the noczcoinAN, wmzziQZ, ncnin AEOira a thtosday, lzo. 23, 1:22. B rr is! amo Sue's SitW j jOh - vmat t it ( oa hi lap and ;Lis ( you pADoy ? coa V pattin' m HSAOf -s V Look at the mew -th lpeAFANNV!-iT1r V kitty haold -y ITS THAT CAKS CATER,. PtEA4p Of HER! - , "TO1-? T ITMIMK fKMfCi If IN TKC28 VlTM 8DEET MA0I-T n Sex? i ewe we'u. pfiwr rr- HRM Sett? MuSBANqyrr IH MHs pockt fy TAK8 0cr,yxrtw i. T . J II s r-w-n,,rr- ' . -eVV. - 1-1 . ' w t w mmm si . , - X.J1 - A J. - ' -m' - ' , - ' . Lena was the leanest girl 1 ever aaw and iust eassed all the time- called her Gass-o-leaner. , But the ' kind of Gas you get at the Ballard & Freeman Service Station Is no lean turn Stop by and fill op.' , X " - -Speaking of rabbits, you ought to see what an improvement we put in the hair, at Bailey's Barber Shop. 'Why is our store like an Old Maid's Swimming School T we have : no "Speck Tatters." J. - J. 'WishartJ Phones 1 and 207. - ' x v 1 The holidays of "Youl TUe" is the ' , greatest Days of xheer. A new Edison in Your home makes a, "Happy. New Year - . . See Bruton, the Edison man. . ; : "What js the difference between kiss oyer a telephone and a good mat tress T A good mattress is "Felt." 'We've got 'em Stephens and Barnes, jrwniiure. GOOD SOLES THE PART THAT WEARS MOST, on a shoe, man's or woman's, is the sole. If the; sole leather is tough and durable, the upper can' always be de pended npon. Next time you want long-wearing soles on -jour ' shoes, come to us. Wle guarantee the wear. " ELECTRIC SHOE SHOP,; 1 j W. P. EDWARDS, J' CXECUTonn vonrw Bavfaw qualified excentor of th lut will Md tostannit of A, P. Caldwell, deeaued, late ot Koboton County North Carolina, , Meainat th. aateU of ' Mid deeauaJ 'to t. aibit ihma tho undersigned,, or, to. Mela. tm. Lwrene and Proctor, mr- attorney!, a Lomberton N. C. on of Mora the I7th 4ar of November, 1928. or this notice will be vwura ui tmr-m. r leuuieij. V Al) panoM indebted to aaid eatate will pfeaae auk immediate payment ,JDated thk November 24th, 1922. u t WAWW CALDWELL, l. tor l A, P. Caldwell, deeeaaed, llelntjre, Lawrence A Proctor, k ; Attorneye for Executor, . .r ; -. Lombertoa N. C. 11-27-C Hon. NOTICI OF COMMISSIONER'S BALE Or ." LANDS - By virtue of the authority vaated In the naderaicned trutee in a certain deed of tone from Jamea A., Anna and ElUa Jane Ozendine to J. L. Cockernam, TVutee (de fault bavin been mad in .the payment of , the faidektedneaa thereby aeenred), which deed : of treat ie duly recorded in th( Berbtry of hewm County, Book 6, pace 61, the under, aifned tmetee. will, a January 8, 192J, at twelve o'clock noon, at the eonrt house doer fat Lomberton, offer for sale and sell to the hvhest Udder for cash, the following- de eribed lands: ' fTRST TRACT In PeraVroke Township, on the upper aide of the Seaboard Air Line Rail road, be Inning at a stake in the right of war of the Seaboard Air Line Railroad, P. Pi; Lowrie's eorner, alao the eastern vomer of a 11 acre survey, and runs up aaid rail road with the line of aaid aurvey to apoint where a line running a northeast ' eoorse (eorner) parallel with the other line of said . mrvey, will in elude four - acres, , being the asae tract of land conveyed by B B Lowrie v and wife, te Edna -L, .Oxendlne by deed re- - f1 J1 Book 4-K. page MB, Robeson Conn V BacMrr ' . -) :.-, 1 "'-, CSOOND TRACT tt the Town of Pehv broke, being all of lot number six tn block .. MT, as shown bya -plat of the Town of Pasalroke,' befaaxM lot eonveyeir- byW. B. - Cooper U' B. W. Lowrie being th same wwet a land conveyed by . M. WiUiama and . Wif.Tto'-Aaburs' Ozendinc byJeed recorded .', ms at '"saasllcaan. 'v''" ' U-14-4 There. Yf y 'v -. Trustee. - ' XECTJTOK'S NOTtCar. ' " Kotiee hereby given that the undersigned ftav ejualified as exeontor of the estate of . X TV McMillan, deeeaaed. An persons having esabaa against the estate are .directed to pre. eat the same, duly.-itemised and- verified to th antdenignad eseeatins on or before the 1st day of December, 19U, otherwise that tiee wfll U pleaded in bar of reeovery. AU pars sag indebsad said estate arv r TMeted tavmafce .imsaediats' payment te the SadsTsaraed. "elHLLAN aad CLAYTON BOS3, K Tiseaaiis eg f T MiMllksax isssassil. Awmv to'tae aamaralnp U-44 Mea. lova Girls Win Trip Abroad t. - . . .' . .., 11 1 I --. i -. C.'? I :.i , Boelah Rodger and Kathryo BoU baugh of . Iowa are two country - misses from lowaj - who won the can ning contest ; at The International Livestock v Show at Chicago. Their prize is a three months' ' trip to Europe, with rU expenses, pa t t T hey competed against farm girls i from every ulate. They . will demon strate their tbility "' in canning in de vastated tone of France . " r..'v'' r: Trv-3 $ 3 www"' T r. NEW BERN MAYOR SENDS' ' LETTER OF APPRECIATION Contributions from Lnmberton Helped in the Stupendous Task of Alleviat ing Suffering. 7 To the' Editor of The Robesonian: On behalf of myself and all the people of this community, I desire to sincerely; thanks yoirvf orthe donations from, Mclntyre Lawrence & Proctor, W. P, Barkerand wife, C. A. McAr thury amounting to $37, which has aided us in the relief work now being carried on to relieve the fire sufferers in the recent fire disaster here, which is admitted to be the greatest con flagration in the history of the State. State. .. hu:.- iuy: Without your aid the task would have exceeded our ability, to have fully' accomplished ' the stupendous work confronting us in alleviating the suffering; in our midst. Your- gener ous contribution and the ' magnani mous spirit which ; you have ' shown has incurred a debt of gratitude and appreciation in our entire citizenship that, will last for all time to come. ? Feeling deeply grateful in terms of unmeasured grauiuae tor your aiu, loyalty and patriotism,' I have the Ijonor to be, . i I, . v.". ' sincerely yours; . . ' , ' EDWARD CLARK, ? t . . . Mayor. New Bern, N. C. Dec. 18, 1922. A. similar letter has been received K Feelings . "Some time agd,e I was very Irregular,' writes Mrs. Cora Robie, of Pikeville, Ky. I suffered a treat deal, and knew I must do cometmng for this condition. I suffered mostly with mvback and a weakness in my limbs. I would have dread ful headaches. 1 had hot Cashes and very queer feelings, and oh, how my head hurt! I read of PAR mil ir.3 rcft Tci v - and cf ethers, who seemed to hare the ss&a'tfoutlcj 1 tad, betas benefited, so I began to use ii. 1 found it most Dene c!d.r Ixtwk-sereral belles r; i- ani wa1ciJe so tanch better I didn't have any more trouble of tfclv kind, It reg ulated me." SAH i U l 4 i Card id has bees' found rery helpMtattiecorrecfloeofnwty cases cf painful female orders, such as Mrs. Robie eestkias above. , Ifyoa srSsr. as she did, take Cardul a fwrely TesDtable, mecldsrl F--.1C, ia ne, for mors ra t) rcll CvtfTwtsre. m . i V in, hi EO " J i - AVI h Ih 1 b t . 1 t III ' f'i'v...J-k-'.W T I . Sk: - .. . Ill . L 1 from Mayor Clark acknowledging contribution of $58.53 from Chestnut Street . Methodist church. Other con tributions were sent from Luraberton to Mayor Clark or to others in charge of relief work- - HOPE MILLS MAN SHOT WHEN HE ANSWERED KNOCK AT DOOR Henry King Seriously Wounded Mon day Night When He. Was Called to His Door Alleged Gunman in Jail Fayetteville Observer, 26th. .', ' Going to the door of his home at Hope Mills ; No. 2,' about 8:30 last night, in answer to -a knock, Henry King was shot and seriously wound ed, it is alleged, by E. Lowery Moore. Both are white men. . It is alleged, that about 8 o'clock King and Moore had some words at the store of Wiley Bullard in Hope Mills No. 1. When they parted, it is alleged, Moore told King he would U . 1 a. . . . f - It IS Said that Moore borrowed a j By virtoe of a decree entered by the clerk gun . and tWO N6. 4 Cartridges, and the superior court of Eobeson Connty in lA-o. -11 .'evi V- tVrt. 1 nwM proceeding entitled Daniel A. Pat. Witnesses allegf , that he Went to the tenon Loey A. Currie and others, being home of King and knocked. . King's- r. No soti, i wuj, on Friday the eth . aZ ..j ,v r January, M2S, at 11 o'clock A,- M., Opened the door and Went OUt on the ,',t the store now occupied by Cnrrio and PaV porch when Moore shot him down. if. i? to-tb town of Uax. 1- . -.u . 0Bi".. c '"r to aale-at public auction ,- King is a married man with a wife. to the highest bidder for easa. the following and two children. Moore is tmmarri - v ji, " ' ' . r Deputy Sheriff M A; McLean went -m W j v.. .j. ii. in search of Moore. Found him at his father's house at Hope Mills No. 2, arrested him and ' held him pending the arrival of Sheriff . McGeachy, who brought him to1 town and' lodged him in .jail, where he now is beinsr held. King was shot in the lower part of! the stomach. Speechless for 6 Years, Regains Use of Voice. . -: . ? StatesvUIe, i Dec. ' 26. ' (Associated Press. )Dave Josey, of 'Blomfield, after - being . speechless . for - six years has as his Christmas gift today the use of his voice. ,. V : Josey,' who is S4 years of age, suf fered an ' injury - to his head while young boy, And once before lost his voice. Last Monday, he surprised his family try, whispering to them. Each day since, his voice has grown strong er until today he speaks with a clear and vigorous tone. During the period of his affliction, he was unable; to Fork, it was stated, but durmg. the veek there has been a noticeable . improvement in his condi tion. Whether the loss of , his voice was the result of his early injury, physicians are'unable to tay. But Josey i snot worrying about the cause today. He is enjoying his -happiest 5hristostll4iiaV With .'the chief -Justice dissenting. the State Supresne court has. dismiss ed former State Senator Willie M. TPefson'i suit to compel the state com- tnil'--' e i .... . nusaiQflcr ox revenue w require vne lis$,all stocks and bonds held by individuals. Justice. Ad ams, writing the opntfon and Justice Stacejtjgrr fully, into the manner and ise&ods ff taxing corpora to stocks ei bnUs,;4ai sanctioa. Iho systeni as ene ia strict compiiance with the Bsaadate ef the constitution. Tobacco, Apple 'anfl Cotton Yields in North Carolina Show Big Gains. , Raleigh, (Associated Press.) From i total production of : 25240,000 pounds in 1921, North Carolina's to bacco crop this year increased to 306,- 940,000 pounds; its yield in apples jumped from 593,000 bushels to 5, 570,000, and cotton from 77622 bales to 852,000, according to estimates an nounced by the North . Carolina ' and United States departments of agri culture. ' ' ' , The production in apples for" com mercial purposes 'was 236,000 bush els in comparison with 25,000 last year. Peaches showed an increase from 644,000 bushels to 1,008,000. The commercial .yield was 450,000 bushels as compared with 280,000 the prtvl out year. . . " - In corn, "for grain, .there were 50,- 520,000 bushels in 1922 and 47,365,000 in 1921; for silos, 51,540 tons, .1922, and 50,000 tons, 1921; for green for age, 128,850 tons, -1922, and 64,000 tons,5 1921 i , forpdry lorageV 54,117 tons, 1922, and 46,000 tons, 1921.' il i 1 ii I i K li , j i, ! Greensboro Irving C Long,' aged 38, a department manager of the Cone Export and Commission com pany of this city, and . a director in the concern, killed himself here Dec. 21 at the home, of his aunt, Mrs. . . -. . v. .... Caesar Cone, shooting himself in the head with a pistol. Mental aberration caused by depression, is supposed to have . been the reason for his act. vji-i. ' v-j-i ' t . x , . : ed in the state penitentiary at Co - rM ri h iv i jsiiinrni ybv h bi Biwrirni'iu lumbia S C Dec 22nd for tha mnr. lumoia, o. v-. vec. ztna zor.ue mur - aer 01 . U Arnette, niS OUSmesS County, N. C., in Book XO at page SSS. de ,v, -l-:- vi. i ifanit having been made in the payment of ',"" "1Dui- ance and his body left in an automo- bile on a lonely roadway. Ira Harri- son, Jeffords partner in the crime.! is also under sentence of death, while I. tus-j t. nt m la third participant, Glenn Tfeece, es- caped with a life sentence on recom mendation of the jury. . 111 Eggs in Two Months! One lemaie bed bug Will lay one hundred and eleven eggs in two .v. m. x j ii j i .i. months. They afe deposited on Cloth- "i: . ' , ' eic. xney are a conaiani menace De- cause of the disease they spread. For -s'v-- -.t ura.uuo ob vut uius jmiaii s b h w en,., eroumg ui X4unoertoa Hot a 9K Pntrai r.,,.,n..J RmiI. to t stake m edge of Juniper Bay , . , X r. ' , " "-.1 sea Bug i.iquia. OOia ana guaranteed by Grentham Bros. Adv. l'M' ""wr' - . '. w ana mcrenanawe iwniea mvenwnes anon vib.oot.VD ; , : "i0! airabie due to rm of Currie and Patterson, aggregating WMW fVVVVV.VV, (e). Liberty bonds of par value of S2M.M. aRmm AAA A . .... For further information,, address the Com- mawioner at liomnerton, N O. . Dated this December 18th 192. - KOBEKT C. , LAWRENCE, , .I . Conunisslkmer! H etntyre, - Lawrenee Proctor, Attorneys . for Plaintiff. . ll-Jl-f Thurs, Trusts Frs nii.c , .. ,. .. bt virtue of authority conferred by a deed 01 truss ontea imc. Z7, l91f, made to the aerslgned trustee by John H. McNeil and resorde In Book S7 at paw U Robeson County Registry (defanJt having been nsade In th payment of the debt therein secured) the undersigned trustee will on Monday' Janu ary 8th. 192. at U o'clock noon, at the courthouse door of Robeson County, offer for sale at public auction to the ' highest bidder xor easa tne toliowing desrripsd lands, to wn! . ..- Adjoining the lands of T. T. the Sooth, K. If. Biggs, National Cotton If Ule on the North, and particularly described aa f0l- , am .ocimouii as a suaaa oy a large pine, at McQueen's comer, new National , Cotton MUla Corner and runs South 7 East - S4 bains and SO linka to a stake' then South van id enains to a stake by Z pines, then soma on nan za ename ana st links to a stoke by a sweet gum; thence direct to the Beginning, containing on hundred acres mere or less, being; the same binds conveyed by D. D. McNeill to John H. McNeill, by deed dated Feby 15th, 1887, and recorded la Book k page m.'f i -'') j.j-f. ..5 . .- , .. EXCEPTING FROM THE ; ABOVE DE SCRIPTION, the lands partiealarly described ua conveyed ny tne said jeha H. KeNaffl n the following deeds, tea acres consejed la deed to Dod MsMiBan, aee deed Book (A page 1.7 fiftaea acres eenveysd to John W. 8mKh.t aee deed ..Book, JaV page tUL (our acres conveyed to EvanderYMoedy see dead N page 1M, one acre conveyed to Warren West see deed book , said acre be ne situated on the East side. ref , Evander Moody's' land.v---- Second Tract: On the Sooth a-est of Lamber River and between the two Jacob Swampe. Beginning by a black gam. Martin Woodell's ornen and jwna.- South- to or near a bay, and a ecraer. a aarhtws od stump, then mas sst to a Branch comer, at a umsss tree. then runs said Branch-to Bin; Jacob's Swamp then up Big Jaeolm Swamp to Martin WoodV eU's eorner, containing forty acres, mom or mm ad is the same lands conveyed by A. L James and wife to 2. Q McCorndak. aee deed book f A at page SS. aad eeasyed by tn-said J. a MeCormldl to John H. MeNeuC Thie Is a resale and the biddimr will start at Sl.t8a.f. Said hwd parlmr. seen sJd on LieeesDSer llt ,1Z3 -Tor and SaM Md aaviaa- seen raised as by statute eJlewea; . abated tnJa .Jlsmpinar zrnd, i ' . SICASON MsXJKAN, anHual oarTW avBTaTarvnaBBaapj ana arB-OBOKananar - - - sx Atssraeya. - . : 1MS-S rl : I, j, a mm i miiri iriHirsair i r . ... .'' " - (T WA NEW YAA9 j - PAZE. Makes ' the Body Strong. Makes the Blood Rich, toe ALB OF LAND TJNDCS MOKTGACX - At the time and place and npoa the tern named Mow and pwraant to the power of sale contained la the mortgage deed exectrt- led October 10th. 1D1S b . K UrLrthvr . . m - . d res-htered in the office of the Register . of Deeds for Bobsoav County, nA c- B?ok . Je M7(, and registered in the , 0tfem lughtn of Deeds for Hoke the notes secured by said mortgage, the an- denigned win sell at pcbiu suction to the rBj8Wdf situated in Smith's V Townikm. BoiMa S"f2' -V ni.-An.nd'J; Twnhip. Hoke County, N. C, adjoining the lands of John Ray. the Thrower land, and ethers, and fur- ther described by notes and bounds as fol lows. to-wt Beginning at a stake. Thrower's and Kosrs ana Kenert sicBryde's corner, an. runa thenee S 14 E 10.80 chs. to a staka said MeBryde's eorner: thenee as their line 'f w-,sjs. to a stake by ajreo-oak corner .-then e. as said road. Southwardly 44 Mi" y'a corner s3e of said road. thenee as her line 8 BS W IS chs, to a black gum at East edge, of Long Swamp, thenee down the East edge of said Swamp B chs. ',to J. D. Murphy's corner; thenee aa his line 8 70 E 24 chs. to a eyvreM ia a aond. !r's al?Sf 8 J PJJ m ? .to of ,a fieldf ttenee MeBryde's corners thenee 8 44 E 4 1-S chs. . to a stake; thenee 8 67 E 10 chs. to a stake, L rarecirs eorner; tnenee a 4 m chs to a post oak, McBryds's comer i thenee N B4 W 172 ens. to the beginning; containing Z8S acres, more or less, and being the same land devised by C. Amanda Job neon to Katie Mc Neill and Jessie McNeill, as appears ia Book of Wills No. B, at page IBS et sea., office or tae tier 01 ue superior vourt of the sara uoonty ox nooeson. . Time of Sale Twelve o'clock M. aa Janu ary 20th. 1021. . Pueeof Baler At Court Bouse door ia Lumbal ton.. N. C.' Terms of Sale: Cash. , - Jessie McNeill Stephens aad kattjs i ''in " (Signed) a . ,. MeNEILL! v Mertwsw-. TRUSTEE'S SALE ( ' By virtoe ef the power of sale contained ia that certain deed of trust from P. N. aad P. H. Fisher to James D. Proctor, recorded fa Book 44 at page 487, Robeson Connty Registry default having- been made ia the payment' of the mdebtadnssa thereby secured the undersigned .Trustee wfll offer for aaU at public auction to the highest bidder for sasn at tee court nous door in Lumber-ton en the 10th day of January, 192S. at U o'clock noon the following kinds t In Robeson County North Carolina, near we im ox ririui, ana 'oeing jams Num ber 7 en plat of toad former Iv owned aw J. C. D. MeNatt, which plat is recorded in the offtoe of the register of deads ef Robeson County in Book of Maps No. t at page B. being; ia Parkton . Township . and coo taming 48.76 acres. . . .- ' . This Deocmber fth, 1022. ; ' : ' JAMES D. pnjvrro. Mc In tyre, Lawrence , Proctor - Trustee Attorneys for Trustee. - 12-11-4 Mon. NOTICE OP DISSOLUTION OP PARTNER- Notice is haeabe eivsn that eh. heretofore existing between L. L. Mftww.. S. MeGcoaan and C. a ifA,Jm A- ing under the nam nf af . fikumn rm. and MeArthur has ban diMatni w eonsent. L. L. MeGoogaa and A. 8 MeGaogaa have purchased the interest of C. S. Mc Arttnr tn the partnership business, and the vw i trim win couoei au dents do to tn eU J ar all debts do by the eld firm. The businesa wfll bereafter be operated by .L. ' L MeGoogan aad A. S. Mcfloogan. tnd tog ae MeGoogan Brotbers. Dated this December 8th. 122. L. L. MeCOOGAN, A. & MeGOOOAN . :- C. a lf.aRTrriTW 12-11-4 "Moa. r . ' . ' 'ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE navrag euaxated aa andiMni. -s. oossoa voumy, jnorta- CarsHna, thai aj to notify aQ persons having r'shne against said estate to exhibit th. u. a. ---"- -" 2 IZV?' W;Si " let day of December, ltzi, or thai aotiee win be pleaded ia bar of their reeovryVan 2Jm snrlsbtod to said estate will plsaae aaak tov mediate aaymeat to to aaderatoaed, This Nov. Jigt. la :mm-'- . - m. ml PAUL ; Admlalrlrater estate JManarat McNeill A Haekett, u-ss-s zi.wj rfrs. . - - : : RING IN THE PKEST- .. O-LITE BATTEKTJ gsaaaasaaw) '' ,Y 's ' ' -' ij.-. . For the New Tear and donl go back to any other kind, t Yoti will find E rater all-round satisfaction M on ttery, for reasons which will an pear to yoa day by day as yea aw tc Whether yoa use this -. battery fol pleasure or business, it will stand (; and giro Al swrrke. i Battery Service Co. Starter, Battery Electrical Experta Freat-O-Ute Batteries Grensboro-B. H. Hedgecock, for mer eashier of the Homo Savings Bank of Hlg Point, was sentenced ' hero Dee.4; 21st by Judge W.. F. Hard ing to serve three years m the Stato Prison, following his conviction tm Guilford Superior court oh a charge of making a false entry in the books of the bank. ' 2ji . - NOTICE OP SALE By virtoe of the authority gfren to the) undersigned Trustee to a deed of trust Had by Charles A. Cos, dated March 1 111 nod recorded hi the office ef the Register' et Deeds of Robeson County, N. C, to beck 44. page 17, defaa!t kaviag been made In the. , payment., of... the.. sslisiilaass thereby. .. sere red) . .- ' . the. . . nadeisajasal Trustee wfll offer for sale the following Maw scribed binds at the eonrt noose door la Lum bertoa, N. C, en, Thursday, January, 11 it In Alfordsville Township, Robeson County, N. C.r bounded and described as foUewst lat and on the W, (East) side of wnkmssa Swamp, Joining the hinds of C B. Cos Join " K. Jick and othsrs. Begin nine at a stake to., the run of said swamp, C. B Con's eornesv and runs bis )in( reversed S. bt-4 X. 2J bs to John A. Pick's eorner ht the Alma RallrosA bed: thence along said railroad aa Pick's Ihva S. B E 21 chs. to the Lumberton md T?f ncttsvUle road, thenee as said rosd 9. W. 2S she. aad SB Iks. to the fork ft - road and Little Rock road, thence as ' aetteville road N. 0 W, M ebc. ' 1 1-2 chs. N. 47 W. 4 chs. N, 40 ,. K. M W, I 14 chs. to the m cf swdmp, thenee op the various court ojf'.am run to fi beginning, containing id wcrto more or less. The above described lands are portions, ef lots Noo. 1 and 2 tn the divbiea ' ef the lands of Jordan Alfbrd, deceased , Note i The recorded copy ef this deed rr cites this yropci ty aa lyins en the W. -at da ef the swamp. Aa a matter of fact It lias on the East side ef the Swamp and that reference nutt fee oat to a typographical -or- ' rOT. . . I '!'; , Terms of sale sash. 12-11-4 Mon. a. u. scAua. ; Trostea, ' TRVSTEEV SALS By virtoe of th power of sale sent In ed ft that aertala desrf of tnut fi. if a ' al Odom to Stephen Melatyre. Trustee, record in Book s at page . 28, Robeson , Cenntf Resattry. defaaM bavfosr been, aaade to ta7 payment ef the note thereby secured, the weiswueu wm oner. xor sale ai puone aactMl to the highest bidder for cask at the soar house door in Lomberton. N. C . es Mendsw Janaary 1st. 192S. at 12 o'clock noon, the Is. lowing described laaj f !,,.-, . v All the right, title and mtsroit ef the said Mrs. O. A. Odum (H betes a one seventh, undivided inter art) to and to that tnaa hrtnw in Howellsville Township. Robeson Connty, K. C en Ten Mile Swamp, beginning st a stab oy a oiaeK gum sre u toe tower line, about 7B yards west of the road. Bear the Reams. Chorea, ran the original line North 7 Wast 28 enains to the eorner of the BO acre earvey thenee along the- ones South SS Wst 1 U chains to the corner ef the 10 acre server I thenee Sooth 72 East S chains to the corner ef Lot No. S aad runa along that line Sovth IS West IS chains to a stake; thenee Sooth 7 East 20 chains to a stake; thenee Sooth 7 East 24 chains to a stake near the roadi thane North 18 East 1 chains to the begin nhur, containing 01 acres, more or less and! being the. first tract conveyed ia a dead frond 8usan A. Leggett and ethers to Susan Ae Butler, dated March . 14th, 1892 and register ed in the of fie ef th Register ef Deeds cf Bobesoa County, North. Carolina in Book S "P- at page OH, ; Tab the first day ef December, 1922. r 'STEPHEN MrfNTTRE, Mclntyre, Lawrenee A Proetor, Trnvtea. Attorney for Trastee, o. I2-4-t ,?!. ' ' i" NOTICB'or LAND SALE -Under aad by virtu of the power and ,i thorrty eoatained to a certain Mortear TJit executed by A. G. Carrie to R. EL BrW dated Nor. 16th. 11. recorded ia the offlcsj . ef Kegtstar of Deeds, Koaesoa County, in No. 40, Pag N. 240, (dcfaolt having mad to tk payment of tn- debt tocrcby), the undersigned nMrtgnge will, em Monday the first day ef Jsnaary 1923. ' at twelve 'clock. M. to front ef the Court Hen door. to. to town of Lamber toa offer for sal at poblia auction, to the highest bidder i for cash, the foUowtog Jwrribsd real estoai to wttt In Parkton Township, Robes oa CeoatoV' Nortib Caiwlina: Lying ea the sowta-weet of LRU Col Caaap Crack aad inclmding the place wnr New tea's saw mill wan bunted beginning at a pin stamp in the road, oak pointers. Beary Wflltoms' eorner ia er near Cms Dsn, formerly MossehrbHes Hne; rone thane wrtft ant Hn N. 40 W. 1A7 cbatea to a Ikfhk wood steam near where the milt waa located! . thenee N. S W. 10.11 (f ) chaine toa anspaj at ta run ef Little Cole Cnmp; tbrane dowS ; to run with tb varfcms courses thereof abedi , 20 chains to a stake to gum pointers. Henri , WUliansi' eorner: thenee with cold WDlktmsl . ttne 8. U W. 1L6 ehama to tb bsgtoais. eoataiaing tS seres, more or lass, bstna- ta same) tract ef htnd conveyed by Paul R. Cn pall trastos, to R. E. Brissoa by deed dated Sept, 11th, lilt, aad rsrudsd to Book S-P. pseT 40. Robssea -County Ragfatry. . aad by tb aaid R. EL Brissoa sonveved to A. A Onrrsi by deed dated es. Sth. Ult, but adt ay of rVee.W ISJli '. S, S., a fte. Dated tkk. tW'flnst Uws ai 'V Ai - f j a ii "tA7r?rwvr'i "s-m s.wwr .f1 (5sl i ut,eM W t.MitJii i3i Y""' ,wv ' ' i- - - 4'..

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