4A lilt intnmnhil "Tlrn Eaten ! ' William Hall writes, "Ratr got in my garage and ate holes tight through a new $30.00 tire. They love' ' rubber. I put Royal Guaranteed JRat Paste in the garage and have , never seen a rat since. Wonderful stuff." Protect your tires against rats! Get a 25c or 50c tube TODAY, Sold and guaran teed by Grantha& Brof.iAdvJ WHEN THE FIRST TRAIN CAME tag Our store will be closed all day Saturday, November 11th, " " Arrciistice Day Let the "boys" celebrate, and do your shop ping before Saturday. A. Weiristein'o Dept. Store ; LUMBERTON, N.C.v How Lumberton; Met ; First Train 'Over Carolina Central Hack in the 60's Barbecue and Dance. - Store Will Be Closed i : ,&imMce -Day. . Our store, and we understand all others, will be closed on Saturday the 11th,' in memory and celebration of signing the articles of peace which declared the World War at an end and let pur boys who had risked their lives for the home and the homeland turn their faces from shot and shell and look across the Sea to loved Let everybody do their Saturday's trading on FRIDAY. : Don't wait until Saturday and be disappointed.7 We are going to keep , our store open until ten o'clock Friday Night Our truck will be at your service and deliveries will be made as in the day. Don't Forget. : We appreciate your business and desire do ing all we can for your convenience. rrank dough Grocery 40 . A reader sent Mrs. J. P. Caldwell a bunch of old papers dating back to the 60's .found in an old house at Derita and Mrs. Caldwell culled In teresting items from them for heri "One Minute Interviews" page : in last ; Sunday's L Charlotte r Observer. Among the Items was one telling how the first train over the Carolina Cen tral was greeted at Lumberton: v ii "Preparing tos Meet -, the Train : Great preparations are being, made to celebrate the arrival of the -train on the ' Wilmington, Charlotte and i Rutherford railroad, - at Lumberton, Robeson county A meeting of the citizens 'of the place - was held.; yes terday, the first day .of' September, R. E. Troy, chairman, and' W. . S. Normeut, '-secretary CoLN, ' A. ; Mc Lean1 explained the -object i; of ;J the meeting,' which .was to make ' ar rangements to give their friends a barbecue on the arrival of the cars at Lumberton." - - ' Tne vol. McLean referred to was the father of the late Col. McLean. It is 'recalled - by some ; Lumberton citl-' zens that. ' big dance was given at the court house, that night the dance being led by Mr. W. S. Norment and the late Mrs. Fannie Peterson. - ,Wittenberg,-4ohnlF. u Jack" Ken nedy, 52 years old. a notorious robber of western Missouri, and Harvey Lo gan, a companion, were ' killed early Nov, 3 by railroad t detectives and postoffice inspectors after the men had robbed a passenger train of the Str Louis, San Francisco railway near here. ' - ' - rime to wean nga. -' Pigs should not be wenned until they are at least eight weeks old, and If the flow Is not to have a second lit ter, or If there In time enough in case she lsy It 1 Is" better ; to . W ... the pfgs suckle . until - they are . from ten to twelve weeks old. - t : , NOTICE OF 8ALK Under and by virtu, at an ardor nf tk Superior Court of Robeson County, nwd. In th .peeial proceeding entitled Mary White n bi v. ueuoea w titte, et Jtl, tb. hum being No. 1118 upon the special proceed in docket of said court, the undersigned commissioner will, on Friday the 1st. day of December, 122, at 12 o'clock M. at the Murt-bouse door in Lumberton, Jorth Carolina, offer for sal to the highest bidder for eash that certain tract of land lying and being in St. Paul Town ship, Bobeson County. North Carolina, ad joining the lands of. Dousrald Baxler; C. H Johnson, W. N. Smith. D. C McMillan anJ others, bounded and described as follows, to wtts ' . Beginning at a stake by a pin near Doug aid Baxter's fence, tb. beginning corner of a 140 acre- tract, conveyed by E. D. Johnson to W.. N. Smith, and run North- 12 East 24.55 chains to Glover's (now Johnson's line), thence North 72 East 25 chains to stake the other corner of said 140 aera tract above referred to- thence as th lino of amid. 140 acr. tract Booth 17 East 25.90 chains to a stake in said line; thence South 85- West IS chains to a .tak. fo another line of said 140 aero tract; thence with said lino of said 140 acr. tract North 1.90 chains to a stake soar the old field, the other corner of . said 140 acre tract ; thence as another line of said 140 aero tract North 78 West 0.80 chains to the beginning, containing 100 acres, more or leas and being a part of 140 aero tract conveyed by D. Johnson to W. N. Smith as herein before mentioned. See deed recorded in Book 4-J. page 840, in offie. of Eegister of Deed, of Robeson County, Tbk 8 1st day of October ,1922. " . lJO&N S. BUTLEB and W. S. BRIT. Brltt, " Commissioner. 11-0-4 Mon. i i i hi i in i B SI I ...V A- SCHOOLBOY -whose awakened conscience and , . -interest - ta the' world . as it is, mixed' hb arith- nitic and geographic knowledge-into & kDg list of ,; interrogations that perplexed, hmv vy' s i i "'What are we gomg to do for shing.es nd fecartij iwhen the trees are all cat down ?".-, ; i f v ' i "What are we going to do. when the -coal is all . v Irarned 'up?' -r-- ?- . Where are they going to go wTidn the land is j& owned and used r -;. - -' : : "t , : . , ; - i v , - - - ' tt 18 ?.wi,se boy that puis such "ucs?:o;.S ':hiiWf, ile i thinking in terms of oB(tervatk.-. ' 'i hct vog ; chrp is going to be a ustt'ol ritjien, c is not gw . to be a waiter. He j to help .o.ve ojr ccascrviiioa problems,;;' ..- ; Thank goodness,' the wort J is full of just stich boys who do not wishto lue a Nero life, to -speed Avfut there is now and let those who follow -suffer tV JJeJuge. buch boys are going to saver the needs of lite Jrom devastation, and long before a need is ex-' iMMted they; will find its subslitate. - : -. V e ihatened oar roofs with straw before the shin Clef rne. Leca-jse we have the shines v. now burn the straw. Vheii the trees are all gone we vUI make a better shingle from the straw. - - , Geologists tell ts that there is coal cnoWv to ht torougb several Centura nf ti ' -W:th 'rtat conrs that gather pf.nv u w in one 5rronff "y of heat. : -, v - 'tc wop ii pcssmie net : About Future ese hc;.proress fwill cheapen. ItluWe have found th wave carries tne sound- fhysirists tell that S3nie wave will carry heat - ( Longefore the coal is gone we will cease to mine it A heiiper and better process of heating our fur 4 race wtll corae direct to us from the sun whose fanis re, above iu molten mass surface to the height cf'the circumferenr- rtf hU Aorth Tt. -i J - - - - - .- -w. viuui. nun viv, ttli hrs been --burning a long time, and -mathematics . UJa;5 , "cuiate tne enaursnce of i 'Andwhat will :we ;.do" .whw' t; 'land U all owned and used? Loot upon so rich a state am Olrlalinm.. Unly one-thirteenth of its tillable land U now nndef 1 .owf ,incre isionda, a tangled rossi of Tttw dure. A peninsula wanned by the sun And cooled by tne seas, moist and temoerate where evervthino- wnfl4 crow. ; Vet only one-third of its tillable land is no. "? ? wty-wren per cent of its acres hare 1 .-i 3 .vxi me narrow, it Will take several centuries before even our good country will be crowded. ? As our great interior desert has been brought to Woorn, -so; wnl the mammoth isle of Australia flower. Africa will be gardened. The lowlands of the Ama zon and the highlands of Himalayas will be farmed. j , ai we close in, we will learn how to grow more This is a rooJ n14 wnrM.w- xT !?T? V,,r I"19 ap,pear- 11 mett thet because we inauTrfntfe ! fro k... ,mi w.10 s-.eat i-wic ii. -iia onjy impracubilitv I innfurt ItT f"wu wun m i ; ;. .. ! j ii Y This' new sugar-coated gum delights young and bid It Smelts in your mouth" and the gum in the center . remr.lnrt to aid digestion, brighten teeth and soothe mouth iuid throat There ere the other IVHIG LEY friends to chooco from, too: :CZL3 CT d 1::: PR0?iiSSI0;iAL CARDS E. J. Brltt ; Luther J. Brit E. J. & L. J. BRITT .ATTORNEYS AT LAW Offices 1, 2, and 3, Freeman Building, Lumberton, North Carolina. Prac tice in both State and Federal Courts. Prompt attention given all business. A aSyaaeajVoaMB,.. , i s uvn -. ... . -.-i . ' ;j.v '.-J l! ,tlllf.l'n..iiwiiJOliTw She la. old Mortcybac?' dauohter " , And they tell me'she'a a stepper." . ? , , - ctep. high MErpINC VITH PATtHrS Has" he tueceeded in patch.nfl . lip his .troubles?" - M ur.dsrstand he has mended hie weys." , - ' . 4 im M r EXPOSURES NOTED Mrs. Beastly: Ad our, house tso haa several aleeplnfl-poreh e)' poflures. " - Nolflhbori v. Yea, we've notlceo" them In the morning, yeu knevi. QUESTIONS nd .E2!e Answer If Pmrtrts wTO eiwonse tifldr ta fcxA np the but Answers. K Ml aanewws hsrwase to to ia a.nc ri How did Jesus end hla great "Ser mon on the' Mount"? Matt 7r 24- 666 Cores Malaria, Chills, rever, Bilious Fever. Colds and LaQrippe, Subscribe tor The Edbesonlon Only Two Dollar a Year and Worth It . Real Estate Loam I am fa poaltloa to handle appU eationa for long time loans) on iau prored farm lands la , Cobcaoa, Scotland and Doha t Canntlea - la amoanta of 14408.89 and antra, Interest Rate B 1-2 percent , r A. T.-MLEAN, , i .'- ' . ' ! Lnmberton, . C," - ' ... REMEMBER: Remember that all smbscriptlona to THE ROBESONIAN are stop- ped when they explre. aThis ap- plies to every subscriber, rich and.' E- oor, black and white. Watch the ibel on your paper (the slip upon which your name la printed) and send in renewal 5 days before subscription expires in order not to miss a copy. If yoo neglect It and allow your -papers to atop, don't get mad,- This does not tnean that the management of the .paper doubts your -honesty it .simply meant that it is the policy of the paper to stop all lubscrip- tiona when they expire end re- member that the -same rule ap- plies to every subscriber, and not yon alone. F. ERTEL CARLYLE , . : ATTORNEY AT LAW ' Notary Public fa Office. ' . v Offices over Freeman Printing Ca. Prompt attention given to all bud. teas, - - , DAVID IL FULLEU - Attorney at Law . Second floor cotton mill office train ing, otnees formerly occupied tj - - Dr. Baker. -- c a. u::zitu it, r. p. hackstt. j -' ..K.S.J.V'!-. '. V A. 1. . . . Attorneys-AViaw. ' Vocdbcrry Lcnncn , : ATTORNEY AT LAW ; ; '- . Lumberton, N. C . ; ' Of fleet over First National Bank. . -nnmic i rnnnrn:i JUlUUiJ J.UUUIiUUf ' ATTORNEY-AT-LAW. Offices Over Efirda Dept. Store. v Join G. Procter . ATTORNEY AT LAW . ' Office next to Lumberton Motor Car Co in Building formerly occupied by si-Judge T. A. UcNeiU.. 1. W. McLean . : Dickson IlcLtai L. B. Varser H. E. ft?7 A C7A07. h Attorneyt At Law. LTJMBrSTON, : , North CarcSat V. B. -JVEY Attorney and Counselor at Law V Offlce on Second Tloor Freeman ' - Building, West Fifth V street . . . . ' i Lumberton, N. C Stephen Mclntyrt E. C lawresee James D. Proctor Robt A. I-'cIztyre tlcETTYiri; LA7SLi;C3 & ' FSOCTOIl, -Attorneyt "1 Connsellort at Law ' ' . LUlilIiTON. N. C. . Practice in State and Federal Courta, Prompt attention given to all buseaa, Thomat 1. Johnson- E. If. Jctztoa - jos::cc:i & jomon - Attorney 1 Counaallori at Law LUMBHRTON, N. C. , Practice in Ctata a "4 Fei-U Cczxti Notary Public in OJce. CJLzti cvaf ; First National Bank. ' 3 I KO.ORt pnrnTJATa tit ttej nzz i cf tiosa tf ytnar lartt end iris lava passed ty tie erection cf an dzr at mm m a t -- - " . sr ta tit cltoc! tf aa aj;rc;lt J Ca sfijjtjj; -i;,:-':?;-,:; .!.':'. j ";v. , llteu S &vaS . . aw . Ilk. ) J. n. nr74, Prtrr!rr Cl EaetU CV Lcl.r5, IT. a 8utaribe for Jho ROBESONIA

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