BUIE NEWS BATOI A Fine Picnic Place Crops Fairly Good Personal. Correspondence of The Robesonian.. ' Bode, Aug. S Quite number of the young people, from : here and 1 Rowland section met at Moore's land ing Wednesday last and. enjoyed , a lew nours in uie cwi after which they had sapper down hy the stream, All report a great time and hope 'ere long to be able to go again; It is a beautiful shady place all day except for just a little while in the noon hoar, which makes it so . 1 a j.1 ... - ikn niucn more pleasant inau m u blistering Sunshine. We think ; they are olanninz to spend another after noon" soon in the cool : waters at Moore's landing. ' . -. Prof, and Mrs. Owen Odum and two children. Christine and ? Dwigh V of Zebulon, have been visiting relatives c; friends here for a week. They left for .. Coats, : Harnett county,- last Thursday,- at which place they, will visit friends for a f ew : days before returning home. - -" -- Rev. M. F, Hodges, who has been on ,a visit .to relatives; and friends here, and m Scotland county, left last Tuesday night for Wilmington,' War saw and KernersviHe for a few days, after which" he will return to : Ah6s kie. ; ! .' - '.- t Mr, and Mrs. Robert H. Miller of Rowland were callers , in this section last week. - - - - r -. Mr; and Mrs. R. P. Prevatt spent Wednesday night with Mr Prevatt's parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. F. Prevatt They returned . to their - home at Laurinburg Thursday. : Dr. Henry J. Langston is visiting at the home of his parents-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. I E. Tyner. - Mrs. Langston and .' two children arje spending the summer at her father's. " People are roost through curing to bacco in this lection and some & are beginning to put it on the market We r hope for a good price this year. Crops in this section are. fairly good. Cotton has grown considerably lately and unless the weevils destroy it there will be a very good crop made in this section. , - - - -Best wishes to The Robesonian and its many readers. if - . V'.. . OOAK GROVE LEAFLETS.' : J (" '. ' " ' '. If- Revival Meeting" Will Begin Second Sunday Personal , " ' f Correspondence of The Robesonian. . Buies, R. 1, Aug. 8. Mr. and Mrs, B. E. Odum and children spent Sat urday night 'at, the home of his broi ther and sister-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. J. Odum, of St Pauls. , - :.s Mrs; Roy5 5 Tyner "visited" up ' St. Pauls way last wee Mr. - Reuben Smith ' and Mr. " Jake Davis spent last Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. .Frank. Davis' at Fairmont ; ' , -' , ; t The revival meeting begina the-sec ond Sunday in August 'Everybody cordially invited to . come. - , A large crowd attended the quar terly at Clyborn Sunday." zS T r Miss Mary Johnson . spent' Sunday with Mfcs Sophrona Parnell.' Miss' Teola "llartm Is ependmg a few .days at- the home of Mr. and Mrs Bob Prevatt of Lumberton., ' Best wishes to The Robesonian and its many readers.;'1- , -J- , Inventor of , Telephone: Passes Sydney, N.NS. Dr.' Alexander Gra. ham Bell, inventor . of the telephone, died at 2 o'clock a.. m.,' Aug. gnd at Beinn Ehreagh, his estate near Bad -deck, v'-f. v Although the inventor had been in failing health for several months he iihii nui neen cnniinen Til iwn inn inn end was unexpected. Late yesterday afternoon however, -his condition be came serious' and Dr. Ker, of Wash ington, a cousin of Mrs, Belt, a house guest, and a? Sydney" physician, at tended him. "'T-'uff- i':ef,if -" With Mr. Bell when he died were Mrs. Bell, a daughter,'1 Mrs. Marian Hubbard Fairchild, David . G. Fairchild, ! - of-WaahinirtnTi LlZaS The inventor leaves another daughter, t m.:. m n - (.. . - Washington magazine editor." TEUSTEE'S IAU OP.XANl).; Under and by virtue of the nuthority. nd power conferred ia a. eertain deed executed by William H. Loeklear and wife, Bota Ann Lockleer, whioh Instrument ia dated April let, 1920 . and duly reeiatered in Book 48, at pase 688, in the Public Kegistry of Robe eon County, (default having been.- made in the payment of to obligation secured- there under) the undersigned trustee will on Mon day, the 28th day of August.: -J.922; at 12 o'clock Noon,, at the court house door in the Town of Lumberton, JR. , C. offer for tale at public auction, to the highest bidder for cash, the - following ; described j lands , and premises,' to-wit: $..-4sL!t'v' In Smith' ' Township. Eobeion ' County, North Carolina,- Adjoining the lands of Hogh Brown and others, lying and being on the Northwesiirkaida t " -Vi BeSr Bwamp. Beginning at a stake in the edge of the Lowry road, Hugfr-Brewn corner, and runs as ha Mne s. so E. ss chains to ttak ; thence N. 71 B. -S0 chains to a stake In He Arthur's line: thence N. 68 W: 17 chains to a stake. Brown's corner of a ISO acre survey ; thence as that Un N. 10 W. 12 chains and T Hnka to a stake; thence as his other N. 2 W. 8 chains and 10 links to a stake; thence N. 61 W. 8 chains to a stake! thence B. IJ W. (0 ebains to a pine; thence dtrect to the be- U..k. Tnt-Ml k.' Mk mjr ' ISM, eurreyed the lfttA oay of Jaty, 1861 o. of Orant .IftW.eeceCintti ids Office of Robeson County page 264. May SI. 1862. Being the eaate tract of land eoaveyed by D. MeP. MeArtkar, a4. VDf, jaaaa sa. juaiwu, w . tt mw. teklcar, by deed - dated Marsh 29th, 1020. mnA dnhr recorded In Book of Deeds T-A Dace 480, Registry of Robeson .County, North Caro lina.' .. . r . - - - , This the 28th ir. 1022T ' VIRGINIA, TRUSt COMPANT, ' JohiuM A Jnhiunn: i. i ,. Trnst. ; Attorney for; the Trastee. v J41-4,Uoo. ' V KXROTTRIX" NOtlOB - " Having qualified as exeeotrbt of the artate of S. MeQ. Snrlcs.. oecsased., late, at gobeson county. North Carolina, this ia to notify ail persona haying claims against the estate ' of aid deceased to exhibit them to the under signed at Proetorrille, N. C. on or before he 6th, day of Jar, 1928. or this noti . -will be pleaded in bar of their reoofery. '- AH persona indebted to said estate will please make immediate payment. - - 11Ua Ut day of Jnhr 1922. " ; ... MART O. BVSLES, : Ifelntyre. Lawrence A- Proctor. - Kxeeotrbt . Attoraeyi for JZueaUt. - 1-0-0 -Mob. ct on stc:Igii : k:c:sestij: annas . .'. " 'inwarssisl hj a Ttzzzzst -r Wtlzz Crca Tcrp: J Cut 'Nashville, Tenn. The affl fancy of Thedford't Blaek-Draoght Che ceanlne, herb. Urn -:. medicine, li Touched for hy Mr. W. N. Parsons, a grocer of this city. "It Is. without doubt the best liver medicine, and 1 dont belleva I could get along wlthon4 it I taka it. for sour stomach, head cat, bad Uvar, Indigestion, and an ther troubles that are the result of s torpid liver.-;" ''. "v.; ; y - -'' I have known and used It for years, and can and do highly recommend It t every one. I wont go to bed with oul If InaTe &ui4TttWo tf li claims to do, l cant say enough fox It" 'pwmM C Many other men and women tareuf out the country have found Black Draught Just as Mr Parsons 'describe! -raluable In regulating the liver tc Its normal functions, and la cleassini th t(rirels of ImpurlUea. ' . --v- l ; Tt-''sBladtrughtlirtrmed tizx la ihe original lad only genmnsi Accegt; ao: nltatlons or fcubstltutea AlwaTA ask for TUedfordl. ' e. t , NEGRO FARMERS'. CONGRESS Cooperative 1 Marketing I and Other ; Vital .Subjects Wi uMei by ' Experts at Congress to be Held at Greensboro This Week. Greensboro, Aug. 3 Negro farm ers will gather in large numbers at A. & T, college, Greensboro, to hear experts on- co-operative - marketing and other farm subjects, at the negro farmers' congress August; 8th and 9th. Co-operative marketing, fall and winter legumes, the family cow, pro ductivity; or the sou, rural economics and- other agricultural subjects will be discussed by men who are authori ties along these lines, Dr. B. W. Kil gore, director of the North Carolina States; Relation " Service; .who hai toured California and -other ; 5 states, will make the principle address on co operative marketing. He is an authori ty on the subject This , is the great est movement evet started , among farmers A f armer-who is not a mem ber of either , of the associations must thave not had the proper information. cucu - xanners mould ; by v" ' njeans attend. " the Greensboro7 V meeting. Dr. C S. Brown will deliver an address during the meeting. Mr, Fred R. xodor of .the A. JE. college will speak on rural Improvement Mr. A. G Jmery i Ol the Ute Department will speak on the value of the dairy cow. Prof. C R, Hudson on how to make the soil more, productive. There will be a budding demonstration at the- Van-Lmdley nursery; big' barbe cue dinner the second day. Dont miss President Inborden's annual address Tuesday morning,; August 8th. Two great days Come and - bring v; your friends. , There- will be no- expense when you reach A; & Tv college, board and lodging are free. -. ; , - . - . jno.: d. wRAr, Sect of he -Congress. . Letter from "Rev. v A; L." Davis ; My dear Mr. Sharper l am enjoying vacation' on Trinity mountains.. I miss the dear Old Robe, sonian. It -is,. I presume,; still going to. my home in Birmingham. Change my. ddress,iBnd.obligBAIf.the,,iJapex were a 1 thine ktf life and conscious- li." .ts to .Trinity, whither it came 'or a fourths century; t love "my native slate, ? old RobSson, St. Pauls, Lumberton, Fayetteville, and the region round about -- . ' My son-in-law, Rev, W. G. Henry, phd- is --detamedeaehhjg-Hridlec-turing at Emory university, Atlanta, and preaching at 11th Avenue Metho dist on Sundays, and cannot be with his family here ' just yet Myself, daughter and four of her five children, have been beautifully received by our kindred and .friends, and are now en joying the sweet ozone of-the moun tain. Myself and Mrs.- Henry, " my daughterand "her children have re ceived social courtesies, since our ar rival,; which were enjoyed and highly appreciated.! ; r;. Since writing the rabove, our mail has been received and - with it The Robesonian of the 17th, I shall expect the paper reeularlv now iQur.ctops .are fair. The boll weevil U a oubleaomeeriemyurrpple in Tennessee river' valley are impa tient and disappointed because the shoals are not leased to Henry Ford. The- church ; prospers. The ; strike worries but we hope for the best Suc cess" to the Robesonian. -A - . - - Trinity, Ala., -July 261922. i . : v New, Kind of ' Matches 7 B Customer to clerkr "I want some coal lft iner matches." vUtier ; Clerk -"Beg. pardon, madam, bpi wejhave only safety matches,' j, ? CustomerNonerf those. I want some that" will strike ' anywhere.""- H. Y. Brown, Fairmont; N C " ' . C -o ""Don't you find it : rather lonely here," asked Cholly "witlmobody to laiartoi"" ,'-:-.--isyr: -. ;.'-.r "Yes,,K replied the girl with, a bored look in her eyes, "and it's getting worse every minute." . . ' - OLD' NEWS PAPERS - FOB" SAL1 AT THE ROBESONIAN OFFICE, NOTICC OP ADMTNISTXATION Baetoc owlifiea ae administrator af J. W. Coab. dsssassd. this ss to notify ail per- ana having ektiam against aaid estate mt amrk .lata, m marm thm, lath Ja ef JnJy. 1928, du!y itomfsed aad verified, or this Bottoa will be steaded hi bar of the AO pereoaa indebted to said estate,"1 ara4er ef Deeds ef Bobesoa will make immediate payment. This th th day of Jury, 1922V - ARCH MeNXTXI, Administrator of i. W. Coaoiy. McLean. Varsar, McLean A Stoey. Attorney;-;. . . . 1-4-0 Tanra. ADMmrsTSATRirs Koncg R.vln. MfUJ u .J.hktaM. r teto of Ale. H. Holder, deceased mto rfi;.fo!f Robeson eooaty. North Carolina..- this mtmU ft smH deceased tohB tbem to. rMT Jjr,i S tt'UTl;'nl m the line f the artginal surr, and ilTZTi Lf .ti: "Ji'VoUeruC. aa that Une norU 8 we-t 65 chain to AH Tlr todiSL; wffl ,tak side of Hog Swamp; nletH TtJ22 "Tlaf stake on th. wast akW of Hog Mwamp; TbL atk tT jJil thenca sooU 80 seat n cUma to stake -T..' sMtT B HmJim the side of Wlregrasa Xoadr thence ae the -Admtaiilw - i TitS-r alT. 6 west. 8v7 chains to the HoldeS ewiSld. w ATt. lniijg. ewtainiag 61 acre, more or less. Holder, deceased. , V - . T-10-0 Mod- N b, the dWhkm of the .r- flohB PnrHa lands, which was allotted to John v TRUSTEED SALE OP LAND ! Henry Purvis, aa will appear by reference to Under and by virtue of the power and an-. .Book. 0f Orders A Decrees No. 8, -atr page thority conferred in certain deed of tract to . m, ffic of the Clerk- ef the Saperlor Conrt K. m,- joflBMm. trustee, dated r eoraary Tius. 1922, and dnly registered fn the Office of the Register of Deeds of Robeson County. N. C to Book 80, at page 2S8. the andenlgned trustee will on the 22nd day of August. 19ZZ, at 12 o'clock Noon, at the court bouse door In ti Tow of Lombertoa. N. C. offer for sale at pttblia action, to the - highest bidder for cash, th following described lands and premises, to-wRt ' ,- f Saw Beckr flwamn Townatiis. adlotninc tb other lands of J. G. Prcvatte, W. N. Town - send, a tract this day sold to W. P. Brit and others: th same containing 181-70 acres, and being farm No. 4 (No. 4 sHacted la the County ) of Robeson on plot of property formerly owned by E. Ia Odom and known aa his Leach, or Back Bwamp Place, as surveyed and plotted by L. S. Bigam. C. E., which said plot or map fa recorded in Book of Mapa No. 2, page 84, public Registry of Robeson Count. to which map reference is bad for a more accurate description of the ahera described tract. Being the same lands conveyed by E. L. (Mam and wife, to J. O. Prcvatte and wife, on October 2Srd, 1918, and dnry recorded in Book S V, at page 688, fat the Of flea of the Regarter' of Deeds of Robeson County. N. C4 being th same lands conveyed this day ny J. G. Prevatt aad if to i. A. Inman and wife Banna Inman as will appear or rcaorm The above description la a copy of the de scription In. tii deed of trust to E. M. John iim tnutee: dated Febraanr 27th. 1922. . This thr 20th day or jury, vm; zl'Zl. H '"s -' ? ' f'-'v -E. M,' JOHKSONi'f? fj! JTohnkon 4 v Johnsoa. ;2'- Attorneys for tit Trustee. 1 J7-4 Thurs. TlCli OP COMMltMsIONRR'a 8ALK Under and by virtue of th authority con tained to a certain foreclosure imiswi rendered to the cause entitled Red Springs Trading- Company and John J.Thrower . Annl Duncan Cop. t aL, th undersigned eommissicmers will, en Monday, th 28th day of August 1922, at 12 o'clock, noon, at th court house door, Lumberton, offer for aato, and sell to the highest bidder, for eah, the following described lands, to-wnj . f 3 t -da Cn.tn.. TnwruihiB Robeson Connt7 beginning at a stak in northern edg of street known as rourcn Avenue ana North 69 west, 75 feet to a corner to .tt edge of said Fourth Avenues thene nortt 21 east. 125 feet to a corners thene. south 89 cast, 10 feet to corner J thene norUt 21 east 45 feet to a corner : thence south 69-east 05 feet to corners these south 21 we0' ' begtanine corner to northern edg of Fourth Avenue to th Town w wi o-.i. Th!. twrfnff the lot known ss the Phillips lot, bem a part of th tot eenveyed by 8. A. Phillips U 1 John Orider Cop and situate on th north -sid of th street -known as Fourth Avenue, ndfeto the jama tot which Thos, E Cop now" gek atomvsMkd -earn lot deeded, to. AjBfia. punest Cope by John Crider Cope and wifane Cop y deed dated October 18th,-1915, and recorded to Book 0-K Pag 42. Bter ot fjee of Robeson county. - - ; -Dated this 21st day of July, 1922. - I DICKSON -MeLEAN, ' '..-: - T A IfflNKTLLr '- !.- 7-24-4 Mon. ;? i t Oommlssionerfc unown i rwra Sif B! ttW f.Atm Under and by virtu 'of th power and authority conferred to. eerteto mortgage deed from A. A. Wright and wife to A. H, Perry which Instrument i registered in Book 4w 88. at pag 111, Ofc of th t, t-A rwJ. n nAhtmm Coimtar. tde fault having been made in the payment of tn obitgatlonavpecurea uterwnucri . w,whw... ed mortgage will offer for aal. on Saturday, ....nui, j.. lnwi. al.lt o'clock UW 'HVU .V. v -" ' - T ' tL, Anttr in. the Town nwp( i vim, ww.. " . ... I of Lumberton, . av-puoiio w "i kicKa i t!HHMx for cash, the . following de scribed lands and premises, to-wit J - In Parkton Township, adjoining fa lands of i. K. Currie, M. J. Johnson estate and others. Beginning at stake by gum pointers in the run of Dunn's Marsh and runs South 75 West 9:S7 ehins-trr-a-take-t th, bead of a email ditch In th. field; thene South 9 East 10 :87 chains to a stak to tt outside line of Currie's: tract; thene A that line North 70 East 0:88 chaina to a stake near Dunn's Marsh ; thene North 8 chaina West 4 chains to a stake with hickory, oak and dogwood pointers; thene East 2.8 chains to a stak and gum pointers to the run of ssid Marsh I thence up the various courses of the run of said Marsh to th beginning ontain . ' B . .-J ht. k. Mni eonveved to A,"' A. Wrteht by J. K. Curri and othemJ by deed regbtered-fe JSook 8-W, ft page . w, uilic oi toe suiu? w County. - - ;-- ' ; Thia th 18th day of duly, :: : - A. H. PERRY. Johnson A . Johnson, J A Mortgagee. ttorjieys forth mortgagee, i-zu-e HER AILDEdTS if AtlGONE HOW Win, Shengan Helped -4y ' ; la&lulchifi-AboutoM I awgeredwithirregrdarities ana a weak nessanaatomeswaa obliged to stay off my feeLldactoredwith fwrr -f arniiw nhvafeiajl 'and he jlnanysaidhe ' esuld cotnnderstand tj ease, so I decided JtryLydiaE. Pink---2iT8 Vegetable Ckmnwond. After I -i t2VtJrst tUe I could aeo atlwas getting .better. ItooAsereral bottles of the Vegetable Compound sad osed Lycfia . Pinkham's Sanative Wash and I am entirely err d of my ailrnenta. You may pot oh tiia letter if yoa yrloi'lrra. Uakt SbxuoS, Boats 2, Mcot'licb. -viv -. fS :5n i - TLere is one fact women sbonld eon siderand that is this. Women suffer from irregularities and various forms of weak ness. They try thia and that doctor, as well as different medicines. Finally they take Lydia E. Pinkham's Componnd, and Mrs. Sherman's experience is simply another case showing the merit of this well-known medicine. . : If yoorfamfly physician fails to help yoa and the same old troubles persist, why isn 't it reasonable to try Lydia . Pinkham's Vegetable Qnspvand t : ' NOTICE OP SAIE Defeat kavm aeeat mede to payment ef todrbtedaeas seesreel by that aertohs deed H,T me a Trnstea for Jefferaoa Standard Life Iaeaniaea Cosnsn b H F. i f"" d wife. Bauto Forvw, cm Ue Mta "-r or novemaer, ivi, aa reeoroe wnr, n book s, oa rage 1 eisw wui ader and by virtae e tb power ef sale vest, ad ia mo by said deed af treat, and at toe rsaesst ef the cestui iao trast, and for the porpoec of disenargiag the aVbt aeeorew by aaid deed of treat, pweed to sell to the high, est bidder, for cash, at the eoart bewso doer " "T?..VI?,; " "ISS1 oataroay. w ay i Aawea. uu, ; county and Btate of North Carolina, adjotn- Beinnffll . Wires' ad others. Wiregraso Road 0f Robeson Coosty, 2nd Tract. Lying en tha cast side- of the Wiregraw Koed. tteguintng a a nsie oa said road in the line of the original surrey, and rone ae that said Una seath - 80 .east 20.10 chaiac to a stake: thence north OS cast 9a diH to a stake fat the edca of a bay thence north 28 west 27-2 chaina to a staKS la the Wiregraaa Road; thence as the said Road to the beginning, containing 12 1-2 1 jr1 xraett Adjaming the lands of J. C, Atkinson. Hcdgepeth, Purvis . and others, ; bouoded and deacrflwd aa follows: Beginning at (WMt to Clark's Branch, and nna south 17 cast a chains, west of Atineoi Une, to a stake In th Kanady Field ; the cut to a short leaf pin on th Island be tween bay and branch: thane east s short leaf pin to th line of Lot No. 8 i thence northwest with tb Hn of Le No. 8, to Purvis lins ; thence with Purvis, Hae to the beainnins;. containing 42' acres, it being a part f Lot No. I and t, Mown aw the Stephen Hcdgepeth laad. ? - . -. 4th Tract: Beginning at a stake, th begtn alng corner of Lot No. U aoove, and ran south S east 9 8-4 chaina to a stake tn th ditch, corner ef W. B. Hedgpcth estate lands) thence south 88 cast .o enaina wr m . ... a a -A SP VykMmm a corner el tn catai mnos m m. 7 thence north 88 west, running down w eanw line of th 84 acre tract, allotted is H, P. Vt.rim. A liM.n. Purvis BJ ,th. dlVMiOA of the' estate of Joha Purvfa, -about 2080 -feat to a ttak In th run ox - ciara wr fuc , v..',In- mr af the aaM- BtoMtv atoag th tost Ha of Lot No. 1, to th beginaing corner, eonUining 84 acres, more er lee, be . ht r marcel of land hereto fore allotted to H. F. Purvia and hfcj ftat wife, A. O. Purvia. to th .wMrioa the lands of John Purvis. deceied. snd being the first tract In Lot No. S, allotted to said H. P. Purvia to th division i tn "I jr. rurvia v. vw - - , : . BUi Tracts Lot No. 4, to th HjJ thcTetoto of John Purvis, and allotted to Hattlc Purvis, deaerlbedja follows Begin ning at a stake on the wJjJJ?. "J runs aa the line of Lot No. 8, north 80 d grees west 71 chains to a stake on th. west side of Hog Swamp, and to th lin of th original survey! thene a that HM north S east 0 1-2 chafe to a "atak by a post oak. the corner of th oW survey : thence nortn . a i. .k.lna.. to a stak by a Pin; thene, north SO cast 78 1-8 chains to a itekii in the old line ; tncnea as - mt . k n a atmka: thene south 28 east 4 8-4 chaina to a tak in th aaid Wire grass Roads thene aa the said wad south 54 west 1.00 Chains to 10c oa """" mining et . .. .... ... Thb 18th day of Jury, 1JJ2- -MTTtJAN PRICE. . . arw Brooks, Hines AT BmrUT. " ' Trort. AeXonteye, Ciwensboro,' N, 1-20-4,Thurs- The ' saxophdne lilayef has"" An .01-" wind that ..Wows-nobody gooa. w change. - " t liis M 1 ' -r y'- . . V- - " " J Nomii AGUICULTlinE AND ENGINEEninG STATS CCIXECZ STATIST "Tidalal Sducatlew at State College . m w ihhmim, vm wimiii Hit tnrxmmv tmm voiaea Ofiera ' ' POUR YCASj COURSES IN . . arieatlari tiirfndlm Oraeral AfrtroHure and SaeeunpaS Coarse to rtm CroM Agrtoaltoral Rncmeartng, Anlal HusbaBdry aaf DrfTtng. Rtotogy. RorUcnHan. Powltr BVtonea, Holla. Veterlaary Medicine, VocaUonal Kdumtioa T? ' 7rr Cbeattetry. Agrtcaltaral Chemistry. Teitlte Chraistry sad Pyelng. ' v ChrM Cacteeeriea, ArchUecture aad Highway XBgloeertng. . - Clectrieal Cstieeerlng. - - - Stinfisaisal taiacsfiag" : : '" Textile Testite Cngiaeerlng. Textile MnitnfiHiniag. Textile Chemistry and Dyclag. Aaricattaral teeaeailes, Bashtess Adaiaartrattea, Serai Ufa. . TWO TtAS COURSES IS J AfricaHnre, MeehanMr Aria, Tcnlle Msnufactorlng. ' , ' ; Oaa Year CoarM to Aato Heebcatec. -Winter CcorM le Aartoartara tor Parmera. . Stnmer Session fee Teachers, for College Entrance aad M College CndH. r.: Xsrelleat equipmeat to all deeeitBKSta. , Seasloa 121-23 beglna September S, ' '' Xntranea reqvlrementa for rreehmaa Clam, IS wnlta KBfllah, I f RIatory, f ; Mathematics, 8H IMence. 1 Xiertlvc, t. ' , Por eatelog, illustrated circulars, scdeMrmace bUoks, wrttc f. B. OWEN. RetMrar. .. : DUE'S CREEK ACAD2.IY AN ACCREDITED HIGH SCHOOL, Mqulring fifteen tmit fop gratia, ation. Colleges and anlTersUfes aeept stadents open certificate. , Eighteen inea and women la Faculty. 863 stadents last year, rtpre seatlag 8 counUes and 1 States. Business (bourses, IIorm Economlca, Art, Expression, PUno, Vtolia, Band, Vocal Mosie, with special traia. lag for Gospel Singers and leaders of Church Moale. Fireproof libra ry building to bo built dsriag the year. Expenses Moderate. No finer Christian atmosphere to bo found. ' For eatalogue, apply to J. A. CMBELL, PMICIPAL, " Buie't Creek. N.C FftllXDED 1838 . i a- tl4fil TRINITY DURHAM, A CoW. UUra, rtewhia. bik-h lroU7. tor"f'o7 w. Student fee low. comionaot, mezpemur w j ' " ": Classical and acWntifi oursc leading W bacbeiorj imrtmento. Schools of Engtoeertog, Edueatio a, and Uw. Ww rtu4nta tdmrtted Scptean ber 18. 19. Kail term begins September 20. . For catalogue and illustrated booklet, eddr as, ; FLOWERS, Secretory t th Corporation. j NOTICE OP SALE OP RIAL ESTATE Under and by virtu of th power of sal contained to certain mortgage dead from u a . n. ..J mrifm tn A. H. PerrV. said mortgag deed being recorded to Book No. 40, at pag 888, Kobeson county jwjuht, v fault havinT been mad to th payment of th indebtednea thereby secured, the said mortgagee wt,.o Monday, th 28th day of Aw, 1822. at 12 a elock M.. Jrtth-eoart nous door to fn towa erXumbertM, M m . v.i---..w. kUai kUiW. 'far esnvcL th following' described real 'asteto 1 Turk- first Tract i Lying and being on north sid ' Lumberton, N.G. When seeking a safe place to deposit your funds, you would do well to recall the fact that this ban!, is designated depository f or THETREASURER OF THE UNITED STATES. UNITED STATES POST OFFICE FUNDS. -U.S.1ERAL COURT FUNDS. ; TOWN OF LUMBERTON FUNDS. Don't jrou feel that your money would be in good company, with Governm National Banli? W.. .- . ,' ' -1 He lVt :SMcALUStER,R CI. T. PATAiyi4Preid - T. L JOHNSON, Vice President. R McA. NIXON, Cashier. ? C. A. McARTHUR, Asst prepares ha trsdaate for "monaf CHARTEBED IN 1S59 COLLfaAiri; N. C . "J'Z U tratoml JT- ki.i u.k .ki 1 mile below tsw road leading from Payettevill to LwaAerteo. containing ,8 l-S acres, mor os- . -fully described to th abav mentioned mortgage deed, reference betas fcrby mad to saw instrumeni ior inr -""-. imJ Tneti Adloteing tb abev de- il-j - -MitAi,i(it i l& acres. snore er less, and fully described to th above mentioned- mortgage aeeo. T""". "T" hereby mad to said loetruroent for further 1 nali id I mam - .,Sf-.mv' at:!.---,rf &"'la& : ' , Thl the 25th day f July, 18H. - , ' r" Ar PERKY, onn .a. onw, mvm, Attorney for mortgagee, f ; 7-27-0 Thars. D v , ,v Cat bier. i

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