v;atc:i rcur. laezl at; i) c: ::;p 1:1 i:: K'. AL L. CI" TOL: X X.Ui'TION all sur:,cr:i?Tio:;3 ard di, continu ed wnrrf ttisy EXFir.2 - -WATOI TOUR LAErL. vol.. Lin no. C3 LuncrsTON, v. a, hqiiday, irovEiiEia 27, 1022. COCKTBT. CC)t AND TBCTH, xsTABUsnxo m. rarca rnra cc?m. ta.M A TXAB, DUB IH ADVANCE Eleven Pccplo V HSvoCIccoCall Ford Car Struck and DemoMwl, J . a Dodge Six Negr Chiiaren w ' in the Ford but Nobody WM Ser iously IIurt-Ab, Small Required to ; Ghe.SSOO Bond, 1 ' "'' Eleven people; including 'six ; child- ren, naa riobo m - . wtnM.i v)n a Ford car -driven by Jno, p. McMillan. - coiorea, . -i. t nja : mii-ino' "car was struc uy ,:rcv driven by Ab Small on 'North Elm : .treot 'VVhHfl no bones were,;. broken, . practically all the occupants of both ' - . ,,f imi;A(t Five of the cars wu - v. -. - ' children of McMillan, . ages -ranging from 2 1-2 to 15 years, were WRen to the Baker sanatorium, thought their irtjuries are not considered - serious. One of the children :wa released tbls morning, while the others are stH at -the- sanatorium. - . " 7--. . -' Messrs. B. R. Small and Jtme Bntt were in the Dodge ear, while McMillan had his wife and six children with him inthe Ford. McMillan lives near Anti. och. in Hoke "county. Ab Small, who lives on R. l, from Fairmont, was ', arrested Boon- after" r; the accident . a n-d 1 ' was later re " leased under a $500 bondr The Ford car was practically demolished-; while the Dodge was badly damaged. - : Small was driving his car North on Elm and struck the- Ford as jt was "turning into Elm from East Four, teenthr. The Dodge -was . moving at fast speed", according to eye-witnesses. " ; ' -i,''';.'J-t,',"i; , SCHOOL CLOSES WEDNESDAY Thanksgiving Program- Will be - Rendered bv" Various Grades Wed- '-Mieeday Afternoon--Holiday Thurs- day and.Urioay. . - - t; ' The-Lumberton ; irraded " and high schools' ,will close' .Wednesday for Thanks crivinff and will not re-open ufl til Monday of next week... Pupils in the various grades willxende Thanks giving' programs Wednesday 'after noon, beeinnin at ': 1:30.; ,;Ther exer cises will be held In the several class rooms ajid parents of children in the various grades will be mvitea. fu SURVEYING NEW HIGHWAY t , LUMBERTONTO BLADENBQRO Wnrlr Rffim ' Todav Necessity for - Improved Road Baa Been FeU for Many Years.!.;. h, 1 Work was beeun !oday surveyihg the new State highway to-be; built from Lumberton to Bladenboro. It is tfiA nnrnosa of the State Highway Commission to build a good road from Lumberton to the Bladen county town The necessity for such a road has been felt for many, years, f ftii rniLD DIES AT ORRUM FROM EFFECTS OF SWALLOWING LYE. - Troy, Jr., i6-months-old son of Mr. and Mrs. Troy Lawson of Orrum, ';dd yesterday at noon from the effects of swallowing some ''. lye ' Saturday at ' noon.- The child climbed wrer some railinff about back oorch, at the! Law son home1 and reached Ithe' lye.s-it' is said. IntemenlTirvrariMdeetirSe. famTy cemetery, today at 10 a., m. . WILL GIVE CONCERT AT SCHOOL AUDITORIUM TUESDAY EVENING '"' Children of Alfred " Rowland chap ter.' Children of the Confederacy, will give a concert at the i high school aodi- tonum Tuesday- evening 1 this, wees at 8 - o'clock. A,- large ..number v of children will" take part and an excel lenb uroKram win ue rcuueicu iue . admission will be 60 and 25 cents. BARNESVILLE NEWS BATCH Heating Plant Installed In New HiRhjter. which both -schools and visitors School Huilding uarnesvuie ; nis ' j M m.. "n.i;..A.i.. uorrsspouueitce ui-ahb uvueauumu. - Barnesville. Nov. ; 25r-rAn up-o-Anta heatinc slant has recently been ; installed .in the new high scnooi nuiia ing here. A cement walk Is also being laid at he school buildings The Barnesville high school boys basket ball ( team- in., a . game -last '.Thursday. - ,;'.:: .-: The new primary teacher, ' Miss Bohannan of Georgia, ; arrived'; last . week. , ; ." - v". - . ; : , " 1 ' -i - VProf.' and Mrs. Morton '"will attend next week.-' x ; .,i ' Tenant House Burned in Ho wells ville. . a tenant-nouse on tne larra 01 mr. - J. W.1 Barker In Howellsville township was turned Saturday; The house was occupied by two Indian" families, who lust jii4tut.iij u Lucif uuuscumu r goods. ' The Indians, ; whose , names have not been learned, also lost their corn, woicn was storea la a Darn near oy. - ;awo -nius " 01 poutoes were al so ruined by the fire.- Mr. Barker's . t 3m 1 l r An : ii .surance. : ihe oncm of the lire is ; unknown. "v- ;-;":.iv.-i Messrs. Sandy and Arthur McNeill of Wakulla were - Lomberton'visitors Saturday. - --v. .' ' ; : iRaftSvampChcces Lone Republican Mr. Ernest Odum is Only -Republican Elected to Office in Robeson This Year-DefeaU-'Mr, Jos.' Townsend for Road Supervisor Appeal Will be' Made oa Ground of Irregnlari- '4 ., Mrr. Ernest Odumepublican can didate for roadv supervisor in .Raft Swamp township, received . 99 votes ancM-IrJ "Josepli .Townsend, .pemocra tic candidate, received Qt, votes m the special election held in that township Saturday, h As has been 'stated in The Robesouian, both candidates -receiyed the eame number of votes 68 in the regular election on November 7.- ;v ' Whue Mr. FrankUough,r cnalrman of the .. county board -of . elections, has declared Mr. Odum elected, it is. un derstood" that Irregularities . in the voting is charged and that the matter will be appealed to the Superior court. It is charged that some men who-live in Burnt Swamp township voted for Mr.' Odum Saturday The j w re quires that the board of elections de. dare the candidate receiving the larg. est vote eleiitthis board having no juaiciai powwrto settle contest tnat may arise," " ' There was great interest in the elec tion and several pars were hauling voters to the polls all day. The. larg. est vote heretofore cast in' the town ship was 182, , while . in- the 'election Saturday 193 .votes .were cast. "The returns .were brought to town this morning by Messrs. : Roy Tyner and W; R. Carlyle, pollholderSff, and Mr. U. r Townsend.' registrar. MISS ANDREWS MAY CONTINUE AS HOME DEMONSTRATION AGT. Strong Protest .Made Against Losing Her Valuable Services She .Was . Appointed State Nutrition Expert. It will be hailed as . good news throughout 5 the 1 -county,, that Miss Flax' Andrews, who has rendered such valuable service -during the past four years as : home demonstration agent of Rpbeson-county,! probably will conft tiniief her work -in Robeson, - ', , " j -When it became known "some time ago that Miss-Andrews had been ap pointed . State nutrition specialist a strong protest -against losing her 'ser, vices was made to the? State' depart- mettt iy the county commissioners, who' said that she could not.be spared from Robeson county 'and that her salary would bo raised 'Mrs McKinii mon. State" , agent, has agreed , that while Miss Andrews- is - wanted r. for State, work she may Temain in - Robe son for the present and that State work will be open for her at any. time in the f u'ture.-. 'i.'-&W& i It , is understood that definite decis ion will be reached by Miss Andrews by the timeuthe countjr commissioners hold their regular. monthly; meeting next Monday. , t 4 , BASKETBALL Girls' ;Team ; of Barker-Tenmile i De- i feats Gray's Creek. Correspondence of The Robesonian. , Lumberton; R. 1,. Nov., 21, The Tenmile iBarker high school girls or. ganized a basketball team about one month ago, and they, seem to be pro gressing nicely". v , ' : The ;;tearii , is composed y"of Edith Jones, right forward; Thelma. Powers, left forward; Lillian , M'White, right guard; .'Male Townsend, left ; guard; Carrie Plott, centefman. ' . . On last Friday afternoon, the game beginning at 3:15, they played Gray's Creek high school, Cumberland coun ty1, the score being 2 to- 42 in favor of Tenmile-Barker-Both teams show, ed good, f om,; considering that the practice-season r has .just begun. Thelma Powers' played a very import ant part, scoring a total of 82 points during the, gartie. - , l. . . Neither side: showed the least 01 feeling while the game was on. or af. "J"""- " ' The next game is : scheduled . for Friday afternoon, Dec. 8th, at Gray's Creek, although we think Tenmile- Barker is expecting to play .Lumber- ton Deiore.that time., . , , STATE SWINE SPECIALIST - r ADDRESSES ROBESON FARMERS Farmers From All Sections of Conn -ty . Attended Hog Meeting Here This Morning. - t Around 150 farmers,; representing all parts of the countyv attended the hog meeting held at the court house here today at 11 a; m. Mr, H. B. Ashley Jr.; of B.,: 2, Red Springs, cnairman 01 tne county Doard 01 ag rictature,'- presided . at? the " .meeting, which-; was addressed by 4r, W. W. Shay, State swine.: specialist. The speaker was introduced by Mr. O. O, Dukes, county farm demonstrator; V r. Mr.lShay. delivered -a ""plain," practi cal address, dealing -with . the . best known methods of growing hogs for tne commercial markets and waa lis tended to with. close attention: bv 'al) present. A fuller report of the meet, ing will be published in Thursday's Mr." Haynes Branch i of Wishart township - was a Lumberton visitor Saturday, J 1 Than!:cjivinj Day : Services at Lum- 1 . i bertori Churches ";- Chestnut Street Methodist $ '" .-A special Thanksgiving service will be held Thursday at 10:30 a., nv at Chestnut Street Methodist ."church. Collection will be taken for the Metho dist Orphanage' at Raleigh. ' :'i i r i ''V " " -"" ' ' i " , ' "Presbyterian . : ' " '-.Thankagjving services will be con ducted -at- the .Presbyterian church Thursday at 10:30 a. m. Collection will ho . taken , for the Presbyterian , or phanage at Barium Springs. . . -' Gospel Tabernacle. Thanksgiving servicer will be'coiVi ducted 'at the .Gospel Tablernacle Thursday atlO :30 , a' m. The collec tion will be for; Rer. W. B. Oldf ieldj the missionary - which . this church is supporting in China" During- the re cent uprising in China Mr. Oldfield was robbed of practically all his possessions.- lie is" still faithful- to his post -and this church feels Itself - for tunate in having such a consecrated representative. , , - - First Baptist. I ? ' ? Special, Thanksgiving services will be held at the iirst Baptist "church Thur iday at 10:30 a.m. A- collection will- , be ;--! taken ;for - the " Baptist orphanage at Thomasville, . , -mi' r , ' fEast Lumberton Baptist. Thanksgiving services will be held at the East Lumberton Baptist church Thursday at 3 " p. m. J The collection will be for the Thomasville Baptist orphanage , . ' -1 - - ROWLAND NEWS ITEMS. A. Wonderful Concert Movement of , tne I'eople. Correspondence -of The- Robesonian.7 ""Rowland. Nov. 25. On last Thurs day night in the school auditorium, Miss Anita Ast, violinist,'' and other talent from the -Fayeteville school of Music gave a concert under the aus pices of the Woman's Club. , Miss Ast has been trained under Europe's best instructors : and, U X uite ; wonderful, The concert was enjoyed by all. : s ft Kev, John McSween of :. Timmona- ville was here on business last Friday, Mrs. i!;.-u. Mc&innon, who has had an operation, is. improving vey nice ly. r T . f . '' Mr. T. W, Brake and son Ralph. motored to, Charlotte Friday p. m. They will go from there to Greenville, where they expect to purchase a new . Miss Margie Hines.'who is teaching in Chadboun spent . last week-end at the home of her parents, Mr,, and Mrs. tt. M ilines. . - ' 'Misses Agnes Evans and Bessie Pleasants of the Rowland church and Misses Bertha ' Barker. Mary . 'Ann Watson and Mr Willy Hinea of the Ashpole church attended the Chirs tian Endeavor conference held at Red Springs last Saturday and Sunday. Miss jseuian Williams, who is teach ing at Whiteville, spent last week-end at home. i Miss Mary Glewis spent last week end with her aunt Mrs. A I Bullock. Mrs. Brown Bullock and Mrs. John McArn spent last Tuesday, in Dillon at the home of their , sister Mrsv L. . Johnson. Rev. C H. McLean 'was a Dillon visitor last Thursday, " Mrs. A. T. McKeller entertained the Tuesday afternoon Rook club A- party, of men from Rowland and Dillon enjoyed .hunting at p Murrels' mlet last week. r 1 : ; , . , Miss Ethel Baker spent a few davs last week with Mr. and Mrs. S. W. Alford of Dillon. -1- v ; Record of Deaths Mrsfb. Warren Stone of Pembroke. ' Correspondence of The Robesonian. ; Pembroke. Nov. 2fi.-i On Mivmar 21,' Mrs." D4 W. -Stone,;of Pembroke, passed away at Highsmith hospital Fa Vette ville. following an nnorafinn Her devoted husband was with her at the time, and accompanied the - re mains home Wednesday a. m. - - - ane was a consistent member of the BaDtist church, a eonA netohhnr Rfnfi friend. She 'is survived bv hiuband. three children, Mr: L.rf P."; Stone of Kowland and. Frankhn and,, Lal'a of this. niace.vw: ;;'t-c: - , She waa buried at r Bapk SwAmn church following funeral service - at Tk a. . a 1 . . : oapust cnurcn . nere, conducted by ev. . r. iiedgpetft of ..Lumberton. i: I he floral tributes Were lovely . Wake Forest' Nov. 24Cjust three years from the .occasion , that Belvin W.: Maynard, flying' parson nnd noted air pilot, spoke to the visltof s -at Wake Forest society day back in 1919, bronze tablet ,i !ro feet by- one and a halOeet iwaar? presented f to? Wake Forest- colleger hsre today,-, bearing an inscription of .- the world-famous pilot that lost, his lifa September .7, 1322, when his plane fell to earth. r-The Condition of Mrs Wallace NormemV who has been seriously Jll at; Pittman , hospital, ; FayettevUle, since undergoing an operation Tues day of last week, is very much ' im proved. . - . .v . - Ffag-Raicing at : 'i r Parkton School Flag Presented by Company Lv Un ion Thanksgiving berviccs will be Held.-. ' -- , r 'k, . Bv C. I). Williamson Parkton. Nov 2& AtiAtJior nnrY la the history of Parkton school hat been reached. .-.- - -" -: . r Friday afternonn , k flag-raising exercises were held. Tb i i n. , .t loveiy nuge nag was presented to the school by Co. L. 1 19th Inf. An im pressive ceremony was ! enjoyed bj quite a number of interested patrons ana me nost oi students m the school. Music was furnished far Parkfnn hanrf Prof. H R. Carter, superintendent of tne. nign scnooi,' was master of cere monies. ; Introductory:.: remarks were made by Rev. R. F Mnnna. In th absence of Mr." C. Cobb, rwho was to have delivered v the Bible, Prof, Car ter delivered it, also received it in be. half of the r school: Tha flatr " vu raised by Sargent; Everett and Sar gent China. Private,; Blount and Pri vate wngnt, tne band playing beau tifully our national anthem. The flag was accented and annreciatinn nVon in a few well-chosen words by Dr. D. The Weather w le.l.''liisl ennno-li bre&e to unfurl the beautiful flag as it was suspended upon a huge pole." Rev C. V. Smith of Danville will preach y at the -' Presbyterian church here Wednesday night, and Thursday night at the Baptist church. There will be "a Union Thanksgiving service held.' Rev. R. Munns will lead ; To Make War on Masked Marauders Raleigh 1 News and -Observer. "An Act to Prevent Secret Assaults by Mar.audera";is the title of a bfll that has received the approval, of a mass meeting of Harnett county folks and which will be introduced into the General-Assembly at thr January ses. slon, by J. R Baggett, ,of Lillington, state senator from the 12th district, i. - 11 .9 . i . . . cum sueea activities oi tne AU KIux Klan. . . y': . -The proposed bill reads: 1st: That it shall be unlawful for any person to be - found off of his premises disguised or masked In such manner as -to. destroy his identity. f. i"2nd: Any person violating this act , shall be guilty of a felony, and trpon conviction shall be imprisoned m the state's prison not less than one year and not more than-five years, i "This act shall be in force on and after its ratification.". " ' Approval of the proposed measure in mrnett. where John Doe proceed ings before Judge Oliver H. Allen failed to draw any facts sufficient to warrant an indictment against mask. ed men who have recently engaged in a series of more or less brutal whippings, was given by a mass meet ing in Lillington presided over by H. Lt. uooawin. While the Ka Klux Klan in not mentioned in -the proposed bill, the measure, it is assumed, wilk draw stiff opposition -'from that 1 source since it forbids the public wearing of masks or disguises which i destroy identity. - . - Mr. Hector Stephens .- of R. 1. Or rum, was in town Saturday. , , LUMBERTON NEVER HAD SUOT A GOLDEN OPPORTUNITY 'sS- before ;- - The Robesonian is now calling the "roll on who of Lumberton's . - citizens are patriotic to the town's lasting and intelligent develop-: " mentIt is no fftne. for the man with an alibi. Lumberton wants more : factories and more payrolls.. To get them we must set our best foot,-, u forward and tell our story to all America. . ,"' . .. " - .This newspaper recently secured the - services of a man who- is reputed reliable1 and a specialist in this line) in George Claiborne . . Sunms, of Norfolk, Va. He is much pleased - with the encouragement c given him by our citizens. He will tell of the esseta, opportunities c and delights of Lumberton in- an interesting and .- comprehensive - manner in the big Robeson County Development edition soon to'ap, ' ',-pear. - y - C , ' . rThat he undertands his. business is- attested by a news dispatch .. from Winchester, Va a few days ago to the '. effect that Detroit - Mich., capitalists had closed the contract to erect $10,000,000 auto mobile plant there. Mr. Simms put on a special edition at Winchester f ' .in-February of -this ' year a V big 60-page papers Another ; instance ' :' isthe little South Carolina boom town of Clover, now so largely ln '; .the spot light; where he put on a speciaLedition in the spring. Since f .' then Massachusetts Yankees have pome on and built a new million- -dollar cotton null, a creamery, - a fertilizer plant, hew hotel, new i'; ;; theatre," new four-story furniture establishment, two new . depart- - ment stores, etc , " ' - ' . ' ' ; The milk in the coconut Is that what -other Southern; towns ' less ' , - blessed and endowed by nature have v done, Lumberton; can do. We - believe in Lumberton" and Lumberton's citizens--and that spells Lam--; "? berton's future. A" grain of faith the size of a. mustard seed will move . ; a "mountain. Two-third3 of the population'of the nation is north of thp- Mason &Dixon line, but 78 per cent of thenatin's raw mater ials are- south of the line. Then to any intelligent man we' ask wh., : do the next ten years mean to Dixie to the Dixie towns that 5, -ri growth and -new ; bbod, new dollars and new business ? Tiu.j; j . - son special edition will be a credittQ the town and to its publisher . Itvill be well illustrated. It will ten f the big men of todayof I ' this section and their life work. It will carry to the Northern manu. ' facturer and investor and Chamber 0f Commerce, to whom it is to be r mailed wam-hearted invitationto investigate Lumberton. The paper .will be circulated all over Robeson county for the benefit of our tner. r ' chants. "NOW BOOSTl" "' - Red Cros3 Ncvi Picture Show Well Attended Schools That will be Visited This Week Special AtractioA at. Barker-Ten. mile. . Ey L. R, Stephens, County Chairman". The Red Cross picture show, whirh has been shown in the various schools of the county 'durinjr the past two weeks, has been - well attened. ' At Centenary, Rex, Fairmont and Row land good attendance. . ; This week the followinr schools will be visited, ; and picture . shown every, night: , " -'?'-"; cj iw - ,. Wednesday night at Purvis: Thanksgiving night at Indian Nor mal, Pembroke; Friday night at Park, ton graded schooL - : " - V ; A special attraction will be at Bar. ker-Tenmile School on Saturday night of this week. In addition to regular pictures, a vaudeville ; program has been arranged by some amateur ar tists, and, for about 30 minutes- the audience will .be entertained In this manner." :- ' . ,;t " ':; s The work has been going forward in a satisfactory manner, and all seem very- much interested in same. A BIRTHDAY DINNER. . Mr. W. R. Ivey ? Celebrate Sixty. Third Birthday. Mr. W. R i Ivey, keeper of the conn. ty home, Saturday celebrated his 63rd birthday. A , number of - Mr.' ' Ivey s friends was Invited to his home to partake of a bountiful birthday din ner. The dinner consisted of a most elaborate spread of good things to eat, including a well-prepared "stall fed" 'possum. .That Mrs. Ivey is an expert cook no one who was so for tunate as to partake of that bounti ful feast has any doubts. v, - ; v Although this reporter was unable to be on hand for the dinner at noon, he reached the Ivey home in time for the second dinner at 7:80 fun. And even after the -second dinner was over the long table: was. still heavy-laden with good things to eat. v,; ''' : "''; "Mr. Ivey received numerous pres-r ents from friends and relatives and not one- of those present appeared to be younger or to have enjoyed the oc casion more than the man who on thai day reached his 63rd milepost.- i Mr. and Mrs. Ivey are . delighul host and hostess and a visit to this hospitable home will not be soon for. gottev.i.;-' England and. Ireland Shocked by Ex .ecution of Childers. -' England and Ireland were shocked and startled by the execution Friday of Erskine Childers; chief lieutenant of Eamon De valera, for being caught carrying an automatic pistol. 1 Well wishers for the' Irish Free State fear that another reign of terror and blood shed will be the result of the action of the Free State authorities. : f : i ; i V I,., i . Mr. W. J. McDonald of R. 2. St Pauls, was a Lumberton visitor Sat urday. - Mr. S.' W. Mercer and son, Master Edwin, of R. 5 Lumberton, were a mong the visitors in town Saturday : Mr. ,W. Hi Taylor of R. 5, Lumber ton, was among the" visitors in .town Saturday. . . Cotton niartet : Reported by S. U. Barriagtoo ' Middling Cotton is quoted - on the local market today at 24 1-2 cents the pound; strict middling 25 cents. - Items of Local Snow fell hereabouts for a short Uma about 8rC0 last night' the first , di the season. - An election to vote on" a $15,000 road bond issue will ht held in Burnt'; 3watnp township on Wednesday, De cember 20. - . . , 'Mr. LC. Edens of Elrod has ac ccpted a position as salesman In the . grocery department of Mr. L. H. Cald, -well's department store, y-'w - . There will be a pie supper at Cedar Grove school building Tuesday, evening at 7:30rThe proceeds will go to the school. The public is invited. Barkers-Tenmile girls' basket- ( , ball team, defeated a girls' team from Gray's Creek, Cumberland county, on the former's grounds Friday : after- " -noon 42 to 2. ' - . Locile, , 4-year-old daughter of - ' Mr. and Mrs. C E, Cherry, suffered ; a broken left arm Saturday when she ' fell af the home, of her parents, East " Fifth street. ' H J , ' ' , '.. - Mr. L. II. Caldwell delivered , an : address at Ebenezer Baptist church, " colored at Wilmington, last night. . lie was accompanied to Wilmington by Mr. M. B. Bobbins. They retu rned home this morning. , . ; r y The iron bridge at the 1 foot of . Fifth "street will be closed each night - this week from 12 o'clock to 6 a. - m, on account of inakihg repairs. The s bridge will be open to traffic from 6 , s. m. to midnight each day. " ,, : ' - i Prof. J. R. poole, county, superin. tendent'of schools, will go tomorrow . , to attend the annual convention of the North Carolina Teachers association. , Other teachers of Lumberton and the county will attend the convention. . - - ' Pupils of the Fairmont graded school gave play at the high school, auditorium here Friday evening.; , The -I, play was witnessed by a fair-sized . audience and was presented in a most pleasing manner. . v , Misses Hazel ana Marie Wishart, , , seventh-grade pupils in the Lumber- ; ton graded school ' have been elected -to represent the school, fa the State, , wide speling contest to take place in," . Raleigh Wednesday of this week. H -i-Only about half the number of t Charlotte Observers due here arrived yesterday. They arrived this morning and Postmaster McGill learns that they were thrown off at Maxton. The matter has been reported to the chief - c ' clerk. : ' ; & ;Hfi; -.v.-i; ; . B. M. Lawson, chief of police at Fairmont, plead guilty , of simple as- sault upon D. G. Rouse and cursing -on the streets before Assistant Re- . corder L7 J. Britt here Saturday. He , was fined $1 in each case and taxed i' with the cost. " 1 An important meeting of the . ,v Lumberton post of ' the American " Legion will be held in the Legion hall' ' Thursday evening of this week- at 8 .'' o'clock. Officers for the ensuing year . will be elected ' at I, this meeting and 1 all members are urged to be present.' All who - wish to contribute to wards a Thanksgiving dinner, for the ' inmates of the county home are re- ; ,. quested to take their contributions to ' the home of Mrs; L, T. Townsend not' later than tomorrow (Tuesday) even- . ing.. Either food or cash will be ac- ' Mrs. "it. B. Shaw of the Globe ' Swamp section was operated on -for appendicitis at the Thompson hospi- t tal Friday night. Her ; condition is favorable.: Her father,; Mr. ; E.H. -Branch,; who also lives in - the Globe -Swamp section, and husband, wore Lumberton visitors, Saturday. 5 . : - The source, or at least one source. ' of the malodorous airs that have, af- ' f licted and puzzled certain sections of ' town for some time was discovered Friday when excavation was made on ' ' West Fourth street near , Mr.; L. C. Townsend's store.';.' A burst pipe was discovered and repaired. , ; 'f ;: : " ' The Maxton , Scottish i Chief states that Rev. J A. Hornady for mer pastor of the Methodist church at ' " Maxton, who took the - superannuate "; at the recent session of the North Carolina Methodist conference' .will move to Laurel Hill and occupy- the residence of his brother-in-law. Rev. '' F. B. MeCall, who comes to the Lum berton circuit. ' - The Robesonian - has received 'a report from the office of the ;- chief" clerk. Railway Mail Service, - Rich mond. Va to the effeet that. com. plaints of continued delays in receipt 'Y of Robesonian newspapers by sub scribers at Parkton, Rex, Rennert, Buies, Elrod, Purvis and Rowland, N. , -C, and Hamer and Dillon, S. C, are . being closely investigated. Postmas- " ter McGill of Lumberton say3 . he thinks the trouble is In a fair way of being remedied right away, i . Mr. P. A. Rozier of Barney, Ga., '. who spent a week in Robeson county- visiting; relatives,, left here Saturday-' , evening for Bethune, S.'C, where, he V' will visit a brother, Mr. IST S. Rozier v " and thence he will go to - Bishopville," S. C, to see his daughter Mrs. Laneau ' In this county Mr. Rosier visited his r . sister Mrs. E. M. Powers, his brother , Mr. R. A. Rosier, and cousins Messrs, A H. and D. T. Rozier in Howells ville township, and cousins, Messrs. " M. M. and Frank Rozier, in Lumberv. ... ton. ' , - - .1

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