PACE CEVEII Mr; Tut BVt?v& J - Bur vou D0I3E: SHEET POPE I WAS POaT Out . wTM , t . . MtV M A BIT'S w . vit & , fise CAM F'nP T "VOW iWO w 0C Oscar Lose AijumcnL - - Terry ' Gilkison z nosrcciOAii, lvzlzztoii, i;o::tii caboleia honday, decetiels 4, IS22. I V 600089$ GraT'ouS ALiMT II ( YES - I V WATTiS - I ADMITTED J AlfiVeH I V ' . - . . I . - .ac E v 1 was '--.Jy -V" 01 614T Jy, rr-TnmT 8 .3 r I I I II II II . I . ' " I H I U HI I I I I I 1 ' A YOUNG man ; who recently ! inherited a mammoth1' fortune speaking of what his friends called his MgoOd' fortune," said: ; ""It is7 not all .the 'good fortune it seems to be With it has come a sense of responsibility , that weighs and worries..-'--- ' " r:. : :. Moreover 1 no longer hold the place among, my former friends that I used to hold and want to retain. Thev envy me, and envy iso lates. I cannot associate in the Same old way. If I entertain my friends moderately I learn , that 1 am accused of being miserly. If I en tertain them lavishly I know they must feel 1 that I put them beyond the- hope of recipro cating courtesies. I find .my money isx putting my friends to the test quite as much as me, I am anxious to use my money for the good of others not alone for my good. . , 1 ' "Those who can share that thought with me and help me in that desire are few. . My good i fortune: has' built a wall about me." . , ' Money is the insgnia of labor. It represents the investment of brawn and brain. -He who wastes it wants. He who squanders it upon his own i pleasures and pastimes is forced to feel the waste even though hjs resources be so inexhaustible-that he may" never feel the pinch.- - : '-. " : i ': -r::y'i:; ! ; Alan s . worth measured by his earnest eagerness to help others. ;t, ; "The closest personal advisor of one of the richest men in America recently told ns that his friend, whose income was over hall a milr lion dollars a day, needed no counsel in the" game of getting, but he eagerly sought help r in the game of giving. To help men without hurting them was the problem which perplexed him.' - , v "Do T live for myself or for others,- am I altruistic or I merely iny own keeper or am I my brother's keeper ?!'-these are the problems" which money forces you to face; and you face them just as squarely with 5 four hundred a month as four millions a month. It is good to feed bread to the hungry, but it is better to find out why they are without bread, to help them get their own bread than give them your bread. s The highest philanthropy is more than char ity. The Curse of the -world is poverty. The great war of the twentieth century is going , to be the war against poverty, r - ' So long as money represents the product of ' labor, the getters and ; givers of money will find their opportunity for ? happiness only through the privilege of enlarging: the markets of labor, rightly' rewarding labor and giving : just returns to them .who invest their brawn and brain for the' good of their brothers as J well as for the goodof themselves. other countries "on an equal baU." In referring to the Washington con treaties has been signed and that one ; is about the Island of Tap." After having paid a high tribute to the late Ambassador Page, who was in London daring the war period, Dr. Van Dyke made brief reference to Embassador Harvey. - "He . does not . know whether , wo men have souls." he laughed. "Women wonder whether Harveys have hearts." . .Rev, Oscar Haywood Ordered to Explain to Deacons. : New York, Nov. 30. The Rev. Os car Haywood, evangelist of Calvary Baptist church, of this city, who re cently defied Mayor Hylan to prevent him from organizing a Ku Klux Klan in New York city, last night was or dered by his board of deacons to ap pear before ! it and explain ' himself. The decision of the deacons and S. Raymond Estey, chairman, meant that Mr. Haywood would be examined to ascertain whether, in his activities as a Klan organizer, he ''violated the principles of the church or Impaired his" usefulness to it." The date for his appearance before the church board was not fixed. ' " House Passes Shipping BilL. Washington The ' administration shipping bill, around which was waff. ed the most bitter partisan fight of tne present Congress, , was passed Wednesday by the house with 24 votes to spare. The final count was 208 to Sixty-nine republicans broke it from their party organization and op. posea tne Dili, while four democrats supported it - In the age of, acorns, antecedent to Ceresa and the royal ploughman Triptolemus, a single barley-corn had been of more value to mankind than all the diamonds that glowed in the mines of India. H. Brooke. , TRUSTEES SALE By trtu of authority- conferred by B 4 of trtirt dated Dee. 27, lilt, made to the andentened mm by John H. McNeill and recorded in Book 7 at pase 62. Robeson pronty Eeglatrjr (default havlns been, made in the payment of the debt therein eeored) tha UBdenigned trmtee will, on Monday the 11th., day of December, 122, at 12 o'clock, "n- Court Hooa. door of Robejon County, offer for aale at public auction to th. htehett bidder forr-ejuh the following dweribed landa to-wH( flRST TRACTS Adjoining the land of T L. Johnson on the South: K. M. Bisn and National Cotton Mill, an th. inrh ..j tlcuUrly described a follow.:. Beginning at a itake by a lra Dine, at McOnam lrn HAW hf.ti.K.I ( ' L L . F I I . ' t TAFT NAMED AS WITNESS IN DEMAND FOR IMPEACHMENT OF ATTORNEY GEN. DAUGHERTY Representatirs Keller " Sets J Forth Fourteen Charges ; in Letter to ' Chairman of Judiciary Committee. Setting .,-'1 forth fourteen specific grounds for impeachment Mr. Keller alleged that Mr. Daugherty had prac. ticed "fraud and deceit" : on Mr. Taft ; Washington, Dec. 1. Chief Justice while President, to obtain the release Taft was named today, in a state ment to the house Judiciary commit tee by Representative Keller, Republi can, Minnesota; as a witness to be called in support of his . demand for the impeachment of Attorney General Daugherty. The Chief Justice was desired to testify, Mr. Keller wrote, in connec tion with his charge, formally filed, that Attorney General Daugherty had appointed "untrustworthy, cor. rupt .and dangerous men" to high office, knowing at the. time that they were men of such character. George, Wickersham, former at. torney general, Samuel Gomper s, wrote that he would not comply ex- DR. VAN DYKE DOESNT THINK cept in certain particulars, as he and MUCH OF FOREIGN POLICY U. S. his advisers iegarded as safe. It is a Policy of Idiocy and Hypocrisy He Tells Teachers' Assembly Audi, ence. . r - from prison of Charles W. Morse and that on Raleigh, Dec. 1. "The . United States today is- pursuing a - foreign policy of .idiocy and hypocrisy," ,Dr. , Haywood preached in Lumberton one Sunday morning a year or so ago and delivered a lecture at the court house on, prison reform. He is quoted i's having stated in New .York.' the other day that Henry A. Grady, new. ly elected judge of the Sixth judicial district of North Carolina, was head of tiie Ku Klux Klan in this State but a Kinston dispateh; states that the statement failed to create any sensation there - and' apparently was given little credence. - - 'J ' Mr,; Morse's. failureito pay JpoePr'' Daugherty V associates in", tne pardon "Ty IT 01 T"1"' "i declared here today In a brief lunch eon address, in connection with the teachers' assembly. " "Common sense of the kind to cap. tain a ship," a real conviction that the world is founded in righteousness and justice and courage' were outlined by proceedings agreed fee, he "prostitu. ted" the office of attorney general for "personal revenge" by securing an indictment of Morse. In his letter to Chairman Volstead, of the- judiciary committee, Mr. Kel ler said the specifications he inclosed j him as the three essentials which "set out and I am prepared to prove should compose America's policy af that the said Daugherty is guilty of (ter he had declared "we can not per serious misconducV in office highly suade Europe to "do what she does prejudicial to the public interest of .not want to do unless we show her a grave abuse of his discretionary pow.'good reason." - ' ers.' of wilful and rengated violations! of the oath of his office and of the T "The kaiser could have stopped the The year round garden off ers health and -i happiness..: Ara, you planning i president of the American Federation ! high crimes and misdemeanors in four- jWofld war by a mere lifting of his of Labor, and Guy 0. Royster, Mr. teen particulars," each one of which is nana he said. "I ask you, is it just that a nation responsible for the war and-all that ''has followed should be prosperous at the expense of those -al- most destroyed T There must be repa. Gomper's secretary, who were men- supported by numerous instances." tioned by Mr. Keller as other witness-1 jf any of these fourteen specif ica es he would ask tne committee to tions against the . ..said Harry M summon as to this narticular alleca- tion. .v iv important othern Baid Mr.rations, but those fixed at Versaijes Regarding the -committee request Keller, "it is that group of 8Pecifka-Jwere 00wJarfer unreasonable and -that he give the nams of all per- tions that relates to the refusal and .possible. sons who could testify as to any of neglect of the said Harry M. Daugh- When Germany has paid its repara. the charges on which he based a de- erty to enforce the anti-trust laws oftions, Dr. Van Dyke asserted, then mand-for impeachment, Mr. Keller the United States of America." f he hoped it would be received by the . Our Annual Paul Revere AUTOCAfTHJj- Severe Indigestion "I had very severe attacks of Indigestion," writes Mr. M. H. Wade, a farmer, of R. F. D. 1, Weir, Miss. "I would suffer for months at a time. Ail 1 dared eat was a little bread and butter. . . consequently i sutler ed from weakness. 1 would try to eat, then the terrible suffer ing ia my stomach I I took medicines, but did not get any better. The druggist recom mended Thedionl's LACK-DRAUGHT and I decided to try it, for, as I say, I had tried others for two or more years without any im- I Movement In my health. I soon ound the Black -Draught was acting on my liver ana easing the terrible pain. "In two or three weeks, 1 found I could go back to eating. 1 only weighed 123. Now 1 weign 147 eat anything: I want to, and by taking Black-Draught 1 do not suffer.'v Have you tried Thedford's Black-Draught? If not, do so today. Over 8 million packages sold, -a year. At dealers' , EM II MORTGAGEE'S SALE OF LAND Under and by virtue of the power and au thority contained in a certain mortgag. deed dated February 17th, 1914, and duly regieter ed in the offic of the Register of Deeds of Robeson County, in Book of Mortgagee . No. 11 at nar. 46. the nndemtened . morta-agee will, on Saturday, December 16th. 1922, at 12 o'clock Noon, at the Courthouse door, in the Town of Lomberton, offer for sale, at public auction, to the highest- bidder, for easn, the following described landa and premises, to-wttf - .- In Thompson Township, Robeson County, N. C, Beginning at stake ; and runs E. IT chains; thence West -CI chains and 42 links to an oak by an Elm and black gum at the run of Jernegan" Branch : thence and with Thomas Martin's line to th. corner of R. H. Martin's land; thenee with his lin. South 18 degrees W. 7 ehains to stake by a Hickory and black Jack Oak; thenee his other line S 70 degrees East 9 ehains to a stake by aererai small oaks, near the ford of branch: thenee South 20 degrees West 88 ehains and 00 links to th. beginning, containing 81 acres, more or less, H being a part of the lands of the late Thomas Dean and ia the same tract of land described in a deed from Martin i. Me Cormic to Mrs. E. J. McCormie, dated Oct. loth 1894, and recorded in the Offic. of the Reg siter of Deeds of Robeson County, North Carolina, to Book 8-8, page J12. ,V This. th. 16th day of November 1922. . i. McR. BRACY. Transferee of the Mortgagee. Johnson A Johnson, Attorneys for th. Mortgagee. ll-M-4 Than. a-1 :ii:m:ii, -imm; ih I ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE Raving ejualified aa adninivtrator of the estate af Margaret Leeklear, deceased, late ef Robeson County, North Carolina, this ie to notify alt persons having claims against said estate to exhibit th. same to the undersigned at Pembroke, N. C , on or befor. the 1st day of December. 1928, or this notice wUl be pleaded in bar ef their recovery. All persons ; endebted to said estate will please make im mediate payment to the undersigned. This Nov. list. 1922 fc. M. PATTL. Admin l tr tor estate Margaret Locklear, deceased. - . MeNeiM Hackett, attyi. ' 11-28-8 Thaw. COMMISSIOSER'8 SALE ' TJndrr and by virtue of err u in ' judg ment of the Superior Court of Robeson Coun ty, in an action entiUed J. B. WUllams et al v. Wesley Herring at -ah, the pnderoitcned commissioner named in said Jades ent, will offer for sale for sash at., public auction to the highest bidder at the court hou-.e door In Lmbcrini, N. a 12 o'etoek noon on Decern ber 2rd, 1922. foe folkring deseefbed lands: " i In Sterlings Township. 1st Tract: Beginning at a pin. stump vr South ?0 East bAM eblin. TT V I?M P'-. oTner and runs North 71 1. MlM0 h"'n . tek.: then . - iLt'a chains by three pin. svssiwa a v ttoiv IB cnnina IA a f sr si iS VI . m mm a. . Nei l 7 h M f i k. j 'j DJ M;iatong a eart road South'5 West S chaina 2117 iHJL'il! J dated I", stake. North 15 1-2 West It 60-100 chains Feb. 28, 1887 and recorded in Book 8-K page fa, . large ditch known aa the Dowea Corner i thence atonsj the) uowen nne 2 40-100 chains to a stake, th. Dowea cor ner and th corner of lota in the division of the lands of th. Into Frank D Floyd, de- ceased, thenee along the line of lot No South 80 West 21 10-100 ebafaw to stoke hi th corner of lot Numbers snd T tbene long the line at lot No. T South l E. lj 7t-100 ehains to stake. North 60 &st 11 18-100 chaina to a staka by a fene to Faulkt Branch i thence South 40 East U,St" ehaina to tba beginning, containing Tf snd kwtog th. aama land assigned to W, V. Floyd hi severalty in the diriskm of the hwda of Frank B. Floyd deceased and know as lot No 8 in said division Snd Tract. On both aldsaV of Whw Grass Road and South of th N. C. Ry Blnntog at atoka ta dHeh In WJ5. Meara Wno snd rrKh hi. lin. South 4 &rt tS chains in his aorner, then with Ma bm line North 8 1-S Eat e,V'l to th. ' wire grass road : thenee with tne rose Sth O tWest 2 82-100 chain, to .Uk. inth. road: thenee with Marry line North 68 1-f East It 68-100 chains tea tae: thence near Barnes comer; thenee wit" hi. Una North 81 l- Eyrt IS hslna v. 1 East 10 84-100 ehaina to taka ta th i' V jiealey Una ; ' i-ea . w.n a -. ... trees North 82 West to a corner of a U i . Ita ditch? thence with th various of th. ditch to th. beginning, eontatong M Srd Tracts oeiinnma - . two pines. Floyd's comer, and rone Nortn 71 8-4 Esit 8 chains 88 lfnVs to a stake by threVp in Floyd'. Avenue; then. th 24 1-S East 19 ysrds to a aa. r two pinas; thence direct to. JJtlTlL vey'to This being Mm tract of land eonveyeo w "deed da"tod X m; Dated xnis woveniDVT -. , " ROBERT A. SfelNTVRl. EaCEFTINO however 10 acres conveyed Pilous ly to Ood McMillan (Book 8-A page 187) 16 acres to John .W. Smtth (book 0-A P Wl) ! four acres to Evander Moody (book S-N peg. 168) and on. acre to Warren West, sum i lyins on East side of the Cvandcr Moody land. SECOND TRACT, tin B...t. Lumber River and between the two Jacob Swasnps, Beginning at a black gum. Martin Wood.Ua aorner, and runs South to or near hay, and a aorner, a ligbtwood stump; then run Bast to a branch corner at eypiuss tree; then run. .aid branch to Big Jacob Swamp; then up Big Jacob Swamp to Mar tin Woodelhi corner. eonUmmg 40 acres, mora or 1M and is the same conveyed by A U " ,wir. to- 4. G. Mccormick (see ttoot a-A pag. 88) and conveyed by said Mccormick to John H. McNeill. ' . Dated this November 0th , 1922. . DICKSON McLEAN. Melntyre, Lawrence A .froctor. Trustee. Attorneys. 11-18-4 Mod. TRUSTEE'S SALE OF LAND TJnder and by virtue of the power and authority conferred In a certain deed of trust executed by Hector Locklear to the undersigned Trustee, bearmg date 11th dav of December. 1921. and registered In Book 60. page 92. Office of th Register of Deeds of Robeson County, (default having - been made in th. -payment of the not. secured thereby) the undersigned Trustee will on Mon- December 18th. 1922, at 12 o'clock Noon, at the court house door In th. Town of Lum berton, N. C, offer for sale, at public auction- to the highest bidder for cash, the following lands and premises, to-wit: . Tn Smiths Tnwiuhin RaKmihi rmint. fl- Joining -the lands of Wesley Bullard, Simeon Ballard and John Locklear, and Rev. W. L. Moor, containing 100 aeres, mor. or less, and Doing all oi th. lands owned by Hector Leeklear. There is included in the above-de scribed tract of land a small tract on which th. said Hector Locklear erected a residence during the year 1920-21. This the 18th day of November, 1922. -T. V. JOHNSON Johnson a Johnson, Trustee. Attorney. .11-28-4 Tburs, SALE UNDER EXECUTION Br virtue of an execution issued by the clerk of the superior court of Onslow County upon a judgment docketed in th. superior court of Onslow County on the 1st dsy of Novem ber, 1922, in favor of John W. Ward .and Sons against Pop. P. Crawford, I will, on Monday the 1st day of January, 1928. at the court boos, door of Robeson County, of fer for sal. at public auction to the highest bidder eor cash, to satisfy said execution, all the right, title and interest of Pop. P. Craw ford in and to the following lands s In Rowland township, beginning at a stake by three pines, the third corner Of th. dow er, in MeGirt's lin and runs South 89 1-2 East with the donpr line 22.76 chains to a stake- then South S4 1-2 West 61.82 ehains to Ward's line: then a hie lin North 8 West 28.67 'chains to a pin wast of the road, then as McPhaul's line North 24 1-2 East 80 chains to a stake, then as MeGirt's line South 28 1-2 East 2.28 ehains to a pine, his corner, then . South 86 East 5 chains to the beginning, containing 180 scr, more or less, and beinsr lot No. I in the divbttcn of the lands of W. B. Mcllln, deceased, se book 8 "K" - page 442 register's office Kobeuon County. Dated this November 20th. 1922. j ROBERT E. LEWIS, . . Sheriff of RobetonCounty. Mclntyre Lawrence Proctor, Attorneys for Plaintiff. 11-23-4 Tbars. TRUSTEE'S SALE OF LAND - Under and by virtue of th. power and au thority vested ia the undersigned Trustee in a certain deed of triM executed by H. L. Andrews and wife, .bearing date February 1st 1919 and registered in Book of Mortgages No. '44, at page 698, in the office of the Register of Deeds of Robeson County (default haying been made in the payment of the notes secured thereby I the undersigned Trus tee will on Monday December 18th, 1922, at 12 o'clock Noon, at th. court house door in the Tewn of Lumberton, N. C, offer for sale, at public auction to the highest bidder for cash, th. following described land, to-wit : In Howelleville Township, adjoining .the lands of N. A. Mercer, J. D. Herring and others. Beginning at a stake in the north edge of J. D. Herring's corner in Mercer's line, and' runs with and beyond Herring's line south 67 E. 25.27 chains to a stake or pine Tee, Mercer's corner: thence to and with Yerring' line N. - 28 ' E. 12.24 :hains to a ditch ; - thenee with he ditch N. 21 E 9.87 chains to another litch ; these, with that dHeh N. 66 1-2 W. 19.68 ehaina to the north edge of th. Reran road i thenee with the road S. S3 8-4 W. 22.13 ehains to the beginning, containing 48 acres. Survey ed November 26 th, 19 by W. M. Bryant, surveyor, said tract of land being a tract of land conveyed by W. H. and Archi bald Regan to Kane L, Andrews. This the 18th. day of November. 192!. VIRGINIA TRUST COMPANY. Johnson a Johnson. Trustee. Attorneys. - - . U-2S-4 Tburs. J ' N-OISCE-OF-S North Carolina, to th. Superior Court. Robeson County. ' - M j Read PbosphaU Co, Inc. T. D V.clo4 and Mr. V, E. MeUod. t the defendant. Don McLeod : , TYo wiU Uk.oti that th. abov. entitled action wa. -sued you "nth. 7 th day of November. 1922 hy th. Clerk SmoT Court of Robeson County. N. Judgtr.eut aeain.t you m the o "'T Hundred and Ninety-SU and Dollar. (8898.45) together with rntert t per cent from th. 1st day of No. 1 until paid du. by . promissory t." th. i saMsummons I wad. teturnaol. hefor. IS. undersigns Clrk frior -Ma office in Lumberton N. C. o th. lita day of December, 1922. You will ao tok. rntlr that a warrant of attachment has ben isste b th. said Clof rior Court of said county Et the same tim sod pUc. for th. return of th. whe and where you r. retired to appear ,nfi ..Wer the complaint of the P-nttii or the TeTi'f therein demanded will be fronted You ArUl tke notice that : under . and bv virtue of .aid warrant of ettachment the JherKt of Robeson County ha. levied on .11 the right. UOe and Utcrt v-hicb you have or may hav. in and ta that ertsinrsct or pared of land eot- t Rowland Township Robe,m County. vjVjC-. 'vme on the south .Me of Airo.a and on bott .ides of Jeran Ihe public road leading from CurtaVstor. and wt of the SIcT d Mi'I pond, containing 2j3 acre, more or lese. Thi. Nov. 7th. . "c;R Si;IrI,ER " - Tnnon Cterk Sa?erior Court. fo p""ti ,n:l" a"" TRUSTEE'S SALE OF LAND Under and by virtu of the authority vested In the undersigned Trustee ? aj f trust executed ty Jo and wife, ana ary Willie 60. . " j f TWi of Trust No. ,t page 82. (default to?.,?1 ! payment of the note secured thereby), the SnKrned Trustee win on Frid,y Decker 1 5th. 1922 at 12 o'clock Noon, at th. Conrt house door in th. Town of Lumberton, N C, offer for le, at public awatwn to th. htgh eit bidder foV cash, the following described land, and premises, to-r'.v', i fa-st Tract. P.o? alt the khds and premises et forth and described in a deed from A. C. Willis anT Joe Willis, dated November 8th 1918, and reentered in the Offie. of the Register of Deed, of Robeson ICounty in Book 6-U at pag. 886. th. three tracts of land described in said deed estimated to eon. tain 82 acres, more or leas. Second Tract : Also, all th. land. and d remises described in a deed from Mary Began to Joe Willis, dated Oct, 1st. 1914, and regirtered in the Office of th. Register of Deeds of Robeson County, ia Book S-J at Nice 402. th. said tract estimated to son tain 18 acres, mor. or less. . This 14th day of November. -1923. . " E.M. JOHNSON. Johnson It Johnson. ' ' Trustee. 11-2J-4 Thurs. Attorneys. 11-11-4 Than.