t I " - - . .. I y - i 1 1 "erirn Demo h r?re Ke- I J I 'I'iii'"',- V'Vi afEl rctical!y All the 210 Wlte Public 1 a Cr!t Irkf Dcmocra. Tehm.f Attend, t:.- i.rty ia -late and Nation. . : Mt f vchers Association Sur-t Poole Has Favorable lie- Prepares for- Duller .News Semce J.o.crs xdtcr Hardware Siore l'arcr.t-Tcachi-r Association Vill Have Laza;n Death of Virjjir.Ij OJom A Variety of Other Items. U i i I 'Ttcple vote3 for a change ""two .is B";o K.nd tLey got it" declared .1. , falter Ilarphy, of Salisbury, ........ it.. i ..!.".. 1. ft. . ,1 . I W . ..i -j- l. ..a j.ouub oj. mo, ocaiei speakers. isiature m, an eloquent address which he held ep 'the flag of I Practically all the 240 white school ports of Work Being P;.ie Tells Teachers People Are raying More for t-criools and Expect ilore Miss Ful -"hast of State Board Amonz crucy at the .court house here J teachers in Robeson , county attended . . .j -.vw.u iuu ovcaici ic- nits iixau meeting jor mis scnooi year - the record of the Democratic of the - Robeson County Teachers as- , Loth in tate- and nation, sociatfon, held ,in the' high school i..z it v.ith the. record, t the auditorium here Saturday. The meet- .n party, ut. i. u Johnson, ins, was c-ened at 11:1s . m. wit . . . ,.n' of the county Democratic prayer offered by Rev.' E. L.' Parker. l.v-e committee, presided and the This was. followed by three delight- :r v. as fittingly introduced ty ful solos rendered by lira :U,R. Var. : r. II. E. Stacy of the local bar. . v ser.. ' ' . o tf "'."Zing his introduction Mr. Prof. J. R. Poole, county auperin cy declared that the speaker had tendent of schools, presided at the tccn sent to .Kooeson county to i meeting, lie informed the teachers ctavcrt political sinners; but rather that the criticism he had heard of ; w vTifc mC saints vi , jeuiucmcjr. ineir wore uus year wa3 xavorable. "TLa folks are so disgusted with the "The people are paying 'more for , Republican administration that I ven- schools and expect more than here ture to say that Wade .Kinlaw will tofore". he said. Ha vi ---v v..wvuviv mv vuia ;cai),iaku;iii vu giTo tueir very oesc ser- i cuiumuuu. ivir 'oiacy reierrea tojvice. .- - ; , corse-" . - State "Teachers assembly was re-or- Difference Between Parties . ganized with Supt. Poole as president In beginning his most eloquent and and Miss Vivian McNeill of Lumber ' convincing address.' Mr.' Murphy said ton secretary-treasurer, both beinir ui. uu uvm o.uio.4 ojr mere was noi'v-ejecieu wimouc opposition. The i -icrence ueiween a democrat and a county schools were divided into four ' Ienublican. This, hf nirf ia -fnlcolf-ppn rii'fforant mniffl. At id.j, adding that there is as muchjcle work. These circles will hold at uun-ituic in me iJiiucipies qi me iwoiasi. nve meetings during-the school - parties as there is in light and dark-fyear. . . i ?,, - "v. i.uim mo : iiuhjikb , oa i iiia ousat r uignum, a ciemoer of - i-mocracy as sianaing ior tne Dest tne state board of examiners, 'outlined . ir.torest of the masses, and those.. of the beat-known' plans for this work, the Republican partv as tandina for I She advispd that classes. VI have a contempt fof- the county study some book or subject - man who does not k&ow why he is relating to school work. . - a Democrat or a ; Republican", the Short talks on "Problems Pve Met - . epcaker continued.- . in. My School" were . made by. Prof. 1 . .. raLs to the Trust ." . T. 5L Tmoiih inur;ntjn .u. Jvc rayir.T his respects to' the pre-j St. Paula schools. Prof. C. L.' Green -r,t Re-uLIican administration, the superin tendent of the Maxton schools! Cy Dcsa G. Johnson St, Taula, Oct.' 27thv-Cool snappy moining and r.igats, . ojcia-ly pleasant weather. New$ha3pkked cp a bit since the rainy weaiher . subbidd. Soon we shall have a phone installed (our order being already in), then we shall give residence number and if - Rand 5!eK-.ler lleet TcninrroMr NI-! ',?,--.. ....... . .. . o.-. i tHiva ior i iicr I'me Concert IhursJiy Lrer.i.12 of This Week A Death aai . Other items or Interest. Cy C. D. V,"i"!2r:soa Parkton, Oct. 23. We were trreatlv s-urprisea to .Know that th v.t known firm of Colb and rarncll has advertised a sale at tLeir store, cinr VUk Oi, UUSlilfSS. ., . . . The Cape Fear fair is over for this season. . The people of this section we Khali r)Trpi-ifi. and if ioH . I ijr-T. :..".' . i,..v. -i.1" wco wnson, trained nurse -ni -"'r01 C'lu C01 04 yettevi:ie, car.e djwn yesterday only will help us but will be to your, to be with feer vzlv 13. J P Watt interest, as well as to The Robesonian'uk I. JXrZ n $' att3' i.-., :t t i. . . . " mini 'i u la jrour own iiume news or one "Small Item," please rememlcr that that is What we want and that s, ?ra.er said for some rpunnn nn .lanH HTr T M . JnKnonW -;:t kr.on the people decided two years I the Baltimore school, near Fairmont. i tv2t thev-wanted a chanero Tfcotr I .. ..... AHAnl9tiM nA . All ths mec;L-:rs cf tLa rt-Lton Daad are recitai to ceet tt the kw .i. uat over a. jfViiB-iss store Tues.yr' .t the particulars and we shall do the at 7:.lo ts-rf w m i '-,1, "i ' '"' ' . . p- v.n.,us mi iiiccu wiiU ijjB tana. Robbers Enter Hardware Stow Messrs. J C. Culbreth and E. B McLachern hardware store was Dfln-vt tnVv . " yesieroay over. on the east side of Vw u tMvii were ounu cape tear river. They succeeded in missing" next a. m. It seems that they baggif Bome sqTjim4 R covey of ing the bars Toff. The doorV whic'hs That alP ' ' d0Wn the "Wamp' &SeA ,S"nt' N arrests so :.C?tt0 o flush on the local mj.. . - maj-Ket tnis week. Farmers are hold- Baiaar and Oyster Supper. v big off for better prices, but this is At a meeting of the Parent-Teach- fair week and not much doinjr era," association Monday afternoon a Among those who attended the bazaar and oyster supper was., pro- Shrine banquet at Fairmont last Wed posed by ..Mrs. L. L McGoogan, who nesday evening were Dr. and Mrs J w w v. -u xi.B. vuiu-jo. urrie, Ain and - Mrs.- P B. Mc ir.lttoo Tliia tuna AantrtaA i V ;a f. i.i. ... ' .... 1 W 'al market toy at 23 1-2 ce-t tcry at Carolina pqun.; ,trict cm; Impetus Chen at Canquet to Plan tc ItCIH3 cf LcCal U Honor Memory of Late A.." J.. Mc ' Kianon ahj J. W, Carter by Eree- Born, thia mornlr.; to Mr. an! , uon ci r,ew iJuilJing at College ar"" " "vett, a -pocnd son. i.axton Social and Personal Items. I CorresponJence of The RobcsoiiLan. ' Laxton, Oct. 25. As a society cen- I: i V-eb8t.!' tmn -Joha Knox and Jul;an Price. Liueiue has Leea issued fr tl; rwiir-V0.1" "'y LcffSett an! Two affairs of imDorfn 4n MO unrham D. Sealey, is getting into the social whirl with Wr. I. L. Britt entere ! the Pitt- a vengance. - - . mua eorpiai, fayc tteville, Friday f.Jf The Mother's Qub gave u Hallo- ,perion-- "9 pro.uLI ween party Friday night to the school Qn8?r S?. - children of twelve years of.a-e ar.J . al'' ts' t,tilf'cU u ctl-t a tae s.:.oci autcrsum, tut .", . ' Tf' J R3 lar.:;. tart? rart wa hr!.? rf.l4j i-v..th new residence w.'. cf tie Lu:w:i:. nvhirh v i co":.-"-?v ; ' , wiLh the usual Ealio-tvrf;;'?. J I""1 ff'cl over. Part of tha uro-ram i? -room fcrick res rieu out 1 the main in the hall been decorated bats, owls, and. everythinsr ' whi.h r 'eU & Son for a sarnie ymbolizes the weird nrt ffrt.,Ti,, '?ar l ccept the local trenrv Halloween stunts. Punch w. Ior tne Columbia & National Lir in. by ghostly visitors in winding sheets ""mJp r, beside well, which was covered "with T i 1iunan, Floyd, who was vine and lpflu u- "... i . Ieriously hurt when hia enjoyed a large supply of Russian !Ln,k byn C' train l Orrum rocks.. Fortunes" were delivrv1 t ?.n An?U8' 7 was able to be on each guest hy a witch who erouctied Iff! Ill, 7' can walk with over, her fire in front of a cornstock 111 id f,jBVrhe-- ' hut. - . ; I. rA fiddler's convention will l. Every one appeared t hav . tLe,. t'Earker-Tenmile school honsa happy time and a similar oartv will I of this week at 8 o'clock. be given for the i.MM.-lfn "amission of 23 and 60 cents will Saturday afternoon,' ?e W. The proceeds will be osed mittee This was decided to be given Cormick, Mr dMB.R MSf ."Vohnlen 'McLean Jr ar- for tt. rhSol nZmbeT ThTairlnVhiJ r' A4nMr,,: J' C' ncaster, Messrs. rived in Maxton FridaJ night" 'and T-.n Pred T. Singletary December, lhe chairman, of Iibmy WA. Chni anA r 'o . ,'lki- ,?. ..;,, j.. .,.,' '"B"1 na and the r .v.- .r rm,ul;tT; rray, wasnt A delightful evening and bountiful Mr. and Mrs. McUn i .3. uimberton last week to attend the present, but it-.was fully agreed upon feast was enjoyed by these ptorle few days with llf Jnlfn AnlP1?f eral of Mr. SingleUry's father that they-felt 'sure the -200 volume. On .Thursdaf JZg Member LeanTsr?on w Mr W-'W" Sinetafyt returned SaS which Aare needed , in order : to bein second, at 7:45 In the school iud?to South Mr - SSS their home in Crennsboro. oS-i-SUr- irt e"Iy iuf we tgd r a wondeS;i will become StS t ltoS? M'' ,oha M' Yonan' A"" JSSS KSL.tft? a CJ! tdf WaS bcer?' wndered by the faculty of in church. , 6 rresbyter- ian, a native of Asia Minor, now a present at this meeting. A tie between the sehool nf hniBiV pMf-..:ii. ms-ns .... ' , . . student t i- 1 Misses Mary McGoogan and Jessamine siated by . our liinown friend' and summer to Tk25SffX5 wtffito ta ttVfatf ?e3 r0? Wf1 the 6uUlt 01 llle venerable-violinist, Prank Blount. An Maxton for a K time East relicf- wade a short talk contest for.the picture to be present, attractiva ..J iJ f "l.fAn . " w1?.."16" .- ... at rJi-.tnnf fif. e..f. s tw Snf"5 Mt-and as in ore- Miw'Asf, who Tho Philathea class of the Metho- tboa' th itation in the Near East. WyPRgJ-Jil with the violin, toured dist- thurch of MaxIL l.v! ? k?!: . W. V. Davis committed mnr. t. I ZS niT-f' fZlSL onder child,- since quet to the member, of thi Baca ?" 5f J "?Jr when he dis t . .J f;r it nJ got it, and nothing Attendance In ' the . public schools f ; H r resent administration has of Robeson , this yekrls the best ever, : ...i to ful a single promise madj according to Supt. Poole, who is keep t.ie American people. The' ; Renuhli. inff a cloe Wlr n ih .Hunni, cans have -proven false to the trust and work beinar done. , given them in the ..last Election. TIU-I Whil nn tint - tory shows that the Republican party j likely that another general meeting .. ... ,...vv.. mug tn wia 4uieresi ; oil ox an -me. leacners in tne county will tr"!t3 and passes. : - . . be held, during the - present school to former President VlnnAm wn I , '' I- i. ' " r V if .'.i'. Tt Uril 1 . 1 "'"l! r iiih , i'. -i. son,1 referring to him as a iwiin whrteo R II al' " in heart beat with the masses and one aiouicr r ouna onauc ; who towered high in the realms, of - A,. rj-L 9 n ' . huhianity. He referred to - President - Vil tSVLuV S lirCaGl aramg as a man of good character, " ' -' " - , ItTi1aStateSrn; ii "" Snake Had. Been Robbing' Baby of J Z JVn" i0 a. re?ent Milk ani Ca-ne Riled When It's derin? an a,d tw?v0the' bor: Meal ; Ticket was Snatched . Away irZltatZi3 un8- he Tuhfd Baby Shows. Marked Improve tracus he noticed larce sia-n hnnrrfa. c; Tr., ... ... -arming fin t ? - "j . , . "V"5 "c U,WU"S ie i". j . "t's"1, "m ou"! -i , Me imbibes. ".'. , lect deep, reading' as follows: "What "- - L ' trie hell are. you kicking for. You A black snake" on her temth,. ' tyl rJJT:ll tple rvelin on old baby;s breast, mouth to mouth, t? Ifdirfi"8 know.10 whom the was the sight that greeted the wife v a nT a m 4 ' ot lesse McEachern,-colored,. on a ' rrtn ' ?J 1 i. w n,eveeK ' I bed.in her home on Mr- A. S. Thomp. ..uctung to the historv of the Demn.1ui. w-: i. oi...j- .y . ',,','U1 WA oi narm s way, rushed It from the dari ah.CeoenL,nadef Jn the. Stte he P"d retted to kill the snake! caring the 22 years the nartv . ha 1 hnt tit. oot,v,; : j n.. . ' f.a :iti imm t na o ttuiv. at u . n . a lit..... ... - ' . n.A. f n" "ra " me ruae snatching away of his meal r. , l & Aprom,lsf de late ticket,, showed fight whereupon the ?: vyC0M"tJevCa!1!!paa of woman fIed t0'the home of John env Lrtt 5" ?Ui b&the Dem- ?-akeT; colored,-hard by. John armed O f Pt?-? df Iared. th6- seaker- himself with his gun and sallied forth ?at V tS p.ron"seSf1,ma,de was ? do battle, but . when he arrived on Vrtf- f S dn North Carolina the .scene the snake was disappearing !r?d fce the adrnta&e of an edu- into a hole in a rotten sill. -r iw e: r j wue movea out at . ? lv MU?t?- w " t0vh0ld ,nder Europe's best, instructors, fa" coUege elS Friday Bl-ht Th chlcken yard at hi9 om' a j-evivalat iha JPresbytenan church clndinir fioM. th. v-" "V .V."..:. V niftti Walnut utrwf-. T w-, ossum m hi3 uiau) aim m 5? rcJl 10 yreeasbJoro- provinjr a joy and inspiration to mus c leife hiawfm.Sw hen when he was hot' of course Two births for our town: a daugh- lovers. Miss Ast will be accompanied Mn A J. McKfnnon TrSL Mr P,ead JasUfiable homicide wA?mtmJr9dnrft'WA1" her fath nd -mother, Mr. and originally ra sedSS thousand dol- 4'-Mr T' h Jone NorfoIk. v- and bXando?n,th Je?!? S"" drent instm. larf fothis ATtatTaSd fei i misacu. . I as a neucius lor the buildintr of thpi . ca 1 o cajiccls m The basketball team advises me desired dormitory. The idea of ' the mIe 8 faraiIy to Emberton oon Mi, and Mrs corned a fine Willis was Mi gratulations ""i" wuiu. , . tth s tpnm 1 Timir n., j. I v . r . as hi xeauy mv werexore gTew ana when the I also felt they dei to do sime PItt VT' ffT9 Stat "T1 in memory o Mr. J W cirtS" er the ' MaceabeM. attended the was for many yea?s omiS fHW f Lnbee tent No. 13 MoHiaI!. .. JLl t. here Friday eveninff. - S r KmVhfc 7 'wi mun.il mis oxt,criibuu I we were much shocked Thursday to for Carolina college' and it V. foii P50fte!l1 aeIlverei a moat interesting ?vhinathv TheirSv -e l68? that Mrs- C- H..Smith of San that if these clasps' got togetter ol lee'to n?men of. th local tcnt sympathy, of their many friends m ford had died on i.t ..lan .i,u.iS !?r. fr. on which was the beeinninar of a drive tneir Dercavement. - - r . - . w- K,!oJ c "i; : - ""u " .71" r "'"n inter- for pnuTrtn(r Quite a crowd of our St "PanW ;r.r"?f:"'.ul . Tm -arousea m the new build-Uef- m;-" b iCZuTf."' . .. ... ... i "-'&ai uauKinei ui me an uik, iu cunnwnnn wttk ti,. . .........v..,, .. ,,t,i. in tiflvart-ovi a thi. i ht ttt t. . - . . - 1 - . ... - " the in F.ytteTllU,thi, . " week. Mr. and Mrs. Luther Clark "from Mrs. M rjton has been appointed deputy Stat r- tZ' "aywooa. ana a sister of spienaia program ' was arranged, : k'":u ueui.jr omie M. F. Underwood, now of Quit- Miss Katie Lee McKinnon being toSt- co.mnland. r -Robeson county and Ga, and who attended " the mistress, the. idea being carried out 73f ?Uch , hls tlme to the r,com.munity haa a 'ffood school once and even in the brief space of l nTroeSe fuPlf i"?,6 0r,e time s1nCB theft Is said that the wer ilrl 0' S-ch0J buldl"a hich baby has shown na'ked improvement, -.yyvcv., wiAcia luc Aviuu i And 1 1160 is tnat the snake had g'aS PAra.f?JJ a.PPatin?. to himsdf. The "I WU1C. v" :flu"ll"H OA m tie haty imbibed, d pping -into ?S S oh?l VltiXP'JPl- tbe baby's stmach by way of baby's tsf S.IeV th8,r 'OOO, Today throat. When discovered the snake's Us value of public school property head was rlo-ht .t k-w- con i.V, i w"aZ , uwBuoor-i was m our home X-?'r"urJ "f 1"naay 5. a admired her- very much. Magna MelVaan rfrfi. new I srrnm.n ttttt" t-? a w '. lhrfrh opEN SEASON F02 n- iVlisSf Kif.nvfi rafT" prci visit among relatives, returning Wed- ivmnath t aV. UT delivered a toast to . ' - nesday. - s sympathize with the bereaved fam-JMr. A. J. McKinnon on The Call of rnnt. r.t.-t L wn . Miss Carrio Wright of RaP l, . . fe MountainrTop;".Mr.. Fred Fro,? jaf:yj..Itt. a gxiest in the home of Mrs J F RPVTSTTQ rimnnnn on T P be layinff of the COTn Next Meeting lackey this week. M. A x' , BEVISITS GIRLHOOD SCENES ftone; Mr. Clarence .Whitlock on the A?Zm VZ-Z'a ... Eachern a daurhfpr fv t ' ..1 ... : T L ... ; ' -foundation of a Templet Miss Sue rMV: . " "ir jf.m, uesuay witn her parents 36 Years. ' P;fV. 'C Tt vA . consider at their regular .monthlv fa the State U more than $30,000,000. brt"t"fc" had " his fingers in his mouth, hence the road to , the ,9rK. film. V.. I ex. i Daoyja. stomach was blocked for the f i ty the- Democrati? party injtime.: -; t w r-vc, t j ,.2ta for enlarging Its colleses. I First Jstftrfcft Ki . a a r-3-a:t of the educational nrn-ltliBt 'nrtan i,n j . TT,x. r- -it i . 1 . 7 . "wuw uiacuvercu me i o ' V.Z, i 'wiu, soon neaa pane' plight thcblacsr snaked ws ' T u tate " ,n education, half way down the baby'a throat and .-..cy has been, appropriated for a rattlesnake' pilot was i laying along-$-1 f?0?1 t?T duSnk "t thePmother ShRp wsrJ ;rls, treating deformed chil- the field, tte snake ettinTsTK d.cn, canr.' for the deaf, the dumh. the rMtn.nt r- t fr.j. "8 TtjInd d e insane. Here the I of Lumber ton; who spent yesterday "lu Hume louts aown Fairmont way, says -that he got the. true version given above, from the father of the uuoy, wno saia that the report about two snakes, one down the baby's throat, waS not correct - Halloween Party at Orrnm I Correspondence of The Robesonian. Orrum, Oct. 30. A JTallowo party is to be given in the school auditdnura Tuesday night, October kww time is expected. Every body come. - . - 7cwr aLed the question, "Would you v.iir.t to transfer back. to. the conations that existed 22 years ago? Good Roads -v ome reple howl about the State jpcni..-i ?;r,0,CCO,000 for ood roads. no man who does not' own an auto mobile will rsv a vvuv vj. Vina Alic tax on automobiles and gasoline will take care of that. This good -roads Fnsram wiU be continued until each , eoimty seat is connected by a" net work cf rard surfaced roads. ' The poorr.-r aan -has thd same freedom to rd vorer these roads as the rich fA." - - ' ' Taxes-.. ".' - ' - The trzticf of taxes is left with t.3 cc-r...-3', continued the speaker. on page. Eight) ' : 1 u t ii T-i , i,o . 00 tears. . - . nraith,w mi P T r.- .. i -", vcn icguur , muumiy here. Mr. McEachem ram nua, to-j in . ' I..r.1.ia' ?ir- . Oreen told of theLutm., i, ir v nesday to accompany he home? " rEoandUX d Mrs. Beasie limuinr, Vegulalm'g "or rfiiu3a7th; the Avalanch," Lf all kinds. The matter will be heard Mrs E p P Tt a- a t of er. brother and sister-in- aWrMr toast to Macaiown HalT follow l 2:30 P' m' anl those in faVor . xeuii. w8 rwaiie juooert ouuamg. it was as usual left to Mr - st- r .rw" "ir,V . ."" ua aiso on- here Friday did not advprtf, .... Mr: A,1 G. McNeill of Eennert Is a Lumberton visitor today. Mr. Forest Hamilton of Marietta was among the visitors in town" Fri day. -: . week-end. in Fayetteville, guests -of Alfa HawnAll'M At' var . . IZ oiaier. mrs.? JV1. A. Be- thune. . - - -' . f Miss Marv Jant lWWo?n uvuw oi Mr. jno. McCormac at Parkton latter part of the-week.. -Mrs..J,tF, Nash - left, Wpdn-o, lni?ht-forar hnitnital, i. w n , ' " w -"L; w ' nav her tonsils removed Thet2 kids are la Fairmont among the Floyd, relatives, wberfSey wij remain during their mother's b- ! Mr.- J, P. Lockev ' huunti..ii. 3 a v brother-in-law R a c . Athens, Ga. . ' - ' "7!"' Mesdames S. C. Murray and Josenh Evann nenf lf J- : " oepn T - , . wiana. Mrs. Murray, who is secrprawr 2n?S. made-,an addsa B Ing of the auxiliary in tl,- -f ef -The-many friends of Mrs. j c ----- . w ucii it OLfi rfi n hwm again after a few weeks 7bsencV St m a sanatorium i rT.rJr.Aence. Pea x Among those attending the dro.t.t net of the Shrif eS i ful-time.' j,. ,. ;JIiss "Alice Shaw returned Tuesday night from Fayettevie, whereihe spent 2 weeks. Mrs. D. S. McEactern tad for her guests Sunday p. m. her mother Mrs. h- puumS1uc vyer tae progress m imagination the new huildins A. th mt T i7. - "r,hT.Vfcr, iSP" : Steffi r-ssttrr m. "it s-eoming How re-J in ' brilliant flir:" ;;-. marked numerous voices, and the re- . . a i.iT17 7. I wa butj After an hour of .mlni.57i. " V " I m A. ZllJi. Vr'" mars: was eacn:time xoiiowed By a gant aalad course: wito Coffee ;nd coll7ge. 7WUl iTl' ? and eQis5 mi'nfa nr.. ..mt.J I r: .. .' ' I Oi eyes. - mints, was erved. r?:!f,"!..0',l6 waa mane general , The. circus was a three-car (not cnairman at mmmUM ..-( .... . . i -Mr. and Mrs. R. If. .Wr.nn .Hon rb. .wv ..T.i "r'.i. ru,,r' ou"11 an.a ine several nunorea Sanford spent the weeknmd here wiS of fund, for ttrw'bu VT he foZands wTre unTninrousin STgn. rJ? oril They were accompanied by Mr. J. L. Walter Pace, McKay McKinnon Poole, one of the officials of th Af-IHennr A: MrTTinnnn , . I .... . . ." . lantic Eitulithic Co., with which com- About one hundred guests were -Ron Cafl rlr.Nor.Xr 1 1 pany Mr. Sanderson holds a resnonaL present anJ whH. til . w.lf?.W" I JJESrM.1.1:.. bleposiHon. past was in progress college sm?s has been re-organized with the tir l T m. tkii o e bjr tt ol.lege rIs' th following officers: L. Rexford Steph- w, &rtJMM.S. X, menu being grare fruit, stewed oys- ens.: chairman, suceeding Mr. J. P. was a Lumberton visitor Friday. . tert, chicken and rice, peas, Ice cream Russell, who resigned; F Grover Wm. Blue, an am C Mrs. Bruce Marsh. a sister, little Miss Marie Elue and her : little friend, r Frances Moore froni' Raeford. and cake, coffee. Britt. secretary, re-elected: C " B. Skirer, treasurer, re-elected; Dr. E. Mr. and Mrs A. E. White returned I TL 'nw?:n. msi1 A'wtnt- ?'? Bennett J Thursday afternoon from a?u auto-j Elizabeth Frye, welfare director. Dr. E. C.: Murray and Mr. A. R.to the Stat; fair at Ealefsrh and was will begin on Saturday, November IL HcEachern attended synod,, which I extended to Winston-Salem audi Chairman Stephens is lining up tia " met in JJncototon this week. : 'other town in the piedmont section. I forces for the roll-call.