all Err-- - : -3 WATCH YOUR LA L. U 1 LuiirrTOir, XT a, .tiiuT-cday i;ov COUNTKX GOD AND TROTH. I3TA8U3HTD 187. PRfCTB ITV3 C ITX $! A YEAH, DfB IN ADVJJsJ, VOL, 2JH -ITo. 73 . '('V , - ' (- ! "" ' ,:-',;" ' - . t A L I 1 Ncrrror.!anir;"':J ; By Near St. Pauh Jnli- Morrison Charged With Using Shotgun With Deadly Effect on Alex. Jleares Meares Slapped i Woman During Argument About ' Board Bill and .Julia Used Alex s Own 'Gun Woman is. in Jail. - y ' "Another chapter was added to Robe son county's Si 1922 murder record Tuesday 'morning when Alex lleares colored, was shot and killed pear St. Pauls by' JulU'" Alice Morrison, negro woman. Julia, ho, was arrested soon aflcr the killing and is now in' the county jail here,, admits firing the shot, that ended Meares life. yy i I According to the evidence brought lent at the coroner's inquest- - lleares and the womanl who shot him were . racking cotton .on the farm of Mr. Lore Culbreth, They engaged far an argument about a ; board bill, .wmcn Julia claimed Meares; owed her. ;The argument becamei heated and Meares slapped Julia. She then went to where IfAavot rind hlft shot-un in the field, near by, took the; gun and advanced towards Meares, When within, . ten feet of him she fired load into his 1.1 w n W. Bicffs conducted an in caesi over -the remains Tuesday yaf? ternoon. The verdict of the coroners that Meares , came to his caath as a result of a gunshot wound, the gun in theands of Julia Alice , be held for higher cMirt. The coroner s j iry was composed I oi messrs.. u. v ' HcCeachy, L. L. SVGoogan,. J. . C. Faircloth. W. A. I VCormick, B. F. Watson and John I rLean. . ' T'oaroa vm a v .rig matuand un married. ''while Jul! l's a middle-aged woman and divorce i Is said; , r 3,525 paia 4 Ginned, in Cotton lob Wto on ZJS.25 Fewer Eales CI 13 This Year Thf October Were Ginned to Same Date Lasl ear. i: There were 33.525 les of cotton carstin? round as ha" bales, ginned i Ibeson bounty frori rrioT to October 18.; ! he 1922 crop is is 5,806 it-,ver bales than the n ginned W the same dati mrdhts to the report of iber, 39,331, st vear, ac r. Jimlus J, Chaw of Lumber Bridge." of the Census Bureau fv peciil agent Robeson. DOES BIOST BEAUTIFi;, GIRL IN STATE LIVE IN LUJ? JERTON7 ' Mt Beautiful Girl in Ltdnberton is Entitled to Enter Contest J to Decide WhA Will be Queen of ,!ff,adri Gras BaU in Raleigh Next Week.. i Tb eraeeii i of a 'Mardi Oras ball ta be given in Raleigh on the;eyening oi November . is to oe seieuiea irom representatives from th towns in the State. She may live in - Lutnberton, and this good town Is requested to ' send its most beautiful daughter whoever that may be to compete with the most beautiful daughters of other towns for this honor.'The con testants wUl aU appeart in ih -street parade. on 'the- 8th.-: H-;-'"''-'' In writing .Mayor E. M. Johnson, umve that Lumberton particitate by ' sending its most ; beautiful r diisghter m contestant, Mr.. John GjBikle, --secretery of the ; Raleigh ;Mekhants Association, add' that aU ConMstants ' ,wiU be met at the station and chaper- ' oned during their visit ,to Meigh. The : girl selected as queen ,wW be known thereafter as the most, bfeauti. f ul girl inNorth Carolina.-;; Y: ARMISTICE DAY WILL BE otfv . SERVED AT REI) SPRgS CoLErkpatrick of Charlotte Will te liTer Address Citizens of T wn Will Cooperate With College inlOh- servanee of 'DayV9';'ij.i-ilH-. Red Springs,. Nov.-Lr-Col.,: .TJ I Cirkpatrick, president, of; the - vAar- lotte Chamber - ,of - Commerce, ,t-ill speak' at-the Armistice. Bay eH,te . to be held in the 'college auditoribM at 11:15. The" J Charlie Hall , P&ti American Xegion, and citizens or Qj n rill ittto-cetAtB with the colleN ii the observance of the day. Rev, ff. Opie, rector St' Stephens Episcb chnreh. will, ureside.. and tSe :L;presidv-tta olution.0ld ? Bomansl vwho f wit 11 be. in charge of Dean C Q. " , masie wil varaeu jr.- a nnu.fM;im" nioriuia. .-.. t.f,, 1 le local 'recorder's' Th records of the local 'recorder1 -nrrr for thia week' I would indicate that a "crimeless, wave" had struck 1 nmMnii nnA . vicinitv. S Only tWO cases' have been aired bef ore Record- er David . H. - rtiuer uns, wees, oow 'these being 'charges of being drunk, rink, Wflloughby- was ; fined , $5t and cost, while John Mdore, colored, was allowed to go free upon payment of ; the cost: both charged with being in- toxkateo. ,-. . r '. - - ' Scperior Court Convenes November 8 '. As has been stated in The Robeson. Punerior court for the trial of criminal cases will convene Wednes-rfa- nf next week instead of Monday. i Th opening of court .was postponed " eceaimt of the : ceriieral election r.r.dT of next week. Jurors, need t report until ' Wednesday morning, cal ioff until a later da ity:;i:Indicr.! a For . :ccratc 14. C. C Hampton Predicts L .ut.;cans ui be Snowed Under tr no , 000 Women Are king Keen fa- teresL';.'. , ,f . wcK?fHnVi: Oct. si. formation fnHatf Indicates.; that North Carolina Demons will , have a' tremendous majority election -returns, are-canted... It was Dredicted by Frank At xiampion uiai the Republicans will t snowed tin der by at least; lOO.CC?.; That , means tnat women are xaKu-g, ""r est in- the 'contests. '- s.f -' '' -.','' ' - .It looks as it Doughton would win by. 3,50a and Weaver .It 3,200. Ham mer and Stedman wiU, $ ma jorities. '.;.'. ' il 'r'J.- .Mrs Lindsay Pattarton's expense account was. filed todiy It, amounts to $125. " tesi W. i "" McDonald, i-puoucan can didate against Representative -Lyon, has" expended ae . w runnmg hard, bat" not strong, f - " - U; ; W B. ;Love, MJ. luimmer s; oppo nent, has; not spent a ient. g , . - The Democrats wtl nake a whirl wind finish 6f the campaign. They expect to hold what lhernave regard less of the fact that iUf'Ktlmblicans have about nine times s much money as; they have been ahje-vo get. Senator Pat Harrison, ox Kitsissippi, star stumper,; is llsihg; Ser tariff argumentthf f ..Simmons' Effect ; in the middle wegi.vM tional committee 'y Ing points' of hiia hammers the Repl'bli. atic na e strik- dayA It f passing the profiteer? tarn. i Representative v it ldfie! of Arkansas gave fl , the r house : congre A ' jday for irapaign committee, his fohf ' did not tyords :ers ne of encouragement t said the Democrats ke large t set eral gains in the House members to the Se Bryant 4n .Wilming 'A SecoridPaj 1 ; Tobacc Checks Wilt be r IsV , 15th Sales . to I Highly SaUsfac j( "-. - Raleigh, N payment to of 'the Tr' associat-' check" and cash f ! members operative j 30on as thjwill be nof ,N cori, .ounc of d, J held Oct. 3o, 'v -' ..' South Carolina i the date, and pla and mass ineetin.c; of ; the organitedvt South 'Carolina ar , 'lath. the' board mil tame listribution llebrationa lanaers of they i bring their 1 part icwiort receipts to draw a iecond cash, payment equal to-'theirfirsiSf;;;;!- v Sales Uo alof the Wfr domestic companies;? at prices vthaV Are ighly MtisfactorvUo. the, directors f ere Re ported at last Moniair's smee.'' Jga and weeklr deliries to the a' bciation srehbw' running between t nd fif teen million- pounds, r i j I A.f Attorneys: oi tnA.aaaoVi. w wrei directed Jto proceed to bMi? 1 Jfftfllk'c tion at? once against lill f contract breakers . to ' protect the': interest of loyal members in every tobacco-grow ing county oi tne tnree states," ? ,; , The rapid growth of strong local associaticmstvUi Yirgmia nandi North Carolina waa reported by.M. O. Wil son, 'secretary -; and .field service director of the -Tobacsoi Growers Cooperative, and the- deaision nf '.the board this weeK to aid tae formation of locals in South CaroLma as well as in. Virginia and North Carolina will undoubtedly , bring the numbe of well organizedunits of the association to over a thousand in the threes States during . the presentsmonth J.v I -1' v 5..:A ' 'y.'fflj im MARKS GREAT EPOCn HI 'ST- - X ALT'S NATIONAL LIFE Entnr' of Fascist! Trooi rooplMii to' Rome : Apotheoala of Italy's Re? oktlon. N ROME. . Oct SLThe I irium&hant entry or lascisu troops atto Rome ton king of, Italy into the eakta! of lihia newly -welded kingdom i .'September 20, 1870 wept for joy land vowed that October 31, 1922, iill forever Imark Ufev, I bbrn. ihark a great epocn in Italy's national For In 1870, they sedately wa$ today she nas oeeni saved from 'xilshevism. :f -i f ti The vounger generatioi.-whichiin a few days accompUshed.tlilstrenien- cus change lnutaiys poLtical aspect a look bactt upon ,t xnqt -youthful uUr -.Benito 'Mussolini! as i those ;erans with ' dimmed ; jEyes today tailed ..Ganbaldi.;.' I e A"a result of bemgliift in a-frain v "HkMr. W. Y, lounti.t rayette V' who was to condud a fiddler's cc eition at the Baher-Tenmile sc. oi building: toraorro - (Friday) ev i will be unable h be there. 'Ti tonvention has thfora been Two Attempts IMndo To Burn Fairmont School Dui!Inrr Good Work on Part o( Faenlty and Puptla Saved the Building Brkk- "; Laying on New - School Buildings -' Has Begun-Orphanage e Singing Class to Give Concert Social," Per. ' sonal and Other Items. - . ' ' By H. V: Brown Fairmont1" Nov. . 2-A fire alarm was turned in Tuesday morning about U.1&.V A, farge .numDer or. peopie rushed to the school house, which was reported a fire., It is supposed that some "mischievous; lad set ; fire to a piece of paper and placed same under the house through a ; vent hole, which caused smokor to - appear fa vone of the class rooms. No panic waa caused ana school worit :to resumea m a few moments after the first sound of fire, - -' - I - , . .. Yesterday morning at 9:30 fire was discovered under the building in prac ticaily the same place that smoke was seen coming from the day" before. This time' some more paper, coat, ana lightwood, had been placed' undef r the ouuding and ignited, ine larger scnooi boys rushed to the nearest hose house and attached hose; to tha ?' hydranti rfearby, and soon had the f ire: Out. This was done a little ' better ' than the first one and had it been at night or , on ' Satfrday rtbe fire department would havJ.had a hard job extinguish ing the fifi. Just who the young ras cals are yp one has found out. or at least the are hot making it known yet. Whf h arrests are made . and the jmiltv ones sifted out, there will no dqubtpe some;increases 'made at Jackson training school. Luckily no hurt in either of the fires and the faculty is being congratulated on the ma- -r in which the situation was ban'' Vork o the new btiiia- ino- u r '&t but if this keeps up " al, the. new one will be i it is ready. It is r ..o effort will be -spared just1 who the guilty one .e, While this Is unofficial, erstood the school committee j 500 reward for evidence vto -'. Book Club Meets Mra.CA. Floyd, and Miss. Lela Floyd 'were joint hostesses to the Sid? ne Lanier Book, club Tuesday after- . . .. . t , 1 M.- 1 1 - - hioon. AJctooer n, jum bohw w IMi T?lnvH nn Pittman ' and Iona streets. ' A larire number of members nresent and the oroffram .dealt Wfth Early Southern Literature.' HaL Joweett ' decorations with fall flowers added to the gayety of the occasion. acr-lTho 4intpi wm assisted bv Miss kfarv Flnvd in servina aalads" with aorid,1 Va.,tea and salted nuts. ' .J - ; , Work on New School Building v 'i Laying' of brick began last.,Monday morning on -Fairmont's new $85,000 unhnnl hniltlin?'. A. iarsre force of men Ui - , afc work on. -the structure ; and t fo whenibaotif ui weathe is enabling the com,- nanv tn make ramd headway;' A TheS Oxford Orphanage v singing class1 will' give anientertainment- ii the First Baptist church next Monday night,. November; 6tb, at o o ciock. "The .last time this class: gave a con cert here two of the young boys took French leave and were found; several miles from here sometime later. It, is no known yet whether or .-not these lads will be in the show this time. f j JlrP; Smith of Proctorvilla was placed in charge of the Atlantic Coast Line railroad agency here Wednesday1, succeeding the late E Fisher. , Mr, Smith held . the agency ; at : Proctor- villeff or .many years and, comes to Fairmont: as an experienced railroad man. Mr. Lashley, who. has. been em ployed here as relief agent,, left -after Mr' Smith Chad taken charge.- Three auditors from the off ices of the com pany In iWilmlnffton spent Wednesday here checking out the relief agent and checking, In the new agent. , -,j. .v ;:.-';-':yj-, Halloween Parties -i'" 'At , least there' were a half dozen . .. - .... . . - - ... . . . . nauoween-parties . Tuesolay. ,4 wght. Many , spookey.looking '.- creatures could be seen on the streets during the early part of the night.; . : - t , f Mr. L.- t;., Andrews, of '.Wilmington spent last week-end(here wift friends and relatives.. ( ;v;. -V: . ' Mr. and. Mrs. CC B,..vThomps0n left Monday-f of Winston-Salem, -.where they will, spend a. few days with their son and daughter-in-law, Dr. and Mrs. Edgar Thompson, 'Mr... A. B. Small ef. Fairmont route I was a'Raef ord visitor last Tuesday. Mr and Mrs.; Clem: B.: Thompson Of Maxton spent - Sunday - here with friends, and v relatives, Mir. -G.-: B. Robertson of Fayetteviile was a busL ness visitor here Tuesday Dr. Whit. lock vof Lake City, S. C.t was a business-visitor here Tuesday. . ' : The first performance of the Pied mont Lyceum course was given here last week in the town hall and pleas ed everyone that wis present. A bet ter entertainment along this line has nevecplfejed Fairmont before. "An other feature show will be given at an early 'daie.,;- H yiC vt, -West Iioset Buit 'i ;Accordinj tcan item in News A Observer of late date. Dr. G. H. West of this place, not of Proctprville, is held responsible to the Bank of Proc. torville for an overdraft of $540. This is a reversed decision . in , Supreme Court; Dr. West sold to N. C Blue, at that time cashier of the Bank of Proctorville, an automobile Blue told Scabcard Rcctcrco Pccccngcr Trains Wilmlagtoa-Charlotte Trains Discon .tinned During Strike , Are"' Being Operated Again on Former Schedule Chanpe of Schedule of 3 Other Trains Will Go Into Effect Novenw 4ber 12... t .a " Seaboard passenger trains ' Nos. 3 1 and 34, between s Wilmington and Charlotte, discontinued early in July, las V owing to the, strike of railway shopmen, have been put.: back in operation. Train No. 34, due here frdm t A ,v - whil e-both - trains I were operated today. Train No, 81, from Wilmington, is due here at 10:40 a. nt, there being no change in the form er schednle of these trains. , A change in the schedule of three other local Seaboard passenger trams has been announced to take effect November 12. After: the change, i"4i .4 M.W4nii will iri train No. 14. east-bound wul arrive here at 9:45 a. Tn. instead of ,10:40 a. m.r train No. 20, east-bound, will r Tive at 9:48 p. nv Jnetead of 10:04 n. m and train No. 13. west-bound, will arrive at 6 p.- m. instead of 6:20 p. m. J t ' The nutting back into operation oi trains : Nos. 81 and 84 is welcomed hv the traveline public, as tney nuuee travel between Wilmington and Char. lotto much more convenient; in many respects.; 'ih KW):!''S:t i ! mariettX club will have 20 CAKES ON SALE AT CUKB MARKET-STUBDAY By Flax Andrews,'.' 'J. - :. ii Home Demonstration Agent 'it am delighted to announce that the Marietta Home Demonstration club will put ort sale at the curb market Saturday twenty, mora of those' good cakes. The last sale ; they put on the cakes were so good that everybody has been asking M- When will the Marietta folks have., some more cakes?" ' They will be;, here sure Saturday and, I hope the housekeeper will not forget, that these will be the best cakes they have, had an, oppor tunity to.bny, Mr; andi Mrs. L. E. Blanchar Are XI or in sr to Hamlet This Week. snr..an4 ,Mrs-L. E, Blanchard and ""vjr?yr? rrrzrrz7-zzz son, master j.swrence r are moTwg this Week to Hamlet, where k Mr, Blanchard has purchased a home and has accepted; employment f witU Mr. Wi ;R.Land, in his mercantile busi ness,:: until . he can decide just; where to invest in Sandhill peach lands. Mr. and Mrs.. Blanchard have; lived .for several years on the5 Pembroke road on a farm belonging to Mr. C. M. Fuller- of Lumberton, Mrs, T Blanchard's father.' Mr Blanchard organized some time ago a Methodist Sunday school at Pine Grove church, Moss Neck, and has been superintendent of the school since its organization. He and Mrs. Blanchard have been vital factors in every movement for the advancement ol (bat community and will be great ly missed not only in that community but in Lumberton.' Mr. Blanchard is well known all' over Robeson county., having served the county some years Sgo as farm demonstrator He is al so well known in Hamlet and already has been elected superintendent of the Methodist Sunday school there, to take -charge next Sunday, his first Sunday there as a citizen of the town. the doctor to draw check on the Bank of Proctorville and he. (Blue) would pay it, which ' was done . Blue did not 'place the funds to the credit of Dr. West and charged it as an over draft, 'In' a suit in Superior Court jury trial was waved , and Dr. ' West lost In the higher court. - yj The Webster Motor Car ; Co. - un loaded one day last week a solid car of Ford touring " cars. This company has recently been made an authorized Ford! dealer, the first ? Fairmont in manv vears. f? J' -1: ' v y" ; r nn t m. j.' Chambers ien ; iaai f- fimithfield. where she ,.,,, anrn- m with friends Mr. and Mrs Hayden Grantham of New York city spent a few days here thU week with, friends and relatives. . The Geor-e Galloway vost of the American y Le orion J has moved its headanarters from the Weinstein building to the ball over Grantham Co-r .-. " ' t .'';yr Mr. and Mrs. W. B. Jdnes of " Cerro Gordo snent last week end here with friends and "; relatdvesw Mr.' ' H G. Stubbs was a visitor at the Johnston county fair. Smithfield. last week. The farm lands of Mr. J. H. Gra ham were sold for $11,033 today at public autction on the property near Proctorvalle. .Mr. A. K. BuiiocK, re ceiver for. the Bank of - Fairmont, put on the sale under authority of certain mortgages. The farm consists of 8o acres of good farming lands cut into small tracts.- An auction . sales eompany sold the land. ' - - Calhoun Highway Meeting ;'Afc the invitation of the Chamber of Commerce of Mullins, representa tives of tne uainoun lugnway r went from here to .Muinns Monday nint and met with that body, discuasmg at length the highway question as it exists between the two states at this particular point Those representing the Fairmont association were Messrs. G. H. Cole, G. W. Thompson, W. R. Taylor. R H. Cuddington, J. P. Floyd, Ernest Jones, M. S. Hustom - St Paiib Ncv3 Halloween Social . Affair Presby ; terian Ladies Attend 1 Blissionary " Rally Here Death of i Child Per sonal. '. . . v , By Bess C. Johnson St Fauls, Oct. 3L Mrs. T. - L. Northrop left this a. tn. for Lsurln burg, where' she-will- spend until tomorrow visiting in the homes of her daughter,:;Mrs- Marion McNeill, formerly Miss Katie Groves V Nor throp, and Mrs. Laura Klcn, notner-in-law, of Mrs, Northrop. Mr. and Mrs. McNeill ara expected to return with the latter Wednesday. Mrs. Mc Neill spending the week in the Nor throp home here. --l. , Mr. and Mrs. 0. T. Fisher and daughter, Miss Ethel, spent Sunday in Sampson 'f . ' " , J i The many friends of Miss Margaret McGeachy were glad to have her spend the latter part; of the. week among relatives and friends, in , our midst returning to Soberdei Sunday afternoon, where she is a member of the school faculty. ' . . Mr. and Mrs: C R. Hester and other members of the family spent Sunday in Dublin. " -Among the visitors In town Sunday afternoon we note . the - following: Mr and Mrs. T G. Balfour attd in fant daughter, Alice Audrey, and Mr. and i Mrs. C- D. Williamson and 2 sons. ; Mr Williamson attending the S.i S. rally which was held at the Mi E. church Of our town that after noon. It seems to have been s. Joint affair i between St. Pauls, ' Barkers and Regan. The Baptists had an "au. day affair too, which was quite en- A Thi camn fire ; eirls are giving an oyster supper in the Culbreth building tonight which all are looking forward to with' pleasure. v-'H:5.w;'i The Junior C E. society i to have ' Halloween nartv in the knitting mill also this evening.ThU . little so ciety la under the direction of Miss Nettie McLean. A number of the students in the school here enjoyed a msaoner&da natty in the high school building last, Friday night whenone society entertained another. ! ''Gob lins'! and ."witches' will be on hand tonight and quite a. lot of . fun no doubt will be realized among the lit tie tots, thft bdng Halloween. - Miss lora lieiie sicuoogan wuw v .tHtt of f il c. Red springs, -. :'TT "ai , the weekend at the home of her parents air., ana Mm. fieor-e McGooan. Miss vjulia Felton, also a F 'M. d. Student, a week-end guest of her sister, M;ss Gladys Felton. who is a member of M j t . iLl the high school xacuity again . m season, to the delight, of her many friends. I i ' u '' . Mr nd Mrs. J. C, Lindsay and 8 children. Mary. Gene and Calvin, Jr., sDent Sunday witn a Droiner oi mr. . ... I , Lindsay at Kockf ih, reporting a very nice time. ' --.c 1 - Mrvand Mrs:. Marshall Newton went over to his father's, near, Fay ttevfll. Jar the dav Sunday. Sv ' H- Mr. and Mrs. Edd McCormac's child was real sick latter part of the week; was better; last account we had." ,. The manv . friends of Rev. X Murray were glad to welcome him back for a few days tne past weeay; V- Quite s number of our ladies are anticipating attending the Missionary rally of the' Womans v Preshyterial auxiliary of the county, which is to meet tomorrow with the First Presby. terian church of Lumberton, t Js to be an "aH-day1? affair and we know the Lumberton ladies will not zaii m their undertaking to make it a day of rare pleasure" for, alL Mi Mftiorie Russell SDent the week-end with her people in, Lumber, tfln. Miss Dina Belle Floyd was also a week-end visitor among relatives in Fairmont.. A number of the faculty went over for the teachers meeting in Lumberton Saturday, . Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Smith and child recently visited his home people, Mr. and ( Mrs. Marcus Smith, who reside near to9nuvA:-r-'yK''X'-. !V'4.tir':Ai'-v The many friends of Mr. Gilchrist Little learned with regret of his fall ing from a house and sustaining some pretty severe bruises one cay ia week. Nothing serious however,; we em rbid to tib..f.Vv 'H-frl A ehlia , oi but. ' ana jars, tamer Herndon, who died; Saturday after several days' illness, was purled son day afternoon at 2 o'clock in the new cemetery ' near town., ine w oereavea parents have the sympathy , of their Mesdames tjas. A. Johnson, L. A. McGeachy, Sallle Hartman and Miss Mar Janet McNeill were fa FSy- etteville Monday afternoon, also Mrs. D. S. McEachern and , Mr. and Mrs. W: A. Nutting. Coonty Board of Canvassers i: Nnvember 9. Meets ; The county board of canvassers will meet at 11 a. m. Thursday, Novem ber 9, for the purpose of canvassing the election ; returns.: The board will meet in the commissioners room at the Court house. The election law pro vides that all returns be filed - not later than 11' a. m. on Thursday; November 9. The board is composed of Messrs Frank Gough, chairman, E. G.'Flod and J.,W. Hatt. ., . r t Mr. G. M. Hatcher of R. 5, Maxton, was a Lumberton . visitor yesterday. Mr. H. M. Duncan of Howellsville township" wss among the visitors in It awn yesterday, y,' CcUon Rlarlxt ; Middling cotton . Js quoted on the ocal market today at 23 1-2 cents the - pound; strict middling 24 Cents, a , Items of Local Ndvxz - , .-':;y ." '. yy-. "Born, on October 23,"to Mr." and . Mrs, C. B. Meares, who live near Lumberton, twin daughters. " . ' - --wr. and Mrs. P, O. Rhodes and . children are moving today . from East Lumberton to St. Pauls. ; . Mr, J. Jones, an engineer on the Southern railway, ."ronning p out of Camden, S, C Is spending the week ' with his family here. , -tC:'- ' Mr, and Mrs. A. 1L Hartley. Walnut street, Lumberton, announce -the birth of a daughter on Tuesday, October 31, at 7:45 a. m. . . ly Born, 8-pound girl Tuesday morn ing to Mr. and Mrs. Spur&reon Small. ' at the home of Mrs. Small's rrand- father, Mr. J. F. Raybon, 'Valnut street. .. ' ' Mrs.F. B. UcCan of Lsuref HU1 arrived yesterday to visit at the home of her brother-in-law and sister, Mr. and Mrs. V. M. UoUowell, Water street. . " ' u i r ' . ' ," 4' ii Mr. U. O. Floyd, .local - pubUe cotton . " weigher-grader, . asks The Robesonian to state that he wUl not be at his post on November 11 Armistice Day. ', - A Porto Kico potato . weighing 10-pounds was sent to The Robeson ian office Monday afternoon by . Mr, W. H. Tyner, who lives 2 miles east of town. Some yam, , " - L- Mary Lowry and Dock Locklear. an Indian couple who live on R. 2 from Lumberton, were married in the court house Tuesday afternoon ' at about 1 of the clock. Justice F, Grover Britt officiated. - - Thirty-eight cases of dlptheria. 10 eases of 'scarlet fever and two of whooping cough were reported to Dr. K. R. Hardin, county health officer, during the month of October. Miss Ruth McEwen. tescher- of. English in the Lumberton-high school. left Tuesday evening for .her home, in Kichmond. where she will undergo treatment. Mrs. E. R nardin is sup. plying for Miss McEwen while she is away. Correspondence of The Robeson. ians Miss Albertine .Duncan, who has . been sick with malarial fever at her home In ? Howellsville v township.,' is able to be out snd . is now in Wil mington visiting : her sister Mrs : B. -H, Williams, who Is sick. ' Tiur ; Jewell Produce Ca, of which Mr. J. H. Ratley is proprie tor, has opened a general fruit and vegetable business in : the ' Carlyle building, ; South Chestnut street. This new concern buys only in carload lots and sells both wholesale and retail. ' Mr; IL 'M. McAllister : returned home last . night from Bladen county, where he attended the opening of the Carver Creek Hunting club, of which he is president This club has leased several thousand acres of land in Bladen county for hunting purposes. The Laura Werno ladies' quartet will give a concert at the high school auditorium this evening, beginning at . 8 o'clock. This is the first number of the Redpath. Lyceum course of five attractions to be given under the " auspices of the local Woman's club.; . J . Fire of unknown origin destroy ed a practically new residence " be-' longing to Mr.. Judson HcDonalJ at , Rozier's Tuesday evening , about '1 7 . o'clock, the family Vwas 'sway from home, when the fire started. The loss was partly covered, by insurance, it vv is .said. - - . - . - t -The regular monthly meeting of . the Robeson County . Medical ' society was held in the municipal bnilulng ,-' here yesterday afternoon. The society adopted suitable resolutions relative ' to the late Drv N. A. Thompson, who - was. a member. A number oi out-oi- town physicians was present . ' -f y The, paving program here has - progressed very ! satisfactory during .' the last week. Concrete base has been , laid on Chestnut between . Sixth and , Fourteenth and on the Elizabeth town road between. Elm and Walnut If the . weather remains good, spreading of asphalt will be begun on Chestnut Monday of next week and H ia expect- -etf that the paving on this street will . be completed next week. W' r i. Biblical Recorder: .We do not 1 know a better fit anywhere than that -which exists between Dr. DurnaW ' and his great church. The people are t? thoroughly devoted to him and f are ready to follow his wise leadreshi? in every denominational movement. -Lf anr association meets within fifteen-' miles of ; Lumberton ? no t. traveling : brother is allowed to go by rail from the capital of the old Robeson tot-the place of meeting as the - Lumberton brethren with their', automobiles are always ready and glad, to ' furnish 1 conveyance.- ' ' ; - t . Wilson. Nov. L As a 'result of a quarrel over the weight of a lot of cotton, William McMillan, negro, '5 -years old, of Raeford,' killed W.tF. Boyette in the Wilbanks section, six miles east of WHsoa.Xteceased was literally backed to death with si knile. The desperado made good Jhis escape. : . . . ' - ; ! i .J-. i Mrs E- L. Norton and baby daugh ter, Elizabeth Gray, of Charlotte are guests at the home of Mrs. Norton's mother ' Mrs. Lizzie ; G; Proct " Siztsi'strnfu vniey arrive I Sui - night and will be here f r sevt. . weeks, u, . ; . V