THE EOBESOIOAK, LUIIBE2T0:T, IICniTl CAE OLCIA, f TIHJ2SD AY, AUGUST 24, 1822 PACH IT7U TiiE liOBEBOMAN A - Office U1 West Fourth Street . Telephone Na. 29. ! THUESDAY, AUGUST S 4, 1922 .v." j , - - f '"; ' KGG3, EGGS Wat vut l.a ergs, - pork nuugc, smoked Mouse, cm 11 Tbne "? 156, 8. D. 8anderen, Lumberton. . . Wt jtm fw wut Irak fbh ye "lean; find them almost any day at 8.-D. - Sanderson's tor. " ' , . NO Need wriu t 8, p, Sandersoa't, All huttii drink. Ow gratia ui work 'skirt stock k Plate, v Wo . havo many bargains to titter. -;N;Meiu good , rrade overalls S8e. boy 65c. Call and see ior yourself. S. D. Sanderson. VMM to ey year ckicken 'a 8. P. Sand '.1 arson's :tcwp.'-,..v v : -i i far Kcat-Farnlsked roonv tttW asea, ako "-two furnished rooms to eouplo . - without ,. sbikUen.. Mrs. K. B. Floyd; 'Phone 144. tar Stock f car lTryrIl plaster, 2 ears ' tomcat, 1 car builder's lime, finishing- Um ' ?,.and plaster paris fc' finishing 'plastered -walls, 1 ear juniper shingles, 2 cars red . eedar shingles. cars "brick." Buying In bis .quantities, we can give you.-lowest prices, .. " .IJJll . . ........ ,L, H. CaldwelL PERSONAL is a , Mr. N.H, Perry of Parkton Lumberton visitor today. - - tr.-John W; Ward f. Rowland was a Lambertonvisitor Tuesday ;Mr. George "Freeman of Qrruni was a Lumberton " visitor yesterday.- .'Mr. G. E; Rancke, Sr.,-,spAt Tues day and yesterday far Wilmington. MrvL. Tate of ft I, Ltjmbertoh, Is among the visitors in town today. Dr, E. L. Bowman of . McDojiald was . a lumberton visitor Monday af ternoon:, "s. T'Jk"iV jjMr JETEvers of Rv l: from. Lum berton yas among the ; visitors fa town Tuesday.; N. ' .Miss Xula Caffey of lligh Point is the guest of Miss Carolyne Shooter, East Second street. , ' - . ' v : Miss : Drfaa Hedgpeth - returned home last night from Asheville, where she spent' some tipae. - v Mr. and Mrs. X M, McGlrt of R. 2, Bed Springs, were among the shop pers in town yesterday.: v.''.-n-'v--1 Mr. F. A.' Faulk of R: 1, Fairmont, and Mr. C. Evans of the Marietta section were Lumberton visitors yes- .. Mr.N. C. Stubbsjiinci daughter, !if tU Mi3 EUzabetb, and son, Master Carl, of R..6, Lumberton, were among the' visitors la town yesterday. Mrs. Stubts is attending the demonstration sehool at Carolina : college, . JIaiton, thia week. r - , ' Miss Eugenia Blanchard of 'Hert ford, who has been a guest f pr some time at the home of her brother and sister-in-law, 'Mr and Mr. '.L. ' E.' Blanchard, near Moss Neck, Is' visit ing Miss Mary Rozier Norment here for a few days. . " ' " Mr. . G F. Humphrey and - ton, Master Willis, of R. 1, St Pauls, were Lumberton visitors Tuesday." t, They met here Mr. IL .B. Humphrey and daughter. Miss Alma, of Rdckir.gham, who accompanied them to their' home and will .visit also at , the home' of another brother, Mr. N. T. Humphrey, in StT Pauls. - , ' it. - Church Notes; Chestnut Street Methodist President Green of Carolina College . Will Speak at the Morning Hour.' President Ernest J, Green of Cto Iina college, Maxton,. will deliver; an address at the mornine hour." 11 NOTICK My sens, Frince Brldyers. IS years old and Odd Bridxers, 17 'years of age, both medium sfoe (colored -fnen, left wni? home Monday hSrht," Auaurttlst. wHboot my : eonsel..' PlMee ' arrest and notify Charley Bridge, St. Pauls, N, C. 'Phone No, 212, care Ayi Df ' Evans. . f - FOB SALE One saw mill,; 2 toilers 30 - and 10-n. p., one 40.h, p. lfcidell enyfaie, . .one corn' mill, three SO-saw Continental gins, suction feed complete, also line-shaft, pul ley tnd belttoft. t A bargain for .eash 'or terms. Sec A. C. Abley,. Fairmont N. C. terday, t Mr.,A,iA.l;Carlyle of Raleighi' Br-f o'clock, at Chestnut Street Methodist - r H rived-Tuesday nigH and will spend hurch Sunday. Prof. Green has been lew ua9 Hr. iidjuujs iciauTo sun cuillietltiu S3; puiicifitti auu puinaiir fnends. ; ' : --' . , r- ',' tendent with the dty schools of Dur- Messrs. W. R Barnes . and Sam ham, his home town, and recently was Stone of thevBloomingdale section elected president of Carolina.- The WAXTED-vro - Frm, iwar LamberUm, 39 acres, with Jkcutc on it and tobacco barn. ' ,i Also House ard tf on -fourth street. In Dumbarton. Api 'y - ur Mrs, E. B. Pago, I Lymberton, f.Ct' - " ' REWARD St fj cd er stolen red and white P spotted bob-tufled dog. Liberal reward r for f return or Information as to his whereabouts. .Eli Chavb. Lui.ibwton, 8,1. FOR SALE AT Bit RGAIN Horse, Bacty and set of Har.". . Apjrly to JPt. H. T. Pope. ;' .Lumberton, N. C t ..'',, , FOB " 8JULE Ono -medium slxe Iron ' Safe, - made by Cary Safe Co. . One Burroughs Ad . ding Machine, one Muncy Oil Engine, seventy-horse power, on American Saw Mill ' practietlly new Two log carta. ' Two many ' irons in fire reason foe, selling. Reaves Mfg. Co..' ProctorvUle, N. i. w . WHEN TOU ABB IN TOWN AND WANT A real good meal try us. once and you will ' come again, for prices; are right, E. W. Cain, Fourth street. Fresh Fish every, day. For Bale at a Bargain One new No; 43 Allen touring ear ! one Ford truck and one Ford touring cari Apply ' to Peoples' Hardware ' Co., JLakevIew, S. O. Brick For Sale Get our 'prices before yoa buy. Beaves Mfg.. Co. ProctorvUle,. N.. C. Hog for Bale Full blood and grade Dorocs of various sees at reasonable prices. Come .and sea for yourself. B. Walter Townaend. Baynham. Bobeton county, W, V. i Freak bread, cakes pies. onus, felly reUs baked every day. Just the thing for a lunoh -when IB town. DttBoisBaltWy; live.'- " s 1 were among the visitors in town yes terday. - v Miss fctnei JHerritt reit last even ing for her home in Rowland after spending several days here visiting Miss Carolyne Shooter. . ' . Mr. Sam Stone of the Orrum sec tion and Mr. J R. Herring of the Barnesville section were among the visitors fa' town' Tuesday: ---t $ Little' Misses Elizabeth and Annie Laura Belch returned Tuesday from Maxton, where they, spent? several days visiting relatives and friends. ' Mrs. A D.-' Evans and daughter, Miss Sarah 'Evans,' and niece Miss Gola Willoughby, of St. Pauls, were among the shoppers fa town yester day. - - - - Mayor and Mrs. E.M. Johnson and b marl daughter, Miss Lois, returned Tuesday from a 2-weeka' auto trip to Asheville and, Henderson ville and ad. jacent points of interest. I ' - Mr. and M?.jk W. Caldwell and small, son, Earl, of Charlotte,. , are guests at the home of Mr. Caldwell'B parents, Mr. and Mrs." A. P. Caldwell, Fourth and' Cedar streets. If you are looking for seme one,. and cannot find them, just wait a few minutes af the , ; Bakery. ICysrybcxJy : (roe to the Bakery. -i'There'a a reason. --DuBois Bakery, Inc. Wanted Erery1 Woman in Robeson to have a ' Mother Hubbard Washboard. Saves the backaches. For sale at Pat Kornegay Tent, When you. com In town with your .tobacco drop around to DuBois Bakery for your hinch. Bread, cakes and pies, Made fresh tvery day. " ' . - " TrjTour "Golden Cnut" bread Tar yonr broak fast toast Nothing, better., baked, fresh every day, BuBots Bakery, Ine. , Prompt loans of SloOO to $100,000 at S 12 per sent interest for 5, 7 or 10 years made on ' improved farm lands on Robeson. Hoke and ' Sootland Counties-Juntas J. Goodwin, - at 1 tomey for .Chickamsuga ' Trust Company, 'j LumtMirton,. N.i C - . The Best'Ssrvice", t our motto.1 PverytWnf t' clean-end aaniiary." M qen ouhkm " ' a call. Olympia cafe, him street, Luu pastor, Dr. R.' O. Beaman, will preach at the evening hour, 8 o'clock' - " . Gospel Tabernacle : - Rev. Ernest L. Tiffany of College Point, N, Y., will spend next wek in town visiting the congregation tt the Gospel Tabernacle. He will' preach next Sunday morning and night have charge of the prayer meeting; Wednesday-night and also preach on Sun day morning and night of September 3rd, The public is cordially, invited to attend all these services.'' . : , , Presbyterian - - i' : "t- 1 Regular preaching services will be held Sunday - at the : Presbyterian church. The pastor, Dr. G. E. Moore house, Mrs. Moorehouse and their daughter, Miss ' Christabel, returned today from ' a 6-weeks' trip . to 'i S. Louis, Mo., and other western points. , , Firsf Baptist t Regular preaching services will be held at thtf First Baptist church Sun day. Air members of the church are respectfully urged by the pastor to attend the 11 o'clock service. Every body is invited. " - . ' -Children's iDav at UloominEOale. . Childron's ti.y exercises will be held at Blooui jigdale Baptist church Sun day night, August 27th, beginning at 7:30; . . V v. . Sunbeam Rally .'There will be a Sunbeam .rally at Long Branch Baptist - church - next Sunday evening at, 8 o'clock. The pub lic is invited. r; ' '. " f .h East Lumberton Baptist 4 -r-?r : Monney Is A' Foirce ' - Y0UB IX0NC7 is a Force, jiut aa money always i& on account of the ' 1 many uses to which it can be pnt - IX yon ever, accumulate money, it . will be through careful thought, labor and aacriXice. It ii highly .commendable, in anyone to' be thrifty and industriona, and thereby aave money during one's activee years, for statistics prove that there ' '-"i'y are very few who begin to save and accumulate property after they :, , . . J , 7 have passed middle life. . '; - ' , -. If yon desire to be roHCEFTOand independent; then be thrifty TV' . , and SAVE, and when old age overtakes yon and yon are no longer , y r.' 1 , able to produce in competition with the rest of the world, then Ycmr"'';- Money will be s FORCE that will protect yon from dependence and 'J " - want. - - - ' t- . This Bank wants to be of service to yon and help yon to; save. ',r We gnarantee to yon SHHVICE, SAFETY, aClTSTTY. , ... 'r . . Make Our Bank Your Bank The Planters Bank tSTrupt Gompany THE ORIGINAL FAH1IE23 BANK Jnterctate League MAXTON WINS SECOND HALF. Will Play Laurinborg, Winners of First Half, 7-Game ; Series for Championship Pennant. T ...uiinM Anw 04 T jnrinrnrff unuiuvmsr OU6 w. a.....- 0 defeated the Lumberton club here to day in the last game of the , second half or the split season of the Inter state league by the score o o The victory was largely due to Lum berton's errors. ' Banks featured for Lumberton by putting one over tne fence for a home run. -:'' Maxton won the second halt oi tne season with a big lead, with Laurin hiiro. Lumberton. Hamlet -and ' Rae ford taking second, third, fourth and fifth places, respectively. Laurinburg winners of the first talf , will meet Maxton in a seven game series for the championship pennant of the Inter state league. , .Score: ' . ? H E Lumberton 2 ; 5 7 Laarinburg ................ 5 6 ' -4 Stone and Bird; Alien and Hayworth. COMPLETE STOCK SASH GLASS OILS DOORS PAINTS BUILDER'S HARDWARE ; SCREEN DOORS - SCREEN WINDOWS N. Jacobi Hardware Co. WILMINGTON, N. C. - One Ford Touring ear 1S21 model slightly used, v with extra attachments. Price right, easy terms.. N, H. Biddell, Pembaoke, N. C. More Soft Coal Operators and Miners Make Peace, 4 ' Chicago,1- Aug. 22 (Associated Press). Soft coal operators and miners ' in two states, made peace to- , ... . iii t i.ijf miners in two suites, uwuc ywvs w- wugUiari.CT !r!ri.r5hiSh'y. hi1 anthracite operators and at the East Lumberton Baptist-huch . -pn-po-ntotlvM meetinn in i-c-.rii-"i Po -v.c aJnuners representatives, meeun m PauL"; pastor , will preach "jahdA num ber- of the members, will observe fast day and prayer. Sunday school s at 10 m, , , ,t . v', ? Read the Business Builders Robesrinian., in The MMMscsaamaaasssmajaaWaWaOQaaa '"ZMMBSSSSWBtmmmmmmmPm?Smf"71 orthtodau? llhat is uoufe - 'That depends entirely upon its appearance find the condition, it is in. Pee Gee paint .will prove the 'most -important factor in its economic upkeep. . Watch the surfaces ,s of your property inside and out and tee that they are well protectedSavo tho Surface end You Save All wiuY. Jfr- . ' ' Fcr cere than 50 years they have been carefully guarrlitia--- kmei stnrl mmntTifn2 y.r tidily ojrglaea. Use Pee Gee f .!ast for outside surfaces, it is a strictly cure paint, containing a hishjptf centaze of ZITX Pee Geo Ratkoatt for inside walls Peo Gee Floor Paints ancl Palladium Floor Varnish . for Coors Peo Geo Dy stains and Enamels for woodwork and Pee Gee btiacililo.rpar t TPf Cofor CarJi Ath for Free Paint rsMaf2eeGauSen Co Inc r.L'rSn LouIsrCo Cy : Ho Galawett ' " Lumbertbn, N. C.L ; " Eo V ,-V' -i Philadelphia, adjourned a Joint" con ference subject to call without reach ing an agreement. ' . Illinois and Indiana. miners prepar ed tonight to enter the pits tomorrow, following Michigan, Iowa and Wy oming miners who yesterday conclud ed agreements with operators. South western operators and miners were holding conferences at Kansas City. .The peace negotiations already com pleted caused the Department of La bor to estimate the weekly bitumin ous coal production at 9,000,000 tons within a week' , ' '' 1 Miss Vivian McNeill returned Monday night from California, where she BDent 3 months. Miss Mcwem at. tended a summer school for teachers at the university of California at Berkeley, California, while away. She is a member of the tacuity ox tne Lumberton graded school. Mrs. M. J. Davis and two children, P., M. and Annie Hazel, , passed through town Tuesday enroute to their home at McDonald from Laurinburg. They were met here by Mr. Joe Park er of McDonald. : Mrs. N. A. Thompson and daughter, Miss Julia, and son, Master, N, A. Jr., and Miss Lula Norment ' returned Tuesday night from a two-weeks' trip to Montreat and Nashville, Tenn. Mr. Austin Barnes and daughter and son. Mrs. Pearl Graham and Mr, Jnhn Durham Barnes, and Mrs. A. R. Walters of the Bloomingdale section were Lumberton visitors yesterday. Mr. R." C. Lawrence and two daughters, ' Misses Anna and Mary, rptnmed last evening from Lake Weccamaw, where they spent several days. " Record of Deaths 1 i " Arthur Cray McKav. Formerly of ': Rowland, Dies in Florida. The following, taken from the Ocala (Fla.) Star of Aug. 11, will be of interest to many Robesonian read, ers as deceased lived in Rowland for many years and has relatives and friends all over Robeson county: "After several days of suffering, following the accident of last Sunday night, death came to Mr. McKay .soon after sunset yesterday evening. "Arthur Gray McKay was born near Fayetteville, Cumberland county. If. C, Jan. 1, 187T. He came to Florida fa 1915, and has reside 1 st-x near Morriaton. He was mar) led Feb. 8, 1903, to Mary Ada Leltch: oi Rowland. N. C. There were born to this nnion six boys and one girt. : Besides his wife and children, be is mourned by Jus father and mother, Mr. and Mrs. H. A. McKay at Bing ham, S. C, two sisters, Mrs. W. B. Steele of Bingham, S. C, and Mrs. E, A. Osborne of Ocala, and a brother. Mr. A. L. McKay, also of Ocala;. During his life in Florida, not only in bis home community, but -other laces where he was known, particu arly in Ocala, Mr. McKay made a great many friends, and his death causes them much sadness. He was a trucker by occupation, and was also largely engaged fa getting out rock. for railway work. The funeral services will be; hell this afternoon at the home of Mr; Mo- -Kay's sister, Mrs. E. A. Osborne. Rev. R. A. Phillips of Morriston, will con duct the services. Dewey Lee Tyre of WhitevilUr ' Mr Dewey Lee Tyre, aged 22 years, of Whiteville, Columbus county, died Tuesday afternoon at the Baker sana torium here. Deceased came here af ter undergoing a throat operation in Wilmington, the throat trouble caus ing his death. The remains were taken to the home and interment was made yesterday in the family cemetery. Here is an opportunity for you to save on a h oi neasiuea u ju nera ciy -y - ' a eenuine bargain. ..Be sure and be here Friday, Saturday and Monday. : SPECIALS IN SOAP - Palm Olive Soap, four cakes for - Large Cakes of Rose Twin Maid or Elderberry .Soap. Hus Soap is made by the Palm Olive Co. A large size cake eacli ' " - Eight Bars of Good Laundry Soap .. ",-25c--.:' . " ':v . Palm Olive Talcum Powder, per. can . : - ' v. ' 15c- : ' . " Buttons of every description; ; We have jnst re-. ceived a large shipment of buttons for every pur pose, also dress trimming.'' . ' -; 18cf Galatea-CJothPer yard-- i Boys Khaki Knee Pants per Vr - ' . Outing Flannel fa rfeat stripes per yard! . -'-v i2jc V 35c Romper Cloth, 32 inches wide per yard 25c Men's Fleeced Lined, heavy per garment 59c weight Underwear, Good Mattress Ticking per yard , 15c Best Feather Ticking pe t yard 25c to 35c 32 inch Dress Gingham per yard- . . 19c ' ' if it is SHOES that yon want, we have then in ; all ih bt brands and . every pafar solid leather ; and guaranteed xo giTe entire satisfaction or your money back. Our SHOES wilT stand the test under all conditions and once worn yoo will ".'always be a customer. .' . - . - We are receiving daDynew shipmenta of our-. New Fall and Winter Goods. All will be priced " at our LOW CASH PRICES. ; v ' . - ; Lumberton Bargain House -Where Smart Styles Meet Moderate Prices Phone 6 - Lumhertcn, N. C. - v . : Elm Street