THE E0BEC0NIA1T, LUMBE2T0IT, ROETZX CAROLINA, M02IDAY, SEPTEMBER 4 1922 PACE EEVE3 PROFESSIONAL CARDS Sl ADE-IN-CAROLINAS' EXPOSI TION IS RAPIDLY ASSUMING PRO PORTIONS OF COMPLETE WHOLE E. J. Brltt E t- Luther J. Britt o,-,.i0tt t. Pr.M- w.L.m . E. J. & L. J. BRITT I Host of Visitors. September 23 to HATTORNEYS AT LAW : I uir 7 . nrrvZ. t s RniLttnw.l ' unariotte. 5ett. Z. The Made-In LimWim Kwk riniiu. Pne. Caroliiui exposition which is to be tie Jn both State and Federal Courts. Jd.heTe September 25th to October rronpt attention tirea all business. , I , "v asouuimg propor- .I,. . 1 tions of a complete whole. The board mat alter a ions llines I the organization which will care for 1 lm a. t UZm C Ithe actual details of the undertaking. He IS able tO DC CI lUS Or- Wade H Willlama has been named rice again. general manager and with the co operation of Executive Secretary C. Patton will from this time forward I be actively in charge of the exposi tion s preliminaries. A steering com mittee consisting of President John L. Dabbs. Executive Secretary Pat- ton, Messrs. J. B. Elird and David Ovens, has been selected by the board to settle all matters of policy which may arise, to handle all small emergencies such as are inevitable on the eve of so large an undertaking and in general to act with the ful authority of the board from now un I til the final curtain falls on the ex I position on October 7th. . Col. T. U Kirkpatrick is organizing a reception committee which when complete ' will number one hundred or more: and will have charge of the entertainment of the Carolinas Ex position company's special guests and of the visitors who will attend from the surrounding territory on "special town" days. Col. Kirkpatrick , anno unces that the personnel of this com mittee has already been completed to such a degree, that he is assured of the active support of the very peo ple" he would select, were he given la free hand, unobstructed by previous engagements of an interfering kind. Within the last few days a number I of progressive exhibitors have given personal-inspection to their space in the building and framed preliminary T. A. MsNEILL. jr ,'.. BACKSTT, Sr I plans for the erection of .their re spective -booths- and- the placing of their exhibits. Among these have been A. B. Carter of Gastonia, J. B Pettibone of - Pinehursf, ' N. C re presenting Sweet Valley Products company, John M. Brown of Winston. Salem, representing Nissen Wagon company, Mrs. H. C. Duke of Green ville, S. C, and Karl Sherrill of Statesville Flour Mills, Statesville, N. C. ... The building itself is approaching readiness with a degree of rapidity that is most gratifying to the board of directors. The first ply of the roof is on and the floorings of both stories are receiving their finishing touches. General Manager Williams is au FERTELCARLYLE ATTORNEY , AT LAW -Notary Public Lot Office, Offices over Freeman Printing Caw Prompt attention given to all bust Bess.' 4 . ,. , , Dr. Maurice A. WadrJel) DENTIST ' Of fie. Second Floor Cotton Mill Of It. Building. Elm and Second. Bta. LUMBEBTDN.-N. C, DAVID H. FULLER Attorney at Law Second floor cotton mill office build ing. offices formerly occupied by Dr. Baker. , LUMBERTON, -H. C McNEILL? &CHAK1TF.TT Attor neTaAt-Law. , ; Woodberiy : Lennon ATTORNEY AT LAW : Lumberton, NJC. Offices ovfr Firsr National Bank. JUNIUS J G0QDWN ATTORNEY-AT-LAW.- t Offices Over Efird's Dept. Store. John G. Proctor ATTORNEY AT LAW Dffice next to Lumberton Motor Ca ; &ggs occttpi0d hJ thoriS ; r & x-Jadge T. A. McNeill. A. W. McLean , Dickson McLeai L. R, Varser HVE.- 8tae McLean, vabser, mclea ft STAC. . Attorneys, At iw, - . - n ,. o r.ys. LUMBERTON; . Ncth Carolina Z?""r'ZZ w-v I asW MAW V second Made-In-CarolinaB exposition is certain to open its doors ' under bright auspices and will be ready' on September 25th to welcome a host of visitors who will be given oppor tunity to learn more of the great W. B. I V EY Attorney and Counselor at Law. Office on Second Floor Freeman Building, West Fifth Street Lumberton, N. C. Stephen Mclntyre R. C. Lawrene James D. Proctor Robt. A. Mclntyr McINTYEE, LAWBENOE A PBOOTOB, Attorneys and Counsellors at Law LUMBERTON, N. C. Practice in State and Federal Court Prompt attention given to all business Thomas L. Johnson E. M. Johnsoi JOHNSON & JOHNSON Attorneys and Counsellors at La ! lTMDTV'mM XT n. ' Practlca in Stote and Fedwal Court was a visitor near here Sunday, DOWN ORRUM WAY Correspondence of The Robesonian. Orrum. Aug. 28. People are most through pulling fodder around here. Owing to so much rain folks have had a pretty, bad time saving their fodder this year. A series of meetings is being held at Orrum Baptist church this week Rev Mr. Alford Stephens is assisting the pastor, Rev. I. P. Hedgpeth Everybody is invited to come. Mr. E. F. Stone and daughter, Miss Clara, and Mrs. Jasper Walters at tended preaching at Oakton bunday. Miss Alyce Stephens of Evergreen attended preaching at Orrum Sunday morning. Mr. Roscoe Coleman Of Boardman Relief I s F ou nd From Stomach Trouble Hope "for the millions of unfortu nate men and women who are victims pf stomach trouble is sounded by W. T. Hornbarger, 56 Pine St, Clifton Forge, . Va. Mr. Hornbarger was a victim of stomach trouble in' ""Its worst form but was completely re stored, to ; health by taking. Tanlac He says: ?,,,,r y . . ; r -;: I have actually gained thirty-six pounds by taking Tanlac and I'm able to work regular now for the first time in four years. I don't believe there is a man. living who ever had stomach trouble worse than I did. I lived in dread of those spells all the time and life was : almost unbearable. I ; urn now in the best of health. Tanlac gets credit for it all." - ; Undigested food ferments" oa the stomach and soon the entire system is filled with poisons. Tanlac was de signed to restore the "stomach , to si healthy condition and build up the whole body. Millions everywhere have acclaimed its wonderful power. Get bottle today, r i - Tanlac is sold by all good drug gists. . . . ,". . him say it 'about Mr. Morgan of the Marietta -section, who has charge of the chain gang. , and not say it about me. However, after Mr. Newsy' reads this article he may say that instead of using my initials in the paper that he meant to hare made his criticicm about my1 father, K. H. Davis, who does guard at the chain gang. But,' evert if that had been his intention, as I see H thp man who chafiged ' the shackles on such an un trusty . i prisoner, whose past record had proven that he would flee at the first .chance, and placed. in tneir stead shackles that could be easily removed : at the. desire of the prisoner, is more worthy of blame than the guard who had nothing t6 do with such proceedings. J. W. DAVIS, Aug. 31. ' : ' ' ". TAR HEEL TOPICS Correspondence of The Robesonian. Tar Heel, Aug. 3k Wa are having some lovely weather after so much rain. Mr. W. T. Hall of Lumbertori spent a - short while here last Sunday. Mr. Marsn Powers of the Ten Mile section pissed through here one day last week, enroute to White Lake. Mr. W. J. Monroe went to Lumber- ton last Wednesday on business. Daughter," at the school house here last Tuesday night. A neat little sum was realized. -Mr. Donnie Mann was a Lumberton visitor one day last week. The Eethcar Sunday school went to White Lake last Tuesday, report an enjoyable trio. ' Glad to report ' Mrs. E. J. Mon roe improving. . Maxton aad Laariaburg Battle to 11 Inaing Tie..-". . . Maxton: Aug ' 3L In eleven hi dings of continuous excitement Laur Inburg and Maxton today fought un til night in a tie, 5 to 6. Maxton bunched hits off Curtis in the fifth knocked him out and scored 5 runs. Laurinburg scored one in their half of the fifth and two in the sixth, when Beard was retired. In the ninth a com bination of hits and ; errors gave Laurinburg two more runs and a tie The game abounded in thrilling plays and close decisions. Maxton pulled two fast doubles and barely missed a triple. Hughes though mak ing the error that allowed Laurinburg to tie. Played fast ball on snort. Ar- nette made two remarkable catches. Laurinburg got the first man up on in eighth inning. The interest is getting ? more in tense and harder to stay pleasant. This makes the series stand Maxton won three Laurinburg two, one tied The score: ; Maxton i.... 5 Laurinburg . . .6 Batteries: Beard, Bryson, Bonner; Curtis, Allen, Shore, Mattox. Um pires: Haynes and Holland. SALE OF PROPERTY FOR UNPAID TAXES FOR THE YEAR 1921 The Oewfar real estata wffl be sold at the Court House door on fr tt-vtViS.11 1.m. for town te. remaining pU A. R. Prevatte Estate F. M. Barnes : O. M. Britt R. O. Edmonds Mrs. Flora Flowers M. H. Israel D. M. Pridgen -S. F. Reeves ."' A. R.Towneend . Will Faulk " " Robert French Jerry Houston Harllee Johnson Charles McLaurin Adeline McLaurin We3!cy M:Neill Lula Wilson f 8-31-4 Thursdays. 1 lot 2 lots 1 lot ' 1 lot 1 lot I Jt - . , 1 lot , - . ; ' 1 lot . . i ; i lor,, f " -I - . v 1 lot riot t - i lot: ' , v 1 lot ' 1 lot 1 lot, 1 lot I lot ; . J.P.RUSSELL, $ 6X6 ' 17X0 62.78, 3LM , Jbi - 232 6JS 79XS " 1J0 tM 'tis 129 . Clerk and Treasurer. ,? MOBTGAGE SALE OF LAND - - - i.u- iV v P. . ( Under nd by vfeto of th power and thority conferred in ft certain mortr-deed from A. A. WrisM aad wife" to A. B, Perry, which huto-ament ti reetered bi Book No. 18 at pare lit i nthe office of the Becfatec of Deed of Bobeaon CH1W (defauH bavins bees Bad in ttie payment ef the oblicatkma aeeared thereunder) the aa- dersisned. morUracM will oiler for aaie on Thnraday Sent. 14tb 19tZ. at it O'eloeh -BOOO, at the court bona door in the Towa of lum berton. N. C, at pnblfo auction, to th hlsrb- att bidder for eaib the loilowina-, oeaenooa land and premise, to-wH t ' - - : t In Parkton Townibip, adjohtinS the land of J K. Carrie, M. 3. Johnton wtat aad ether, beginning at a (take by warn potateai In tfte fvn of Dunn 'a Harsh and ran south 75 west 9.17 chain to a stake at the bead of a small ditcb In the lleKl ; tnene sou in east 10.87 chain to a stake in the outside line of Curries tract; thence as that lis north 70 east 6.58 chain to a stake near Dunn' Marsh: thence north I chains west 4 chain to a stake with hickory, oak and dogwood pointers; thence east 2.8 chain to a (take and gum pointer in the ran of said Mash; thenee op the various course of the run of said marsh to the beginning, eontaIn!r.3 8.62 acre, and bc'rg the same conveyed to A. A. Wright by .J K. Corrie and other. by deed registered fat Book 5-W, page 490. ornee ol tha Keg later or ueea oi nooeson County. We are glad to say Mrs. Y. V. T"1" re-i of the property, th bid Tolaris improving. - ; v Mvmg oeen raiseo. The Zions Tabernacle - Sunday Johnson A Johnson. Mortgage. School give a play, "Dot the Miner's - Attorneys for the Mortgagees. S-4-8 Moo. Notary Public in Office. Offices ovai First National Bank. - GOOD MEAT ! Messrs. Hoyt and Maurice McRae, Lacy Stone, and Lamar Walters at tended B. Y. P.. U. here Sunday. Mr Elbert Scott attended preach ing at Bethesda Saturday , night. Aunt Becky, your letters are al ways interesting, wish you would write often. Mr. and Mrs. Sim Hatcher, Master Luther Norton and Mr. Evander That's the kind we fell. See us for Beef, all kinds Pork, Ban- m0-a. Liver, eta. Highest market prices paid fol Grooms of Wagram spent the week good beef cattle. - end with Mr. and Mrs J. H. Israel. 6 , ' Mr. and Mrs. J. P. Prevatt visited A. H. HINDS' 1MET s:d Mr p,t8 BMtmm Sa" Phone 53. Lumberton, If. O. I afternoon with Miss Allie Neill. Wit hbest wishes to The Robeson- m ' . , . -II ian auu lis many leaueta Keal estate Loans I am in position to handle appli cations for long tbat) loans on las. proved farm lands - In r Robeson, Scotland and Hoke Counties hi amounta of $4400.00 and abar. Interest Rate S 1-2 per cent A. T. MeLEAN, Lumbertoa. N. C - , . f TLZ ft -WjC tw ,J jiarl KRPETUATal the sacred memoties of those of jmt loved eaas who have passed by the erection of an endur ing MEMORIAL. Let as assist ye In th choodng of an appropriate de. Lucberton Uarole Works, A iJ.1L Hoyi, lwprletar Cast SsMd IrVBbertea, If. ft Elzie Hill's Escape J. W. Davis Not Resnonsible. To the Editor of The Robesonian. I. the undersiened. am disgusted with the article which was published in Tuesday's, Robesonian concerning the escape of Elzie Hill from the chain There is no doubt but what the very fellow who furnished to The" Robesonian the news wnicn blamed me for the escape of Hill, knew that I had not worked a day at the chain gang in almost three weeks. Then, if he was not aware of that. fiustHlt thinkwit :would, be i well for rhinl or' anybody Who wishes to writ a or reoort anything to The Robe- UoBiat tO-iild Jhj JtoJgUe:long enough to get the facts involved tnerein. i have , not had anything to do fwith the'pTisoneTS"of the thahr gang-since last April, when I gave up my job of working the prisoners and began looking after the county's males and their worlron the roa Then on Aug. 14th I gave that job to the other man, and since that time I have had nothing ; whatsoever to do with the chain gang or the "gang" as it was expressed. , Sure enough, Hill did remove his shackles and flee, but I would like to impress the readers of The Robe sonian of the fact that when I was responsible for-Elzie Hill the 'wore shackles with rings which were ' too small to be pulled off over his feet. Maw "if amv mail fiaa nvthino to sav .about the escape of this prisoner let FREE I RED PEmiuiinnis m fforsfbrab F;Ti '"V-i't r.JvC Marble Floor Finidb; WIWcarjWcarl tut it ntver touches iht wood CDOWDWa heekk 'toddntr 'loaa. - A sod kanfinf future lags MW rsswh the Abm ef a floor vamahed wtt Dsvm atarU kur pfetUk la Amp rich glow adds basury to . the room,. la tsTWoihiwM malus Cataranc aaay. Ita lovghnsss keep dust and garaa out ef the pons ol the wood. - What a great help to good home. ' luepsatatoorihawuDavos Marble Fkws PinWi Varnah. .Estremabj durable., Easy to appb. . . Davos Products art time-usad and proabKcadbyUMlUraM'exparb afKofthOkleaipmaTJaKtMririg concatn to the U.S. Founded I7H MeALUSTEBDwV CoT iMbertasj, H, Q. TOWNSIND BDWB. CO, Bewlaad. W. C SELF-RAISIIIGv BREAD PREPARATION A lie fiucai, uiupu wuuicsviuc) kvuvuik eal and satisfactory self-raising flour is made by mixing Horsford's with your favorite flour. You also save money by exchanging the Red Labels on each package for valuable FREE PREMIUMS. ' Partial List ofPraaiam Glra Fr for Red Labels from Horsford's packages! Solid Gold Wedding Rings Silverware, quality guaranteed Kaes Heavy Gold FUled Jewelry Linens Curtaina Toilet Artielea Vanity Cases Silk Hose Fast Home Dyes - Hand Bags Child's Books Wrist Watches Purses Hot Water Bottles School Sets - n i a, CDt7t7 For free book of prizes, writes ITlCe LlSt I tUCt Romford Chemical Work, , ProTidenee, R. L FOUNDED 1838 " CHARTERED TS lUSt, TRINITY COLLEGE ' r , - z i DURHAM, N. CV --i.-;;; i r : A Collesre of liberal arts "wtth k .Mi.kt ..u..i i, ... . . - Htf Jf' "n.li5? '"H,-of w.H trained and earefally LTuJn. Btodeiit fa low. CofortabJv ineipwurr. room ta aarafnOy nvJkhnLTS: For eatalotue and ulostrated booklet, address. R. L. FLOWERS, Seeretarr to the CorporatJoo. KESSt as II hi CLOVER SEED, ALFALFA SEED ter Bye, Seed Oato, Seed Wheat, Seed Barley, Vege- ' tahle Seed, Flowering Bnlbg, Tnmlp Seed, Onion Sets. Vetches, Grasses, Bape, Abbrozia Bye, Common Win- These seed should be planted freely. Others who are growing these crops are prospering, are you? Write us for our complete price list covering all seeds most suitable for soli , and climatic conditions in the south. A. B. KIRBY SEED COMPANY , GAFFNET, S, C USE OUR SPECIAL DIXIE & BIG 5 TABLETS, THE BEST 5c TABLET ON THE MARKET FOB SCHOOL WORK. We hare them in both wide and narrow. Also a bog assort ment, (mpositioi booljis, Pencils, Crayons Pens and Ink. II ELM. LUMBERTON, N. C. NOTICE TO DEFENDANTS North Carolina, Bobeson County. In th Superior Court J. B. Maynor, et al,, Ladjr Lowrie and ho, hand. Bob Lowrie, Bos Oxendine, NeUl Foster Maynor, et at Th defendanto Bos Oxendine, ' Neill Foster Maynor and Bert Maynor will tak notice that an act km entitled as above ha been commenced in the Superior Court ef Eobeson County, North Carolina, to sell for partition all that certain tract of land situated in Burnt Ssjanip Township, said county, adjoining th lands of Jim Dial on th north. Laurie Ox endine on the south, and the estate land of John Humphrey on the east, containing- on hundred (100) acres, more or leas, and beins th lands formerly belonging to William May nor, deceased, the said Bos Oxendine and Neill Foster Maynor being heir at law of William Maynor. and therefor interested in th aforesaid lands, and th said defendants. Boa Oxendine and Neill Foster Maynor, and any other person or person, heir at law of William Maynor deceased, o'r any other per sons whatsoever claiming any right, title or interest in the a bore aaentioned lands, be and they ar hereby required to appear at th off ie of th Clerk of the Superior Court of Bobeson County on th 28 th day ef Septem ber, 122, ta answer th complaint filed in this action in taw offie f th Clerk of the Superior Court, and art them tak notice that if they fall to answer the said socaplaiat, th plaintiffs will pray th court for relief de manded fa th complaint. Herein fail not. aad of this summons make due return. Green under my band, aad seal of said court, thai SCtk day of August, 1922. c. b. suppes. Clark Superior Court. MaLeaa, Vareer, McLean Stacy. At&v. for pnunttzz. TBUSTETS SALE OF LAND V Under and by virtu of th power and au thority contained in a certain dead ef tract to T. I Johnson. Trustee, duly registered hi Book M, at peg SO, in the affle of th Register of Deed of Robeson County (default baring . been made in the payment of th notes secured thereby) the undersigned Trus tee will ou Saturday the 23rd. day of Sep tember 1922, at 12 e'eloek Noon.-at th eourt boos door in the Town of Lumberton. N C offer for sale, at public auction, to the highest bidder for cash, the following described mad and premise, to-wit: Four lota or parcels of land adjoining each other and located in St. Paul Township, in th Towa ef St. Paula. N. C. described more particularly as follow : Being all of lots Nos. 2. S. t and 9 in Block No. It shown by steoad survey oi F. r Wetmore. C. E.. of th Town of St. Psuta, M. C which surrey recorded in th affll b'uKV of D ' Rob-on County l?k ot Maps No. 1. at p... 19. aT bZ ,tnm whU aouveyed to Paul Wellington by Melanis a Undsar Co. ne-' by deed dated th 2Cth day of April . 1910, and registered in th off lea ef th Regu ter of Deed of Robeson County in Book -Z, pag 171 and being th same land convey ed by Paul Wellington and wife fc W. M. Johnson by deed registered in Book a-X, pag 135. office of th Register of Deeds of Bosw on County, and conveyed by W M. Johnson and wife. Nellie Johnson, to J. W. Peel, by deed dated th 17th day of Jury. 1920, and recorded in Robeson County Registry ta Book 7-D, pag 154 of Deeds In said Registry. This th 23rd. day of August, 1922. T. L. JOHNSON. Johnson A Johnson, Trustee). Attorney. S-2&-4 Moo. TRUSTEE'S 8 ALE OF VALUABLE FARM LAND Under and by virtue of th power of sale contained in a certain deed of trust executed by J. W. Peel on October 22nd, 1919. and , duly registered fat th offk of th Register of Paces of Robeaon County North Carolina. In Book No. 45 peg 54. default having been made in the payment ef certain not s staled, tbereby aad the bolder ef said notes having , demanded a sale ef th mad to satisfy said notes, th undersigned, trustee will eat Mes day, October 2nd. 1922. same being th Fret Monday in said month, offer for sale at public auction, to th highest bidder for cash, at th hour of 12 o'clock, noon at th courthouse door ta Loadterton. North Care Una the following described lands te-ertt: All that tract or parcel of land situate ly ing aad being in th County f Roaesoo, State of N. C . near the Town e Parktact ou th west aid. of th Stat highway asaeV iag from FayctteviU to St. Paula. N. C, formerly owned by Farmer Trading Con. pany. plat of which is ea record hi Bobse County, N. O. in th erBce ef the Rogtotar of Deeds in Plat Book No. S pag Tl to which said plat reference kj mado for a more accurate deseriptioa. containing 84 14 acres, more or less. Sam being lot No. X on said pbt. - . - - - v: Th above tract of land eoutalna 45 acre of cleared mad ta a high state of cultivation, hi well located fa a good community aad soar siderod on of the finest small farms in that community. .'J - -.p: Thai August 20th, 192X - - . ? B. P. SANDAXJN. ' 8-11-4 Thurs. . Trusteew 1 ' 'i f. Watch your label. All snbserift tions aro stopped whtn they eip-iJ -Send In your renewal In thus u avoid missing copy- - - -

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