rzz ZZZTl CISOICII, HOBDAY, AUGUST 21,1021 PROPESSIOIIALOS B. J. Britt ' Lather J. Dritt 1 E. J. & L. J. BRITT ' ATTORNEYS AT LAW Offices 1. 2, and 3, Freeman Duildiag, Lomberton. North Carolina, . Prac tice in both' State and Federal Court. Prompt attention given' all business. DR. POPE b gbd to ; that gr'iilBZ;-t he is able to be in his ,o- fice asaxn." . ; - Ncvs and Comment tees. Onr peaches were , Wilmington- Charlotte-AsheriHe high Detween cnadboura ana w b tu bas v little of inferior ' quality this' season, due to the heavy rains; but we had good gardens, and plenty of vegetables. Grapes and pears will soon be ripe, which' will terminate the canning pro cess for the present summer. Mr, and Mrs. a A. Olmstead hare just returned from Clio, where they carried Mrs. McLaurin snd little Gene to meet the south-bound train for Most Adjust to New Conditions The Sand II ill Country Women May Defeat Blease in S. C. Flowers and Vines Veterans and a War Inci dent. : - ' :: ' . By "Aunt Becky." V , j r Old - Fork : (Maxton, - R. 2), Aug. 1RStinnrAv M till htll'iKt ttt tfco Fork, and the boll weevil is busy on home, and we are missing them Tery the job cf destruction.. Since the ueb. .f . , , ,y ' . middle of Jury ther have shown rapid IrsAAlex Stew2 4 W"M increase in numbers and activity re-Me, fcr on a visit of some weeks to suiting in natural depression among hf,r ft Mxi Wm.' rUcS oof7 farmers J Ml8S : Ehz Ferguson of Laurinburgv We'are growing little or no tobacco "V1" mon in this Bection, andVcottpn has been in the FfkMrs. Ed Perkins the sole money erop. On light lands "-&J&E corn is very poor, and the general out- F. ERTEL CARLYLE ; ! ATTORNEY AT LAW Notary Public Id Office. - '' Offletc over Frunan Printing C. Prompt attention,. give U all-fcssL Dr. Maurico A. Waddel! ' f V&" DENTIST -? ' Offie. Second Floor Cotton Mill Of e' Building, Em and Second Sts. U .;Mv LUMBS3T0N, N.:-CL-,; jC' t DAVID tt: FDIJJivri ' v:- Attorney at -Caw 4 tfe" Second floor; cotton mill office bulM ing, offices formerly occupied by . y ;.tUMBEgTON,.N. C.': T. A. McNZILU Jr. - . D. HACSXTT, J i McNeill & HAcT-nr V Attorneys-At-Law. - , Wopdberry Lennox ; ATTORNEY AT LAW; ; ; 1 Lamberton,'NC - -:',.; Offices over First National Bank. JUNIUS J. G00DWD17 VATTbioOTT-lJlwJ-)--OfBcea Over Efird Dept. Store. John PrbctorAjt" ATTORNEY AT LAW Office, next to Lumberton Motor Cat Cow in Building formerly occupied hi sx-Jadge T.- A, McNeill. ;.:;.JtK.T A. W. McLean ;.. , Dickson UcLaat L. B. Varser ' H. E. fitaej UeLEAtf, VAH3EHi McLEAl & BTAOT - -Attorneys At Law. LUMBERTON, North CaroUn W. B. IVEY - Attorney and Counselor at Law. Office on Second Floor Freeman Building, West Fifth . . Street - - . 1 . ; Lumberton, N. C. . ' v t v Jtephen Mclntyre - R. C Lawrane amea D. Proctor URobt A. Mclntyre IcINrYBJX LAWBENCE 4 1 , - PS00T0B, . ' Attorneys and Counsellors at Law LUMBERTON, N. C.. -Practice In State and Federal Courts Prompt attention given to all business look! on the; farms discouraging. But we must try to meet the conditions as bravely as possible; raise plenty of food products, cut down grocery, nd fertilizer bills, and learn to live with less money, ''f ' y, 'V; iHTf ! ". Mr. and Mrs. Robert -Stewart from near Aberdeen, up in the Sand rjills, were - recent " visiters in our home. Robert was one of our neighbor boys, a young energetic farmer -who' moved to Moore county; some few years ago, settled in the peach and tobacco grow ing region, ana is matting good, -lie tells me also that they have-no great excess of rain and have fine crops' of tobacco, corn and cotton, with ,but little damage f rom weeriL ; The peach.; crop wa? immense and so were'vanues One large grower sold his crop on the trees at 190,000. I was vp there oil a visit two summers ago, and saw. many of the large -orchardsand Vineyards covering acres and acres of land, and some days been guests of their uncle, Mr. C. C. Yorke. Misses Kate, and Ruth ' Caddell returned, from a visit to relatives in Klngsburg, S." C f V, ., Ihave been on a fishing excursion to the old mill, got several bite, the most material of which were mo quitoe8:nd. red bugs," 0 - $22,000,000 IN NEW ROADS v IN FIRST 8 MONTHS OF YEAR. way ville, 7.03 miles hard surface. Project 880, Pender, Castle Hay nes and Long creek, 8.98 miles hard surfsce. - . ; ",:-- Project S17, Brans wickv Bridge over Town Creek. ,-:;-4- : y ' NO LICENSE -TO OPERATE NOW yi REQUIRED OF GINNERS. ; Ginner is N Liiger Required te Col -' lect Tax of 25 Cents Bale on AD ' Cotton Ginned. "Many inquiries from ginners throughout the state are coming in regarding the license to operate this! year, and it is high time," says J. M. Workman, warehouse engineer of the j North Carolina Division of Markets,' "that the ginners should know that i a license Is not required?' I "This law. has been repealed" states Mr. Workman, ?and at thcsane time" the law requiring ginners to collect a tax of 25 cents a bale on all cotton ginned was repealed, which the farmer as well as the ginner should know.". Twenty-five cents doesn't seem much to the individual but when the whole vmrmmt't i ana Mil in 1922 Ex iCTOp Is considered it means a .saving frogram f 1,000 Miles in i9tt &x,i f 9onn nnn . tviA.! :i n:ja a a - wi-viuiaij Vfavvvvu a.u iiib nut m Carolina cotton farmers. ' - r. ceeded by 110 Miles when Bids Are Opened for 29 New Projects Aa . gust SO Will be Last Big Letting of Year Hartf-Surface Mileage ; 56841 Miles Since January. ? Twenty-nine projects scheduled for letting August 30, with an aggregate mileage ot , 186.02 miles will bring the year's letting -of roads by State Highway ; Commission to 1,114.25 miles,' or more than a hundred miles beyond the "1,000 miles in 1922" pro noted the manner of growth and r !Jtfj5 tivation.'. I was. surprised ; to see the trees so low, not; much taller than a ; tall man's head, but laden with fruit.1 'It is a beautiful country, and the atmosphere of the hills very invig. rtmr new .construction for the year to more a1 . nn '11; man 44 niuuun, , Three projects included ' on the list remove ' the last . unbuilt 1 sections of the Central Highway from , Smith- neia to paiisoury .. a oi stance o a i v I hear that somef our neigh!,, Thomas L. Johnson : L S. M. Johnaoi JOHNSON & JOHNSON Attorneys and Counsellors at Law V LUMBERTON, N. a . ' Practice In State and Federal Conrtt Notary Public in OCJce. OfBcea ovei Firat National Bank. . MONEY TO LEND: We are prepared to make long time loans in any amount on improved Robeson County farm lands at 8 low cost to borrower. '. ; Mclntyre, , Lawrence & Proctor, ' Attorneys, j . , GOOD MEAT ! That's the kind we ielL See ns for Beef, all kinds Pork, Ban sage, Liver; -etc.'-.- i Higheit market prices p&ii for good beef cattle. ; .- , , A. H. HINDS' I.IARKET 'Phone 63. ' LnmbertonvN. OL Real Estate Loans I am fa DoalSoa ta nanlo apa cations for long ttea loans eai laa. proved farm1 lands fa v CcSteaon, Scotland and Hoke ConntlsB In amoonta of tUtZ9M and abara. Interest Bata'S lper cent; A. T. McLEAN, Luttdverton, Ny C ; Raleigh Real 'help to the farmers of, the State in the furtherance of the adoption of. more modern methods of farming by an extended display of farm machinery of all types at the 61st State fair on October 16-21 is the aim of the North Carolina Agri cultural society. n - . intend to try the. peach and tobacco industry next year. We have good tobacco lands. ;to this lection,", but . no experience m making, Curing and mar keting, and no. good market place near by. '1-:"VV'--':-;.:v;,;; My daughter,'; Mrsi "M'cLaurin'.and little i grand daughter,, from , Dillon county, have been spending some' days witli us. v.- She reports the Crop situ ation down there very similar to that of Robeson, also the summer rainfall. Politics is, getting warmed up down there and the woman vote bids fair to bea heavy one, 64,000 having regis tered, which, if they cast a full vote, will mean the defeat of Cole L. Blease, as it is probable, very fewVwill sun- port. him.. i . ; -r:, V--.. -r t : I am seated m my favorite nook on the front piazza this a. m. in. the midst of our sweet flowers, which are laden with lovely, bloom, but erelong I shall nave, to retire to my winter retreat, and ; the flowers to the tbscuritv of the pit ' In the yard ? aie : blooming tne ; old-fashioned flowers ; from the dear old home, relics frbm the oast. and of my.mother's oweV-loving,hand and heart.V There ate 1 a variety of Altheas, double and single) white, pur ple arid pink ( that pretty, clustering crepe myrtle, and a dainty little yel low rose, which jBhe cillled the f Rock rose," and which I ' nave : never seen elsewhere. It; is perfectly hornless, and has beautifcl J foijage. . Another of her favorite .floweVs, transplanted from Old Queensdale4s the "Bide bells of Scotland'NwlachriMis bloomed all summer. On the stump of a large oak tree is a box fulof the riotous little poriulaccas, in' varied color, ud- on which my eye loves to rest.; Ev ery day after 10, a. m., they never fail to burst forth in fresh brightness and beauty, V unless the rain . comes. Another oak stump is festooned 1n a djense mass of pretty little vine called byjhe different names of "Love in a tahgle," and 44 .The .downfall of life." ' I love vines affia any one visiting our home will see "The Wandering Jew' All around, and of all varieties. -Jf t- ? My turkeys nave justarrived from their morning jaunts to the fields, and are raising a noisy clamor for their daily bread. It matters not how many peas ; they, eat,, and how many bu gs and grasshoppers they capture, they are not content until they get , their dessert, and I love to , feed theihy.,as they so- gentle,' and un-af,raid cluster around my feet, and eat tout of my hands.; We iad 28T hatched and have 15 survivors, about the usual "luck." But considering they have been often out in the flops' and wet fields, we make 'no complaint - v r . In, a recent copy of The Robesonian, I read with leasure an interestinglet. ter from the pen of our old. friend, Rev.. A. L. Davis of Alabama. We were glad to hear from him, and to know that his noble, useful life is still 8pawcV-U:v..----r :, - l-:'r:'- ? ; I : had a most interesting interview with an old .Veteran recently. . These dear odd heroes of . the 60'g are becom ing so rare that Jt Is now a privi lege, as well as a pleasure to meet one, and to hear thrilling ; incidents of his war-experience. This oie' re ferred to had a soldier brother who was present tat 1 the battle -of "The Bloody ; Crater' near t Petersburg; when the Federals undermined a cir cle of the earth, and attempted to blow up the Confederates Nf that place. Several hundred of our boys were kill ed t and wounded, but the 1 fiendish scheme failed to succeed up . to-. the mfsare of. the enemy's; expectations. , TnOf rain7ls. falling again and the ducks ; and frogs ; are happy. Never tired, of water, they keep np a song and . medley of rejoicing 'when the clouds begin to weep. " ? I thank your correspondent who. so kindly says she enjoys ."Aunt Beck ey"s ' letters." Suchwords are very pleasant and encouraging, but I fear she will find the .present article dull and uninteresting. . . - , : ; Local news in the country is. very scarce: the neighbors seem busy, and but little visiting is being .done. The housewives are busy laying up their stores of canned goods to eat in win ter, hours, after the example of the asville-Lexington link', the Hiflsboro- Mebane link and the bridge over, the Tadkin river between Lexington and Salisbury are the more.; important projects.? f;zf .f-' v f'- . " . With the award of contracts at the end of the "month, the commission will have , achieved . moe that , a .hundred miles beyond the mark sit in Febru ary for twelve months, and will have set up a record that is without par ellel in' the records of road building in America. A Since. January 1, con tracts will have been let for 568.31 miles of hard surface road and 645.94 miles of gravel,- - ;", ,-' ' ,; Take Advantage of Time. r ' The August letting will be the final big letting for the. year,; and there after- the commission -will focus 'at tention on construction now tempor arily held . up on account of strike conditions. Chairman Page has pdsh. ed .the Work of getting roads under contract in anticipation of more wider spread demand 'for contractors when other states get their road program iiiuci uvujr 1 icv sit ing. i ij . Altogether the road program out, lined at : the work ' under : Governor Bickett in 1919 is-now fippr6ximately naif, done.- Slightly "more than 700 miles of new roads have been' built, or are under construction, or under contract In addition to this mileage the 1 system . includes many 1 J j. ...mi .- . m j ' . nunureus 01 nuies 01 gpoa roaas ouiu by. counties before' the State took over the system. - - . '5-. -. Somewhat of-the tremendous un dertaking the 29 ; projects offered for August ,30 presents may be gathered, from the fact that .the specifications can ror the clearing-of, 163 acres ofi lin n. 41 land,' excavation, totaling 149,450 tatm3L c- cubic . yards of earth :and rock, and the bridges on, the projects ' will re quire 2,'328,110 pounds of structural steel. -Raleigh News and Observer. Evidence of Retarninr Prosneritv. As evidence of returning prosperity, and the accumulation of savings and the willingness and desire of the pub lic to invest surplus funds in a safe and a sane manner, Howard T. Cree, uirector of 1 the Government savings organization of the Fifth Federal Re. serve district, haa informed the local postmaster that the people of this district have purchased in the first six months of this year Treasury sav ings certificates to ; the , amount of $4,414,086. This ' is more than five and one-half times the amount sold auring the same period last year, and represents a per capita investment of 48 cents for every man, woman and cnua m tne aistrtct. ,-. . Mr. W. C. Walters of Barneaville was a l.umberton visitor. Tuesday.. Vorth Carolina, ' s " , Roboon Coontjr. In'tha Supnlor Court f Aaa Dunham tb. Charity Dunham. , Mwenuani aoora Bamed will taka no nee, mat an action antitM aa a bora has km commenced In tha 8npertor Court of Bobeaon County to obtain an absolute diroree opoa the groonda of advlteVy and also for aepara- uon xor nva yaara, and toe aaid defendant will farther take notic. that aha hi rcoiilrad to appear before the Clerk of the Superior Court of aid County on the 11th da of September, 1922, at hi office in the court house at Lum bertont N. C. and answer or' demur to the complaint in said action' or the plaintiff will PPfr to the court for the relief demanded m satd complaint. Thie Uth day. of Aug. 1922. . C. B. SKIPPER, , " Clerk of the Superior Court Britt A Britt Attya. for Plaintiff. - : ' 8-14 Hon. Third district .projects . included the (letting fellow " . Third District. Project 328, Columbus-Link in of TRUSTEE'S SALE OF LAND Under and by virtue of the authority and power conferred m a certain deed executed hf ' H. ." McLean -and wife, : Katie C. Mc Lean to the Virsintt Trust Company, trustee, wnicn metrument M dated . December Ut, iivK ana registered - in nook 48. at pegs 48. in the Fttbiie Registry of. Robeson Coun. ty. N. C. (defaulfr baring been mad In the payment of the obligations secured there under the undersigned trustee will on Mon day, the 28th day of August 1922. at Noon at the court house door in- the Town ofLumber- ton,' N. C, offer for sale at public auction, to .the highest bidder for cash, the following described , lands.' and prcmlsea. , to-wit In Lumber 'Bridge Township, , Robeson County, State of North Carolina, adjoining the lands of D JU. Godwin. C, B. Chacon, and others, bounded and described as follows! , On West Bide of Lowry road. Beginning at a pine stump in edge of aaid road, runs N. TS W. 14.20 chains to a stake with nine pointers, P. Chaaon'a corner: thence as his 1-2 E. 20.15 chains - to a pine P. Chason's residence s thence S. S3 1-2 E. 24.80 chains to stake in the -edge of the Lowry road; thence as said road. S. I W. 8.80, to the beginning, containing 40 acres, mora or leas. Being same conveyed by I. H. Chacon and wife to Katie C. McLean deed dated November 10th 1912, duly record ed inBok t-E, page 660, Public Registry of Robeson County..' ' This the 8th day of July 1922. ' 1 VIRGINIA TRUST COMPANY. , Johnson A Johnson, ' Trustee. Attorneys for . the Trustee. ' 7-S1-4 Mon. 1833 1222 . . - f . Weaver College ... . Weavcrvflle, N. C. New dormitory for boys equipped and furnished' with all modern conveniences. Girls' home modernized snd refurnish e d. - . ' Experienced faculty of College ; 'and University training. Special attention given to Languages Greek, Latin, French German. and Spanish. . . . . . Excellent advantages in Piano and Voice. , . Out door sports-iTeiinis, Daslitball, Football and Baseball, Weaver College is located in the well-known "Land of ; the Sky," probably the most healthful reon of America. . - " , Rates extremely low as compared with advantages offered. Fall terra begins August 30, 1922. Write for catalog. ; "ry -. j . A. II Prerident' FOUNDED 1838 ;-s..' CHARTERED IN 1839 'fTmNlTxCQI-LEGE' A Conesre ef liberal nrts wtlh aa establbhed national reputatfaa fog ftsgb etsmcWae. noeie tradttioiM. and arogresshre policies. Its Jarge suihiasieui fond nukee possftte to v . - firsVclaaa equipment and large, faculty ef Well trained and carefully chosen toaeacic. Student, fees low. Comfortable, inexpensive room n carefully euperrtsed feygienicr doratt' toriea. ?. -,....'... . - ''. ' Classical and acientlfic aouraas leading to bachelor's degree. Graduate courses tn all de . pertinents. Schools of Engineering, Education, and Law. New students admitted ber It, 10.-FsU term begins September 20. , , Jof catologue and illustrated booklet, addrcas. ' " ' ' . t v . . R. U FLOWERS, - - ' i 1 , Seerctorr to tn Corperatkm. SEE . BEETHOVETI, THHI HIS SOIIATA '" : . ('.7 . Q. ; ', ' '- J X"', ' , , ! - V fc .i ii W:w4;mu. ' This remarkable ohotorraoh of the . crreat comrxurr1 1 frnm ' " V painting,' oymbolic of his masterpiece,- the Passionate Sonata. Draw the lids of your eyes close together, glimpse through, the eyelashes and ' you will see Beethoven. Open the eyes wide and yoa will see t what ' ' - was in the mind of the musician wbeb be wrCte bia delightlnl bannonyc The Bobesosian if the bes advertising medium in Robeson Cotsaty, . An ad. inserted in The Bobesonian Brings RE3ULT3. Try otm. ' The Bobesonian is the best advertising' medium in Robeson County. ' ) . ""scasasanaaassssssasssnssssssa i iJtW .... cz . Z . -. J L i We are now displaying ra complete line of ' Furniture.; Somethixig - suitable for every; room irilhe fibuse. - ' "' . Fairmont, C.