TWO THE EOBESONIAJT, LUIIBESTOIT, 1TOBTH CAIlOLmA, MONDAY, SEPTEMBER, 4, 1922 -A QUESTIONS V . tnd Elblt Answers (MIMBIM j , was iw What are soma of the promises to those who keep . the . Sabbath? Isaiah 68:13, 14. - South America Down the East Coast By Ralph Townsend (Continued from last Issue) , . System of Lotteries One feature of South American life especially noticeable in. Buenos Aires is the system of lotteries. The sale of the tickets is a government monopoly, and the lottery ticket shops are as common as drug stores along the streets. The winners are announced every ten days, the prizes awarding ranging from about $10,000 down. But as only a portion of the money' paid i returned In prizes, the - profits are very substantial. Of course the chances of winning any thing, in view of the great number of subscriptions, are small, but optim ism is a well-rooted trait in South Americans, and the losers always come back with more hope and more pesos. -."" ' Where Everybody Hisses Other customs in Buenos Aires strike an American as amusing. To another nerson. for instance, it; is customary to make a loud hissing They are GOOD! mm mm ' ( By Happy Jack) It. evidently, pleased this .one. It was Monday afternoon while . I was busy dispatching-the Old 'Reliable to the thousands. of, homes, where it goes that a darkey, came in with the story. "I want to get .. some, news in the paper", he said, with a smile on his face. ; When, 5 asked iwhat the . news might be, he said, "Harrison Rogers, the . baddesi nigger over the ; river, got, cut up las' night. He then pro ceeded to ,tell who-put Harrison, and his countenance and words gave plain evidence hat he was sV. more than pleased that "the baddest nigger over NORTII CAROLINA LEADS NA- ( TION IN ITS BIRTH RATE Tar Heel State Retains Leadership As Land of Babies. .;y--.- . Washington, Aug. 31-North Car olina continues to occupy the seat at the head of the table when it comes to the matter of the births throughout the country. there was shown u the correspon dence that the figures of the death rate in the country showed the deaths in North Carolina below the average; M .A. - 1 1. I M. T A LUi JDERTOI J LIAN'S noise through the teeth. In hotels,1 tbi i river" had met another just as the attention of a waiter is attracted .ccwiuur m w nory, narri by uttering a loud hiss On street aon was the chief terror, a bad man, cars, too, the same method is used. J among the other negroes of that sec The cars, are not provided with bells, Jtion across the river,' where be hangs o the nassentrer wishing to get off .out. It was good news to him and he wanted the world to know, that Har rison had met his "ditcher." ., , , The ; joke had its effect It was Monday noon when a-: local young mh told a young lady that her beau had married another girl. She believed it so strong' that she began crying and went to bed. Another young lady tried to console her by saying, "I have never seen a man I'd cry about." The answer was, "Oh, but you've, never been in love." She learned later that it was only a joke, and I'm glad it was, aren't you? It is predicted that the coal strike will, strike the public long Wboitt December. In this case it would be better never than late. looks at the conductor and : hisses. To descrjbe all ; the interesting things' in Buenos Aires would require an entire volume. The fashionable residential district, Palermo, con tains a great number of palatial and elaborate homes, all built on the Spanish or occasionally French, style. The agricultural museum, the botani cal and zoological gardens, and the government buildings, are all modern and attractive. The spirit of national pride in such things is very high in Argentina. We were in Buenos Aires ten days, which was sufficient for most of us. Th weather there during July is very cold, with a good deal of mist and rain. The latitude is the same as that of southern North Carolina, and their winter weather is some what similar, except that extreme cold and snow are uncommon. ' World's Foremost Coffee Port On the return we stopped at San tos, Brazil, for a cargo of coffee. The distance is abouf fifteen hundred miles by sea north of Buenos Aires, and the four days trip makes a de cided change in climate. Santos is situated inside the tropics, with a warm, or rather hot, climate all the year, and , a swampy location makes (the temperature additionally un pleasant. It is not considered health ful for Americans. But in spite of these drawbacks, its position as ship ping port for the great part of the coffee grown in Brazil makes Santos a thriving city. It is the foremost coffee port in the world, sending out millions of bags yearly. The manner of loading the coffee on ships is as modern as anything of the kind in the United States. The coffee warehouses are located side by side in a double row for perhaps a mile along the dock. Running the entire length of the row of ware houses, about thirty feet above the ground, is a conveyor belt, on which the bags of coffee are fed from the warehouses. At intervals along the belt are placed chutes leading into the ships being loaded. When the, ma chine is going at full capacity, the bags are dropped in all the ship's hatches at once, several hundred a minute. Other belts run underground to carry coffee from one warehouse to the other. Up A Mountain Side While in Santos we took the train up to Sao Paulo, two hours and a half up in the mountains. The city itself is interesting, with its beauti ful parks and public buildings, but the ride up is more so. At first tne train passes through a lowland of swamps and banana plantations, then befrms a chmb ud the mountains. At one place the grade is so steep that the rain is hauled up by means of a steel cable and pulley, one engine pulling down on another track. At fre auent distances the train stops to make a new coupling. The total rise is 2800 feet between Santos and Sao Paulo, most of which is make in a single stretch of about ten miles of steep grade. The railroad was built by English interests, and is one oi the test works of engineering in the country. From Santos our ship went to Rio,-where: we made the last stop before starting back on the long run to New. York. . v.-.-.- ,'r Opportunities Overestimated u r I have been 'asked' so ottny ques tions about 'the future of t American busiiesi: hi South' 'America, and, par ticularly; abont - the opportunities of American- -young, men, - there, that-' it maybe -in' brderi to add' v few-jre marks! on- the" subject to ? US, general impressions -of. the country already given. Of recent years a great; deal has been said about the tremendous 'opportunities for young men in South - America.: From a limited observation, and from' conversation with a num- berrof business men. Well acquainted with the field, this advice seems to have been overestimated, or at least misinterpreted. It' is true that there are many : openings there, but they are for large-scale business only. The opportunities there are of two sorts: One-is in the marketing-of American goods tnere; the otner is ui tne con-1 Read! the Business Builders traction work. to be done in opening Robesonian. Can Too Doubt the Evidence of This Lnmberton Citizen? . . Yesterday Ton cm Verify. Lumberton Endorse. men. ' - -. -Bead This: '. r- :j- V-' ' A. B. Small, county weigher, aayi: "My back used to be in terrible for the country and today the census. hape but' since using Doan's it nev. bureau gave out statistics which show er bothers me. , A short while ago MM JNona varoima jeaaa - au : tne my moneys were . out of fix and Mates in its birth rate. It stood at I caused m much Himnnct.? finm. the top of the list in this irespect I times they acted too freely then a- iaac year, ana lor me zirst tnree i cam tner were-concestM. th months of 1922 it is still the leader ges of the secretions being scanty, though its' records this year falls They were also hiehlr colored and some points behind that of the first j burned. My back pained and throb- wuoioi oj Ane aiate wq a good deal and made me sore stands far in the lead of the averaee and stiff. Whn T hA tkt. .vi. r iur ue cuuniry at large. This year 1921 gave first position in birth ures being 33.8 per 1,000 of popula- again." ticn. During the first three months Prl- Art .11 xhl 83 y k tor "kidnedyr ior . ine iir tnree montns 01 . this Doan's Kidnev Pills th MRll that year me rate was zyjs ior every V, Mr. Small had Foatnv Miihnw. 000 noniilatinn. Therm 91 7Q1 1 ..L ,aQV. ?8ter.AUJDUTn Co., births la,NoVtt7Mna durtoF; ' first three months of 1921 and 19,-TZ ' ' 07C for the first three 'months in ' . 1922 In 1921 tha births in JnnBra: ' REMEMBER; . numbered 7.115, in February, 6 ,900. in ! ! Koember that all subscriptions Merch 7,776. In 1922 the births in! ! to THE ROBESONIAN are stop- January mutfrered 6,690 in Feb-J! P'hen they expire. f This, ap- ruarv 6.974. . in March fl.412: Tha.-1 Pe8 to every subscriber, rich and figures gave North Carolina 5 first' ! Pr black nd wWte. Watch the place-, in births per 1.000 noDulaan.C IftDi on your paper (the slio In 1 321 its closest competitor k was . upo.n whicn your naai U printed) Utah with a birth rate of 31.6 per ! aT atijn renewaU day? before 1,000 population, while for the first'. ;nbscription-expires n order not ts closest u 1 copy " yoa.nepect it f - - 1 bought a box of Doan's Kidney Pills North Carolina1 at McMillan's Drug Store and m a rate, the iig-' short while was relieved. l felt fine dealers. Don't three months of this year its competitor is Virginia - with 'rate: of 28.2;; For the country at . large the ana anow your, paper, tcatop, aon't get. mad. This . mao that 4-1. . t loiai oirtn rate m l2l was 24.6 per " "J r0 wanageraeni 01 tne 1,000 population. ; In North Carolina ' ffL - J?r, honesty it 33.8. while for the first threa mrniHi.iI"? mean that it is the policy this yearr the rate for the country was 23.3. E. E.' Britton in Raleigh "wi ana voserver. -;nanotte. Auar. 3l-Dr.: w w Wishart, of Charlotte, was nt n jau tnis afternoon by the camntr'a jury in connection with the death of miss arne viola Newman lR-vonf. old daughter of J. W. Newman. Howia. stead Woolen Mill Settlement of this cny, wno is alleged to have died through an illegal operation. Dr. wisnart later was released under $&,uou bond, furnished bv R. n Craver and Charles Smith. FORECLOSURE SALE Under and by virtu of a judgment of th Superior Court In an action entitled Bank of Fair Bluff vt. Smith Miller nH , "If I had to wear Stockings with a Ith? UIdejned eommUiioner will offer 'for bsthirs suit. I'd never e-o to the sea- J vX"iblJf ,uctlon thi hisheat bidder petnir? suit, 1 a never go to me sea- for cash at the court house door In th town shore", 8aid a young lady. In Other of Lumberton, N. C. on Mondsy the 2nd day words she wants to be a part of the'?' October, mi. at 11 o'clock 'm.. the foi- Rppnorv (lowing- described lands: - oteucrjr. jn Hwjt Townihip, adjoining-the . ... 'land of Mr. Kate Hill, J. M. Spearman and News from Paris to the effect that other. Beginning at a atake in the run of skirts are to be longer will not dis- AUaw p where the old stage Road inrh iho Winrl , croMee enkl iwamp and rum wHh said road turD tne Wind. north 20.80 ea.t l8.71 chain, to a atake t I wienee norm ze.g east 8.86 chain. t The person who paddles his own ,n the middle of th. road. Mr.. Hill', canoe doesn't have much time to pad-, S'iZ cn.. die tne Otner fellOW 8. thence north 27.80 east 4 57 chaina to a jsteke; thene aonta 61.80 'tut 2.22 chain. The 1922 vacation season appears it! !!Jie c,tno'a of '.wro;d.1 f1" . . . . . 1 with .aid road north 29 eat 8.45 chaina to a to have been very successful. !itoke in the center cf .aid road on the corner i of ditch and aUo at a point where another Judcrinsr from the demand unon lo- d.ltch o"th 66.15 east will intersect ! -f ut- the corner of thi ditch if same were evtend 7, ,..,,sfe-DlD , , tJ in a wetwardiy direction; the.-ico south ine nine rascals must De putting in 66.15 east crossing a .mall pond and following i gooa work in iAimberton. ailn cnatna to a stake by a gum on o-J ditch and near the edge . cf a .mall r.. , ... ,. .. T 'branch, Mr.. Hill's corner; thence with the VI course he dldn t mean it. I see ; edge of .aid branch as follows north 57 east y an exchange that a doctor called , " chains to a stake; north 12 wen S chains 10 a suae oy a post oak and black jack and tiohs When; theV errjirau JT member that the same rule ap- plies to every subscriber, and not 7 w atsvufif WriZ 'rndJ3r,v,rtu of iJnt of the sZw f1,1? " entitled H. H SveroXk i r,81" m i' , undeT"i(fne' eommiaaioner 5 b!der tox "h the eourt house t rJto e town of Lumberton N? Oon , .... u in, vi uctooer ivis. at 12 o clock m l. the following described land? in thj town of Fairmont, situated on the west side of Main Street I?! FnFL' id 'tre rn o lot No. 9, a. tteher corner and runs S. 88 8-4 W 4 48 chain, to a .take: thence .outh 12 8-4 W. 56 links; thence 9. fin u w m S?1 i"thr',CO,Tef of ,ot No- thence N. 88 8-4 E. 5.01 chain, to the center of Main htreet a corner of lot No thM -j.u Main Street N. 16 W. 1 07 Vi.i. u- C" ginning, containing 1-2 acre. rnis Aug. 81st, 1922. 9-4-4 Mon. CrnnmlnnL - .. farm; Lqaws;"-,., We have unlimited money to lend on improv ed Farm Lands in Robeson. Bladen, ' Holce, ScotLand and Cumberland Counties on long time; from $2500.00 Jo $5070DD700e" Z McNEJLL & HAQCETt, ATTORNEYS, Lumberton, N. C r - l " GET OUT A POLICY And do It now, , Fires are disastrous and ' delays are dangerous. ; . : You can't bring back what is consumed by Fire. You can though, ' - Be Reimbursed on Your Fire Loss U it's one of our companies. Premiums on doubtful policies is , money jthrown awaj. Be sure and insure with m. Q T. WILLIAMS, Lumberton, N. C. SEABOARD AIR LINE RAILWAY Week-End and Sunday Excursion Fares to WILMINGTON AND WRIGHTSVILLE BEACH SUNDAY FARES- - Tickets on sale for train New 20 Saturday nlrht . returnin, train No. 19 leaving; Wllminfton AM A. IL Monday followinf date of sale WEEK-END FARES H 4 0 'i Tickets on sale for all rezular trains every Friday and- Saturday May 19th to September 24th limited to return midnight of Tuesday followinf date of sale. from Abbottsburg Allcntoa Alma Bladenboro ClarktoH Councils Elkton Laurinburg Lowe Lumberton Mazton " Pembroke Week-end Tickets to Wilmington : $120 $2.75 $30 12.35 $2.00 tlZO $1.90 $4.15 $30 $2.95 $3.85 $3.45 Week-end Tickets to WrightaviUo Beach $2.i $3.20, $4.25. $2.80 $2.45 $15 $25. $4.60 $3.65 ' $3.40 $4.30 $3.90 Sunday Fare to Wilmington' Only $L65, $l20r $1.60 U0 $2.80 $15 $L75 $25 $2.00 Also Cheap Week-end tickets to RnthTtnrAtnn. linlntun. Rh-lhr. rnek. ory, Lenoir Edgemont, Un villa Falls, A1U Pass, Sprace Pine, Mtv Mitchell and Unaka Springs. For reservations, and other Information, consult vour local Ticket AcenL or writo B. G. SMALLBONES, T. P. A. Wilmington, N. C. E. E. HUNTER, D. P. A. Wilmington, N. C to see a patient. He asked the pa tient how she was feeling. The reply was, "Much better, doctor, the only thing that troubles me now is my breathing. "'Oh, well," said the doctor, "I'll Bee if I can't give you something to stop that." a a One thing some women don't know why they married whom they did. Same can be said of some men. Don't forget it, the boll weevil is a price lifter. It has been rumored that the hens are planning to begin laying eggs again soon. In other words, the strike has been settled. Tobacco is being hauled to the Lumberton market for a distance of more than 50 miles. pine; tnencs nortn east l.Vl chain, to a 1 t. If A In f? T P..r. ltnA B.J n k. . .1. west .icfa of A kranh ifAMinMitintil .M. I also Mrs. .Hill's corner; thence with said' Page's line north 61.10 west 4.87 chains to a! pine knot in the corner of a field ; thence , north 88.40 west 8.S1 chains to atf" iron stake in the da of the old stage road. Hardy Campbell's corner; thence south 61.50 west! 25.8a chains to a stake in the run : of Alligator Swamp by a water oak on the il bank of the swamp ; thence down the run of ' channel of said swamp 40 chains to the be- ginning, containing 71.75 acres more or less and being the same land which appear. registered- in book of deeds 60, page. 277, of. i fice of Register of Deeds of Robeson County i wc eii ouy oi Angusi, lyzz. WOODBERBY LENNON. 9-4-4 Mon. Commissioner. r.lRS. LULA VANN FULTON, ARK. up the country. Neither is an at- 1 Suggests to Suffering Women j tractive field for small independent business. The larger American cor porations, such as the Ford company and the Westinghouse, the Interna tional Harvester company and others, all are aggressively pushing their business throughout the continent by means of representatives sent from the United States. But the expansion of the business there is mainly through local branches, and does not always mean a corresponding pro motion for the representatives of the concerns. In the construction field, the . chances ' for the technical men whqt can connect with one, pf the large interests are ;"goo6V These 'it a great muuuv vj mwiimuj juiuuig, tuiu iui bof" impTovemeht work to fee doneT and a large proportion or it win prob. ably be' handled" through" American capital and With: American engineers. But tor th maa mtendiriar to re Into a small investmentc ar no more' at tractive and for the most part offer less security than In the united States -' SUBSCRIBE FOR THE ROBESONIAN 0EY$2 THE YEAR in The the Road to Health Fulton. Arlrnnaaa nBaA T j:- o Pinkham'a Vegetable Compound for a soreness in my side. I would suffer so bad ly every month from my waist down that I could not be on mv feet half the time. I wasnot able to do my work without help. I saw your Vegetable isompouna adver tised in a newananAP and eave it fnii. trial. Now I am able , mMM ll mVi.fjrftPBO. SBlamaV dooftiiiiuva(adveTVfn6i,th "jcannotpraiseyonr VegetabttfCoto jth vwuKa:Q4agniy icoarinan4 it ilt&J5 wjtfpWejiir tnincu I am wimnsrior these- fart.a vP suffer with' uvto the right II- -I testtfnpnis iema ale, trouble '.ai'- rodt6b!a1ta-LM 43. FtilMn ' ArVon sMtallJS 0 -j -," "- omuuiu cause you 10 con der tak tog this well-known medicine. Tf troubled with such symptoms as ELf5"08' weak, nervous feelings, miserable pains in your back, and can not work at certain times. ' iT f?fK?rarv8:P.hy.condition "r" .rr- wua w ieu an sick women. 3 - BIG DAYS - 3 INDUSTRIAL EXniBITION mm TRACTOR Come and see in actual operation the many time and money saving . advantages of the Industrial Tractor The FORDSON. To Be Held At Cliairloltiteo N.C. SEPTEMBER 6-7-8 Under The Auspices of Read the Business Builders in Th Bobesonian. FORD MOTOR COMPANY Charlotte Branch, and'its 330 Dealers in North and South Carolina and Southern Virginia NO CHARGE FOR ADMISSION Exhibition open daily from 1 0 a. m. to 10 p. m. ' Many big manufacturers from all over the country will have exhibits. . - Make Your Arrangements -Today-To Attend BIG STREET . PARADE BAND CONCERTS!: : , , RAplti ENTERTAlNUENTS SIGHT' SEEING TO VR5 - V Bring vYour ram ;j...$jf- J'v- t- llyiiiMiu:AiI-B LumbeHbn..C I-