FAGS G1X TIIE LUIIBdT07f 1702111 GAR0LE7A, MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 4. 1922 - SlOBTGAGErS SAXI " r-NOTICI Of LAND SALE. Under and by virtue of the power of uh Under arid by virtu of th power end aa eeatarnsd in that certain mortgage deed from thorlty eonUined in a certain Judgment of J H. W. 8mlth end Josephine Smith his the Superior Court of Bobeaon County, enter wife, to Mrs. Mary B Raybon, Guardian, re- ed in cause therein pending, entitled, "U H. canted m Book 41 at pace , Bobeaoa Ooun- Caldwell vs. A. C. Blount," the undersigned ty Karbtry, default having been aiada to the commissioner will, on Monday, the 18th day payment of the note thereby secured, the an- of September. 122, at IS o'clock, noon, in deraigned mortgagee will offer for aale at front of the Court Houae Door, in the town tmblie auction for cash at the eourthouae of Lumberton. offer for aale at publie e no des m Lamberton, N. C, at It o'clock noon tion to the highest bidder for eash, the foi aw September lth, 1921. to the highest bid- lowing described real estate, to-wttt ' war. the following- deaeribed land: 1 , On the West aide of Thick Branch begin- Firat Tract: la St Paula Townahtp adjoin- nine at a atake in the run of Thick Branch Ins the lands ef McMillan heir Win. H. in the Meadow Road and rune south tl west ReeJer and other, on and in the head of Less II chains to a atake in Chris Mercer line; Branch. Beginning at a atake on the East thence south 7 east 12.18 chain to a stake aide of an old road In McMillan's line and hi aaid line; thence south 43 cast e.S to a rma a that line due South 11 chains to a stake; thence south 73 east 6.6 to a stake; tak in a pond: thence 8outh 64 West tAQ threes south 15 west 16 to a stake in a pond; heme to a stake near a pine; thence North thence south 72 east 18 J chains to a stake; M West tl 68 chains to a stake on the South thence south t 1-2 20.98 chains to a stake in aid of Lees Branch; thence due north 8 the Leggett line; thence with that line north chains to a tak in the head of Lees Branch, 74 wnt 17.6 chain to a stake by a dead pine; tha corner of the dividing line between J. H.! thenee north 18 west 18.6 chain to a light W. Smith and Wnu N. Smith; thence a that WOcd stump; thenee north 85 west 18.35 chain line due east about 40 chain to the begin to a stake; there south 72 west 9.4 chain niac. containing 70 acres, more or less. Being to m ttak; thence north 58 west 6.8S chain lends conveyed to said . rl . amren to a stake; thence north 1 west jo cnains WEEKLY CROP NOTES by J. H. Smith and wtfe by deed dated Miy J6U. 1884 and recorded tn Register's Office erf Robeson County in Book 3 "F" at peg 414. . ' " 4- V- -, , - Seem d Tract 1 Adjoining the above twet a the South side of the Stater's B"J Branch. Beginning at a stake in McMillan line and J. H. W. Smith' corner and tun an McMillan' line due North 10.60 chains to maple and pine in tne ease " " thenee South 60 West 21 chains to a stake in J. H W. Smith's line: thence with that line s. is ehaina to the beginning, contain- teg nine and four-tenth (9.4) aere more or leas Being the same land conveyed to said J. H. W. Smith by Wm. N. Smith and wtfe by deed dated March 8 lit. 1890 and recorded to said Register' Office in Book 4 "C" at page 430, etc Dated this 19th day of August 1922 MARY E. RAYBON. ltltarT. Lawrence Proctor. Mortgagee. AttoMiava for mortgagee. 8-24-4 Thurs. rnuuraainvrPH SALS OF LAND Under and by virtue of the power of sale contained in a certain foreclosure judgment entered in th. eause entitled A. K. huiiock, Beeeiver of the Peoples Bank and Trust Com. any. vs. B B. Thompson, et 1., the under toed commiaaioner will, on Monday .Sep. teamher 25th, 1922. at 12 o'clock noon, at th art heose door at Lumberton. North Caro kma. offer for. sale and eU to the highest adder for cash, the following described land, to-wit la Fairmont Township, Bobeaoa 'Conner, and State of North Carolina, situated in th Town of Fairmont on the north side of Cot tage Street, bounded on th, north by land of G. B. Thompson red A. M. Mitchell, on the east by Mrs. MoUle Lewi on the south ky Cottage Street and on the west by Mrs. Alice Thompson's lot on which she now re sides The lot herein described is n vacant lot and part of th one and onehalf acre lot est which the parties of the firt part now reside, and ia intended to be onehalf of the 1 1-2 aere lot, or three fourths of an acre. Tne land above described 1 a part of the land Inherited by Mr. Alice Thompson from th Hated this tne sis oey 01 DICKSON McLSAN, 8X4-4 Thurs. Commissioner. NOTICE OF LAND 8 ALB." Under and by virtue of the power and au thority contained in a certain judgment of the Superior Court of Robeson County, en tered in a cause therein pending, entitled L. H. Caldwell, et ai, v. Sandy Allen and wife. Joaie Allen", the undersigned commissioner win. on Monday, the 18th day of September, 1922. at 12 o'clock, noon, in front of the Court Hons door, in the town of Lumberton. offer for sale at publie auction, to the highest bidder tor cash, th following described real estate, to-wit: Lying and being in Lumberton township, Robeson county, bounded and described as follows : A certain tract or parcel of land in Lamberton Township, Bobeaon County, and State of North Carolina, adjoining the lands of Lon Allen and others, bounded and de aeribed as follow, to-wit: Beginning at a atake on th edge of the stage road, the ear ner of lot Number 2, and run with that line south 28 east about 10 chains to a stake in Lon Allen's line- thence with h!i line north 2 west bout lt-2 'ehaina to the stage road; thence with the road to" the beginning, containing two and one-fourth acres, more or les ; All of which appear from the registration of said mortgage deed in the office of th Begarter of Deed of said Robeson County, aaid state, in book of mortgage No. 24. page S10, and the plaintiff's hereby refer to and make the registration thereof n part of thU description. .Dated this 17th day of August, 1922. DICKSON McLEAN, Commissioner. S-214 mofc. ta a. stake at the Meadow Road f thence north 82 east 10 chains to a stak; thenee north 27 west 10.47 chain to a stake, thenc, north 84 west about 8 1-2 chain to a atake; thenee north 19 east 5 chains to a stake at the run of Thick Branch In J. B. Smith's line; thence up various courses of said Branch to the be ginning." 168 acres, excepting however.' there from about 40 acre sola to 4. TT. oannr oy Q T. Williams and A. E. White on the west side of the Meadow Bead. The part of land to be' conveyed by this deed is a western part of tract of land conveyed by L. H. -TWnssnd and wife, Arka Towncend, to A. C Blount and J. C. Blount and registered in Book 4-Y. page 488, December 16th 1808 ; also 2 1-2 acres sold to 8andy McNeill by A. C. Blount and wifeSabrina Blount which b not in. tended to be conveyed in this deed, and more particularly described by deed from Sabrina Blount to A. C. Blount recorded in Register office Book 6-A. page 672, excepting however, three acre sold to Tho. McK. Klnlaw. It b Intended by the operation of this convey ance to convey only the western half of the property above described now owned by th party of the first part. Dated this the 17th, day of August 1922. . DICKSON McLEAN, Commissioner. 8-2I.4Mon. : j EXECUTOR'S NOTICE - Harinc Qualified a executor of tho last will and testament of Paisley ' McMillan. ceased thb ta to notify all persons having elaims aaminst said estate to present them to the undersigned executor, at Sad Spruce. C, properly verified, or to E. J. Britt A L. J. Britt, attorneys at Lumberton, N. C, en or before th 15, day of Aug. 1923. or thb notice will be nlead in bar of their recovery All persons indebted to said estate will please make immediate pryment. This tne 10 dsv of Aug. 1BZZ. MRS. HATTIE McMILLAN, Exrx.. Harvey McMillan, Ex. E. J. A L. J. Britt, Attorneys. 8-10-6 Thurs. NOTICE North Carolina. Robeson County. In the Superior Court. Asa Dunham vs. Charity Dunham. The defendant above named will take no tice, that an action entitled a above haa been commenced in the Superior Court of Robeson County to obtain an absolute divorce upon the grounds of adultery and also for separa tion for five years, and the said defendant will further take notlc that she b required to appear before the Clerk of the Superior Court of aaid County on the 11th day of September. 1922, at hi office in the court houae at Lum berton, N. C. and answer or demur to the complaint In said action or th plaintiff will apply to the court for the relief demanded in said complaint. Thb 11th day of Aug. 1922. C. B. SKIPPER, Clerk of the Superior Court Britt A Britt Attys. for Ptaintlff. 8-14-4 Mon. TRUSTEE'S SALE. ' Under and by virtue of the power of aale- j aniauied in tost certain aeea 01 irusi. ivui" Junes H. Graham and others, to Robert C. Lawrence, Trust, for the Bank of Fairmont, recorded in Book 47 at page 275. Robeson County Beg) . S. default having been made in the paymc:.; of the note thereby secured, the undersigned Trustee will offer for ale at public auction for cash to the highest bidder -at the court house door in Lumberton, N. C, t 12 o'clock noon on Tuesday September 19th, 1S22. the following Uexcribed real e3tate: t? Tract: I" Orrum township, beginning at a red oak now a stko, and running near Joseph Hedffpkh's brs to a black jack, thence wilh his -line to s hickory near or by the head rf a small branch, thenee direct to n hrse abort strewed pine on the bank of the ditch near the mouth of said branch, thence dswn the ditch to the second lower ditch, thenee with that ditch to Little Indian Swamp to a pine near th, run of the swamp, thence a the swamp to two white bays in the run of the swamp, thence to the . beginning, near Oaham's fence containing fifty acres, more or less, and being the same lands conveyed by J P. Barnes and wtfe to Lueinda Cains by deed roistered in Book 2"X" at page 487. by Locfnda Cams and husband to J- H. Craham and others by deed registered in Book A t page 97. and by C. W. Graham to Jam. H. Graham by deed registered in Book 8 A at page 243 and byO. P. Graham to James H Graham by deed registered in Book I A t page 244, to which deeds reference b mad for a full description of said hinds. . -,,a Tract: Adjoining the first tract, ne tiTimg at a hickory. John Cains' former eor- - 1 Kn of 70 acre survey and ruia North B8,4 East 12.19 chains to a stake by a tere short strawed Pn .a,icfl tler.ee ateg said ditch South 17'i East 6.50 e.r-.n to another ditch, thenee along said ditch and beyond North 72 East 16,69 chain, to short straned pme in Litt.e Indian S-rm?. thenee down said wamp to William line, thence as hb line two chain, to 2 vert earner, a stake by a hickory in the lm. r the 70 acre survey, thence along tvey line ta the run of Little Indian Swamp, thenee tap the run of said Swamp to a cypress atump. mnd thenee along the original line to th. be-sjis-toj. tontainlng thirty five acres, more sir less end being same fcr.ds conveyed to Janes M. CTshem ly R. P B-raes and wife br deed dated October ICth. 1803 and .regis, tared tn Beck 8 "K" at page 2'-. to ykh deed relesenee b made f jt a full description eat fho aaid lands. " - Thb sale wiU be made -sabjert to a prior mortgage from J. H. Graham end other to -Prudential Life Insurance Ctpany record- 1 i ta Book 45 at page 888 for 88.000.00. dated November 10th, 1918 and due November 10th. "1924 - Dated thb August 17th. ' ; snRTRT c. LAWRENCE. Trust. 84L4 MOBTAGEE'S SALE. Under and by virtue of the Power of sale contained in that certain mortgage deed from W. N. and Charity Speight to K. M. Bigg, recorded in Book 48 at page 158, Robeson County Registry, default having been made in the payment of the note thereby secured, the undersigned will offer for sale at public auction to the highest o' th court house door in Lumberton, at 12 o'clock noon on September 18th, the following described land. ; In Wisharta "Township. Bounded on the South by the Seaboard Air Lin, Railroad, on the East by Taft Speight' line, on the North by Burt Taylor' line, and on the West by the Butters Lumber Company, and containing six 6)!ere. and b th, same tract of land which N. W. heired from Jarvb Speight Dated thb August 15th, 1922. K. M. BIGCS. Mortrgee. Melntyre, Lawrenc & Froctor, Attorneys for MortEe. 8-7-4 mon NOTIC.? OP SUMMONS BY PUBLICATION North Caroline. Rofc-son County. Zeok Smith, vs. Henrietta Smith. To Henrietta Smith: You are hereby notified that - a action hat been Instituted in the Superior Court of Robeion County entitled Zeak Smith v. Henrietta Smith, for the purpose of securing an absolute divorce. You are further notified to be and appear before the undersigned Clerk of the Superior Court of Robeson County on Wednesday, th 20th day of September. 1922, and answer or demur to th complaint which will be filed in the office of the undersigned Clerk, and you are further notified that if you fail to appear and answer or demur to th complaint; that th, plaintiff will apply to the court for the relief demanded in the complaint, Thb the 19th day of August. 1922. C. B. SKIPPER. Clerk of th Superior Court of Bobeaon County. 8-24-4 Thurs. Johnson A Johnson. Attys, TRUSTEE'S SALE Under and by virtue of the power of sale contained in that certain deed of trust from J. A. Atkinson to Stephen Melntyre, Trustee for Jetter D. Lewis and J. M. Lewis, record ed in Book 45 at page 478, Robeson County Registry, (default having been mode in the payment of the note thereby secured), th undersigned Trustee will offer for sale at public auction for cash to the highest bidder at the court house door In Lumberton, N. C, at 12. o'clock noon, on Monday September 25th. 1922. the following described land. Farm Number 2, containing 58.72 acres; farm Number 8, containing 44.68 acre and f?rm Number 4 containing 68.90 acres, the ame adjoining and forming one body of land, all of which will appear from said map or plat. The said lands lying on Ashriole Swamp and adjoining land of W. W. Carlyle, Ox- endine end other. Being rame lands thb day conveyed to J. A. Atkinson by Jetter D. Lewis and J. M. Lewb and their wives. See Book 5 "N" page 822 and "J" page 267 for fur ther reference. - .'" Dated thb 21st day of August. 1922. STEPHEN McINTYRE, Melntyre. Lawrence A Proctor, Trustee. Attorneys for trustoa. s 8-24-4 Thurs. Raleigh, Aug. 80 The weather is generally fair over the state, being good for harvesting hay and fodder, as well as favorable for the growth of late crops. It seems to be a little too fair in eome sections of . the northern part of the state where it is reported to be too dry for plowing. Continued ra?n are reported in the eastern pau rt tfca s:ate, especially in the nortlm&t. The vcather, ir. the Piedmont' ia fair with' favorable showers. - ',- ; : . - Wheat : V,'?V i Some threshing is still being 'done in the northern and western parts of the state Where the yield is only fair. being as low as 60 per cent in most localities. The taming of land for winter wheat is about half completed in the northern courties. -while in dther parts of the state it is more advanced. Progress . along this line has been , hindered somewhat in the northern counties on account of the dry weather. , Corn -. Corn is maturing nicely during .the generally favorable weather. Some fodder is being pulled. Lowland com is poor where many stalks are blank and will make only fodder, '. . Cotton :" .;-;...: 1 The central Piedmont' area is gen erally good excepting a few : South Carolina border counties where - the boll weevil is doing considerable dam age. The eastern counties are gener ally too wet. Here' there' is much shedding with damages from boll weevil in the southeast. The crop, is better than expected, but the August (late crop) is very poor, (bolls not forming due to climatic conditions). The damage by hall has not been gen NEW ROAD WORK LET TO CONTRACT AT K73U04. 200 Miles of Roads and Several Large Buildings Total for First 8 Months of Year 1,114 Miles. - Low bids submitted by 216 con tractors at Wednesday road letting lor building ZOO miles of road and several ; . large : bridges announced Thursday by the Stae H'shway Com a es:-57i firr.ie-1 an aggregate tota au this il $4,751:r.O7.70 ; nd tire ,, total . .hoi ize X expenditures for roads year to approximately $23,090,000 for 1,114 miles of road let to contract since the first of the year, stated the Raleigh News and Observer. Included in the total of 200 miles of road are 125 miles ' of hard sur faced road, the longest mileage of pernipneiit -roads yet let to contract at a single letting by the commission, and bringing the total paviffg mileage for the year to 565 milea, a record that, is unequaled in the records of road Duiidmg in America lor an eight months period. . No more big letUngs will be staged by the commission for several months to come. The coal for 1922, when it was hoped .that .1,000 miles of ..road would be let to contract during the twelve months has already been passed by 114 miles." v Third District Project 328, Columbus Chadbourn to Whiteville, 7.03 miles hard sur face: roadway to L. L. Tyndall for $199,428.80: structures - to Dawkins Construction Company, for $65,900, Project 317, Brunswick Bridge over Town Creek to Atlantic Bridge Company, for $17,176.20. Project 351. Let to Southern Wilhte Company, for $181,824. Project ' 380, Pender Castle Hay eraL, There will be a very small per-'ne to Long Creek, 8.98 miles hard centage of abandoned acreage. . v. Hay and 'Grasses Hay is generally good with the harvest about completed. The weather has been favorable for harvesting hay in most sections, but in the east it is too wet for curing. Some cow-pea nay has been harvested. ' Tobacco Most of. the Piedmont tobacco . is good and , is bringing a good : price, while in somesections of the east it is poor in quality and light in weight. Track This has been a poor year for this crop. Only small quantities are mov ing to market. Some sweet potatoes are being marketed in the east and are bringing a low price. Pastures Pastures are "holding their own'' in most sections good. Livestock Generally good on account of the favorable pasture and grass year. arm Labor - About the same. Wages not suffi cient to secure efficient services Farm Activities Progress is generally good for August. Some fall crops are " bemtfl planted. Farmers are taking more in terest in cooperative marketing and are using more improved methods of farming. Organizations The cooperative marketing or ganizations are very active getting ready for the harvest and marketing season. FRANK PARKER, Agricultural Statistician. BALTIMORE NEWS ITEMS wTrnrrnEH NOTICE u Wwefcr riven that the andersiffned jw n.iifUrf before the Clerk - of the Ssnerier Court ef Bobesoa County as Execu tor et the late W. F. MeAIlbter. - ,M . mm eUine ayalnst the estate of aaid oe- 4tH the , andersirued. -w - - mad verified, ea or before the tth of Asnrost, 1828. etherwbe thb ao- r.1 t.ij a mm at veeoeenr. . - t--i-A the estate of tike f T" - make bamedbU - - MrTM?ALLI8TE Eneetor ef W. F. MeAUister, deeeassd. I Alliwaji tor the Exoeetor. 1444 Correspondence of The Robesonian. Baltimore, (Fairmont, R. 1), Aug. 30. Miss Rosa Lee Floyd gave a lit tle party at her home Saturday night in honor of her friends. Every one reported a nice time. Mr. and Mrs. M. S. McPhail from Augusta, Ga., visited Mr. McPhail's sister, Mrs. D. L. Bullock, last week. They drove through the country from Augusta. . Mr. Raymond Powell returned home Monday from Spencer, where he held a position in a machine shop. Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Powell and daughters, Misses Ruby and Alma, and son, David, of Saddletree section, visited at the home of Mr. and Mrs. L. H. Powell Sundav. Mr. A. R. Bullock left Saturdav night for Richmond, Asheville: and other points. ' Mr. and Mrs. O. C. Patrick of Washington, D. C have been visit ing at the home of Mrs. Patrick's parents, Mr. and Mrs. D. L. Bullock. Mr. Patrick has returned ' to , Wash ington, while Mrs. Patrick is spend ing a few more days. Messrs. Gay Bullock and Fred Griffin spent Sunday at Lake Wac- camaw. Mr. Fulton Rogers of Columbia, S. C, is visiting Messrs. Harvev and Ray Griffin this week. Best wishes to The Robesonian. NOTICE , ... V North Carolina, ' Robeson County. In the Superior Court. Garfield Barfield vs. Bessie Barf le Id. - , The defendant above named will take notice, that an action entitled a above haa been commenced in th Superior Court of Robeaoa County for the purpose of obtaining an abso lute divorce on the r rounds of adultery on the part, of the defendant,, and the said de fendant will further take notice that she t required to appear before the Clerk of the Superior Court . of Bobeaoa County at hb at firm hi -the court house at lamberton. N, C. on th 8th day of October. 1922. and answar or demur to the complaint in aaid action, or the plaintiff-will apply to , .the court for the relief demanded tn said plaint. - - -' ' ' Thb 80th day of Au:. 1922. C. B. SHIPPER, Clerk of Superior Court, Brftx sk BritL Attys. for the Plaintiff. P841-4 Mon. OLD NEWS PAPERS FOB SAO AT THE ROBESONIAN OFFICE. A GOOD WOMAN PASSES Mrs. Rosa Paul Died Suddenly at Supper Table. Correspondence of The Robesonian. Saddletree, (Lumberton, R.- 2), Aug. 29. Our community was shock, ed on yesterday evening about 8 o'clock when one of bur oldest and much loved women, Mrs7 Rosa Paul, fell -dead while at the. supper table. Mrs.. Paul , waa in usual health one hour before death claimed her. The remains will be laid to rest in the family burying ground near the home tomorrow at 10 o'clock, v l x Una community has lost a good woman Mrs. Paul was a member at Barkers Methodist church. We extend our heartfelt sympathy to the family and to the loved ones. ' Her children are: Messrs. M. D., Henry," Bundy and John Ira Paul, Misses Ella, -Annie Dollie and Viola. These are all left to mourn their great loss. It is indeed hard to say good bye to ope so dear but what rejoicing there will be when we shall meet with Jesus and our loved ones where we shall never say that sad good bye. surface: roadway to C W. Lacy, for $147,466. ;, ; -; - ;, -sj-t ' THE LITERARY DIGEST POLL ' I By ' R.-.L. Davis V'l-- The questionnaire now being .sent out by the Literary Digest asking for a straw ballot on the matter of bonus for the soldiers and the modification of the Volstead act is : subject to much just criticism. There , can be no lawful modification of the Volstead act in contravention of the United States Constitution, and so to modi fy the Volstead act as to allow the sale of wine and beer would be to nullify the eighteenth ' amendment. -This is true because medical science and the courts-of our land, for fifty years past, have held that beer and wine are intoxicating liquors and the eighteenth amendment prohibits the manufacture and : sale of "intoxicat ing liquors" for beverage purposes. Because of this fact, thousands of people who favor the strict enforce ment of the Volstead act and oppose any nullifying modifications are pay ing no attention to the ballots. But the wets are turning theirs in and therefore the Literary Digest results are erroneous. However, there are many people who will overlook the fact that the results of the political primaries, which are to be relied up on, are proving that the great ma jority of citizens are not only against the beer and wine amendment but are against Congressmen, United States Senators, and Governors that declare themselves in favor of it. It would . be , fine, . however, if all . the drys Who receive the Literary Digest ballots would mark them and send them in. We have just received in formation that two and one-half mil. lion ballots are now being distributed among the women. CARDUI HELPED REGAIN STRENGTH Alabama Lady Was Side For Titrei Yean, Sniferinj Pain, NerroBj a4 DepressedReal Her Own Story of Recorerj Paint Rock, Ala.Mrs. 0, M, StegaH, of Bear here, recently: related tho fol lowing Interesting account of h:r re covery: "I was la a weakened con dition. I was sick three years in bed, suffering a great deal of pain,' weak, nervous, depressed. X was so weak, I couldn't walk across the floor; just bad to lay and zny little ones do the work. I was almost dead. I tried every thing I heard or, and a number of doctors. Still I didn't get any relief. I couldn't eat, and slept poorly. I believe if I hadn't heard of and taken Cardul I would have died. I bought six bottles, after a neighbor told me what It did for her. - "I began to eat and sleep, began to gain my strength, and am now well and strong, I haven't had any trou ble sines . . . I sura can tsstify to the good that Cardul did me. I dont think' thero Is a better tonlo mads and X ballero it aavad my life." ' For crer.48 yaars, thousands of wo men aara . used Cardul sriccsssrolly, In tha treatment of many. , womanly aQmants. --. lit yon suffer as these women dldt tako CarduL It mar. Help you, too. At aQ dnxebta. Si Before Baby: Comes THERE are thousands ot expectant mothers i who undergo much nseless suffering for months before, as well as at the moment when delivery occurs. These months of suffering, with nerves and vital organs weakened, leave .their effect upon the child. An eminent physician found the way to stop much of this unnecessary suffering the same easy way which thousands of mothers have used for three generations, 7" - Vr. Walter & Hadley. Bridgeport. Ini, aayst Beforo mr BtUo W came I wa so paralysed in my Up and Umba I could hardly walk, and eome day after little extra exertion I couldn't walk r step. I felt it eominc on this time; in fact, I eould hardly set np when I sat down, but now. after uilns on bottle of Mother" Friend. I am so much better. Z fed that I , almost owe my life to Mother' Friend.' ' . . . ev;- ;:.r,-;;- "Mother's Friend" la applied externally to the abdomen, bade and hip. It penetrate remarkably, permitting tha easier relaxation and distension of muscles, nerves, tissue and ligament, smd their constant oasier readjustment during expectancy and at child-birth. Hare no more fear or dread, mother I Start using "Mother's , Friend" bow tha sooner the better. , 'Mr.' C J. Eartman,' Scran ton. Pa says : 'With ray ink two children I had a doctor and a nun, and then they had to e instruments, but with my last two children I used Mother's Friend and had only nonet we had no time to get m doctor.' because I wasn't very elek only about tea or aftosn Hlmiteii .; t -1 $ i-Mw - y's;-. j) : rUother Friend'1' eontatn no naroatie or harmful drag. It I safe. For tbrae generations "Mother' Friand" ha relieved expectant mothers of much Useless suffering. Mother I you must avoid mere greases and aseJaea substitutes- Begin twins- "Mother's Friend today. .It is fold at drug stores tail wltara, ... . . . ' ' : : r . 1VKB BOOKXJCT ON MOTlXXBHOOD Don't. let falsa esoileate ems from tkU dutu to nemrmtlf. to vmtr ekttd and to veer home. B ail saeaae,' yea ahesjM Aa tmr ooinaole iUaatratecl oooe arac res, Send or year copy tsete to sfrs4SM jtepaiotor tjo BA.AX, Atlanta, Oa. Gt "MstAer frinf raa yew inggitt today. The First National Bach OP FAIBHONT, N. C. Capital $40,000.00 Resources Over One Quarter of a Million Dollars. Under the rigid supervision of the United States Government. Just moved into a new, modern, banking building which has fireproof vault, Burglar Proof Safes, and ample Burglar Insur ance to Protect Your Bonds and Money. Managed by men who have made a success in business. There is no safer place to deposit your money. Bring your tobacco checks to us and when you have money to deposit we will be glad to have you leave it "THE BANE WITH A MISSION" A. J. FLOYD, President. J. F. JOHNSON. Cashier. E. V. McDANIEL, V. Pres. MRS. C. D. BAKER, Asst. Cashier. J. W. BURNS, V. Pres. MISS HELEN H. WEST, AsstCashier T. LaJOHNSON, Attorney. An ad, inserted in The Robesonian Brings RESULTS. Try one. 6 U Read the Business Builders Robesonian. in The NOTICE OF ADMINISTRATION. Havins Qualified as administrator of O. W. Loeklear. deceased, tat of Bobeaon County, North Carolina, thb 1 to notify all person holding claims against tha estate of aaid de ceased to exhibit them ta the undersigned on or before tho 15th day of August. 192S. th erms uua notice wui do pieaeea as ear An Indebted to tha estate ef aaid will make tmmedmta payment to the iimlanavnedi K, H. TKUU Admralrtrator ef O. W. IjOCSXEAK, flsissien Johnson Johnson. - ' attorney tor tha Admlnbtrator. . ' . LET ME SAVE YOU MONEY - on your Dry Goods. Shoes. Groceries. Farm ing Implements9 Brick. Tobacco Barn Flues etc " ; ; . I. H. WARWICK, ORRUM, .' . NORTH CAROLINA The Robesonian is the best advertising medium in Robeson County. 1 '"" tsss.lawpa)MB HW9mMlllj.mMfmKHi . mLJIJLL J!L-1-L- LU, f I-i-M JBI GEO. L. GRANTHAM INSURANCE REAL ESTATE Fairmont, N. C. Call on or write us for information.5 , All business handled promptly.' .-. Best Companies Represented. . An ad. inserted in The ' Robfexonian Cxis ' RESULTS. w Try one. : THE BANK OF! PROCTORVILLE, ? . Proctorville,N.C.. We invite your account and guarantee prompt service. We pay 4 per cent, on time deposits compoundeil quarterly . ; MAKE THIS YOUR BANIC