AOTAJMCS HUSBAND AND WIFE DIE SAME v ' NIGHT OF FLU-PNEUMONIA: Mr. and Mra. Gaston 'Britt of Long ' Branch Section Die Within Two Honrs of Each Other--Five Small ' Children Swrive Four Deaths From Influenza In , Lone Branch Section During Past Week. Mr. ' and Mrs. Gaston ) Brltt, ' both died Monday mgnt as tneir noma near Lonor Branch church, of pneumonia, . lollowinfir.influenaa. -There was only , ahont .2 honrs-4iff erence in the time of their death. Mr. Britt was about $5 years old, while, his 'wife was about 45. Five small cmidren survive and two of these are ill with influenza. They were. brought to" the, Thompson hospital Tuesday by Mr. J. ,1 :, Ste phens of -lnmberton;s ,r;;:S;--Both1" the husband and wife were buried in the same grave In the Rice : cemetery, juesuay -a p. 'deaths resulting from influenza have - occurred in"; that ' immediate section during the last week.; , ' , DOUSE ON WHEELS DEMOLISH XD IN COLLISION i WITH. TRUCK ' Journey of Mr. T. W.' " Hiser and ' Family Rudely Interrupted When Their Ford "Restdence". Ran Into Track Left Standing on Highway ' Near Lnmberton On Their Way ! from Indiana" to Florida, v A "Ford "residence", inLwhich Jlr. and Mrs. T. W. Hiser and their two children, of " the Stated of Indiana, were' making, the trip to Florida, was demolished about 6 o'clock last even, ing when It struck a Ford truck which ha dbeen left standing on the hard-surfaced highway, near the Na- ' tional cotton mill. The Hiser . family cooked, ate" and slept in ' the- house erected on . the Ford truck, and their belongings were also somewhat dam aged in the collision. The family es caped iinhurt. ' , .The Ford truck which the Hiser outfit struck wa ' alef t , standing on the highway last Monday, according to people living . near by. It is said the truck belongs to a man living in . Rowland and was left on the highway by i a negro driver. There,t were ir no lightp on the truck left in the .road. This truck was . also damaged con siderably. Mr.- Hiser has wired . the secretary of State to learn who owns the truck which he struck. MEDICAL SOCIETY MEETS. Dr. R. S. Beam of Lumberton Elected PresidentDinner at Lorraine. The following officers were elected by : the Robeson County, Medical , so ciety at its annual meeting held in the ; municipal building here yester day: Qr. R. S. Beam, 1 Lumberton, president; Dr. J F. rNash; St, Paula, first; vice-president; Dr. Price, Fair mont tSecond vice-president; rDr. J. A. : Martin, Lumberton,' secretary treasurer; Drs. N. H. Andrews of Rowland, E. L. Bowman of McDonald and J. F. Nash of St Pauls, censors. Dr. J. A. Martin was elected a dele gate from the society to the annual meeting of the State Medical society to be held In j Asheville next . April, with Dr. T. .C, Johnson as ; alternate. The duticf town members present at the meeting yesterday, were enter tained by the local physicians at din ner at' the 'Lorraine hotel. : . ' :.:; : New Bern ! Relief Robeson County K. BV'EV Makes Largest Contribution.' t "'.' The largest contribution from' any individual or organization to the New Bern me sunerers was maae Dy ine V Robeson County . Kn Klux klaiv ac cording Monday's ; Raleigh News & :. Observer. A cashier's check for 800 was " sent to E. B. Crow, treas urer of the fund, by a special mes ; senger - from the Robeson v, county klan.'; -';;,, i-'v. ' -Mclntyre; Lawrence ;& Proc v.'-'j'tori'. ''. ' . . . '.. "$ 25.00 - W.'P. Barker and wife, i 2.00 - C. A.":MArthur, .'..U.?--' 10.00 Heretofore acknowledged, . .' 268.58 Vs?;. : V. Totai; . ' rri .$30558 "i : Mrs, J .Bennett, who lives in the ' xvanonai eonon nuus vuiage, is re ' ' covering from severe injuries freceiv ed recently-when she became entangU ed In a thain attached to the family cow. Her Tight collar bone was brok- ' en, - her right shoulder injured, - and - the end was 'torn' off of one finger. After the accident Mr. Bennett want ed to sell the eow. but Mrs. Bennett's ' affectiaTiAt mnrd elinn to the eow and she refused to allow H to be sold. Mrs. Bennett was at the Thompson : , nospiui Tuesday to have ner wounas dressed azain. - . ; v.: 4 The United States Senate yester. day. confimed the appointment ; of John W. McLean as postmaster at Lumberton School Now Ranlcs As'A-1 Graduates of High .. School Will be ? Admitted to Any College or " Uni versity in the South Without exam. ination ' Some of the Preeeing ' Needs of the ScnooL' ' - ' By W B. ; Crumpton, Superintendent ' . ' Lamberton Schools v ' It has been the aim and ambition of the. trustees of the Lumberton graded school that we should have here one of the best schools in the State, one with such a standing, that the colleges' of ' the State would look to for students to be riven full credit as entering the Freshman class with. out condition.. A W . No matter how smoothly our school may be conducted, no matter how well we are pleased here at home, if hthe colleges of the Staterefuse . to allow our graduates to enter without an examination, our school is a fail ure. With the idea in View; of meet ing all the requirements of the South ern Association of Colleges and Universities, the school has been so equipped and the course of study so arranged that a boy or girl graduat ing from the high school will be ad-! mitted on certificates from the Sup erintendent" of the school, without ex amination, to the Freshman class of any college or" university in the South. That practically means any college or university in tthei'-aatic'':' I. am sure everyone is proud of this distinction when we knew that there are not very many of the high schools of the State placed on this accredited list. The large majority of them are unable to meet the conditions. r - ' 1 . TUs does not by any manner of means signify that we should stop trying to improve the, school, There are a great many things to be done in order xor us w noia uus posiuou among the best high schools of the OOUtn. some or our pressmy . neeuo are as follows; A new high school building' in - which the boys., may be (aken care of in manual training and other laboratory work; more books for the library establishment r of a business eourse In addition . to the re gular literary courses now being; giv en. It seems to me one of the most needed things: to be done just at this time is for the people of the town to begin 'a discussion of a new Building. What kind of a high school building is needed in Lumberton? How much should the town put in such a plant? LUMBER'BRIDGE school news By R. F." Hall .for Junior Class. 1 Lumber Bridge", f . Dec. 71 School is progressing under difficulties this morning,; many ; pupils .being1 '.out on account of influenza."' ' ' Everybody is lookig' forward . long ingly to the Christmas holidays. r' 4 Henry - and ; Frank Covington, basketball stars, are about straight after an attack of flu. This puts our team, in pretty good shape and ; we are now' ready to accept any - . chal lenge. Any team wishing a game should see the manager, .Prof.. L. H. Fogleman.' ', 'f.. ' Saturday the women of the Baptist church held a bazaar for the benefit of their church- r ' Miss Siler, music teacher, will give her v classes a ; ; Christmas recital Thursday evening, ; December ,, 21st. Mis? Siler has worked faithfully with her classes and every one expects ' a good program. :K :k::: v The Nitenior Literary society has decided to - purchase for the school a United States flag to be ftown f rom the top of the building.1 ; ' 1 t Everybody is studying hard for the mid-term examinations, which' begin next week. " - l: ' ? " N. T. McLean writes from Row land that Giles Oxendine, Indian, who lives near, Rowland,-, killed the other day a hog that weighed 610 pounds. The Woman's club began today in the club tea room, the old Presby terian church building on East Fifth street, a Christmas bazaar at. which many attractive ; things . are r being soJd..The bazaar! will v last through tomorrow.-;; itA' fy?$V.&!fu i jr r .. i ', ' Church Oyster Sapper 'and Bazaar at . The Woman's Missionary society of Green Springs. Baptist church,' near Parkton will . give an oyste' supper and bazaar at Roslin tomorrow (Fri day): evening; The public Is invited. Oxf ord MIss Dec' 11-A verdict for ?the defendant was returned by Jury In .United States district court here early tonight in the trial of the suit: of t Miss . Frances " Cleveland Birkehead, stenographer, against Lee M. , RusselL . governor of Mississippi, for damages based on' charges' of se duction and other serious allegations. Mesdames A. B. Baker and C, A. Floyd. Miss Flora Griffin - and Mr. Rav Griffin of Fairmont wp.ra T.nm- ' berton visitors Tuesday. - f ' Parlitbn Letter Rev. V. C. Smith of Danville Accepts Call to . Presbyterian ; Churches ' Much Moving and Much Sickness Mr. Walter Carver Died Tuesday ..Postponed Concert WiD be Given at Lumber Bridge Next Sunday , Other Items, ,f By C" D. WUSamaon' ' ' ' 1 Parkton,- Dee. 12 The t: ladies of the Presbyterian church gate a aup per and bazaar , last Thursday night a.t the . Perry building. It was very much enjoyed, and your,' money's worth. Receipts , f 125. Rev. V. C- Smith of Danville, , Va- has accepted a call to the Presbyter ian church here. We presume the call includei also Lumber Bridge and Rex. Mr. Smith was pastor hera 'once be fore, and his accepting the call meets with general approval, not only frith his nomination but alt VJ!V -. only regret he cannot come to us ,befpre February .1923. The manse has been unoccupied, for. a long- while. It will be repainted inside and j)ttt;j. fi. f ': Much moving . already in our com munity. Mr. Charlie .tanton has mov. ed to. Mr.".; S. J. Thomasson's farm one mile north of town. Mr.' Stanton has .charge of the roads of Parkton Township. A-"f- - Much sickness in our town and community. Rev. R.. F Munns is con fined to his room with flu, also Mr. and Mrs. J. F. Lewis. Mr. J. D. at Call is reported sick, and several i lads arrived on Wednesday, Nov. 29th others. Mr.1 and Mrs. L; Fz-Edens iu11'. Clk has, a - pastorate in Dan-year-old baby has pneumonia and ia TUe and is also connected with the quite sick. Miss Annie U'McArtiurlfaculty of Centre college in some is 'nursing1, her. Mr. Walter Carver; who lived abiut 3 ' mile's from town, died . this' morn ing at o'clock at ms nome; tie was tin his 82nd year. He . had been tives in Charlotte. Het son Mr. in ; vdeclminsr health ifott some: time, ? Crenshaw arrived in town Sun rallied and got much better, but fell "y m- from Rocky Mount, where Sunday : and was badly bruised but J6 wgwt.. - - kept up and died suddenly. The fun- f 1188 been work, was ill when eralVll U at the Adami graveyard he ar"ved Ws many friends will tomorrow at 11 a; mi and will le Work is fast progressing on ;: the rnnlii-ti W Hr Mnrravft nf ; St new Baptist church. v Mr. L. P. Nance Paulsf-'; ' t Owinv iinclement wessr and the roturh road front WvettevwA, and some 'aickness- the PajettevUle- j i A. Nutting left last Sat Parkton orchestra did "nof play last WPtJ few weeks visit; to her Sunday at Lumber : Bridge Techool PP Thomasville, wiU be away andiforfum but will tlV there ntiwt Sunday if kthe weather Is 'favorable The following visited Charlotte last Thursday: Messrs. J. D. McCormick nrf W. A. China. Ml-. Viwrinl M. Cormick and Serjeant Harrison. Thev returned Saturday, i Mr ' R, B. Hutson visited Charlotte Monday and return.' a ut. .n.. i Mr. F. Culbreth killed 4 gs last! week, netting 1540 pounds. Mr. ,F. P.5,UA Awr v;0' VAwA. wua ra!irv. A7K oounds .the largest we 'have vet re - ported ' "-"'-r' t t some weeks has been in the Dj. Is ' p-Au,i-i. -Ukytn'ti'.fm' the. little, lassie being a daughl Christmas. We wUl mention the varit m..;-. . a 1- ' ous Christmas trees. In our next let ter. Interesting Talk by Miss Proctor on the Fasslon Ptey. An interesting 1. and r instructive talk on the Passion Play by. Miss her home for a 1 little social. The Lillian Proctor was the feature of young bunch reporting a wonderful the program "rendered - at a special ( time in the way of fun and enjoy meeting of Robeson County B. Y. P. ment. Miss McDonald Is one 'cf the U. "association atr the First Baptist leaders; of this society. r church Monday evening. Miss Proctor Miss Martha. Cameron, St. Pauls painted a vivid picture of the play as very efficient milliner, will leave for observed ty.her while in Europe last er , home, Union Springs, Ala., Fri summer. Nothwithstanding the incle-'dy ' tbis week. Miss Cameron by ment weather'ten unions were reprei er r lwight ' eunn sented' at the meeting Monday even-" pleasant ways has won for herself ing, Refreshments were : served and . the program was thoroughly enjoyed"! by ; all present. Dr. H: M. Baker of Lumberton is president of the Robe-- son County Union. , Concert Friday Afternoon in High School Auditorium A concert will be' given by the Al fred Rowland chapter, U, IX C, to morrow (Friday) afternoon at 3:30 o'clock in the high school auditorium. This concert was to have been given several weeks ago and was postponed at the last minute on account of thd sudden uiness of the-::; leader,' v Miss Viola Jenkins. An admission ' fee of 25c and 50c will bo charged. rTV -: Play at Gentenary School Friday .Night. ;:.r ''rf;Vi0s' Correspondence of The Robesohian. Rowland, Dec 12- ay, TeacrH xrapps , wiJ(Ufe given rat AJentenary school Friday night, December .-15b at 7:30 o'elockr by -the high school pu-f pils,,The public is invited.Admission is 25c and 60c ; Fair Premiums Are Commgj to These ; Pn account of .the fact; that no ad dress wss left when, entries were made a few premiums won at the re cent Robeson county fair remain un paid., The following may obtain prem iums by calling on the secretary, W. O. Thompson,' hi Lumberton: Eliza bethParham, 11; C. P. Hayes, 13; Mal'dric Locklear,' $3; A. E. Poppal, 50c , - St Pauls News Parent-Teacher ; Aseociatioa , Baiaar -Boildiog Improvemeata -R, Fred t Bethnno Was Highly Esteemed SocUI and Peraonal. ,, ;', . . . By Beas G. Johnson j SL Pauls, Dec 12-Today is the bazaar and oyster supper, which is being given under the auspices of the Parent-Teacher association.' It : wttl be given In one of the vacant build ings down town. We noticed the de corations from 'the ' outside as ; we wondered our way up town yesterday afternoon, looked as If was very at tractively decorated ,on the ' Inside. When' ouri ladies go' into anything they usually go mto it with a desire to win. '' ' - - - :- ' ' Quite a bit of cblds are yet around. Master Wendel Thagard, Mr. and Mrs. O. R. Thagard's little lad, has , been ill the past few days, may possibly be a light form of , 'grippe or flu; how ever, was better';yesterday, a"'?;;. Announcements were received ? by friends here recently of the birth of 2 boys to Rev. and Mrs. R. E. Clark, who now reside in Danville, Kentucky. Mr. Clark was a former pastor of the Baptist church of our town and both he' and Mrs. Clark have many friends in; St. Pauls who will learn with interest of their whereabouts" as well as of their good fortune. ' The way. ' Mrs. J. S. - Crenshaw returned last Saturday from, a most pleasant lit tle sojourn which she spent amone remodeling his nice little residence, wUcli ;il,.b; vry ttrctive,:.aiK U 8MtProvrae to Sfc Plttls. "n" after Yuletide at least. 1 iit,onfc be so long untU Christmas, sure enougn, tnis nas oeen a short- Ieemm? Ia" weU as the few weeks "mce winter's approach. I Miss Clara McDonald spent last week-eni among her people here, she. wacning near ana can gee nome easily, ' o UVKKJ , er P , lB wiin, ner a aear uttie grana daOsThter, Nita-'MonUgue,., who for of; Mr. and .Mrs Paul.N. Monta, gue of that town. Miss Elizabeth McDonald,' who re sides, on .Armfield street,' made: the .niu Junior uiriatiah jsn- aeavors quiie , nappy wnen on last Friday evening she invited them to many ; iriends f during t the past few months ,she has been . in our,. midst, who while they regret to see her Iey;e ' be glad to note it Is her intention s now to return again . next 1 season.;-A.& V ':-r 1 Mrs Maggie Oliver came in tast Saturday,- after a few weeks absence, which she spent among the Oliver re. Iatives and friends.' ; Miss Kate "McDuffie ' returned .' to her. home latter'part of the week, we were misinformed in recent letter, as she was visiting a relative at Elizabethtown, when I we ? reported !aer. s naving returnea to ner nome, Wagram. The- death of Mr. R.Fred Bethune was indeed sad, and - was received here-as a general shockV he having been a student in the' -local . high school here some years previous and wa$ well known and esteemed by all with whom he came in contact.; He was a son of Mr. "Alex Bethune of Tea- Mile. The funeral services and ; burial- took place at the Presbyterian cnurcn nere at zrau sun day azternoon. The nnnsually large concourse of re latives and friends who attended the funeral of this brave : young ; hero showed in a small way the esteem In which he was held. As his death was very appropriately recorded in Mon day's Robesonian we wiU not attempt further in our letter except to say the people of St. Pauls very sincerely tender their deepest sympathy to the grief-stricken family, in the untimely death of their loved one. Tallcedof Opposi- tion to Dr. Poteat ; Fails jto Develop President of Wake ' Forest Captaree Uaptist Convention UosU-Location of Meredith Settled 92nd Seasioa Has Record Attendance. " v Winston-Salem, Dec. 13-The much Ulked-6f opposition to Dr. W. L. Po teat," president of Wake Forest college,- relative to his reported views on the evolutionary theory, failed utterly to develop at the session of the State Baptist convention tonight, when 'Dr. Poteat delivered the open ing address and so stirred the great congregation that listened to him that when he closed the assemblage, as with one voice, broke into the song, AH Hau the Power of Jesus' Name. Dr. Poteat spoke with deep feelint and what he had to say seemed com pletely to satisfy the audience as to his religious views. When the song that followed his address ended, not a note of opposition arose, and the convention proceeded with other fea tures of the program. - ; ; This afternoon the question of lo cation for Meredith' college was set tled after several hours debate, with a practically unanimous vote ratify ing the action of the board of trus tees in selecting Method, near Ral eigh, for the new site. The proposi tion to co-ordinate the college with Wake Forest was not sustained. : ; Winston-Salem, Dec. 12 When Rev. W. A. Ayers, pastor of , the First uaptist church at New Bern, arose tonight to deliver the sermon before the Baptist state convention ; In its 92nd. annual session, he faced the largest attendance, of any "first day of a state convention. Over 600 mes- I sengers were present, twice as many as were present at tne iirst session last year.;:;:'';;r;':i;f;:,..k;-:. ,;:;:;;, fS The ; committee ion enrollment re ported 498 messengers present the largest attendance at . the opening session in the history of the conven tion. And strange to relate,t com paratively few women are here jm M. presenuuves of the thnrches. - Owing to change in the -constitution the president is now chosen at the close of the convention, and Rev. B. W. Spillman gave notice to the convention that he would request that a successor be chosen, giving as a reason the fact that, he had served the convention five years and that his health did not warrant a continu ance in office... Woman's Club News ProfiUble and Enjoyable Meeting of ..Business and Professions. Unit .lau Djt, jjuss Maacy Saaaar . of . Fayetteville. .;. - . Reported for The Robesonian. v The Business and Professional unit of the Woman's club met at the home of Mrs. R. I. Belch Friday. December 8th, at 7:30. The members and guests were met at the door by Misses Ruth Jones and Leila Edwards and escort ed to the punch bowl , in the halL where delicious punch was' served by Misses Elizabeth .Peay, Evelyn Jones, Ethel Pittman and Elizabeth Wishart After a half -hour social feature the meeting was called to order ' by 5 the chairman, i--'-';-'::''? ';.': ,,f .: - ' Resolutions on constitution and by laws .were read by Miss Nell Sutton. and approved, each being voted ' on separately. Aftert all other ; business matters were 'discussed the program was turned vover to the chaurman of the program committee, and the fol lowing much-enjoyed program was1 rendered, .'..v ':-. V;" Piano 'solo, by Mus i Leila Strau- ghan ; reading by Miss Lillian Proc tor; violin solo by Mrs. ' R. ; A. Mc lntyre, accompanied by Mrs. L.' P. Stack. 'mrl'-Js', Miss Nancy Saasar. chairman of the Business and Professional ' Wo man's club of Fayetteville wast with sn and delivered a Very insnirational and helpful ; talk on eooperation and aid. She alee, made s short ; talk on things to be aecomplishel. economy of our. monthly social hour, and the rec reation and pleasures to-be obtained through this unit. ..We feel greatly en lightened and benefitted by Miss Saa. aars helpful talk, and hope to have her with us again soon.. '? V? ' . The Business and Professional unit of the Woman's club will meet Janu ary 11th, at the dub room. 5th street THIRD COTTON MILL PRO ? " 5 ; i . C JECTED FOR ST. PAULS The Robesonian is reliably inform ed that St. Pauls is to have another cotton' mill in the near future - and that it will be built ;by Northern capitalists. Thjs will make the, third cotton mill for that wide-awake and progressive Robeson county town - - - '- - T Mr. J. B. Walters of R. 1, Rowland, is among the visitors in town' today. Cotton Market Reported by J. H. 'Harrington Middling cotton is quoted on the local market today at 25 cents the pound; strict middling 25 1-2 cents. Items of Local News Numerous I attractive Christina windows have been arranged by local merchants, . . Tomorrow (Friday) will be the last day for paying current Utrht and water bills to avoid being "cut ouf - The condition of Mr. J. T. BnU lard, who hai been iH at. his home; East Second street, for several days. ' ia reported as somewhat Improved to. day. . Mr. and Mrs. tL Tt rlrOlitym turned Tuesday from Columbus. Ga where they spent nearly a week with Mr. Crichton's sister, ' Mrs. R. - U. Hardin, who ia m... A ' meeting of the v Lumberton post of the American Legion will be held in the legion hall this evening at 7:30. Officers are to be elected at this ; meeting ; and : all - ex-service men are urged to be present Re freshments will be served. ,; Mr. and Mrs - B. F. .McMillan moved Monday into their new 6-room bungalow, on North Pine street Mr. and Mrs. Cutlar Moore moved Tues day Into the rooms formerly occupied ,. by Mr. and Mrs. McMillan in the Mc Lean apartment house,; Walnut and ; Fifth" streets. - -, t . ... As was stated fn Monday's Robe, sonian, the Lumberton "graded and high school will close tomorrow (FrL , day) for the , holidays. The spring term will open Monday, January X town expect to leave Friday night and . Saturday morning for their res pective homes to spend the holidays. A turkey hen owned by Mr. L 4. r lowers, wno lives on 11. s zrom - uuiBoerion, -sioie ner nesvr ana ie -expected to hatch Iff young turkeys '; between - now and Christmas. Mr. Flowers, who was' among the' visitors itt .town'yeatarday : aaye it is an on usual uung or uiraeys to set a. this season of the year. This parti- cular turkey had been laying an egg daily since, last spring - . 1 NEWS ITEMS FROM ORRUM . Influenza Prevalent Again Work ea New School Building, Progressing ,i Rapidly Death of Little Watae McPhatter. , , 1 " Correspondence of ,The Robesonian. Orrum, Dec. 1L Influenza Is pre valent here again, though not so bad as one time, but several families here are suffering with the disease. Work is rapidly progressing on the new brick school building .here, asdt we hope soon to see jit completed..' - Wa are verv sorrtr to renort Visa Elizabeth Stone, one of our teachers on the sick-list We hope for her a , speedy recovery. ' Mr: Thomas Cottle of Lumberon eavekas aa a-feitA lkaMaa tk-aa4Vat ' Death of Little Watae BIcPhatter ; The death angel visited the home of Mr. and Mrs. : Carl McPhatter Thursday, December 7, and claimed - ttMriv nnlw tfU t!tU W.ih TT tl - been ill ; for some time, and every thing was done to restore him to health. Little Watus was about two years of age, and wss of a sweet, and loving disposition. To know hint' meant to love him.' Though it seems hard to give up the little ones, God . knows best. The , bereaved family have our greatest sympathy. "This lovely bud so young .and fair called hence by early doom, just came to show, how sweet a flower, in para dise would bloom." ( ax ism fuiMrm owne a.ienaea preacn- . .hv.ihw. mrmMmmmj r ' Miss Mary . Carter of Chadbourn spent the . Thanksgiving .' holidays with Miss Kosada Israel. - : t i A basketball game was played last ' Friday afternoon between the' Fair mont girls and boya and the, Orrum bi's. . .- : f ji; '' J, p: ; :-a t'. students, was a welcome visitor in our iichQfil ' THiMjl . Here's wishing to The Robesonian tA FREE ALMANACS the' Robesonian .will send, to each. of, ita subscribers early in January an. Almanac, or year book, for 1923. Besides. giving the.; weather predic tions for every .day in the year, the dates of the various changes of the moon and other; Information .usually -found in an Almanac, this book eon tains a wealth of valuable information that will be of interest to every member of the family. : ' ' This Cook of knowledge will be sent to Robesonian subscribers ab-x at1rf aItv mo at n at vflMS at at ea at n-nvTa BUtuvv. J.acv v-a vuw o vt a . ment to the paper.