rSTALLlsaEp 1878." EC7GLB COPT FITB CUNTS. COUNTS!, COn: AND TUUm. I2.M A TEAR, DUB E ADVA2;C3 LXTIIBEIITON. N. C, TflUESDAY, AUGUST 10, 1C22. voLxnmLni -) , - ; High Average- Prices . n Auction - Floors "Coop Advance Money on Grades as Received Some Pleased .'- -nil fiiknut Kitlf Rotfc WaV. . ,V The Lumberton - auction ' tobacco t market Tuesday : sold 7,552: pounds of tobacco at an average of $22 JO the hundred. Sales on the auction market -yesterday totaled 89,668 pounds and the average price paid was. $22 the hundred. Owing v to . the . dampness, some of the tobacco offered yesterday wag "in high order",. ; Vr:'---1' A total of 34,753 pounds of tobacco were handled here yesterday,, by, the co-operatives." Advance were made on all this" tobacco, the ; advances ranirino, -Trnrrt ' XI OR the hundred. fOT to 99.M& t.ha 'hundred -for the , better gTadesV Advances, are made 6n all tobacco according to grade. How- ,;. ever, : the: advance paid the grower when' the tobacco is turned over to - the organization, to be sold is no in dication of what the tobacco will sell " ' for."; :Vfi?i,;-:ii' $ '; ; ' Members of the association' ener ally ; seem lo be pleased - with the - plan, while some who expected to get the fall value of the tobacco before it is told are inclined to kick". The tobacco is not sold to the association, but placed 'in the hands of the co-operatives to be, sold when: a suitable price is offered,5 and the advance is paid by the organization to assist the grower in financing the growing' and harvesting .the crop. The final re turns will tell the tale ana not until a member has received I the returns from the sale of, his crop though the the new system be determined. . - '" Many members ot, the association, who are more thoroughly- familiar with the plans of selling the tobacco co-operatively,express themselves as being highly pleased," especially from the facti that eachrgrowerwm're ceive the same advance and .the same price for like grades when the , tobac co is sold.; . t ' The co-operative houses will "be open for receiving tobacco three days each ; week Mondays, . Wednesdays - It might be added that, many farm ers who sell tobacco at auction are not pleaaed with the sales ana -u matters not , how high the Vweed" sells "tags are turned" on practical ly all auction sales on all markets.' J About 40,000 pounds - of ' tobacco ' were sold on the local auction. market today at prices about, the same as paid on the market yesterday Local School Vi Open Septeihl 6 th Faculty Has' Been Completed. With Exception of One Member and List Will be Published in Next Issue. Lumber-ton's schools will open for the fall term Wednesday, September . 6. s " :-- v. -: ',:':' i Supt W7' B. Crumpton gives The Robesonian the following informa tion of interest to" patrons ' of the !hTOl:v5t.;'fci't?' "The faculty for the . Lumberton graded school for the next, session, has been completed with the excep-" tion of one member; A -complete list will be found in the issue of the pa per on next Monday. : "Our school will- open, for the fall term on Wednesday, September. 6th. The ' teachers will arrive jn liumoer ton on Monday the 4th and will be in conference with .Superintendent Crumpton . on Tuesday, the 5th. "It 4s .hoped that this is the. final date and will not have to be changed i on account of inability of the local book depository getting the books on time. The strike may hinder the re ceipt of the new books but it is hop ed that that condition will be a thing of the past by, then" , m ' Conference of rB. Y. beHeld in Lumberton Aug. 16 J As has . been stated' in The Robe aonian, an important 'conference of the B. Y. P. unions In Robesori coun ty will be held in the First Baptist . chUTr. nere weanesuay, August o. TV'niiw iiiil' armns arUt Ha nervpA on w m. l . .vv A. ; - All T V T TT .UHT ClllUUt IVUUIU OU ,M . -w. 'members and other young: people, are tnvitea.rominent speaxera wiu.aa--dress the conference,' which it; is 'ex pected will i be; attended by 1,000 young people. 'v " ,:i'. Dr. H. M. Baker of Lumberton is 1 president of the county union and he z - ...I... tL.a. -11 D V D TT mom. v 13 llUIUUa UUb HU JJ. . . uvw- lers .hc the county, as well as other young people, attend this .conference. Special. attention paid; to Junior and intermediate union work. , ' " ' - ' Mr. T. L. Johnson returned home "Tuesday night from Asheville, in and around which place he epent several days. Mrs. Johnson and two children will spend some time at Asheville be fore returning home. Mr. - A C. McLeod and - daughter, little Miss Mary, and son,-Mr. Nor- .man McLeod, of Buie,. are Lumber ton visitors today. " - :i M istratiwi Boole's Registrar C R. Tolar of Rennert Townahio ' : Bound to 1 Court for Scratching Name Off Book Placed ' en Book After Time Was Up, He i Says Other' Cases -in Recorder's i-C .B Tolar,- registrar inZ, Rennert township, ; was bound over to : the Superior court by Assistant Recorder L. J. Britt Tuesday on the charge of tampering i with' registration books. He made bond In the sum bf $100. ? According to the evidence, the de. fehdant scratched ; a name off the books, which he testified was" placed on the books after the time4imit f or registering; ha4 closed. He was also tried on a separate charge of failing to properly perform his duties --as registrar, but was founi not- guilty by a jury impaneled to pass upon the c&M.j''f2itf'i''hi 's-i AvThe defendant was represented by Messrs., Britt & Britt, while Solicitor W, B. Ivey was assisted in the prose cution by- Mr,4 Wm. Cox, an attorney of Laurinburg. Mr. Tolar was indicted by Mr. Lacy McNair of Rennert. ; Charley Bennett was taxed ' with the cost Monday on the charge of be intr; drunk. 'i?2 ' Howard Pearsell, colored, was also taxed with the cost on the charge of being drunk. , - Robed ICIuxers In- terrupited Show Ku KIux Klan Halted : Program of .Wallace the Magician" at Parkton ' to Contribute $50 to School Library Magician Feared His Time Had s Come. .&":i?:vos .-- " SBight in the midst of his rnigie during an entertainment at Parkton Monday ,- night Mr.' ;W. L. Wallace !ot Durham, ; widely - known as -"Wallace the Magician", and his audience were startled - by the entrance of white- robed figures, who . marehed silently to the rostrum and presented to Wal. lace an envelope uoon Which were printed "directions. ' to open and read. The robed figures silently departed and Mr; Wallace found in thejnvelope sou in casn ana a note stating tnat the contribution was from ! the ; ' Ku Kin Klan for the i; Parktonschool library fund, which fund ; received a part of the proceeds ox the entertain ment..'' -: : - .- Mr, ' Wallace, who was a "Lumber- ton "visitor. Tuesday,;5' frankly states that he war filled, with uneasy -forebodings when he saw . the whiterobed figures enter. He wondered, if it was not a good time to do a disappearing act ; for fair.'; He wondered how high the rear window was from the .ground anihow 'hS;'QuIdjQok."wi a ; win dow-irairte. around his neck. -He bad had the audience mystified and won dering a moment before,' and now he shared with it bewilderment and won. der and startled awe. But he stood his ground, albeit with fear and trembl ing, and was immensely relieved when he found that the visit of the Klux ers was altogether peaceful and bene, volent. - " - v . . " Road and School M Ji W Bond Elections An election to vote 'on a . $20,000 road bond, issue was :: ordered ' for Britts township by;the county com missioners at; their regular monthly meeting Monday. The date for the election has not been named. - The board also ordered an election for Red Springs . graded school dis trict to be held on ' September 9 to vote on an additional tax of 15 cents on the $100 property valuation and 45 tents on the. poll ; for school pur poses. '- ' : Annual Barkera-Tenmile Picnic " : - ' The annual BarkersTenmile picnic will be held at Barker's church - Sat urday of this week.. It will be an all- day affair and dinner will be served on- the groundaZ This f annual com munity picnic ' is looked forward to each year as a day when - the- folks get togetheraora day of pleasure and recreation and is always attend ed by a large number. It : is held at Barkers one. year and Tenmue one. Six Applications for Pensions Ap proved. . ' f'-'ir" :iy,S fi:-' .' : ' '' Six . applications , for : Confederate pensions, were approved by the coun ty pension board at a meeting of the board ; held here Monday, This was the - only ; business - - transacted.'; . The board is composed, of Mr. W. H. Gra ham, chairman, Mr.' C. B." Skipper, secretary, Eev. r. A- rrevatt ana Mr. W J. Currie. ;' r, - I ;Dr! ' and Mrs. E. R. .Hardin have movad from the McLean apartment house. Walnut and Fifth r street, to the T. A. McNeill residence, y North Elm street. . . V" ' " " r ' : I ;i Mr. J., S. Hayes of R. 4, Lumber- ton, was among the "visitors ur town today. Mr. H. Parneli of Buie was a Lum berton visitor Tuesday. - v . cars'r On Fcubrmont Marliet Tobacco Selling Well : at - Auction. Some "Co-op" Members fleasea ana ' - Some Are Not and Ditto Some who Have Sold at Auction Pack House " Struck by Lightning- and Burned During Severe Electrical Stornu . '-.'.- By XY, Brown " Fairmont Aug.: 10v The Tobacco Growers Co-operative association be gan receiving the weed and advancing money1 Monday. The amount received that -day was 1684 pounds with small advances, the exact amount of money advanced bejngr . unreported, the officials Tstating thatitheyi had no record of .this. ? Some dissatisfac tion haa been heard from . several members of the association while sey eral more have expressed themselves as being . pleased ".and ? others have j6ined since it began receiving. 'At auction-here ;thisyweek prices have; been very satisfactory ; while there was some kicking on that .Wed nesday . and "Tuesday afternoon. The highest price paid this" week was paid on Tuesday when ;V large pile of to bacco brought $70 per hundred and there were over 165,000 pounds offer ed on the market that day. During, the afternoon a dark cloud came up and the farmers stated that during "this cloud the price dropped, considerable. The average for the 'week will sur pass that of last week by a large margin. ; Watch The BOBESONIAN for the. week's report on Monday.' On Wednesday the cooperative :; associa tion received about 20,000 pounds for the pool. A; good bit has been shipped and a large number of pounds is ex pected to be received Friday, ! ' ) Mias Reatha Jenkins is spending some time , in '. Marion, - N. : C, -, anfl other western North Carolina: points visiting friends.' -- '- 'Miss Louise Barrel of Suffolk, Va., is spending some time , here ) vwith friends and . relatives 1 '. i Mr. William Brice of Wallace spent a few; days here this week-" on busi ness. ' " . -S- i i Mr. ' and Mrs, Leaman ' Brice and children, of Wallace are' spending some time here 'With friends and re lativest " ---," --Z4 Mr. Wortn Williamson' of Earis has accepted, a position with Gran- tham St Con druggists. Mr. William son has been .connected x with the Grantham , stores for ,. sometime as registered pharmacist and - has been for the past few years located at St Pauls. Born, to Mr. and Mrs.' Purvis Leg gett, July 30th, a girl, r -- Mr..' W. C. Walters of Barnesville was a ' business visitor " here Wednesday.- - ; ' s The westbound A. C, L. Train No. 98, due here at 6:32, was over one hour late Wednesday night on ac-' fc punt of ; washouts ' In the road be-! t ween . here and Chadbourn. A slight; washout secured a mile and a quarter east of here. Reports from near At kinson's mill pond stated that it was impossible to cross the dam there even with "wagons; h' xz:: - , , - .. t ElMtrlcal Storm Tuesday night an electrical storm' of which people have" spoken very freely passed over Fairmont about; midnight Electric .flashes 1 were so quick ; in succession . that . the entire sky. was 'illuminated for nearly an hour. A : pack, house belonging to Mr J N. J. Page of White Pond section was struck by lightning- and set afire,' burning down with a total loss. Mr. ; How It CharUej3uiliama, who has made -v home in Florida and Georgia for the - Miss Evelyn Mcln tyre of 'Lumber past few years, stated that this storm f Bridge , came .over to our little town was equal to anything they had ever, last week with Mrs. ' Virginia " Mc seen in those -states, where elec tri- Intyre : for . a few. days' visit among cal storms are .very violent at times. (relatives and friends in St" Pauls. Misses Nettie and' Ruth Ashley ox' Norfolk, Va.j are spending some time here with friends and relatives. ODD FELLOWS CONCERT. CLASS COMING TO LUMBERTON . . . FRIDAY NIGHT One of the enjoyable features of the year is ithe cording of the Odd Fellows orphans' , concert . class, and it has always been a. distinct pleasure for Lumberton Odd: Fellows to enter tain these splendid children and the umuaci a . , - . - f-vT The class will be In Lumberton onl"??1" me aay nere. r:: ; ; Friday, -August" 11th, commg 6Urectr M. U Shaw returned from Ocean from Rockingham. They will, leave I View -8t Friday, where she spent a Uimberton and will be m Red Springs on ' Saturday,:' August-. 12th.' and in Whitevule on "Monday, August 14th. ; The personnel of the : class this year is composed of eight girls and two boys and they are from practi cally one end of the State to the other.! The class this year is . in charge of Mies'-Elsies-Tucker as-manager and Miss.- Collins - as assistant manager. j Miss Tucker has been with. the class! for several tours. The class consists of the following: : Minnie -Westmoreland, Pinnacle; Nellie 'Crisp, Tuskee gee; Juanita" Taylor, Oxford; Lucy1 Johnston,'. Farmville; Aitha - McKin ney. Spruce Pine; Alice Hewitt, Eli sabeth City; Hortense Wiggins, Wel don; Elizabeth Broadhorst Mount Olive; Appollus"' Owens, 'Powell's Point: Thurman-Merritt. Wilmington. L The receipts this year have held up pretty -well and from all reports tne entertainment has. been - excellent The concert will begin at 8:15 p. m. in the high school auditorium. ' Camp Fire Girls sad Boy Scoots Are; . Enjoying an Outing Motementa of -The People. -. v'. ; , , . By Bess G. Johnson :J?;'irC' St. Paul8,''Aug. 8Another warm morning greets" usl- '"v lVfVI L Miss Clara Hester, . who - holds a! position as stenographer ,. in Raleigh, has been spending her vacation with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. R. Hes ter. r.y-J Mr. Olvin Crenshaw and 2 .little sons,. Billy and Junior recently visit ed , at , the ..home of his father, Mr. J. S. Crenshaw who reside a few miles but from town," ' r v -, Mrs. Edgc Fletcher. and daughter, little Miss JLaura, . were the delight ful guests Mf Mrs.. T. L. Northrop from Fridaytill Sunday of last week, returning . to ! their fiom'e town Mc Coll, S. C, (that afternoon. Mss Madge Duke, whose people re side in Hamlet, arrived tn St. Pauls, Wednesday p. rn., the 2nd, for a little visit at 'the home 'of her brother-in-law and. sister, Mr. and Mrs., Walter D. Johnson, on Main street.-;: The many friends of Mrs. J. - M. Butler are delighted to. know, she has returned to' her home on Blue, street after spending 'several j weeks - at Pittman hospital, Fayetteville, where she underwent an operation some time ago. We hope she will continue to improve!' '?.". -riy We are all glad to have Miss Ethel Cobb home for a wee bit. She got fat last Sunday a. m will 'possibly 're turn to Charlottsville, Va , Wednes- aay night, where she holds - a very responsible position in the Blue Ridge sanatorium of that place.; Miss Jose phine Evans is also home for a visit to her people. Miss Evans for the past few months has been doing city welfare work in Greensboro. We trusty her . vacation will , prove .very pieasani. .,. .. ;t-v r. Mrs. Will Regan and ' little " Miss Annie Louise Regan of Elizabethtown came over last' Friday to visit Mrs. Regan's sister Mrs. L. L Grantham. Annie- Louise, ; remaining' over for a few days.; Mrs. Regan, you ; will re call was Miss Annie McBryda before her marriage . , . ; .- Mr. .'Francis -.Northrop -. whd has been furnishing music in the orches tra at Lake View' the past few months, spent last Sunday night at the: borne of his mother, Mrs. T. I Northrop. He left Monday for White Lake, where he will furnish music in an ; orchestra during the next few weeks.'.. . ;,'', '.--'';;,y Miss Pearle Evans and mother re cently, returned from Wrightsville beach, where they spent a few days, reporting a very nice trip. Mr.' and Mrs. Tom G. Balfour and Infant daughter were Jn town a short while Monday 'afternoon. We got a glimpse of x that historic little - dress Alice Audrey was recently baptized in. Mrs. Balfour 1 brought it along with her. We imagined to see it look, ing "yellow with age", as it is some thing like 100 years old, but it look ed as white and dainty as if had on- ily seen a' few "yesterdays." It seems that this little dress was brousrht over from' India,-; as was mentioned in a recent Lumber Bridge letter, and is reserved for the christening of each oi the immediate Balfour family. , : ; Mr. and Mrs. Vance Skipper and mother came over from Lumberton Sunday the 80th, spending the day with Mr. Skipper's sister Mrs. Tom Willis, : formerly Miss : Grace Cren- Mrs. Mclntyre, who is the widow of the late Mr. Wm. Mclntyre, has been on an extended visit to relatives In the old North State. She. nukes her home with her; daughter, Mrs. Wat son, who was. formerly Miss Ella Mc Intyre of Rennert, but who since her marriage makes her home in Tallede ga, Ala. Mrs. Mclntyre has - many friends back home who are ever glad to see her. . . : ' , . Mrs. Joe' Sugar had for her cruests on Sunday last Mrs. Sam Traub of Baltimore and nephew, Master Mor ton Sugar from" Bennettsville, "itwho o pient Wess Mrs. Dan King and 2 kids. Jas. and Margaret spent Saturday - nieht and. Sunday with Mrs., King's sisterj Airs. n. A. ucacbern, at her home on-' Main street' r-' t-t.::i nrvtr-rxji Miss Marie Blue, who spent , the past week with her sister, Mrs. D. S. McEachern, expects . to' return to her' home town, Raeford, this after noon. Little Miss - Laura Northrop will accompany her home for a few days visit - - . : : - - - ; Mr. Simon, Leyiton of : Baltimore, brother of Mrs. Joe Sugar is expect ed to arrive in St Pauls , tonight where he has accepted a position in the store belonging to his brother-in- law, Mr. Joe Sugar. .:;. ; ? v ; The Camp Fire girls have gone to White Lake this week.'-They got up a nice little play, entitled "Hiawa tha,' Which they presented, in the high school auditorium 'here on the evening1 of the 1st About $2L60 was '- (Continued on page four.) ISParlitoh letter McNatt. Reunion Revival Meeting - Persoaal and Other Items. Sn By C. D. Willismson. , Parkton, "Aug. 8 The McNatt re union held at Black's bridge ; last Thursday proved to be one of the big gest and best yet. A large number of these people were present, . in .; the best of spirits, thoroughly enjoying the day. The table fairly groaned un der the bountiful spread, and yet not all the baskets, were opened. Mr. J. B. McCormick was generous with de licious watermelons and cantaloupes, sending his wagon with enough for each one to be "well fed. The water was never better for swimming. . - Among the guests Sheriff N. H. McGeachy and mother, - Mrs. - Anna McGeachyV of Fayetteville, and Mrs. Mary Blue' of GaUtiat ,'.'" Mr. Eugene Melvin and wife, and two daughters of Lake City, S. C have been on a visit to Mr, and Mrs. Edd Gaitley. Mr. Melvin is a former schoolmate of the writer and his visit is most enjoyable. He was formerly a Robesonian. Mr.Collier Cobb and family left Monday morning for their annual vacation to Seven Springs. Mr. Neill McKinnon, another Robe sonian and special friend of the writ, er is In town today. :y;y, An interesting game of ball was upset this afternoon. Lumber Bridge failed to show up, as a big rain set in just as they were about to come, but we expect them Friday. The local lads have new uniforms and look like real ball players and they are some sports. .Several more games will be played before the opening of school with St Pauls and Lumber Bridge second nine teams, ages 10 to 14. Messrs. J. M. and Vance McMillan, Miss Ruby Council and . the: writer went over to Raeford yesterday p. m. to enjoy, the game, Raeford vs Ham let The game was a little onesided, in Hamlets' favor. The umpire was accused of leaning to Hamlet, and you know such games are enjoyed. . : - Rev. R. F. Munns' is holdingr ' re vival meetings-this week at Marvin. The Baptist will begin here Monday night Everybody invited. . -The Parkton band went up to Anti och, Hoke county, Friday and furnish ed musie for for the old soldiers '.re union,, and - report reat, day...Uoke county ladies, did their part Jn giving the old soldiers a real enjoyable day. i Mr. Justin McNeill and family came up late Sunday afternoon, Just in returned Sunday night,: Mrs. Mc Neill and children remaining with relatives till Wednesday p. m. - THE COUNTY'S BUSINESS Business Transacted at . Retrnlar . Monthly Meeting of Commissioners The. county commissioners met in reeular monthly session her Man. day, all members being present Only regular routine matters .were ' eon- sidered. ," ' ;;. ' D. W. Bullock. Democratic nomfaiM for the office, was appointed record er oi we Kowiana district to zui out the unexpired term of J. A. McKay, who resigned.. - -'- - Jno. -r, W. Ward and Row McNaf t members of the board, and ; E. J. Britt, county attorney, were appoint ed delegates to the annual convention of the State association of - county commissioners. : y v -;,: - The monthly reuorta ' of . th Bank of Maxton, county treasurer, R, E. Lwis. sheriff- Dr. R. ITurHln county health officer, and Miss Eliza oetn jrye, county welfare .officer, were ordered filed. -V- . "A" The regular pauper list was order ed paid. The names of Sam Bass and Allie Jlardin were dropped from the pauper list upon recommendation of the county welfare ' officer. The monthly allowance of Jenkins Camp ben was increased from S2J0 to 14 Jake and Kate McLean from $5 to 17.60 each. Jesse Bodiford was placed on the regular pauper list at $4 the month, Jack McNeill at $3, Casrel Adams and ' H. A. Black at $3 each and John Fields at $5. , 1 -It was ordered that: the insolvent court cost for the Jury term be'paid. . The following rebate we'rii aILyv. ed: ' r Parkton Pharmacy. Parkton town. ship, $4,000, property, $28; C M. Flowers. Lnmbertoti tnwnahln. 11 . 600, property, $10.60; Perry Locklear, smitns townsnip, S4za, property, S2 94; A; N. Mitchell, ; White : House township, $195, property, $9.76; Eli Covinrton. Rennert towrmhin. Mm. J M. Burke, Maxton, poll, $2 each. , dui totaung se5,04 were order ed paid by the board. ' : i STRIKE CONFERENCE WILL BE HELD IN ; WASHINGTON ' FRIDAY ' Washington, Aug. 9 (Associated Press V Heads of the striking - miU road unions marked, time here .today while; awaiting the arrival of-executives of other transportation-labor organizational who havn heen bnvittA to the general conference Friday, to consider the shopmen's reply to Presi dent Harding's latest proposed basis for settlement , . - Congressional - leaders meanwhile were considering the possibility that President Harding, in the event of the failure of his efforts, might seek a legislative remedy for the country's admittedly serious industrial - ail ment -' - - - ,';' i -' -- ' COTTON UACSCT, .' local market today at 20 1-4 cent the Jenn intra hehnw fimiC. U-pToving a very popular - place. Parties from other towns often visit this Lumber river beach. :. - " Dr. G. M. Pat Of Rirnti.m ed through town Monday evening en rente to Raleigh to attend a meeting of the board of dinetnr f h r. operative Cotton Marketing associa- in, vi wnicn Doara ne is a member from this, district "An unusually heavy rain fell here Vesterdar afternoon, the fall for one near wtaiinf 1.66 , Inches, according to Mr. B. M. Daris, local government weather man l7nAv tiAim aw-a , wyw. uiuivaw Ulali : the rain was general throughout this section, though: it was not s heavy in some sections ox the county.;," Mr. I. T. Brawn - mnA Ion Miss Amanda Brown. a Phtiarfoi phus Miss Hannah McNeill of Buie, mws cstner crown of Fairmont and Mr. i Willie Brown of Philadelphus passed through Lumberton yesterday en route to White take, Bladen coun ty, where they will remain until Sat urday. Several other people from Philadelphus are at White like tM week.- T:t-i -r i Mr. and Mrs. T. P1iMr Mj their two chfldren, of Ashboro, travel flljr" m a llvinir vsn mnnntM ' m m Ford chassis, arrived here yesterday uu win o9 m town a few days while a cot and other equipment are being' prepared. Mr. Tnrlri haa Imm - - - . yvi- ating a movie from, his van.' -, In which he and his family liye during the jrammer, but he says he has. dis continued that until people get better." Mrs. J. M. McGill wss brought home Sunday evening by Mr. McGill from , Charlotte,"; where she spent a week underlain or traatmrnf ' i . Charlotte sanatorium.' Her condition is mucn improved, Mr. McGill drove to, Charlotte Saturday evening in his Hudson.' makteir th trin in a hm and 25 minutes. He was accompanied vj wessrs. i. w mcuui and W, L Parham. Mr, Theodore Pope, who had been undergoing treatment in ' Char lotte, alao came back with them. . , i rraar.jsi. u,. McKinnon and 1 mem bers of his class of boys of the Row land Preabvtariaw fania mut fuuwj cijuuik9 pesco ana mm. oertpn yesteraay. Tne boys with Mr. McKinnon were his small son E. H. Jr.. (not a member of th pla n.n Pleasant Ralph ; Brake, Leon and vernon Thompson, Leo Beard, Brown Morrison, Howard i Martin. Several members of the elaaa conlH not Cnma on this trip, which they had planned tor some time. They enjoyed bathing and a watermelon feast and battle at the beach and atama to Lambertnr tnr dinner. They intended to see the ball game scheduled for the afternoon, but that part of the program was rained out - " The condition of Mr. Bunvan Floyd of Lumberton and Mrs.' Ha Edwards and her 18-months-old baby, who; were painfully hurt 'Monday morning when an k.' C. L. passenger train struck the car m which thev were riding at a road crossing in Or- rum, are reportea as zavoraoie today. It was found after the renort of tha ' accident published in Monday's; Robe sonian was written: that . Mr. Floyd suffered a serious ractura of ; : the left hip bone. Dr. R. B. Sloeum, chief surgeon of the A. C. L, with head-. quarters at Wilmington, came to see Mr. Flovd last nio-ht. Th thre in jured people are still at the Thomp son hospital, where they were taken soon alter the accident. 5 ' usfiiuoncnsrATiuiiuui, ' m a Nil an visits nwTATiwiya. OF MONTANA - , Newspapers come first on the advertising budget of Fred P. Mann, Devils Lake, N. D., coun- try" merchant whose store . does nearly a million dollar business a year. This much he told retail , dealers who gathered at Boulder, Mont, last week for their annual convention. Mailing lists are see- ond on his list and he sends, out grocery specials and personal let- ters. He said that he depended up-' on solicitation to a great extent Fourth Estate. ; . NOTICE TO DOG OWNERS - . - Dogs. Mast be Kept Muixled. ' -For the proper protection of children and others the policeman will have to , do his duty dont blame him if, he' shoots your dog; the fault' is yours. .. Read the law:- i . '2 See. 16. ' AH dogs 'owned or kept within the corporate limits of the town . at Lumberton hall ha kent muzzled , by the owners between the 1st of said year. Any dog owned or kept within the corporate limits of be decleard'a nuisance and shall be killed. All persons owning or keeping; in- his possession within said town such dog unmuzzled within the above dates shall upon "conviction be fined -$5.00. Each day shall . constitute a separate offense. - ; . . - . J.P.RUSSELL, . . Clerk and Treas.