LUZIEISTOir, 1L C.; JIOICDAY,. AUGUST JL4, 1D22. - . -.. - ' r 'a. V . v : :. 1 ..-..v-V ..'iA Vr'. . i' .. . WMMWi imm"" , , w n i ui"r-.- ' " "" m 11 i " " " ' 1 !Jr"' - - ' T ' ' . Tobicco Pn Con-iTo Select Site EjTpbwpAyasiirc ' On Local Market coW Board iTl " t , . v . j . v.-: ! ' Uraage" Price ' Friday , was k $25.60 Price Today Higher - Than Last Week. -COOPS .WIIX-JtECEIVB TOBACCO s j folur days, this week. Tobacco sold at auction' on the Lum berton market last week totaled 1 210 504 pound it an average of $18.75 - the hundred, while, the co-operatives handled ; 46,960 pounds '-, duping the three days their? warehouses: were open for receiving the weed". Prices on the action market . Friday were somewhat higherthe average for that day being $25.60 thV hundred. Lar ger sales are expected this1 week. The f co-operative ' warehouses; will open for receiving tobacco-four days this weekMonday; Tuesday, Thurs day and v Friday. ; Mr., J. ,t C. , Lewis, manager of, the co-operative warehous e. auks the Robesonian to state that the organisation is now ready to re ceive tobacco ur large quannue uu members I of the association ; are re quested to bring their tobacco in as -fast as it is ready'n-;--' 'tfirtf'? r Much tobacco was brought in today and prices were higher than,1 last week, according, to those who have kept close watch of , the market and prices paid.' Quite a' number of mem bers of the co-operative association also brought tobacco in today. THis Negro RanFas- ter Than He Could Cailed Out ' at Night to help a Lone Man With Car, an Host Sprang up, One With a Gun, and Sambo Left inHigh He Was Scared Some and Broke the Speed Limit. . . ' A colored man who lives on Mr. A. M- Floyd's farm near Baruesville was . 1 J. iL.i 1. . will Mftf BAAII mven-a irunt. vubi uc wu uw - forget Thursday night, According to to bis home and called him ons, -. inr that he hted help to get' his Ull . If UU.U WC0 )MV& I . " 7 started. The colored man - started with the man and - when they had ione some distance from the house the man he was following; whistled. It was then that several men came up, one of them, throwing a flash-light uDon the darkey and pointing a pistol in his face.4 f The colored man then mdved away on "high-gear", and as he fled through a field towards his home several shots were fired in his direction.,, - ' , '.' : The negro came to Lumberton Fri day and reported the a occurrence to Sheriff R. E. Lewis, though he could -not give any information as to who the men were. They were not mask ed, he said. According to the negro's story, he ran as fast as" he could and some " faster. His name ; was ,not learned. :.-vvf": -X;i i'-l . , Robesoii- Asisocia f tiohBY.P.U Rally Program 'of RaW tebe Held at First . Baptist Church Wednesday of This Week.-Vi';'' .- 4 As has been stated in Th Robeson ian, a rally of the Baptist Young Peo- ples's unions of .the Robeson associa tion will be held at the First Baptist church here Wednesday of this week. Folowing is the program '- Wednesday, August 16. -9:30 Devotional services., : 9:45 Address by president. Dr. H. M. Baker. , .10:00 Senior B. Y. P. U. work, Mr. .Perry Morgan. " " .! " ' 10:45 Junior B, Y P. U. work. Recess. ' V 11:00 Senior B.' Y.'P. U. work v 11:45 Junior B. Y. P. U. work. 12:30 Dinner (served in ladies par lor.) v ' . . . ' - N . ; ; Afternoon Session. .: 1:30 Devotional "service. - ; v '1:45 Senior B. Y.'PU. work. ( 2 :30 J unior B. Y. P. U. work. 3:15 Recess. . - 3:30 Senior B. Y. P. U. work. ' 4:15 Junior B. Y. P. U. work. 5:00 Round, tableNiiscussion. ' Dinner, (served W ladies parlor.) -im ' Night Seslon. . r' XT $ :15 Addreafc ; , . . V .. .... . . , A cordial invitation is extended to 3t these meetings. ! . 1 A - --Prof :i H. ; W. Bullard, who is at the head of the vocational training de partment of the Orrum high school, Mrs. Bullard and their ; small (son, .Master Barnes, were Lumberton vis itors Thursday afternoon.! They i re turned home only the night .before from an auto 7. trip. They 1 attended the recent farmers' and farm women's conventions m Raleigh, Mrs. Bullard making for Miss Flax Andrews, home demonstration' agent,', who' could I not be present, report of home demonstra tion clubs and work in Robeson for the year. From Raleigh they dreve to Oxford,1 thence to Clarkton,Va and thence to Harmony school com munity in Ireddll county, where Mr. -Bullard taught two years: cide Location at . Pembroke Tomor ; row Will Consider' Here. . Tomor. row Petition to Divide Long Branch District Other School Matters,' .The county, board of education will! meet at Pembroke tomorrow mormne at-10 o'clock. t0 select a site for the Pembroke consolidated School district, the matter having 1een continued till iL A. , A. . . i. .L a that time t the i regular ; monthly meeting of the board last Monday. At; 2 o'clock" tomorrow afternoon the board will consider ft petitionpre sented at "the meetinir' last Mondav asking that Long. Branch school dis- trict No. , Britts township, be divid ed and,'that . a" new school house .be built near; the .junction of - the toad leading to Matthews ' bluff ; and (., the Wilmington highway '.p. I The following business was trans acted by the ' board at the regular meeting last Monday:;; f- , i. ; i-The committee appointed at the last meeting of the boad to sell school property in Gaddyar township, district NoV h was continued. " r-itii Supt. J. R. .Poole and Mr. T. L. Johnson were authorized to select plans for Sand Hill school building and make report to this board at the next meeting.',- i:-)y. 'XlvSV-V-' ' Supt. Poole was appointed as' a com mittee to confer vwith trustees of the St Pauls graded school in, regard to omuiiug a larger irucK jr ine irans, portationj of children. ':---.-iji': Sheriff "R. E. Lewis'- statement of final settlement, was presented and approved. - . '".,( , The stlm of $100 was allowed for colored summer -school at Fayette-ville- -' , ' ' - ' - - . Rebates, were allowed as follows: $7.65 to L, G. Pittman, $30.81 to Mrs. Sarah Pitman; both of xlistrict No.s, white, Fairmont ; ?; - .-. L. R. Stephens was .paid $200 for annual audit ox the accounts of the board. $175 was allowed v A. VJ: G. Wishart for calculating special school taxes, same to be charged to thq dif ferent special tax districts. i , , Miss Elizabeth Frve. counfv wel fare officer, was allowed $12.50 for one-half expenses to Gastonia. - School committeemen were appoint ed asbllows : A. E. Israel, district No, a, wmie, wisnans; 4. u, nunc, .dis trict No. 1, Indian. Fairmont: D. M. Smith, district No. 5, colored, Max- ton, tn place o; J. D. McKay, deceas Beau Gave His Girl L Stolen Dresses lady Who Missed Dress From Clothes Line Fnds it Parading Streets-M wearer Admits , It nd 2 : Others Given Her by Young Man But She Hid in Coal Box First. It happened last week. On Tues day night three perfectly trood dress es (Sunday dresses) belonging to a lady living in Lumberton were stolen from ' a . clothes-une after 'they : had been washed t by a colored woman. XMotnmg was heard irom the dresses until Saturday afternoon when , the owner of the dresses spied ' a young white girl on the streets "all f rocked up" in one of the stolen dresses. .The lady who recognized the. dress as her own Questioned . the f wearer of the dress as to where she got it At first she . said she bought the . dress but could , not tell where, she bought it, In an;effort 'to get , away from the owner of the dress the young, lady hid in a coal box in certain back lot for a while. . She was .discovered. however, and finally "admitted that she had the, three stolen dresses and that they, were given . to her by a certain young man. 1 The young lady, who lives some three miles in the country, agreed to give the dresses up and the owner accompanied her to' Her home and recovered them. . . No arrests have; yet. been made, though it is expected, that somebody will have to "tell it to the . judge."?.. IT IS UP TO PRODUCER TO KEEP CURB MARKET GOING f Producers Should Bring Enough to Market to Supply the, Demand The ; Consumer is There to Buy and. the Demand Must be Suppued or the Market Will Die. : T A ; -Correspondence of The Robesonian.; The producer of - vegetables Vend country-produce is making a big mis- take by not taking to the curb market! sufficient produce to meet the needs of , the consumer. , The . producer has been .asking for a : market' and now that this has been provided "he is falling down on-the job. The con sumer is still coming to the market and of late m larger numbers than the producer. If this is to continue the market . will sooner -or later go down. It is .up to you as a producer to keep op your side of the market Let's. get busy and. have sufficient products at the .market next - Satur day to meet the needs ox toe consum er, However; don't come ' . expecting double the, worth of your product,, as some have done, but be willmg to ae cept a reasonable price and then the market will grow. . -T O. O." DUKES, County Farm Demopstrator. ( : - ' ; 462,674 Pound Sold for $112,197.64 Friday Best Day With Average of $202 CeopH Received ' 60,15 Bj ICV.JBrowa i Fairmont. August : 11. The Tobac co Growers Co-operative association received here this week a total of 60 fl W - . Jl . . M tX -.t M. J W - 154 pounds of the. bright weed. Large shipments, have been made , and there are only a few pounds left . on the floor r.- A Lirge .number of members are perfectly satisfied with the ad vances made . while some others are making: statements which would lead to the- belief that they were anything but : tiifJed:-.V..v,- 'v The sales at auction- this week were very good and the prices received were even better-than last week, when the market sold 23805 pounds V at an average of $182. This week; a total of ; 462.674 pounds . were sold on the two auction floors for; then sum of $112,197.64, being an average of $24 25- for the entire market-X Friday sho wed,. a v better average ; than any previous . 'day, the number of pounds beinsr 73,182; bringing the "sum :jct $19,776.13, an average of $27.02 per hundred. , Tuesday claimed the largest number ' of pounds when 151,930 pounds were sold , for $36,115.67 an average of $23.76. A large number of pounds of the weed have been offer ed on this market from -v counties across V the South '' Carolina line and other long distances north. ' The growers : are anxiously await ing the time when their first' will be sold co-operatively which they have already pooled so that they can deter mine just how well pleaded they wul be. Barker-Tenmile '' Community Picnic Saturday Was a Gala Day for the , Citizens of Two Model Rural Com . munities Addresses. Picnic Dinner f and a General Good Time AlBea,iw ttfnl Community Spirit Prevails. Saturday was indeed a gala day for the citizenship of the' Barker-Tenmile communities, it. being - the 7 date for the annual community picnic. Fea tures of the program were addresses in the morning by Rev. M. R. Cham bers,' supply pastor of the St Pauls circuit, and Mr. W. P , Barker, of Lum berton, and a bountiful picnic dinner. The dinner was piled high upon a long table prepared on the church grounds, and all present , were invited to par take thereof..' . . This annual event; is looked for-! jWard to each year as a time when the people of - these - communities get together for a day of recreation and a general good time. .This, annual picnic also tends . to knit closer the ties ol friendship z existing between the citizens of these procrressive com munities. Aside from the addresses of a" public , nature, the 'ir farmers and farm women exchange views and all are benefitted as a, result of the get-ting-together of the fdlks. i V It would be difficult tdTfind a rural section anywhere that is dominated by a more beautiful V community spirit than is found ' in the"": Barker Tenmile communities. . Co-operation for the best interest of the communi ties as a whole is practiced by the' citizens. Indeed, the Barker-Tenmile j communities are model rural' com munities, in which the people "live! ip a house by the side of the road and soldiers will guard the courthouse and are friends toaaan".' , f 'Jail while the three negroes, John Lee, - ' ' -1 ' 2-. - i"..' aged 16, of Wilmington; Angus San- Typhoid- Vaecination Dates. Iders, aged 36, of Robeson county, and ; The county health; officer will vac-. Joseph Thomas,; aged 20, of South cinate for typhoid fever at the' follow-1 Carolini, are 'being , tried here next ing tjmes and placesr : weefc for theit lives, f of assaulting Tuesday, August: 15 Parkton ll.a..Mrsv A. E. Ketchen and the shooting tn Jimmy 'Dial school house 4:30 pJ of her husband, while defending her, ra. .y jffei v iwhich occurred .near Southern -Pnes Wednesday, August 16 Rowland lOrSCarmr'" i' Tprvrzr : k All ;' who' iii hot, finish .at' Mt. Mo riab .. and . Raemon ' (Midway) . should come td Rowland Wednesday. ; f Rev, JU M.Page, pastor t the St Pauls Baptist church and 'field, nassed boro, Columbift county.' where he wiirtnat . - ' ; conduct ; a : series of meetings. ' Mr.i Page preached last -qight at the; St'ECue, by his quick thinking and acting, Pauls church, a sermon on. "Citizen ship, Mob -Violence and the Kir Klux Klan"., . The house !was: filled and as" many more were unable' to get inside tna Phnwh hniUm U...,inmi" were heard both inside and outside the house, as Mr.- Page delivered his ser mon it is' said. :r -, The condition of i Mr ' Btnyan Floyd, Ea Edwards and ' her 181 old baby alof iwhom were pantf ally hurt last Monday when . the Ford car ia which they were Uridine was struck by an A..CV L. train at a road cross - 2.-. 1 f . 7 i " ' ' t ing hi Orrum, are" reported very much improved. tThe injured people are at the Thompsoh-,hospita where tthey were taken soon after the accident ' ' Mr." GT.'F.' Wishart' of R.:4 Lum berton was in' town this -morning.-" Mr. H. H. Smith, manager of the St Pauls Review, is a Lumberton visitor. today. . Facility cf Gf aicdWcjr Bpiil: Opcha j J And HiaK Sclidbij Today at Fairmont List of TeacLers Fmployod fer the " Tern ' Beginning September V -t ! As stated in Thursday's Robeson ian, Lumberton 's graded and , high schools - will open 1 for the f all . term September ; 6. Following is a list of the teachers, as furnished by Supt' W. B. Crumpton: ' . ' - , . Higk School ''Miss . Aileen . ; Gramllng, -Orange, burg, S. C; principal t Miss Elizabeth Peay, Chester,' S. Cn pome economics; Miss . Nell i Sutton, . Danburg, Ga., science and algebra ; Miss Ruth ' E. McEwen,' Richmond, : Va , English; Miss Olivia T. Snipes, ? CIH'V S. C, latin ; Miss Eunice Keele, Allendale, S. C.j history; to be filled, mathema tics and athletics, '-vV:- i -;v-.' Seventh Grade :7'i'- :' ' Kiss Ada Edwards, Mars Hill, "N, C.j MisS Sar tNewbern,; 'T'oweirs Point, HX ' r-Sf A 'W; ;: t : - 'r-Sixth Grade' v . Miss Vivia.n McNeill, , Lumberton; Miss Eva Oglesby, Harrisburg, N. C ' ; Fifth Grade Miss Emma Lucas Ward, Selms. 4 V- Fourth Grade" , eMiss Doyie PrevatU . Lumberton Miss Katharine Redwine, Monroe.. Third Grade ' , Miss Winifred Rowland, Lumber- ton; Miss Carolina , White, Elizabeth City. , " , . . Second Grade ' j ' Miss.Pennie Rowland, Lumberton; Miss Louise Steele, Lornberton. . First. Grade ' Miss Emma Norment, Lumberton ; Miss Onie Davis, Lucama, N. C. . - Music -Department' Miss Evelyn Boyd, High Point; Miss Lelia Straughn, Selma. , Strilce News. Convinced Strike Fought Out To a Finish. "; - , Washington, . Aug." 13. (Associat ed , ' Press.) Railroad,, executives who have represented all their asso ciates in negotiating: over Saturday and ;today with Preaidenr Harding and -Tailroad, " labor oreanizations' heads for a compromise settlement of the railroad strike, left Washington tonight convinced'; that the present strike would be fought out to a finish. Marooned Passengers Moved.' " Sanf rancisco, : Aug. 13 The ra3 road strike situation Cleared some what in the West today , with the moving of passengers who had been marooned at desert' points at Need les, California, and Caliente and Las Vegas, ' Nevada, and an announce ment by " the Western Pacific;: Rail road company here that there was a possibility of its renewing operations in ciauiorma tonight alter an en forced suspension. Traffic on Division of Missouri Pa cifie Tied Up. Pueblo, Colo.f Aug. 13. Missouri Pacific, railroad locomotive firemen, working between Pueblo and Horace, Kansas, went' on strikeX at 2 o'clock (this morning, teeause they allege' the equipment wasnot in safe condition. Twentyrfive men are affected. As a result all Missouri Pacific traffic on this division is tied np.k .. SOLDIERS WILL GUARD MOORE CO. COURT HOUSE DURING r TRLIL NEGROES THIS WEEK. 1 - "tm i Alleged Assailants' of Mrs. , Ketchen r to be Tried for Their Lives. Carthage. Aug. llv A battalion of 'seyeral days ago. Sheriff D. A 1 BIub has comnleted arrangement through Governor Mor rison for Adjutant General Metts to send a full battalion'' of sol diers ' and , machine guns ; here next week to f guard the negroes from any violence when they are .brought back herp from .the. state' penitentiary for It will be remembered that Sheriff outwitted -a mob - who hadeathered to takel the law.into their own hands and put these prisoners' to death, the would-be : lynchers pursuing the; vigilant- officer to 'the outskirts of Raleigh.- This action 'on itbo . (sheriffs part saved this blot from the county's fair, name, and he is determined that there will be.a sufficient force on hand 'to take: care of .any emergency that "may arise, r ;; , . s 'f, '. -y - . Judge B. F., Long, one of the most fearless superior-, court judges in the state, will preside at the regular Au- Igust - ierm of criminal court for Moore I . . ,.T - - r-J -A county, r which! convenes ; Monday-; at which' these men will be tried-TSpec- ulr to Charlotte Observer. - Mrs Mary Davis and two children, Miss Annie . Hazel- and Master-'F.-M. of McDonald, passed, through . town Friday evening enroute to Laurinburg to visit Mrs. Davis' sister, Mrs. J. T. Lytch. ,--,- Geo. If. Cole Is President Mack T .tnre Broert-! on Market Thi Week lioke Floyd's BrUliast Ball Playing Attracts Attention. . v - By H. V.Brown. " ;. Fairmont, Aug. 14 Over a quarter million pounds of tobacco is expected here today to be sold at auction while the Tobacco Growers Co-operative as sociation expects a large amount to be pooled, -i The highways have been re paired since the recent heavy rami and all bridges are reported as pass able and a very large crowd Is expect ed here duririg the week, r , ; Hoke Floyd In Headlines. Hoke Floyd again claims headlines In the News & Observer, date August 13th, for being very instrumental in winning the game played tn Raleigh the day before. Hoke's playing is be ing, watched very closely here, espe. ally-by fhe younger ball aspirants, and they have. seen time ; and again where be has" nude brilliant tAays and is a main man at the bat His aver age this year will eclipse that of last year's by a large nunwr. "; r Mr. J. H. Jones of Cerro Gordo has arrived here and is 'relieving Mr. E. Fisher as agent for the Atlantic Coast Line . Railroad Co. Mr. Fisher eon. tinues in ill health and being unable to took after the company's interest at present, Mr. Jones has been sent here to relieve him until he Is able to again resume his responsibilities. . - New Bank Opens. ' The Merchants & Farmers Bank of rartnont wis open for business today in the building formerly occupied by the Bank of Fairmont, which slid Into hands of receiver Bullock some time ago. This new institution is backed by Mr. Thos. E." Cooper of .Wilming ton, who is widely known tn banking realms, and Mr. R. H Cuddington. who tor the past few years has been at Kenansvine with a bank. - Stock in the concern has been freely sub scribed around and in Fairmont and the following are directors: r. Dr. IL L Price. Geo. Hv- Cole Dr. A. H. Hayes, Ernest G. Jones, RJL Cudding ton, V. U. Keith, Thos. j E. Cooper. The directors have elected the follow ing officers: president Geo. tH. Cole; 2nd vice president, Thos. E. Cooper; casnier, ti. p.. cuddington; assistant cashier, John Bracey. Mr. Cuddine- ton has had 8 years banking experi ence and comes to Fairmont with re commendation that only a good busi ness man and conservative banker would have in possession. ORPHAN'S CONCERT PLEASES. Enjoyable program Rendered by 'Con cert Class from Odd Fellows Or - phanage ... U A' concert class from the Odd ' Pel- 1 lows ophanage at Goldsboro delight ed a small crowd with a most enjoy able program at the high school au ditorium Friday evening. Owing to the inclement .weather and the fact that several other entertainments were being given, having been plann ed before it was known that the con cert class would be here, many were hot there who otherwise would have been present . .-S'w-"' , v " The dass, composed of 'eight girls and two boys Minnie Westmoreland, Nellie Crisp, Juanita Taylor, Lucy Johnson, Aitha McKinney, Alice Hew itt, Hortense Wiggins, Elizabeth Broadhnrst, . Appollus ' Owens, and Thurman.Merritt is in charge of Miss Elzie Tucker as maaager and Miss Collins, assistant. The program ren dered was altogether delightful and entertaining'; and would have been a credit to a grown-up cast of .charac ters. Eacn one performed her or his Eart exceedingly well, thereby reflect ig ; much credit on both themselves and their teachers. The program was begun with prayer led by Rev. Dr. R. C Beaman, pastor of Chestnut Street Methodist chnrch.j'y , , Receipts' from sale' of tickets and collection - taken during the perform ance amounted to $215.00. ' The members of the class were en tertained.: in the homes; of local Odd Fellows. They left Saturday - morn ug for Red Springs, where they gave a "coneert Saturday, night ; . ' License has been issued for the marriage of Miss- Nettie'Mae Pridgen and Claudius Britt 1 of" Britts - town shir." y'' . , i-Misa Leila ."Edwards, w office, "s-siataitr- to Dr. E. R. Hardin, county health officer, left Friday for New, port News,-arid" other points in - Vir. ginia, .where she-will spend -a-twp-weeksjracation. "t '" ; . " "-Mr. W;C. Prevatt Of Raft.Swamp township" was t a Lumberton' visitor SaMrday He said that in a recent issue ' of The - Robesonian ; somebody quoted Mr Lester Prevatt as saying that 'Raft Swamp was now dry, but that .Mr.' Lester Prevatt rdidn't say it and that as a matert of fact that township, was now wetter than ever. " .-'Mr. H.XJ. Bruce of Buie R. 1, was a Lumberton visitor -Friday. ( Asked if he brought' tobacco to town Mr. Bruce said that he brought about two chews along, that he was too old to work night and day," that he had never gotten rich nor perished and hoped to keep up that record. o. - - rem em Bra RAnember that all mahgerintltmm to THE ROBESONIAN Are stop- 'ped when they expire. This an- piles to every subscriber, rich and w or, black and white. Watch tha label on roar mimv -th ' ! upon, which yoar same is printed) and send In renewal 5 days before 9 subscription amii-M in ant fin to miss a copy. If yoa neglect it and allow your . paper to stop, ' don't get mad. .This does not " mean that the management of the .paper doubts your honesty it , .simply means that it la the policy ymyet iV mwp mu suDsenp- - me; mxfitw anq ra. member that the um mU ' every subscriber, and not - COTTON MARKET Middling Cotton ia ntmtaA . l& lacal market today at 20 1-4 cents the pound.., -,-. , . --:. BRIEF, ITEMS OF LOCALS NEWS Regular tommunirat Inn . a Alban's lodge No. 114, A. F. A. M. ; ' e uesaay ; night August 15th. Work . in the third degree.,--;,-,-,-i. i rM . xr rlmin7. Robeson and Ruf us Mc- -Weill, a colored couple, wero. married in the Court houaa Satttmtav af J uatice JSpurgeon Small officiating. -w. ta. uiover, asks The Robe sonian to state that his monkey was not turned loose, but broke loosg, on Sunday August 6, when he bit a small . girl at the union stotion. - j v . . Mr.- Chas. Pate of North Lorn berton was painfull- hurt Saturday morning when he fell off a ladder . wlle Torkin8r m th 'nnhigs cotton ""'V S Ft is foreman of the ' card room. v,: x -V; - , i Mr. .W., R; Atkinson of the Cen- ter section was a Lumberton visitor Saturday. Mr. Atkinson reported un usually heavy rains in his section last week. VThe Atkinson mill dam came the nearest breaking it had in 60 years, h said. . f a -w. W moved last, week from Chadbourn to ; , Lumberton, They are occupying the. Prevatt residence ia th southern- part of town. Mr. Bass has accepted a position as salesman in Mr. S. D. San- 1 dersonVstore...,-'-- Mr. L. W. Wicker resigned Sat urday the position he had held for severer months in Efird's department store to accept a position in the hard ware department of Mr. L. H. Cald- , well's department store. He began . work In the Caldwell store this morning- The name of Mr. C. B. Town send was inadvertedly omitted from the list of delegates to the annual convention of the county commission ers, of the State published In Thurs day's Robesonian. Mr. Townsend is a member of the board of commission ers. N ;--,; -, u,- - 'j . -MJss Carrie Mae Hedgpeth, who has been a student in the Peabody Conservatory of Music during tho summer, session, will return homo this week. Miss Hedgpeth was en of the few selected to appear in the final concert given in , the Peabody concert hall Wednesday evening of last week. ; - v Messrs. F. Y. and il W. Stone of Mt Elim were among the visitors' in town i Saturday.. Boll weevils are plentif ujl on the "mount", according to Mr. F. Y. Stone, who stated to a Robesonian reporter that he found 43 ' weevils on one' stalk of cotton last ' week , and on the following' day found. , xa more weevus on the same stelk. The Cary and Judson B. Y. P. A. unions of ; the First Baptist church X wm meet this , evenmg at- 8 o'clock W iml tha T-. J:-1- . in Tuesday evening at 7:45. All mem- . hers and other young 'people aire in vited. .It is important that all mem bers of the -various hnions- be present, as some matters of importance will be considered. . About 50 members of the Baraca , class of the , First " Baptist Sunday school enjoyed a chicken dinner on the third floor of the First National Bank building Friday evening at 730. Fried chicken, was served in Ubund- j ance and 'the' occasion was thoroughly enjoyed by members of the class. Mr. E. R, Mclntyre is president "of the class, . which has a - membership of 75. young men. State Senator L. R. Varser ia teacher and Prof. W. BL Crumpton is 'assistant, teacher. v ! 1 At a railed meeting of the mayor and. town commissioners Thursday af. ternoon an , order was' passed direct ing the.Carolina Engineering Ca to , Pttt " Flm street from Sixth' to Fif teenth "streets in condition so it can . be traveled . with safety. The street wastornup by the -contractors who are doing the . street paving and put ting ' in the sewer and s water - extensions-, and left' in such condition that people ' living along the street find it difficult to travel , to and from their homesV"",;- i--'''f . z ;j ' : - - " .; ALWAYS A I HANLK ' W " "Always a' chances for one ad. - The business man who says he -' has nothing to advertise". should , advertise his whole business fdr sale to the highest bidder The Ad-Route. M

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