THE norzccinAi:, Lur:rrr.xc:r, ircxn cah'ouita PAC3 OT thuzcday, rra 23, kzz. 4 i J IS a - . 1 1 ? 4 1.."! Los Angeles Fire at Universal City, to suburb, Dec- 23 destroyed 1,100,- 50 studio, rutte suited ia the Injury of bne man. Dam. age was estimated at $350,000 includ es the value of the motion picture NEXT YEAR'S TOBACCO v CROP uVveVsai 'Outlook for Price. Good-Quality of universal. t-.r.nt Than Quanti fy of film at the Universal i"".:" V . Thai Qwtl iosrd buildingnd4 PROFESSIONAL CARDS v Well-Known ; Warehouseman Thinks Robeson Connty Farmers Will be Safe in Growing Normal Crop of Tobacco. TL J. Britt -Luther J. Britt E.J.&L.J,BRITT v ATTORNEYS AT LAW ' Offices L 2. and . Freeman Buildinf, iBlirtaiL North Carolina. ' Prac tie ia both State and Federal Courts. prompt attention fives' an anaincss. y - ........... , - ' r - : F. ERTEL CARLYLE ATTORNEY, AT LAW - NoUry Publie 1st Office. ' Offices over Freeman Printing Co. Vremot attention given to all bust DAVIC It FULLER Attorney at Law " ' Second floor cotton mOl office boIM lag, office formerly occupioa oj Or. Baker. LUMBERTON, N. C - S. A. MiHIOU Jr. . O. HACEXTT. it McNEUX & SArTT r Attomeys-At-Law. Woodbeny Leniion ATTORNEY AT LAW T Lumberton, N. C. Offices over First National Bank. JUNIUS Ji GOODWIN . ATTORNEY-AT-LAW. v Offices Over EfirdY Dept. Store. John G. Proctor ' ATTORNEY AT LAW Office next te Lnmberten Motor Cm Ctw In Boildinf formerly occupied bj srJsdge T. A. McNeflL ' : A.W.MeLean Dickson McLeat L7B.Varser ': H. B. 8taej JJcLEAN, VAEBER, MoLBAJ , ' BTAOY. - " Attorneys At Lew. GUHBERTON, - North Carollm W. B. I VEY " Attorney and Counselor at Law. Office on Second Floor Freeman Building, West Fifth ; Street Lumberton, N. C Stephen Mclntyre R. C. Lewrenr James D. Proctor Robt. A. Melntyw UdNTYEE, LAWRENCE ':: PROCTOR, ARtmwTS and Counsellors at Law , LUMBERTON, N. C. . Practice in State and Federal Courts Prompt attention given to all bualnsas Thomas L. Johnson E. M. Johnso- JOHNSON & JOHNSON . . ; eJtarneys and Counsellors at Law JJT J&MBEBTON, N. C. pracuc."" em i fJSL?0 Votary Public Tn Office. Offlcei ove. . ; Pint National Bank. ; t - J moo rI" t:- PSRPBTUATB the um4 ef those ef yer loved ones who havt paased"by the erection of an ondur Ing MEMORIAL. Lot ns asriat yet hi the choosing ef an appropriate do. ciubertcp Marble Works, . i. H. Floy. Proprietor M 81 Loaftbwto. Ft. C ta tv vAitnr at The Robesonian: d. .uiot: nt larce number oi iaWm growers in your, county, where We were selling ' tobacco at Fairmont during the last tobacco sea son, asking us to give our views as to the outlook f6r next yeas crop through the columns of your valued paper, as has been our custom to do so about this time of year, 1 1 take pleasure in saying to my friends and customers, the outlook fqr good prices for. the 1923 crop of tobacco, as well as other crops, looks good to me. . We never have advised planting too much tobacco andif, lytnpj keep prices good you must guard against too large acreage. You should consider the quality of the crop as being of far greater importance than the . large number of pounds. . Plant what you can properly , manage and take care of; and in addition to your tobacco crop grow ay variety of crops; Robeson county, as I have stated , in kit former letters, can grow the greatest variety of food crops and is one of the very best farming sections in North Carolina, and you should so manage !your rotation and diversi fy your farming as to make the farm aif-natanrin for vour table and stock as well, and let your cotton and tobacco be the money, crops. ; I know the cotton . grower is dis couraged on account .of . the boll wee vil, but you need not let this inter fere with your making money. Per haps it will prove a real blessing m the lone run. the fact yon will not depend so much " on" cotton: to buy the many things you can . produce on your farms,, and you will avoid .these bumper crops that always pull down your prices, . The old law of . supply and demand is Jhe : governing factor that controls prices, notwithstanding the fact advocates 'of. the tobacco pool claim otherwise : yet they liave got to show us, and it will tak them a long time to do this. How long ? a thous and years, and then some.' I expect to see tobacco sell r: well again and "Believe Kooeson county farmers ..will be safe .in; growing a normal crop. Prices have continued good throughout the North Carolina and Virginia markets. Those selling on the open market have been highly pleased with prices and will repre sent about 70 per cent of the tobacco crop grown In the two States. This is very different from what has been told you through the press, as you remember the' "Co-ops" claimed ; to your people '93, per cent, sign-up for Virginia. However, this is very for tunate to our tobacco growers, as the open market price (the general aver age around 28 cents to date )has en abled our farmers to meet their obli gations , paying the banks, merchants, fertilizer men, etc. The cash advance by the pool in Virginia is about the same per cent, as the farmers receiv ed at Fairmont and other pooling stations in your section, around 25 per cent, of this year's market-Your section, I notice, has been paid an other dividend of about the same as their first cash advance, which comes to petty well,1 1 am sure, yet these two payments do not amount to more than ' 50 per cent, o fyour neighbor who sold on "the open market. You will have to ' get two more of these payments to square you with the open market j-VVf-: The pool, contrary to promise, con tinues to dump your tobaccos on the market privately and are selling your tobacco at very attractive prices to the tobacco trade generally, cashing it in and making the farmer wait i for what partly belongs 'to him. Fairmont market 'sold over four million pounds of leaf tobacco during the season of 1922. How much did the "Co-ops" sell and what price did they get? The open markets make month ly reports and show the number of pounds sold and .the average price. This is fair, the public is entitled to the information. Don't you believe, Brother Farmer, if your tobacco has been sold at a higher price than, the open 'market you are entitled to re ceive more money than you have got. ten? They tell you the expenses of selling mat way wm cost you less, your nest ready. ' .. It looks to me it is high time to look Yoi may start setting the eggs ai- at the factk in the case and compart s ter the hens have been penned two the Jwormethods of, selling Johacco. It weeks. - - you have paid your, money to join the.. . Sell all-surplus cockerels and un new way of selling, afid your tobacco dersized pullets At eight months old has-been sold, : don t you think, as the chicks should be nearly full stockholders and owners of the busl- weight -' - about the price obUined,. and some.yards for the chickens Make a gmaU 'JSl! In front of chicken, house !r!i rMStSjwS ? KmA it U ,aces the ouih,)f then make a eral? I know everything sounds good square trough, about eight inches irom nenuquarierB, Dui now aoout tJie .deep, then fill with fine sand, this uuuw wuu yiuuuteu me $rop ai nis own .expense, or perhaps at the ex pense of his banker or merchant, who owes money and has parted with his tobacco and can t meet his just obli gationa.?; Tobacco has always been a cash article at whatever price it sdd for. The markets have been establish- ed throughout the tobacco belts for the.; sale of ; leaf tobacco,; and 4 some years the price is low, other years good nd some yerrs high. The" same thing applies ; to cotton; corn wheat, meat in fact market fluctuations are as natural as day and night, and the great governing cog in the wheel re solves itself in the law of ' supply "and demand,' and other things ; of which no human being or set of men have any control. .. When I started my article I nad no idea of letting; my letter run so long, but I feel it my duty to give the farmers of Robeson county the bene fit of the facts as they actually ex ist, and I will say in conclusion that my customers here are far better satisfied with the auction ' system of selling tobacco,' and lots and scores of my old customers who were per suaded to join the pool tell me every day that they would give anything in reason if they had stayed . out, and they don't see how they can possibly grow another crop, " j ' - : I will say in conclusion that my sales up to the present have been the largest of any year for ,32 years, my customers the best pleased,, and : the auction system of selling tobacco, the old way, stands in higher, repute in Virginia today than ever before, and there must be a reason for this. How stands the matter in Robeson coun ty? Our ; intention is to again' be at Fairmont, selling tobacco the bid way, paying cash on the day of sale,, with the full assurance that it will mean more money 4 to the f armer, if ready cash,' and much less cost ; of selling. Let us hope, pray and work together for,; continued prosperity, peace and happiness, and with all good wishes to all my old friends for a prosper ous 1923. - Yours for success, 1 . ' ' E. J, DAVIS, Martinsville, Va. 1 ; Dec. 18, 1922.' makes a fine dusting place for win ter. - - ' - -, : Keep a close record of, your poul try yards, and watch your account grow. - , , v-1vl- "will answer any ; questions con cerning poultry I can , through The Robesonian. - ' ' ' Elrod, N. C. .v " - Robeson Building & Loan Association , , A CORPORATION , Home Builders . 'TWENTY FOURTH, SERIES -opens January: first. Read statements below. Come join us. Let us put your dollars to work. . ' - .'." Robeson Building and Loan -Association ' ' Wilmingtonr-One person was kill ed, two fatally injured, - and two slightly injured when Atlantic Coast Line passenger : train No. 49 utrurk an-automobile truck at the Main street crossing at Burgaw Dec. 23rd. Raleigh News and -ObserverAu-thorization of an ' appropriation- suf ficient to erect Nand equip an adequate office building to'housejthe. State De partment of Lducation on the vacant lot opposite the southwest corner of Capitol square will be asked by the State Board of Education when the General Assembly comes to conftirfnr the general appropriation bill in January, " , :The,undersignd executors, under the last will and testa- ment of Sallie 'McLeandeceased, will, on 1 ; ' Saturday, Dec. 30th, 1922, at 11 o'clock A. Itv - Upon the premises, offer for sale and ell, to the highest bid- ' dr for cash, all that tract of 'land belonging tb the late Sallie McLean, deceased, adjoining thejands of John K. Mc Girt, Neill Alford; Mrs. Anna Phillips and' others! situated in U Smith's Township, Robeson County, North Carolina contain- ' , "Fumoicijr w creH. . inia iract contains about 75 acres of cleared land, and fs situated in a fine farming sec tion of Eobeson County. The lands will be( sold for parti tion among the heirs at law of Sallie McLean. ' YES WE HELP YOU BUILD: Nineteen' thousand six hundred dol lars mortgage, loans in force .March first nineteen twenty. . Forty seven thousand, dollars now in force .with applications in for nine -thousand more. , , . , ; .- Robeson Building and Loan I - Association , . ' . THE POULTRY YARD By Garvice H. Lamm. ' . It is time to get the pullets in the pen. If they are moved after they begin laying it wil stop the egg flow. ! See that there are no draughts in the chicken house, but have it venti lated from the south. Keep , the drop ping boards and interior-of the chick en house weU sprayed. Have oyster shells .before the hens at all times. In "the coldest " weather it pays - p warm the chickens wateri a little. Get ARE WE GROWING? - Read this; Five hundred thirteen shares in force March first nineteen twenty. Four hundred sixty seven shares paid in full and cancelled since then yet we now have; eleven hundred and twelve shares in "force. . Robeson Building and Loan - Association START EARLY SAID MARK HAN. N A. If you want to be anything in life or in your community save money in a savings and loan " association. Begin to do it right now. "Twenty fourth series opens January first "' ., Robeson Building and Loan Association - EVERY FORTUNE founded on thrift was based on the Unvarying practice of saving a definite sum small or large before any spending was done. Twenty fourth aeries' opens January first n ' Robeson Building and Loan ' Association Time of Sale 1 1. o'clock a, m. i Date of SaleSATURDAY, DEC. 30, 1922. Place of flalerOn the Premises ' : . Terms Tbf Sale--Cash. - . ' v a. ,w. Mclean, , h'Myil: S. B. McLean, Executors. 3 n 1 n mm. ANY i YOUNG MAN who saves s part of his income however small will suc ceed, and he who spends his entire in come will fair Invest with us. Twenty fourth' series opens January first - Robeson Building and Loan Association- ' JTo) x ;!! IH . - GOOD MEAT ! Tht the" kind wo elL 8e M t oi Beef, ail kinds Pork, 8ac 'tare. Liver, eta.. Highest market prioes paid (or gooa owl, came. A. HINDS7 MARKET - , - -. Toone 63. Lnmbertos. M. C Dr. E. Clay Hodgin CHIROPROCTOR Lumberton Cotton Hill Building. Elm St. T Lumberton, N, C. Office hours 9 to 12 a.'m. and 2 to S p. in. Other' hours by Appointment. Phone 377. Real Estate Loans t , I am fa poaltioa to handle app3 cations, for long time loans ew la. ; reved farm lands ts Robesoa, : Scotland and Hoke Cosstles la 'amoaats ef $448941 and abera. . Interest Rate S per cent a., T. Mclean ' I&hertoa. IV. C. ADJUSTS n : S' 1 w-1 f f, f '"fj" ",r'"" ' 'k' ,V''J'''-i ,;'v-"' ' -' ,":. " 99 In these perilious it Is fine to have faith in your customers, and to have that faith returned, in good measure, t r lt speaks irell for. both eides. We have faith that our (eustomerswllL as . in the past, make a living and be able to pay their dehts. W.e will, as we have for TEN YEARS, do our best to aid them so that their various business may be carried on with a minimum expense thru the wise use of cash money. Before the war our deposits were , less than $10,000.00 and today; they are over $158,000.00. ' , - , v' , Our customers have never failed to pay, their notes In" full, not -even in 1920 when prices were deflated. We hare faith in the fu ture of this Southland, faith in the Good Old North State, faith in Robeson County, faith in Pembroke Township, faith in the town, of Pembroke, and win back this faith to, our limit, realizing always that we shall be guided by the banking, laws of our State, snd that ie in :terBts of our depositors are ever tot'-ita ow'-'nunos, ' .Wo invite the business of all our friends and neighbors, and will assure to all the best of treatment, and offer to all good safe place to keep your surplus funds, and shall extend aid to our patrons as . :- needed.: j t W - 'i'.V'-X': -?vl "V"-' " " :y CONDENSED STATEMENT OF CONDITION NOV. 17th, 1922. ; l . ' . . RESOURCES. , - ' Loans and Discounts .'. . . ... .... $129,155.56 , . Furniture and -Fixtures vi'.; .:Vi''W2tS8i ; ' Cash on "hand and in banked . . ;. . . V 8835.04 . : :;i Real Estate' ;.. 2,000.00 1 vv U. S. Treas, Certificates .V..,....... Stocks and. Bonda '' 668,70 ' , l- $181,7808 . . "'-Capital; Stod.y. Undivided - Profits Net ..'...'.....'......... 480.62 Combintd Depdaits . . ..... ...... ........ 158287.15 J. v Due Wit Finance Corporation ;.w.v;i;i. 112.fl .... - -V.i . U": ; '4 1 . W $181,738.68 : Pembroke. R.Q. LXYERMORE. President,,, v. Ti L PAUL Cashier. i--:'J : .-A. M. BREECB, Yfce iWJent, :'TjX 9 ; BIG LOT LADIES AND GENTS' UM-" BRELLAS; Prices $1.50 to $3.50 ALSO SOME WALKING CANES - FOR GENTLEMEN. SPECIAL VALUES IN WHITE ENAMEL ED WARE: ONE-THIRD OFF OF , , REGULAR PRICE f IL M. . ; LUMBERTON, N. C. 1 THE BANK OF. PROCTORV1LLE, Proctorville, N. C. . - - ?-:We invite your account and guarantee prompt ' service. We pay 4 per cent on time deposits compounded quarterly. 5 f' i.y.MAKE THIS YOUR BANK v. . - V GErrOUaPOLICY - a ;And do it now. ; Fires art disastroiui and Yon can't brinW back what ii coxuxxmed' - bw Fira. Ton can thnus-h. . "."y:- t Be Reimbursed on Your Fire Leofts :!; S Xtlt'g.cne oloTir'coihpasiei. Preziitrj ca donttfd policial is money thrown away. Be tsrt and izrsre with cs. " ' ... jir,;. .4.',. .-V",; -'ZC-' ' ' ' -', ' V . ..... It !1