- the cosrcoraiir, mi-rbr c:r; ncnrn cisomiv- PAGE F0U2. v J "s'k- caE-iWi3EsbNiAii i -w Published v ':' r 1' SmU7 ' and Thursday ? Af ternooo THB EOBESONIAN, IXC i A. Sharp President r ; ITTSSCRIPTION AATlSSt Cm Taar 12.00 riz Months .................. 1.00 Three Months . Delivered by carrier in Lumberton Om year , . . . . . . . . 12.40 its months L20 Terse months ......... .oo 60 OSee 1W West Foarth Street Telephone No. Ml ' Eatamrf .awtn1 msf! matter st the poetrffice at Lumberton, N. C 'i'Mnand Mrs"M. J.r Boucher of WaxKSnTtoTi. D .C arrived . Sunday tn nnH 0ritm with Mr and Mrs. J. A Rhm .t their home on East ...... . , . . r- ,- . m f irth street .air. tioucner , i& iuon day night to return to j Washington. Mrs! Boucher .who is a sister of Mrs. Sharpe, will remain here for some time. '"'iP'l'. 'W ;5, V - Mn and Mrs. Raymond ' Rowan snent Sunday' and Monday I at Mul Una, S. C, visiting relatives, v! : v y Record of Deaths FOUND DEAD NEAR BOMB i Mr. D. P. Blaekwell Failed to Retarn When He Went Out to Feed Hogs Uved Near St. Pauls. ; , iV ..; , Mr. D. P. BlackwelL who lived abont 3 miles north of St. Pauls, was found dead near his' home early Tuesday morning. Mr. Blaekwell went out to reed some bogs about daybreak and when he failed to return to the house members of . the family went to in. vestigate and found him dead. It was thought that 'death resulted from na. tural causes . and no , inquest was deemed necessary. - I THURSDAY, DEC. 28, 1922. . ; TWO GOOD J0BS f Postmaster I L. McGUl and hia as. aistants did some extraordinary quick and efficient work in meeting the emergency caused by the- fire last Thursday. Within a remarkably short time after the postoffice had been : oeiogeo au we .fixtures and the wa-ter-Boaked mail had t been moved to , the third floor of a near-by building, the temporary quarters had assum ed the aspect of a postoffice, and mail was being distributed much as usual. It is a big job to Jiandle the Christmas mail under the most favor able conditions, and it was altogether admirable the way the faithful post . office force took on this additional , load apparently without :battinsr an eye and without missing a " trick, winging things tat, line with pre cision an ddispatch, working like ; a well-greased machine."? They worked like beavers, kept their troubles to themselves, and he public was serv ed much .i as usual- Maybe the fact that an el-service "man is at the head of the force had much to do with the machine-Uke precision with which the ' emergency was met i Fire-Chief Ed Glover and his fire fighters also deserve high praise for the efficient manner in which tw handled that fire. With a section of the second floor of the building tumbling in before the fire was dis covered and only a thin plaster par , tition between that part of the build, ing and the part occupied by the post office, they confined the flames to the section of the building where the fire started. Four streams of water , were playing on the fire within ten or fifteen minutes ' after the alarm was turned in, and this notwithstand. ing the fact that a too-eager driver had run over and burst the first line of hose that was kid. It i mn.f cellent work, and the boys were handijc wo, oy noi naving long enough ladders. There 'were some ; rumors insufficient water pressure but Mr. Glover says the pressure was all .right The firemen and the postoffice force certainly rose splendidly, to the, oc- Mrs. Dollie Allen. , Mrs. Dollie Allen, ared 83 venra. died RudHav nftpmnvn at her Howellaville township of the Infirm ties of old age. Several children - sur vive. The funeral wu canAucteA Tno. day at 11 a. m. and interment was made in the family ctmetprv. Mrs. lienry o. Wye of Orrum. r i Mrs. Henry S. Nye of Orr. n ied Saturday at the homa tt Mr.i George Graham, at Tclarsville! airs. i ye naa gone tq the home of her uroiucr m a visit , ana sunt red Tir. R. "R. Thnmnann nfnrnaii Tti.t This the 27th day ' of December. ' day eyenins to his home W Charlotte 1922. ' ' -j after " epending" Christma s with hia ; ' T. L., JOHNSON,- I parents,. Mr. and Mrs. J. Au.Thomp- , Uuardian for Miss Lorena Lewik.?Bon,Nortn tulm street. . ;, Lumberton citizen, died suddenly of nary 20th. 1923,. it 1T o'clock A. It. ;vV ; nome ; n WUson in the Town of Fairdont, N. C offer Saturday morning, Deceased was 42 n- ..t- .f yeara old and is survived by.his wi-. highest bidder, for cash, afl and airi- uw. at was a orouier of Mrs. W. O. aTwar,'tne stocjc of goods, wares and stroke of tnlnii f mITm " iDorapson 01 -Lumberton .: and lived jnercnanaise oeiongmg to the said few hour. IntementwaVB Thompson and daughter. Mi tEZj ! ftock of f said ; Miss day in the 'family ennfprv i fattended the funeral -.Lewis. Proctorrille. ' ' ; , P ni. at Apex, where interment Mn. Susan Sellerai v; i v made. Jhey returned home last night mn. ouaan- neiipru amvi fJ' 1 mcnara jnnnnnn rviAuj died Tuesday afternoon at her home rj?chard, 4-months-old son of Ed ... - viiiuvu, ircasea - isi . v"w.u, woo lives across ta survived by her husband, who is also river trom town, died Tuesday after- funeral was conducted ' yesterday ? af. I LiLL V. ' - ; ternoon by Rev. Paul T. Brit tnA i. I NOTICE OF SALE nv ; terment was inada in tha la Mr Dant! ImM U t "j - Vv- viio uu- ; oa womb., sanou at uus wea $ ' msivv . .Mr. LMnieJ Jamea K Inlaw ? Sunday morninr aft kla hm ellsville townahin' of nnonmmii lowing miiuenza.. jueeased. was; 5S years oLi and never marrW rr . a brother of Mr. W- H. irfnUw , Lumberto'n. The funeral was conducted from Regan Methodist church, of wh ich deceased was an. active, member: O J . ... ouoou ai d. mu and inr.frmnr was made in the church cemetery '. 1 . air. j. w. Lwe. Mr J. W. Lowe, utreft RS tan early Monday morning at his home at Rotier's of pneumonia, foDowing - in- nuenza. ms wiaow and bovpthi Y-iu. ren survive. The funeral was conducted Tuesday at 11 a. m. from Raft Swamp Baptist church ; and " interment was made in the church cemetery.- , - Mr. J. Walter Beasley '. , Mr. J Walter Beasley, a former " -- if m. t. - , s j -: .f. .vara., oi ibuiu , .? . We wish to Uke this ' method to thank our friends and neighbors for the kindness shown us durinsr our re cent sickness, -and ' also at the death of our wife and 'mother. ' ' F -F. TOWNSEND and FAMILY. : nh Tnif r -7 r r i tr r -t e r i r -bp km if r. aewlTned.i.TUardian for Miss uipI,! ch001 f the tnlntnt that.wui soon fte Sow- LorenLewl oa Stiird;jM.v J 5la INk TAM tant a law aiatM m filn. a. - J .11 thai Tlllt Af tnn Ufat . PmmaKah Am 4mIm4 tk. a OTa.. ti 1 l.si j a .. . - ' T ljM i A tt.l.I.s. II 4 JI aL.aI-' ma- SB .............. .......1 ' ' - ' ' ' - - ; - 1 . . .... .......... , -r-- fa fear (iree Mm?:- BSSSSSatJUSL We have received notice that effective Jaru 1st Oliver Plows arid parts advance about 10 per cent. In order to protect our trade, we will not advance our price until Jan. 15th so tliose who care to take advantage of this saving may do so by purchasing before January 15th. . T I Mlli u 'v .n BBS B W M lUVlUUtiVi 1 n tllln VViiu i:: Hardware Department. The great virtue of the Holiday Season is that it reminds friends of the kindly loyalty they bear to' ' one another in the ordinary days, and gives thenV A all the privilege of expressing the good will which ' v exists imspokeh, throughout the year: The liberal patronage accorded this store duririe ' the year 1 922, marks many new achievements for it, and will cause us to enter the. New Year with -greater' Kbpes and reniewed determination to make this our biggest year in giving service and values to 'our traded ; The officers and entire staff of R; D. Caldwell 6c Son, Inc., unite in extending you their best wishes; for a Happy and Prosperous New Year. . . . Lumberton's Leading Department Store. Special Coat 1 Everything has its f compensations . Take moving the postoffice to the t( third floor of ihe.lbertoni Cotton Mills office buUdmg," on account 'of the fire Thursday, frinstance, Every. body agreed that Cfwas "the - very wore time such a thing could happen, ' Christmas f mail and ail, 'and lo many more people havine- to visit tha office than at any.otheritime during the ,year.-- But.;tniybe;tt3was-' good , thing it happened the time , it did, since it had to happen; for- it gave so many people a form of exer. cise .different from what they had been accustomed to. It was a sight to see the way some of the "sisterin" and brethren had to pause on the first landing to puff and blow, and how by the time they reached the third -iioor they had a sort of "gone feel m m the- front muscles of their aigs". It is quite a leg-developer, ... cu iugnis oi stairs after one's mail, and no doubt it gave many people a better appetite for their Christmas dinner. 5 " K Sale Meet Mr. SUnilas Wojciechowski, the new president of the Polish re public. The name is easy to pronounce U jrou know-how and At la reported ,from reliable sources, that he does not mean a bit of harm by spelling uie line mat. .' We have a big line of Ladies' Lone Coats and Sport Coats which we are closing out for 15 DAYS ONLY AT ONE-HALF PRICE. Come see the wonderful values be fore purchasing. , Mm ; u nomas mm LUMBERTQN, N. C. Tf7 ; ofio . .. ESheriff J. W aU of Lumber Bnage was a Lumberton visitor Tues day. . . o Jwrren Currie of R. V Bed . -WM the visitors i in town Tuesday. MrV arid MrsTjno. S. MeNeiU and two children. : John CoH n aid, are expected to return tonirht ' rom Murei JUili, where Uyes?ent 8e"ral dy" yitiug re Mr.; and Mrs. Rudolph; Thompson and small son, Rudolph Jr, of Char lotte spent Christmas here at the home of Mr. Thompson's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ceo. L. Thompsdn. ' Ur. and Mrs. Jasper Rowan of .Wilmiagton aperit QWstmha -day hera Tiaitinf relative jd. fenda. . . Holiday flrcctfe; :iS a ' Tin ii i -t ' - "'.' S i iiw an wno nave traded with me during the: holidays, thereby, giving expression to their : drifter feelings. and the symbols of love that ' commemorate the mnar tvmA MfM :n ai. -lives, ma v be hieQ rCfk U ..it.rirj -..n " .bSnfe Pood Cheer you have contributed i to the Chnstmas season-i-and that -the New I ear about to'rlawri rriar l M -t-Al..A mLL't ot Happiness and Prosperity : for; you . and j wuic ouiccrc wisn or : " . A. X HOLMES : JEWELER . We wish at this time of year to thank our cus tomers for their business the past season and an nounce that we ARE BETTER PREPARED this year than we have been since 1914 to supply the best there is in the fertilizer line. - ' . y 5 .... ,v ,- . . , I'; ,..-', .v -". ' "'.""' r- r-.- t . v :..'";,. : - i v . , ' v.1, ' '" - i . r.. l-"-- ..; t r;:' !'. " : The price of commercial fertilizer has not ad vanced in proportion to the raw, material and there is every indication that the lowest prices of the sea son on fertilizer exuU at thb time. DO NOT MISS YOUR OPPORTUNITY to getv in bn the lowest prices. 1 f,.- .t- ;. yy' ' : - ; .."V: ' - i . -,,.,-, . - 4 . r :. f Our GLOBE 8-3-3 last season produced much of the highest price tobacco that sold in this county ' and you will have to look a long time to find one' : better. - 1 ; fc . r . - With best wishes for a prosperous new year we ' stand ready to serve you. -i J . 4 7 5 ' y y yi' iiini V i .-. ''. . .. PHONE 68 LUMBERTON, N. C. (