healing power to the Rutherford where the sessions were held, and to J hospital in honor of his wife; who was mate ther measure, gospel m its ,f ul- treated at this hbapital for caneer. -He IV. VI f 1 1 I. . .... Mens uw Ajwanu ciuo r naay xur-iaiso gave to this institution an x-ray " Jiished automobile1h--Cadillac8, pack-j outfit, said to be , one 'of the finest ards, Hudsons, and the'liie-to trans- in the world. The workings of this al port the editors to Chimnev Rock.1 80 Wer demonsfrto(i tn tha nnm some' 50 odd miles away,' and at that J paper folk, one of them being placed far-famed marvel of nature, in a pa-1 under the ray and his inside workings viiion nearly at the very top, served being exposed to view. an elegant lunch that beggars j Rutherford hospital was started in . description just as does the glories remodelled buildings of the Ruther ,.to oe seen irom that Wonderful spot, ford military institute. The present It used to be considered that towns building is finished in dull red brick - "down east" were the sincerest play- with Indiana limestone facings. 'Jt ers in-the world and, that towns in is-127 feet long, with two wings oach tne western part of. the State. did not 104 feet deep, enclosing a "court 50 know how to play. It cannot be said! feet square. y now, certainly not of Shelby. ; Shelby I Leaving the hospital and Ruther has a splendid baseball team this fordton, " the newspaper folk ' year and the entire town closes up I transported to-Chimney Rock ijr tne aay at noon each Wednesday 20 miles away. aunng tne summer. They don't be- Chimney Rock is a wonderful neve in half-way measures. They go place that must be seen to be appro the "whole hog" 'end ' enjoy them-1 dated, and selves. And that sort of play is worth portunity to visit it. You may read wane, it neips to cultivate the graces of course, how one is fascinated by that make Shelby such a delightful the beauties of Rocky Broad river, be- P tfJfr . side which the road winds; about the tZ J? rVTt M Which doubleck highway leading to the ft side iZ e? n Vefy base of theROck; about !moon- ie side lmes All the prepared pa- shlner8, c rf ht pers were on the progress made in v, a t . the State darin. Z !., ItZ 1 the. raside of the mountain, along WAilff,!" MV convention was an address, by Gover-J f Z .W' "?d f eedle . nor Morrison, who spoke TursdaU!. ft IT f - ' i... , . . ' , . 'rrock; but these are unsatisfyinsr as njg?- m thv fithe 8me of-dehcious viand' to i TiZ ilV ihe 8CV?e Cntl: One must see it all and let it sink in- I" aume quarjers anqu0 one goul ic veneration witn which some of his critics now seem to regard the "great white father" at Washington, the Gov ernor dramatically exclaimed that he wished to heaven they had had some of that veneration when they were , hounding to death the greatest states man of modern times, Woodrow Wil son.. That was where he brouerht down the house. The applause was loud and long continued. it was several min Utes before the Governor co'uM pro i nai - aemonstrauon . left no doubt aboute love and esteem vhich ; former President Wilson is hM by the large crowd of newspaper folk who heard the 'Governor on that occasion. E , , I The convention proper closed Thurs day nightv and the trip to Chimney Rock Friday . was so . much extra. Many took advantage 'jof this "op . r portunity "to' visit one .'of the show places of . Western North Carolina, , most of them for the first time. Those who had been there before en Joyed It just as much as those who t were seeing it for the first time. for there are new sights to see there at. every visit. - : ' A stop of thirty or forty minutes was made at Rutherfordton, thirty diiA the' bi fi-k urr6uhdinr ' mountains. The headwaters of Broad rivet' are in the Chimney , Rock country, where the v; stream is frequently called "Rocky Broad" The river- is' here a turbulent stream with many cascades and shoals-." :.'..'. , There la a trreat onnortunitv here for hydro-electric ' development with and! A uia AMrv4 kilaa .. ' ' The "Bottomless Pools"; are only one mile ' distance 3 pools' of ' tin known depths, and about 25 feet' in diameter. Geologially they are known Many thousands ' of people visit Chimney Rock each year. No remote section is quite in its class in at tracting motorists.' - ' - T" I An unparrelled opportunity is here' fot-a crrfeaC ftrh Ha-a Wlntpia W11 as summer resort of first .magnitude. Nature nas . Deen wondrous kind to Chimney Rock; has bestowed her blessincrs'with a lavish hand. It onlV remains for men of vision and capi tal to bring Into 'existence a resort the 'like of which the world has not yet 'seen. ToHacco Checks to Us We handle the checks of any responsible warehouse as ' well as checks of the Tobacco -Co-operative Association. I .- - : . you can find no better piacQ deposit your-tobacco money , than in THE OLD BELlABLa 's ' 'l ; -v : . I I" y National Bank of Lumberton UNDER U. 8. GOVERNMENT SUPERVISION A. W. McLEAN. President . I : M. P. COBB, CasWer '"J"fff" 'It'll ll !" HTTIi" 11 "i 'in i w " I iii 'pu'i Smmmmmpifljimmimmmmmmmmmm It is understood that Chimney Rock; years ago for $4,500 by" Dr. L. B.! Mrose and brother The Messrs. Morse and brother. The Messrs. Morse are said to have spent some derful places " on and around . the mountain, and now it is one of the most" easily reached and well.worth visiting places in the mountains ' -. of Western North Carolina, ; where one may see scenery not surpassed- on the'-'Stkbe.' v :,.;" t ji Dr. Morse threw the .Rockland its sights open to the editors -freeof charge, and the; following notes Were Location of Chimn R1r An TI7n niington-Charlotte-Asheville highway, m tiicicory Nut gap; distance i Char lotte 100 miles, Asheville 28 miles.. . ., Chimney Rock hiirhwav S la mite long, double- track, sand clay surface, winding-up to the base of the-4 Chim ney.". , x -.v..-..-Chimney Rock is 225 feet high, and 50 feet -across at top, scaled by stairways. Flag! 0n summit 16 by 20 ieet "Needles-eye" a great crevice m a stairway the rock through 'which ascends 149 stens. ' Main nrecinfoa in n-.rl-ir 9 nnn above floor of valley probably the The First National Bank OP FAIRMONT, N. O. WITH A CAPITAL STOCK OF $40,000.00, opened its doors for business On Tuesday, August 23, 1921. So popular has this institution been in South Robeson and adjoining territory its resources have grown to the enormous sum of one quarter o'f a .million dollars.- : '. . : . y Aside from the fact that this jjank has the advantage of be ing operated under the rigid supervision of the Federal Sov- ernment, we invite your attention to the names of ihe officers ;,wdDttech ' .' FIiferc . . . . 'j -V D-J??S !&tton uyirnd Uxhant- - ,;f:t7,:BURJffS, .Farmer.' ? . t , . . ; - :V A. R BUIJ(Tarnietand Btudnesi tuk BXTWxaercW and 'Farmer. ' :P J .OLTVE3i Panoeri ' ' - rix4j, uerchant and Farmer. T. L. JOHNSON, Lawyer. U . ;(We reeifjU of firms, corporations nd individual and promise in'retnrn everr Rccomodation anl service consistent with I'cbnservatrve banldng.' - ' 5 J 5I5rt' Cashier: 7 w mSotL1 MRS- BAKER, Asst. Cashier: J. W. BURNS, V. Pres. MISS HELEN H. WEST, Asst.Cashier f t T. L. JOHNSON,' Attorney. .. -v4 .i 4v W . K ? .V V'- . . A . Mr. H. B.'Shirtevarit representing Strouse & Company will be at my store ( Cnc Monday, Tuesday and Wednesdav AtJGUST 14; 15 aid 16r - - ,- , - A . tin: ! - a! . . to take your measure for jrour fall and winter suit ot clothes. JJon't fail to see him. ' He will have a large and attractive line of samples. - ,--7..,:' ' ... -?: " John Thbma Lumberton, N.;G. ;-':":rH II -' X " , ' J .-.11 ; ' eImt:";'';"i -, - ' T, ' . ,' H t : ..... ' '..'.'I Recenvedl; t i r V O ' " 7 , .i- j V . . v " "-- f ' -t w .. '1 0 A BIG SHIPMEOT FALL HATS AND CAPS FOR MEN AND BOYS- ry ArnucnvE pai PRICES RIGHT TK-.Mo BIGGS LUMBERTON, N. C. Long Term Government Farm Loans' nego ated without delay at reasonable expense. ' No Commissions charged: 6 per cent. Inter- esi. maaumum Loan $37,500.00. Minimum Loan, $1,000.00. " IF YOU CAN'T PAY IT BACK IN YOUR LIFE TIME, THE PAYMENTS ARE 5U SMALL YOUR CHILDREN - . ' - ; . -i': i ''THE bank wrrn a ixission': Talk it over with either of thefoUowmff : berton.v N G.:i First NaHr.nil t RnV, fl-tt Eertdn, NI C:, Carolina Bank &artik& Rer Rowland, N, CXv Bank , of Pembroke, : Pem broke, N; C'Bankbf Rbbesbn, MaxtohNi G. ijv uww jwmi ovuva uuiu DLIUi aOlng DUS1 ? ness m ixorth Carolina. - 1. . s 1 h.!.. Virginia-Carolina Joint Stock Land Banl. Elizabeth City, N. C. IF A .