the noszcoiriAiT. LxnzzzzTcn, rc-xn CAhoLnrA, iionday, cept. u,' 1222 PAGE EXGIX3 WILL BEGIN RECEIVING COTTON ON STORAGE AT THE IhoMsey'Liiflinnilbe "W, ON MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 1 1th THE FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF LUMBERTON is prepared to advance Fifty Dollars per bale, on this cotton immediately. Bring us your receipts and (jetyour money without cost to you at once. Big. jBameir; Ware HOME OIM6 TO AIO HOME MAROUP SMITMIAfS VJWLO LOSE his votce BY AUTOCASTERd County Bills Paid The following fcills wer ordered paid at the regular monthly meeting of the county commissioners last Monday: C. B. Townsend, expenses to State association of Co. Com. at Chapel Hill $25; State Board of Health, coun ty health work (contract) $250; John W. Ward, chairman, salary for 3 months, $50; C B. Townsend, Bory MeNair, J. G. Hughes, W. J. Council, commissioners, salary for three months, $37.50 each; John S. Butler, recorder St Pauls district, salary, $50; J. N. Bui.e, recor der Red Springs district, salary, $50; R. M. Williams, recorder Maxton dis trict, salary, $65; D. W. Bullock, re corder Rowland district, salary, $50; A. E. Floyd, recorder Fairmont dis trict, salary, $60; D. H. Fuller, recorder Lumber-ton district, sal ary, $75.00; J. T. McRainey, W. A. Smith, W. W. Smith, J. H. Carper, D. C. Ratley, A. R. Pittman, rural po lice, salary, $100 each; Miss Flax An drews home demonstration work, $70.83; O. O. Dukes, farm demonstra tion work, $125; Miss Elizabeth Frye, county welfare work, $100; Miss Leila Edwards, county health work, $90; Miss Lelia Cottle, stno. work for home and farm agents, $50; John W. Ward, expenses to State Asso. of Co. Com. at Chapel Hill $15; Miss Flax An drews, for phone rent, $3.58; L. H. Caldwell, supplies for county home, $21.50; A. V. G. Wishart, auditor, sal ary, $216.Cr, help on tax books, $163, starhps and phone expenses $8.33; Mc Allister Hardware Co., supplies for eounty, $26.10; J. T. McRainey, ex penses conveying prisoner from Vir ginia, $35; W. W. Smith, capturing 3 whiskey stills and men, $70, feeding prisoners, $1.80; J. H. Carper, " con veying prisoner from South Carolina, $9; D. C. Ratley, insolvent court cost; $3.90; capturing whiskey still $10; A. R. Pittman, capturing one whiskey still, $10, insolvent court cost, $19.10; John D. Canady, attorney St. Pauls recorder insolvent court cost, $6; V. H. Taylor, attornev Fairmont m-nnl. er insolvent court cost, $7.50; W. B.' Ivey, attorney Lumberton recorder! insolvent court cost, $22; A. H. Pre-j Fffl Prices are as good9 if not . a little better than at ious for lobacco. " I hevwill remain LUMBERTON C H. WMJ jvatt, capturing 1 whiskey still, $20; Burroughs Adding Machine Co., bal ance due on account, $70.80; Francis Gilchrist, conveying Hattie McCall to asylum, $11.46; W. M. Lindsay, in solvent court cost, $6.25; H. C. Free man, repair work in court house and jail, $12; Geo. Allen, wood for jail, $3; John A. Jones, janitor, salary, $60; C. B. Townsend, expenses to county home, 50c; Town of Lumber ton, water and lights for county, $52 87; K. M. Biggs, supplies for county, $6.25: Dix Hill State Hospital, exp. conveying Edgar Jackson, $17.33, exp. conveying Mrs. L. Jones. $28.89: State Hospital, uoWsboro, indigent pupils, $19.75; W. B. Parnell, burial expen ses of Wm. Parnell (pensioner) $15; n. . store Co., supplies for county, su.03; seth Thomas Clock Co., sup plies for court house clock, $25.11; Whitfield & French, supplies for jail, $6; John F. French & Co., supplies for county home, $16; Edwards & Broughton, supplies for county, $372.93; Q. T. Williams, fire insur ance on jail, $252.40; North State Drug Co., drugs for county, $5.30; Barkers pharmacy, drugs for county, $3.50; A. H. Prevatt, jailor, salary, $100, feeding prisoners $141; W. R. Ivey, salary and expenses keeping county home, $246; A. Weinstein, supplies for county home, $6.03; Mal colm McQueen, conveying crazy wo man t0 jail, $4; Stephens & Barnes, suDplies for county home, $27.50; Efirds Department Store, supplies for county home, $3.45; Herod Allen, wood for eounty home, $10; Joe Ty ner, wood for county homje, $6; W. J. Faircloth, wood for jail, $18; E. R. Hardin, coroners inquest over Docia McBryde, $6.80; G. T. Fisher, C F. Caudell, J. D. McCormick, W. R. Ivey, L. T. Britt, C. C Harrington, jurors in inquest, $2 each; Dr. E. H. Wells, tuberculosis work for county, $179.21; a B. Skipper, '.C; S. C, salary for August, $250, clerk hire, $125, salary as juvenile judge, $50, stamps and phone expenses,. $11.03 ; R. E. Lewis, sheriff, salary for August, $250; clerk hire, $125, stamps and phone ex penses $29.76, conveying D. Stephens to asylum $15; M. W. Floyd, Reg. deeds, salary for August, $250, clerk hire, $175, stamps and phone expen ses, $16.08;. Grantham Bros, drugs MARKET and you i .V . J "f" K'.MC II ... L UlAC lVUBnil ' a I hTO KNOW I THh If I- AMY X .. "h S' ;V IKvy 1 C d - D C C rW V Cfl 3 r ..- ' V .'r3Vv lifJH l:,ri:"T-SX7.7,,!"J'J.'- 1 . cEt vMLLI - JKOVV .sons without DAY, The lumber!) TAYLOR, President LUMBERTON, N. C. 4 for county $11.50. Tax Rebates Allowed. ' The Williams Co., Maxton ? town ship on $19,000 property, $133; Caro lina Townsend, Maxton townsh, on $1,000 property,1 $7; D. W. Townsend Maxton township, on $1,000 property $7; James Dial, Sr., Smiths township, on $1,865 property, $13.05. C COMMISSIONER'S SALE OF (LAND Under and by vfrtow ot th power and au thoritjr conferred in an order of tale; of the Superior Court of Robeson County - In a Special Proeeedbie; entitled Mr. Dicic Black, well ra. Vane HcGee at ala", the undersign ed eommiuionrr will on Monday tha fitfc 4.. of October, 1922. at 12 o'clock noon, .ai the eourt house door in the Town of Lumberton, . w., oner mr saw at yuDiie auction,. -a the highest bidder for cash, the following", landa and premises, to-wit: .-, .. In Saddletree Township, 4tobeoa Couaty, f C. .- i. -. j 1st Tract: Befcig a part ef a IS aersor. ey, known as lot No. 1. as" laid dtfsttftby will of '.William McNeill: Beginning at atak In the middle of the lower line of the S5S acre survey, and run as said surrey ; north S west t.75 chains to a stake bT a pine near the edge of the Davb Una-: thence aorta T. west 7.5 chains to. a stake opposite the Moeeasion drain : thence to and with ths said drain to the run of Saddle Tree; thencedown the run of the same until a linerunnangdoe east 'will direct to the beginning, containing 87 1-2 acres, and being the same lands; con veyed in a deed from Eli Skipper and wife, to James W, McNeill by deed dated' Sep tember 24th, 1895, and recorded in v Book S-V. page CM office ot the Register of Deeds of Robeson County. 4 -2nd Tracts In Saddle Tree Township." On the east side of Raft Swamp and joining the lands of Archie McNeill heirs of Hattie Skipper and J. W. McNeill. Beginning at a stake on Arch McNeill's lower fence line about 5 chains southwest of St. Pauls road and runs north (7 degrees east t chains and SO links to a stake by two small oaks fat the division line of Arch and J.WJfeNefll: thence as that line north 26 degree west 6 chains and M links to said Skipper's corner; thence south C7 degrees west 1 chain and 60 link to a stake: thence direct to the beginning. containing one and one-fourteenth acres,' and being the same lands conveyed by Arch Mc Neill and wife, to J. W. McNeill. . by deed dated the 20th day of May, 1901. , , This the 8th day of Sept. 1922. E. M. JOHNSON, j. : Johnson A Johnson, Commissioner. Attorneys. 9-11-4 Mon. RESOLUTIONS OF RESPECT Mrs. Eliza Faller Whereas, after a long and useful life, tt has pleased our loving heavenly Father to re move from labor to rest aur beloved mother in Israel, Mrs. Eliza Fuller, who en July 9th, 1922. In the hush of the holy Sabbath's even ing calm suddenly and sweetly fell asleep la Jesus. ' , Therefore be It -resolved: First, That in the- death of Grandma Ful ler the Woman's Missionary Society of until the will the highwt I! at. - Dim Tobacc Mmket Wffl- SEPTEM1SEE- 1S? W22 I sGDOGDa Chestnut Street Church loses not only its best-loved member, one who in the days of her strength devoted much of her thought and time to the society's usefulness and who up to the hour of her lamented 'death was deeply interested in all its . activities. Second, That we shall miss not only her sunny presence and sweet companionship, but the inspiration of her great faith, for she walked and talked with God in the confidence of a little child, and to the end nourished her soul upon the eternal varieties of the Divine Word as interpreted to her by the great Wesley and the Holy Spirit Third, That we extend to her stricken lov ed ones our. tender est sympathy, and pray that the consolation of the grace of God may be theirs in this time of grief and loneliness. Fourth, That a copy of these resolutions be spread, on the minutes of our society, copy sent to the bereaved family a copy sent to The Robetonlan and the North Caro lina Christian Advocate for publication. ---1 MRS. K. M. BARNES. , .- MRS.' J. A. 8HARPE, ' COMMISSIONER'S SALE OF LANH Under and by virtue of the power and au thority conferred in an Arder of sale of the superior uourt o jBooeson .bounty In a Special Proceeding entitled , "Ora Faulk et a! vs. Rosa Lewis et al", the commissioner will on Monday the 9th day of October, 1922, at is . o'clock noon at the eourt house door in the' Town of Lumberton, N. C,, offer for sale at public auction, to the highest bidder for cash, the following described lands and premise, to-wit. No. .1. In Fairmont Township. Robeson County, bounded and described as follows: Being 40 x 174 of lot No. 2 and all of lot No. S in Block No. S m the Town ef Fairmont, N. C, as per map made by J .R; Edmund, C. E., and recorded at page 490 in Book of Maps No 5. - . " - Beginning at a stake In the east edge of Pittman street, A. L. Grims ley's corner and runs as Pittman's street south 27.19 west 90 ft. to the corner of let No. 4 : thence with the lines of lots S and 4 south 60.4S east 174 ft. to a stake in the school house property; thene, norm xi.iy east vw n, to a staae. a. u. Orimsleys corner; thence with the line of A. L. Grimsley north 60.4S east 174 ft. to the beginning comer in the east edge of Pittman street, this being the same land conveyed by J. P. Brown and wife to the parties of the first Part Sept. 14th, 1922. as will appear by reference to page 282 In Book of Deeds 0-E, in the office of the Register of Deeds of Robeson County, N. C, Ten feet by 174 of the northern edge ef lot No. 2 was sold to A. L. Grimsley. No. 2 Also one tract of swamp (and all high vacant land .bought by me of Neill Me Mtllan agent) bought of N. Shaw in Ash pole Swamp4 from White House Ford to Bul lock's Ford to high water mark containing 1877 acres, more or less. r v This the 8th day of Sept 1922. r v- E. M, JOHNSON, Johnson ft Johnson, . . : Commissioner. Attorneys for Petitioners. ' 9-11-4 Mon. Mrs. E. E. Page went Saturday to Wilmington, where ; she will spend some time visiting-relatives. Mil r rr j? . ?. any tirnethis eeon. jthe buyers are, atul here and areai H ! 11 mark6t-aote3 10. oring your looaccp on 10 nc m k T. LEONARD CHEEK, ( - J Mr. ' A. lLawson of ,Orrum was Lumberton visitor Saturday. - a xxi 1121 : - We are pleased to offer our assistance to the members of The N. 0. Cotton Growers Oo-Operative Association In connec tion with seenrin; the initial 'advance on their cotton when de livered to Us'AsjtMlim ) t For the time being: a flat advance of $90 per bale will be made. WE ABE HEEE TO SEE VE YOTJ. q . v - W. m , M National Baiilfcf lumberton EES0UECE3 OVEE $100,0003 :-?'" Y:-: ''"' UNDEB V, & GOVEENUEHTSITPEBVISIOCT A. W. McLEAN, President II a( iMrTj ;VV Glover of j among the visitors in to Marietta was town Saturday. Stf WILL 4 ....... ... ,. . ... .i ". : '' ' ASSIST f XI. 7. COBB, Cashier . . , ta . I--: 11 I!