?&Q FOUB the nOBEsouiAir," LumraToxv noETn CAnoicrA, Monday, eeptetibes, 4, 1m ;HE KOBEBONIAN PubUsbed .Jsi and , ThurUj ' A&eruooo . ... By . ..- TUB ROBESONIAN. INC Eeaday A A. Sharp President fc CUESOUPTION EAttCSf Taa Tear .......v....;..... 1100 fix Months .................. LOO ifontha .60 Delivered by canter to Lumberton .Cm rear .... ..........$2.40 Tlx monthi .............. ...SL20 -.CtaM months ..."....'....'.V .60 ANDREW M.: FLOYD OF ORRUM OSea 107 West Fawtk Strati 5 , , TeJepbol Na:Zt. -j , y Catered aa second elau mail matter U the postrffice at Lumberton, N. C, EONDAY, SEPTEMBER, i,i922 J L 1U4U BIBLE THOUGHT M FOR TODAY I Siae4t0 aeeaMelaed, peeks' B annisss imiii la anar w ; ; LABOR DAY PLATFORM FOR LABOR AND CAPITAL: All things whatsoever ye would that men do onto you, do ye even so to them: for this is the law and the prophets. Matthew 7:12 Representative Pou, ranking Demo crat on the rules committee, declared in the House of Congress the other day, in effect, that the legislation pro posed to distribute coal was a meas ure to distribute what ain't by means which can't. There is not enough coal being mined to meet the needs," and the railroads could not haul it if - there were. Mr. Pou declared that the time for compromise has passed and that he is ready to vote to give the Presi dent power to seize both the coal mines and the railroads. But . the President continues to back and fill. Be apparently will not regard the situation as serious until people ac tually begin to freeze and the rail roads are not able to move a train. Well-Known Otiaen Died Suddenly jjFridayJfof Acute .Indigestion He wWaa . Lumberton Visitor Wednes- i. da y Funeral and . Interment Sat ; nrday. ' , ' .':-v; ' ' Mr. Andrew M. Floyd, well-known Crrum . citizen,, died suddenly ,at. bis home about 3 ' o'clock Friday morn bg of acnte indigestion, Deceased was apparently , in , his- usual health u, until a short time before he died. He was ' a Lomberton visitor wed nceday and was among the callers at The Robesonian office. Ha. was 64 years old and is survived by ' his widow and 8 children. The funeral was conducted from the. home Saturday a; 3 p. m. by Kev. j.'j. Scott, a Bap tist, minister of Orrum, and Interment t. aa made in the family, cemetery, Mr. Floyd was a prosperous farmer and was well and favorably knbwn. Death of Mrs. A. R. Walters and In- Correspondence of The. Robesonian. : On August the Sidi M death an gel visited our community and took fyom our midst oujr beloveir friend and sister in Christ, Mrs. A. R. Wal ters. Mrs. Walters was born .August ztn 1894 and was thus 27 years, , 11 Report of Salca of 'EJi J. Davis : Sons FafjS mbniMarIcct Vcck Ending Friday September. 1st 5,500 MARSHALS MOBILIZED v, TOV1JPHOLD. INJUNCTION : $i t - .-if This has been one of the best Wile to sell tobacco smce the opening. the 'market' The weather conditions have been favorable for handhar'the leaz ana we nave oad zuu nouses eaia day. v-- V i The market has sold over 700.000 pounds at. prices ranging from eVto 80 cents wr Dound. Lots of farmers have sold with' aa from a distance and aay it paid them big money and we look for next week to be another v big week and expect these good prices again. -; . v'- r we advise prompt sales, as wa"see no advantage in holding back "w , L. J. DAVIS. -;" I ' , Phicagb,' Sept, 3 The beginning of the lutn ; week or the country-wide striae or tn' raiiwav shocmen found 15,600 United States marshals mobiliz ed to uphold ' the drastic, temporary injunction obtained '. by the . govern ment on jT4(ay to prevent lawless violence 'and keep the nation's trans portation, machine running. :4H , ;, Mern. J R. And J. J. TTnmnliM of the Saddletree section were among months and 12 days old."The funer-.the visitors in town Saturday. al was conducted from the residence by her pastor. Rev: I. P. Hedgpeth of Lumberton and interment was made in the family burying ground near , the , home. Tlve floral designs were beautiful and attested the es teem in .which deceased was- held. Deceased was a devout member of Big Branch Baptist church and was sincere Christian worker. She has host of friends in this and other communities who will.be grieved to learn of her death. Her disposition was of a loving nature and to know her was to love her. She is survived by her husband and 1 child. Master Horace She died 3 hours after the birth 6t another child, which lived only until the 10th of August Her mother, Mrs.-John P. Floyd, two sis. ters Mrs. A, W. Leggett and Mrs.. L. B. Harden: three brothers. Messrs. J. S., W A., and S. C. Floyd all of R. 2, Fairmont, N. C. . The entire family has bur sympathy in this hour of bereavement " Mr. and Mrs. Roy Troer of R.-;l. Buie, were among the shoppers -jn town Saturday. ' , f carter- wucor 1 Miss mma Carter4 and Hfr. Hasley Wilcox, both of Britts township, were married Saturday at noon in the court bouse. Justice 'H. M. McAllister otfu dated.-? ' Happiaeea , For AU WomenTor some time I have been using Hagan's Magnolia Balm and now my friends are asking what baa- fcappenedt me, that I-look so weHl;' I have been af flicted .with freckles, blemishes and sallow complexion for the last four or five years, but now my complexion is wonderfully improved. Magnolia Balm means happiness In a lovely complex ion. Respectfully,..- ( signed )y Nome Bentley, Nankipoo, Tenn."; All wo men should use this liquid face and toilet powder Brunette, white, pink, rose-red. 75 cents at druggists or by mail. Lyon Mfg. Co., 42 Fifth St; Brooklyn, N. Adv. , ' North Carolina, r. ... A , , H,tjyt,- - U' h fu!J et4 forth Ma eWiSiint 1 5!4" fa RobMn Coaotr. ' fir tW Superior Court. I P- We4iito will fnrtke- UK. nolle tk. Fint National Bank of Lambrrtnn rgt 8. MeLaod Md Capital Inv.tniat Com- offiea. of ih umjewignad CJrk of ftha Superi. To Gaorrc B. HeLcoa aa4 Capital Invaatawat . U at Limhwtoi, - N; 'C. Whe h day v ' ' ; oeenonu -abar Mama: f r yrtTSt:r,'VU. l1tfM& to anaver Tba dcfendaBta will taka aotiea that m ! ar - rfmn .to th. 'aoMlatnt In ,- mmiit. n !?.T !,U b1" hM hm thio day " whiei paa'btan MB4 in tha office ef ii taatitatod in th 8pcrior Court of Roocaon, w-,. J-ai UDta . wUl 4k -aotlea Coaaty for tba followioc eu-poMat u r ) fQX v4 war or Ft Njtkm.l Bank o Lomktrton , aralnat platotiawi)rTwlto; tfca ortjfe 1 r- J,7 ,rJ"n '. I&21.-witt intercut TU , JaftoaanU will lurthr..tala. netieW IT, .r,"6 - thar conplatat -taar-wmrraa of attachaMitt tea "been thia ,,Uo"' the. ran of -aa iaaaad ox tha ManteMi -Cierh mgaizut I8M.5I whh interest front Oct. UK. 121 be-1 the Brooerty of the attendant. r either of ."jf9!""? , "wwhwoti xtea ' thtv whioh warra returaibl b.fore the , 7" , . MeMod aa art omicnicaW Clerk - at the tnce- and pteee leri hi MM coaaplaiDt. - ' -.i,,,.. .,. i. .11 . Hi. nffti. nf Hi (b) For the mm t aattinat. aatiU'an .-J .r'v.v' w n. bl dcelarinr'noV and M a certain dec caeca-' soth . IMS. v . t i ti i . ed by Gore'B. McLeod to the Canhal I. 4-hi. tK. tftth 'Jua.r. limb .mm ,4 , n jnt Cmbmdi dated Februsrv 6th. i 1921 I - r a -skipped Roistered ia Book 7-F. naee SIS for' that , J TMi f . U hawr.:: ean6 waa executed wftbooi eomxiermtloa f iohmon -a-Johnaoa. - - , aa Inaolvent peraoa with intent t to -binder. 1 Attsmcy for 4kf Ptetaff f . 1 M on diy and defraud the pbiintiff and creditor. I . , , n. . ... - . 1 . 55B 112 If the Number yon want to CALL whfen In need of anythii fit I)rng. , Itoraptne8a and accuracy followed in every prescript NORTH STATE DRUG CO. " 11 I 1 ' HI a Mr D. B. McKee of the Clarkton section was a Lumberton visitor Sat urday. , , ; ; Dr. Peacock decided that confine ment in the place reserved for the criminal insane, although allowed to spend his time reading at ease, was not a suitable position for a "gentle, man" of his attainments, and evident, ly friends on the -outside decided the same thing, so somebody slipped him a saw' and he sawed his way out. It looks like the doctor must have bad active friends on the outside and eye winking friends on the inside. He does not seem to have had any great difficulty in getting out and in get ting away after he got out. And now that he is out no doubt the doctor will prove sane enough to avoid capture. Card of Thanks To the Editor of The Robesonian. Kindly permit us to express throueh the columns of your paper our sincere appreciation of the many kindnesses shown us during the illness, death and funerel of our beloved husband and father. The many expressions of sympathy and gentley words of com fort extended to us did much to brighten the dark hours and lighten our gloom. We would" also express oun appre ciation of the abundant and beautiful floral offerings, emblems of God's love ;but best of all, we are so thank ful for the . many assurances from those who knew his life, of that sweet Hope of the Christian, in that bright and Better World beyond. We offer our heartfelt thanks to all those who have leen so kind to us. Sincerely yours, MRS. M. Q. McKEXZIE AND FAMILY. Lumberton, Sept. 1, 1922. ight, Beauti- of Ours Nothing in All Thib ful arid Alluring New is more fascinating td Wilmington's gentlewomen than the New Millinery Salon DRESSES $15oo -0 to ten $45 .00 A show place of charm for Millinery Creations of the lat est Fall tune individuality and distmctivehesfb Greater Varieties Than Ever There's more space than ever in which to give showings. Still More Inviting ; Prige Range Broader stocks' mean still wider price- scope. All (hat's Authorita tive ds Here NOTICE Thirty-two pardons, 221 paroles! v"eT a.n(l y virtue of the power of sale and 18 commutations IS Governor jl to the undersigned. Alfred Turner, dated Morrison's record for twentv month November. 1st. 1919, and duly recorded In v j a . . . Book or Mortgage Deeds No. 45 at page 560. months Governor Craig granted more than twice as many straight pardons as Governor's Morrison's pardons and paroles combined amount to, and Kitchin granted about one-fourth more pardons than Morrison's com bined total so far. Paroles were not so much used prior to Governor Bick ett's administration. It is a refuge from straight pardon that combines mercy with discretion, and Governor Morrison is using it freely. is sven u,a ouiiiiuiairaiion. in lony eigni m me office of the Register of Deeda of I Koson County, default having been made in the payment thereof, the undersiened. Al fred Turner will on Monday October, 2nd, 1922. at 12, o'clock noon, at the Court House door in Lumberton, N. C. offer for sale d sell to the highest bidder, for cash to satisfy said mortgage, the following described tract of land, to-wit: Situate in Back Swamp Township Robeson County, on the West aide of the Fairmont and Lumberton Public Road, the said road being one of the boundary lines, the same being the one-seventh interest in and to the estate lands V Dennis Powell, deceased, allotted to Jerry M. Powell In the division of the said estate, and recorded in Book of Orders , and decrees in the Office of the Clerk of the Superior Court of Robeson County, the same adjoining the lands of Willi,. Powell, Elery Powell and the Public Road above mentioned, containing 10 acres. This Sept. 1st, 1922. '-i ALFRED TURNER, , 9-4-4 Men. - Mortgagee The Lumber Bridge Poultry asso ciation gave the local curb market aj roost decided boost Saturday, as The Robesonian predicted .it'would. Never. before in one day were so many eggs offered for sale on this market, and they and the poultry offered were of the finest kind. The Lumber Bridge Poultry association certainly demon strated its ability to deliver goods of the best quality in astonishing quanti- Instantariebus Hot Water at The ? Turn of The r Faucet. ; J No Boiler, no pipes, no smoke, no dirt absolutely marantcxri ta fnrnieh an voiion seems to be more dif f erent ? ! noun not water at the minimum kinds of a fool than it was back in thei'08 Jay when Henry VI. Grady said it was a d fooL. Now when it ought to go up in price it goes down. May be in addition to being a fool 1t has turned out to be a rascaL Nw9 i - FaR Fairest s. ' Models As : lillinery styles X authorities i -u'ie assured correctness. Hats Made to Order for 1 AU Ocfcaisibn8 r : Croni the foremost style creators JOHNSbN; FISK, BOCKER HA ml 5S SsK- V IIJ .(v. Congratulations to Mazton on win oing the Interstate league champion, ehip. , It waa a.-hard-fought contest nd an earned victory. In the final contest Mazton was up against a atrong team, which makes the victory all the more valuable. Dr. Frank Crane Ja- aa editorial in Current Opinion aays that since every strike is bound -to be settled sooner . . kter, the only sensible course is to settle them before they begin. Which covers the entire subject. t: ; . , . : Misses Ida Belle Barnes and Myrtle Hardin went today to - Wilmington, where they wCl spend a week visiting xelatives and friends. --tiff Trimmed U v. Ill' Millinery Manufactured and Guaranteed by-e-THE BRIDGEPORT ELEC WATER HEATER COMPANY, h : Bridgeport, Conn. U. S. A. f Sold by City Electric Sapply Co. ; . (Not Incorporated) Residential Commercial Industrial Lighting including some of the most Untrmrriedj Shafg ,;crpiTscnt:;; and. : ihvnhiihgs': of 7 rare cy culled trom the cen- teri of aclmowlecJized mod- ' winesiav Mi'-" Creations in frocks that will delight you. The styles are distinctly "differ. .enC The materials are of the most 'beauUfol quality, including the favor ed canton erepe, crepe Romain, crepe de chine, saUas and georgette ; The Z colors are h tmdTmi mfmt: fftifUmg hues: Barbeny, saaiC x na, .caaaa. with black iwffl-tM-- . Matenab and modes'of extordih cfM, . - . .?""aaass ..j,- .- : i.,- . & ? v- . ;.'-.-v.T. .- . , : ... '. ... - v . . v . .... j-!. . 5 - . . ATAwlt. aa o. ; j ' : v-n. Wilmington. N. Q 10 W. 4th St. LUMBERTON, N C